OLR GOLD OE ME OE Ey THE OSHAWA TIMES, 2] Wednesday, June 22, 1966 COTTAGE CHEESE PANCAKES ezgs, well beaten cup cottage cheese (ereamed) this, butter Y, eup flour, sifted 4, teas. salt Put cheese through sieve if extra smooth consistency is needed Cambine inarediants and mix until well blended Drop hatter onto well greased grill or frying pan by spoonfuls or pour from pitcher, Lift with spatula to test underside for browning, turn. Serve with but ter or spread with current jelly or any fruit syrup. Makes 12 WESTERN KABOBS Ibs. boneless round steak cut in Linch cubes Meat tenderizing salt cup soy sauce « 94 er pneer O$r Fiscol Year ends on June 30th, inventory a to be taken and we're overstocked, Everything has to be re- tablespoons salad oil duced. All items slashed for quick sole, We must moke room, No holds barred, Come in » ond make the "Buy" wget intial ss ah of your lifetime. No Dealers Please! SALE STARTS THURSDAY 10 A.M. No, 2 can pineapple chunks drained, or | cup fresh pine- apple chunks bho ee tamalors DOOR BUSTER DOOR BUSTER DOOR BUSTER DOOR BUSTER 3 tomatoes, quartered ERSATILE § bs ee) MER AY . Sprinkl VERSATILE SALADS FOR SUMMER cuonroe os OBOE LARGE ENDS OF FLAKE pierce with a fork to allow ten- BROADLOOM FOAM EGG BALAD fi as ta manaivel Combi Two-Way Mushroom Salads + harscoeed ener, choppet (AILS? Deneirale, Coming 9' x 12 2 nions, sliced thin sugar, Marinate meat cubes in SCATTER PILLOWS CASH AND CARRY green 0 ° ye cup chopped fresh mush- sauce for one hour, turning ocea Good In Sandwiches Or On Plate " '::.: sionally, Place meat cubes on STORE SAMPLES CARP ETS % cup finely chopped celery skewers alternately with pine Slightly Damaged MATS At this time of year, we are| % cup finely chopped celery 2 thsps, chopped pimiento apple and tomatoes. Broil over looking for shortcuts in mealio green onions, chopped Salt and pepper to taste hot charcoal coals until brown- preparation, If you serve salads , aspoon lemon: juice Mayonnaise to moisten ed as desired, turning and at lunch or supper an ome pase Combine 4 ngredients, brushing occasionally with re members of your family carry and pepper to taste Makes enough for 3 salads or maining marinade. Makes 6 sandwiches to work or to the Mayonnaise to moisten 6 sandwiche eryvings beach, you will welcome these| Drain and flake fish, Combine two-way salads, All contain aiall ingredients, Makes enough protein food to make them sat- for 3 to 4 salads or 7 to 6 sand N FOOD isfying; some fresh crisp vege- wiches tables for crun nm must rooms for mutty fla and CHICKEN SALAD LIMITED QUANTITY teresting texture and, of cour seasonings and mayonna cup chopped fresh mush- You'll find them great to ser rooms A : : 6 cup f y ch lery as the. main attraction nh Cup sine! hopped celery 3 PCE sealed vegetables at meal time cup chopped green pepper 7" 2 theps, chopped pimiento d e Salt, pepper and onion 6a ' ul 2 cups diced chicken and all are excellent in sand _-- to taste i @ Low Rental Rates b " | j FOR COTTAGES Walnut finish, double dresser, large chest : "oan celia or tose (4 s.)| Comba ol tegrediants ; iy the Month or Year BARGAIN SHOPPER'S einut finish, 1 hard-cooked egg, chopped |Makes enough for 4 or 5 salads i HHL Expert Meat processing a Sere Complete ih fovieg Ties oe vs cup chapped fresh mush- (or 8 to 10 sandwiches ! i and Custom Cutting From 59.88 DELIGHT ! WILSON'S S . Mt ' SMOOTH TOP CONTINENTAL BEDS, Com- ; SPECIAL... Save on Wholesale Mert Entering Vocational Picture i pod in Quentity eng ree et rars 49.88 MANY ONE OF-A-KIND ITEMS » » SOME | 'vit ave ROLLAWAY COTS with 22 88 SLIGHTLY SOILED OR MARKED, MATTRESSES thee Ld # pee, CHROME KITCHEN "i cee Sosct' Send Requires Stocktaking Session BUA NLL] * ovr beter Seri bw ey eee ae Bios Per bg a By ROBERTA ROESCH -- (school, you can still seek the OSH " who will r vocational trainir that ill 8 TABLE LAMPS. ' : . F My brother, who will be dis- vocational training that w AWA FUR AND (00 sea Ra A RY tod laa athlete dE Large Triple dresser with 9 drawers, roomy chest end bookcase bed, charged from the arm this Dring out best in you and Armstrong WALL COVERING. month, has great misgivings Prepare you most effectively for ment ea, miss eas fed aa Ie EM BARGAINS inh its wm HERE'S r ma ? vou LARGE ROOM DIVIDER, Giass Doors, woman from Florida : Reg, 69.95 "He realizes the vocational, You will find the opportuni R BABY ! " ABUY!... DESKS, erborite tops, walnut finish pictures will be entirely differ: ties for this in junior colleges, 81 William St. West Dusk t when he comes out of the community colleges, vocational en hen 4 PLAY PENG BUFFET, solid sonstruction, Arborite Top. service than it was when he training schools, technical Insti went. in. tutes and evening courses that From +* . ' ' os you can combine with full-time PHONE 723-3012 New Lloyd 1966 STROLLERS 12 88 pLoen COVERINGS, discontinued patterns, "oe "He is very anxious to get) ievatat' 4 tha a : " into a job field that will offer employmen uring (he day, F ; * B d { vn HEADBOARDS for continental 2,99 e rom ul e him a good future, But he does not know what move to make CRIBS. 24 88 Beds : ' 5 Be olics Solid to be sure he makes the right - Lerge size . decision, He is thinking of going 3 CHROME HI-CHAIRS 10 88 Dress to college or a technical school Tinie ee is Pic gy wr "What do you recommend?" The first move for anyone who is switching from the sery ice or school to a job is a During tis period. a "person ----<-- - 11 AM. SPECIAL | 3 P.M. SPECIAL § 1PM. SPECIAL | 7 P.M. SPECIAL should try to determine what fate teats | ye | smoot Tor | HELBACK i, | Wiysomany Gerber wcrhit | HABAGK | Haas | SPRING KNOW OPPORTUNITIES The second move ts to acquire stnooun arora | SUMOL Foods for your baby ? Mattresses ROCKERS Fooistools | Crib Mattresses pected to grow. At the present time, those showing the most promise are scientific and tec} nological fields, clerical work ba and sales and service occupa iG 95 99 87 tions ' Ps Some of the occupations that 7 s " 5 will need the most personnel j to mention a few at random j are doctors, dentists, nurses dental hygienists, technicians social workers, engineers chem ists, mathematician lawyers nsurance and banking em 4 2 ; olay LIVING ROOM HIGH BACK -- 4 SEATER | COLONIAL STYLE ployees, teachers, librarians, o a ie Fe SECTIONAL SUITE | Chesterfield Suite Chesterfield Suite chine tool operators, toolmake die setters, skilled mechanics 4 4 D : mS ANC esas . es Molded back, foam eushions, built on corner tables, 100% Nylon Cover. Foam Cushions 2 repairmen, COOK chefs and e j Molded lon, Gover, Foam : hon Mushica fous cf kn food service workers The third right move for you ' Pe: if you are looking ahead to a "ol future, is to narrow down these hs : opportunities ®o the ones thal hy, ' Se mateh your bach suind = and ability best and to secure t} education for that jot Y . a. : MAHOGANY MODERN 2 PIECE 100% NYLON -- 3 SEATER BROADENS OUTLOOK | } y 1 i Ch fi ] § j Ee TEST packeround and DINETTE SUITE Chesterfield Suite ester ield uile In beautiful rum, gold, Foam eushions, Molded back. . nt choice for ennen, is itl ihe ie oe Toble and 4 chairs, Here's quality! All wood =~ No Foam cushions, Narrow arms, ONLY AT WILSONS, you p aining One only. HURRY FOR THIS ONE, the future is about the best ca H ® ' Arborite, STORE SAMPLE, reer insurance you can possibly or varie y O course procure, since a college educa eee e tion gives you a broad general eulieek snd means a ane Variety in your baby's diet works two ways oy to the opportunities 1 anes It provides baby with the many vitamins and pe RRENS t ul minerals, proteins, calories and other nutrients ; tnat go into a ba ed diet. Too, variety Rut if vou cannot go to a FRUIT standard college when you make wae the switch from the service or ; : helps build good eating habits at this formative ' a wen eee USE WILSON'S BUDGET PLAN HERBED CARROTS FOR aww through life : THE GRILT i. 4 1 th. young ¢ " rots (7-8) 5 1 hat's why there are so many Gerber Junior ! For Thia Sale Only, Open Thursday ods (ove varieties), Made especially to help ! fy Tes Se Os, Oo ty teaspoon salt q teaspoon «i ed ean ever minced. intere ting 2 tablest s butte tur } jaal tran { +A + . te ? ablespoons butte | 1¢ F t ible foods Method: Wash and scrut : enaiahias , , ' "a (ae ut ie Mea egotables, meat dinners, fruits, dinners and custards--teething slices. Put in disposable foil lits, too--all designed for the older bab it isn't that typical of the broiler pans or divide ingr t @ you get from a company that spe es in good things for baby? ients for 4-5: foil packet * butter on bottom, add carrot c and sprinkle with sal and Be bi 3 4 Some dou ts tap of beak abies are our business...our only business! pan with a sheet of foil, Shake pan frequently while over. the Gerboar Baby Foods NIAGARA FALLS.CANADA hot charenal gy Make minutes cooking time, dependi: ae nga ; ' 20 Church St. Downtown Oshawa 723-3211 on the fire, ca