Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1966, p. 9

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NEWS IN BRIEF | SENTENCE PERFORMER _#spired illegally in 1963 to incite TORONTO (CP)--A 22-year-|\desertion from 45 ships in Ca-| old Toronto tight rope walker | nadian ports. The nine men are, was sentenced Tuesday to 2%/accused of inciting SIU mem-) years in penitentiary for theft|bers to protest federal trustee- of $10,000 worth of merchandise| ship of maritime unions. irom the 'I'. Eaton Co., where) he Worked. James Michael| CONCILIATION SET Cochrane 'was arrested last), OTTAWA (CP)--A spokesman month four hours before he was|{0r the 17,000-member Brother-| to give his first high-wire per-| formance since he broke both legs last July in a 40-foot fall|dispute with the two national at the ; |railways will go to conciliation ee 'July 11 in Montreal, J. M. Cal- WINTERS CRITICAL laway, special representative, TORONTO (CP) -- Canada's | Said official notice was received! minister of trade and commerce| Tuesday by the union to appear criticized Canadian _ business-| before the three-man concilia- men Tuesday for failing to get|tion board headed by Judge behind Expo 67, 'Expo is not| Walter Little of Parry Sound, up to par in industrial partici-| Ont. pation as other world fairs have! been," Robert Winters said at eee none, SCHOOL a 'news coaference. ee Montreal-based Canadian World concerns should participate 85 University Committee proposed it will increase their profits and y 4 Iso help Canada," he said Tuesday the establishment of a ew oF * | world university with campuses) AWARDS FELLOWSHIPS in Canada, France, Italy; "" TORO' CP)--The Mea-| etland and Latin America. The ical nyo ts 'Council of Can.{commitiee, composed tainly of ada Tuesday ed the|Professi 1 men and university award of 138 research fellow-|P ships for 1966-67 with a total Canada sponsor the plan. value of $817,100. Recipients in-; ANGUS SHOW SCHEDULED clude 50 foreign students, 44 of REGINA (CP)--The Canadian, whom will study in Canada. nternational Aberdeen Angus! Te show, celebrating the 1967 cen-| paca tg Nata tennial, will be held here next} Al eg "| fair. a Poreuta's 04,501,000 teathc| TO" PE Oe me, I light computer goofed Tuesday. SIGHT NEW CRANES The result: rush-hour traffic: EDMONTON (CP) -- Three backed up for three miles on newly- born whooping cranes Eglinton Avenue East. An elec-|have been sighted at the Sass trical fault in the computer that| River breeding grounds in Wood controls 700 traffic lights caused| Buffalo National Park, Cana- a failure in turning over a sin-\dian Wildlife service officials gle light to rush-hour control! said Tuesday. it should have at 7:30 when it should Vv | MEETS POPE i VATICAN CITY (AP)--Roger ORDERED TO APPEAR Teillet, Canada's minister of MONTREAL (CP) -- Leonard|veterans affairs, was received J. MacLaughlin, president of,in audience Tuesday by Pope the Seafarers' International Un-|Paul. The minister, in Europe ion of Canada (Ind.), was one on a tour of Canadian war cem- of nine men ordered Tuesday/eteries and monuments, was ac- \hood of Railway Trainmen| |(CLC) said Tuesday its contract | maz (cP) -- Thes w-| Professors, suggested Quebec or # years of his term if elected. He said that was-a '"'flat statement" meaning he would not be a_ potential GOP presidential candidate Ronald Reagan, Republi- can candidate for governor of California, tells news- men at Los Angeles Tues- day he will serve all four NAACP Head REAGAN COMMENTS ON PRESIDENTIAL SPECULATION in 1968. Some leading Re- publicans have mentioned him as a possible candidate in 1968 if he wins the Cali- fornia governorship. Scores Violent Retaliation i | chemicais. LAKES DON'T FREEZE OWRC Tests The U.S, Geological Survey THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 6, 1966 9 Weedkillers says none of the Great Lakes TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario \®¥er freezes over completely. ies of -water.without harming | Water Resources Commission is} |) A ABLE, s Bch or invertebrates GI I ! are employed this summer by! conducting field tests on at least | © inverintiratac na wl.ls » the commission to test the three products which laboratory! tests indicate kill weeds in bod- | Several crews of biology stu- DP iy dents from Ontario universities | ' 7 Field tests are being con- ducted at more than 20 loca-|' tions in Rice Lake, near Peter- borough. At most locations, the students are co-operating with resort owners and cottagers to poison areas where it will do most good, eGherBeeBe? The Trouble "ith. Angels Bee "Boy. Did I9et . Q wrong Number! DR by Nel wre seoomt WMITED ARTISTS BOB PE -- PHYLIS; DILLER | PICKERING 839-2621 + WHITBY 668-2602 CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE DORISDAY % THE SPY WHO CAME ADDED FEATURETTE BTA AOE ATRCTIN "Sag Clark Five SHORT SUBJECT «TECHMICOLOR® seus m UNITED ARTISTS WEEK DAYS DOORS OPEN 6:30 -- SAT. 1:30 ODEON BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 Chtnad ODEON Jheciics 1941 TWE H ANNIVERSARY ) 1966 VINGT-CINQUIEME ANNIVERSAIRE on- "THE AUSSIANS ARE COMIN THE AUSSIAHS ARE COMING. Ps F\ CARL REINER- EVA MARIE SAINT: ALAN ARKIN LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Roy retaliation by Negroes against} In New York Tuesdah, Dr Wilkins, executive director of{acts of violence. 'Martin Luther King Jr. said he --/the National Association for the} While stressing that the| understood the slogan "black Teamster Leaders Grumble: vancement of Colored People,;NAACP has never "signed a to appear for voluntary state- companied to the audience by ment on charges that they con-!'his wife and two children. BRIN KEITH-JONATHAN WINTERS 'THEODORE BEL sre aactes = PAUL FORD ii i ow COLOA BY DELUXE - PAMAYISION" "has" UNITED ARTISTS COOL AIR-CONDITIONED looks upon the concept of "'black| pact to turn the cheek forever," power" to mean "an appeal to jand the mother of violence." | «1+ seems reasonable to as-|Negro not to be ashamed of be- Over Hoffa's Control Bid power" as "the father of hatred) wijkins said: racial pride, an appeal to the Wilkins condemned the con-)syme that proclaimed protective) ing black and the transfer of the cept in these words Tuesday} violence is as likely to encour-| powerlessness of the Negro into MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP)--;stitutional changes increasing James R.° Hoffa kept other/his salary to $100,000 from $75,- Teamsters Union officials in the|/000 a year, authorizing the union} dark today about whether hejto.pay his huge legal expenses will keep his promise to resign) and empowering him to assign as president of the giant union his duties to a new general vice- if he goes to prison. ° |president if he is jailed. "He wouldn't resign if he had) Despite the outward appear- two machine - guns pointed atlance of solidarity at the Team- him," snorted one member of| sters convention, the private the powerful Teamsters execu-} grumbling in the union's top} tive board which Hoffa so farjechelon grew louder over has kept from open rebellion. |Hoffa's open attempt to keep "He's made that commitment | control of the world's biggest and I think he will," said an-| and richest union by one means other board member of Hoffa's|or another. promise to quit if he loses ap-| Hoffa. said in the past he peals on his federal jury tam-| would resign if he goes to prison pering and mail fraud convic-|to serve any of his 13 years in tions. pending prison sentences, but The question is crucial in the|the proposed constitutional | power struggle shaping up|changes would not force him to among the 13 Teamsters vice-| step down. presidents despite Hoffa's denial! But 'the'll be as dead as yes-| of any dispute in the union| terday's headlines" if he goes hierarchy. |to prison, one high union official} Hoffa prepared today for con-| said. Wage Assignment Change Dropped | night as he opened the NAACP's|age counterviolence as it is to| positive, constructive power." | annual convention with a key-| discourage violent persecution.' | note address to 2,000 delegates.) |,.tead said Wilkins, the "We of the NAACP will have|NAACP should choose as its| none of this," he said. "It shall | weapons in the fight for Negro not now poison our forward/freedom the ballot, participa- march." ltion in government as elected " 'Black power' in the quick, | public servants, and efforts to uncritical and high emotional) gain increased employment, fair) adoption it has received from|housing and unsegregated pub- some segments of a beleaguered |lic education. people can mean only black| Qe death," Wilkins emphasized. "Even if it should be enthroned briefly, the human spirit would die a little." He also criticized the adoption of a resolution by the Congress of Racial Equality calling for 6 TONIGHT EASES WINTER HAZARD BRANDON, Man. (CP)--Car salesman Roy Brown has de- signed a gadget to prevent a car's windshield from icing up in cold weather. A fibre glass shield keeps snow out of the heater's air intake and thus ceeps the hot air drier. It may increase the heater's efficiency too. | @ SUPERVISED PROGRAMME @ CHECK ROOM FACILITIES @ LADIES' LOUNGE @ BOOT RENTALS CONQUERER TRAVELLED Alexander the Great was born in Europe, died in Asia, and was buried in Africa. TORONTO (CP)--An amend-,over a borrower's head the pos- ment to the government's con-|sible loss of his job. sumer protection bill that would, A suggestion by Elmer SOPHA . | ' y s two- have, in certain circ umstances,| (A Sid. Pg eS = eliminated wage assignments «i 7able was rejected by the at- was withdrawn Tuesday. | torney-general who said such a Attorney - General Arthurjlaw would make it 'too tough Wishart said if it were acted ope nga? ial abil ei was Mr. Sopha who last pase he could be accused ol) . ok moved in the same com- acting in bad faith. mittee to have wage assign-| The amendment, presented by| ments abolished in Ontario. He} J Renwick (NDP--River-|described them '"'as the last) Pati id have abolished the|Yestige of the bondservant that| ale), wou ' jought to be done away with." @ LIVE ORGAN MUSIC WIN «a peir of TICKETS to the SAMMY DAVIS Jr. O'KEEFE Given Deer NOTICE! DANCING (downstoirs) {| will now be held on WEDNESDAY JULY 20th ot WHITBY ARENA Watch for it! OVER 3,500 EXPECTED AS USUAL . . largest dance of its kind in North America! ADMISSION 75¢ Per Person assigning of wages as security| ---- for credit contracts but would tart BrSart SoSat tm Snt to Sat tn Sat to Sat tae t-S-0 tat 0-S-0 tn Sahn e-Sae #-Sat #-S-# t-S-+ union |} » * | Plan to have exempted credit dealings. Mr. Wishart said his depart- met had considered bringing) in a bill at the present session of the legislature that would have considerably revised the} law on wage assignments. There were, however, so many representations on the proposed legislation that he had agreed to put it off until pos-| sibly next year's session. The attorney-general said Mr. | Renwick's amendment had "much merit' but "to do this now without notice would put! me in an extremely embarras- sing position." YNIQUITOUS DOCUMENTS' Mr. Renwick described wage) assignments as "iniquitous doc- uments" which cause unneces-| sary hardship and allow per- sons who grant credit to hang!) Ses tS s tse 2 Ss 22 ------ + Decision Soon On Car Dealer TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney- Genera] Arthur Wishart told the legislature Tuesday he expects a decision shortly from Regis- trar R. G. MacCormac regard- ing an advisory' board's recom- mendation that no licence be granted to Toronto | used-car dealer Ted Williamson, The board's recommendation to Mr. MacCormac, registrar of | Ontario used-car dealers and salesmen, came after a hearing following complaints by some of 2 a--S--2 * + e tee @ GAMES OF @oS--s soS--s ¢ BIG 2 4es--3 = Kinsmen Karnival | MEMORIAL PARK ; BOWMANVILLE Friday, July 8th | In Case of Rain; Saturday, July 9th JUDO COMPETITION and DEMONSTRATION by OSHAWA SIMCOE HALL JUDO CLUB @ RIDES FOR THE KIDDIES. ; PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF SEDAN Cy « Attend The Bowmanville i all Liberty Street South | | : t « -- Featuring -- } | 7:00 P.M. t * CHANCE @ BINGO @ BOOTHS |! » » » » * » DRAW FOR 1966 i » $ | Mr. Williamson's customers, |! -O-# e-@-0 o-G~0 e- Ge on Gus on Gms 0-8-0 0-4 OD On Gnd a Bnd 02 Bas On Bins OnBne O-O- 8 bbnd Om. || GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL Welcomes You To the VINTAGE ROOM APPEARING THIS WEEK THE INTIMATES One of the Great Piano - Song « Comedy Teams in Show CHARLIE HOWARD and CANDY STEVENS 9 P.M. 'til 1 A.M, at the GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON RD. S. AT CHAMPLAIN AVE. ALSO | OSHAWA"S BIGGEST DANCE | Wednesday, July 6 Oshawa Children's Arena FEATURING The Fabulous JUST US BACK AGAIN RITCHY KNIGHT and the MIDNIGHTS Non-Stop Entertainment from 8:30 to 12 Advance: 1.00 Box Office: 1.50 Tickets now on sale: Oshawa Dise Shop, Oshawa Shopping Centre, Henderson Book Store Wilson & Lee Music Store Bishop's Sporting Goods, Whitby Dise Shop Bryson's Smoke Shop, Bowmanville BEATLE Tickets Draw on Advance Tickets Only. OPIN Nes TIMES: 1:50 - 4:25 - 7:00 - 9:30 - LCS 9:10 SUNIMA LEIGH / JAMES SHIGETA /DOWIA DUTTEROORT/ some cho! Hom Kien Weiss and bnithony Lamence / com w Klan Weiss J PL CIAL GUEST STARS PEI GARY LEWIS: PLAYBOYS! FREDDIE®. DREAMERS! Bm THE ASTRONAUTS! THE KNICKERBOCKERS' The Way "In" Plot To Wipe Out Way Out Musie -- THE SPY GIRL FROM F.L.U.S.H, -- See The Drag-U-LA Special -- Fred Gwynne America's Funniest Family in their FIRST FULL-LENGTH #9 FEATURE TWO HILARIOUS PICTURES Toe OSHAWA 723-4972 DRIVE-IN pees Aaa Opens :-- Sh Starts 9.15 oi Me 10 20h cantor. Pee Pin Cor CinemeScoe-Cuorby Dene TRS HGHIG UU F grannies N-AAROAT-RED UTINS: WGA COWS EET NG RY Pet ii iis] as |) BUS TOMMINS AU SM RES SANE POMS: WA "CARRY ON JACK" ALL COLOR SHOW WITH THE "CARRY. ON" GANG BOX ofr OPENS a SHow s. ,,, 8:15 Liverpool Rd. N. at 401 ja, 942-1250 DRIVE-IN LAST DAY= "> oF ' DORIS DAY nin cools In "THE GLASS | Big " SPinger haatnre BOTTOM BOAT" Color Geeeaes eae a0 «bOscceees ee Heart-warming ney of a _ moviel is the Angel with Angles » Cousin cotor STARTS TOMORROW 6 e : $ o !

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