Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1966, p. 26

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Seen sce 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 6, 1966 'Its July For Hot Weather.. Want Ad Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday BUSIN CE DIRECTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Sf oF fut PERFORMING ELEPHANTS ARE FEMALES. THEY ARE LESS By RJ. SCOTT Acsountan YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus tees in Bankruptcy, 52% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. 728-7371 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO,, Charter- ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build ing, 167 King Street East, Oshawa, On- tario, 725-3509; S. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA GORDON R. DAY, Accountant, Suite 205W, ping Cent 725-9953. "Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs -- Alterations Additions -- Remodelling For all your Construction Needs -- CALL JAMES ALLEN & SONS 725-6126 QUALITY CARPENTRY & GENERAL REPAIRS For all your home improve ment problems, cail us first. 725-8576 talk ified General Oshawa Shop- Bi CLA' 'S Accounting Service Complete bookkeeping service. 299 Sim coe South 397. Res. 723-7605, Seas JOSEPH ANN, Chartered Accoun tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-4833 ; A RT HOSMAR, Chartered Accoun tant, 47 Prince Street, , Oshawa, Ontario. Telephone 723 "MACDONALD, Lie, and Solicitor and Notary Pub lic, The Commerc Building, 286 King| West, Oshawa, Ontar Client parking! avai able. 725-4716 or 7 7 JAMES Barrister Then have a with our customers FRED R. Solicitor; 723-8137, ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA BCL, Barrister a ROOFING; chimneys, JONES, LLB, Barrister phy rs i de temporarily 130 King St. E.! ccann, RR Residence 725-035) _ |CARPENTRY -- New and repairs, ad slabs, stoops Oshawa, 655-306 block and Solicitor, 7 Street. Office hours: 9 a.m. 3 pm Evening appointment. Dial 723-166 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor Money to toan. Off 42 King Street East oahiwa; 728-8232 ROOFING, hot far and grave! |repairs, large and small jobs and H. Borrvirs Selcigrs. ws King Stat] Rooting and Construction, 725-6937 arrister 0 East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey, QC; G. $. Boychyn, QC;-BA, | orf 795-1177; Residence 668-2761; 728-4326; . 725-513 other first mortgage funds avaliable. FOR ALL Your home ) Barristers, Solici GREGH AND KELLY, Barriers: S0li3-| TON gM onruction ana es 2 Residence Phones J M creer,| workmanship Call 668-21 Terence "Vv |SPECIALIZING in ceramics and bath Thehiss Ho ecm. BA, its.| 'oom renovations, Call 723-6438 lew PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, Jand factery, mechanical repairs to equip ment _Call Pickering -- 942 6117. |YOUR LOCAL chimney: cleaner, Chim neys built, repaired, gas linings installed; roofs repaired. Free estimates. 7 ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS *lroofing, chimneys, eavestroughing places, masonry. Gord May, Wh 668-2774 impraverser ts CLASSIFIED RATES bs elle a ot 24 words, $1.08;|NEW. PLASTERING and reairs tte 3 Con-| Sidewalks, remodeling, rec-rooms peel $2.88; |estimates. A, C. Wood, 728-3420 or additional is secutive additional stuceo words, 4'ac. "aath: pid msertions of 24 words, words 12¢ exh 6 insertions of 24 words, words 2Ic. each. Co! 5,04; #56 EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square includes grading and fill, |antee.. Eleven years in business Ter i! ar 10 rer cent additional ch: 9 | Paving, 723.5841 |A FINISHING CARPENTER, does Kitch Method of Counting -- Less than 24) 9n cabinets, vanities, bar cabinets In rec words counts @s 24 words; @ach Word,ireation room and trimmings. Telephone initial, figure or abbreviation counts 85) 723.1991, Joe Koazk. one word; phone number counts two!_ ' bosi senieni words C arpentry BIRTHS--DEATHS-- [Ac CARPENTRY, SOCIAL NOTICES house renovations. $2.25 per insertion with a pants fa3!\ Telephone 725-3847 t 1 charge if not paid within ays.| jonal, charg " |REMODELLING, TRIM WORK | boards, rec-rooms, and stairs. Free esti-| mates. Phone 725-7066 foot Charge Terrano| Ld not paid witin @ days. new and repairs, carports and so for th.| IN MEMORIAMS 2.25 for the first 35 words each thereafter plus 2c. per verse; 25¢, additional charge if not within 8 days and S¢ line of} paid} Dentistry | CAREFOOT, DR, JOHN M.,, CARD C KS 2 |Surgeon, 172 King. Street East, $9.35 for ine first 38: worde%an chi For appointment, 728-5171 thereafter with 25¢, additional charge if) vi not paid within 8 days. |Dressmak ing COMING EVENTS $2.24 per inch (display); first 20 words and Sc. (Word Ads) Dental Oshawa | ORES Wome: $1.75 for the|dren's La Salle' area each thereafter | 779-1544 |DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 EXPERIENCED Dressmaking of wear, girls wear and alterations. Bridal wear. 723-1729. DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coals, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting a D speciaity. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 PUBLICATION "MODERN DRESSMAKING" 12 Street. Now Open! Ladies' measure sulls, dresses, tomers materials, expert onable prices. 728-31! wear Telephone AUCTION SALES $2.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES WORD ADS Spm. DAY PREWSUS ladies Also LOST age FOUN 9 am. DAY OF ae b despa! AND. DEATHS a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION services, IN _MEMORIAMS and CARDS OF THANKS pie 5 pm. DAY PREVIOUS |Gardening | 'ond Supplies | MAPLE LEAF Hore rw _ |LANDSCAPING & eee GARDEN SERVICE made to} the] CLASSIFIED DISPLAY id 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous: 2 tol umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 am. DAY OF PUB Agy lication will be ton CATION BOX NUMBER RENTAL $& While every endeavor will be forward repiles to box numbers to advertisers $ cept no liability damage alleged fajlure or delay plies, however ca gence or otherw For soil Sodding, Cedar Seeding, . Top- Hedges, Patios, Plantings and Complete Land- scoping Serv 725-0611 n forward ad The T for replies het ce uncalled REGULA The Oshawa Times w for errors, in. advertisements otherwise than than one inse nor beyond the price charge for Insertion in which error occurs TIONS | GHEE: aa SPRING CLEAN-UP iantuarant a Planting @ Sodding @ asingie) @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ @ Evergreens @ Grading @ ® Marion and Kentucky Blue grass @ Complete landsco ing @ Fertilizers 723-9020 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Bloor St Top Quality, field and estimates. Prompt delivery 3325 or 723-9910 NURSERY | SOD. Now < cutting. Choice quality Kentucky Blue. Prompt delivery on any amount. Phone after 6. 668-494 BUCS KING BUG: KILLERS Atox Rose Dust Garden Dust awe Times reserves the right. to advertising according Je its proper. classification. In the cases of display advertisements] The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that which the actua error ocet The pub! endeavor to reproduce all advertising matier cor-|§60 rectly, but assume no llability of adver-|Free tisement if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein. 1W'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723- 3492 hers East nursery 725. NDEX To CLASS IFICATIONS Diazinon D.D.T. Spray Pomogreen Dust--spray Fruit Sproys Gardenal! Ant and Grub Killer ug Bait gon 25 siness Opportunities Employment wanted 16--Agents Wanted 17--Femaie Help -¥9 18--Male Help Fungicide Sproy bs Weed Killers Tonk Hand Sprayers Sproyers ist Guns Garden Hose and. Tools Lawn Sookers nor Sprinklers DAY 30 RY COOPER-SMITH | | Oshow | Action Ads all types of cement} Frank| 73 Centre| and cement work. Free esti mates. 728-7680 | shingles, | aranteed | two-year guar-| HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME| Opromeri F. RICHARD BLACK, ening end Suppiies June Special ! POTTED ROSE BUSHES 25% OFF AT - RUNDLE Garden Centre Ltd. 1015 King St. E. 725-6551 @ Nursery Stock @ Power Equipment Sales and Service @Toro @ Lawnboy SEE THE EXPERTS oD, 723-4191. _Phone 723 HAVE Your PAINTING done now, terior, exterior, all work guarante: Free estimates. Lloyd Simpson, Papering Estimates free Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelli new and used gig hfe Reasona' rates. Estimates free. 728-1 J. Fol nar PLUMBING AND HEATING 5 lies. Telephone 7 Harold Stari Ltd., Plur eering, 255 Simco Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repa rn SMITH'S TREE FARM Cedars for Hedges ants sheep Cut flowers ai Manure (cow Rough lumber (cut to Posts and poles | | collect Newton ile 786-228 of washers, -dryer rang 3} a|° "ALSO PARTS AVAIL | | For Complete Landscaping And Garden Maintenance dust ALCAN APP residential and. i rial, Ex- pert work, reasonable ,ates ITURE and - ¢ Telephone 263-2934 2 Simcoe or 728-6082 : No. | Field Sod 200 sq. yds. 22¢ de yds. and up 2 ' sod laid 35c | 1. yd. Free Estimates BETHANY LANDSCAPING 623-7594 J | ARC and ACETYLENE |FOR COMPLETE LANDSCAPING andjting. Reasonable rates |garden maintenance, residential and in-|Phone 723-2281 dustrial. Expert work, reasonable rates " | f ' CHINES, | Telephone 263 2934 or 728 6082. ee. 'gpa arar fae ice phone 725-3286 GUARANTEED REPAIRS to al! wrin 728-2871 ashers and ranges, Free estimates 728.1 742 or 723-0011 723-0011 Rent A Piano & Company Ltd 79 Simcoe St Telephone 7 | | } | HEINTZMAN | oor repairs to | TOP SOIL, sandy loam, driveway gravel, sand fill, excavating and grading. Dutch Sand and Gravel LAWNS CUT, cellars and yards cleaned |Also small moving jobs. 723-6030 or 728-} " 3 |2882 Septic Service |TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or cull SEPTIC TANKS baw down, Free estimates. 725-5118 OF! on calls. Walter 18-0610 West, Whitby | NURSERY SOD sold in fields or detiver-| Jed. Church Street North, Pickering or| Surveyors ite lephone 942-2085. GARDEN AND LAWN ma Rato tilling, landscaping, patios, plough-}; 655-4934 after 6.) lane FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Or Instruction | ty Oh, Steet Ward, 204 Chestnut Str 668-2563. nh ce enan eye ntario Street, 725-56 uitivating 25 "a8 PUBLIC or HIGH SCHOOL] |TV--Radio Repairs PRIVATE TUTORING | REALLY need ond want that one subject have troubles with School have If you if you s immer If you poor study habits t to be in good September If you war hope for . Ht vod. sone Cie a litiad Is Overstocked & experienced help for Boss our weaken subjects Then you and for you -- and help says rock we wi work with ations Call MR: TV * 728-8928 378 S 723-95 25 Mister TV TOWERS LTD TOWERS you succeed Phone IN SPARE TIME Low-monthly payments In- clude text books and instruc- tions, Prepares you to achieve Ontario Diploma by means of Provincial examination Oshawa, Summer Prices ONLY Head 49.00 oy 59.00 | 59.00 | For FREE American School, Box information--write, Dept. 8, 784, Oshawa, Ontario Nome Address Janitor Service JANITOR SERVICE -- Clean back basements. Also scrap taken away 2368 WILL TAKE AWAY discardables such as old appliances, furniture, lgiass, ete. 623 | « 74,50 | yards oes | free | metal, | Price | Money to Loan | WILL LOAN vou up to $5,000 at a| |reasonable rate of interest to consolidate | your bills or for any other worthwhile} putpose providing you are steadily em-| oyed and have good credit. Telephone} 723-463) Automatic FAST SERVICE SURVEY NO OBLIGATI MISTER T.V. TOWERS 378 KING ST. WEST 723-9525 |Mortgage ee e | MORTGAGE LOANS 'available ond mortgage yes. No bonu TELEVISION--RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS FOR second and agreements for. sale pur- chased M. F. 2612 King St mortgoges SWARTZ East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES | SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 PROM SERVI asses HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV. TOWERS ARE BEST T reer TRIO. TELEVISION Bond and [ 728-5143 COLOR T.V, FIRST AND°*SECOND mortgages ava i Schatzmann Realtor; 114 Brock Block , Whitby 668-3338 PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for all mortgages. . Mortgages and agree ments of sale purchased. Creighton, r Murdoch and Victor See 'Bar Corner { safe! Hennick | Street! FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, jagreements purchased and sold Hennick, Barristers, 31 King (Rug, Upholstery. Service |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts lye. Workmanship Credit re refi Establish guaranteed. Free} terms. Mattresses re-| shed. Oshawa Up 287 Dean Avenue, 725-031) |CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and re 728-5 city TV TOWERS pairs. "All. work gua Avene. T 143 material to| NEED GUY WIRES re Charles |Antenna «instalation "anc 1728-9024 Hi covers made LiL Uphoistering, 75 wo-way Street, 723-7212, aaned Miah cen 136 Simcoe Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone Painting and Decorating N. BARON Painting and Decorating and ¥-5376, in ed, 128-9876. ing. ible ey up. H and Engin wetlding and_cut 509 East all) home serv ce eet DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, On ntario| L Wlaber TV Toei 69.00 | ).00 60.00 Whitby-668-5679- All' work iia teed wRALO Television radio. | Telephone ger | Call; AEMPERAMEMTAL TAN MALES , s J Pgh WAS A POPGUN TLESHIP. 31 FIRED SHELLS BY COM: seeps 2 Oo POTMors COOKED WHH THE SKINS ON RETAIN MORE OF | HEIR VITAMIN © COMED HAN THOSE PEELED BEFORE BONING } Ano ® AX WAS THE SYMBOL. OF PROFESS ( PERSIAN WANDERING + Dradania, Ine, 1. Weshd sie sopra TV--Radio Repairs T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for Less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E. Just East of Ritson) '723- 8131 723-8132 T. V. TOWERS Rust Proof COLOURED T. V. cr Black & White -- 24-Hour Service 723-0065 or 668-5830 j Rae's Radio & T.V |5--Trailers TRAILER RENTALS SALES Authorized service Astra, Bowen, Coleman, Duo Therm, International etc Coleman, Primus Camping Equipment MILLER 9 Tudor St., Ajax - TRAILER PARKING For from Domestic, 942-349) 20 minutes Commute to the Summer Oshawa All facilities plus swim pool, Phone Waltona Newcastle, 987-4432 work ming Pork RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundays 2-4 P.M BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE ot 40] Lot ond 28 | Service Call Only $2.50 JENsoY YOUR VACATION with Snyder FAST T.V. SERVICE |Hi-Lo all aluminum trailer, boat, mot |trailer. Low downpayment. Small month |iv payments. Solina Road; No. 2. Hig! DOMINION TELEVISION |way, six miles east Oshawa 8 to 9 pim 28-5154 9am TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING | 728-5286 OSHAWA | "ELECTRONICS |Well Drilling, Digging _ ng in 30-inch tile. W, Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. {TENT --. 12'x15 |tion. Telephone |Oshawa CAMPER FOR RENT, fits ----| Telephone 725-5906. ONE WHEEL spring in A-1 phone 728-0613 | TRAILER HITCHES made and_ install ed, also all types of welding done, por- table equipment for rent, 723-6840. highwail 728-0014, Good cond Ya-ton truck trailer condition, hitch and Best offer spare, Tele 6--Marine Equipment oe 2 WEEKS VACATION ? Why not make it the whole summer? Forget that costly 2 weeks and invest in lasting fun . A BOAT from your Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD Harbor Rd. off. Simcoe St. $ 723-8186 | |2----Personal Removal of superfluous hoir Morie Murduff will be in Ost July: 11th, 12th-ond: |E0R Abee pgrabvvckilr! Seka bern ald on with fwo boat stalls, electric doors, for 13th., Phone Genosha Hotel 35 ft. cruiser (under). On Pefferiaw these days for appoint- {River near Highway 48. Call Pefferiaw, iment 136-4 or write 289 Elizabeth Street, Osh ELECTROLYSIS Sut 723-464] | OUTBOARD, 3 phone 728-5884 CAR LEAVING corr two or 5 | aut MOULDED PLYWOOD boat, and phone 725-162 Three-bedroom cottage on HP "Elto,"" $60. Tele for Regina June three persons trailer with 40 HP Gaie motor, windshield Convertible top, battery, electric start, re | fin Shed this spring. 668-5927 | SAILBOAT, 'Albacore' class, |dacron sails, completely equipped, ANTED ene Telephone 723-9123 |W N . -- Members tor trout club,| season. Write D. Muller, RR No.{$5 HP EVINRUDE Zephyr, Ont. enone 725-7114 after 5 p.m jCANOE -- 14-ft. cedar plank | mation call 725-5029 "STARCRAFT" Evinrude motors. Open weekends. Marine Storage Ltd., Brooklin, 655-3641 |JOIN the Chrysler crew jboard Sales and Service. Two-year un |conditional warranty, 3% HP to world's |most powerful 105 HP, United Rent-All and Marine, 555 King Street East. 728. | 5565 16 FOOT cruiser, - -|tric start. Can be seen at Bowmanville 623-5579 14 FT. movided mahogany plywood boat convertible top with 40 HP Johnson elec tric; Teenee trailer, Will sell separatei All modis on display 725.7478 Y NEW -- USED BOAT AND MOTOR, like new, 1965, 162 ONTARIO CYCLE foot Mason. 1964, 85 horsepower, Mercury | rele | fibreglas, |3--Sportsman's Column $600 $50. Tele "M brook, -- For infor 4-- --Motorcycles : Traveller boats evenings and and Supply Grew DUCATI BSA @ TRIUMPH essorie Pirelli tires, gloves, Buco | helmets. Répoirs and service | AB's Motorcycle SHOP | 114 STEVENSON RD, SOUTH 728-7780 SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES Chrysler Out es, jackets, 40 HP Evinrude, elec Rice Lake plus many extras. Telephone 623-5187 or 140 King W.,, 728-1422 623-2750 after 6 p.m ' OPEN EVENINGS 1959 ROYAL ENFIELD motorcycle, $150.| Call 723-5712 after 5 p.m. SUZUKI bike, 200 miles. Still under war Telephone 725-9656 or NETS with sink or vanity basin $39 Laundry tubs, bath tubs, toilets, pres- sure systems, flushomatics, septic tanks, pipe and fittings. boats motors, trailers, garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside and Park South, 723-7088 7--Swap and Barter _ | or best offer anty 278 Verdun | Road 1966 DNW 250 cc, $795; 50 cc Solex, new, $155. Trade accepted. Telephone 668-445¢ 1965 HONDA 50, excellent condition, $220,8--Articles for Sale or bes! efter. 225 Kendall Avenue alter! Range \"moltat" ao Inch sh |tlon, New folding rocking chair 1965 HONDA, 90 Cub, motor in A-1 con-|Free demonstration. Apply dition, $295. Telephone 723-2693 Read North. |'65 BSA LIGHTNING, immaculate condi-|30" KENMORE electric range for sale C., ,high performance. Tele-|with removable door, rotisserie 'and oven timer, $130. Telephone 723-0531 for any further particulars. PAIR house jacks, Good cong) 3 colo 276 Park phone 72 bio McGUINESS -- 18 foot cabin trailer. Ful nsulated and equipped. Never been roaded, Reasonably priced. Grant Camp bell, Nestleton, Phone Blackstock 986-4864 5--Trailers ; $12. RCA floor model television like new, Westinghouse refrig erator $95, Single bed $10. Apply 235 Eulatie Avenue or telephone 728-177 SELLING complete house full of furni ture, House up for rent as soon as furni- ture sold. Telephone 668-8320. STOVE 30", almost new. One humidaire and spring couch. Telephone 728-0062 WEDDING DRESS -- White floor length size 10 nylon with bridal taffata under GOLDEN FALCON ORBIT to be 7273-1711 As new. at front waist. Geing for $50.. Has | seen to be appreciated. Telephore LAWN MOWER (hand), 16 inch . Lightweight. Phone 723-9583. ONE SPACE SAVER, chair, in good condition. SEWING MACHINE, been used, Remington, duty. Telephone 723-6725, FOR SALE -- One J. J one National cash register, four-drawer, electric, Good' condition. Make us offer. Evelyn Shop, Telephone 725-1221 THREE-BURNER McClary range, $10 Telephone 725-5779. PICNIC TABLES, $15 DOUBLE BED consisting of bookcase headboard, efld panel and steel side rails. Solid wood, excelient condition, six-drawer chest; dark brown, excellent condition, $36 or nearest reasonable price accepted. Telephone. 728-7870 JOHN DEERE 440 crawler loader with GM diesel motor; 1952 International truck jwith 7 ft, x 11 :ft. dump-box, good t two! and good moter; 1954.GMC truck with, 1 price. [ff stock rack. Also one Edbro combina Thurs-|tlon dump box with hoist, Phone 267-W, Avan TRAVEL TRAILERS SUBWAY TRAILER PARK AND SALES chesterfield and Phone 725-1585. brand new, never portable, heavy 1010 DUNDAS WHITBY hee 3 "Faylor sate Parts' and sories Acces RAMSDEN TAG-A-LONG TENT CAMPING TRAILERS @ Rental Bookings Now Being Token JACKSON TRAILER SALES. AND RENTALS Simcoe St. N 728-3748 sale, 4B' x & Reasonable Wednesday, Telephone 728-6245 487 0261 or MOBILE HOME fo or A ar 728-9317, iday anlv 39 Glover Road, ; PETERBORO cedar SAIR skirt and lining, lace yoke decorated with! a CORS rainbow sequins with matching pattern $40. One| to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sole s For Hot Results' 13--Articles For Rent NOW ! SIX SERVICE BAYS For Auto Service ® WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct | dlignirient, inspect and correct castor and .camber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition 6.88 @ Parts, extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra, e BRAKE SPECIAL (most popular cars), First Quality Royaline 4-wheels Gees 1SOe e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH TELEPHONE 725-6511 AUTOMATIC DRYER, nine months old n good condition} high speed with three fabric program, $100. Telephone 723-3224 affer 6 p.m. WESTINGHOUSE RANGE, 24", very) Good condition. Phone 728-5097 or 723-9686 FENDER STEEL GUITAR, golf clubs. and bag and cart (left) for sale. For. an further particulars telephone 723-6607 BOY'S THREE-SPEED bicycle, $22. phone 725-5670, HOME-MADE BOAT trailer, $25., box trailer $25., lady's bike $15., Isetta car| $50. Telephone 728-3096 | | Tele- 12 HP ELGIN motor, 12' word boat, power mower, electric guitar and two bicycles. Apply 476 Cromwell] Avenue, Oshawa | 60" beam ply haster range, Westinghouse washing ma chine, studio couch, power lawn mower | Telephone Whitby 668-3260 or apply 1301] Gifford Street, Whitby | BOY'S BICYCLE, in good condition, also 2 Sylvania TY. Telephone 4668-2739, Whitby BABY CARRIAGE, excellent Reasonable. Four maple chairs. phone 668-4728, Whitby. COLLECTORS -- Ganteen: stamps, (rising ocean), W. W. 2 issue, two .blocks $1 0 | K. H. Stamps, FO Box 383, Whitby, OF tario 17-CUBIC FOOT VIKING freezer, in 9000 | condition, $140. Telephone Whitby 668. | 5627. VACUUM brushes, et Fleming Pickering. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower| structure, all-channel antenna nstalled, | $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton | | condition. | Tele-| Rare Nfld. Mil tary sun over repairs, all makés, hoses,/| Pick-up, delivery. 942-0212 | Vacuum Service, Main Street, Road Easf, just east of Ritson Road jon BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture! and appliances. One location only. Pretty | Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723 3271 BABY BARGAINS, Carriages $29 95, | Strollers $7.88, mattresses $9.88, play| pens $9.88, chrome high chair $10. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church BUYING OR SELLING | furnitu' P- pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-274 or 263-2695, NEW, USED -- vacuums, pairs to all makes. New hoses Jack Lees, 728-6956, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cash registers, desks, chairs, file , cabinets. Terms, trades. New, used, rentals service, Bill | Hamilton, Raglan |GUARANTEED Polishers. Re Phone used wringer washers, GOOD USED FURNITURE, stoves, aurant birds WOODS, 9 x 12 HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY FOR YOUR MEAT THIS WEEK? 49c |b. Shop the Kleer-Pak way and you can. Steak, Roosts, 'Loin Pork Chops, Bacon, Chickens, Pork Sausage, Wieners, Beef Pat- ties, Cooked Meots, etc. No Money Down No Membership Fee BUDGET TERMS call our office KLEER-PAK FOODS LTD. Oshawa 725-8863 _fall items guaranteed) We have just bought a forge bankrupt stock of name brand RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, bel® sanders, floor sand- ers, i PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres- sors, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric virator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, tractor tires, All sizes. Fully guaranteed for a good price call 728-9432. (No dealers please.) Attersiey Tire Service Ltd 227 Toronto St., Oshawa frias anc MacNeil's Fur Whitby, 668-548 etc, Reasonable. niture, 215 Dundas East, REFRIGERATORS, benches, with cage kitchen sulte, rest dresser, two budgie Telephone 723-0564 tent with lantern and sleeping equipment. Best offer. Telephone 668-6509. SMITH ACETYLENE welding torch. cut ting tips and goggles complete. Telephone 728-5674 KITCHEN CHROME SET, consisting of four chairs and table, in good condition Telephone 728-6188 12 FT. X 14 FT. FLY, complete with ad- | justable steel poles, new condition. 954 Somerville Street | VACUUM CLEANER, canister type, $20; GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator, Chet| heavy abt sieve, 30", suitable cot 263 2567 9--Market Basket STRAWBERRIES Small or large orders for freezing or preserving ,also pick your own. 2 mile east of Manchester, 5th concession, PARKINSON'S PORT PERRY Phone 985-2415 _ for | eae, $30. Telephone FRESH STRAWBERRIES for sale |take orders for freezers. Martin | Dyke, Ashburn, 655-4753 APPLES -- 2nd grade, Mcintosh, trolled atmosphere, $1.50 per bus Iso |Ist grade Mac's. Bring own containers. JAlgoma Orchards Ltd., Thickson North, Whitby Fresh strawberries daily. FRESH DAILY -- strawberries | for sale townline North, 1' King Street East. FRESH con roasting chickens, 40¢ 10 or more. Phone 728. 5291, 10--Farmers' Column _ HAY FOR SALE -- Ted Mirowski, "Hane cock Road North, Courtice, 723-0756. CUSTOM WORK -- Hay cut, raked and baled. Telephone 668-2102 or 942-1593. FOR SALE -- 25 acres of standing hi Alfaifa, red clover and Phone 655-3555. FREE -- four and three acres of hi be cut, baled and taken away. Only pay for this advertisement. Apply A. F. ee ford, 59 Garrard Road. Phone 723-374 timothy. Tele- Vie BUSINESS for sale. Road doing good miles north of LEARN professional pound, |Large capohs, 50c per pound, Deliver on our «1 Fi ive-day week, Sussex Street woter pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, romset, power roll. ers, electric hammers, mason- ory saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws 'elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' band saw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger, STAN"S yt tly & Sat LTD. 233 King St. W Oshawa PHONE 723- 4224 1 4--Business Opportunities Due to illness we have listed a Sporting Goods Business with C.C.M. and Lawnboy franchises. Business and brick building with good parking | are being sold together, es- | tablished 19° years, income | limited only by illness. Terms to be arranged, information to interested parties only. Con- tact; LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 King St. E. | 728-4678 Beauty Salon full, equipped. Call Jean Hum at Don Stra- deski Real Estate 723-465] for any further { particulars. SNACK BAR and variety store for sale business, choice location. Owner moving away. No agents, please, Write Box 36139, Oshawa Times meat cutting and merchandising. Day and evening classes. Special rate. for out of towners, Call now collect 534-8451 or write about home study courses, 1166 Dundas West, Toronto 3, Ontario, __|15--Employment Wanted HIGH SCHOOL | STUDENT "willing te te baby sit at child's home in the Phillip i warcay Ave. area, z RELIABLE WOMAN will { oe in her home, two yea care of or older. |. Tele phone 723-8083. EXPERIENCED finishing carpenter re y to! quires work, trim, cupboards, rec-room by contract er by the hour. Telephone jie 7066 after six o'clock. television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up.| PICK YOUR OWN strawberries, Mondays [HIGH SCHOOL BOY, age 14 desires lite can Furniture and Appliances. coe South, 723 PLAYER PIANO with rolls. in very. good | P condition. Aslo 54" bed, complete. Drapes 144 Inches, Telephone Bay Ridges 839-3223 or '877 Ontario Street. REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; new smooth top mattresses stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and used, Valley) T Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-440) USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, fires, motors, We buy scrap radiaotrs, $4; gens., starters, 6V, 50 ¢.; 12V 90c; batteries, $1.50. 725-2162, 175 Nelson Street WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The Tradin Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-16 TYPEWRITER, 'standard, $20; "portable $35.; adding machine $25., electric typewriter, $55., electric Itemizer register, $75. 723-4434. FREE! Furnace Cleaned, adjusted free Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you pur chase from Western il Co. 725-1212 i skiffs 14 foot used 100.00 each, Oil space heaters, good shape |15.00 each. Oil heated hot water tanks fike new 50.00 each. International sail boat. Best offer will be considered. Apply P.O, Box 1, Peterborough, telephone J. Simmonds Buckhorn 657-8513 after 6:00 ~ beds, $12; $19.95 | Obedience training, Call Claremont. 2617 COCKER SPANIEL pups, 6 weeks ready to go, $5 each. Apply 945 Floreli| m, . Bring vv dae No Under 14. 668-4604 FRESH CUT baled hay. | fields or we will deliver, Telephone 668. 8003. REGISTERED German "ahegherd "| pup- seen at 734 Cortez Avenue, Bay Ridges Telephone 839-3793. |BUY A BARGAIN 'through Ads, Need something? Check Ads now! 11--Pets and Livestock Classified | the City| SAMOYED PUPPIES (pure white), eight | weeks old, male and female. Telephone 65: 5-3071 for any further particulars GERMAN SHORT-HAIRED puppies, reg ipm|istered. Telephone 723-2993. cash| GELDING RIDING horse and saddle for {sale LABRADOR three months old, black. All pups retriev-| Telephone 728-1097. RETRIEVERS egistered X-rayed and 649. ng well stock. Boarding old, Drive, Oshawa, POODLES -- clipping, boarding, puppies p for sale. Townline north. Phone Lundilu, m. MATTRESS BARGAINS, All types of mat tresses, all reduced, Smooth-top mat- tresses, $29,; crib mattresses, $9.88; mat- tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni ture, 20 Church Sfreet. BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, usec BEAUTIFUL baby bud: jtraining, talking strain, Broad, 114 Elgin East Two, puppies, white, 6 weeks old, make ador- able pets. 723-6216. dg ready for Apply Mrs. T. PUREBRED, toy, French poodle Apply 312 French Street. Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready tor | Street East, 725-6344 t REFRIGERATOR also rangette, "both in good condition, Telephone 668-31 668-3179, COTTAGE SPECIALS -- beds $16, fridges $30., table and chair sets $19., dressers $10., cribs $10., stoves $19., washers $15, 16 Bond Street West; 25 Bond Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4401 TV TOWERS Special -- 40-ff. structure, all channel antenna, $50, TRIO Television 728-5143 FISH EXPERTLY "MOUNTED, able prices. Cash for used guns, Sports, 589 Albert Street, 725-5798. MOVIE OUTFIT "Bell and Howell" cam- era and light bar projector, screen and cord, Two 39" continental headboards (new), three knotty pine coffee tables (new), three photo cameras with flash attachments. Phone 728-5806. FREE, clean brick rubble at Hely Cross Church, Oshawa FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual- ity furniture, only $299, inc., complete bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem- bles. Pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable ~ reason- Paul's Broad, POODLE PUPS. White mini tered, Whitby 668-2490. COSY J Ranch Kennels. | Shepherd pups, mos., shots, stud servs. niture. a. S481, raining, talking strain. Apply Mrs, T. 14 Elgin East. ature. Regis Excellent breeding. Must sell. female 2 yrs., Ashburn 655-4662 12--Articles Wanted E and lantern Double ¢ air. mattresses, sleeping bags and heat er, Phone 725-8597, GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have you? Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-4401, REPAIRS to fi rod all ner, 103 Byron South, Whitby (block west of four corners). GOOD USED furniture wanted, etc. High: Is Is and reels a and Coleman products. Sportsman's Cor- est prices. Call anytime. MacNeils' Fur $68 6526. 13--Articles for" Rent valve! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S$. | ONE RECONDITIONED 40-foot, inch and quarter tower structure with double B-2-1-3 aerial, $39.95. Telephone 723-8131. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Bargains, big savings on furniture, appliances Closing soon. Honest Cal's Limited, 424 |King Street West. COMPLETE SET of World Reference Encyclopedia, set medical encyclopedia, lalso ou World Natures Library. Phone 723-7; GHaTTuaFTaLD BARGAINS of floor models, 2 pc. suites with' foam. cushions from $138. Modern 4 seater sets from $158. 3 pc. sectionals from $188 Witson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. LARGE TRUCK LOAD of lumber for} ssale, 2 2 x 8 siding, hardwood floor- ing. Telephone 942-1434 | SMALL O1L FURNACE; ride-on mower; small air compressor; large body sander; 9 x-12 tent. Telephone 725-9483 |GARDEN TRACTOR and Rototiller, good condition. After five, telephone 725 7008 REFRIGERATOR, 12 cu. ft., two years old wedding dress, veil and headpiece size 12-14. Phone 723-5173 FULLER BRUSH Products ile, Newcastle, Oreno, Courtic ham County residents. Telephone Elsie iWUlite, davtimee 83-0404 Bowman e all Dur-|NEED Help Wanted ad now Tables, Chairs, Linens, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Urns, Punch Bowls, Wear, Men"s Formals, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 436 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 Dish- Coffee Bridal White WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, Aid Rentals, sick Beatrice, room supplies. 725-1644 105 CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church aisle runners. Simcoe Street North. | ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred people? quets, parking, 723-2140 mornings Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Call 723-2614 Tennis weddings. for ban. kitchen, Club Bar, Oshawa parties, PER MONTH The cost of this ad, daily for one yeor, Too small to be noticed? You're reading it? HURRY? Place a by dialing 723-3492, '2e HELP. IN A Pick up from eg. German! males 7) guard duties, at private pool. Has bronze ne [330 wires pima Wednesdays' after 6, medallion, Telephone 725-1271 children \17--Female Help Wanted _ CALCULATOR OPERATOR | We require a high school gra- | duote skilled in the opera tion of a calculator, to as- | sist in the calculation of bo- } mus poyments for our incen- | tive system. TV'S. $29.95; | pies, black and tan, 8 weeks old. May be! nt | Previous office experience pre- ferred, typing not essential, Excellent working conditions, | Attractive starting salary and the usual range of employee benefits ~ further details please con- BATHURST CONTAINERS Whitby, Ont. 668-3371 WAITRESSES WANTED TAMBLYN SODA BAR appearance. Over 21 please. Apply in person. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | Neat WOMEN required to care for four chil- dren, live-in. Telephone 728-9289 for any further particulars. $80, MONTHLY, plus room and board, in return for babysitting and light house- keeping. Liberal' time off. For appoint- |ment call 728-9958 after 5.30 p.m EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. No Sundays or holidays. Apply Rose Bowl Grill, 24 Bond Street West. MATURE CLERK-TYPIST | insurance office. Apply -in Box 35650, Oshawa Times. RELIABLE WOMAN children, live in or out, 0239 WOMEN REQUIRED to sell custom pic- ture framing, paintings and art supplies Some experience in art beneficial out not necessary. Must provide own transpor'a |tion while selling on the road. Commis- sion plus expenses. For appointment 'call Clark's Frames, etc., 325 Brock Street North, Whitby, 668-4497 after 1 p.m. GENERAL OFFICE WORK, mid-March fo mid-December each year. Older ex perienced weman preferred. Telephone 728-1633 for appointment HELP WANTED -- Sales person wanted for larger furniture store. Flair for color and design an asset, Reply giving exper- lence if any to: Box 29949, Oshawa Times. WANTED -- Reliable lady or girl to help with housework. Vicinity Whitby, No children. Write Oshawa Times, Whitby, Box No, 24641. BEAUTY COUNSELORS has organiza) ional and sales openings. Excellent op- sortunit sl or part time. 723-9349, 725: required for writing. te: to care for two Telephone 723- | TELEPHONE SOLICITORS and door to door canvassers wanted for part - time 'work. $1 per hour, Telephone 723-1163,

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