JOBS LAG BEHIND {cerebral palsy and president off DEFINES FREE VERSE { REGINA (CP) --~ Educational|the Saskatchewan handicapped Free verse was defined by U-boat or submarine. is the ane py Pose vo ge 2e bam organization, Employ- poet laureate Robert Bridges as Anglicized spelling of the Ger- : are pulling ahead more rapidly|ers "seem to fear the psycho-|"'cadenced prose arranged in man U-Boot, an abbreviat Three licence fee rebates|Cost to city $10,864. St. Cath-\than employment opportunities, |logical effect of failure on a|sections resembling verses or Untersee-Boot, ptt pons bo were referred to the finance|arines Auto Bodies will provide isays Eddie Davey, re a vietim ot and assessment committee by|the body for the van at a cost y handicapped pereon, he said, istanzas," Ses | sea-boat, 3 council Monday night, Central of $6 993, Council approved the Council of Neighborhood Asso-| tender, ciations is applying for a re bate of the $300 licence fee for' Project Planning Associated the carnival which operated Lid., master plan of parks and | June 13-18, West Pen Lid, re-\open spaces for the Oshawa iquesting a refund of part of 4' Creek Valley was received by $130 licence fee; and Realty In-| council, It was referred to the | vestments and Management Co. planning board for their com- iLid. a refund of the same ments and the cost of $12,000 amount for the oneration of|for the nian was annraved ta bowline-4anes no longer in busi- be paid (ness King Street United Church Application will be made to presented council with an offer the Ontario Housing Corpora- to purchase approximately five tion for a land assembly proj acres of city-owned land on the ect using approximately 53 southwest corner of Adelaide acres of land now under option Ave,, and Wilson Rd, to be by Ontario Housing Corporation used as a church site for the' on the east side of Ritson Rd amount of $67,671, The bid was N, referred to the parks, property) and recreation committee 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jone 22, 1966 NAME SUBS SAVE 10c¢! BEST BUY SAVE 4c! SAVE ALL WAX PAPER SAVE 240! -- Libby Me DEEP BROWNED BEANS 5 for iy SAVE Oe! = Refreshing 6-7, Tins Sunkist Lemonade 4 for 49¢ SAVE fic! -- Birds Pye GREEN PEAS 12-7, Phen. W. B. Bennett Paving Lid was awarded a $291,886 paving W. R. Brown, 1211 King §t. contract, Council will enter into E., will have trees in front of 4 contract with the company his property removed in order dated June 16, for the eonstruc- to permit the construction of a tion of selected granular base proposed sidewalk council de- Course, asphaltic concrete pave cided, However, as much of the ment, concrete curb and gut hedge bordering Mr. Brown's ter, sidewalks, - sewers and property as 'possible will be watermains saved OAR Shon. 2 for 4%e commi made public rhere are Caroiann, WHOSE ional film-maker and the pub Guelph Historic In a report made public Tues inade-'on Simcoe St, N Invitations Douglas 4 found in a cave, a 19-year-old yrentice butcher admitted Slaying four school-age boys during the last four years, the State prosecutor reported, Po- e were Jed to the apprentice a 14-year-old boy who said he escaped after being lured to the cave WILL TEST EXPLOSIVES LONDON (CP)---Military per- onne! and defence scientists from Britain, the United States and Canada will take part in a combined experiment in west ern Alberta this summer to test the effects of high explosive in a forested area, The experiment will involve the detonation of 50 tons of TNT Aug. 16 in the for est near Hinton, Alta., to simu- late the blast of a. small nuclear weapon TROUBLES ARE SIGN DETROIT (AP)--A_ medical educationist said Tuesday that war, famine and pestilence in the world may be the work of the devil, but they attest to the nearness of Christ, Dr. Varner J. Johns Jr., told the quadren- nial conference of the Seventh dav Adventist Church that widespread . social _degenera tion and the universal spread of the gospel are signs. of Christ's imminent "second com- ing.' PERMIT PACIFISM ROME (AP)--A bill approved n the Chamber of Deputies would make it legal to be a con ientious objector in Italy dur ing peace, The bill, now await ing Senate approval, allows ob jectors to volunteer for a two year unpaid job in non-European developing countries instead of entering the army, BUILD NUCLEAR REACTOR LJIUBLJIANA, Yugosla via (AP) Yugoslavia's third nuclear reactor, built with some U.S. government assistance ($233,000), has begun operation at Podgorica, It is to produce radioactive isotopes and for gen- eral research in physics, chem istry and medicine quate and the CBC is spending millions of dollars a year on films that are used once on tele vision, then shelved or thrown away It concludes that the govern ment should consider setting up a body superior and unrelated to existing agencies to look into the whole situation The $10,500 survey, the federal made for Centennial Commis sion by Robert Anderson and Associates Lid of Aylmer Queé., a film production and con ilting firm, was tabled before the Commons committee on broadcasting, films and _ the arts John Fisher, centennial com missioner, told the committee the report now is under study The report urged -~Establishment of a national film archives, CBC films were often destroyed because of lack of storage space and the Canadian Film Institute's pri vate collection was 'rapidly detériorating" because of lack of funds for proper storage Rapid passage through the set up Commons of # bill to a. Canadian... Film..Develop-} ment Corporation with $10 000,000 to help finance and distribute feature films The report said the CB( made 486 films in 1964-65 against 132 by the NFB "The film board's production importance, diminishes as CBC's increases and as the provinces expand their own film boards," it added ELECT PRESIDENT AKRON, Ohio (AP)--Election of Lincoln Hackim of Akron as president of the American Ama teur Baseball Congress was an nounced Tuesday to fill a va cancy created May 4 by the death of C, O, Brown of Battle Creek, Mich, The congress has 2,500 teams and 50,000 players In the United States and Can- ada , oncoming were extended to council mem bers to attend R. H, James, RR 3, Oshawa a crippled children school bu driver, requested council in 4 letter to consider having the in tersection of Taunton Rd, and Thornton Rd, made a four-way stop. He stated he had seen two accidents at the. intersec rion and that the topography of the area made it difficult to see traffic especially when travelling south on Thorn ton, The letter was referred to the traffic and committee, A tender from Duke Lawn Equipment Ltd., surlington was accepted to supply and de liver: to the city one self propelled three-reel mower in the amount of $2,047. King Seagrave Wtd, of Wood stock will supply the city with a triple combination pumper body. Cost of equipment is $13 200, No trade was accepted, On tario Motor Sales Ltd, will sup ply a 27,500 pound G.V.W. cab and chassis for the triple com bination -pumper--at--a~--cost--of $9,336 Council agreed to accept a tender from Ontario Motor Sales for a 31,000 pound, G.V,W cab and chassis for the emer gency and rescue van. No trade was accepted in the tender public safety Site Designated OTTAWA (CP)--The home at Guelph of the late Col. John McCrae, author of Flander Fields, has been designated as a national historic site, North ern Affairs Minister Laing said in the Commons Tuesday WEAKEN PERONISTS BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- The electoral court of appeals has taken away the "party status" of exiled ex-dictator Juan Pe eron's Justicialist party 'be cause it is being managed by influen neces from abroad," NOW. OPEN 8 Pleasant Grove TRAILER PARK South Shore West Loke close te Famous Sand- bonks CAMPSITES @ Hectricity and water ern plumbing @ Wood available @ Fine sand beach » Safa and 900d fishing SPECIAL RATES FOR LONG SEASON (FREE Treiler Storage for Off-Season Within 100 Miles of Oshawe Telephone: Code 613 No, 393-5263 M. J. Kleinsteuber, RR, No. I, Pieton, Ontarie TOMATOES Yellow Flesh -- No, 1 Sunshine Fresh Fruits - Vegetables TROPIC'S BEST BANANAS LB. 10: Sun Parlour - Hothouse -- No, 1 Save 2%! DREAM WHIP Dessert Topping 2 OL KGS. 29: Save 10c! -- Fancy Quality LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 48 OL tin 29: lb. 39¢ JUICY PEACHES 5 for 39¢ Save 4c! NABISCO SHREDDIES 18 OL. Package 39: WHILE THEY LAST JACQUARD BATH OWELS Way Ga PINK, BLUE YELLOW, GREEN with ° 5.99 order SPROULE'S WILSON BROWN'S "FOODMASTER' Red and: White Corner Simcoe at Mill Red and White Wilson Rd, S. Shopping Plaza Brooklin, Ont. Red and White MAPLE GROVE Red and Whtie Maple Grove, Ont. a Molson Golden MOLSON Unmotched DID YOU KNOW... that main plicit sp. , offers this Exclusive . . CHROME WRINGER TOP BEST BUY!--Save ihe! -- 124, Bag HOSTESS CHEVSE STICKS cello Ie g BEST BUY! -- Save 6e! 12.407, Tin BEST BUY! -- Save 6c! -- INSTANT MASHED FLAKES s a 124007, PACKAGE A letter from Andre Durand MD L g p of 691 Fernhill Bivd., requesting icencin ES Ith 5 3¢ SAVE I4e! -- Mrs, Luke's city council to approve the pav Tes BEST BUY! Rave 60! ; ng fate ing of Fernhill Blvd, was re t D f d d © inest Orange Pekoe to Pkg. RY JAM 24- r 1 39 ferred to the public works com 5 e en e -01, ar letter Mr. Durand stated that| used by the Ontario College of BEST BUY! -- Save fe! CULVERHOUSE PEAS 4 fo S his yearly taxation was in ex: Physicians and Surgeons to as DELUXE MACARONI 14.07. Pgs. om 4¢ Of Pack! or ¢ cess of $600 and he felt justified sess and license foreign med SAVE, 6c!--~Get fr - : USES KNIFE IN RESCUE in appealing to council to pave ical graduates to practise in the KRAFT DINNERS 3 5¢ LESTOI " 'ee passports io Expo 67 Pint Size Patricia Zurwarra 17, ged around the propeller dragged to the bottom of the road or reduce his taxes province were defended by Dr LIQUID CLEANER A5¢ trims uneven hair of g blades of their overturned the river by the weight of F in the college's annual report friend Carolann Spears, 17, outboard motor in the Rid the motor, was cut loose by Council accepted a Se Alle aaa . Re a a ' Tuesday Reg, 45e!--Weston Specially Selected -- V : , houlde ngth hair snag- the weekend scaling knife construction of granular base inferior school or Sunbeam 6 to Pkg, P : Value Check"d -- Branded ine acco sen wi tha - asphalt pavement, and concrete abroad and their graduates a CINNAMON ¢ ROUND i curb and gutter, Estimated cost We have seen them in Ontario BUTTERHORNS of the work is $176,045 with the) 4re inadequately trained by our = Government Liquor Control CBG Now Top i.e ree rete i ee ricsdoran' he oases "hers oe STEAKS or ROASTS property 100 off $4 ; MINCED ROUND -- All One Price! e 0 W 0 + WCTU H 1 ubdividers contributions, $14,-/!9 our policy le Of Shar Pack sup § \ 1 n ay u . ears Movie-Maker 315, The Ontario department of It is the college's duty not Deodorant Soap 43¢ highways will subsidize the My to license but to seek out UMP ie GUELPH (CP)--Brig ; J. possession of marijuana. Offi, OTTAWA (CP) A private city's share by $43,983 foreign medical graduate 50-Lb, Cotton Bag Monk of the Salvation rmy cers (deal tie Main 06 Mask Plas sa government con- plants were found under cult tripped the Nat Film! | an. , ; Corns, Undergraduate training is sim Granulat Boneless Onbe Style The Ontario - Durham ny = : trol of liquor on the way out. vation at a home they said was Board as Canada's most impor: yonn Ambulance brigade 12! standards of Cana " | N 6 B F F : lb. The Toronto officer told dele i by Fonda in sub- tant "er comprising the Ajax, Oshawa dian universitic Pre-Priced She and 68c! 69¢ gates attending the annual con-\urban Tarzana licly-owned bodies must adjust), s visions informed Pe vention of the Ontario Women's and Whitby divisions infor dt Always Tender Fresh Sliced vor Lanches a or sas fe Christian Temperance Union LAGENBERG Wiest te inspection Sunday June 26 INTAL CREAM BEFF LIVER lb. 59 BO many (AP)--Arrested after the "ay, the survey says the NFB 1964 at 4 p.m. in the Armorie Rea. Size rie 5. 39¢ uor is worse than prohibition, remains of three children were "istribution system is 9 2% Size 57¢ CUT PONY TAIL TORONTO (CP) Langman, 47, was fined $200 Tuesday for cutting off a wom scissors, Helen Campbell, 25 told Magistrate Robert Dnieper that she was riding a street car when she heard a _ snipping sound behind her of her pony tail was missing. Langman pleaded guilty to a charge of common assault WORM PICKERS WIN TORONTO (CP)--A strike by Monday night when their em- ployer agreed to their pay de- mand of $5.50 for 1,000 worms The worm pickers walked off their job Sunday night at the were previously paid $5 for 1,000 worms. The owner of the company said the pickers made up to $184 each last week, WANTS NO PREFERENCE Mr. Justice Wishart Spence for ddmages to his car at a city railway crossing takes no pref erence Over any oifier ciaims, a-city controiler said Tuesday tioned payment of the Supreme Court judge's $57 claim, and demanded a list of claims from "average citizens show ing whether any had been "re HAMS WILL COMPETE OTTAWA (CP)---Amateur ra- dio operators in Canada and the U.S. will test emergency pro- cedures this weekend in the an- Relay League field day. Clubs in both countries will compete in efficiency against each other from portable field locations in the 24-hour exercise SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) Two members of the Cuban athletic contingent at the Cen- tral American and Caribbean Games defected Tuesday and States. They were the second and third to defect since the games opened 10 days ago WILL LINK COMPUTERS WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Corp. (Comsat) is working out arrangements to connect com- puters in Britain and the United States via its Early Bird satel- lite, now in a stationary orbit tion's president said Tuesday Joseph V. Charyk told the Na- AND HAND RESTS tional Space Club that success Qual Cc would demonstrate the feasibil- @ Quality Controlled @ ity of the simultaneous use of computers on a world-wide: ba- pease sis for clean, {\ ' ---- BEST BUY! --- Save Ife! -- ROSE COLOURKD 11, Phes, mittee for further study, In h TORONTO (CP) Methods RED ROSE Tea Bags 79¢ SAVE, 9c! -- Fancy or Choice D, 1, Wilson, retiring president afte Carolar had f eau River in Ottawa during Patricia who used a fish- sioner of works report for the city' § A. " » ant a owner $23.992 and facts which must be recognized Save ik Lfebuoy BONELESS ROLLED reported that marijuana survey says the CBC has out medical and premedical 83 said Tuesday ADMITS SLAYINGS to the fact for the centennial, council) it will hold its annua SODENT that government control of. liq an's pony tail with a pair of About three inches 20 worm-pickers was settled Jonathan Live Bait Co, They OTTAWA (CP)---A claim by Cont. Murray Heit has ques- jected out of ,hand." nual American Amateur Radio TWO DEFECT took asylum in the United The Communications Satellite over the Atlantic, the corpora. clean ONE oN GO E INVENTED COMMAS LDEN AL The present system of punctu- ation grew from a system de- veloped b Aldus Manutius, ----.. TERMS AVAILABLE ur and printer born ao BEFORE YOU BUY... GIVE STARR A TRY STARR Furniture and Appliance 723-3343 491 Ritson S. OPEN FRI, TO 9 P.M, KK kK * washes, For the right taste in ale FROM MOLSONS INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 FONDA'S SON NABBED LOS ANGEL AP Peter Fonda, 2f n actor Henry Fonda, and ( yther vere freed pail Tuesday after sur- render on warrants charging A. E, JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 144 King St. East 723-2721