6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, June 23, 1966 YOUR TIMES CARRIERS BARRY ARMSTRONG The Armstrong twins, Bruce and Barry, 14, are the sons of Mr. and Mrs, R, W. Armstrong of 1408 Lake- field Ave, Oshawa. Bruce and Barry are pupils at Dr, C, F. Cannon public school, Both like to play basebal! as outfielders for Lake Vista, They save their route earn- ings if they don't use them for clothes. Barry was the top Oshawa carrier in last year's fall carrier sales con- test and won @ three-day all- Atlantic Loans Up While Debts Grew TORONTO (CP)--The Hughes royal commission investigating the $30,000 salary and $24,000 the collapse of Atlantic Accept- ance Corp. a year ago was told Wednesday that the of plastics manufacturing firms against security of only $157,000 Ronald Scott, an accountant with Clarkson, Gordon and company, told Mr, Justice Sam tel Huges of the Ontario Su- preme Court that only $33 equity was put into the five company Neville Enterprise gine He «aid most of his informa tion came from accountants' checking papers, because the Neville companies' books could not be found Mr, Scott said the plastics firms, usually operated at loss, increased their total deficit from $155,000 in 1961 to $1,756,- 000 in 1965. Loans from Atlantic to the companies increased in the same period from $538,000 company | once loaned $2,039,000 to a group RATEPAYERS CONCERNED ' assessment that 'creates the taxes that we build our struc fo ge ward jes 9 make the whole northern rural area, from the northern extrem- ity to the third concession one word, wes tabled hw Pickering Township Council this week pending further discussion. | Representatives from various lratepayers associations were | present to approve or condemn ithe proposal. All agreed that a redistrioution was needed, but |some urged that more study jena thought be given before i | BROUGHAM--A proposal any proposal was accepted, folicitor John Brewin, repre- isenting. the North Pickering Ratepayers Association, said that redistribution should he fair, based not only on an even population, but on the ne tial growth, of the assessment, land the tax burden | Mr. Brewin insisted that # iward should he one that is imanageable hy one councillor He said a huge ward was diffi cult for a councillor to get around and meet the people. PROPOSAL INADEQUATE Proposal Nv. 6 Carge rural ward) was totally inadequate, Mr. Brewin said, with Ward } too large and Ward 2 difficult and disjointed, (Ward 2 would comprise the central portion south from the 3rd Concession |to the Macdonald-Cartier ree. |way, and the area east of Pick ering Village and Ajax) | One of the points Mr, Brewin lemphasized was a 'community of interest' in each ward, the \term of which he described as inebulous, but with the meaning ithat it was important to have in one ward the same hasic At one point, Mr, Scott said, type of interest and attitude "From the peg and ether : eal statement you have made," | Sovesing + tag i ae said coseemer Comphel, : ' 4 , take it you mean people wit Toronto and Buffalo, plus the! common interests -- that urban meng D almry of secrelary| dwellers should be represented aula Drew, amounted to halfimy an urban councillor and of Neville's total expenses for vice-versa," a year | Atlantic president C, Powell RASIER TO CHANGE Morgan had once been listed as| Mr, Campbell said that. in vice-president of two of the 1980 a population of 80,000 was Neville companies, Mr, Scott anticipated, and this proposal |told the hearing that of one| made it easier to change boun 1$300,000 Atlantic loan, $40,000| daries in the future, Mr, Brewin | had gone first to Mr, Levinson's|said that the concern was not bank account and then to Mr, for 1980, but for the present, Morgan's personal stock broker» Councillor Williams furnished age account figures on population, assess- The Levinson cheque to the ment, taxes and mill rates, said brokerage firm had a notation) that the pattern was for urban mentioning the repurchase of ization, and No, 6 proposal was Atlantic Accepiance stock. Mr,| better than any other as far as Seott said he had evidence Mr,| that was concerned Morgan purchased Atiantic! PD. Kitchen, of Bay Ridges stock, but had no record that it| Ratepayers' Association, urged BRUCE ARMSTRONG expense paid trip to Otlawa for himself and his brother, Bruce, Both won trips to Trenton in the spring con- test, Barry started a route 19 months ago but since February it has heen divid- ed between the twins who now have a total of over 100 papers, There were #0 papers when Barry took over the roule, Brice's route number is 302 and Barry's is 133, Neither of the twins have yet made career plans, | Council Defers Decision -- Ward Boundaries Change "| Kvery had gone to Levinson, to $2,030,000, Baby Murderer Jail Term Hiked TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Court of Appeal increased Wed nesday a sentence for man slanghter of Robert Charles Armstrong, 24, of Toronto to three years from six months definite and one year indeter- minate Mr, Justice James McLennan, speaking for the three-man eourt, sald Mr. Justice ©, D. Stewart had not taken into eon- sideration the element of deter rence to others when he sen tenced the unemployed truck driver May 2 for the death of a one-year-old son of the woman with whom he was living Mr. Justice McLennan added the sentence also failed to reach a just proportion between the sentence and the offence of striking a helpless infant to make it stop crying | The dead boy was Roy La- querre, son of Mrs. Carmen La querre. 'The child died in hos-| pital March 30 from brain in| juries | TRAIL RI C DAILY Thrill te the excitement ef @ Seonie Trail Oa PLEASURE VALLEY RANCH ~~ LOCATION ~~ fimece H. North before Comp Somes. Daily City Bus Schedule, Fea = ANNOUNCEMENT Fancy KEN HAHN 1 BD. HYMAN REAL ESTATE Limir. DB. Ken brings te us © profound lenewledge of rec! extote practice how sasnciated ICED DONUTS D c 0 I that all areas be equally repre: tures with." | Allan Kingston said that it | was vitally important that peo- iple with similar interests be lrepresented by one man, and Plan 6 was much more agree- sented according to population, able, and that Proposal No, 6 give DIFYERENCES CONDEMNED ine representation. We wide Me, eet Soy Aas appreciated concern of the north! the ditterences of counciliors on hecause one member might last! each «ide af the table and af his seat, and that the majority| residents in the north and south. should rule, Assessment, he\e suggested that representa said, should have nothing to 40 tives from all paris come to "= i, pe of gps gy to orgy ab vlenn = Julian, \He would like to meet | Vairpert Beach Ratepayers from the north -- and it would) Association, said @ prepondet-he a chance to look at things ane o ae _ bee together and not separately , i ! 'This council must get to pope Yi pond -- Fo genet said Reeve mgr is my Guty as reeve tha ie guile In ree inn,,|counel deny ma held apes and niversary of Confederation," he pave Sennes said, "Responsible Government, r. Layeox said that too often Vet 'es Pickering Township we was he obliged to break a tir want to go backwards, Ten! yote, ag the onus of a derision : was left to one man, He ac years ago the rural people sald cused one councillor of asking no, and still say it," ; 4 every ratepayers' association to PAST VEUDAL BTAGUS come to this meeting to fight the "We have long gone past the reeve feudal stages," he continued. Coyncillor Williams agreed "That went years ago. It's peo- that he had called ratepayers ple that count,- not money,|associations, but not to act person has a right to against the reeve, vote, | hope on the eve of Con 'hs far as your own situation federation Pickering people are is concerned, | think it has been not dragging their feet." untenable,' said Mr. Williams, Walter Bergmann, of West,"'Ward 4 for the past two or Rouge Ratepayers Association, three years has been over the said that the people wanted 10,000 mark, | want them rep- time to study the redistribution. resented by someone with the With just an opportunity to same problems as theirs," glance at the plan, he did not; Deputy Reeve Mrs, MePher- like proposal 6 because one hig son said that on a road insper- ward was a little cumbersome,|tion tour on Saturday that the "Those who work on it know three southern councillors were what they want," he said, absent because they were too "We don't. You make jt looki busy preparing for this night's like Separation in Quebec, It's) meeting president 2 cone CLEARANCE New and Used CAMPING EQUIPMENT e "LECKIE" TENTS « cS) STANDARD TOURIST TENTS USED ....... 22.00 NEW ....... *35.00 9 x 9 Deluxe "Outside" Poles ' Business Opportunity Canada's 4th largest car rental com- pany is looking for a licensee in the City of Oshawa, Persons or Companies interested should hove some Basi¢ Li Business knowledge and Average Financial Stability. KINDLY MAIL INQUIRIES TO Budget Rent-A-Car Distributors (Ontario) Led, 216 &. Syndicate Ave, Fort William, Ont. rman's BOLOGNA 37: backed by veers of exmerience For premet attention to e@!! veur Rec! Estete needs cal! o* % 8 WYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED, 923 King $¢, West, 728.4284 Ken BLANCHED PEANUTS A Division of the S. S, Kresge Coleman's Fearman"s Polish SAUSAGE 63: SALMON STEAKS potatoe: 99: rt Company Limit UT FOOD COSTS HERE! s, veg. roll end butter ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY BUSTLE BACK TENT USED... . *30.00 NEW... . °49.00 TOURIST TENT 9x15 8.00 Outside Poles CABIN TENT 9x9... 65.00 9x12. . .°73.00 HACIENDA TENT Hi Wall with Screened Porch Ox 1B .-c.ceve» 66.00 ee § x 15 with flaps..... 106.00 9 x 18 with flaps..... 119.00 DINING TENT $43.75 | 7 x 9 WITH FLAPS RIVIERA 8 x 9 HI WALL USED .... *40.00 "d Seal NEW . a ee .- 60.00 9x12H I WALL -USED *50, NEW *72 TENT TRAILERS! Leckie Lakeside Leckie Ladykirk Foam mattress --~ 2 ply Permasol, Assemble | A giant 14 ft. 4 mattresses Slide outside -- Yourself and Seve 40,00 Plenty of storage, Assemble Yourself end 5399 | 3599 SILVERLINER Sleeps 6 -- The luxury trailer -- Chesterfield -- Folding teble end Side Seats . ' 89 5 CABIN TRAILERS 1 Only Used 13 ft. HOMEMADE-Sleeps5...... 495.00 9.x 9 we nn 51.25 1 Only Used 13 ft. 1965 - Sleeps 4 eee0nvee#e#e#e@e 995.00 1 Only New 15 ft. ROCKET - Sleeps4...... . 1395.00 lLOnly Used 17it. IVEY-Sleeps 4 ......... 1695.00 Toilet --~ Fridge --- Oven --- Brakes --- Woter Pressure 1 Only New 17 ft. ROCKET ba Sleeps 6 eoeeeee @ 2245.00 Fridge = Toilet --- Brakes WILDE = SALES Service HIGHWAY NO. 2 EAST WHITBY 668-3226 --AND---