Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jun 1966, p. 23

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Color TV Has Bugs By TOM MITCHELL | OTTAWA (CP) -- The color television viewer has just) watched the hero ride off into) Sse Srnec when the eereen! fills with a commercial extoll- ing the virtues of milk. | Ugh,.The milk looks blue. | That phenomenon is just one of a host of bugs Canadian TV stations will start ironing out with the advent of experimen- tal color telecasts July 1. The color transfer problem ts an adaptation peculiarity of the eye. After being exposed to a heavy dose of hot reds, the eye tends to give a blue-green cast to the color white. | If the station found itself in- volved in a post mortem with the sponsor the next day, ine milk advertisement, run off without scene, would look fine. Similar color clashes can crop ap in costuming and staging of color productions. SETS EXPENSIVE And a few headaches may Arise in the fact that color tele- the preceding sunset} casts in Canada at the start will be seen by about 99 per cent of the viewers in black and white, since color sets still run in the! $800 range. Certain lighting and camera techniques for color can pro- duce such affects as "tearing" when seen in black and white-- the white of a performer's teeth or eyeballs, for instance, spreading a jagged; vibrating line across the width of the screen. LONDON (CP)--Radio City-- op music station at the mouth of the Thames just out- wie se SGRGn Ce en eee back on the air, but there is still an aura of mystery over the week-long affair involving death and real pirates. Alf Bullen, who quietly slipped aboard the station with a 10-man party and silenced it by removing the crystals, main- tained after his return to land that his mission had been ac- complished, Why he went aboard and why he decided to withdraw from the station in the Thames Estuary 'Mystery Station Back On Airwaves just outside territorial waters, are questions still largely un- explained: Dut alter tie bearaing party left, station attendants said they found a makeshift crystal and put the pirate station back on the air Sunday night. 'Behind the week-long siege were reports that some myste- rious individual had ownership rights to some of the station's equipment. Two days after the pre-dawn invasion June 20 Reg Calvert, 37, the station's owner, was shot to death. probabiy will take «nti! the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 29, 1966 23; fall, Pope To Study Recommendations j.i.rio, nave boon held tn strict VATICAN CITY (Reuters)--|Secrecy. Sources 'ece Julius Cardinal Doepfner of Mu-|Press reports of the commission) TREE BREATHES AGAIN gery to remove four parasite MOSCOW (AP) -- What the|trees strangling its lower said recent|Tass news agency calls Eur-|growth. Twelve cartloads of ope's oldest oak tree, at Stel-|rotten wood were taken from favoring use of the contracep-|muz, Lithuania, has had sur-|the 2,000-year-old trunk. Adult Building nich today handed Pope Paul\'* the cpubiidintis of his birth tive pill were pure speculation|-- ng . i Central Location control commission on whether|@%d new instructions had been to relax the Roman Catholic) issued in the last few days that no information was to be dis- closed. president of the commission,|tions, they added, was to avoid along with John Cardinal Hee-|controversy if the pontiff de- nan of Westminster..The com-|cides not to accept the commis- mission, composed of 16 cardi-|sion's recommendations. nals and bishop isted by more than 50 experts, held se- cret final discussions all last) AWD WITH GUNS week. : The largest single item in Pope Paul now will study the|Canada's foreign aid since the conclusions and decide whether/cocong world War has been to accept, reject o i ' them. i vended tacicaed military aid to countries in the! GOAL & SUPPLIES OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIBNCE! take edvantace of it! 24 hour ser- vice; end' radio dispatched trucks el- the reody to serve you Ol Budget Pion evailoble, NOW 1S THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 RING BT. W. ett. Cardinal Doepfner is a vice-| The object of these instrue- ive ou + Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level ; Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 ---- 728-2911 GeorGcian mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA Vatican sources believe this!/North Atlantic Alliance. | Iie ange, aa "Holida However, both the CBC and) private stations are working to) avoid any deterioration in) black and white TV. The first experimental period is July 1 to Sept. 30, during! which color telecasts can be} made after regular night shut-| down hours and before the day-} time start. From Oct. 1 to Dec. $1, color programs may be car- ried in the regular schedule to give crews a final polish to have the medium in good shape for its formal debut Jan. 1, 1967.| One of the biggest current problems is getting delivery of color equipment. | A spate of orders went to| manufacturers after the govern- ment set the dates for color operations last year. Manufac-| turers, to keep up with the} latest developments, have had} to test as they went along in-| stead of tackling orders on a SPECIAL! COMPLETELY CLEANED --SWIFT'S FAMOUS mass production basis. CAUSED DELAYS Harold Wright, appointed) color co-ordinator for the CBC last July, said in an_ inter- view this has meant some de-| lays for the CBC color produc-| tion centres in Montreal and Toronto. But his last camera was due to be ready this week and both| j studios were to be ready July 1. TURKEYS GRADE 'A' UNDER 10 LBS. The CTV private network has had similar troubles, a network official said. Most stations along SPECIAL! BURNS VAC PAC the network would be ready for experimental telecasts but there | had been some equipment de-| lays Films, tapes and slides are) likely to make up most of the} fare in the first three-month ex- chin ieabcehaecatch perimental period. 8 Mee ee se ~~~ |SPECIAL! BURNS SLICED Ulster Strife MACAROMI & CHEESE LOAF, PICKLE & Tension Grows PIMENTO or LUNCHEON ROLL ............ SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM COOKED HAMS ......... w 1.69 TIN e SPECIAL! JACK & JILL--SUPERMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER ........ 3 37° SPECIAL! LUNCHEON MEAT 12.02, 49: ROUND TIN' SWIFT'S PREM ....... MATCH THE STAMP SPECIAL! ALLEN'S SPECIAL! ALL FLAVOURS -- MASON'S TANNED 2 98° SOFT DRINKS "are 23 1-LB. JAR BELFAST, Northern Ireland (Reuters) -- Police in Belfast, where religious friction has whipped up a wave of violence, announced today the arrest of nine men, five of them charged with murder. The arrests came amid con- cern that extremists of the Ro- man Catholic minority and Prot- estant majority might clash dangerously after a recent se- ries of disturbances. Prime Minister Terence O'Neill cut short a visit to Paris to fly home Monday after ten- sion rose over the weekend kill- ing of 18-year-old Roman Catho- lic barman, Peter Ward. It also was revealed that a 70- year-old widow, Mrs. Matilda Gould, »victim of a gasoline bomb raid on her home in the same Protestant area, had died The third murder under investi- gation is into the death of fac- tory worker John Scullion, 28, knifed in the street four weeks ago. MURDER CHARGED Police in an early morning statement said two men had been arrested and charged with the murder of Ward and three with the murder of Scullion Four. others were arrested on charges concerning possession of explosives and the firing of shots into a house. Ward died in a hospital after being shot down by gunmen who also wounded two of his com-' pansions in an affray on a city street at 2 a.m. Sunday. The increased tension between Protestants and Catholics in| Belfast has caused anxiety here and in London about the Queen's planned visit to Northern ireland] next week In London, some members of| Parliament are demanding firm| action by the British government} to quell violence in' Northern! Ireland, a self-governing prov- ince Demands are expected in Par- liament for cancellation of the Queen's visit SEEK TO SAVE BIRD JAIPUR, India (AP) -- Zoo- keepers have mated the. only female Great Indian Bustard in captivity with a male captured in the desert of the Rann of Kutch. The long-lezged birds among the world's largest, are nearly extinct. | |SPECIAL! BURNS VAC PAC SPECIAL! Shopsy's Sliced CORNED BEEF . 1-48, PKG. 39 3:2 §9: Loblaws Proten* Beef ALL DELICIOUS AND EASY TO CARVE *REG'D. USER OF T.M, NEW CROP! SWEET, JUICY, EASY TO PEEL! SEEDLESS | NAVEL LARGE C SIZE DOZEN SIZE MEDIUM ORANGES AY" 10 FL, OZ. 24-TIN CASE Bs 43° | 69 TINS # SPECIAL! SOLID WHITE MEAT i 7-02. Fy y TINS c Ne. 1 GRADE g00D SIZE CANTALOUPES "= FRESH PEACHES. = 39 All Stores Open And Thursday @ STORE HOURS e@ To-nite Night | ° Shopping Centre Store Only Open All Day Friday Till 9.30 P.M. THE FAMOUS SAMSONIT $5.98 SOLD ELSEWHERE AT 10.95 YOU GET STAMPS TOO $25.00 WORTH CASH SWEET AS A PEACH--TEMPTING AS A PLUM! NEW CROP! FOLDING TABLE With Purchases Totolling Sovereign Tuna FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIA! SWEET, LUSCIOUS SALMON FLESH! 24. NECTARINES 45. ENCYCLOPEDIA EACH 9 9: REGISTER TAPES VOL, 15 & 16 NOW ON SALE TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM COUPON EXPIRES JULY 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY OME BANDED DEAL OF 6 Lusnus JELLY POWDERS 913- COUPON EXPIRES JULY 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF AMY ONE CART --. SARA Ut GERMAN CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE or APPLE 'M SPIN di EXTRA STAMPS di FROZEN CAKES #2) COUPON mxpines JULY 6 EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4)-07. BOTTLE MENNEN SKIN BRACER 14> COUPON EXPIRES JULY & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WHITE SWAN WHITE OR COLOURED ~-- On 40% PKG a ONE 2180's PKG. -- Linens rioarsnt SERVIETTES 114 COUPON HxPIRES JULY & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY FIVE PKGS. FRESHIE 724 COUPON HxPinES JULY 6 a0 di EXTRA STAMPS 0 EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OnE 112 OF. Amo TH HOUSE & GARDEN BUG KILLER RAID 7S COUPON ExPinES JULY 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8) -07. PKG. BETTY CROCKER CREAM PUFF MIX FS COUPON EXPIRES JULY & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY OME BOT, PKS. SHORTCAKE, DIGESTIVE or. WICE WESTON'S BISGUITS Fab COUPON DxPiNES JULY 6 al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS ORANGE Farcrne? 2 21-07. 39° CRYSTALS SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS MALLOW DELIGHTS .°z 29: SPECIAL! AYLMER Pineapple Tid Bits 2. 69 SPECIAL! KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE .... :: 67: MATCH THE STAMP SPECIAL! Mix or Match Rose Pickles": 1.00 MATCH THE STAMP SPECIAL! Fancy Assorted AYLMER PEAS ....... 3.5.49 45: uch De SPECIAL! HOSTESS CANDIES JU - JUBES aoe ents sae 33 PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 29, 30, JULY 2 T-LB, BOX SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE ORANGE-RAISIN PIE ................... SPECIAL! FROZEN CUDNEY FANCY SLICED SPECIAL! LOBAWS GOLDEN J Strawherries ...2}x2 79° SPECIAL! LOBLAWS CHOCOLATE EACH 43¢ CREAM ROLL .... 24-02. EACH WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF AMY ONE PLAIN. 14.07. RIPPLE 12.07. KE Lomaws POTATO CHIPS 16 COUPON exrines JuLy 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 14.02. x6 aarry chocker RUTTIRCAKE, BPP saisn we CHOCOLATE my CAKE MIX 116 COUPON mxpinas JUL WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE LOT. *6, LOOLAW -- PLAIN, PiMENTO 00 EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS I WITH? COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-07. JAR CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE 77 COUPON sxPiRES JULY 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 2-ROLL PKG. KLEENEX WHITE, PINK, YELLOW oF AQUA PAPER TOWELS TIT COUPON HxPIRES JULY & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9-07. CELLO PKG. HOSTESS ENGLISH MINTS al EXTRA STAMPS 1 EXTRA STAMPS a WITH/COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 14.07. TIN BEAVER SALTED MIXED NUTS 8 COUPON ExPinES JULY 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 1.18, PKGS, Jewn. SHORTENING 18 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 91-07. AERO TIN MONARCH DESSERT TOPPING WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 48 PL, OZ. TINS DEL MONTE BRINKS PVT IH 1% COUPON ExPines JuLy « WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ALLSWEET COLOURED PARCHMENT MARGARINE F9 COUPON aXPines JULY 6 BEEF STEW 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE TWO LB. ¢-L8. SQUARES KRAFT PARKAY COLOURED: MARGARINE #10 COUPON EXPIRES JULY & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 6 FL. OF. TINS oF ONE 12 FL OF, TIN MINUTE MAID FLORIDA PROTEIN, ORANGE JUICE F2e COUPON EXPIRES JULY 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Two HEADS HOME GROWN CABBAGE 2 EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-07, .ARRO TIN COLGATE MENTHOL INSTANT SHAVE PAT COUPON EXPIRES JULY 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'THREE 15-07, TINS PARD bog FOOD at COUPON Exrines JULY @ WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE QUART BOK LOCAL STRAWBERRIES d EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY FOUR 3-02. TINS CLARK'S ' MEAT SPREADS Pia COUPON EXPIRES JULY 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2).07. SOTTLE GLENWOOD MINCED ONION 22 COUPON ExPineS JULY & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE CELLO PKG. FRESH TOMATOES CHEESE SLICES 24 COUPON mxnyneS JULY 6 EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA ie COUPON merinES JULY 6 STAMPS Fay COUPON crimes JULY 6 29 COUPON Icries JULY 6 EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 92 COUPON EXPIRES JULY € #90 COUPON Expines JULY & Fal COUPON EXPIRES JULY 6 DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK MEAT GUARANTEE Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. till 9:30 -- Downtown Store Open Wed. and Thurs. till 9 p.m. ' i]

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