THE OSHAWA TITS, 15) Wednesday, June 22, 1966 } VICE PRESIDENT Henri William Joly of Que- hec City is first vice-presi- dent of the Canadian Manu- facturers' Association. Mr. Joly, 62, is a formerdirec- tor of the Quebec Chamber of Commerce and the Cana- dian. Cancer Society | (CP Photo) | Romney Scores Viet Nam War CLEVELAND (AP) -- Gover-| nor George Romney of Michi gan says "most nations, even including our allies, no longer consider us dedicated to peace.' He said Monday night the United States can stil 'find an , honorable solution' in Viet Nam "mhich will put the people of that unhappy country In control of their own destinies--without a wider war--and hopefully with a short one," Romney -- frequentiy men tioned as a possible 1968 Re- publican presidential candidate addressed a dinner meeting of the National Conference of Christians and Jews Romney was asked to com- ment on the Viet Nam aituation when reportérs met him at the airport. He responded by saying President Johnson's policies were "not adequate from the standpoint either of military ac- tion or efforts to reach a negoti- ated settlement," "The administration really doesn't have an effective policy on Viet Nam," he added Art Teacher Quits To Paint VANCOUVER (CP) Artist Jack Shadbolt is quitting teach- ing because he likes it too much. The 87-year-old man, one of Canada's best-known painters, gays he Is going to devote his time to his art Mr, Shadbolt, who has taught at the Vancouver School of Art for 35 years, says "I'm not quitting teaching be cause I don't like it, but be cause I like it too much, "The constant discussion of ideas while teaching is too de- flecting. I just want to lock the door and concentrate." He says he has been the bene- ficiary of years as a teacher-- "everything I've learned about art has been by teaching it." Teaching was part-of-a-delib- erately - planned patiern Mr Shadbolt set for himself years ago. Through it he earned enough to be able to paint with- out the "chaos" of- worrying about money "T decided there was enough chaos in the ideas of art and | wanted a steady pattern for my life,"' Tracking Unit Proves Success NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) The staff of the East African meteorological department in Nairobi has constructed a home- made satellite-tracking station. The abilities of the station were demonstrated recently when three pictures received from the American weather sa tellite KMssa as it passed 750 miles high over western Uganda were shown to reporters The pictures showed a vast area stretching from the Mid die East to the tip of Africa from which weathermen spotted| a depression over Syria and! cloud formations over most of East and Central Africa. A few landmarks in Africa could be picked out on the pictures Basic working parts of the station are a i4-foot mast and an old car steering wheel which form the helical aerial system on the roof of the Dagoretti me- teorological centre. Other com ponents include aluminum ca bie, a drum, a home-made am plifier and a facsimile recorder imported from Britain Boston Top In English LONDON (Reuters) -- Lord) Chandos, president of the Eng- lish Association, praised Amer jean writers Saturday for' keep- ing the language "pure" and congratulated "}ostonians on speaking it best He said it was his belief that| the purest English spoken in the United States was in Boston. O84 ereryru ¥ junelad Sometimes... not often, but sometimes, "rain check" It's one of many. ~ when / the special is more popular than we imagined So we do run out. But if we do, please ask the manager for a / ( é / An A&P Rain Check entitles you to buy the item, ; at the same special price, the following week. We try never to disappoint you....we always want to be fair. Is this a good reason for shopping A&P? we [? i advertise a special, we always ample supply but... | / hed have an / / ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1966. "BE COUNTED FOR CANADA .... WELCOME THE CENSUS TAKER" --eht SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE REMOVED AT: A A PEARS > ----e FEATURE PRItKS "MP TOMATO JUICE > FANCY QUALITY <5 FEATORE PRICEI T 99 wee, PEATURE PRICE) LIBBY'S PEAS =--«_- 2 stam 29% inetant -~ 7 Flavours FEATURE PRICE JELL-O PUDDING 2 +r rie 31 Domestic (fe Off Dea!) FEATURE PRICE! SHORTENING Ho oko 3 7c Detergent PERATURE PRICE! OXYDOL (27¢ OFF DEAL) king size box 1.49 Betty Crocker (8 Varieties) Reg: Price pkg fe -- SAVE Oe CAKE MIXES 2 1-22 rho Bc Chvistie's Reg. Price pig Be --~ BAVE be RITZ CRACKERS Hb pks MQ Pepsodent Reg. Price tube 0 ~- BAVE 200 TOOTHPASTE ss sisnisizenito Qe White Swan (White or Coloured) Reg. Price We--BAVE 4e PAPER TOWELS 552 ois 5 Stuart House Reg. Price roll 876 -- BAVE Be FOILWRAP =--.2.:12- 25-001 ros 6 Oc Carefree or Regular Reg. Price pkg Sie -- BAVE {80 MODESS 2 rear oit? Bc York Homogenized Reg. Price jar Ble -- BAVE 4e PEANUT BUTTER 160: ice box ior 49 Tomato FEATURE PRICE! HUNT'S SAUCE 5 hori A White Swan Reg. Price pkg Be -- BAVE 14e SERVIETTES phe of 280 M4 5 Price pkg $129 -- GAVE 'h-- AtP TEA BAGS 099. Tomate PEATURE PRICE HUNT'S PASTE 3 shor tnn &De Reg. Price btl te -- SAVE We BABY OIL small seas botte 5 Ye Monnen Reg. Price bil She --~ SAVE She SKIN BRACER anton rd Ge Deodorant (Pink or Geid) FEATURE PRICE! DIAL SOAP 2 rover bos 3 De Por Gaiads, Baking or Frying Reg. Price Gn Cle~GAYE de ST. LAWRENCE OIL 254-00m 59% Choice Quality, Whele FEATURE PRICE! AtP BEETS «J istortins Oc MacFeeters Golden Bar, Pisin or Cinnamon HONEY BUTTER "2-07 phe Mc Fancy Quality, Cream Style FEATURE PRICE LIBBY'S CORN 10-A-08 im 1c Hunt's FEATURE PRICE! KETCHUP tomo Qitorts 39e Chicken er Mushroom Chew Mein or Boot Chop Suey DINNERS cima Set me OMe Hellmann's 24-A-on jer 4& - 1 MAYONNAISE Mitchell's Viteminized APPLE JUICE 'heatn 376 A ¢ Ca» AP rineapple Mapefrulty } Drink pt he PINEAPPLE- GRAPEFRUIT DRINK \ Reg. Price fin 37¢ -- SAVE 11¢ oy f CANADA'S FINEST NATURALLY AGED RED BRAND STEER BEEF &P cos RIB ROAST SHORT or CROSS CUT 53 BEEF ROASTS SHOULDER BONELESS -- POT ROAST PURTHER PROCESSING OF THESE CUTS WILL CARRY AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE SUPER-RIGHT B VAC PAG / COOKED HAM WIENERS wapue LEAP BOLOGNA CHUNK ....%% MOCK CHICKEN LOAF CHUNK PORK SAUSAGE SIDE BACON SLICED BEEF LIVER MEAT & CHICKEN LOAF TRAY PA VAC PAC SUPE Qu SCHNEID "aneeioes HAMBURG ROLLS HAMBURG ROLLS COFFEE CAKE Raisin Twist WITH DRESSING \ ROAST PORK BURNS MAPLE LEAF, RINDLESS, SLICED SCHNEIDER'S SLICED RAND 6-01 pkg 59. 1b pko 5 Ve bA3« » 59 r6% valb pke 5 Ge » 59 6-0z pkg 29: 6-or pkg 29 / BRAND or BQUARE 8X BRAND CK, PURE R-RIGHT ALITY ER's t Baked Foods! dane Parker RHUBARB APPLE or COCOANUT.- ORANGE Reg. Price 690--SAVE 19¢ PIE 2.%"99. Reg. Price each B86 ---- BAVE Pte 3-89. Reg. Price loaf 240 -- BAVE Te 665. LOAVES Reg. Price pkg 280 -- BAVE be rkg of 82 Be Reg. Price pkg B80 -- SAVE be pkg of 12 3 3¢ Reg. Price each 450 -- BAVE Ge each 3 o% dane Parker SPANISH BAR CAKE CRACKED WHEAT BREAD dane Parker dane Parker Jane Parker NEW FROM JANE PARKER! Lemon Cream leed Gold or Chocolate Cream iced Devil's Food BAR CAKES your choice och Qe Double Value Unaliced -- loed fe poly bag RAISIN BREAD 2 isorionve 5 Ge CALIFORNIA SWEET, SALMON FLESH . PRIME RIB 7-INCH CUT -- FIRST 4 RIBS ONLY Ib 53: | 79: Enjoy The Guaranteed Taste of "Super-Right" Meats! 7 \ FRESHLY GROUND MINCED CHUCK 39: ~ DELMONICA STEAKS Seafood Selection! | SEA SEALD -- FRIED IN BATTER ATLANTIC SCALLOPS SEA BEALD MILD CURE KIPPERS Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! California, Fresh, Sweet, Tender, Ne. 1 Grade CARROTS Zevon 35 Leamington, Hothouse, Leng, Green, Slicers, No. 1 Grade 159 7 EXCELLENT POR BRAISING BLADE STEAK +5 3: \ LEAN BONE-IN 669% 2% BRAISING RIBS LEAN BONELESS (139% 659/579 89 BRISKET POINT END CENTRE euTs cuTs JUMBO SIZE 27's NO. 1 GRADE -- = "hi CANTALOUPES 29: California, Santa Resa Variety, Me. 1 Grade LUMS vimmnccon dh 5 \_ Asamington, New Crop, Firm, Green Heads, No.1 Grade CABBAGE ws 15* CUCUMBERS 2.29% CUT ROSES w205% dubilee Reg. Price jar 67e = BAVE 4e CHEESE SPREAD sz» 6 3« Cherry Hill Reg. Price pky S80 -- SAVE be GOUDA CHEESE %=n4s53: FROZEN FOOD FEATURES A&P Brand PEAS & CARROTS 21 reiy tos 3 Orange Flavoured Concentrate FEATURE PRICE! SALADA ARISE 2 1-1-1169 Beef, Chicken or Turkey Reg. Price pkg Bde -- SAVE Ge MORTON DINNERS 15's 5 3¢ Chocolate, Cocoanut or Strawberry Reg. 490 -- SAVE 100 CREAM PIES worton Hor ots 3 9c Mutt 'n' Jeff -- Ground Beef, Kidney or Liver CAT FOOD 2 rox tne Be For Chemical Toilets 20-02 pkg BY. MISTO-VAN FOOD STORES AP