24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 6, 1900 21 8 Wh Ae Fs A [EET T TTP ttt T 7B f nw = MARKET T TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP Toronte Stock ee, ' Quotations in cents unless marked $. %--Odd lot, xd--Exdl rights, ey a Net change is fr lous board rom = prev! , Mom Abitibi Alta Gas T A Ci €lairtone € Savings Con Paper Cons Gas Corby B €oronatn rwn Trst Crush intl Cyanus A Cygnus pr Deitona Dist) Seag D Electre Dofasco Dom Glass Bom store Domtar 4 Textila Emco Exquisite Falcon Fed Farm Ford USA. Ford Cnda Gen Baker 6MC Goodyear GL Power Hardee imp Oj imp Tob Ind Accept tn Accept p Ind Adhes Ind Miner ind Wire int Nickel Int Uti intpr Pipe Intpr Steel tntpr Sti pr Inv Gro A Jefferson deffersn w Magi M Lf Mills Mass-Fer rap Stores Noranda §& Nor Ctl @ Aw Util p Pac Pete Pow Corp StL Corp p Salada Shell Can Sheil inv 6 Shell Inv w Shop Save Siiverwa A Simptons Sister St! Stee! Can Tencord Thom N P Tone Craft Tor Om Bk Tor iron W cifie ton A a Sates High Lew a.m. Ch'ge INDUSTRIALS vidend, xr--Ex- lot closing sale, wie Net jo $1) 1) 210 $32% 32% 1s 10 % 0 878 » 18 ° 570 ss 2» ® cane Granisie $77% 20 182 184 18% 14 a 4 tf v7 Ld "a 50 1 = "3 3 2 ais 415 a5 + 5 Hydra Ex Inf Bible T aye delex Joliet Kam Kotla Kerr Add 256 256 --4 n i 28 28 ee 256 "i $26 5 Wis 50> "Mn 44 Maiartic "eo 6 6 Marcon wo 7 7 7 Marti 5454 Mattgm! Me siftyre Ment Merrill Midrim Moneta Mt Wright MultlkMi Neonex Ww N Hoste Newlund N mylene New Taku Nick hum Niste +10 54 "i Bb 2 6% 4 +1% 17% 1% 62% 36 3 22 13% 324 9% 4 374 by a Le a 168 §2 a=) 154 b= 6 0 165 25 $52 $15% 300 400 10% 941% $10% 10% $94Ve 94 225 2258 225 110 $50¥8 Sova 50% +1! 335 $150%4 150 150 2000 $8 3 279 39090 25$170 170 1 & fa 26% x rf si 11% a | Ss sil" 1% A "4 | | | 5% 5 100 275 «75 ve +§ $33 $104 19% 194+ % 210 819% 19/2 19% $)0% 104 0% + % 450 Hits 1% 17+ % 225 $56 24 910% 18% 301 $844 54a S44 100 $14% 14% 14% -- 200 $22 21% 22 oo 250 6% 64 6% 237 ae 7% 8% 108 3 340 «(340 257 rr] 4 95 vid $4 24 24+ 976% 76% 164 + Va Pry 7 7% «= Va) 135 $24¥e 24Ve U4Ve 450. 911% 11% 11% -- Ve 5 $30¥2 3% Wr + Va 0 $2i"8 HY 24+ 0 460 «460 «(460 3 18. ve is ry is uy vad HO $50 275 $\8% im 1 + " 00 810% = es 1% $434 710 $14" rr ts 200 826% 26%0 26% 14 410 390 278 $17 v? 12034 225 $14 14% 14% 100 360 360 «360 150 450 1000 $17% 110 $854 25 $27\2 200 56% 15 $12%4 435 $53\% 500 317% 2 $76 a0 450 +5 Vv 1%-- 85% 854 + V4} 272 W\a+ Ve 6h 6% i WW 12% | 52% 52% ~~ Ys} 1% 12% -- Ve % 7% 2 00 812% 12% 12%-- bi | 150 $11% 11% 11% 45 $14% 144 144 -- Ve 920 $14% 14a 144-- Ve 70 6$5/e Be SK 100 125 125 = 125 960 $754 73% 75 21% 92% + V2 10% + Vs} 2u¢% 74+ +1% 00 4' Sa | 16M 1 | $e aM 7a ad | 1100 $16% 16% 16% 150 495 495 495 410 963% 63 5 $280 274 21 333 2 ao $544 5% «OS 197 $32% 32% 32% 100 $4814 48\4 48% | 2445 940 «920 «(940 1100 $16% 16% 200 $10 10 215 $25 4% 650 $11%4 ss 45 44D ue $295 J] 29% 29% 200 HH a9 115 $19 19% 100 821% 21% 21% 4 | @ matigm Nor Acme Norbeau oo bu bw aN > 6 Peni lov Pax int 2U00 wn Perron luvs oVa y ov" Pine Point 2100 64 Piacer "A Proce M 20 Puraex a0 Te Pyramid $iu% is = bo 3 $29/8 578% sim Radiore Rio s#igom Rio 5.00 Pr Kio Alg CW Rix Athab Rckwn Roman Sailer Satellite Sherritt Silvmagq Stance Steep R Sullivan Territory Texore Tombili Tormont Tribag U Asoestos U_ Buffadn Urban. @ Vespar. West Mine Wilco Witlroy Windfall Yale Lead Yukon € Zenmat B) s + 220 ig-- 98 uv u 23 4 OT $13% 13% 595 59S M5 C545 " u 2 41a 47 "7 18 115 19% 19% Wat Vo 13% «130 «(190 2500 37 8 +I OILS, GAS Am Ledue 21% 214 21" 4 Asamera " is Banff Galvert 1 4 330 'ae ro tiv C Gridoil 390 Dome Pete 600 HN 4 15 Dynami¢ 405 400 ,405 Fargo 210 330 330 "330 Gt Collsds a ve 11% 1%-- Int Hellum m2 «(232 Mill City 200 200 N Cont 3 8 Numac 145145 Permo 26% oe Peruv 223 265 62 $29 88 $30 2% 000 280 «278 a4 00 650 650 wm 5 325 325 325 Sales fo 11 a.m.: nai 813,000. Age Toronto 10:40 am Fonaion hain i} 00 0 ass 45 465 --10 100 $55% 55% 55% +1% 100 260 260 260 --ié Wote W Decalte --10 Agnico +10 Chib M Coch Will Denison Multl-M 3 Quebec Medicare Delayed QUEBEC (CP)--Jean - Paul Cloutier, health minister in Que-| bec's new Union Nationale gov-! jernment, gave reasons Tuesday hight why the province cannot |have a medical care plan in ef- fect before January, 1968. Mr. Cloutier said an a CRC | French-language television pro- gram that the Quebec commit- y|tee studying the plan was dis- th] solved March 31, before groups widely representative of the! people had had a chance to ex press their views. Groups still unheard included) jthe Catholic '4' and the Quebec College of Phy- Farmers' Union sicians and Surgeons The committee has been re- vived, said the health minister, 2 NN" 11% WA+ 2 774 a+ $10% 10% 10% + Ye ++% da Lies gos ea ae st 2 Dam Ys $14% 1458 14 Ys) 65» Be 124 = |men and Women on the job. a | ee Lo BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT TORONTO (CP)--Here's some advice for menwho are tired of hearing their wives complain about having to wash and wax the kitchen floor. Ask them how they'd like to: Take care of 'six miles of hallways; Be responsible for 1,650,000 |square feet of floors, or about 35 acres; --Clean more than 220 wash- "| rooms daily; Polish windows containing more glass than is used in a town of 10,000 population; Be ready to provide person- alized maid service for hundreds |of clients. | That's part of the houseclean- \ing chore being undertaken by |Médern Building Cleaning, a ; | division of Dustbane Enterprises | Ltd., at the new Toronto-Domin- jion Bank tower now filling a ;large part of the Toronto sky- line. Admittedly, Modern has some/represents the largest cleaning} problem, however, since all em-jOf Crane Co. of Canada Ltd. consolation for its task -- ajcontract ever awarded in Can-|ployees are bonded and their|next Thursday in an all-out ef- | $1,000,000 - a - year contract--| land will be putting more 275) But it's a sample of | growth going on in one of the unsung service industries Canada, cleaning for hire RECKONS VOLUME There is no authoritative esti- ,|mate of how. big the industry! Thousands From Scotland | Emigrate To Canada Scene GLASGOW (CP) Despite government efforts to entice Skilled workers and profession- als to stay in Britain, thousands of Scots are emigrating to Can- ada: When the Canadian Pacific flagship Empress of Canada sailed from neatby Greenock 2|Tuesday, boufid for Quebec City jand Montreal, she had a record 11,078 passengers--many. of them emigrants, many from Scot land. The 'Empress was the first| , transatlantic liner to leave the| Clyde since the 46-day Britis h| |day. | James Carrick, Ontario immi- i 7 |gration officer in Glasgow, esii-|ttemendous a am a+ Va -- that 8,500 Scots have em- ' young persons, the} in} 1,000,000 Spent Yearly To Keep Building Clean really is, DUT One recent Unites States study suggested it is the fourth-largest in dollar volume -- the services. mn says the cost of clean- ing gee and schools alone in Canada runs to almost $2,000,- 000,000 a year. Throw in the thousands of commercial estab- lishments using cleaning serv- ices and, one cleaning execu- tive says, talk of $5,000,000,000) $6,000,000,000 a year would prob ably be conservative. "There are hundreds of small) plants in just one small indus- trial area of Toronto or Mont- real," he says. "You figure al- most all of these use outside! cleaning help, then multiply that by the thousands of industrial sites in Canada--well, you fig-| ure it out if you can." The T-D tower, to be the tal lest building in North America outside Manhattan when it) opens for occupancy next year,| ada. | Other 'statistics: It will re- |quire 1,600 gallons of floor pol ish just to go through the build- ing once; more than 200 ma- chines such as vacuum clean- floor polishers and auto- jmatic scrubbers--and costing |from $125 to $600 each--will be lused in the battle. ers, igrated to Canada in the first half of 1966, équal to the total for all of 1965. "The number of inquiries has exceeded all our expectations," Carrick said in an interview. "We have been amazed at the humber of high-Salaried people who have come to us "Traftic to Canada from Scot- land by air and séa is up by 40 to 50 per cent over- last year. All the indications are that this will be a record year.' Ron MacDougal, head of the| Canadian government 'immigra tion office here, said the major-| grate to Canada feel Canada is a vigorous country offering opportunities for OTTAWA (CP)--The bill es- tablishing the Bank of Western Canada received third reading in the Commons Tuesday and was sent to the Senate for the second time. The proposed bank with cap- jital stock of $25,000,000 first ap- |peared in the Senate last year. After protacted committee de- bate it was approved and intro- duced in the Commons where lit died. | This year the bank's backers managed to have the private |bill establishing the bank intro- jduced in the Commons first. The bill ran into heavy oppo- |sition in the Commons finance committee which tacked some = Gives Third Reading 'To Bank Of West Canada Bill six pages of amendments on to the three-page bill. However, Tuesday the Com- mons accepted the amended bill and after brief debate by two NDP members gave it third and final reading. If the Senate passes it the bank will be in business. . Arnold Peters (NDP--Timisk- aming) observed that the pro- posed bank may be headed by James Coyne, former: governor of the Bank of Canada and one of the new bank's directors. Although not taking any ex- |though there are hundreds of | pany secrets Suggested the committee make an interim report before Pur- jliament's |drop the federal tax since all "|witnesses to appear at the in- ception to the bill at this late} -------- Se--quickly.has the profes-| sional cleaning service grown that, although Modern was set up only 12 years ago, it now is larger than its parent Dustbane Enterprises, which supplies cleariing products and equip- Vegetables In Demand Overseas CHATHAM (CP) -- Demand | fim for Canadian canned fruits and vegetables is at an all-time high in Britain and Germany, says Frank Parry, chairman of the local producers and processors marketing council. Mr. Parry, who recently re- turned from Europe with Phil Robinson, secretary of the Na- tional Food Processors Associa- tion, said British and German aT LOON ms WALU buyers are willing to pay a pre- mium for Canadian canned products. beceuse..of high uel, Ontario tomato products are so popular that more than 50 fuitchen...convanianca_.with ufi Open the doors to a new world of ious 14-cubic foot beauty. Extro- be 122 Ib. Frost-Free Freezer features TILT bg CUBE KEEPER, Ec Bee this. Nsiee 5 = per cent of the tomato juice used in Great Britain comes ment. | Now operating in 35 cites from coast to coast, Modern} employs about 4,000 people. claims to be the largest firm in Canada, al- it cleaning |all the Ontario cherries canned from Ontario. The British market is open to this year, he said, and tender fruit processors will be asked to make available 20,000 to 30,- 000 cases of cherries to give others--even thousands, a Mod- ern official says, if you count} operations that can consist of ne more than a man and his wifs, 2 bucket and a mop. One matter all companies have to face is clearing its em-| |ployees who, through their ac-| }cess to executive offices, could |have a chance to pick up com-! wr help themselves te =orchandise. Modern says is this not a background undergoes a care- ful check. "In one large department storé we také care of goods were disappearing and as usual someone said it had to be a cleaning woman," he says. "But an investigation showed it was one of the store's own protec- itive Staff.' | Drug Proposal Is Set Aside OTTAWA (CP) Proposals) for an immediate recommenda-| tion that the government ex:| empt prescription drugs from the 1l-per-cent sales tax were set aside temporarily in the Commons drug. prices inquiry Tuesday. Two Conservative MPs, S. J. Enns of Portage-Neepawa and Dr. Lewis Brand of Saskatoon, summer recess to quiry have said it coniributes +1¥*| seamen's strike ended last Fri-jity of Scots who want to emi- eg higher consumer drug prices. Dr. Harry Harley (L--Hal-} ton), committee chairman, said its instructions. were to make} a. series of recommendations about lowering drug costs. He suggested it would be more sys- tematic to complete hearing | witnesses before making pro-| jposals to the government The committee is not ex-| pected to complete its inquiry until next fall. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Holden Manufacturing Co, Ltd., 'class A 15 cents, Aug. 1, record July 15 Manoir Industries Ltd., com- mon $ cents, July 15, record July 6 Noranda Mines Ltd., 45 cents, Sept. 15, record Aug. 12. Stage, Mr. Peters said the time had come when the banking in- dustry in Canada should be na- tonalized STOCKS TORONTO (CP) Western oils were the only major group to advance on the Toronto Stock | Exchange Tuesday as the mar- | ket turned in another dull per- | formance, Volume totalled 2,502,000 shares compared with 2,346,000 Monday. Pacific Petroleum and Union | Oil led the oil advance, gaining %% each to 12% and 30. and its mandate extended to| Banks paced the decline as September. The date set for implementa- tion of the medical care plan by the former Liberal government Montreal retreated % to 58%, | Nova Scotia % to 6914 and Im- perial-Commerce % to 63. Tor- onto-Dominion added \% at 63., | PRODUCE SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale | to retail cartén eggs average! weighted prices quoted by the| j}agriculture department as of jJuly 5: A large 51.5; -A medium | 45.3; A small 34.5 Eggs: Wholesale price to| country stations fibre cases quoted by the Toronto Board of | \Trade trom wholesale egg deal-! ers: Extra-large 48-49; large 46- |47; medium 36-37: small 37; B 37-38; C 33-34, Butter prices: Agricultural Stabilization board tenderable carlots: Buying 40 score 59; are pleosed to announce the Appointment Of JERRY COADY to their office 'Quebec Urges Firm To Stay overseas consumers a taste of the product. QUEBEC (CP)--Labor Minis- ter Maurice Bellemare of Que- bec said Tuesday he intends méeting with the management Ral D ICE CUBE TRAY COMPART- MENT, ee oe stor- ll inside the SEPARATE F FEZ R 'DOOR. Arctic-Flow refrig- erator compartment offers CHROME SLIDE-OUT SHELVES, PORCELAIN MEAT KEEPER, twin PORCELAIN VEGETABLE CRISPERS, removable BUCKET, BIG, Hg aie Ns Bibb REFRIGERATOR DOOR has rote BUTTER AND CHEESE PARTMENTS. Beatty's plonned and divided refrigerator door storage Spoce gives you lots of room for bottles, jars, cartons. Glamorous in- terior is finished in white porcelain, highlighted with chrome, anodized aluminum and two-tone surquoise trim. Outside styling features anod- dzed aluminum trim, decorator plastic finish handle and aerylic enamel fin- ish, Available in White, Antique Copper or Sandalwood exterior colors, isteel goods ranging from indus« fort to keep the Company pro-| ducing in Quebec. | "IT am going to do all I can to retain this industry in Que- béc'"', he said in an interview. The company has expressed its intention of moving its quar- ters to Brantford. It employs more than 1,000 workers in the Montreal area. The company manufactures trial machinery to domestic ap- pliances. FAILURES FALL The number of business fail- ures in Canada dropped to 197 in May, the smallest number since last August, Dun and Bradstreet reports. In the first five months, business failures totalled 1,108 compared with 1,184 in the same period of 1965. CONSTRUCT PLANT _ Sylvania of Canada said Tues- day it will build a $3,000,000 plant at Cornwall to make color television picture tubes, Produc- tion is expected to start in early 1967 with about 100 persons on the job. | CLEARING THIS WEEK... 491 Ritson Rd. § OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M RE Ei ne 5289 | GLECOFF' Round Steak ROAST C lb Fresh Ground HAMBURG 99 723-3343 TAKE HOME THESE Grocery Specials BREAD EGGS GRADE "A" MED. HAMBURG OR HOT DOG ROL WHETLEY'S STRAWBERRY POPSICLES GLECOFF BRAND lat GRADE 5 24-02. LOAVES 4 nes, 99° 2 "2 9ge 1D on 45° ESSESECEEE: 99° 2 Ye von 99° ve)was July 1, 1967, and this, said) Among industrials, Alcan Al- |Mr. Cloutier, gave too short a|uminium fell % to 38 and Walk- |time for full study | ers % to 3244. Imperial Oil and The minister said the new |Calgary Lower increased % |government is cs in complete| each to 54% and 26%. ang ¥ Bev oto s --3 |agreement with thé federal gov-/ Golds made the strongest re-| , TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana-| Ansi 7A 10 ="%4| ernment principle of all schemes | covery and were down .22 on in- K. bond market was off ¥% in| Aarmore § m4 24 being universal dex to 175.90 after being as low/@uiet trading Tuesday. oa ee Mr. Cloutier said this could)as 172.52 near the opening.) Short-term Government of Beaks ligt Gide established in stages but at) Dome was off 1% to 49% while | Canada bonds closed with 414- til bee first "the needs of certain/Giant Yellowknife gained % to|per-cent April 15, 1967, issue | Classes of society would have to! 13%. | closing at $99.25 bid and $99.30 ibe considered.' __|,, Base metals were mixed with asked Black Bay Braiorne rf re Roman Corp, up % to 13% while} Long-term Canada and pro-| Brunswk j * . Hud B d y ci | ie "aan ce!" ie ceva eee »| To The Arteries On index, industrials were off} jper-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue 18 to' 162.26, base metals .18 to} |qQuoted at 86% bid. and 865% ATHENS, Greece (Reuters)--| |93.77 and the TSE .4 to 154.19.| (asked. In provincials, the On-| blithe lowly olive, excellant far |Western oils climbed .78 to\tario Hydro 6-per-cent issue due . 5 |greasing a pan or gracing te y;Martini, may help preve sc 103.75 July 5, 1088 closed at $99% bid atts Seseee and hardening at| NET EARNINGS | and $100 asked Day-to-day money | was | short Supply at a ber cent. +1] 'This is what two internation-| BY THE CANADIAN PRESS | ae jally-known heart specialists say| Tooke Bros. Ltd., year ended| _ INCREASES DIVIDEND after completing a six - year|Dec. 31: 1965, $88,539; 1964,| Noranda Mines Ltd. Tuesday (Study of the men of Corfu and | $239,767 |increased its quarterly dividend Crete, where olive oil is an im-| Canadian International Power |P@¥ment to 45 cents a share} |portant element in their diet. |Co. Ltd., threé. months ended|{fom 40 cents a share payable} | Dr. Christos Arvanis Rs March 31: 1966, $2,668,379; 1965, | Sept. 15 to shareholders of rec- Athens University and Dr | $2,462,267, jord Aug. 12. jsel Keys of the University ye" Universal Sections Lid., year) === |Minnesota found that of the | ended March 31: 1966, $268,845, | 360, 839, $1.22 w share; 1965, $1,- 11,215 men on the islands be-|§7 cents a share; 1965, $201,418, " 666, $1.07 an an oe of Pd - 59/50 cents Canadian Converters' Co. Ltd., \Studied only four suffered from| H. Corby Distillery Ltd., nine| year ended Dec. 31; 1965, $147,- 'heart or arteries troubles. 'months ended May $1: 1966, $1,- oth 1964, $340,881. | |buying 39 score 58; selling 59. BONDS MINES 7 »" » ™% 17% 1" 8 185 = +1 +" Acme Gas All Pitch Arg Ruyn $00 4 NEW CROP CALIFORNIA Red Cardinal or Green Seediess 29° SUNKIST Good Sizer ORANGES 3 x: 99° NO. 1 ONTARIO NEW CABBAGES Drugs and Clothing KOTEX REG. 53¢ 45¢ BAN DEODORANT nic, 1.29 99° CUE TOOTHPASTE nec. 1.49 99° NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM ac. 55. 89° GLECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Open. Daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m, Shop by Phone -- Call 725-3445 LOTS OF FREE PARKING WM 12% 11% 00 263 283 283 0 $13 19% 12% We welcome his experience and |] Sales Representative | 14 years of Real Es- integrity tate selli ry BUYING or for SELLING "SIGN OF ACTION" | FOR SALE in D state tava tate 7 0 7 ta ae ae a "6 $558 S58 55\4 0 47) 480 Ge ea * % a 728-7576 | Estate Ltd. 76 ST. W. Cl AWA Dunrain rt East $ull P'west T Frncoeur Frobex 0 124 Genex nO % Glenn Exp 2. 12 @oldray 3 74 Golarm "] a a #10 795 800 5 et i 4 Mh 1444+) ie 5 ae | 2. --1 3 4%