30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 6, 1966 |_press within a few weeks, is Magazine For Negroes Ca.ctad Tn Nawa Sentia WLGLLGU BLA BIW www cow where he told his story on the CBC television program _This Hour Has Seven Days. After the show, Grant said, the government changed its mind and allowed him to file papers as a landed immi- grant, He came to Halifax in 1965 as a member of a civil rights group working to improve Ne- gro conditions in Nova Scotia. By DAVE NICHOLSON ! HALIFAX (CP) -- Denfield | Grant, 24-year-old West In- dies native who already has gone through careers aS a taxi driver in Antigua and Bible college student in Sas- katchewan, has undertaken his most ambitious project-- publishing a monthly maga- zine for Negroes. The first issue, due off the was one of method rather than aim. ; oo "People should be radicals when they have to be, but it should be the last course a man can take when he can't find a more peaceable method,' he said. "Radical- ism isn't the solution in Nova Scotia, If all*the doors were closed in their faces, I would say 'Be radical,' but that isn't the case here." aimed "at" Negroes~-in--the Maritime provinces, But Grant hopes the magazine eventually will become a na- tional monthly. Grant said in an interview the magazine, called Copper- tone, is '"'not solely a Negro magazine but is Negro- oriented." He plans to run off about 5,000 copies of the initial Issue on his own two presses, installed in a small downtown office. The first copy will con --'Jenges facing the Nova Scotia tain articles on the city's Negro was' self-employment. Creighton Street Negro area, she Negro boxer Keith Paris, dis- BEGGING NO GOOD One of the greatest chal- paucation is one of "But we disagreed on a lot | of things." The disagreement | WOODBINE RESULTS | TORONTO (CP)--Results at Wood-)Ed's Reject, |bine race track Tuesday. First--Purse $2,000. Claiming, wryear ure | 'Boot Rascoe Speeuy Tim £. psel Famous _ Tour, Mountain, Kenloch, Garcon 4d' man Ballet, Mariner's Deb, Magner, King's Mesita, Forest {phy, Swashbuckle Pete also ran. Stan's Kay also ran. Claiming, three- 5.90 3.40 2.90) maiden} _Fitth---Purse $2,100, " e Alm furlanas (Barroby) (Dittfach) (Ferro) 3.70 2.80 2.50 Lady Escar 5.70 4.40|Northern Miner 3.60/ Here's Lady i Time: 1: Glitter) Sunny Ro- |Schoiar, Hill "(Go (Werry) Badbirs (Steve) 5.40 Out, Sixth--Purse $2,500. Claiming, jyear- -olds, 6 furlongs. Scuiks | Flagtower (Harris) 2.90 2.50 Secand --- Purse ~ $2,200, Claiming, tear a0 maiden three and four-year-olds, 1 1-16 ~ time miles Our Gem (Kornblum) : | Midnight Echo | Grand Manitou Time: 1:46. 1-5, Our Tom Boy, Jewel Smuggler, |sham, King's Best, Sultan Humber Vale, Rice also ran, Pete (Dittfach) (Fitzsimmons) 1:11 25, E| Esmeralda, Lazy Rhythm, Be ee a4 3:20 edon Star also ran. (Dittfach) 2.50 2.70 3. Exactor: $36.20, Led: Seventh -- Purse $2,600, three and Nearco, | four-year-old fillies, . 6 furlongs. Roman Pride (Fitzs'ms) 27.90 11.30 4.00 Rich As Cream (Hernandez 4.90 3.10 Mary Tell (Dittfach) 2.60 rs Time: 1: Purse $2,000. Claiming,' 'Nouvelle, imaiden.two-vear-olds, 5 furlongs Arctic, l'Arriviste, Princess Toki . (Coombs) 14.40~ Be el Charinors aise (Either Or (Dittfach) | Run Around Sue (Buisson) ° Oe | Time: 1:00 45 | Delightful Gem, Queen, Grass, | Flame Vell, Daily double: $8.80, Thira "Fancy Rhythm, Merry Moonlight Purse $2,200. mile. (Dit'h) 35.40 14.10 8.0F 8,30 4.90 5.50 Eighth three-year-olds, Ayrian Black Treasure Smoke The/Don Cecilio (Kornblum) Great Canadian,| Canadian Love (Harris) Sail, Orient! Time: 1:42. 2-5. Kerry's Imp, Fair Dandy, Mr. Goo, Dans Flight, Snow Water, Blue Briton | Fourth Purse $2,200. Claiming, also ran. maiden: three and four-year-olds, 1 1-16 miles. Piedall Claiming, Miss, Haysin, Dancing Rhythm, Sunday Cruz; Dancer, Hogan's Alton Lad also ran. Handle; $433,215. FOR Attendance: 6,288. (Hernandez) Those Who Wait (Dittfach) Erik Lea (Walsh) Time: 1:47 35. Neade, Fisher 49.20 13.70 5.00 3.20 2.50| END SPECIAL SERVICE 3.10 BRANTFORD, OSHAWA, OWEN . SOUND, ST, CATHARINES AND Mist, WELLAND. Fair Solastra," Couple With Two Sons 4.10 3.50} Dollar' three-| 2.30) Cal- Mambo, | Rough Riders Rre Confident 1 Ereraura (ODN Attawa appreacnin League season, but coach Frank Clair and general manager Red O'Quinn are confident both will $0 be filled by the time the season opens Rough Riders have a few lineup holes and a number of empty spectator seats to fill for the | anpreaching Canadian Football The Riders have one of the|selling tickets. With a late fall smallest training camps in re-! start on construction of a new cent years with only 52 players) | and Clair expects to cut seven| Srandstand > arena project, the lor eight after Thursday's intra-| Riders will have to go on the squad game. road for any playoff contests. hs ae -- We uidui uaye w ouv a tun ane oP aaa recruiting ,job this year," the) travel to see re bayer could hurt veteran coach said. "'Our offen-| home crowds this season. But sive backfield is pretty well set.|an even stronger threat to the Most of the piayers we brougit gate is the Riders past record in were for the interior line." of three consecutive second- O'Quinn has had some prob-|place finishes and losses to lems in the contract depart-}Hamilton- Tiger - Cats in the ment but his major concern is' Eastern Conference final. hawineg ta THE EVELYN SHOP... CLOSING ou' SALE Continues Everything Must Be Sold ! OUR SALE IS DRAWING TO A CLOSE... AS STOCKS BECOME DEPLETED... ets but not the whole key. Self-e -omployme nt is just as im porte int There should be more Negroes becoming busi nessmen instead of keeping on begging for jobs. Then people will learn to respect you," The question of respect is one which Grant sees as vital to the future of the Negro community -here "The keep playing crimination in em ployment opportunities and pictures of high school and university students in the city's Negro community. Grant came to Canada two years ago as a_ theological student but soon encounteged racial difficulties. "There were only two Ne- groes, both boys, at the col- lege,"' he said, "and the au- thorities wanted me to sign a statement saying I wouldn't UP big stories on Negro pov- go out with white girls." erty, so I'm trying to publish girls. something about the nice Ne OUSTER REVOKED gro homes so people will re- Grant says after he refused alize all Negroes don't live in to sign the statement, the col- hovels."' lege notified the immigration Although a moderate, Grant department that he wasn't does not under-rate the prob- obeying rules and "'they gave jems Negroes face in Nova me eight days to get out of Scotia. the country." The discrimination is not Instead, he went to Toronto Fourteen (L Fit 4 over, he said, "but there is | Teardroy ane, itzsimmons 11 a lautlahs: ienane: Grech A-xxx9S something you feel that says [einai Walsh ' 18 - 'You can't come in here.' It's | Speedy Lament, Dittfach 115 Vedas, Dittfach 115 i "ee ' 7 " |Victoria Garden, Turcotte 112 Peter Wrack, Sutcliffe XXX102 something you really feel. Balinode, Fitzsimmons 119 If his magazine succeeds, | Northern Doll, Harrison 112 Feathery, Griffo X110 Adalid 2nd, Robinson 115 2 Liberated, Maxwell 115 Grant already has plans to A--Stafford Farms Entry. oe By Lgl ie tye! Boy start a weekly newspaper on r i) (=) m. 4 "8 " . Su No wey! tinh Branch Pwitl, Negro events in Nova Scotia, roby, 112;. Tangum, Kornblum, where a large proportion of Well Now, Kornblum, A-X11 annie ela gs shal - bs L R Adilman and T Ziegler Entry. Canada's Negroes live. "There's so much Negro news around here you'd --5 Ibs AAC XX bs AAC never run out mn PRICES ARE REDUCED VERY DRASTICALLY... VISIT US EVERY DAY FOR NEW BARGAINS. Adopts Five More Boys TORONTO (CP) Mary DeBruyn, who have two teen eRe sons of their own, de cided two years ago to take in more. They added five. The DeBruyns axe one of 21 and then, says John, "decided it g would be great to have broth- couples in the Toronto area who 4... 5 John and! Joe and John They were consulted by their parents before the foster boys came; talked if over for three months A "World" Of Fun am This reinforced _ plastic award of design excellence playsphere for children is in a nationwide program one of the latest versions of initiated by the labor de- the playground climber. partment. It contains a Th laysph (designed sphere within a sphere, the b . - near cs ti 8 f larger one measuring seven vy rotective astics 0 feet in diameter Don Mills, Ont.) won an --CP Photo WOODBINE ENTRIES THURSDAY, JULY 7 Clear and Fast FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim ing (7500). Maiden two-year-olds. 5 Fur- fongs (9) Guidecca, Turcotte 117 Playmaker, Dittfach 115 "Third Rule, No Boy A-112 Traffic Swirl, No Boy 120 Larkspur Lady, No Boy A-112 Shimar, No Boy 120 B-115 = EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: -- 1 Taylor Safe. 1 National Cash Register. 4 Draw. Electric. Good condition. Make Offer, WU SHOP yApers ; group homes for foster children, under the pices of the Catholic and Metro Children's Aid which are experimenting with group are providing "It's proven to be great, too." In the group home project, four to eight children are placed under. one roof with one set of foster parents such as the DeBruyns. The Catholic CAS has 12 group homes and the "We thought we would like to Metro CAS nine. Both plan to take one boy," said Mrs. De- open more Bruyn, who came to Canada " with her husband and two sons from Holland 12 years ago. ay we saw this ad in the paper and decided it would be nice to take more." So Glen, now 16, Ken, 15, Desi, 14, Barry, 13, and Ernie, 113, joined the DeBruyn's sons Joe, 18, and John, 17. Ey : ' i or Sunbeam "It's been more of a problem for the boys than for -us,"" said CINNAMON BUNS Mrs. DeBruyn. "'It's. hard. for Reg. 38c -- 12 to Pkg. them at first. But it's just fine SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE ! CANTELOUPES Neo. Is. -- Jambo Size .... 39¢ each Golden Ripe PEACHES Quart Box 39¢ Home-Grown -- No. 1 NEW CABBAGE 2 Heads 33¢ Favourite for Flavour -- California No. 1 ONIONS 2 for 33¢ SAVE ON THESE FEATURES! THE aus 9 Simcoe St. South Oshawa PHONE 725-1221 Societies, home ideas. {Drag Pit, No Boy |Copper Fire, Gomez A-112 A--E Lieberman Entry SEVENTH RACE Purse $3,200 |Lethbridge'" Allowances. Three-year jolds and up, fillies and mares. One Mile on Marshall turf course (7 Navy Grand, No Boy 112 YOu SAVE TWICE-WITH TRIM AND PRICE FRESH BAKED! Micinity, Dittfach 115 Ww eston A--W F Edmiston * Entry. B--B Sweeney and Mrs H A Luro Entry. and H Waggoner EIGHTH RACE -- ing (3000). Four-year-ol 1 Mile on turf course Win-T-Bird, No Boy 1 | Winning Score, Hernandez 112 Lively Dancer, Griffo X113 | Thomas B. Good, No Boy 112 Acceptable Gift, Bradfield A-XXX108 Dumelle, Ferro X110 Real Lady, Steve X113 | Top Cadet, Ferro X109 XX--10 Ibs AAC Caballo Baha, Harris 118 | Admiral Armbro, Hale fide POST TIME 2 P.M, Maebest, McComb 118 meen or . a ee Tleonia, Sutcliffe XXxX108 Nonie B. Good, Walsh 118 Royal Missy, Fitzsimmons A-118 La Mique, Ferro X113 Viva La Bell, No Boy B-118 Roman Poppy, No Boy B-118 Also Eligible: Glen Francis, Robillard, Nie; Lady Bedette, Gordon, 118; Royal Gigi, Kornblum, X113; Gray Band, aa 118; Hunters Delight, Dittfach, Pu arse $2,200. Claim. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,400. Maid- and up, About en three-year-old fillies, foaled in Can- ada. About 1 Mile on turf course (17) Phantom Royal, Werry X113 A-X BRANDED -- VALUE CHECK'D -- Specially Selected | BLADE 49: | ROASTS tb. SHORT RIB ROAST Ib. 59c 65e Ideal for Burgers on the Barbecue -- Fresh Minced GROUND CHUCK Ib. ys Tender -- Holiday Farm -- Lean Ib. 'PEAMEAL "BACON Ib. 89e FROZEN FOOD FEATURE! -- Birds Eye 6-07. Tins ORANGE JUICE 2 for 53: BEEF STEAKET 71s SUPREME BRAND MIXED VEGETABLES -- 24h. bag 49c Has Edeer Ridge Stable and J & D Ryan ntr 'BBo Teek Farms Entry. and J Chudobiak THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim ing (3000). Three- and four-year-oids, | foaled in Canada, 6 Furlongs (20). Royal Embassy, No Boy 121 Roman Harold, Steve X112 Zeesekite, Steve X112 Ming Dynasty, Dittfach 109 Wee Annie Dory, Werry X114 'Silver Penny, No Boy 116 ced, Harrison 105 Strip For Action, rien "7 Luxury Dip, Griffo X10 Fast Kitten, No Boy 12 Arrow Gal, No Boy 109 ¢Vichaima, Hernandez 112 "Sail Along, Nedeau 124 Needlin_ Al, McComb 110 Also Eligible: For Wyn, pCredit Union, Griffo, X112; Moores Selec- Yor, No Boy, 117; Canacia, No Boy, 105 Sam's Path, Turcotte, A-114; Jive Dan- cer, Werry, A-X112 A--S Cosentino, G T and Entry. No Boy, 117; by the piece T F Gaytord » | FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,100. Claim-| hg (4000). Four-year-olds and up. 6)2 Furlongs (13) Popsaysno, Steve X115 Maytown, Turcotte 112 Stoned, Gomez 123 Gay Pageant, Dit Lykke Til, Har Chinese Sabre, Gordon 113 WNacuba, No Boy 115 Take Notice, No Boy 123 Vv i: McComb 113 x "AFD aid eer eo" | VAGATION KIT A compact travel kit for your vaca Contains Hair Brush, Comb, Toothbrush Holder. andl all in Vinyl 83ag. Pink s BEST BUY! -- SAVE 6c! -- SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP 39¢ | *BEST BUY! -- SAVE 24c! -- ASSORTED 3-O7. Pkgs. JELL-O POWDERS 10:1 BEST BUY! -- SAVE 6c! Save 8c! -- Saico Grapefruit Juice, 48-07. tin -- 39 Saico ORANGE JUICE 39: KOOL-AID 5 Pkas. 49: BEST BUY! -- SAVE 10c! -- BURGER DOG FOOD 36-02, Pack Gaines TOP CHOICE 79: BEST BUY! -- SAVE 10c! POLISH REMOVER wu AB? 16-On. Jar tion Bimini Bill, Harris. A116 Sky Spark, Steve XX106 A--M Kane and Natural Farms Entry. SPECIAL [* Wa, Soap. Dish, Sewing. Kit, and Blue. SAVE 16c! -- BURNS Luncheon Meat SPORK 49¢ Serve Hot or Cold--12-Oz. Tim .......... Mount Market, | | _ FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,600 ing (6500). Three-year-olds sixteenth Miles (7 Carodana, Dittfach A-110 Gag Robin, No Boy A-110 Cole Harbor, No Boy B-119 Chopolis, Kornblum XX105 Wabush, Fitzsimmons 110 Reyal Staff, Turcotte 115 Radiant Colors, No Boy B-110 A--Valecrest Farm and $ Entry. B--W T Mason and P F Joseph Entry. (EXACTOR WAGERING) Claim One and one POP TOPS Fun prints on Cotton Tops Put na Summer mood with several. Sizes 10 - 18, JULY SPECIAL JULY SPECIAL trimmed SAVE 6c! -- Fieischmann's Corn Oil MARGARINE 53¢ Coloured Quarters--1-Lb, Pack ......... with bobbing fringe yourself Desnoyers 48-02. Tin SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,800. Glen Allowances. Three- and four-year About One and one-sixteenth Miles "on turf course (11 Silver Gus, No Boy 112 BBlack Ringo, Walsh 107 Big Jive, _Barroby A-} SAVE 16c! NESTLES KEEN 49¢ Assorted Flavours--12-Oz. Jar ........,. NYLONS Finest quality, nylons in the lastest astest fashionable cc 3-88" Essco, Gordon 112 dudge Burns, McComb 112 oP halanx Queen, Nedeay 14 'GARDEN CITY, RACEWAY TUESDAY, JULY 5 First--(off 7:47), mile, trot Peter McNab (Farmer) 8.30 Gieeful Armbro (McKinley) Call Me Spud (Paimer) JULY SPECIAL SAVE 8c! -- BRIGHT'S APPLE Secs 2-35 TEA BAGS © 69¢ 100 to cello bag ....sseeeeess- TRANSONIC Transistor Radio 8 Transistirs with earphone, half size leather case. Green and gold metal plate. $7.77 McCORMACK'S FRUIT JUBES Delicious shaped jubes in @ 'Appr " $0 f '| : Approximate size 28 x 26"'. great assortment of fruit flavors yles ond sizes JULY JULY ¢ SPECIAL, 2... $9 37 477° SPECIAL LB. 43 Mat i SPROULE'S WILSON i ie 'FOODMASTER' DOWNTOWN 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA Red and White Red and White OSHAWA KRESGE'S | SHOPPING. CENTRE Wilson Red. 5. 3.20 3.00 2.0 2.60 4.8 DIAPERS | TL Ln | FLANELETTE DIAPERS Cotton Diapers made in JULY SPECIAL Second--(off 8:09), Monty (Webster) *Pat PPrologue (Nor's) "Bruce Pick (Campbell) DAILY DOUBLE (3--3) PAID mile, pace te eereees 12. 062.2062.2 2.50. 2.40 Mir Liquid Detergent-7% BEST BUY! -- SAVE 10c! 128-07, Size JAVEX Liquid BLEACH 79: SAVE 8c! -- RED & WHITE BRAND COFFEE Instant /9¢ It Has the Flavour!--5-Oz. Jar ... 3.10 $11.20 MIICCS ANN CYyrrrrn Third -- (Off 8.20) mile, trot Bisho Song (Varcoe) 10.60 3.80 2.60 Sporty Tag-(Findle : Lu Nelson (Curr Assorted COFFEE MUGS Ideal for the heavy © Fourth--(Off 8.52) m YeSilver Pick (Knight) Ballastar (Norris *Scariet Blaze (Geisel) 100% China. coffeé-drinkers in SCOTIAN GOLD 48-Oz. Tin APPLE JUICE 2/¢ 12 Diapers in a poly bag fruit Fifth (Off 9.14), mile ! i Jovial Abbe (Galbr'h) Gay Robert (Varcoe Dell Humes (Feagan) your house! 'Set several ut Kres- 8°30 1 orted st ge's in ass JULY SPECIAL xth --. (Off 9.20 Lynden Creed Stone ( Shady Valley mile, pace (Slipht) 5.60 Crowe Hayes) Seventh (Off 1000 Armbro Glad'tor (M'y) Johnny Bing (Hie) Brave Ezra (Carmichael) mile, pace BROWN'S Red and White Brooklin, Ont. Eighth -- (Off 10.23) mile, pace: Joe Johnston (Dson) 10.90 3.70 3.10 Sue Dudley (Curran) 2.80 2.40 Timber Hal (Feagan 4 (OF 10.46 Dam Corner Simcoe at Mill Shopping Plaza Stoney C 'coe 27h mutuels 14,270 \