Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1966, p. 25

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 22, 1966 BRIDGE | Sy 8. JAY SICKER in Master' Play) PHELE/ERING FOR, POSITION, THE FAC LAUHCHES A SIDEWINDER, Aik, OMY AMO | irl STEPPED WTO G mee, THAT'E WAT IE CALA |) ' ae * , All f REAL UMP? siealiessilts scoilieis ial WM eae Ce es | [Se A REALL oy CFR mms @ Venpe; FUER) [fis LEG MENOED, BTEPIENGON'S THROWN 4 4 eset ae IT IG LINER, WILLIAM STEPHERIBRM SUCH, KANADIER. , | WTO A POW CA /@ BHOT DOWN BY A GERMAN ro snianeipueeil VOACIHUE --~ GIVER, It THE BAA WELCOME TO HOLIMINOEN . PREVIOUELY WHIMO BY A [COMFORTABLE ENOUGH HERE, GT) FRENCH FLYER , etait an iq [IVE NOTICED IT | [FR NOT Learn, BOSS ) THERE. HOW s- iT --William Stephenson 'pet ie | 4 ee ee | queen | In bridge, as in many fields of endeavor, you take certain things for granted. It may sound 7 | 4 : A \ trife, but it certainiy is not A CREATURE LIKE "TT CAb -HAW! Hg! : YOU ; ' amiss to mention that In. every THAT COULDNT BE TWISTED INTO <1 GUN, AND COMET y se rete ae acres anna ° * deal each player is dealt 18 oe a on an Nee y+ gad si 4 / DOWN THE SLOPE, IT STRIKE€ OTHERS, STARTING A DEADLY CHAIN 4 ' . cards and each suit contains 18 iL*) ee) a. te be! Eee e ~ ~s " REACTION +++ 1 cards \y | DREAMED UP " ry , How many mistakes are made " } oe tI /) 'aw / because of failure to appreciate this is more than anyone can say, but the fact is that many ; VV Be , a fi players regularly fail to apply ee this simple fact to a particular «) deal and fall down as a resuit \ \ a \ '|| Counting out a hand is mat 7 { ter of not being lazy. If you apply yourself conscientiously to THE LONE RANGER (} Ae ae the task, you chisconer that 4 \\ \ there is much more to this ' \, 4 \ me a game of bridge than meets the é : ee NS AY eye. It's just a question of be- WE'RE LIVING NA == ing willing to think things out. fat Op ig ap, ; HALFATANK OF GAS ; ic [ arn AT 15 KNOTS AM HOUR We'LL BEY Take this case where South is AGE! ~~ -- % J We WOULDNT HAVE 6oTTEN HALFWAY AROLRID THe WORLD BEFORE im a six no rump. West leads a YOU A HUNDRED MILES heart, dummy playing low, and ANYWAY, PRINCIF- BOY, 4 ANY on when Kast shows out, discarding 50 START WALKING { Y a spade. South is well on his | way towards knowing West's en- jtire hand. He already knows that West started with seven | hearts South has eleven sure tricks and his only source for a twelfth lies in clubs, If that suit is di- | vided 3-2, there is no problem, | but if it is divided 41 or 5-0, there is a problem. Accordingly, South starts te gather more information. about ~ | West's hand. After winning the theart with the ace he cashes TELEVISION LOG | ie Ak oat ie } by the A-K-Q of diamonds, and = $4----Paradise Bay A MOG6T INTERESTING COLLEGE learns that West started with Channel! Haines sport m iPeradiie Bey JS Awost UC FOMICNONE FIND two spades and three diamonds Channel &~Rochester A1--1 § Ed Alien Time ve . When South then cashes the _' y on 4 G6 é BS Suaaash Fbehee 12:00 NOON OUR ORGANIZATION HARD-HITTING king of clubs and West follows -- SECRET AGENT X93 \. THATI! ee Summer Channe| 6~Toronte +-Danny Kaye thow te , q ae " Channel 4--Butfale 10:90 PLM - "i * 2%, AND AGGRE: SIVE > 4 d sult, the 13 cards West started Ehannel Sparrie, -- | 9-tpert Hol baat , i fh , Aan f Aly with become fully accounted ene mm oN 4 s ka for, namely: two spades, seven eS 11:00 PM d WEOMESDAY rere News > f } hearts, three diamonds and one ea 4--$peaker of the House - club ' Viewpoin 12:90 PM, j South now leads » club trom Passport ; night Sho Noon Time q ih Ges va, OO dummy and, after Fast follows Adventure | 1, ee ere) } ! i 4 | with the eight, finesses the nine HE WON'T G&T FAR/ TAKE CARE. | ie Gatien" PAE yh #1--Post. Office , to produce his twelfth trick. OF CRAIG, BEN / T/LL GET THAT 5:30 PLM, Sport &4~--Search for Tomorrow , | Fast cannot escape his fate by J~-Noonday Report s BOUNTY HUNTER / a Dobie G ne ie, PM ik ea playing the ten instead of the co gag ae Guiding Ligh owas ares P jeight because South would take ° it with the queen and return to dummy with a heart te take the fe a WHAT BO | |proven club finesse, 4--Midweek Theatre Casey fee Pe Luncheon" Date YOU THINK, ] UNIVERSITY HAS SENT US NOTHING J} Y--Mik and Honey "sab Bld oi lead, BUT REAL NINCOMPOOPS IN -| SALLY'S SALLIES a, & iD ccsesiendentdlinenentestieiemenenenemnemmenenm eae tame ap 1:40 PM Fo our 12.25 A.M 2--Topne _ THE PAS T° News; Weather) 190 PM S wg Sports ¥--James Beard Show §--Huntley-Brinkley 1,00 FM +4--As The World Turns New joe Carlo Music 24--Let's Make @ Deal 6~Across Canada THURSDAY ' ] 7:00 PM 4:00 AM | -Bliligans istend 4--Captain Kangaroe 9 Ratmar Go To The Races word News, Weather, ' i thee §-2--Days of Our 's 1" PLM The. Honeymooners = 4 People in Contiier or sienna THERE : a | Man from U.N.C.LE A t t2---The Doctors ee | CERTAIN " . f | Huntley-Brinkiey . or Do 1a Time For Ue | fi % Report / 4 in yson it KNOW ) . ' <spotay B "opi i Y x ren' PM Rte a n 6 Par 1 MAKE MGTAKES! oe cathe 1: PM, » Acres "YOUR HEALTH Difficulty Seen | Climbing Stairs Ne thee te einen Could |=Mlke Douglas 1 " : Bea dey) ep . worms hurt my unborn baby? f 4--Morning Star 3 d Cor By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. | have them and am toe } rerunree? eee ip \ J-$upermark ¥ Griffin : | \ YOU KIDS HAVE BEEN [Are YOU GONNA [No WE JU . (AND THIS I$ THE ONLY Way | ie War bie pects pack add wil Baha : | ashamed to tell my doctor.-- MICKEY MOUSE COUPLEGKATING =| | ENTER THE CONTEST |GKAT@S BETWEEN US...) BOTH OF UG CAN GKATE AT } | Green TeeAney. Mayeerry ! n Dear Dr, Molner; A comedian A couple of months later, thelJ. §, ALL. DAY, "| |\OVER AT THE ashe , THE % 4 '| i 1:30 ALM, iE | y eae ES we | ROLLER RINK P { THE SAG TIMES ' | 9-Abracadabra Razzle Dearie recently joked about people of)an wal able to go pheasant! 'There's no more reason te be J Xm p I : y 0.2 +-Dich Ven Dyte 7-Dating Game Movie 40 having difficulty in climbing | "UNDE jashamed of worms than of ef'h a CaN pe f » stairs. I have to stop halfway, However, in his case, . one/catching some other parasite-- al! a4 Agr we om *,|Particular place was involved Hi e the viruses that vi Ds ) } | Neal ' ' ye CROSSWORD up, What might cause this?) For most of us, there's a ltislcots ¥ : at give us A: | é ee SR fy hoon . | Slowing down of the circulatory | narrowing here, a little -- The worms won't harm your ACROSS = 4, Old 20, Swed: OCR eM. SOR. there other/and while total circulation is! yiborn baby, but if you are past P e. et reasons? DR, |thus impaired, it tsn't practical The Wars measire ish Fi |0. {6 try to sorrect: all of ihe the second or third month of of the 5. French coin ! 'at Well, the comedian must be Hoh, 2 pie pregnancy, medication to elimi- Man from pronoun 21. Through ' rit a smart man, for he knows that places, inate them is in order. Jordan 6. Soap 22, Argued fat lof.) it's better to joke about the dif Another reason for having to The important thing is to get Baldwin substitute 24, Herd JAIS IRIE ; N ficully than to cry about it stop halfway up the stairs Can) vig of them, because if you or McIntosh Dutch of lotaty fn te . But when you put the age attbe respiratory difficulty,|).) a : ; . Cantaloupe, painter whales . NiOjgP ir 40, that's usually too soon, Yes, asthma, emphysema. or what.|@on wh ce ee ce : r § if - -- ion ay vat a for one ; Spanish 25, Gives | ; E we're slower al 40 then we were! ever, Circulation of blood may! 9 ¢ : r, ts Junio q UNFORTUNATELY F waar bo HES No GOOD | Fie DORSNT DISLIKE yf he DORSNT | («..TWAT HAS A SIGNED, i Irritates general thumbs Rr tet Fs at 30 or 20--or at 10, when we be adequate, ,but if the blood| Always 60) Lo YRS! "| |, YOU MEAN an a wares | DELIVERY PEOPLE On DISLIKE ANYONE | | {UNSOLICITED CHARACTER ) Spanish 9. Nee up ! '™ never kept still unless we were! doesn't carry as much oxygen FRIENDLY? lon x | ves PA EVER YRCOY! E YX} | GUYS ON MOTORBIKES HES THE 4¢;/ t Reranee FROM card game Marshal of 27, Bish. Yesterday's Answer asleep, Rut at 40, unless there's as formerly, your legs feel tired apa , ! pee in vy ee oe | | } | it ey 3 h Bish priest France op's 35. Member of some rather severe problem, too soon { NG ; i} af State . Not 81, Aspect 87. Festiva, | Walking upstairs. We may be/weight. Maybe at 110 pounds her age? Could it cause any 7. Stone aullied 32. Thus St Amtuive content to walk instead of run, you ran upstairs nimbly, At 175 malformation or misplacement player Phone 83. Spindle 40. Prate but that's it pounds, you have to lift a lot of later teeth?--Mrs, H.G.C. Think, book 34, Oriental 41. Tahitian When the years catch up to more weight, so of course you old atyle abbreviation nurse god us and we have to stop halfway jure, Or if youhave -- arthritis, 2. Jason's . up, the circulatory system usu-|it can add to the effort of ship ' a 15 [4 / 8 V4 ally has a lot to do with it, out) walking jthat's not the whole story. Naturally when the stairs be jstory come that much effort, you If heart action is inefficient,)can't get enough exercise to blood doesn't carry fresh oxy-ikeep the muscles well toned, jgen and blood -sugar to the/either, Thus there are various Dear Dr. Molner: Our daugh- jter is 3 and has her 20 primary teeth.Now her first permanent (lower) molars are erupting. Is thistoo uncommon for a child First and second molars start to appear between the ages of 2and 3, so | would judge your child to be on schedule If for any other reason you suspect any abnormality, that would be a question for your dentist Teaser '4 . Go thy % fiirtively 8. Therefore ; Cheeses Overturns Dear Dr. Motner: Should one " = - onan WAl4y : }muscles in quite such generous reasons that. make the. stairs - ron WIL WE > 4 é I WOULD SAY $0, = , WHICH é gad / 77, quantities, so the muscles have! seem steeper and longer as je _ -- y Bos sco BE BACK TO THE "Yee/ MISS JONES, ONLY qj P o | Bo. . A 'A 4 " to wait for new' supplies of grow older, but slowing circula an entirely from alcohol? DOCK BY EVENING, I Ive s se | American N//, ef energy tion is as important as any neces ; CAPTAIN? = ERTAIN,,. / 3h ' atyle Hos 9 Or the heart may be in. fine It is best to do so. For dia- j \W4 Away ' condition but the big arteries, Dear Dr, Molner: I am 33 and, betes in other than mild forms, THE CITY BACKGROUND 7 { . ' = | ' City in serving the legs may be nar-)put off starting my family be-|alcohol should be avoided com- IN THE PHOTOGRAPHS, / a 4 \ ~ ( F , 7 Nebraska (My rawed at some point, Again the cause of my career, Now | want pletely, y ; } ~ w/f ; A failure; ada h, . supply of circulation is reduced.'a child very much, but some of colloq, fy fy 4 YI) I'm sure this happens to all of my friends tell me that having) Note to Mrs, A. L.: There are Stuns us to some extent, but occasion-|a first baby at my age will be;many causes of "tunnel vision," Mountain AMM, ally a very severe case comes) much more difficult: than if Lor inability to' see except in a ye f along, | recall one man in his) were in my 20s. Is this true?--!narrow range straight ahead, conceal f later 50's who couldn't walk) Mrs, LH. The causes range from hysteria . Fremaned 7 across a roem, Studies showed! No, It may be a little bit/to various eve diseases, so you wee 'i Be RL 5 a very" extreme narrowing of} more difficult, in' some: cases,/will have to get specific details Cama the princinal arters arryingjbut not enough to matter, as-from the doctor who has ex is ni ing }blood to his legs, and surgeons} suming that you are in good amined you and knows the basis 'sueeeeded in revarine that spot. {health ; 'of your particular case, MUGGS AND SKEETER

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