SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Ur and "Urs Ceet uu Hoover wish to antounce the foertheaming marriage of their aniy daughter, Jevce Claire, ta Ur. Milton Robert Wilson: son of Mr. and Urs. Milton Wilson all of Oshawa. The ceremony s to take place on Friday, 4uy 31. 1964, at 796 p.m, in First Bantist Ch aren AT HOME Hughes Wanpie Grave will he pleased to receive their tives, friends their home on rela gnners a faturday, jAune 25. 1966 {rom 499 pm. to pm. on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary FORTHCOMING MARIIAGH The forthcoming marriage is announced of Susan Flizabeth daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Har oid D. Winter, to Gordon Ken neth Vickers, son of Mrs. Vmil Hanowski and Mr Frederick Vickers. The marriage it to take place on Saturday, July 23 1966 at 2360 p.m. in Harmony United Church ; VNGAGEMENT Mrs. Robert Jenkin Ajax wishes to announce and ne the engage ment of ' Maratha Barnett nell Byers, Whitt ding will he held in Friday, June 24, 1966 daughte Ma ENGAGEMENT Mr, and M Keel William Hoher y ie annonce ine ef gagement of their daughter Marguerite Vdith, to James Leslie Zardik, son of M and Mrs Zardak all of awa Wedding ns 4 he anno John Oak inced later ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mr R. E, Purdy wish to announce the engace ment of their nda Ann to W nnn Braiden, sor and Mrs Herbert Braiden, all of ¢ awa. The place daughter am Grant J at ¥ wedding is to take Salurda july 9, 1968 at 3. p.m. in Norti lj ed ( minster Unit urch, Oshawa College Failures Present Problems Ry GARRY C, MYERS, Pap While thousands of youths are how trving to enter college next heptember, a are heing dropped from college. The major reason is that they have not measured up. to expected quality of work Far most of the men wt sizanie numbe 0 are | means they will he called hy the draft boards, Some of these bustouts will return to college after com pleting their militar services most will not busting out For girl bustou and for ho bustouts who can't qualify for military service, the may he somewhat limited, Bust ouls can't return to the same college within a year, or a shorter probationary period, Nor can they enter another college during this period. They ma however, take some apeciai courses elsewhere and make up their arrears through examina tions A few of the bustouls not qual ifying for the armed forces ma find civilian johs. While on these jobs they may give no thaughi to further education. A few of them, however, might choose to take night courses their home or courses by eS lee ee Our chief concern should be that. the. bustout. daes. not..give up, but that he acquires ambi tion for self-improvement Of first to the bust vul what his old friends might matter In will he cause of When fan be choices near mail cancern and immediate famil think avo the health fi as the wv 8A some CASE named or faké nol the latter mental returning to college annens there much suffering 4 around and the nitha bust they might observation hasti say of the didn't work enougl For most, th vot for all. A few " he vi n As younger youths older college parent see ing oul of profit fram Most may bustout He' just hard will ne ! themselve it at ineffer va vf mental work The bustoul who wa siudent in high school may be hard to understand, However, al t have the su idanee he go school, Hi may have When he an honor college e doe ervision and ni i high and close home arent kept was a high school his awn alt college, he provide self-drive An oceasiona onat eacher afler him sludent,. On may no tudent who ha nt help and stimulation t and teachers might get min high wal pretty we aequired skill as parent without havi a good reader So, lonking forward with the youth naw in high school, we need to do our best to help him hecome a reader, to di rect himself in doing hard me tal work and to take re ty far mastering area at self-d good yonsihil af skills and knowledge ive and self-discipline PARENTS QUESTIONS Q. The teacher of aur daug ter, 10, asks us to help this child at home to read faster. Do you tians? vill read } a te schoolbooks. Require h o read from such sources Ih or 20 min utes each @ilentiy the evening, sometimes aloud At me have her n her awn words what she anme end af mes this tel} ag MARRIAGE U, &. Hodgins Quehec, with FORTHCOMISG Mr, and Urs Fonds # the Pierre forthcoming mar daughter, Sher- Colleen, to Lawrence Brace lake, son of Mr. ané Mrs. ¥ B. take The money is to take place Satur da July 9. 1966, nt 296 om in Grace Latheran Church, Osh annour riage of their ran Oshawa cere Wilfred dow, Maynooth, Ontario. wish '9 announce the forthcoming Warriage of their daughter Aima Marie, (o Douglas Vrnest Sargeant, son of Ur. and Mre William J. Sargeant, Oshawa The ceremony is to take on Saturday, July 9, 1066 a p.m, in Calvary Baptist Church, Oshawa VORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mrs Vught sh to announce the their Mr. and Peter Oshawa, W forthcoming daughter, Petronelia Maria, ta Robert Kuel of Mr, and Mrs Kagart Kuel Kilaloo The wedding is ta take aiurdy 1966 Grea marriage of son Ontarie place on & luly 99 | Ui an Homan ( he (reat atholie Ch Osh Hunt And Peck Typist Writes Million Dollar First Novel By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) her friends ress Jacqueline Su down at a typewriter ' are it 4 { 4 whe is Some peopie aciua ake 156 pills a day just ta kee ey demeinp an UW St hd aughnea wher ann the « years ago and hegan.ta pes { with ome f finger from trouble wake / nang and addiction o ihe people the pre as t are doing Jackie coiecton a mes jion-daliar first novel But afier they up the pie, you're ym oe tanae + is Haak ota can keep $54,998 to $60,906," re , ' nied marked the pretty brunette sl author ruefully "T's not a6 sounds ," Her best-selling novel, Vaile A é of the Dolls shocking' both because of and the gamy qua prose on white deals with entertainment "On wy filt take up to siang term pep pille--to adder of suc finish eutting ' bUCKY wa and there seven hours mw day She wrote her grins O85 Ui vetlow paper W up the spe first draft of thaut hotter g to look ing issih dl a 1 ss ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT and Mrs Wer They w ne ter Northminster Saturda it celen 1 wre @ secon | On Dive pape Then she wrote w third dra on pink paper of its she wrote a fourth draf paper has been assailed critics some engagement is af & ou 6 subject mat nounced today of Linda Braiden ann, daughter of Mr. and arried in Mere. R. FB. Purdy, to Me i Church or Witliam John Braiden, The and final draf 1 looked up the spelling." that's all there is to it Both of Jackie's working fins excellent shape itten a DNA-page nove nd has ties wha daily more "dolls sleeping oF the 5 on for BUNS slay aiop ded CESS LiKED centur wet BERRY BRAUTY sherbet ere are stil e and she has w oop raspberr amemade ha j 4 a] h nning Ao win fresh V f er on nd M ved natura P 3 3 on fA in tele som produce packaged 9 natty she Tm Susans aupherries and wit wa ool dease ' t » tas ta the h ng Vanelield but 1 hate the fe about the lem-the frantic part of it promised B REG, 45.00 SALI REG, 45,00 SALE $27.00 = BURNS URNS Jewellers Continues::: WATCH SALE BUY NOW AND SAVE! Here is the greatest watch offer in years, Factory- fresh quality Swiss watches at unheard of savings, Choose from Diamond-set, Calendar, Dress-Wat- erproof, Self-Winding, Dress, Sport, Nurses' Wat- ches and other models with years ahead features 17 jewel precision movements... anti-mag netic unbreakable mainsprings shock and dust resistant, All watches covered by Burns Jewellers one year guarantee, OVER 100 WATCHES TO CHOOSE FROM tace sided = ginss ing expons 27 tching expansior REG, 92.50 SALE $55.50 REG SAI I $29.85 REG. &5.00 49.75 45.00 SALE REG, 65,00 SALE jewe's expan ng expans ing expan REG, 97.50 SALE $58.50 natching REG. 57,50 SALE $34.50 REG. 69.50- SALE $4].70 BUDGET, CHARGE or pay by CASH REG, 100.00 SALE 590. SALE $4g.50 JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 PM THE OSHAWA TIES, Wednesday, June 22,1944 49 SAND FASHIONS Jor the Lets Have hiun'set 2-PIECE SHORT SET 6998 2-PIECE DENIM STRETCH BATHER 98 Only @ Only Sleeveless cotton knit etriped topper, Contrasting piping at neckline and armholes, Screen printed anchor der sign. Solid eotton shorts feature half hoxer waist and hack patch pocket, Red, navy, 7-14, Checked top, Neckline front detailed with contrasting piping to match pants, Solid white etreteh half belt buckles in front, Red ehecks/blue, yellow checks/blue, 8-14, Style sketched is Just one of many in the group, 8 Parte me TODDLER G 2-PIECE SHORT SET 98 SASSY SET p98 Only 7 Only Sleeveless top with a butten back, White grounds eplashed with cons trasting polka dota, Row trimmed, Half hoxer polka dotted shorts with white cuffs touched here and there with polka dotted pattern, Red, royal, green, 2.4X, Twospiece set in eviap cotton for tod. dler girls, All-over pattern bubbling with vari-colored polka dots, Perky hows top two front slits, Front sipper closing, Matching triangle kerchief, Half boxer shorts in solid color, Aqua, orange, green, 2-3X, SHOPPING 18 CONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S 'PLAN' ACCOUNT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE