Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1966, p. 32

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32 'THE OSHAWA TIES, Wednesday, June 22, 1966 Intriguing By GERARD MeNEUIL Canadian Press Gall Writer There's an old adage that things aren't always what ty PCC, EOL WAR.» - Cap @¥spoir, Que., is pro- nounced aimost universally among the English - sheaking as Cape Despair, but it be- comes Cape of Hope when translated from French. Thus the hope of the French becomes the despair of the English. This and other intriguing oddities were turned up in a Cross-Canada Survey of place names by The Canadian Press, Bastard Township, Ont, is named, legitimately enough, after an Englishman. He was John Pollexfen Bas- tard, MP for Devonshire in the late 19th century and descendant of a long, illustri- ous line of Bastards, Romance, Sask., but not for long Fun - poking local history says that when a pioneer bride saw the place, her re- action was: "That's romance?" beckons NAMED AFTER PEST What inspired Skunk's Mis- ery, Ont, is a mystery but there are several versions of how Punkeydoodle Corners, Ont., got its name, What they boil down to is that someone in the hamlet near Kitchener one called a pest, in corrupt Pennsylvania Dutch, a "punkeydoodler," or pumpkin grower Wayward fishermen named places like Come by Chance or Seldom Come By, Nfid. The names given coves and harbors ringing Trinity Bay have become a Newfoundland tourist attraction Voyagers reaching the first landfall called it Little Heart's Ease, Then came Heart's Delight, a better har- bor, and Heart's Content, the best, The men who called out- ports Spanish Room--a fish- ing area is a room--and Joe Bat's Arm sometimes ran out of imagination, This accounts for Nameless Cove, Nfld., and Harbour Har- bour. These names stuck but many another succumbed in the wave of babbitry that fot- lowed the tide of settlement. GONE WITH BUFFALO Marysvale, Nfld., was named Turk's Gut--a gut on the Atlantic coast is usually a narrow inlet---until residents felt they should dignify them- selves with the prosaic Pile o'Bones, Sask., became Regina when the last of the buffalo remains disappeared. Rat Portage, Ont.,. perhaps more understandably, became Kenora as pioneer objectivity succumbed to civic pride. Grand Falls, N.B., was known by Maliseet Indians as Chikunikabik or 'Destroyer Place.' It was there that canoeing Mohawks were lured over the falls to death by Maliseet women New. Brunswick -is with tiny communities with Micmac Indian names but modern Indians don't know their meanings Howemer, no motorist can mention Nauwigewauk with- out a passenger replying "I'd rather drive." The story is that a Micmac mother was strolling with her child when he wouldn't go any farther, She got to the seat of the problem, then asked "'Now-would-you-walk?" If. this seems far-fetched, consider Flin Flon, Man, strewn INSPIRED BY NOVEL In the early 1920s, a lunch- ing prospector found a book beneath a log, He and his companions read it avidly. It was an account of the ad ventures of Joseph Flintaba- batty Flonatin of the Society for the Exploration of unex- plored Regions The fabulous Flintabatty Flonatin learned of a and wonrous place at the bot tom of a lake, built a sub marine, dove for two weeks and found the Sunless City The coinage there was tin but the streets were paved with gold Fierce women ruled while husbands kept house Fear of this fate sent Fiona tin scrambling un the crater of an extinct volcano. The prospectors enjoyed the uncompleted tale, and when one of them found a conical hole that looked as if it might, have been an old volcano, he said "Well, boys, | guess we've found old Flin Flon's mine." And when they struck it trange, rich, they named their mine Fiin Flon, ¥YORM WORD PICTURE Names Uke Yellow Grass, fask., and Snowdrift, N.W.T., are magnificently evocative. So are Westward Ho, Alia., named by explorers, and Spanish Ship Bay, NS. The Isle of God's Mercie sits in the Hudson Strait be- tween Quebec and Baffin is- land, a tribute to some Provi- dential reprieve. There is Ecum Secum, N.S., which sounds like a disease, and Eramosa, Ont., named by a woman who liked the cound of the Indian word, It means "dead dog." Prince Edward Island place names are as serene as New- foundiand's are whimsical, Most of the interesting ones have their origin in the sea, such as Dog Cove, Launching Pond, Squaw Point and Short Point Harbor. Here are some from other provinces the New Brunswick Five-Fathom Hole: A cove near Saint John deep enough for rumrunners to take shel- ter Bereslord; North shore vil- lage named in 1814 after Vis- count Beresford, a British general, but almost entirely populated by French-speaking citizens Nova Scotia Biomiden; At the end of a mountain in the Annapolis Valley. Was it named by Portuguese sailors or is the name a corruption of "blow- me-down?"' Mushaboom: hair of the there," Nappan; "A good place get wigwam poles," Chezzeteook: Pronounced Chezzencook, Some say it's Micmac for "many channels flowing there,"' others that it is from the French "chez les coques,"' or "home of the clams.' Channels and clams are both common there Necum Teuch: 'Beach of fine sand," Tangier: schooner Port Mouton; French explorer when a sheep jumped ship Malignant Cove: A_ benign spot but one avoided by tour- ists, Origin of the ominous name is lost in history for lying Micmac dead to Quebec St. Louls de Ha! Ha!: After the joyous shout voyageurs gave on reaching the commu- | nity on Lake Temiscouata, La Reine: Which the queen, but is named after a French Canadian regi- ment that fought under Mont- calm at the battle of Caril- lon, It was formed in 1635, Shigawake: Micmac for "land of the rising sun.' Trois - Pistoles: No Dumas romance here, The town is named after the loss of a sil- ver goblet said to be worth three pistoles--an old French coin Arvida; An amalgai. of in- dustrialist Arthur Vining Da- | He founded the, vid's name. aluminum industry there Manicouagan: When Quebec Cartier Mining Co. named its executive rail coach after the, mighty river, it found the name means "good place to get a drink," Ontario Tiny, Tay and Flos Town- Ships: In Simcoe County, named in 1882 after Lady Sarah Maitland's dogs. She was the wife of Sir Peregrine Maitland, lieutenant - gover- nor of Upper Canada from 1818 to 1828 Bobcaygeon: In Missisauga "Rocky Portal." It describes the connection between Stur- geon and Pigeon Lakes where the town of Bobcayon now stands Wawa; In northern Ontario, Ojibway for wild goose Ottawa; The name quins supposedly nearby tribe with big' ears Until 1865, the city was named Bytown after Col. John Ry who built the Rideau Canal from Kingston to Ottawa Kitchener; Settlers from Germany called the commu- nity Berlin in 1830 but it was changed in 1916, when anti German feeling ran high, to that of Field Marshal Kitchener, Algon Manitoba Winnipeg: Derived from a Cree word meaning, charit- ably, 'muddy water," Wawanesa: The insur, town, an Indian w "whipoorwill."" : nee fo OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! Oddities Found | In Survey Of Place Names| After a wrecked | Named by a | means Rave al Lord | { Wahowden: Which sounds Indian but was named after W. A. Bowden, chief engineer of the Hudson Bay Ryivay Gast ft ake- Aeriata alle named Son of a Bitch Lake by an annoyed prospector nearly eaten alive by black flies then renamed by more re- fined northern settlers who used the first letter of each of the original words, $107; Saskatchewan Moose Jaw: One version is that the Qu'Appelle River bends like a moose's jaw there. The other isn't so simple, It says the city takes its name from the Cree Word Moosichapiskanis- sippi, which means "the place where the man mended the, cart with the jawbone of a Moose Sunfist: After the first crate of oranges to arrive at the then-unnamed post office Eyebrow: A hill that looked like one, and rose as gently. Revenue: Named in 1928 by a railway engineer who thought the land might pro- duce some Holdnast: A farmer's reluctance his land to the CPR to a sell tribute to Alherta Ghostpine Creek: A age of Indians who thought it haunted by a _ headless horseman after a battle there Medicine Hat: One popular version says that in fleeing a battle, a Cree medicine man lost his hat in the South katchewan River, Blackfoot Indians then massacred the good doctor's demoralized brethren herit- Sas- British Columbia Kitimat; The Tsimpsian In- dian band's name for 'People of the Snow." Poison Cove: Named by Capt, George Vancouver in 1793 when Seaman John Car ter of the Discovery died after eating poisoned mus- sels. Vancouver was nemed after the captain, ' €xa ORUG STORES REXALL INSTART one of these sal } REXALL S 1 Ib, tin, Regularly 73 iRose Oveime, FURNITURE WAX 7 02, spray can -- 79¢ value sust 394 with the purchase of any Rexall household products: (] SOFT'N FABRIC SOFTENER. 32 ounce. Regularly 79¢ 68¢ ] SILQUE LOTION DETERGENT. 32 ounce, heavenly 99¢ RAY STARCH, .. 24 ounce, Regularly 98¢ |] REXALL SPRAY WINDOW CLEANER, 16 oz, Reg. ] REXALL ALL PURPOSE CLEANER, 32 ounce. Regularly 99¢ REXALL LIQUID FLOOR WAX, 32 ounce, Regularly $1.2 | REXALL PASTE FLOOR WAX, [ REXALL DISINFECTANT SPRAY. 7 ounce, Regularly 89¢ WOODBINE ENTRIES FIRST RACE Porse 9140 Heiden trree-yearcia Fillies. Fosies if Canada One mia on Marshals Turt Course (8) aches, Ne 17 © hajestiv. Sal, Carrooy 117 Far Sclacira, Wateh t17 hccoptavle Gilt, Bradiieid KAKI Cheonia, Me Boy 117 SECOND RACE -- Purse 91408 Claim i tn. Tree we lon-yearads Fosted in Canads. & Furiongs (28) tise Crone, No Boy 10) Magic Queen, Leblanc 114 Canis. Ha Bow 119 Able Ruler, Thomas 106 Sultan Mearcn, Gordon 117 Boston Milis, Ditttach 167 rince Guard, Thomas Kits Londen Wise, Werry Alis Gold Gem, No Boy 106 Berlina, No Boy 114 La Mique, Werry 8105 Sweet Trowbie, Walsh W7 heediin Ai, Oitttach 116 Neptunes Hostess, Fitzsimmons 105 alse Eligible: Grecian Shipper, Mo Bow phiss Telso, No Boy 105; Kill Shot, 8; Autumn Rose, Gordon 114; No Boy 193; Luxury Dip, to Boy Game Over, No Boy 107 THIRD RACE Purse $1,206 Claim ing $2000 Four-year-clds and up, One and 9) Wale 6 Harris ANZ Systems Go, Ditttach id Northwoods, Werry *i06 interes, Turcotte 119 Comounicate, Me. 7. F., FOURTH RACE ing $4000 Four-year-olds and up. 64 longs (11 1 Eddy, Griffo AKAKID Triple Alliance, Ferro Ke 118 Purse $2,100 Ciaim Fur Nacubs, Maxwell Chinese Sabre, Lepianc 113 King Legend, Ferro A-X112 Take Notice, Turcotte 120 Tenwood, Walsh i116 \Twoyesr-clds About $ Furs thaytown, to Boy NS Rimini Bit, Me Boy 116 AF, Roperts aod 0, Knight entry FIFTH RACE ~~ Purse $7.08 thaifer on «Tort Conte (8) Wormwces Servs, Gomer AVG Goeedy Redbird, Setve AID Fast Fare, Gordon 12 if Payment, He Boy 120 Francie, Gormer AVN7 Bive, No Boy 116 Sea, Griffo K112 Famous Tour, Mo Boy 18 A-Gardiner Farms entry (EXACTOR WAGERING) ~ SIXTH RACE -- Purse 91400 "Clare son' pilowacce Three-year-olds. & Furs 2 Epike C96, WcCihorte 117 | fiat, Mo Boy ii4 ' Biack Kitten, Leblanc 109 th Sheila €., Moreau AK Choopmar, Barteby 114 Royal Encounter, Harrison 114 Righteous, Oitifach 19 Arctic Phyth, Parrott %14 Ablegate, Kornblum A-BBIIG Simgee, Steve KIT AWindtields Farm Entry SEVENTH RACE Purse $3400 "The Burnaby" Allowances Three anc Four-year-olds #4 Furiongs (8) Regal image, McComb 118 Chincoteague, Gornez 112 ttle Red, Hale 116 ary Rhythm, No Boy 105 Northern Doli, Harrison 111 Gueen's Birthday, Leblane 116 By EIGHTH RACE Purse $2,40 Claim nq ($5000) Four-year-oids and up. One| and one jth Miles (8) | Mighty Patrol, Wo Boy 116 | Judge Mike, Wo Boy Al's j Market Bid, Ferro Ki } Fabison, Barroby 119 Try Brandy, Gomer Alls Javial joel, Leblanc 116 { Twibird, Turcotte 116 Wally Wallace, No Boy 108 AFaicon Sable entry |%5 ibs AAC, HHT los AAC, KKK fos AAC: KXK> 16 tos AAC, Post Time 2 p.m. GARDEN CITY RACEWAY FIRST RACE -- | Mile (Trot). Purse $000 (8 +Armbro Ecto, S'phant 21.30 8.50 5.16 SArawena Lady, Furness 5.9 , Varcoe Foriar, Van 4 Mary Lovise and Granpa Early SECOND RACE -- Mile Pace Purse $800 (8) SHigh Hat Dan, Met Queen Blue Frost, Norris &Topnotch Pick, Coke Also Started; Armbro Girl, Scarlet Blaze and Pontiac Ormond. DAILY DOUBLE, 4 AND 5, PAID $53.60 n 4% 340 21.76 170 6.50 10 Ginny, Dixie THIRD RACE -- Mile Purse $000 (8 SLemac, (Trot Feagan Wellweod farted; Promised Frost, Maureen jimmy Ridde wr, Profile, Sabrina FOURTH RACE Purse $800 2Dell Tumes, Feagan S-Littie Efsel, Curran SElien 6, O'Dare Also Started: Gay Robert, K, G, Direct, Gay Alleen 10.10 4,40 7 6 400 Jean Third FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse $900 (8 7-G'dn's Express, W'dl Wise Old Wick, Feagan i-Karen May, Gilmour Also Started: Jimmy's Dominion, Merrywood 0 3% 2.50 3.10 2.70 4,10 Jose's Stormy Folly, Aloo, Peter Grattan, ONF.Miss Name Byrd DNF Accident, did not finish. SIKTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse ' 6 Wicks, Dares emichi Fred, Smith Also Started: Adios and Doctor Kirk EXACTOR, 2 AND 6, PAID $69.4. Findley 600 3 Hicks f L 7.7 Direct, Katia Kat, SEVENTH RACE ~ Purse $1,000 (7) TArmbro Egan, McK'ly 19.90 6.20 4.860 6-Joe Johnston, Dowson 15.70 12.10 2 Barbara G., Wellwood 1,70 Also Started: Port Wallis Boy, Wynsor, W. Grattan, Minor Joe 1 Mile (Pace) EIGHTH RACE -- 1 Purse $1,100 DArawane Mile (Trot) Coke 4M 340% 29 "y, S'phant 40 3.10 1,0 DQ--Laird McNab, Royal! Patricia, Squadron Leader Ha Finished 3rd, disqualified and placed 4th for @ lapped on break af the wire NINTH RACE ~~ 1 $1,000 (8 4Reed's Dream, K'stn 2-Dapper Grattan &, Filion 300 2.3% David Hal B, Crowe 3,90 Also Started: Pierre Herbert, Wee Gov ernor, May Trust, Perfect Time and) Stoney C Altendance 2,463, Mile (Pace), Purse 9.20 3.20 3.06 e-priced BiGs 88¢ 88¢ 69¢...58¢ 88¢ 9 88¢ 79¢ HALF PRICE SALE! SUN TAN LOTION Family size plus travel size both for the price of one! () CALAMINE LOTION. 8 ounce - : (55¢) plus 4 ounce (35¢) both 55¢ () MI-31 MOUTHWASH, 16 0z. (98¢) plus 8 oz. (69¢)... () MINTED MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS. 250 tab. size ($1.39) plus 85 (69¢) REXALL SACCHARIN \% gr. 1000 ate 59 ($1.39) plus 400(79¢) both $1.39 () INSTANT TABLE SWEET. 16 oz. ($2.50) plus 4 0z.(99¢) both $2.50 LITTLE SALE .., both 98¢ both $1,39 o FIRST-AID co GLYCERINSUPPOSITORIES *3".203"c: oc EGG CREME SHAMPOO :::: c REXALL TOOTHPASTE co REXALL QUIK-BAND o AIR FRESHENER ixte 5% oz. SPRAY Fluoridated formula in 31's, regular 53¢, Plain or Mercurochrome pad. "Refresh Air'. 6.5 ounces Reg. 89¢ Aerosol, four fragrances, Now Soothing antiseptic for minor injuries. 2% oz. Reg. 89¢ co AIRMAIL PAD OR ENVELOPE 88¢ 995 69° 39° 59¢ 79¢ 2/88¢ Pen Ounce plastic le, Non-drying tubes, Reg. 89¢ Reg. 59¢ Total Pool $148,401, ¢ HOOOOOOO AKAM AAAAAA YY, SOOOOCIO SOXOOr Fr OE a EGO Mihi y oa See Se et 5 " Sa ae ne Aviary 0 + © > GRANULATED SUGAR SAVE 8¢ on GOLDEN CHURN, CANADA FIRST GRADE BUTTE OO SHOOOOC SOOO OOOO SSO< ooo 384 SOO ww ALL POPULAR BRANDS CARTON OF 200 Tax Included CIGARETTES B A BY - 434 02. JARS FOODS HEINZ OR GERBER'S STRAINED EVAPORATED 16 oz. TIN toke advontoge of it! 24 hour ser vice; and radio dispatched trucks el- ba" on the ready to serve you, 'uel Ol! Budget Plan evailabie, OIL NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL . McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 PRESCRIPTION teed CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FREE VELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. 530 SIMCOE ST. 5S. PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA "suone 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY P Carnation COAL & SUPPLIES 110 KING ST. W. ZA

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