Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1966, p. 3

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CBC May See Auto Parts Producers Fall Strike |Oppose Pact Expansion TORONTO (CP)--~The Cane dian director of a CRC wnion warned Tuesday the corporation faces the possibility of a strike at the opening of the fall radio and television season Timothy O'Sellivan, Canadian director of the Nationa! Associa tion of Broadcast Employees and Technicians (C14), said the would he the hresk down of negotiations for a new contract The union and two others are moving te conciliation. in their wage and contract disputes with the CRC The other anions are the Ca fnadian Wire Services Guild representing ahout 200 editors and reporters in radio and tele vision newsrooms, and. the In ternational. Association of Thea trical and Stage Employees The technicians' dispute will he heard hy a conciliation hoard in Ottawa heginning July 13 The union is asking for a wage increase of 45 cent far agreement made no cause ner The offer twas has mt a CRE Bean Men Ask Resignations (CP) growers wage STRATHROY Vore 200 meeting Ont thar hean here called for the im mediate resignations Tuesday of {Wiliam Stewart, agriculture nd feod m , % deouts DESERT KING P ataege st er, his depu and Herbert As ad man ha the Farm Marketing Board dina re had Jost all faith in the ert WOATS f headdress chief Faisal of Saudi kingdom ckle of As ted this stud he arrived King Arabia presen Tuesday as for a two-day Whe oil-rict hington visit Redouin rephoto) of (AP a Ww monare fi of an des The tion thes growers sa ol ree men "as they were obs ously not working successfull 'No Image Polishing: 2: *** The growers were meeting to elect a seventh director to the Ontario Bean Growers' Co-op Bearson Tells House === Anderson North wood was elected and the new hoard of directors was directed made by a before of the co of nications outlets to publicize {ts achievements reported said newspapers concentrate will see what helieves. thes the| Canadian people the government should see and hear what the government feels they should hear," sion The was triggered which cause argument by a Montreal Gazette report liament while ignoring of Mr, Drury's reply to a ques-| tant legislation enacted tion at the Liberal party meet- tle fuss ing in his &t Antoine- West Perhaps an answer mount riding problem would be for also carried bs ernment to print its own news that papers and to utilize its contro over the CRC by inserting a few programs of its own as the Gazette quoted him as say ing In a prepared statement Tues Mr, Drury said the quo OTTAWA (CP)---Neither government nor Industry Minis ter Drury has any intention of setting government rur newspapers or intervening with the CRC to improve the govern ment"s image, Prime Minister Pearson said the Commons Tuesday Opposition Leader baker peppered Mr with questions ahout.a Monda night speech in Montreal by Mr Drury. He asked whether the government planned to utilize control. over the CBC "so the tation was inaccurate, oul of Multi-Million Health Bill sis". mci". Gets Commons Approval |his views or those of the gov | ernment (CP)--Several MPs CP)--feveral MP Student Exam in prineipie Tues Needs Outlined TORONTO (CP) Students who partially completed Grade 13 hefore this vear would have {on write al least one paper ir | 1948 to qualify for honor matric julation, Education Minister Wil liam Davis said in the legisla ture Tuesdas He was repiving t@ @ question Robert Nixon (1---Brant) asked if atudents alreads with standing in seven subject would qualify for a Too) in jew of reduced Grade 13 re were) quirements b The education department nounced last week it was ducing to seven from eight number of credits needed Grade 1% graduation a) an aud accountant that Vr 1) urs a j an radio and tele assume control on jes, OPCFatiVe p have chartered hes p iss The Ontario gove took over the old Ontario Bean Grow Marketing Board and subsidiar London Company Ontario Bean Growers Ltd exchange in ar riment impor with lit- er its in to this the go Diefen Pearson The zed subsidiary the WAS reorgan co-operative and the old board re-organized and 'named the Ontario Bean Pro ducers' Marketing Roard The into Mr govern The stors Canadian Press, said Drury suggested ment establish its own commu the we REPLACES CANADIAN UNITED NATIONS, N.Y (AP) Tats zalez of Chile has been named ichief military observer of the UN Military Observer Group in India 'and Pakistan. He sue Col. J. H. J, Gauthier of Canada tour of duty completed da Gen Tassara Gon in Canada was level flesearch al a ridiculous A. national medical care gram was a good thing but Ca nadians might find themselves pay premiums and not get ting service OTTAWA ear senor including a was too jittle gave approval in principle Tues day night to a bill establishing a $590,900,000 health resources fund Health Min MacKachen wound up the debate leading to second reading by rejecting the too - amall charges of NDP Leader Dougias and others Mr. MacFachen guessed that anv not ca be taken up in the ear! of the 15-ve timetahle which it wi allotted Far Mr the fund was a well as Mr amount "taken mit heen arrived at with the provincial health min whose is pro nearly ing ter George Hees (PC Northum heriand) supported the measure but said $500,000,000 will be in adequate for the job. Canada should be spending $100,000,000 a year to catch up to the US table will P faciities years during e money avai ' researen The federal hould make conside available far this Canadian altracted research {¢ alleviate fram government) wha raniy more the. pros ar he 1 mones n claimed as certificate er Nougla ince man heing better wasn't oP lo It had age hat 1 uitation from purnose ear late Fy doctors the | mc ilitte inadequate MackKachen said fund the " I) an re the for of he a hs personnel short a lesson should he taken wartime military practice n which trained people turned out quiekls dentist of con vere iaters and medical tained on without the holidays to them paid WILL HELP RESEARCH Doctors Good Nomes To Remember echn de 4100 ans should be alth When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker - Bill MeFeeters ~~ will earch and The fund pro 000.000 for facilitie the federa ernment would be paying half of the costs of each projec Provincial governments must ' recommend each project and And year-round use of the fa thus _ provincial over na toed ac ty break - 4 » V 1 INCTeAS raining capac health would be re a chisa P, B, Rynard ity by SCHOFIELD-AKER bits special Some Fast), a medical LTD he offered ta medical people to ' the training of medical help and ( supply facilities was falling Work in rural areas to ensure 723-2265 nf ; " 4 farther and farther behind each ' quality of care throughout the Drug Promotion Methods Shown By KEN KELLY OTTAWA (CP) T mons drug prices inquiry into the world of drug advertis ing and promotion Tuesday Dr. William Howe (NDP Hamilton South) dumped a bag a year-round basis oy. need for summer only ™ ake money to support » Selves They should be while studying re Ve since ~ President Viee Pres control tained (a ia! doctor Simcoe said Tailored from the incentive should f ot dark brown -and blues above zipper fly, single included ECONOMY RANGE DELUKE RANGE 14.95 CUSTOM RANGE 17.95 HAND GRADE 19.95 The 4 C's of Saving CONFIDENCE |! CONVENIENCE |! t"'nomaon simmise my | COMFORT | ie avn ot ves men! CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST ers, matche brush, tape measure and other} items must sent a cost on the dollar He ca and an e Com moved promotion repre CONFIDENCE ceiving the best rate of interest often CONVENIENCE longer saving hours daily and all day Saturday COMFORT with a community Trust Company SAVE WITH... Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simese HF ON Osheawe, 723.422) ) King 1 OW Bowmanville, 622.2527 knowing that you ore re poid more consumers preseripior ed them wasted money vault ta the doctor's in telligenc dealing with friendly people HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST, 24-HOUR SERVICE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open to Pom. Thurs and Fridey finest all wool yarns, dyed worsteds, ond flannel in pie n' pic, neat and plains in grey, blue grey, medium, EXTRA PAIR 1,00 EXTRA PAIR 1.00 EXTRA PAIR 1,00 EXTRA PAIR 1,00 TORONTO (CP) -- Arthar Pantin of Toronte, immediate past president of the Autome- tive Industries Association of Canada, said Tuesday auto re placement parts makers will op- ise any attempt te inciode their prodacts in an expanded Canata-Uniien piaies mute trace agreement Mr. Pasiin said in an inter view the association is planning to send a brief to the govern ment oatlining their belief that free trade in replacement parts would mean they would he swamped by their U5. counter, parts The association incindes 306 replacement companies with a combined business volume of Sympathy Walkouts Shutdown Windsor Plant Assembly Lines WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Chrys jer Canada 11d. was prepared to hegin operations on its main passenger car assembly line to day but had no guarantee its plant No. 3 personnel would ar rive for work The company two assembly 7,490 men home after disputes closed . down shifts Tuesda after in each shift were seni with management The first dispute flared when was ordered to wear Zi ASSES claimed, on a job not previously designated requiring them A spokesman for Local 444 of the United Auto Workers (CIS) an employee salets was as Injunction Cuts Factory Pickets TORONTO (CP)---Pickets at the main gate of the Koehrin<- Waterous Lid. plant the Ontario Supreme Court his judgment, Mr, Justice john Brooke said 50 pickets circled the 15-fnot-wide gate on the first day of the strike, con stituting a barrier and obstruct ing entrance The pickets are members of Local 1105 of the International Association of Machinists (CV) The workers left their jobs June 24 to back demands for a new contract and wage in creases Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do false teeth drop, slip or wobble | when you talk, eat, laugh or sneeze? | Don't be annoved and embarrassed by such handicaps. FASTERTH, an | alkaline (non-acid) powder to asprin: | kle on your plates, Keeps false teeth more firmiy set. Gives confident feel ing of security and added comfort No gummy. cooey, pasty taate or feat ing, Get FASTERTH toring at drug counters everywhere hy In ee ie dic: cal ae lea nike Summer SLACKS 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 English. and domesti¢é Hook and bar fastener, pleats, continental style tabs on back pockets SAVE 8.95 SAVE 13.95 SAVE 16.95 SAVE 18.95 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT No Money Down -- No Carrying Charges DOWNTOWN 34 King Se. F Open to 9 p.m, Friday Vast seaticabeis Ado 9 hail AGG maT aac ade Abeta, in Brant: ford were limited to 12 Tuesday) The peper says Canadian THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 22, 1966 3 aute-makers, committed to an- nual production increases of 'The story quotes # Canadian. The unnamed executive is also $766, 209.906 under the Canada auto executive as saying "Cana- quoted by The Globe as saying: US. auto pact, are relying on dian auto companies -~ = 'It -- -- a political al te 1< expect to export to the US. if storm {if our people were work- Ay gop he US. mar the plants down there are either ing overtime while their US. s to fulfil a large part Of shut down or working only part counterparts were only em- their quota time," ployed four days a week." $790 996,000 annually. There are 1,200 replacement parts makers in the 0S. with annual sales of more than $12,000,006 000 Possibility of free trate in re placement parts' is to be exam ined in 1968 when hoth govern ments conduct their first review of the trade agreement Canada retained replacement the agree Oshawa Public Utilities Commission ---- In Co-Operation With -- Oshawa Boy Scout and Girl Guide Associations ANNOUNCES Bus Service To Camp Samac Effective Thursday, June 23 to Monday, September 5, 1966 The present Simcoe $4. Route will be extended te accommodate only passengers for Comp Samac at times shown in the schedule hereunder, Monday Thru Saturday Service From --~ Camp Somec To -- King & Simcoe Sts. Leave Leave ** 8:15 am, 12:00 p.m. * 8:30 {2:30 * 9:00 *% 9:15 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 par tariffs whee ment was formulated in 1965 TORONTO (CP)--The Globe and Mail says Canadian auto in dustry officials fear they may have to redace thesr shipments to the United States if the U.S car sales siomp continues into the fail said Tuesda; ment had suspended the man when he refused to wear giasses. "hecause the union had not heen advised of manage ment's changed requirements night manage SEND MEN HOME. man's sent From -- King & Simcoe Sts. To Camp Samac Leave Leave ** 8:00 am, 12:15 * 8:20 12:45 * 8:45 1:15 ** 9:00 1:45 9:15 2:15 9:45 2:45 10:15 3:15 10:45 3:45 14:15 Asis 11:45 4:45 5:15 5:45 6:15 6:45 7:00 7:30 8:30 9:30 -- *Does Net Onerate Saturday ¥ Sunday and Holiday Service From --- Camp Semae To -- King & Simeoe Sta. Leave 9:45 a.m, 10:45 11:45 12:45 p.m. 1:45 2:45 3:45 4:45 5:45 6:45 7:45 Following the suisper sion the companys plant's 2.400 men home workers in the chassis where | man worked their jobs and brought produc to a halt the wher ection e jeft pom, fion The evening sim larly a 5 men failed to return to the plant a tipper break, a move with actions of the shift was ffected when about afie n evir earlier st The company again the 7.400 assembly workers home Todav, the morning shift was due to begin work at 7.45 a.m and a spokesman said the com pany was working on the as sumption the full staff would ar r ¢ ath ft sent an == =S =e == «6 == =e Se == -- == of =e QouwiI®MMAA a aOwnn---- SaRSSSSSSSSSSSSS . An's * Operates Seturdey Only Veg. THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL PLAN Here's « novel plan for parents who wish to test their children's mucal ability before purchas- ing « piano, Heintaman will rent new emall if you de To --- Comp Samac From --~ King & Simcoe Sts. Leave 9:30 a.m, 10:30 11:30 12:30 p.m. 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 a.an vie winw 9:30 9:45 PLEASE CLIP AND SAVE THIS SCHEDULE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE you an attractive, piano for 6 months cide to purchase it, the six month's rent and cartage will be allowed on the purchase price The balance Heintzman's Ovwn Budget Terme 79 SIMCOE ST, N. 728.2921 on 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS BONELESS - ROUND SUNKIST ORANGES 3 DOZ, BAG 99: ORONO CREAMERY No, 1 BUTTER 39: 1 LB. OF BUTTER WITH EACH PURCHASE OF 1 LOAF OF BREAD LEAN, TENDER BEEF POT ROAST PRIME RIB SHOULDER ROAST BLADE ROAST Lean Sizzling' Steaks BEEF ws HIND WRAPPED QUARTER 59: lb GRADE A" LARGE A]: EGGS WONDER PARCHMENT COLORED g J 9

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