a Weather Report Home Newspaper > ¢ Summer weather is here to stay. No rain forecast. Low Of Oshawe, Whitby, Bowman. Z in f tonight, 65; high tomorrow, ville, Ajox, Pickering ond neighboring centres in Ont- 85. erio end Durham Counties. ther ra Beperm IRTY- VOL. 95 -- NO, 131 ite Snsle Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1966 Afirexignd on Second Son Stl Pye oe ipparionont THIRTY-SIX PAGES Viets Said Against © U.S Peace Feelers ~| "Peace Offensive Fraud,' Subsidy Rejection | Hanoi Officials Charge NEW YORK (AP) -- The; He said he discussed these bd Times says today that North) proposals with Thant two weeks " Viet Nam is reported to have ago but felt that it would not | rejected a U6. proposal to open help current diplomatic efforts | peace talks while both sides re- if Canada took a public position duce military activities in Viet'on them TORONTO (CP) A break- meeting agreed to start the Nam, Canada, with India and Po- down in talks between the On- demonstration today by riding j j A Communist officials have told'jand, is # member of the Inter- tario Farmers' Union and the! their tractors between London foreign diplomats in Hanot that national Control Commission ase provincial government set off a and Thamesford, about 15 the U.S. bid was another "peace signed to Viet Nam by the 1954 chain reaction of discontent! miles ' offensive fraud" perpetrated by|Geneya conference on Indo- among milk producers Tuesday). , ' the Johnson administration, the| ching that could Jead to a massive| PASS MOTION F i newspaper says in w dispatch sys apie i was announced tractor blockade of Ontario's The Warwick meeting passed from Hong Kong in New York that Thant jans ae a motion suggesting demonstra- The Times dispatch, which" *' D highway vie F 4 to visit Moscow this summer, Agriculture Minister William) ons be held between July 1 and quotes reliable reports reaching probably before the general as atid 10. A committee, formed to or- American sources in Honge : " yanize the parades, was in- - sembly meets Sept, 20, The Viet meeting with OFU delegates,| £8niz« . Aba j | Kong, said Nam war is one of the topics M i lle rejected their demands for a ate x tet to ry ale ie tan ' é Z| As prerequisite to negotia he is expected to discuss with Dr, Martin Luther King led Rights workers killed near | provincial milk subsidy ha reeee OF y ; 4 4 aay Baer PA rragumapes, Ppa Soviet leaders, Stewart, after a three hour J f marching Negroes and wed Sette hoes 'the wae as '. ist-swinging a memorial march through Philadelphia two years ago, Farlier, he told the legisla 4 : Ser Fae teen ceeve , d 7 esda: 7 as Philadelphia for three Civil (AP Wirephoto) ture that the granting of the) OFU delegates who met with | / j Alally stop bombing North Viet wiansde. cue tag ne ees paige! subsidies "would interfere with|Mr. Stewart declined to say 2 1\Nam, but the Communist re- * federal policy." He said the fed-| what effect @ demonstration i|gime is not prepared to commit Cri led bad 6 bd eral government should he| would have in Ontario but Mr, ' 5 a. itself to diminish the number of solely responsible for payment) Dolmer said the union's mem wil y ? i \troops and supplies it sends to rs of subsidies "hecause all Can-\ bership extends through 30 5 , [m\the Viet Cong in South Viet . }ada benefits from them." counties in the southern and j Nam, J t H t After the rejection, John Dol-| central part of the province i : e ] S mer 'OF U president, warned) Another delegate, Stanley y HOPE FOR COLLAPSE * sd ° the tractor demonstrations, Down of Woodstock, estimated 'ee BE? "The impression of diplomats < nN T parted ast 'witk to back the! 20,000 tractors could take part an id gatos a Hanol is peed yd producers' demands for higher|in a large ~ scale provincial |North Vietnamese are sti e- e ] aug 1xl1le l PR 2 gp Og be gp hao blockade " | W, A, STEWART jtermined to prosecute the war, » " ove { hope that the Saigon goy- . . and continued on a province in other developments Tues in the SAIGON (AP)---A U.S. Na wide ba da farmers for the first time dem-| ernment will collapse politically pilot flying m jet fighter poe | By DON MeGEE party, a Negro organization marc ers back to Philadelphia;climate of terror and break Meanwhile, about 300 farmers) --More than 50 farmers! onstrated in a city or that President Johnson u ad- ae is ee . - PHILADEL PHIA Miss. (AP)| Stuart was treated for buck-iarme. with 'the ammunition of down of law and order." at meetings in Warwick aid St. slowed traffic in Owen Sound Traffic was slowed on High-| ministration will he compelled £ nemy fire and run Highway petroimen sealed off|shot wounds in the neck andijustice , , , the armor of Fight| Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price! warvs voted overwhelmingly to|and on nearby Highway 10 by|way 115 near Peterborough as|to withdraw U.S. troops under|ning critically low on fuel shot a yr oe neighborhood| shoulder at a hospital and sent|eousness." A King side saidione of the . men. the renee man their tractors again oni driving their ey through ovens i and . gy oe a eaae from public opinion &t\down a Communist MIG-A7 jet 4 J |they probably would return to government claims participate jroads and highways in south-\city streets at a snail's pace.jonstrated near the junction of| hom f po liga id ene = yy ae inside the headquar- Philade phia Thursday in the slayings of Chaney, Go00d-| western Oatacs Police directed traffic and pre-|the Macdonald + Cartier Free-| The Times on ne U6, oh aay, North Viet Nam Tueg f Neg ide 8 : ' : - : : ' Yuna: 4 r eel Co i vonveyed to Nort ie Ay j ite maniters relayed # report to their, A hostile crowd of cursingiman and Schwerner June 21,| About 200 at the St. Marys|vented serious tle ups as the way jfer was conv eigen erik ae pel that pi carloads of whites hurled firecrackers and'1964---tried to block King from : ~ - ~~~ |Nam through the ambassadorial One other MiG was damaged night whites drove up and began fir-jinsults at King Tuesday when|mounting the courthouse steps talks in Warsaw between the|@nd possibly destroyed as four ' [em N é ' 6 ' United States and Chine,|Navy F-8 Crusaders and four ruc tim z at them, They said they re-|he stood on the Neshoba County|"M NOT AFRAID ° i y mies white. on ee be iyrned the fire and thought they courthouse steps here I will be a slave, | will be dead 1 son S eG @) arges: through astern Kuropean|MiG-17s tangled 65 miles north identified as Stanley Stuart was|hit at least two cars, It was to commemorate the|King shouted 'as the heckling channels, and presumably, by|¢ast of Hanoi, But the MiGs wounded during an exchange of} At Yazoo City, Dr. Martin|second anniversary of the slay-\and disorder mounted, "Before| Chester Ronning, the special|sot down one Crusader, and near ihe headquarters Luther King said he would lead/ings of civil: rights workers|I will be « sleve, 1 will be dead| \Canadian envoy who recently|@round fire brought. down a ° gunfire ; " val N Tr W t E Te] n | ith|Havy » reconnaissanee plane in i ights|James Chaney, Andy Goodman'in my grave had three days of talks with of the Freedom Democratic|the Minslenions @i¥ ! eee Wickey"' Sehwebeer that) 'We'll help you," screamed ewspape S an V e ce h |North Vietnamese Foreign min-|!"@ same area, King came to Philadelphia several white men, jister Nguyen Duy Trinh in} In all, five American planes |Tuesday with a contingent from! While the memorial march! yoxnon (CP)--Prime Min group of Communists (he did{now in its 87th day--takes the| Hanoi were reported lost in the last ge roes rreste |the group continuing the marchiand services were Being con ister. Wilson today received a\not use the word but his mean-|form of irony in some cases, | Ronning returned to Ottawa 24 hours in Viet Nam, The \through Mississippi begun by|ducted at Philadelphia, the eurt invitation from Britishiing was obvious; are secretly! One cartoon shows a pyjama-| during the weekend and Assist-\others were an air force F-108 James Bi Meredith - jaa yy «i Ags | newspapers to name the men dictating the course ofthe |clad Wilson discovering Rus-\@nt Secretary of State William|Thunderchief shot down Tuese Meredith, 33, was shot and miles from Louise AZO 7 ° ° : : "g! oe: hha |P, Bundy flew to the Canadian|day 30 miles northeast of Hae 2 , : »,. he says are behind the sea-/strike for their own purposes." |sians under his bed. Another} F 7 ; Florida Riotin Senay Sa cape pest pos ey OT GEUS GON ve men's strike Wilson had spoken of ajSiows gushing Russian dowag-| Capital Tuesday, presumably hd bet ae ag dase' a. Hernando, Miss,, June 6 ception vty a 'Hiohtly.4 f politic./ers telling President de Gaulle| be briefed on Ronning's report,|sabre hit by Viet Cong grounds I think this is by far the' King and other Negro leaders) The Sun, which generally sup-|"'tightly knit group b Sinead a Moscow visit--"Now, if} Canadian officials said Bundy/fire 75 miles southwest of Sal- POMPANO BEACH, Fia.jday when reports spreadiworgt situation I've ever beeniargued over violence and non.|ports Wilson's Labor govern-ally motivated men pp and POP excuse us all, we must|met with External Affairs Min-|gon today and a C-128 transport (AP) -- Hundreds of Negroes|through the Negro district thatlin" King said after Tuesday's violence at a night rally in Ya-|ment, says in an editorial Wil-|to ones back . sage pres. /7e back to plotting the sea-jister Paul Martin Tues da y|downed on a defoliation mission rocks : lapped * year - Negro ore " Tory Leg p nae) ene eer vas discussed or who els stores and cars before riot po-\boy, The store owner, Arthur ward Heath on the strike 'Pues-ition than getting justice," The prime minister has an| Was discussed or who else at-| The crews of both planes. lost i leared the "streets with'M. Marks 12; was chareed 4 4 day and toda (Obsession for seeing shadowy) as 4 ied f ¢ eon en ne ee oe ce ti sr te : eek ae : we os SHOULD POINT : » backer artin told the House of Com-| eyed, billy clubs and the threat of with assault and battery and renc egin it rawa (Bal wie: ahould ih beeen SHOULD POINT men in the background of any | cued tear gas released on $50 bond, The boy fined to him?" asks 'The Sun.|,,.Vilson should "point the/difficult problem," the Tory|mons Tuesday that Canada is! In the ground war, U.S, paras gaa ceidarnae finger. at the men he has in|Daily Mail says in an editorial, |Involved in Ottawa 'and €!8¢*| troops and air cavalrymen bate Two cars were overturned, "4% \ | 'The prime minister should) mind," says the Conservative) The Tory Dally Sketch says|Wwhere" in discussions with other | tied a battalion on the eastern one was set fire and three or CROWDS GATHER rom eC ense act jtell Parliament and through) pail Express editorially |governments on the Viet Nam | flank of South Viet Nam's etrae four policemen hurt by flying) Muttering erowds gathered st Parliament, the nation and the "If, on reflection, he finds! "Newspapers . , , are well|situation. In. a message to 4 tegic Central Highlands for the glass, one officer said the store at closing time and) papyg (Reuters)--More than ity of the French personnel are|seamen--what the evidence isithat 'the testimony falls short)aware of the political groups|convention in Honey Harbour, third day, and a spokesman Debris }ittered the main the owner asked for police pro 1,700 French military personnel lattached for his grave charges : street in the Negro districtitection, Civic leaders asked the of proof, then he should say|behind the strike, But we are|Ont,, he said that his govern-| aid the enemy toll had risen ' ' / already are withdrawing from| gources said French ofticers|,,1" the Commons Monday, 'so,"" jhampered by the laws of libel,|ment was carrying out 'quiet to 144 killed, from sidewalk to sidewalk, but\Negroes to leave, Most did NATO commands in France in the over-all damage apparently'only to return later at the headquarters at Fontaine-|M! Wilson alleged that a small! Comment on Wilson's unex-|It 1s up to Mr, Wilson to name soundings' to find a basis for.a No major action was reported ' ; ne with France's decision to|hleau, about 40 miles from pected blast over the strike--'them," negotiated peace, elaawhane in the south, Premier was light The crowd grew: to 600 late quit: the alliance's integrated Paris formally eased duties . , Display windows at two stores in the evening and the mood : . ry " en | . | | WON'T STATE STAND |Nguyen Cao Ky eased his po- ; t d there were if ss military system July J Monday in preparation for re London Uses | | 7 were smashed, an me we worsened as the number of po-| NATO sources said today the |turning to purely French posts three reports of homes being jice grey withdrawal had already begun LJ bd | Martin declined to say/|litical war against his militant ® Emotional Indonesian '|whether Canada supports pro-|Buddhist opponents by briefly ooted Teen + agers jeered officers dF 8 satacad ait , AFCENT, whose responsibility S$ k P | ) Police arrested 24 Negroes. cracked jokes and paket soft in Allied Forces Central Europe until July 1 includes France's tri e owers posals by UN Secretary-General lifting the five-day blockade of (AFCENT), to which the major |U Thant that bombing raids be|Saigon's Buddhist Institute, ° ® The riot in this city of 16,000 drinks, pitching the bottles at 70,000 troops and 60 combat air LONDON (Reuters) -- The Gives Defence Of Conduct :::'" down toward a ceasefire | During the hour's 'respite, 208 about 25 miles north of Miaml' passing cars when they fin A eraft --, oy a ves British government today took| and that alt tides neraly Hse peaene Si ie snmrare 9mm t ess than an hour ishec many, fas hitherto hac 700) jts first action under emergency SB ng agree to enter into direct|pound, but severa gg. gto the was the culmi- p i inight, a six-block sec Injured Labor French military out of a total! powers for dealing with the JAKARTA (Reuters) -- Pres-| welcomed proposals for elec-| discussions, (mained behind, nation of tension built up Tues: tion of main street, Ham strength of about 5,000 five-week-old seamen's strike, |ident Sukarno, close to tears, to- eigen es icone and Lp mondville Road, was solid with L d ¢ d d Under agreement with France It set up emergency commit-|day made an impassioned de- 3 . Ad B . trol « their red and blue ea er uarae however, about 30 French per-| tees at 5 major ports to en-|fence of his conduct of Indone- co in tenancy of the presi: d ] fiashin SYDNEY, Australia (AP) ---/sonnel of all categories will re-|surq they are kept open for|sia's government for the last 20|%ency: | NEWS HIGHLIGHTS an S 1p Reinforcements from the Opposition Leader Arthur A,/main with APCENT until Oct movement of essential supplies, years, |LOSES RED SUPPORT | highw patrol, the sheriff's of-/Calwell left hospital under1 to assist in the transition The committees' powers ini-| The prenten addressed the} Observers noted that Com- J > AT the Fort Lauderdale| heavy guard today after treat \t Supreme Headquarters Al-| tially will be confined to diver People's Consultative Congress, munists and Communist » sup-| C Offi V S ik Kills Man ad built the police force ment for facial cuts suffered lied Powers in Europe (SHAPE) sion of ships from one port to/the highest state authority, in porters in the original congress! ustoms icers ote For tri e Tuesday night when a bullet 60 officers and 70 other ranks! another to ease growing conges-| his first major speech since he) which conferred the titles of} Members of Zone 1 of the Customs and Excise Offi. TORONTO (CP) --- One mar 1 erious trouble began was fired through the window of formally cease their duties July|tion caused by the seamen's|handed over executive power to) 'president for life' and 'great! aa ; Aanaclation lant night voted unanimously to go on leonard May, 58, who often when the officers were given: his car 1, when France will automati-| strike the army strongman, Lt:-Gen, leader of the revolution" on Su-| trike 'to fi "othe federal overnment to abolish its new was killed and eight houses left/the order to, break up the Five police cars escorted the cally be excluded from all mill The emergency powers, as-}Suharto in March karno were dismissed in the * _ pee spbed ne hich" neve down-graded over 50 per shakily standing on the edge of crowd 68-year-old Labor party chief's'tary plannin # and training) sumed by the government a| The 521 delegates, represent-|wake of the left wing coup at- 400 CIARBITICA oth Went bs, Zone 1 com vlaes 75 members a 60-foot deep ravine Tuesday 'GO HOMR' automebile to Sydney Airport,|within the integrated com:|month ago to deal with effects|ing Parliament. the army and/tempt last October, cent of its members' jobs, ROMPTIAe | . j dat awha nntia' > when five backyards collapsed). "Go home before you get and a government plane flew mands of the strike, expire at mid-| 'functional' groups such as the in Oshawa, Peterborough, Lindsay, Port Hope, Cobourg and almost buried a construc: hurt," officers yeiléd from be. him home to Melbourne Countries and Bowmanville, represented injnight tonight, But Prime Min-|peasants, gave him only tepid "es tion crew ath the plastic face masks on Political writers could recall AFCENT are Canada, West Ger ister Wilson has announced he! applause D W t told friends he feared the side their riot helmets only one other Australian poli-;many, Belgium, Holland Lux» | will seek their extension today,| Stating that a previous meet: ominica an $ Chartier Bomb Death Inquest Set of the ravine in Kast York town. The Negroes banded together tician who had been the target embourg, Britain and the United with slight technical modifica-|ing of the congress had named ship would slip away, was bur-|in smal! groups of a gunman, States, fed beneath a tree trunk and tions him president for life, sukarno| Peace Force Out TORONTO (CP) - An inquest into the death of Paul Joseph Chartier, who died in the House of Commons bomb "Tiaurice, Wright | : ° bd bd : e |, SANTO DOMINGO (AP) =| explosion May 18, will open in Ottawa next Wednesday, ets Minne cadets S V : |The Dominican government is) ¢ F b l b ronstruction foreman, rode the 1e hamese oO 1c01eS n er re seeking an urgent meeting of londatide for about 75 yard * s hemisphere foreign ministers 4 Senator Davey ets oot a Jo holding Mr, May, The two men set the date for the inter-Amer-| WINNIPEG (CP) -- Senator Keith Davey has been were torn from each other ican peace force to start leay- : e | appointed to succeed G, Sydney Halter of Winnipeg as arms by the heaving earth. M Ing | Canadian Football League Commissioner, CFL President Wrightman managed to save Tel 1c ed. er O] : } : i LUI 11S OS S Official sources said Foreign! Ted Workman announced today, himself : ' Minister Carlos Federico' Perez} Five parks emplo v summoned the Latin American working at the bottom -of th By JOHN BEST nomic, cultural and 'seientific|we talked about detente, they ident Nikolai Podgorny, Pre-| It has been opposed in the! diplomatic corps Tuesday night}; slope trying to reinforce it wher \ OW (CP) President fields, the saurces said talked about security." mier Alexei Kosygin and For-|West, notably in West Ger to ask for a meeting in Wash-! the slide bega toh ni Ch de Ganlle and his Rus He arrived here Monday and This was understood to apply eign Minister Andrei Gramyko many, because of this exclu- ington Friday for the foreign|# I THE TIMES t d presaged by { siay sts. met today. t s held * formal conference vith to de Gaulle's suggestion that. "Traditionally the party: chief! sion ministers of the Organization of eee n 0 ay eee They fled he earth cam ¢ n Vi Nam and/Soviet leaders in the Kremlin' other West European states, would meet privately with a The French have said they) American States down, carryi t cht-ton;t a at Tuesday and toda notably West Germany, hold bi- visiting head of state but not favor such a conference. but Diplomatic 'sources expressed F bulldozer for va it ew tila TALKS STARTED TUESDAY lateral talks with the Russians: sit in on negotiations have left the question of U,S./doubt the ministers could or School Tenders Exceed Estimate --- P, 17 ing a'truck to its ro I t le Karl French sources said|to ease Kast-West tension in The Freneh source said, participation vague, saying the} would meet on such short: no Scugog Juniors Blank Ajox 3-0 -- P, 10 COVERS RAVINE differing viewpoints had slowed Kurepe When they talk to us about a| United States should play its! tice, They believed that Provi:| Three acres of the up the opening round 'Tuesday The Russians replied Ahat|/uropean conference we reply proper role sional President Hector Garcia-|* floor were covered b Today's talks are the last be-|Fast bloc security was the para-'that this must be an end, not) There is also a problem of} Godoy knew this' but wanted to Ann Landers----18 Obits---32 rocks, fence concrete fore de Gaulle leaves Thursday | mount consideration for them, a beginning." what voice East Germany! put his effort on the record City News--17 Sportee=10, 11, 12,13 ing walls and lawn chair on-a week's tour of four Soviet HEADS TEAM This was a reference to a pro- should have in such a confer-| The decision by the provi He will meet once more Once again today the Russian posal b fromyke in April in/ence, The Russians are ex-, sional government was believed sans nee ying RR nt Classified---28 to 32 Theatre---22 Mr ightman 4 I : Ff | Editorial--4 Weather rround ie ' Nremitn leaders in for, team was headed by Commu: Rome, He catled for a confer. pected to insist on a full vote'toe have the approval of Presi- x o% May as his ba urd let vf k , by Ne ' Murning to nist Party Leader Leonid Brehy ence of states of Bastern and!for Bast Germany dent-elect Joaquin Balaguer , Whitby bbe ep igi 3. 6 he can ; . Moscow Ju 4 I who Tesday brushed aside) Western Kurope on security, The French have said East! It is known that Balaguer is ' Women's----18, 19, 20, 24 a. section lawn like ¢ j ) d ) j I ne} formant said of diplomatic protocol instead of questior His proposals would Germany should be included,|not anxious for full immediate board Tuesday's conference, "When! leaving the negotiations to Pres.'exclude the United States but not with a full vote. 'withdrawal of the force, * mm ia ALL QR