AFTER THREE YEARS - 7% i BODY FOUND IN MUSEUM BED! County Agrees [fai Se ee tuth Hay was. about to lock out, She had read the stq composure she reported 5 i the door of the log house at Little Red Riding Hood and was hat mar isitors had «attended Cy, ' f } the Pickering Township Mu- taking no chance of a wolf in the museum over the weekend, On ssessment . 4 seum grounds in Brougham at granny's nightgown 4 during the week buildings j tig 5 the end of a busy visiting da " the paipitations ceased, rang with the voices of children 4 Y y 9 She glanced quickly about : ay arched bras After three years of disagree "In Whitby he said, "we ey f Re t all was in orde an t the z to oust the in- i) one day there were over 160 ment Ontario County Council have an efficient system a § Vy : what she saw caused a qi truder from the bed. She turr I s and girls accompanied by finally ame io agreement On person comes in and' wants in- | j | ened pulse and a @ P ed down the covers and found teachers the thorny issue of assessment formation he can have it right Z ' heart on the bumov straw mattrose wien guess irom tar and natowdne thy ihe ~ -- ss - ' snuggied into the -year~void of yesteryear a pale naked In 2 15 minute session the Deputy Reeve Mrs. Jean Mac- Z i j sheets of = pened rope bee, dummy Siactl asreed + 'Pherson of Pickering Township, ied s Vis , and covere with an ornate Pranksters had ascended the eit aa Ses tae ae a - . added that Pickering residents @ yj. 4 Z Patchwork quilt, was a hody (irbiden staircase of the lon now 9 be heig on haturday, to establish a County BSSO8) 4 have to make long dis-| | i gy" 1 LIE a The curator did not wait to . a at es ieee co a 4 July 9, on the grounds many ment system tance phone calls or lengthy @ . Li gs see whether the bulge in the vt wee werreee: wowe ® Sane decided they would be in at- to equalize the assessment oar trips to obtain assessment i, ib) f bed was dead or alive, awake nequin to place in the bed tendance of real property in the county information 4 i on a common factor for 1967 to select a county \)ssess- MICROFILM ment commissioner to oversee In council, members agreed . the new system that the council may have to' om j 4 f y } --and passed a aw pro- invest in a Zenith telephone line ; Z oy s é & viding times at which assess-so that calls on assessment) @ 4 Y Z i ment rolls. must be returned|could be made from anywhere' @ ' j 4 y Wf from each. municipality in the in the county free of charge y 4 V4 f | county The council also agreed to in- iy ( j NM J Except for minor grumbling vestigate the possibility of! § j gg? j y iy, V4 hy ¢ 4 Came in classes to visit near jearned of the Strawberry Vestival and Centennial Fashion i from the Whitby and Pickering| microfilming assessment. infor representative the necessary mation so that copies could be "Mwnitby's Deputy pid Ba ory: gal OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY; JUNE 22, 1966 Whitby's Deput Reeve cipality in the county ; George Brooks complained that Counell also agreed Jook a { gh y 4 y a. os L oo. : wit count assessmer his into the possibility of joining its hy, * town residents would have to finance and assessment com A i va, - | i | - ee 7 N S hool Ten ers ke trips to the county build. mitte that the new syst Gin ite : Binns Eu iho Oe ee ee INDUSTRY a ew vce ormation iently HOLIDAY DATE Pedlar People Workers Youth In "Poor" Condition -- .i:""%'e Over First Estimate the last week of July and the firet week of August, when Five tenders for construction|raised $140,000 and that OSCC named tomorrow Consider Contract Offer After Motorcycle ELits Car _| wiser: vite tater em: lor ine ontane, and, Dist pale, "io coninbut up io Becase oie tender' ea t Centre have over anes) ¢ nat we actually get bide over the £$250,000-ma Members of steelworkers' lo-, Contract' negotiations between Stost leree factories will Treatmer entr ave 0 cases) of what we actually get bid ) 50,000-mark cal 6058 will decide tonight at Pediar and Local 6958, United sak . . z shot the architect's $250,000 ourselves which could mean 'we've been working with the J ; PC Oni i i a A a ' ' : . * y fi i wo mé nto a parked car on Simcoe|ed the scene at Simcoe, south) maintain only a skeleton crew |outimate bh as much a8 $70,000, or more architect and cutting out ite a special meet! whether to| Steelworkers of America have wo m , g ™m peci ing ' : oe we ' ' ' ae ekki P ffi Tenders ' r , ft ite 2 accept a contract offer yialready been through the gov 1 y ' P ue f Dar St 4 fire truck) of maintenance and offiee i$ 000 P 7 Tender were opened about a ro lem but vy proj ct (on , ( py wer 1 indreds of passers crowd jancial|three weeks ag , a two-ne site at the " their employer, Pedi pople ernment conciliation stage H ed ABSeT prayed inan " 1 ree weeks ago, said Mr M : WOH re e 3 ie Corner of gr nit ht and the west oor § é i ry Lid. at-a meeting » or Now that a conciliation off) 6 f the notor ga General Motors will be clo ' nua aU nd the lowe bid | Bloor t and armony Rd.) co ectation hg jumped was $94,000 over the project's will still be as diverse ag about $100,000 1 About| expected cost before Fa east "ayant wet" RESIDENTS ARREST DRIVER | : oe for tonight after work, said negotiations are. ott of his . here was about $40,000 be © did not elaborate on items Keith Ross, union international ohy, 1156 King &t. E., will Duplate Canada IAd,, |the ca arted in Febru-ltween the lowest and highest |4lashed from the project but ' ary y luc representative and head nego. hands ' U ished to Toronto General Coulter Mfg. Co. Ltd, and |# rie ee includes bidders," Mr, McCallum said, did mention one that was cut~ tiator If Pediar and the union can C MPL IN 1 wiih deeling band Galielas siting ; icial g a at not naming any companies in- & $20,000 elevator and he added which spilled) worker token 'Mand cer has handed down his report representatives Monda er has handed down b epor ik on to the road ed the last week of July and Twenty-one year old Gu the first week of August @5/$261,000 has |} raised since If the union's 230 n rs\not agre weeker sived, only saying they were it might still be included be Robsor Leathe n int esterday } from Oshawa, Whitby, Mark.|cause a Tozpnto foundation is deadline will be set, he said after the concillation report was s Dane ' ) . . , erib as 01 he closed frow ily 11 to A au ssistance is expected to pon, and Scarborough considering meeting the cost Last week members voted ov-! published Local 6958 will le-| dent , . é Xd . sh ' . of the motor e, come n the Ontario Society ' j { driver ' ts t 8 ¢ > {¢ r | Children in Toronto), P erwhelmingly in favor of going|gally be in a position to strike : dd I Avive p ea Gar Burnham 126 rOF ids ed Children in Toronto up that the sod turning will be\of the most essential pleces of on strike should the two sides) The unton's old contract with, 94° © de ' ' Town Line N s in Oshawa f ons eT aying some # 1 Tie Lia, <A hv con '. pa 4 ', sf me July 1, He sald a winning bid-\equipment planned for the fail to come to an agreement.'the company expired April 30 Piodbeser -- " ' " . Hospital with serious! fit >w Y i p cost toda My an% der for construction may be centre," Mr, McCallum added. orced the motoris Os 11 general campaign . r dition toc vote to re é i@ offer, a or in other ord seven da y gust 22 Pediar People Mr, McCallum said hopes are The elevator we feel is one Ltd vill lay during the took the keys from PY alle port was available on County Farmers Outside "rcr'titi tact wt sin si" "" lun tondtin stmortog tS ng one ony. "| Hs comple nay a Police Ticketing fold him he was under cit they are. continually Plaque Presented Dispute Says Ormiston -- Vyairic sayy trate as Hospital May Receive ---2 "Iu President' Boulevard Parkers Joe Kiausner, president 0 Ontario County farmers are|said Mr. Ormiston. "There is B'nal B'rith Lodge of Oshawa; People who park on city; The boulevard now looks like not involved in the current] no organized farmers' union in was awarded a plaque for out-| boulevards can expect to have f } provincial dispute, says Roy|Ontario County, We have no Ld Lar er Grant: Holland standing service to the clubitickets slapped on thelr wind a hard shoulder Ormiston, head of the county|need for a protesting group ipe, a e F ug e an S . Monday at a dinner to termin-! ghields There is a boulevard on Jack. association of farmer: A spokesman for the County| on ave, which looks like a hard. shoulder, Local residents have been parking there for some ate lodge meetings for the sum Oshawa police give fair warn The dispute involy farmers | Association said the general The provincial capital grant|received official details of the r ing that they are out to stop who sell their milk for manu-| feeling among farmers in this * * for the construction of a new| rec ommendation yet,"' said Mr was announced that the the boulevard parkers, pe 4 ' tactaring cheese, butter, | ce. tt ete a wane don ar 1clpa e n ara e addition to the Oshawa General| Holland, The construction of the |B'nal B'rith district golf tour A ticketing campaign is al Ee AAR ORE hey GOR: OCR ets cream, and other by-products of) strations are a ibe of fee! {Hospital may be increased, ajhospital addition likely to'nament will be held at Peter-| ready underway ' mili, jheaded by a group of radicals.) ' ; hospital authority said today. (begin in 1967, he said borough, July 13, with Peter 'We are not going to make, The residents all protested " : Representatives of tt Or The six nual Oshewa,east alor King to the } L b "The Federation of Agricul-| epresentatives © ¢ . ; Bedi int oer fe OUT) William A, Holland, hospital) At a meeting Tuesday, the| borough hosting the event many friends out of this," said and the tickets were with olts - sre Fe ' idl i orne where t roceeds P ' f ture bandies our problems,' pol warmers ar vay rere i dom thalencie ah § sp ii : Pe atm administrator, said increased| board approved the purchase of Edward Wilson gave @ SYN-\Traffic Sergeant William Tane,/drawn with a warning that the ' | atk belay a alg AD ie : ' mr 'ls meoe to Alexandra lhuilding costs. prompted Dr.| new hospital equipment which)opsis of the annual district) byt the city bylaws have to be residents would not be given a DRIVER DIES jmilk subsidy Tuesday during a , Matthew Dymond, Minister of|included: 12 emergency carts|B'nal B'rith convention held in| obeyed second chance. 6 F et! with Agriculture Mir 4 t th re . " . A Toronto truck driver, Fran iste Willa Sten ' xsl ' oe eee in paniza-| Health, to propose a grant in-\costing $2,000, two anesthetic) New York state," said Sam Ro-| Section 247A of elty bylaw ronto truc i , Fran-|iste i Stews ' ions appear the Folk ° : ie Roe 3 a. é ' Pra ; cls Murphy, 51, 37 Beatty Ave : The atioe pe A on , ti : ' tH I rease achines est ed at $2500,)tish, publicity chairman $713 clearly defines a boulevard, The rathe r antique city bylaw , 1, ' atty a : ations Bar v i i maT I e DP " ' ; ; ieee i 947 atata i was killed Tuesday when his will continue this time on all 5 f | hedule | adet a 4 tha The hospital) board has no dq ical @ nent valued as 'that part of the highway Number 247. states thaf "no | r W is will « eae i 1s i i Sal idet n 0 sama P ee neta? os } R ¢ at $400 for use in ear; nose . ' which lies between the travelled "orse or vehicle shall stand pa oe Hl on High alg wide basis ! ald or ; ro ' , 'Arainian Boy _ 8 Band . and throat operations Singer Will Speak portion of the road and the|¥Pon any boulevard and no fod vohn Doimer, union presiden in : : aida Hg Plast'). The latter Learning Problems The number of hospital tele nearest edge of the sidewalk on | "0rse or vehicle shall be left in roup is a bugle band and is re irded as one of the best of its|/Film To Re Than phone lines will be Increased To Young Liberals the same side of the high-|Such @ manner as to obstruct T vithin three of four weeks Way 67, if tiére is no such side-|'@ Ordinary traffic of the to accommodate the bullding's) Vernon Singer MPP for walk, the street line on the same | Streets Ontar COUMy AssOCM- needs, said Mr, Holland, A Hew Downsview, will be guest speak~|side of the highway.' Overnight street parking is tion of Children with Learning| listing will appear in'the August' er at the annual meeting of the also receiving the attention. of riteipant this year.) Disabilities is holding: its final! telephone director Ontario County Young Liberal! A boulevard, point out police, | police. estival committee! summer meet Thursday at St Association to be held June 29,does not necessarily have to| Places where boulevard parks oday that there will Gregory's Auditorium at Adelaide House have grass on it ers will be receiving police at+ ran e offer Guest speaker w be Doreen Flower Bed New officers will be at the) There are places in the elty|tention are in the northwest one rol r P } at 8 pm nd in Ontaria Oshawa' Choral Society Martin will also he provincial association meeting wh starts ;where boulevard parkers havejarea of the city and in Lake im 0 ie tre al ' id out resident Bruce) worn off all the grass a long/ Vista; Elizabeth 'and Ridgeway problems will F R t ach inte ano Leto ¢ meeting # OL MEGIMEeN mM City irks employees have . - maneune gemeonseey res em ee: coated meel taken up the Ontario Regiment's centennial theme and have planted a. carpet bedding of the PRESIDENT SAYS: regiment name and badge . The bedding, in front of the Aus n Band Shell In Me 4 morial Par consists of about | a es Realtors seven types of flowers arranged carefully ) iriray the crown auditorium ni \ € nh Septembe and cat 1 the regimental Lp Bd badge Second-Class Citizens PD dg: ha any Be ge a Bathe, superintendent of parks " The gardening staff of six work draft a let-\some land a he ' d 1 and District Real tic hat } F d 4 : . ed alternately on the display ter of prot veek, to sendiland w icquired without the: pe» said to government and opposition or | vner's knowing what The flowers were grown in our greenhouse during the win-/ : : represenung/ter and then transplanted in peRisanon 'bout 250 members of the real/ about a day and a half," said| r" roposed On eS With & T@-\ Mr. Rathe | of the Ontario As An Ontario Regimental Band Lloyd Bolahood ident of th ation of Real Estate Boards,! spokesman urged citizens to! board that. 't proposed amendment"s| come early to the band's Thurs-| He said it make a definite, | wording is incomplete, and add day night concert to view the unfair, distinction betwéen the ed floral display : association has; The gardening 'staff's green board ppre the attorney-general! thumbs can be seen all over the| The bill requires brokers and! for the p: few years, to en-!city in other displays, at city] hall, the Henry House Museum) § yroperty being purchased of aminations for realtors. but he and in city parks . elr connection with the .real|doesn't seem to be concerned "We are gratified when peo estate business before making The recom nendations are notjple take pictures of our work,"'| any offer for a purchase, ex-| getting anywhere." Says Mr, Bathe change , Case Attorney-General Arthur Wis 'sataiewn ween see, New City Group Called Action Against | Ack, Ack Kennedy Clu Insurance Firm mao A pe gid t week The Oshawa Times {zations w be called the 'Ack. has been in exist f ra few} ed a story on lf-year-old) Ack Kennedy Club months under the airmanship! Mackie iwarded Co A. A. Kennedy iy Rol Vlemir ' ted by leaders, against what members! wa call a 'discriminatory piece of M Rolahood econd i eneral public and the real @s e ( rio esmen to inform the owner o ! icter licencing and ex j One of Me an Aa abit Ok oe s f Fs if bye Haast s and PrinceiLioyvd Patte ) ind = acting supreme u ' on) Kdward Regiment, gave clib/secretary Frank Lawrence JUDO DEFENCE DANCE brought gAalnst- His grand>| members permission last week, Members discussed the re roonee - father, Merlin Mackie at a meeting in the Canadian union of the 'Hasty Pees', which| '0 adults and children who M Tanino ¢ r 6 The action was brought over! orps Association Hall, to hame/will take place at Peterborough a s ; . oN : amma . a have been taking instruction 10-member 1 ) lude 1¢ loss of the boy ft le N the club after him : on Thank n There was mere ieee' te ton ode: Cus in: Tabons.. fn eaten mete be sein RIE oS me | HOUSE FIRE DAMAGE ESTIMATE $2.000 , » for the summe of uch Goki a men Mr. Mackie has asked niv touched was glad toibility of a centennial year J pa ed ; f also instruct t Times to point out that an im:|, his consent: and would as-\Union in Oshawa ywd watches as Osh thought to have been caus. ed, They returned home to the a» in any wa " It was decided te ilact » firefighters quell a ed by an overloaded fuse, find firemen pumping water eter f , 9- Hillside Ave Damage has heen estimat. to their house, This pi The fire which d at $2,000, The occupants tur was taken hy Sinha an upstairs bed Mr, and Mrs, Rezco Hoff Nirma 18 Hillside Ave ' hetwee ng p th t ' % : u is affectiona 1@as0 at ' ' | e t 4,0 Ver a "? ¢ : r i € nec b ; ? cnet He b, Set "ie Ve pate La rk I 1 was) Ack, Ack" Kennedy 1 13. which « rf oom and pread to two nann, were away visiting a member of the Oshawa ment Hot h degree black bel " 1e ' j Ost Gis insurance company,'bers of the regiment, Non of allicera, ober Dedrooms, waa... friends when the fire atart- Camera Club.