WHITBY -- AJAX Whitby Scouts Enjoy ral mero A__L Lamp Al Gmuly rain WHITBY -- Scout Leader Jack Schieder with eight Boy Scouts of the Third Whitby Troop went camping June 17, 18 and 19 at Emily Park. An- other group of Scouts the week- end of June 30 will go to Bal- sam Lake and another group will take a canoe training course the weekend of July 29, 30 and 31, at Balsam Lake. Third, Whitby Cubs had a lee Campbell, Hank Nobbs, Rick Scott, Jane Reynolds, Dave Tho- rley, George Warman, Mr. and Mrs. William Lawlor and An- thony Kozak the Chef who did wonders in- feeding the boys. Last month the Third Whitby were very successful in selling first aid kits to supplement the general fund. The Ladies Aux- iliary headed by Mrs. Alex Scott President, held a_profit- CPR's May Net THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 29, 1966 § Five - month revenues . were $226,295,806 against $209,470,811 and expenses $204,815,280 against $194,913,520. ' Hits $4.77.819 MONTREAL (CP) -- Cana- dian Pacific Railway announced Tuesday net earnings of $4,077,- 819 for May, an increase of $77,- 082 over May, 1965. Revenues were $46,830,632 and expenses $42,752,813, compared with $42,757,295 and $38,756,558 in May one year ago. Net earnings from Jan. 1) were $21,480,526, an increase of | AMIR, <reies te ingryrauay FAMILY MONUMENTS STAFFORD BROS, LTD, MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668.3552 $6,923,235 over the first five! most suecoceful, weebend. comp monins of ivvd. j ing at Darlington Park with the following Leaders accomp-} coynt, aning them: Alex Scott, Mar-| The feature highlight, camp- "ling at Darlington Park last has been held. In the fall a} Saturday evening was the camp new senior girls' opportunity| fire when the Third Whitby en- class will be opened at King/tertained the Third Cliff Crest Street' Public School in a reno-| Cubs of Scarborough, also they vated room. jentertained a travelling group The board is laying plans for of American Cubs from Dear- the development of a senior! born, Mich. | school. It is hoped that this in-| The swimming' in Lake On- novation will operate in 1967, |tario was most enjoyable and During the summer months a all appreciated the life saving program of renovation will be| guards supplied without charge carried on in a number of the| by the Darlington Park. author-' schools. ¢ ities. Discount Meats AT THE WHITBY MEAT MKT. WHERE YOU GET FRESH QUALITY MEAT AT CUT RATE PRICES OPEN FRI., JULY Ist RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF abie auction sale also to in- crease funds of the general ac-! are his grade 5 class and will become guidance teach- Ajax Police Sergeant Don er at St. Andrew's Public Robson along with Lord School in September and is Elgin School Principal Gra- expected to teach Grade 7. bam Pinkney. Mr. MeQuirk --Oshawa Times Photo Cs ike r A Lord Elgin Public Wetherall Trophy Monday dividual which has shown School, Ajax, Grade 5 teach- morning by Mrs. Wetherall, p< oe ae igs 2 Me ae er, Thomas McQuirk, was The trophy is awarded an- CRURE Of Salehy. SURE Le ' if year. Shown her" with Mrs. presented with the Kay nually for the group or in- Wetherall and Mr. McQuirk John|Graham, Whitby; R, Oshawa; W. Dafoe, Public | Wright, North York; J. Holo- | Ajax; Miss B. Hall, for the fall term the teaching|North York; Mrs. C. Roberts, staff in the eight schools will|Darlington; Miss S. Smith, total 90. Of these 21 will be new |Chelmsford; Miss D. Breault, to the local school system.|Sudbury; Miss G. Best, Toronto | Five of the teachers will be|Teachers' College and Mrs. P. new graduates of the Toronto|Farquhar, New Westminster, Teachers' College. Two of these|B.C. 4 " - are residents of Whitby. The re-| he y |PRIZES AWARDED mainder come from Oshawa,|49 TAKE VOURSES The prize for the top studen Clemens, Ajax; P. | Pamela Bonnetta. When the Whitby Many Prizes Presented "i oss ru: i | At School Ceremony | WHITBY (Staff) -- To mark Anglican Church. the close of another school| Mavndre!l i asiber, i ry ; year a school leaving ceremony | WuSICAL Paponti Greening; 7B, Douglas A poem, 'The Builders', was spoke|recited by Linda Horack. BLADE _ BLADE BONE REMOVED & SHORT RIB ROAST HAMBURG PATTIES ROUND STEAK Round or Square End RUMP ROAST Farmer-Country Style SAUSAGE 3.x, 89° WIENERS 2.x, 79° WHITBY MEAT MKT: We Specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS Cutting and Wrapping. Ask About Our Price WHITBY Plaza -- Whitby -- Ph. 668-6941 All Meats Gov't Inspected | C Ib oY T° When awoman asks for wine... give her Jordan Valley Crackling Rosé. Here's a wine to match her LB. personality...pleasantly sparkling, refreshingly lively, even slightly frivolous. Lightly- bubbled, modest cost, superb taste! JORDAN VALLEY Crackling Ros# = JORDAN WINES StevecHrniceo J SUVERFISH , fast & efficient pest control Sete. fost business & industry 725-8501 ; t i Forty-iive members of the was held Tuesday night at) 4 featnre of the evening was|in Grade 8 history was won by oe ey ae ee teaching staff will be taking Henry Street High School. The | presénted by the pupils. The) Ann McDougall; while the prize NEW TEACHERS summer courses during the! Whitby Public Schools closed|Grade 7 choir sang '"'Woodenjfor the top student in Grade 8) The new teachers will be:|pupils' vacation _ period. for the summer vacation at/shoes" and "O Worship the|geography was won by Lartty/Mrs. K. Bartlett, Darlington; |Eighteen of these will be at- 2.30 p.m, today. _, |King'"'. The triple trio from Col-| Kennedy. Mrs. P. Staples, Pickering|tending summer school at a During the ceremony, which) borne Street School sang "Sum-| Mrs. R. B. Dunlop, president/Twp.; Mrs. J. Thompson, Oril-\university to qualify for their was chaired by C. G. Sarles.)mer Time" and 'Linden Tree".|of the Home and School Asso-|jia: R, Willerton, Uxbridge; |Bachelor of Arts degree, two principal of Colborne Street) Members of the trio were: Vikilciation, presented _progress|Mrs. J. Mott, Trenton; Mrs. M.|will be working towards their School, Howard Hempstead,/Rel!, Martha Doner, Susan|prizes to the following Grade 7/Allen, New Toronto; Mrs. A.|master's degree and 25 will be superintendent of 'Whithy Pub-| Gray, Linda Horack, Ann Mc- and 8 students: Handley, Darlington; Miss S.\taking department of education lic Schools, addressed the/ougall, Penny Purdy, Janis| Grade 8A, Janis Smith; 8B,'Law, Whitby; Miss G. Burnett,|courses to further their quali-| Grade 8 students. | Smith, Randi Smith and Valerie|Martha Doner; 8C, Cathy Hop-|Toronto Teachers' College. fications. The prayer-of invocation was!Sweeney. The Colborne Street|kins; 8D, Clayton Foskett; 8E,' Miss D, Pethick, Toronto| In the past a mixed oppor-| offered by Rev. J. Arm-/Senior School four-part choir|Janet Sheahan; 8F, Brian Dun-|Teachers' College; Miss D./tunity class of boys and girls/ strong, rector of All Saints') sang "God of Our Fathers". 'lop; 8G, Penny Purdy; 7A, | -- wa em od A da gw 'GET RID OF THEM PERSONALS | Whitby Senior Citizen's Clubj > , ie | held a picnic at Craam of Bar- . | ley Park, Bowmanville with 31 : | Citizens attending. The group met at the Church and then boarded the chartered bus. As- sisting were the following lad- ies of Whitby Red Cross: Mrs. Jack Nixon, Mrs. R. H. Bedell, Mrs. Donald Ruddy and Mrs. Vi Crofton. Games and contests were enjoyed with prizes aw- arded to lucky winners. A de- licious lunch was served. A vote of thanks was expressed to the ladies of the Red Cross for making this outing possible. Miss Mabel Rowe, 305 Dun-| -lop St. W., visited for the past two weeks relatives in St. Tho-| mas and Ridgetown. Mrs. Dan O'Hagan and Mrs.) A. C. Smith attended the month-| ly meeting of the Women's Aux-| iliary to the Catholic Church! Extension held in Toronto. Mrs. Frances Spellen attend- ed the funeral of her cousin, | the late Andrew E. McCarron of Chatham. Forty - two residents of Fairview Lodge today are en- joying their bi-monthly bus tour visiting places of interest -in the surrounding areas accom- panied by hostess Mrs. E. B. Killens. Mrs. James Harding, 135 By-| ron St. S., celebrated her birth- day last Sunday. To celebrate the grey members of her family held a family gathering : at their summer home at Port! Twice. Weekly Bolster, Lake Simcoe. . _ principal, Sister Marie Ph, 668-4671 laudette. Best wishes to Thomas Shear- -- Bruit nrwrny na er, 215 Perry St., who is cele- brating his birthday today. BROCK Now Playing -- Evening Programs WHITBY 7:30 -- One Complete Show Only PRINCIPAL 'ACCEPTS SAFETY AWARD The annual award for the --Oshawa Times Photo DIAPER SERVICE best school safety record during the school year was presented to St. Berna- dette's Separate School in Ajax. Chief G. C. Dunn is shown presenting the award Pick-up and Delivery the whole family sleeps better when you install an electric air conditioner Day and night, the whole family is healthier and more comfort- able in air that's fresh, free from pollen, dust, smoke and cooking fumes. Add to your family's comfort and' health. In- stall an electric air conditioner today. Belated birthday wishes to Gregory Steffler who was 17 on Tuesday. Carol Lichty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lichty, 826 Byron St. N., recently celebrated her sixth birthday, For the occas-| ion a@ surprise party was held at her grandparents' home in} Princeton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lichty and family attended the Lichty re- union at Princeton, arranged by Mr. Lichty's mother. Ist FEATURE... "FOUR FOR TEXAS" In Color -- Starting at 7:30 Starring --- Frank Sinatra and Deon Martin a Se ee ee Gee eee ee mee . Starting 9:35 "SEVEN WOMEN" In Metrocolor -- Starring, ANNE BANCROFT end SUE LYON Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 2nd Feature . . Mrs. Alma Thompson, Well- ington, is visiting with her sis-| ter and brother - in - law, Mr. |= and Mrs. William E. Miller, at/ Port Whitby for a couple of weeks. TOWN OF WHITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION THERE WILL BE NO GARBAGE COLLECTION on Friday, July Ist. Garbage normally collected on that day will be picked up on Thursday, June 30. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk Administrator your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Welipoper end Murele Custom Droperies Broadloom C.LL. Paints ond Varnishes Benjamin Moore Points DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION .. . AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION . PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. . TELEPHONE 668-5878 TELEPHONE 942-0500 TELEPHONE 942-2930