33 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 22, 1966 1" University Chancellor | Dr deeadines of on Uaieeriay « A Steinberg Ready-to-Eat Cooked Ham = CALIFORNIA, SWEET JUICY of Toroto. He is also chair- mao ih. rece Some GA one of the very best meat values you can buy! Sunkist ' ada, an independent body poy og srociaer. COMPLETELY SKINNED AND DE-FATTED (CP 0) I an men oF PARTIALLY BONED- TRIMMED OF ALL ve ] Pe ss ae Vancouver Now FAT READY 10 BAT ¢ | r es Starts Clean-up 4 7 | VANCOUVER (CP)--Atr e. Ad WHOLE OR poz. C Aly tomy in '/ pars paere HALF BB. FOR oe will be cut and the potholes in streets repaired. | Crews from Vancouver's 1,500-member Civic Employees! Union (outside workers) started) ae back to their jobs after settle-| ¥ C ment of their wage dispute with) . "ely * LEAMINGTON GROWN, CANADA WO. 1 GRADE sears ers eee : gama un os) re QC accept settlement terms pro- "HOTHOUSE tone ed b industrial inquiry C b ee coral iIcKéeli LEGS" Dredsis. UCUMIDETS _"suars been ee Sunday by the in- id -- dependent union City officiais said most of the IMPORTED, SWEET EATING, ne é 18-18, §9 ¢ Cite weet choked pars, kne. RIYORADE ¢ FRESH - NEW SEASON'S A GOURMET'S DELIGHT C Watermelon AVERAGE eo: high golf fairways and mounds R und Bolo BY THE PIECE B 8 of household and industrial gar- 0 gna ' bage are cleared, | 0 S ers . CAMADA WO, 1 GRADE, LOCAL GROWN Pan sides accepted tbe ome ESSEX - SLICED , ¢ ws i tty a 16 0. Ks ¢ Fresh Green Cabbage workers @ 32% cent hourly wage| Chick Loaf ' GA. increase in two years over the| en PKG. FRESH ATLANTIC resent average of $2.43% an nee STENBERG' - FRESMY BAKED : ¢ CALIFORNIA'S FINEST - CANADA RO. 1 GRADE The formula was four cents e 12 10 14 PK6. i F | ts 5 3 29 cr,' Se | Meat Pies Fate 219° Sole Fille n Nectarines = "7g ZYP ot om et WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - WO DEALERS PLEASE- ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE JUME 22-25, 1966. crews would work overtime un- "LAW" I8 NOT LAW Martial lew is arbitrary gov- al at since 1 tavetves soe. COTT's - ASSORTED FLAVOURS REG. or DIET pension of civil law, it is not) CLASSIFIED HABIT | PAGODA. ORANGE PEXOE "law" at all, but military con-| trol, Ee | Soft +: | : TINS FOR 7 ¥ 'GET THE | ri | Bathroom Teg em PK6. OF 2 ROLLS € Read & | issue SAVE De Use | TIMES ee bay ..more Summer Savings from Steinberg's Big Bakery Buys ' MODERNE - PK OR WHTE save ag . s 1 BIG CITY SLICED STENBERG FRESH Facial Tissues 1x 30 o rea a Honey Glazed Donuts ne 39° -- STENBERG FRESH ew readers and new] . PK6S. mechondive moos moe| @ lftstant Chocolate Drink '™ 39° ne 3 7 C Bran Muffins -- S*™ 3 FOR 5 profits and more savings STEINBERG - 02. STEINBERG FRESH 'or more people. . . join . 3 28 OL. mt thousands of tend \ Beans with Pork Mute 3 is FOR 19¢ 2 Cherry Pies SAVE 10 Age "Classified Shoppers." Loaves SPECIAL OFFER To Place Your Ad FIRST QUALITY siya AO Micro Mesh eae J oy : coven a7, \ msi! NYLONS | = 02. ¢ vans sume GEER © OUPON remeny une 268 Seas, \€T Sate 100% DUPONT NYLON SIZES 8% 10 11 COUPON Expres JUNE TP Ob $ . he . BR y e? SJUNE DY, > cau Sormaie TIMES ; Ct St Dream W CLIP AND REDEEM i" 6 are acti . 5 cea 50 oo a 2 Brad i= COUPONS Detergent = .xcor $1, | A eS ee) ve . | CLASSIFIE COUPON EAPURES JUNE 23, 1966