Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1966, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednsodey, July 6, 1966 FANNIE HISLOP SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS --OSHAWA PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS STEPHANIE SALMERS, 13 E. A. Lovell School A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE | Quebec Doubts Won't Hinder Medicare: PM | secretariat of the Privy Council began a full-scale study this; spring to answer questions like} Mr. MacDonald's. When this re- t Prim €loratory say the lunar tracking to -- ctgoe 4 it ae Minister Pearson told the Com-| station at Canberra, Australia, de ne or Pe 'gem " an mons Tuesday. Theogene Ri-/ wil; continue trying to reacti- esq ot to look into the en- card (PC--St. Hyacinthe-Bagot)| vate the camera batteries of 'ir@ question. said Premier Daniel Johnson surveyor 1, the U.S. eye on the . mas, (aesned_ceservaios| moon, The spacecraft stopped Sukamo Submits ' : transmitting pictures about : features of the federal pr0-|three weeks ago when the long,, JAKARTA (Reuters) -- Presi-| dent Sukarno, 64, today bowed to the decision of Indonesia's| posals. cold lunar night set in. Deny 'Facts' [Blames Free Milk supreme state body in stripping} ' . Py | OTTAWA (CP)--The govern-) jxPTER, England (Reuters) him of his title of president for ment has challenged and denied | Free milk in schools was life. some of the facts put forth by! blamed by a doctor Tuesday for 'The people's consultative con- the International Longshore-|an overabundance of fat chil- gress Tuesday. also limited his men's Association in its Protest dren in Britain, Dr. Michael/ present term of office to a maxi-| against legislation aimed at set-| hale told the British Medical As-/mum of another two years, and by hay aay taded Hig | sociation conference that "it * | btesalages his past policies. day sitike concluded in Que- longer the middle - age bec last month, Prime Minister soveadenlt is the middle school! NFB Wins Award Pearson told the CommoOnS cyread." Dale's resolution op- Tuesday, posing free milk in the schools) BERLIN (CP-Reuters) -- A film was awarded was thrown out without a vote. Canadian Changes Name i ' Tuesday the 16th West Berlin quesec icp) -- the 45,00. Guild Ends Strike Film Festival's youth film member Quebec Corporation of award for the best documen- Catholic Teachers Tuesday of the Newspaper Guild of New'the National Film Board, re-| SHELLY FISHER, 13 JOHN USHER, 13 E. A. Lovell School LAUREL EDGAR, 13 T. R. McEwen Senior Queen Elizabeth School AWA (CP)--The govern-| ¢ mint expects to proceet wus} Keep Trying its medical care insurance leg-| pagaDENA, Calif. (AP) -- islation despite criticism by the| scientists at Jet Propulsion Lab- Quebec government, WAYNE SUDSBURY, 14 T. R. McEwen Senior e | " | Synopsis: . |weather and a few scattered MARIA NETO, 16 T. R. McEwen Senior || WEATHER FORECAST' BRIAN PERKIN, 13 Ridgeway Senior School GAYLE BROWNSON, 13 Dr. 8. J. Phillips School Sunny, Cooler Weather -- _ Ahead With Clear Skies | TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued by the weather office at }5:30 a.m.: Mainly cloudy Thursday. Not much change in temperatures, Winds westerly jnear 20 today northwest 15 | Thursday, Ottawa region: Cloudy with | St. Catharines ..., 80 Toronto Peterborough «+, Kingston ....,. Trenton . Killaloe Sudbury .. Earlton . fese | Sault Ste. Marie ., | Kapuskasing ..... White River ...... '"Moosonee ,,., |Timmins , |showers and thunderstorms are|sunny periods today, Scattered! = imoving eastward but will per- |sist most of 'the day behind the northwestern Ontario storm centre affecting North- ern Ontario tonight and Thurs- 'day and southern Ontario later on, | Lake St. Clair, Lake Brie, |Lake Huron, Niagara, southern Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Kil- | laloe, Windsor, London, Toronto, | Hamilton: |; warm with a few scattered thun- dershowers today, chiefly after- noon or evening. Clearing to- jnight. Thursday mainly sunny jand a little cooler. Winds light. Northern Georgian Bay, Ti- magami, Cochrane, North Bay, Sudbury: Mainly cloudy with }scattered showers or thunder- showers today. Cloudy with |sunny intervals and a few scat- tered showers Thursday. Little change in temperatures. Winds southwest to westerly 15 to 20 today west to northwest 15 \1 hursday. Algoma, Sault. Ste. Marie, jshowers pr thundershowers de- Cooler) veloping this afternoon or eve-| 6 ; nt ; |] Good Nemes T weather will spread southward|ning. Thursday variable cloudi- @ Remember jness with a few showers and |turning cooler. Light winds be- coming southwesterly 15 gusty late this afternoon, Forecast temperatures Windsor os 65 82 Mainly cloudy and! | Kitchener ,,., |Mount Forest . Wingham ..... Hamilton ..... Low overnight, high Thursday | When Buying or Selling } REAL ESTATE Reg, Aker -- President Bill MeFeeters --~ Vice Pres, | SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Speed-Up At Queen's Park TORONTO (CP)--The legisla- turé goes into morning, after- noon and evening sessions to- day in an effort to finish its ed | "The house, which opened dan. | 25, previously sat only during afternoon and evenings. If the session ends Thursday the house will have sat for 109 days, the longest sitting in the province's history. "BOOZE" LASTS The word "booze" has been in the English language since at least the 14th century, THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL PLAN Here's a novel plan for parents | who wish to test their children's mu®cal ability before purchas- | ing a piano, Heintaman will rent you an attractive, new amall piano for 6 months--if you de- cide to purchase it, the six month's rent and cartage will be allowed on the purchase price, The balance on Heinteman's Own Budget Terma, 79 SIMCOE ST. N, 728-2921 HEINTZMAN NOTICE The following changes have been made in one way street operation in the City of Oshawa. These new regulations are now in effect. NEW YORK (AP)--Members tary. High Steel, produced by éliminated 'Catholic' from its . he : sea Bie York Tuesday ratified a con-| ceived the award. | -- tract with the World Journal | CHOPSTICK JUGGLER ae The French - language group ninune Inc., ending. their 72-| W ' B B d | 2 |with a few showers today. also substituted a more-inclu- d trik - inst the new pub-| on t é poun It is a close call but secre- (AP Wirephoto) |Cloudy with sunny intervals sive French word for teacher may GITIKE Age "a P me 3 He é tary of state Dean Rusk | - jlishing company. OTTAWA (CP)--Canada will gets a fried shrimp past his ee eer eee THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! pa By eh in Corl However, the company must not be bound automatically by| fips: on chopsticks during | oration des instituteurs catho-|Comciude 'contracts w ith the) any agreement teached by Brit-| reception in his honor by | é pressman's and mailers' unions|ain with lan Smith's rebel re- iia savor of Ryots, Japan, | Adult Building Central Location Prestige Address |White River: Mainly cloudy STREET Church St. Centre St. BETWEEN Brock St. W. and King St. W. King St. W. end John Se. W, HAS BECOME One 'Wey Southbound One Way Southbound iques du' Quebec. The new helen: 11 ai be ae : 3 eb f gin publication| gime in Rhodesia, External Af- Cvoto Castle tonteht name, adopted at the final ses-\(¢ its oianned morning,' sfter-|fatrs Minister Martin said in the| 7 S¥0t0_Castle tonight, sion of the group's annual meet-| . ; rz , 'noon and Sunday newspapers. |Commons Tuesday. y | ing, is la. Corporation des en-|" m4. mailers were reported| ' ployees, is to take a strike vote seignants du Quebec. linear. a = 2 Tuly 12 | greement and the head July 12. Speed Limit Helps The bulletin said Metropolitan | of the pressman's union said) Couple Found Dead some progress had been made) LONDON (AP)--The govern-| Toronto pays a zoo attendant! OTTAWA (CP) -- A retired in breaking the deadlock which|ment road research laboratory $94 a week. A graduate nurse| pO bn sod his 1 ie. Mr. and has existed in those talks. says serious accidents de-| working in a home for the aged Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking porters France will test a hydro HIND City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 ad THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1:30 to 4:30, 6:00 to 9:00 at ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, SIMCOE ST. N. Why Pay More.. AVE?! C Regular and new blood donors ore urgently requested to attend with or- without an / as ; oppointment, 5-LB. ON PREMIUM QUALITY #Ox 2.19 gal. Our Blood Bank is desperately short and if we are FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawe -- Whitby and Ajox Districts TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OUR PATIENTS IN JULY NO LESS THAN 500 BOTTLES ARE NEEDED FOR NEXT MONTH There is no "O", "A" and "AB" Negative on hand at all, ALD J. G. BRADY, Chairman, 'J tawa home Tuesday. Mr. Stokes, were put on 100,000 miles of ma- Years experience and have com- 723-3633 about 50, retired last July as a OTTAWA (CP) -- A young) jor British roads. The limits are Pleted a two-year course in in- By Appointment Only Minister Drury Tuesday night) on superhighways. re ' H for his proposal that a parlia-| ce huthor Dies nenian? commicee ve 'aah Test Successful | tM rote! menue ver | G2ORGIAN Mansions N } -- Funeral lis y spects recorded on earth came in a | Jack Rabbit bedtime stories, in the Commons that public Pacific Saturday was 100 per! -- who died Monday at his home opinion in Canada had been 'cent successful, a government bit stories were syndicated in on in this country Tuesday night. Gen. Pierre Bil- a Oo A S T S newspapers for 40 years. Mr. Drury said the science jotte, minister of state for over- LEAN MEATY i ' . . Mg Ib 45 End Cuts By The Piece SEASONED SIDES of BEEF PATTIES VEAL PATTIES | pin, 12 Ki ing St. E. 723-3633 Traftie and Public Safety Committee, Mts. Lawrence Stokes, were creased 13 per cent in the first| receives $86 a week while food! supply technician at Air Ma- back-bench Conservative MP/50 miles an hour on heavily tra- stitutional management receive Boneless 723-1712 -- 728-2911 mentary committee be estab- services will be held today for space research in Canada. PARIS (Reuters) -- France's village in northwest Libya in | here. Cory wrote more than 50 generally uninformed on just minister who witnessed the roa seas territories, also told re- SLICED : - BEEF 53 5-LB. 2 7 19 Boiling Friday Nite till 9 p.m, City of Oshawa. found shot to death in their Ot- Proposal Approved 'our months after speed limits| supervisors who must have two teriel Command headquarters, drew agreement from Industry|velled trunk roads and 70 miles $81.20. aM wens si or : oe yglt, WAS Hor RUMP or David Cory, 93, creator of the David MacDonald Prince said first nuclear test in the South September, 1922--136.4 degrees. children's books. His Jack Rab- what space research is going! blast said on his return here 4 E gen bomb in the "not too dis- an tant'? future, PAVING CONTRACT {car went out of control on Ross- Pay Scales Scored ROUND S [ EAK "9 ment has awarded a $54,707 bridge. who tend monkeys in the zoo ; oh { nINS , é ' shh ; Wesews s 'r 28, 5 46, 108 * ny WINS TROPHY are paid more than persons who Bnways oe coe | The Oshawa Times trophy for/do the same for senior citizens i rie y.of Bow- gj . ; eae sg rd inaen ig Race. |Val -arade entered by a chari-'pulletin published by Locai_ 79, aaie leweastie. Contractor (20le organization, was won by| Canadian Union of Public Em- dale and Newcastle. Contractor/the UNICEF committee and] ployees (CLC) See rl Gases, chairman. some 2,500 inside workers in- ay 3 CASES REMANDED cluding home for ihe aged em- MEET AT CAMP In the absence of Magistrale bers held the first of their usual the docket at the magistrate's open-air summer meetings, court in Whitby Tuesday were Tuesday, at their Kiwanisiremanded by Justice of the BEEF A the luncheon, members toured m i u oe BACON the grounds, inspecting the FIRM INCORPORATED facilities currently being enjoy The current issue of The On- club's first camp session, of the ent of incorporation have been summer season. Members plan| issued to F and O Management! to hold their meetings at Ki-| Limited. The firm has its head |. APronersietr Mabe FRONT my Razer Joseph Henry Draper, of Port Klaus W. Anselstetter, Osh- Perry, has been named a Provincial Institute of Trades|County of Ontario limited to the and the Provincial Institute of attestation of instruments and Automotive and Allied Trades the taking of affidavits only Coeneay GikL "> Poultry Farms Limited and for JAINDSAY GIRL "POOR" work in connection with this Linda Lake, 17, Lindsay, was corporation only Cut and Wrapped FREE BOX ward at the Toronto General) Hospita! today. Hér condition is 2 reported as poor. She was in- June 27, when it veered off a C road in the Bowmanville area. Ib A Bowmanville ambulance, Hospital, collided with a car at Bond St., and Wilson Rd, | FAIR CONDITION Oshawa, is. reported in fair condition aly Toronto East General Hospital' Mr. Arsenaiilt Open 8:30 till 6 p.m, The Ontario highways depart-,and Ra. W. and struck | ONTO (CP) -- The men 115, 121, 401 and 503 at various ine best float in the Folk Festi-|in homes for the aged, says a is W..B. Bennett Paving and presented to Mrs. C, G. Step,, The union, which represents Oshawa Kiwanis Club mem-H, M. Jermyn all the cases on Camp, near Kedron. Following Peace M. Femia. PRESCRIPTIONS ed by a group of 69 girls, the,tario Gazette states letters pat- wanis Camp, each Tuesday Office in Oshawa. awa, has graduated from the notary public in and for the in Toronto, as a bricklayer while associated with Peel's moved into the intensive care|~ jured in a motorcycle accident rushing her to Oshawa General Victot Arsenault, 600 Somer- was injured Tuesday when his ville St BUEHLER'S

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