THE OSHAWA TIMES, ednesday, June 22, 1966 Finis of Hospital Graduate Christopher Bateson, son of Dr. and Mrs, Bateson, 7% Hortop &t., graduated from the Ontario Hospital school of psychiatric nurs- ing, June 3. He will be writ- ing his FN. papers in August. Mr, Bateson re- ceived his earlier education at O'Neill Collegiate, He will be. practising at the Ontario Hospital, Whiths SPADE GETS GOOD USE 8T. JOHN'S, Nfid, (CP) trial} development Smallwood's ceremonia ve sod-turning el, After $300 hov 606 060 worth of new projects have begun, there now is almost brought all bis comic Fi glided the By BOR THOMAS HOLAN WOOD (AP) -- On Sunday morning, the gentle ge- comeay, Fa Wy nr reached the end of his years which were a few months short of four-score, Two generations of entertain- ers will pay tribute to "the per- jfeet fool" Thursday at Vorest Lawn, and their homage in weli- placed.. No American star sustained a llonger career and succeeded in s0 many phases of show best- ness. None was more univer sally liked by his fellow per formers | Everyone has his own mem- jories of Bd Wynn, | remember thim first as radio's fire chief, this shrill voice spouting gems of comie nearhysteria, During the war I saw him in a vaude- ville revue, Big Time, and the rareness of his comic talent Was more apparent, He plodded about the stage in huge shoes and outsized cos- tumes, pausing now and then to spout an inane invection as if it had just been revealed to him, He weaved ep all the acts and ended the show with a charming bit he often used PEDALLED BICYCLE Wynn pedalled onstage with his own invention, a piano mounted on a bicycle, The chan- AP teyse--I believe it was Jane index of Newfoundland's indus- Premier Pickens-~-sat atop the piano and sang Tea For Two while Wynn vehicle about the stage in rhythm to the song His early television shows talents no more room on the handle for inte sharp focus. The gentleness commemorative plaques 2ND BIG WEEK Cn Nuts PLIES prasents GREGORY PECK DAVID NIVEN ANTHONY QUINN This Week Only 8 P.M. JUNE 23rd SUPERVISED PROGRAMME CHECK ROOM | FACILITIES LADIES' LOUNGE BOOT RENTALS polr to of Given away as door prize, ADMISSION 75¢ Per Person A HONEYMOON OF ECSTASY TURNS INTO A NIGHTMARE IN TERRIFYING COLOR! ROBERT PARSONS of his humor was a welcome me contrast to the hard-driving com- ies of early TY Wynn was worried when his son Keenan talked him into tak- ing a dramatic role in the film, The Great Man. In his previous half-century before the public, he had always relied on wild costumes, clownish ey e brows and huge spectacles "When I saw myself in the jrushes, | was amaved at how] ADVERTISES EARLY The first advertising in Can ada was placed in the govern- |ment publication The Halifax x SOMETIMES NAETH WLUAMS J BLE COMALES RAWTIET PK SIMS ANGELA DOWOLAS BEE TAGES Ure re | Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Weekdeys Doors Open 6:30 Seturday Continuous From 1:30 1UM Sunday Continuous From 1:45 1941 ( TWENTY<FIFTH ANNIVE VIN@T*CINQUIEME ANNIVERBAIRE SHOW TIMES 2:00 . 4:30 . 7:00 . 9:25 We Suggest The Matinee er 7 P.M, Show and Avoid Line Ups BO Contury Few COLOR Fr OF Lune CNEMASCOPE, Now Playing |Lovable Comic Had Wealth Of Talent looked," he told me. "1 never seen myseif as I was win kisser riage troubles! KEPT wr CLEAN joke 'to an audience " he "1 have always put on the kind of show people could bring their (children to. During my career 17 newspapers have written e4 orials ahout my and many of them remarked that I aiwaye put on a clean show im proud of that."' He was proud, too, that he mained in demand during his its, George Slevens gave him But here was an old guy his most dramatic roles, in The a bald head and an ugly Diary of Anne Yrank and The No wonder 1 had mar- Greatest Story Vver Told Walt Disney considered V4 a good luck plece and cast him In Ane aff antne anu nt the Micnew camedies said. Wynn was lighted, although he did a a bit shout his hilling Career re had ' rea sy Gala Summer Shindig WED., JUNE 22 Oshawa Civic Auditorium featuring RITCHIE KNIGHT and the MID-KNIGHTS (Rhythm and Blues Sound) DANCING 8 to 12 MIDNITE DRESS: YOUR CHOICE "ADVANCE TICKETS -- 1,00 AT THE DOOR - 2,00 @ ADVANCE AGENCIES « PICKERING: Coffee Shop AJAK: Alex Drugs PORT PERRY WHITBY BOWMANYVILLE: Brysen's Smoke Shep OSHAWA: Dise Shop. Shopping Centre, Handy Ber, Ritson Rd. & Colonial Restaurant, Civis Auditorium CULES BOR TAYLOR will give out FREE PRIZES! Stainton's Drugs LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Whithy Music Contre ALL EVENING Record Crowd of Over 3,000 txpected Bond Return Buses leave Simcoe ond at ToT et pom atter the dence Y i 6 mn sii fitTORiIWM Having « Heat Wave Mr, MUSIC MAN BOB MERCER will set your heart on fire oofthythms -- Bluse --~ Bano. Entertainment Nightly of @ P.M, Matinee Seturdey 4 P.M, to 6 PM @ FULLY LICENSED KING ST OSHAWA Recording Stars PGARY BUCK and the Nighthawkes Featuring Door's Song UPBEAT WESTERN FOR YOUNG MODERNS the Ste 09 Sweetheart ¢ Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M, TO 6 PLM PULLY LICENSED DUNDAS ST WHITBY He has to Try and Fight Harder Thon Bond R200 eCauseseee ® PRESLEY AUEADAMS », A SINGING. SWINGING HIT news JMB!' ROX OFFicr OPENS 8.00 SHOW STARTS 9,00 BOTH OF THE CBr AWA CV AUONTORRUM ree. a0@7e, OSHAWA DRIVE-IN HELU OVER 2né BIC "YEE FIRST TIME 'IN A DRIVE-IN THEATRE' DIRECT FROM ITS PREMIERE SHOWINGS, | SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT AT SPECIAL PRIGES. NO RESERVED SEATS, NOW EVERYONE CAN SEE THE MOST LOVERLY MOTION PICTURE OF ALL TIME! my, FaIR LADY Winner of 8 \ai _ Academy Awards neva: Best Picture. W AUDREY HEPBURN REX HARRISON TECHNICOLOR® A SUPER PANAVISION" 70° Bid anos, ° ONE SHOWING ONLY AT 9:20 Pu PEE RIVE-IN 942.1250 The breath- taking race Sos: aa wood' s ee award! e's Mor Winne d T ing 4:40 *Velope! 7:05 InPat theCOLOR 30 Af pooner Praha tenn aan BAL ACT I/ ty CCS NP | DAR p. SUMMER: MIUON BERLE ELEANOR PARE BERLE ELEANOR PARMER JOSEPH CONTEN mini SNe CO | POISE wd CAPEWCE GREENE ROIS TE: EPTE TE hie CMPAWE GREENE PIGEELL POUGE. Percy Fath bili atc sre iB i) Ty HIN | SN PLS 6 te varies TateTet BUSTER SALE "REG, 29¢ !---- SUPER SAVE -- PACKAGE OF 12 Pes aeeeee Wiener Rolls c WIN PuGS. O's Hamburg Buns $25.00 CHAIN 'A' 5 FOR 29¢!-- REGULAR POWDERS In Merchandise 48.0Z. TINS ASSORTED [ for |e ff 2 8 8 ll SPROULE'S BEEF IS RED BRAND BEEF, , CANADA'S FINEST GRADE TO ASSURE QUALITY, PKGS. Bs Cash Your CHAIN 'A' 37¢ !-- ALLEN'S FRUIT FLAVOUR AND NATURAL TENDERNESS u. 53° Baby Bonus Red Brand Beet Expertly Cut and Carefully Prepared u §9° Cheque Here! Super Save SHORT RIB ROASTS FILL IN COUPON AND DEPOSIT IN fOX Sells The Red Brand Boneless --- No Bone ~~ No Waste Luncheon Meats 2,.. 49° ROLLED SHOULDER... BEST alia eon Burger Blend Fresh Minced 69° Le. . MEA Ham Slices 45° Ground Chuck u, oO" IN TOWN 88° EXQUISITE BRAND FIRST QUALITY ORANGE Reg. 45¢! =~ Weston er Sun- A im NYLONS beam Cinnamon 4le s s Skinless Wieners 3 PRS. CHAIN "A" 3 TINS 35¢ -- ZIP 1§-0Z, TINS BUTTERHORNS 6 to pkg. Fw Bwaenetseseesee | chuck, ete, Cut and wrapped tree BIG 88° SAVINGS IN HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS! REG, 1.29! ECONOMY SITE BAN ROLL-ON DEODORANT REG, 1.25 | o NOXZEMA TROPIC TAN SUNTAN OIL REG, 1.09! KING SIZ8 BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSING REG, Se! BAYER ASPIRIN REG. 1.19! CREST TOOTH PASTE BYL, 48% DOG FOOD 10 «« CHUCKS 60 to 70 ths, eansisting of blade roasts; short rib roasts, ground DID YOU KNOW THAT OUR Supply House is COMPARE 99¢ SUNSPUN Canada's biggest Importer of Chiquita Bananas ? ICE CREAM © FROZEN * BAKERY CHAIN "A" 250 -- LEE'S 20-02, TINS FOODS! °¢ FEATURES ¢ PINEAPPLE bagi He 38° FAMILY SIZE 88° TUBE OPEN TONITE, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday Nights till 10 O'clock AMPLE OFF STREET PARKING os . 'Av & for ™ Pop-Up x 400. TISSUES Pk, 88° "A' 2 tor 4le Heins 1S.0n, Tins Chain Cooked SPAGHETTI Reg. 4%¢ ---- Super Save APPLE PIE Full 24.08 size wwe Birds Eye 6-02, 49° Supreme Brand = Tender Tins 6 GREEN BEANS =. 2b, bag 55 SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE ., corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA and 88° 88° "A" 31e == Seve-All 100 ft, Rolls Chain Refill WAX PAPER