ANN McDOUGALL Grade 8A Li Bo RS JANET SHEAHAN Grade 8E LARRY KENNEDY Grade 8C PAMELA GREENING Grade 7A JANIS SMITH Grade 8A BRIAN DUNLOP Grade sr WHITBY -- AJAX WHITBY, DAY - BY - DAY Supervisor Appointed For Homemaker Service A supervisor for the Red Cross Homemaker service has been appointed for the town of Whitby. She is Mrs. Frank Sevcik, 1008 Byron St=8., Whitby, a long time resident of Whitby and is active in the Women's Auxiliary of Whitby General Hospital, is doing volunteer work at Ontario Hospital, Whitby and is with the Ontario Association for children with learning disabilities. Mrs, Sevcik will be, as super- visor responsible for obtaining and hiring homemakers. The homemakers service committee is very pleased to announce this appointment. SHRINKING VIOLET HOLD MEET Whitby Shrinking Violets TOPS Club held its weekly meet- ing at the home of leader Eleanor Cougle. Twenty-five members were present and a weight loss of 35 pounds was reported with only one pound gain. Audrey Fannin was "Queen"' for the week with a six pound loss. May Smitherman was "Queen" for the month with a loss of 11 pounds, Avelyn Sprately was elected secretary. Jean Jaynes was the winner of the weekly draw. Members were reminded of the July 5 pot-luck pienic to be held at Lakeview Park at 7 o'clock and asked to bring their 'own flatware and dishes. WHITBY PERSONALS Amongst the guests- at a swimming party and barbe- que held by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam (Bill) Whittick at their Oshawa home were: Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill) Schatz- mann, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rous- seau, Mr. and Mrs. Don Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Polson, Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill) Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Leary, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Bob) Wilkes and Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson, all of Whitby. Whitby Baptist Church is holding a daily vocational Bible school from July 4 to July 15, from 9.30 till 11.30 a.m. at the Church for children from three years to 16 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. John Adair and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Fletcher and family are spend- ing the holiday weekend at the Adair's cottage on Lake Sim- coe. Mr, and Mrs. Allan McClaren and family are spending the holiday weekend at their cot tage at Mattawatchan in the Ottawa Valley. Mrs. McClaren and family will remain at their cottage for the summer months Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Allan are spending a three-week vacation at a cottage in the Minden district. Mis sur. Sorry to learn that Sherry Femia_ underwent gery at the Oshawa General Hospital. St. Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Club enjoyed a family camping weekend = at Canal Lake Centennial Park Some families were under the tent, others in trailers. Four- teen couples and children took part in this camping weekend, they were Mr and = Mrs, Arthur Budd, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mallon, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rammiler, Mr. an@ Mrs. Garth Vanmeer, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Farndale, Mr. and Mrs, George Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Will Winter, Mr, and Mr White, Mr. and Mrs Mesher, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Beadle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott, Rev. and Mrs. John Smith and Mr. and Mrs Harry Ramler. am Jim Charles Visitors on Saturday fay were Mr. and Mrs AGrvlls, and Mr. and Mrs and Sun Harold Dick . Broughton. On Sunday morning! the wroup worshipped together on the site. Officiating were: Howard Elliott, Ralph Craw- ford and Harry Rammler. A campfire was enjoyed each evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wickett were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Montgomery of Buffalo, New York Mr. and' Mrs, William Wie- linga and two children, Henry and Ingrid, 127 Elizabeth Cres have returned from a_ three- week trip to Holland to visit both th their families. Locomotive Strike Dais KINGSTON (CP) -- Dominion Day celebrations here were highlighted by dedication of The Spirit of Sir John A., a steam locomotive built in Kingston in 1913 here to be placed in Confederation Park, the city's centennial project. The locomotive was donated to the city by Canadian Pacific Railways. As the 15-foot locomotive rolled past the reviewing stand the jutting door bar on the en- gine caught pilings supporting the platform and sent the digni- taries scrambling for safety. No one was injured and the cere- monies continued when officials returned to the sloping plat- form and brought ; glasses MARTHA DONER Grade 8B JOHN BONNETTA _Grade 7B \Commercials PENNY PURDY Grade 8G CLAYTON FOSKETT Grade 5D With Humor Jolly Up The Tired Viewer By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP)--This may be a rerun time for entertain- ment programs, but it is debut time for .a clutch of new com- mercials on U.S. television. There is always a seasonal change of commercia!s--they tend to get outdoorsy when the weather warms up. There are more scenes designed to sug- gest cool refreshment--tinkling ice, frosted glasses, beach scenes, top-down convertibles, It is a little early to spot a trend, but there are indications that the fantasy-fad has about run its .course. True, some housewives are wearing dark to protect their eyes 'from the blinding whiteness of se FRANK | Tax Claim Tumed Down OTTAWA (CP)--The Tax Ap- peal Board has ruled against a school board official who tried to claim expenses for use of his own home as an income tax ex- emption Connor Peter Pyke of Brock- ville claimed a $300 exemption in his. 1964 tax return for using part of his home as an office for his duties secretary- treasurer of the Brockville sep- arate school board, In an appeal heard at Kings- ton, Mr. Pyke said he had served on the board and as its secretary treasurer for several years for a modest honorarium until two or three years ago when he ceased to be a board member and was appointed offi- Cial secretary-treasurer at a fixed salary. as The appointment made no ar- rangements for working space While he could have used a room at one of the schools, he preferred to maintain records and do other work at home. The judgment signed by ap- peal board member W. 0. Davis supported the original decision by the revenue department that the annual value of property "'is prohibited as a deduction... . unless it represents rent paid to a landlord other than himself." BROCK &'eris Programs at 7:00 & 8:55 wiiire? Feature Storts 7:05 & 9:30 REATHES PARANOAT PCTURES presents AWARTN PITT PROQUCTION _| tings, their laundry. But, on my. set anyway, that washing machine has stopped shooting skyward and it has been weeks, since housewives have flown out of kitchens or doves flown in, The kangaroos are no longer scratching up the kitchen floor and the giant hand has left the top-loader washer. Still with us, now in fresh set- are the 'teen parties, the social-success stories (before and after changing mouth washes, tooth paste, hair color, coffee brands) And, praise be, after all these months, some of the comedy- style commercials are coming in with some new jokes. A fine old show business tra- dition has been reversed in tele- vision. Gaye Huston, an actress since she was eight, has a lead- ing role in NBC's soap opera, Another World. This week her BURLEY BUS 1. {mother Marcella Martin, made her acting debut in the same show. Gaye, now 20, had her first part playing a bratty kid in the Sid. Caesar - Imogene Coca sketch in Your.Show of Shows. For the last 18 months she has played Lee Randolph, a teen- age problem child, in the serial. | Her mother, who always en- couraged Gaye's acting\ambi- tions, has been a mo and done some TV commercials. She auditioned and won the part of a new character named Filo, described as "a floozy type," who is a hat-check girl and cashier in a second-rate night- club, Cash Aid Comes TORONTO (CP) -- A Cana- dian ex-serviceman who lost his $75 monthly disability pension} because his wife earns $68 a) year too much is going to be helped by the Army Benevo- lent Fund Robert' Hannah, 24, of Toron- to, was partially paralysed and his speech impaired as the re- sult of a road crash while on leave from his unit in Canada three years ago His wife, Gail, got a raise re- cently to-$2,288 -- $68 above the limit for pension eligibility. MPP James Trotter Lib-Park- dale told the legislature Wed- nesday the welfare department cut Mr. Hannah's disability pen- sion because of his wife's raise. The family has no other in- come. ./United Church, CATHY HOPKINS Grade 8C New Charge Constituted © A service constituting the Ebenezer - Maple Grove United Church pastoral charge and the! jinduction of Rev. John P. Rom- jeril as minister was held June, 127, at Maple Grove Church. | Rey. N. T. Holmes, chairman |of Oshawa Presbytery, conduct- led the service. He was assisted |by H. G. Freeman. Rev. B. E |Long, minister of the Orono |United Church, preached the sermon. A service constituting the Courtice pastoral charge was held at Courtice United Church, | June 29. Mr. Holmes conducted the service, assisted by 8. G. Say- | well, lay pastor of St. Stephen's Oshawa. Rev. Woodland preached the E. C. sermon Previous to the setting up of |these two pastoral charges, the |churches at Courtice, Ebenezer and Maple Grove constituted a! three- point pastoral charge. Search Launched In Northland SIOUX LOOKOUT, Ont. (CP) Two RCAF aircreftt were searching rugged bush and lake country near this Northwestern Ontario cammunity early today for a 20-year-old woman missing since late Friday on a flight from the Lakehead. An airforce official said Ro- berta Wieben of Sioux Lookout or the Lakehead was the lone occupant of a Cessna-172 air- craft on a 170 mile flight. She was scheduled to arrive here at 8:45 p.m. EDT Friday. Miss Wieben was reported to have made radio contact with, Sioux Lookout and said she had apparently become lost and had only a small supply of fuel left.| | It was not known whether the |single-engined plane was float- equipped. Sioux .Lookout is 170 miles northwest of the Lakehead. | OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Availeble At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshawa 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x 7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures LIMITED INES EFFECTIVE JULY 4, 1966 Waiting Room Facilities will be located at DONALD'S BUS TERMINAL 300 DUNDAS ST. WHITBY oF lOSHAWA - WHITBY - BROOKLIN Oktoberfest) iin Munich By Darlington Board BOWMANVILLE -- A fe- organization of the publie school system in Darlington Township will result in the clos- ing of the schools at Haydon, Long Sault, Enfield, Bradley's, Baker's, Providence and Base- line No, 4 The pupils from these school Sections, who will be in Grades 1 to 6 in September, will attend other schools. All pupils in Grades 7 and 8 will attend the M. J. Hobbs Senior School, near | Hampton. Bus transportation | has been arranged. Pupils living on. Concession 9, Burketon and all others in| the Tyrone and Bethesda areas will attend. Pupils, who have been at- tending Haydon School and live on Concession 9 will attend Burketon School. All others | will go to Tyrone and Bethesda. | Pupils from the Long Sault Schoo! will also go to Burketon. yrade 1 students at Enfield | school will go to South Cour-| tice and Grades 2 to 6 will go to North Courtice. Pupils from the Bradley School will be sim- ilarly allocated, " Grade 1 to 3 students who at A toast!.. to Autumn in Europe and the fabulous Come fly away to fun and fly away to Europe this fall with Lufthansa. Take our 21-day golden Autumn Tour of such old- world cities as: Cologne * Heidelberg * Vienna * Salz- burg * Lucerne * Venice * And Berlin. You'll even go through famous "Checkpoint Charlie" and tour East Berlin now in | women's publication 'Woman, } SS oS - THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 2, 1966 §. Seven Schools Closed | | tended Baker's School will go to Solina and Grades 4 to 6 to! North Courtice. Grades 1 to 6 at Providence Schoo! will go to Shaw's. Grades 1 to 6 at Baseline, 2, 3 and 4 will attend South Cour-| tice School; while those in these | grades from Union School will| Th vere in tei Hl men on attend at Enniskilien, FEMALES DON'T CLIMB OTTAWA (CP)--Women are! jrare at the top of the civil service. They hold only 146 of | 5,053 senior posts paying more! | than $10,000 a year, according | to the b and p -- /ROER\ Created Te oF REQUEST LAND MONTREAL (CP) -- The Montreal Citizenship Courcil has! asked civic authorities to donate land for their centennial proj-: ect, an inter-cultural centre' where members representing. some 30 ethnic groups could: meet. Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 ee or 11:00 Sunday School -- C WHITBY; BS Sr ros = SUNDAY SERVICES 314 DOVEDALE DRIVE, WHITBY Other Services As Announced For mors information phone: 725-9243 or 668-4576 \ CHAPEL =a os A.M. lasses. for all ages. * abeescigear ea un ati Whitby Pentecostal Church ACTS 2:12 ----------------= ng WHAT MEANETH THIS 307 BROCK ST, N. -- WHITBY 9:55 AM.--SUND 11:00 WORSHIP 7:00 GREAT EVANGE AY SCHOOL Interesting end Informative A.M. SERVICE P.M. LISTIC SERVICE Pastor: Rev. Max Case -- Asst. Jon King FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock REV. DELOGS M SUNDAY 9:18 AM.--"FAITH TID 1350 on your diel 9:48 AM ~-BIBLE SCHOOL, TEACHING THE BIBLE AS THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP & PRAISE 7:00 P.M.--THE GOSPEL HOUR The Pastor will Preach at both Services Street North . SCOTT, MINISTER SERVICES INGS" RADIO BROADCAST WEDNESDAY MID-WEEK SERVICE "There's Always A Welcome at Faith" EVE., 8:00 P.M. OF PRAYER & PRAISE = the Soviet Sector. The highlight of the Tour is the fun-filled Oktoberfest in Munich. Happy songs and laughter are the order of the day ... and night! Festive feasting on such succulent fare as Bavarian sausages. And wait till you sample the tich beer,..the world's finest! Tempting, isn't it? So is our very special Tour price that includes luxury dining in many of Europe's finest res- taurants. Just ask your Travel "Agent. Or, for more informa- tion, mail us this coupon, WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: Rev, John McLeod Orgonist Mrs, W, @. Summers, A.7.C.M. 11;00 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:00 P.M.--Gospel Service 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Bible Study and Prayer Wed, ot 7:30 P.M. ae, EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rey. Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M, ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Every 2nd end 4th Sundays DUTCH SERVICE ot 2 P.M, 7 P.M, ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED | LUFTHANSA GERMAN AIRLINES | 55 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. | Gentlemen: Please send me all the nec- | | essary information on the | | Autumn Tour of Europe fea- turing the Oktoberfest. Name Address City | | | | | | ! | | My Travel | Agent is ST. MARK"S UNITED CHURCH Centre & Colborne Sts, Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A., B.D. Miss Ila Newton, Deaconess Mrs, J. L, Beaton, A.R.C.T, 11:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Children six years and under cored for during service, Older children worship with parents. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Whitby Rev. W. J. S. MeClure, B.A. Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist 11:00 A.M-- DIVINE WORSHIP EVERYONE WELCOME Junior Congregation and Nursery Core © Lufthansa German Airlines: For Reservation and Information | Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 104 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Phone 668-8867 c FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION 668-3675 PHONE 723-7171 728-6201 - 728-6202 . 728-6203 p Travel A end Travel Information Cell or See FOUR SEASONS | TRAVEL OSHAWA -- WHITBY BOWMANVILLE -- BROOKLIN 57 King St, E., Oshawe | Call Now For Complete Travel | CHARTER COACHES Anywhere ~ Anytime Arrangements | MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE KING. ST, E., OSHAWA Phone 723-7001 25 BRANCH 112 DANCE SAT., JULY 2nd LEGION HALL featuring "DON WEIR" REFRESHMENTS Admission -- $3. ------S -- WHITBY 00 per Couple