Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1966, p. 31

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IT Yi PHEW! THIS HEAT! | NOT EVEN d } OKAY, SHOULDER YOUR PACKS, AS AS A NAVY MAN, YOU SHOULD. + ' WHY IT LOOKS ee " ° ' ) TM AN ESNT IT E A t Wednesday, July 6, 1966 31 ISN'T ITA BEAUTY' : ! WATER, BUZ. AND ONLY FIFTY Bucks! = ' ; v ; BRIDGE i By B. JAY BECKER North dealer. North-South vulnerable, BUZ SAWYER I GIVE UP, --BUT YOU'VE 7 eLmMo-- @OT ONE MR, BUMSTEAD:- ; WHAT 18 IT? I CRAWLING UP WHAT 16 ORANGE ANP ioe ., YOUR PANTS LEG HAS BROWN STRIPES AND RED SPOTS AND A ~ HUNPRED FURRY LEGS? ee SSS ae Pung. : 4 ¢ bat Z ; =" NORMAN DREW Opening lead--king of clubs, ( ONCE ALONE J HEXACTLY THE WEIGHT 'This Mand was plhyed in ti /N THE CARGO a> MANUSCRIPT 7O POUNDS OF THIS CRATES! LL iT Yes. 7hmiee Aes Ya AMOCLERS Na Aen Keke. Gold Cup, Great Britain's pree HOLD---- THE SHARKS!) 1) PULL IT OFF--AND SEND : =a US FROM COLLECTING THAT WHITE mier team of four event, in the mn 7 BY THE NEXT PLANE! BUFFALO HiDE / JE semi-final match between & London team and a Yorkshire team, At the first table, where the London team had the North- South cards, the bidding went as shown. Obviously, something . went wrong in the bidding when North - South failed to reach even a small slam, with a grand slam in spades practical- ly ice-cold. , North was ay vt ne. He failed to realize that he ha uP, SUN / success / t HAVE : } TALK ABOUT BEING " 4 : P tat not shown his full strength by ALITTLE More, NOW! DONE IT i, YOU'RE GOING AIR FREIGHT, § for customs the identical twin of the original rola ied / . INDISPENSABLE J, e a igned rance » but on tne inside #, bidding three diamonds over UP! TWATS (7) = . bap wlll Ad pal Beis cp oF Cre " three clubs. He should have Shipping. crates» been slam-minded from the | moment South opened with two no-trump, and he did not dis- charge this obligation fully by the free bid of three diamonds and the more less closing bid of three notrump. North would have had the values for a three diamond bid if the ace of diamonds had been the deuce, and he should have recognized this during the bid- ding. South easily made thir- teen tricks foy a score ef 720 points, Had the Yorkshire Northe I N L G South pair at the second table taken full advantage of the Hami | 2-8--Bob H: }3-2----Chain Letter 4 situation, 'they would have Chennel S-Toremte, | vite pum, - | 7-Subermarket"Swoap LID racked up a mice profit on the Channel @--Rochester | 6-3--Festiva' beni vata Mitek EA hand. (Seven spades bid and 4-Dick Van Dyke | vot Mayberry, , made would have come to a Channel 7--Buffalo 11:30 A.M. ' Channel 6~Toronte 2-8--1 Spy 9--Abracadabra jneat 2,210 points.) Channel 4--Buttale l1--Merv Griffin Show | 8-2--Showdown | But, after two passes, the bid- Tank Hot Summer | 7--Dating Game '4 \ Pee , Channel Barrie John. Gary | 4--Dick Van Dyke Show ; es |ding started in this colorful 10:30 P.M. Channet 2~--Buttalo x | 3--Ernie Lindell Bee Gi ay = | fashion: Relat %--Sports Hot 12:00 NOON ting 63--N.F.B. Presents ie P Re im si 'I. Northcountryman (ai wire PM br4cei ties 'ater ummetie pi tate gal #} | South): "Two cloobs." i 1-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--| ! 3 5 ; Dayo sied Te anaes aperte | 7 : , \ Qy | West (imitating Southye = 7--Laramie 11.15 P.M, } piss een Date f Dooble. ALL RIGHT, MISTER BOUNTY ¢--Summer, Camp $--Viewpoint | : After several more rounds @i _ 'el we 1 12:15 P.M. Arte caer File ON (UM Wasi ase oor HUNTER.,..0DROP IT/ fy eporp ly nae 4-Speoker of the House i] |bidding, the Yorkshire North. THAT GIRL..... MAYBE I CAN TAKE _ $:30 P.M, =» = | 4--Late Show 12:30 P.M. om South pair got to six spades, at 3--Flipper | 6--News, Weather and 1l--Noon Time ' which point West said: "Seven ' ROUNDANCE ON HIM. . inhi 9--News; Weather; : y éomed Movies | gli PM. | ome Cloobs. You can dooble me if ied 8-2---Swingin' Countr ie ; " 6.00 P.M. 11--The Vise | gin' Country you like. | 6-4--Search for Tomorrow » | Search: for Tomorto I CAN'T SEE THE MILK West went down 1,300 doo- 7--Twilight Theatre 11:30 PLM, 3---Noonday Report bled! ScoNews Sports," | $Tonight Show | tae PM. MAN LEAVING HIS WIFE : "Ngntes | 9~Movie BECAUSE HE SAW YOU ; Down seven would have shown a nice profit for the a |}-Nightcap | 12:45 PLM 3--Profile aN | 6-4-Guiding Light ' IN YOUR SUN 9--Run For Your Lift | ' <_Mlaweek Theatre |\1--Theatre _ : East-West pair if their team- | 8--Dialing For Dollars, j d hj '| mates at the first table had bid | | 12:00 AM . iad . i] | Talk i = @--Huntley-Brinkley pt daneh ola Mg foBal Chey eo S a small slam or a grand slam, | gciNssle in Minature, iN, Wanter: 3-6--Luncheon Date N jbut the way things finally 7:00 P.M eal ee , #9 =]77| EX worked out, the London team :00 P.M, --Toppe Mike Douglas | THURSDAY | OPP ae PM, ; k -| & showed a loss pn the deal of 9--Batman £:00 A.M, +4--As The World Turne : : 580 points." 8--Go To The Races | 4-Captain Kangaroo | 2-8--Let's Make a Deal d : z 6--News, Weather, 8.30 A.M, | Movie 4-The' Honeymooners |) ae AM Nd Allen Time oe SALLY'S SALLIES 3 ii teateaienaenieintiadatensmemaiioamesiieemmeniieaetl one FES Caing nN . SSO | OS SSD NOD KOSS) | BS oS > hae cS Ses", | -.. LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER © King Finturae Syndicate, Ine, 1946. Workd rights reserved. SECRET AGENT X9 JANE ARDEN 3--Man from U.N.C.L.E, |7--Dialing for Dollars --| 7--Confidential for Women 8--Huntley-Brinkiey Girl Talk | 6--Cuisine Report 9:00 A.M. 4--Password 8-2--Days of Our Li 7.20 P.M 9--Romper Room | De 3 Ale id ; | 2: .M, 7--News Weather 11--Morning Musicale | 9~People in Conflict Sports 8--Adventurous Mission |8-2--The Doctors ee selene tone ap ag dg YOUR HEALTH 9--Munsters 2--Boro's Big Top 6--Coronation Street 8-2--Virginian 9:30 A.M, | 4--Linkletter's Party 7--Batman ' | 3:00 P.M. 6--Short Film * ee 9--Fractured Phrases 7--General Hospita 4--Lost in Space t--Jack LaLanne ' 1 pee 8 é--Courtiers ae a | 82--Another World" erly ictims pad AS 10:00 A.M, 3.25 PM 5:90 PLM, | ; -M. \1--Ed Alien Time 3-6--Take 30 N--Seecial Movie 8-2--Eye Guess saa hak My 9--My Favorite Martian 4--1 Love Lucy Me uM, TO é a e 1¢ 7--Patty Duke Show | 2-4--You Don't Say 63--Mickie Finn's 10:38 A.M, | 4--Edge of Night MICKEY MOUSE 11--Hawkeye 7--Superman . eee P.M. 9---Summer Fun 9--It's Your Move By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D, A {. S "Ay i | 8-2--Concentration | {1 IF YOU HIT THE BALL BUT IF ITGoES |' 7--Bive Light |-7--Donna Reed el Pa ; OVER THE FENCE IT'S THAT WAY... | ,4--Beverly Hillbillies 4--The McCoys | 91 Love Lucy -| Dear Dr. Molner: My mothet,; Nearly four years of time lost ay af 3-6--Bob Hope |act sy : = Sages < 9:00 PM. 00 AM, tasers Storm +i ea sae oo gach in '"'being a vegetable." "She's gone up to the office te ¥--The Big Valley 1--Albert J | 3-6--Vacation Ti 'or a time she could, wi eip, 2 bial nite make 'es 4--Green Acres 5 2---Merv Griffin go to the bathroom and sit at Some exercise for this woman her own complaint.' : ) the table, but this tired her so Will change her outlook on life = : | she begged the family to let her as well as improve her general) ; stay in bed. health, Instructions should ee for a time, but it shoul@ Now she has sluggish bowels) been given long ago as to the| Pass. ; and has to use a catheter. The type and extent of exercise. It) The patient may not become family is divided. Some of us can be either passive or active,| self-sufficient, but she can be- think she should be exercised depending on the pat len tj come better off physically than constantly, even against her Merely changing the patient s/She is now. If she is allowed to will. Others say, 'Leave her| position is, in a mild way, ex-| remain inactively in bed, she 7-6 KUHN ; alone; you're only hurting her|ercise. It helps circulation, pre- will soon become more difficult am : gre "sini - per for nothing." 'vents joints from stiffening. to care for. aa . - yey * Kae bd : mi lear, ¢ tivity i .| Dear Dr. Molner: Can meas | H , a i Her mind is clear, and she! Limited activity is not pain |/"cstteoee WERE ee AND WE NEED }||| | D0 You THINK YOU HAVE ME HAVE THE KNOW-HOW reply eupen fume Yesterday's Answer {8etS upset, and then takes tran-|ful if it is maintained regu-| sles cause a young boy to have DI ; ; ; : CAN (OF ora ea] (7 SOME HELP TO Pir ieNT EHOW HOWE if conigg igs re hg larly. When joints stiffen and| only one testicle? Would having see BUT WE DON'T HAVE THE ; i c WHAT CAN \.OF STARTING! | GET IT GOING... ies . es 6 ul . Freudian ' Ganian 24, Cousin quillizers. I think she needs ex- ; ; Te ~~ (err LEMONS OR SUGAR /: te pelea ag 36. Cover ercise, and they are just pacify- muscles weaken, there may be/only one make him sterile? . Thuringian Old World Helen with ing her, letting her lie there like pain until they are restored to| Mrs. E. P. ' city . Tear 27. Cheer asphalt }a vegetable.--Mrs. H. K. befter condition, Thus' in this! Measles do not affect the te . Kind of Took a 30. Retired 38. Classified | 'Too often this is the way eld- Mfigethey may be some discom- ticles. The likely answer is that chewy meal 31. Talus, ulna, items erly stroke patients behave. jan --~ 'one testicle has not descended. candy 7. Like some vomer, ete, 39.Cousin of § {They "become apathetic often Mumps, however, can causé . Sodium beverages 33. Moist wise- s : atrophy (shrinking) of one of chloride: Herd of 34, Always crack stubborn. They lose the will to Now the only both. pharm. whales 35. Prohibit 40. Before co-operate, In short, they give | Having only one testicle does 5. Fragrant oe 5 4 a way to buy not necessarily cause sterility, resin 10 From one standpoint, they be- . Angry 4 come difficult mursing and) t] However, I would have the boy Society gal treatment problems. But more y examined to determine whether Nine-angled important, from their own view- |hormone treatment, and per polygon Fie" i isi PEARMINT jhaps surgery if that fails, Branch pom, they are people Win Mave S |should be instituted to "bring |surrendered. They have "re- , | eioned 7 : down"' the other testicle. eines er ee a Family | a" fr : life OH...T'S Youn > 1s Your | | want to TALK MIND?,.. WELL, b (epee Sonali yene popular, modern Wa SISTER ut TO YOUR SISTER NO... 1 GUESS } Pious ; I suppose we can imagine, to|}*** ' y HERE? - get cll PRINCESS. | |some extent, how they must ACROSS . Musicad 19. Fate- - Frequently group ful- . Consumer . Poetic ly Courage time 21, Civil . Terminal 5. Relative War positive of soldier, | pole Eddie for CHAS, 3. Attempted - Human short OZ Bs ma Dimimic io MUGGS AND SKEETER La ERE? PRIVATELY. Jumble | H ] WOULD YOU = 7.Rose family |feel. Suddenly some degree of dime pack plant paralysis robs them of ability} \'F | 4 : Surprise to walk or conduct other activ- 4} \ 1] 11 Hdd ' 1] 13 } \ Thorn apple ity as they have for .most of ru 'on ) } s | . Strait their lives. In addition--and this | a) THE DOOR, oe is too bad, too--they have heard) _ JULIE. aha 'and a lot about strokes leaving peo- j 3. Dull bee ple helpless. And so they give Cubic up meter Actually, most stroke victims DOWN a can be helped, but it is neces-f You get more to enjoy in the convenient . Neighbor of Sary for them to know it can Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... Que. be done. .Here we have @J more of that fresh flavour and lively taste! 2. City near woman whose mind is still clear Detroit I. four yeasg after her stroke, CHEWING GuM i : On aes Fee OR JULIET JONES

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