ANN LANDERS Husband's Manners Need Quick Revision 1 Dear Ann Landers: My hus :l was a teen-ager.) But it could, 4 se other-and more serious) -probiems if you keep it up.t -- our iammmang over a tong period of fake ever this thanxiess € time €ati damage your viood if he would telime who he vessels and give you real throat wants to call and leave meiand lung trouble. Knock if off slone,everything would be fine, Bub But, no~-he stands by the phone makes motions with his eyes) Dear Ann Landers: My end his hands, prrites notes and mother and | had an argument shoves them in my face, When) last night, It all began when a he begins to pull at my arm fellow I grew up with asked me and shout instructions at me, 1 out. (We are the same age, 17) get mad. The song distance|! dated him twice during spring operators must think I'm a sub-\vaeation and decided not to normal child date him anymore because he The other night I told him J is just like a brother won't place any more calls for' My mother likes this guy @ bim unless he leaves me alone. lot. When she heard me turn He says he wouldn't yell at me'him down she beeame upset if 1 did it right. We've had so and asked why I would refuse any arguments over this that to date such a wonderful fellaw 'm turning to you in desper- When I told her, I didn't get a ation. Please help.--Dial 211 charge out of him she looked Dear Dial: Ask your husband at me like {| was a@ scarlet to write down (a) the name of woman or something the person he wishes to reach {| tried to explain that when and (b) whether he wants you a boy holds my hand or puts to place a person-to-person call his arm around me | want to call feel a certain little excitement t in e aid | wa disgusting room until you have the party When | asked how she on the line or word that the could have married daddy if party cannot be reached, This she didn't get a charge out of should put an end to the prob- him, she gave me a lecture on lem my dirty mind I would you opinion on @ this argument and your verdict oJ, W Dear J, W.: There band has a thing about placing |« lon Wa or a station Ask him to wa another her like Dear Ann Landers: | am boy who is almost 14 and very worried about something, I have been kid in my disgusting or dirty that class ever nee | can remem- *'certain little feeling of excite- ber. Mom keeps telling me I'll ment." It is as natural asi? catch up and not to worry about hunger or thirst, It is one of the it. But I am not catching up basic human drives -that keeps and some of the guys I hang the earth populated fer I do 6 nothing the shortest about r AlMOSt Aix however at a refuse to date think who would fellow because he doesn't turn her on, makes a big mis The most enduring kind of Thank you.Sawed Off Runt love doesn't make you go boin e Dear, Sawed, Off: .Smoking nnnng the minute eyes does not stunt growth, (1 heard meet his the the ve's tale when) songs } | Reception Marks Silver Wedding - For Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tripp , 4 d smoking be the cause a ' Please an your newspaper article not growing take your ike it says in same old w and Mrs Whitby cele wedding an Mrs. Tripp Millions and WHITBY Mr n the after Jack Tripp, RR! brated their silver niversary recentls the former Laura Mr. Tripp were married in South Porcupine, June 12, 1941 and came to Whitby in 1946 They moved to thelr present re sidence on the baseline in 1953. "i. anniversary cake. {oi They have two children, a dau- sli ke these occassions were beautiful ghter, Mrs, Lorne Disney (Ma: ). 4, rated by Sins: Clifferdiis rilyn), Brooklin and a son Tripp ef Cavan : a Douglas at home. A family dinner was held in their honor in the banquet room| of the Masonic Temple, Whitby where approximately 75 guests assembled, The bride and bride groom's attendants of 25 years} ago, Mrs. Gerald Armstrong of| Bailieboro, sister of the bride-| groom, Mr. Stanley Millions, of| South Porcupine (brother of the bride) were present to celebrate the occasion Dinner began with Grace said by the brideernom and the singing of 'God Save The accompanied at the pl, Miss Margaret Tripp ants, Pouring tea noon were Mrs, Jack Tripp &r,,'9 mother of the bride William Thom- 2 felong frind 9 Lindsay groom, and Mrs as of Embro, a of the bride, In the evening those pouring tea were: Mra Bremner, Whitby, and Mrs, Wil liam Millions, South Poreupine Qiicen ', ano by Lindsay Mr. Clifford Tripp of Cavan acted as master of ceremonies Appropriate toasts were offer- ed and suitably responded to Miss Linda and Miss Fran Tripp and brother Neil Tripp, of Ca van accompanied at the piano by Miss Anne Armstrong, Bail feboro sang a selection to the anniversary couple Guests were shown two color ed outdoor films, followed by dancing and refreshments, Many beautiful gifis were received by the celebrants, Those present were from Whitby, Ajax, Osh- awa, Brooklin, Port Perry, Lind aay, Cavan, Bailieboro, Kings ton, Toronte, Embro, Strafford ville, Vienna and South Por eupine On Sunday the couple receiv: ed their many friends who call ed and offered congratulations and best wishes. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs, Lorne Disney and Mrs John Bremner and their assist VON Monthly List Shows 478 Visits The reguiar meeting of the Board of Management, Victor jan Order of Nurses, was held in the board room of the City Hall The chairman, ae Rowsell, presided The resignation of Mrs. C. F Litster from the staff was re ceived with regret. Miss Mar lene Shewchuk was granted a year's leave of absence for fur- ther study Miss Isabelle Sorley, nurse- in-charge, gave the nursing re- port for the month of May Total number of visits in May ~~478 to 83 patients, 24 of whom were admitted in May Nursing care newborn 22 Hreschool 1, adult 435, Total 458 Health instruction---20; night calls 4 Whithy Township Statistics to May 31 Visits (1988) 9,122 2.058 : Dr Sun bright short siee In easy-care fabrics. vegular, drop, and hi Choose seve SIZES 7-14 Reg. 7.98 and 8.98 3.99 Visits 37 1968 (1965) Pot & Mike's FISH & CHIPS 688 HORTOP 723-1951 @ Deep Fried Shrimp A fealleps @ Halibut @ Generous Servings Cloved Sun, & Mon, GIRLS' DRESSES" FAMOUS MAKER'S CLEARANCE lof these famous makes in plains, prints, dots, stripes. Shop early! OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 'Hoskin Avenue Couple Mark Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs, Lioyde Masters, Hoskin avenue, were et home |to their friends to mark their jtilver wedding anniversary 'recently, sae Mrs. Masters, the former Winnifred Heinkoester, is the caugmer oF Mrs, Fied Hein- keester, Osawa, and the late Mr, Keinkoester, Mr. Masters is the son of Mre, Harold Masters, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Masters, They were mar- ried in Simeoe Street United Church by the Reverend Me Neilly, and have three children, Allan, Konsid and Onda, and two grandchildren. The bride received wearing a white nylon lace dress styled with @ pink satin midriff bow, matching accessories and a cor- sage of pink sweetheart roses with silver bows, Assisting her were the couples' mothers Mre, Harold Masters, in a royal y, vine dress with a white corsage 7 tipped with biue and Mrs. Rein koester in an orange and beige i two-piece dress and a corsage of white carnations sprayed with yellow Their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Masters, kept B the door in the afiernoon with Mrs, Masters wearing a dress with a white | corsage tinged with yellow, in the eve ning their other son, Honald, accompanied by Miss Georgina Pawlenchuk, answered the door, The anniversary couple's small daughter Onda, in a white and pink dotted dress trimmed with Jace and a# pink 'carnation : corsage the book assisted by the bride's cousin, Mrs, Kent Douglas, Willow dale Pouring tea in the afternoon were the mothers, Mrs, Rein koester and Mrs Harold Masters, and those serving were Mrs, Randy Marchant, Miss Judy Wright, and Miss Sheila Masters, In the evening those serving were Miss 2 Wright, Miss Masters and Mrs @ 4 4 » Donald Wilson Mr Masters presented hi B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 22, 1966 coral kept guest MR. AND MRS, LLOYDE MASTERS Mary's Studio =| packages occasionally, Or if you do not have a grill, place in portions and place each portion 450 degrees F, oven and of foil for an hour to 1% hours meat and vegetables right in ing edges of foll tor! foi) packages, and accompans gether and seal with double|with toasted French bread, a folds to make airtight packages |tossed green salad, and frosty These can be made in advance,| glasses of lemonade and serve refrigerated and then cooked on! chilled cantaloupe for dessert halved grill for about 1 hour, turning! Serves 4 broken cook BARBECUE MEAL IN FOIL Ib, beef round, cut %- on a inch cubes medium onions, peeled and quartered large potatoes, quartered Serve sheet Season to taste, Br peeled and tomatoes fresh corn, large ear halves Seasoned Pepper Butter or margarine METHOD: Tear off 4 12-4nch heets of aluminum foll, Divide ie beef, onion, potatoes, toma yes and corn into four equal salt |More Than Rain ' P P | Tennis Fashions | wife with a new set of rings | and she presented him with a By LYNN EDMUNDS sierling silver cufflink and tie LONDON (Reuters) -- It was clip set engraved with his ini iM raincoats rather than tals, From the grandchildren, ™iniskirts at Wimbledon Tues they received a small money 48Y #* Continual showers tree, from the bride's family a damped down the traditional money tree and a cuckoo clock| fashion flare amona ladies' da inom ine wricegroom's family, | Crowe at the Ali-england Gubet-iown guests were Mra, his championships Joon Van Bruggen from Hol- The number of giris sporting white mint-dresses who were land, wio had just arrived in Oshawa: Mrs. Keat Douglas, | Mistaken for tunie-clad' tennis keen sutograph Willowdale; Mr. und Mrs,|Players by Frank Dix, Agincourt; Mr, and Bunters emphasized the narrow Mrs, Frank Kowen end Mr,| 08, #8P here between current and Mrs, Kenneth Walker, all high fashion and sportswear of Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs Players themselves have had Frank Liptrott and Mrs, Ethel Meir choice of outfits curbed by Gray, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs,|{@ All-England lawn Tennis Reginald Mitchell, Guelph; Mr. Club's no > nonsense attitude and Mrs, Clarence Masters and The Wimbledon authorities in daughter, Sheila, Little Brittain; |"! 0" Plain white costumes Mrs, arl Wright, and Mr, and Fs agg 3 sportswear designer Mrs, Thomas Watson, Peter--.°987. "Pg cancelled his borough; Mrs, Clarence Town, fashion preview this year in dis Mr. and Mis, Charles Gill, Mr gust over reinforcement of the and Mrs. Brian Crofton and) rules and watered down his de Mrs Ross Wright, all of signs for the 55 women players Whitby; Mr. and Mrs, Howard wearing them at this season's Masters; Mr, and Mrs, Archie vee b Masters, ali of eve Deen Bowmanville ' bringing sin into tennis," Ti Mr. and Mrs. Edward Masters,|,,. gine oe oe Tin . - jing, a former championship Myrtie; and Mr, and Mre At i avin Maitend. Procercile player himself, protested, ' Tuesday's prettiest on - outfit was worn b most feminine players j petite Lea Perleo awn accused of court one of the i showed a f frilled lace broderie her unsuccess{ sritish glimpse o beneat panties h a shift during ul match against star Ann Haydon Jones who trounced her 6-1, 6-2 One player determined to beat the ban on fi Weal and Maria Bueno |panis and swansdown previous vears 1s fue Sara The Adelaide girl, here on a tennis pla moon, i Wailing impatiently to wear the "see-through dresk, a chiffon shift with flowers appliqued across bust and hip anglaise olous tenn eclipse Braziliar pin dress of shocking Australian ng hone NECTARINE-TIME Fresh nectarines kets from late September are June in mar NEW TEACHER (ueaph Miss Tdmilla Bolotenko, of Mr, and Mrs, Rolotenko, Bloor street east, graduated from College and has accepted a position at College Hill Publie School, teaching Grade 6 Miss Bolotenko is a grad- uate of Central Collegiate daughier George Toronto Teachers' v ' Take music wh Jr, Boys' BATHING TRUNKS Poo! "eater Stretch Nyon or Lastex ewir oble in assorted " sizes 4 to 6X, Com poroble Value 1.39 JUNE SPECIAL Comperable Value 10,99, Jr, Girls' BATHING SUITS ee JUNE SPECIAL Hand Painted RELISH DISHES lorful relish dishes = te add color end beauty te any table setting! Choose from @ variety of hand painted designal Comper able Value for 1.38. JUNE 2 gg 99° SPECIAL FANCY CHINA DISHES & BOWLS fight elegant decorations to choose from in assorted shapes ond aires! Compar ohle Value 2 for 1.3 JUNE 2 rie 99° SPECIAL TABLES Idea! for atin, ar automat hedroor rally or gree JUNE SPECIAL ing. re Playmate TRANSISTOR RADIO eol leather case anc anu hoose from doiay ou go thie Summer with 4 fadio, eomplete with earphone Girls' $9 99 Stretch Nylon BATHING SUITS Vylish awim suite in | end 2-plece styles! Sizes 7 to 14 In @ variety of colors Comparable Volue JUNE SPECIAL SWINGING CARRY-ALL BAG Compact and convenient carry-al bag in @ 'variety of attractive shades rm, fery roam, lawn end he special trined es leve design, jexign serving surface ' rose design, coral Comparable Velue 149 JUNE SPECIAL ve and shift dresses Over 30 styles... gh walsts; A-lines, ASTON MARTIN DBS SIZES 2-6X MODEL CAR KIT Reg. 8.98 and 6.98 v FLORAL 1 scale model of the cor used by James SAILCLOTH pecial Agent 007! Amang the many fea 17". shredded foam filled e built-in machine guns revolving in blue, brown, green, Phinda nber plates smoke screen equiprr floral aout ta ghts trader screen Comparable Vetue 1.59 ' nore citing ext Comparable Value 2.49 JUNE SPECIAL JUNE SPECIAL DENIM STRIPE Lounge Pillows olertul and comfortable lounge pi iowa, shredded foam fill ed stripes, orange stripes $].27 LOUNGE PILLOW available erange, red, and m Comparable Velue 1.59 JUNE SPECIAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER KRESGE"S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | | Dampens Women's' Save *2 SUMMER SHIFT SALE! Reg. 8.88 G** Join the cool set this summer in one of these Each, only breesy shift styles, at this great saving! Now a perennial summer fashion favorite, shifts are ever-fresh at many a summer affair, You'll find so many styles in this collection! Round, scoop or V necks... French or flap pockets... and vertical tab trima, are just a few of the coutue rier touches, Wear them with or without their skinny tie belts, In the happiest get-together of fun-loving fabrios and fashion-fresh colors this season, you'll probably want more than one at these savings, Shop soon for best selection, 8 to 20, WALKER'S ® Reg. TM. ® OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Where Good Taste In Fashion 1s Not Expensive