Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY -- AJAX Kathleen Rowe School Wins Championship WHITHY --- Pupils of Kath-\School and John Hienen of Col-\Anne Jenns of St, John's Bchool leen. Rowe Memorial School, who amassed a total of 279% points, won the senior shield in the Field Day of Championsiner-up was Jim Pollock of Col Dave Heron of Kathieon held jast week at Henry Street High School by the Whithy ele- mentary schools Colborne Public School was second with 198 points, Wari borne Street School tied for the 'senior boys' championship.) 'Bach had 14 points. The run- horne School with 8 points, The senior giris' title was won by Laurie English, of Colborne Street School with 21 points,' Marion Mitchell of Colborne who had 18 points. The runner: up was Joy tamanski of Cai borne School with 14 points, Rowe School won the boys junior championship. with # points, Steven Sparina of Kath- leen Rowe School was the run- nerup with 16 points, Fairman Public School third School was the runner-up with with 186 points and Dundas 12 poinis. Street Public School fourth with, Naney Carr of Colborne 149 points. St. John's Separate School won the junior girls' School was next in line with'title with 19 points. The runner: 116 points followed by RR. A.'up was Janet Law of Kathleen The intermediate boys' cham-| pionship went to Larry Ken-) nedy of Colborne Schoo who. had 2 points. Dave Ross of Colborne School was the runner: up with 23 points. Hutchison Public School with 4 ints, ie Vella of Bt, John's Cubs Hold Farewell Party The First Port Whithy Cub Pack held its last meeting of the present season, Friday, in the form of a wiener roast at the home of Mr, and Mrs Frank Sevcik, The Cubs were saying good- bye to their Akela and Balon,| Mr, and Mrs, A, C. Rosso, who are taking up residence in K The Whithy Women's Insti-\derson and children tute, for its last meeting of the! present season, will be enter-\Mr tained at a strawberry social,|and June 22, at the home of Mr.| and Mrs, Adelard Morin, Cedar &t,, at 2 p.m, Hostesses will be: Mrs, Gil bert Drewry, Mrs, Harold Wickett and Mrs, Gordon Me- Lean, In charge of the program will be Mre, R. A, Smith and Mrs, Karl Ward, The roll call will be answered by members donating coloring books and erayons to be sent to Retarded Children, | Debra, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Danny Roxborough, cele- brated her \\th birthday on Bat- urday, For the occasion she en- tertained the following guests at a barbeque party; Melody Sweet, Susan Reynolds, Sharon Reynolds, Cathy Campbell Shirley Marie Fraser, Debra's sister Lynn and her brother Danny, Mrs, A, Mullen, Port Credit, has returned home after visit 'ing at the home of Mrs, Ross Vernon, 212 Buelid &t, Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Rickard and sons, David and Rickey, Guelph, were weekend guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, M, F, Campbell, 815 Byron &t, N, Mrs, Rickard and her sons will remain for the week, Other guests were; Mr and Mrs, William Layeoe and son Brant, Dunbarton; and Robert Griffin, Toronto, Sunday dinner guests were: Mr, and Mra. Matthew Campbell wid daughter, Lisa, Whitby, Best wishes to Mr, and Mrs; Fred Sawdon, RR 2, Whitby, who celebrated their §ith wed. ding anniversary on Monday, To celebrate the occasion a family gathering was arranged at their residence, | Callers over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wil: liam Simpson were: Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Hansen, Scarhor- ough and Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd ~ rsa and daughter Julie, Bar. rie, A Father's Day family pienie was held Sunday on the lawn of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Ves> ters, 209 Anderson St, Present Rowe School with 13 points The intermediate girls' cham 'pionship was won by Betty The mothers were invited for coffee and while there made a presentation to Mrs, Rosso thanking her for her wonderful work with the boys The group committee and Rey. John MeKibben thanked the hostess for the evening and making it possible for everyone fo say goodbye to two wonder ful leaders The staf{ defeated the pupils in the tug-of-war, event, 'Hay Ridels Picnic Feature KEDRON (TC) Kedron junior choir members were en- tertained Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Mur yay Mountjoy, William Werry provided a hay ride around the countryside which was much en joyed, A paper chase through the " |woods was led by several of Darling ton Township; Martin Vesters, and Mrs, William Gerrits children, Pickering; Mr and Mrs, William Haslan and children, Pickering Beach; Mr and Mrs, Ted Vesters and chil |dren, Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs |Anthony Vesters Jr, and son, | Ajax; Mr. and Mrs, William Vesters and children, John Ves- ters, Miss Diane Rye, Hank Vesters, Master Michael Ves ters, Miss Netty Vesters, Whit ihy and Miss Cathy MacKay Bay Ridges, Peggy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Beko, celebrated jher ninth birthday Saturday.) Guests attending her party were: Donna Penney, Janice Devitt, Paul Reynolds, Debbie Leslie, Valerie Thomas, Jo Ann Foskett, Peter Scott, Jansie Kayser, Joy Coons, Dawn Rut-| tle, Susan Jorgansen and Peggy's sister Sharon, Cattle Industry | the boys, Mrs, Mountjoy, assist- ed by Mrs, W, Werry, Mrs Grant Rey Margaret Burns served hot dogs and éold drinks Sunday, June 19, marked the anniversary for Kedron Sunday School, Due to the large num- ber of children currently en- rolled in the school, it was not possible to hold a regular Anni- versary Sunday Service, How- ever, the junior choir provided special musie for the service in the form of an Anthem and a closing Benediction The Sunday School picnic will be held June 24, at the Kiwanis Camp, Ritson Rd, N., with ne- tivities getting under way at 430 p.m. A large turnout is hoped for, U.K. Farmer In County UXBRIDGE Ontario Coun ty Junior Farmers are again serving as hosts to a British Young Farmer Delegate, Hospital, Whitby, into bloom and provide a pastoral scene for the hundreds of The warm days of sum- mer bring the shrubs and flowers surrounding the buildings of the Ontario | lila laos Council Plans Restore Lot Standards WHITBY (Staff) The Mr, Beaton reported that gar-| Whithy Bylaw residential standards after a\an adjoining lot for over a year,| deputation appeared before Council Monday night Jack Beaton of John &t. and tion from the bylaw officer three of his neighbors appeared| Mayor Desmond Newman before council to complain of| Said the owner of the property unsightly conditions and gar-| At 241 Kent 61, was sent a let- bage burning at two lots onjfer on June 20, 1964, advising the south-east corner of John him it was illegal to operate and Kent &ts a trucking business in a resi Mr, Beaton said he had eom- dential one plained to the bylaw officer STORAGE YARD over a year ago and nothing) The bylaw enforcement offi had heen done, He suggested'cer will also be asked to look the premises also be visited by|inta eomplaints about the Hor the health, weed and fire in-ack Contracting Co, on Buelid) spectors &t | an | | } New Owner -Sampler Testing | Program For Dairymen UXBRIDGE --Plans are now;may obtain further information| ibeing finalized to expand pro-\and application forms from| duction testing in Ontario"s| Dairy Herd Supervisors --- Jim dairy herds through the intro-|Ball, RR 2, Uxbridge, and Ted duction of an Owner » Sampler|Knight, RR 1, Brooklin, or |testing program, \from the Department of Agri} As the name suggests, this is|culture Office, Uxbridge, patients, Seen here is the Enforcement bage had heen burned on the) St, Hunter, ehoir director; Officer will obtain jegal help to| corner lot and that one wreck-\storing equipment W. 8. Bridges and Miss' restore two town properties to ed vehicle had been parked on\yards of the roadway OF ONTARIO HOSPITAL exterior of one of the in- firmaries with tts flower heds, colorful umbrellas and go beaches where the patients relax, Oshawa Times Photo | | Action George Braynor, 604 Beech) said the contractor wasithe grand award and a $300) a5\ scholarship at the Alberta mu- within Mr. Braynor also complained council had given Horack per: mission to store equipment 200 feet from the road, TOWN FIOAT Whithy Town Engineer will he asked to look into the cost of constructing a town float to be entered in the Whitby Jay- cees "County Town Carnival' on July 40 Councillor Tom Wdwards sug: gested that the town float de- pict paradise with Mayor New- man as Adam and Councillor Bileen Moore depicting Eve, Reeve Viverett Quantrill sug: gested that the property com. mittee be responsible for the float, Councillor Attersley, Property Committee: Chairman, asked Council how much money he would he allowed to spend whereupon Edwards quipped "How much does aw fig leaf cost?" DUNDAS PLAZA This year's delegate is Cam-| Pic f eron Martin of Northumberland, |*® Program in which the mem- , iber plays a more active role England, Cameron arrived in than in. the case ef regular Council aceepied post dated It should be noted, however,| cheques to cover cost of re- ithat it may not be possible to) zoning a proposed plaza site on Could Benefit [enatan County on June 14, and| |has been staying at the home! SUMMERLAND, B.C, (CP)-\of Mr, and Mrs, Morley Raines, | A new strain of wheat being de-|RR 2, Blackwater, The dele-| veloped could mean a multi-mile\gate will also be visiting with lion-dollar boost to the cattle in-|Mr, and Mrs, Ted Gordon, RR|' Dundas $t, W ) Herd t .|#ecept all applications that are paves setert aeiee ata eon received, The location of an ap-| Council decided that no re the weight of milk produced hy|Plicant relative to other appli-| zoning would be done until the each cow in the herd on suc-|cants will determine,. to some| onstruction of the new plaza essive evening and morning|e@xtent, whether or not he can| was in progress, Yr,,|s dustry in the Okanagan Valley and surrounding areas, | Dr, James Miltimore of the federal department of agricul-| ture experimental station here| # the sivain le entled flainas | ¢! fain is sated Csings, He describes it as a semi: |dwarf wheat that can grow in| areas of high nitrogen fertiliza:| tion, and extensive irrigation, It will withstand high winds and| extreme temperature changes, | The new strain could change | the economics of finishing cat: tle, fattening the animals after they come off the range, and) 'ereate a $20,000,000 industry in the Okanagan alone, This hardy strain could be grown in several interior areas and used to feed cattle, With it an acre could produce between) one-half and 114 tons of beef. At present an acre is good for only about one-quarter ton of Legend Says Undecayed F By ROY FERGUSON MADRID (Reuters) body of a Roman Catholic nun who died 342 years ago is be- ing medically' examined here because of a legend that says it has remained undecayed through the centuries by a mi- racle, The body, about four feet, six inches tall, has been on public display in a chapel since Fri- day--the face covered by a thin veil and only the shrivelled, dark brown hands and feet showing from beneath a while shroud Thousands of persons have filed into the chapel to view the body of the Blessed Mariana of Jesus, who was mother superior of the convent of Don Juan de Alarcon in central Madrid An official medical report, ex: pected ta he made public some- time this week, was being pre. pared to find out whether a m} racle has occurred According to local legend, the nun's body gave off a sweet fragrance when she died and ashe was said ta have had vi sions of the Virgin Mary during her later years in the convent Centuriss ago, Spanish church officials asked the Vatican to have her named a saint but there was no decision PLAN NEW PETITION Now a new petition is ta he made to the Vatican if the med: ieal report indicates that a mi- racie has taken place, church afficials said, The body was removed from beef in many Okanagan areas. Nun's Body or Centuries jits sealed coffin above a side after special parmission was ob- tained It had been removed from the coffin once before--in 1924, Two nuns who were present then attended the removal last week, They told doctors the body was in the same state as when they saw it at its first removal A spokesman for the convent said the body's eves were in- tact but the face was badly dis. torted When the report has been completed, the body will be transferred to Madrid Cathedral for veneration and by the end of this week will be sealed back in the coffin Whether it has decomposed will he weighed in the church's official acceptance of the exist: ence of a miracle, a determin: ing factor in cases of canoniza: jsteck judging competitions, |danger 1, Cannington, before leaving) mkings once each month and D, ll sererengs jfrom each cow's milk for but- In England, Cameron has|té'fat testing been active in the Young) A Dairy Herd Improvement Farmers' Club, having held the| Supervisor collects the samples offices of treasurer, secretary, |@Nd conducis ihe tent for bitter vice-chairman, and chairman,|fat, From the monthly weights is presently on the County|taken by the member and the Executive, is a Council Deputy|butterfat test eondueted by the Delegate, and is an NFU rep-|Supervisor, the milk and fat resentative, |produetion for each cow ta then Cameron is employed, with calculated, his father in farming; being] It is planned to have these particularly interested in livé-|records processed by the elee- stock, On their Northumberland|tronic data processing labora: farm, the Martins maintain ajtory at the Department of Ani: heef cow herd, and a flock of/mal Science, Ontario Agricul 500 breeding ewes tural College, Guelph, with a In keeping with his experi:}complete production report he ence with livestock, Cameron ing sent back to the member |has represented his County onjeach month, A coat of produc: numerous occasions in live-\tion program is also available lon an optional basis at no extra During his stay in Ontario! cost County, Cameron will he at Roth grade and purebred tending several Junior Farmer|herds would be eligible to par: events, and will be visiting alticipate in this new testing pro- number of farms throughout! gram, Members would he re- jet of scales for Me" weighing ' . lof milk and to pay a fee of $1.00 Police Chief Asks . Dairy farmers interested in Nazi Speaker Ban this Owner + Sampler program County on| at the same time take a sample!" be accepted, Deputy Reeve George Brooks| said it seemed funny to him that the developers were con- sidering building a 6250,000 plaza yet did not have the $1,500, BORROWED TO WIN CALGARY (CP)--A borrowed) violin helped 17 + year - oid Kenneth Stromberg win | | sic festival this year. Four times ja silver-medallist, the EZdmon- Councillor Bob Attersiey ask-|about cars travelling at high\ton schoolboy says his own $50 ed for a report on the situa: speeds along Kuclid §t, and said|fiddle cannot produce enough tone for recitals, NICKNAME OLD The nickname "Paddy" is de- rived from the Old Irish form of Patrick, Padraig," : | Clean your | fridge the Sponge the inside of your nage reguiarly with 8 tablespoons of Cow Brand Baking Goda ina quart of warm water, Odoure and stains disappear instantly ne ude or grit to rinse away, No wonder ite recommended by 22 leading refrigerator manutecturers Cow Brand Baking Soda bro WISE HOME OWNERS INSIST ON HYDRA*PREST ' , SIDEWALK SLABS Frov... klin concrete products Lrp. ) F ? ; i Fl *y Et 3 3 g ! g 3 z ood ference and a potate grower and ship- REST TOURISTS FRET CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) -- Visitors to Prince Wdward Is-|| land will no longer have to traipse from place to place to) | find aecommodation, The {¢- land's travel bureau has placed | two-way' radio links in all in-|) formation centres to give infor: mation within minutes about ya- EVE MEN'S SHOP 199 Brock M$, Whitby PHOME 666-2091 cant lodgings. CARETAKER of the WHITBY CENTENNIAL CENTRE Aophection, Fer te eae Veron ts ee Centennial Pi 1, 416 Contre 4, South will be received re ea tat ioe te Tae fae Gee cone 29th 4 lcants should stote ege, experience, moritel stetue ond Selary open to ne services would be available, wi 405 Dundes &, W., WHITBY, Onterie, BROCK Now Playing -- One Complete WHITBY -- Show -- Evenings At 7:30 wu SOPHIA LOREN 'Jubity BEGINS 7:30 "hydraulical maximum *® SQUARE AND PLACING AND RESULTS ly pressed for durability" © COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES TRUE FOR EASY PROFESSIONAL IMMEDIATE DELIVERY the county, }quired to supply a satisfactory per cow per year TORONTO (CP)--Police Chief he/allar at the convent Frida ot Mackey sald Monday he| » will ask Metropolitan Toronto) Council to prohibit the issuance, of further speaking permits for) \ public parks to William John Heattie, self-proclaimed Cana dian Nagi leader, | He said he felt there was real to the publle Sunday when Reattie delivered a half hour attack on Jews while speaking in mid-town Allan Gardens The park is a place for the enjoyment of the public, not for the rantings of a crackpot," said Chief Mackey Deputy Chief Harold Adam son said no decision had heen reached whether Reattie would be charged under a park bylaw with abusive language and in: | citing hatred More than 100 police were needed to control an angry crowd of 1,200 who yelled and waved signs as Reaitle deliv: 'ered his tirade | Of 1000 persons aged 85, istica show, Our Plan has many ad wide flexibility in amount tien 725-6553 i DAY -- WEEK --- MONTH '5.00 PER DAY 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS cause, Accidental death A-CAR PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawe J If you think you don't need disability insurance, you haven't seen the statistics, 88% will be disabled by illness or injury -- for three montha or more -- before they reach age 65, That's what the state What kind of a statistic will you be? Tt makes sense to look into a Manufacturers Life Personal Income Protector Plan, Nothing can give you such peace of mind as the sure knowledge that if you are disabled and cannot work, a guaranteed income will come your way, Pp, Andrey Representative Bus, 728-7391 vantages, It offers you a Ree, 728.2808 of income and the length of time it will be paid, For example; you may be able to arrange for income benefits right through to age 65 for total disability due to sickness or for life when an accident is the and dismemberment benefits to age 65 are also offered, You can co-ordinate the plan with your other resources; tailor it to your needa and your pocketbook, Manufacturers Life cannot cancel the policy nor can your premium rate be raised --ever, The plan ean be adjuated to correct the inadequacy of any short-term coverage you already have. If you are interested, call the Man from Manufacturers, When advising you on disability income he offera you the same competent counsel available to you when you are planning your life insurance security, MANUFACTURERS LIFE IMSURANCE COMPANY do-Cumbe resentative Res, 655:4520 ROLLER SKATING Whitby Community Arena Skating to Organ Music ,. featuring LILA TREDWELL HATCH EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Admission 75¢ --- 8 to 11 P.M, Boot Skates Available for Rent OIL CHANGES: HOW OFTEN? There Is no more controversial subject In the car business than when you should change oil --- or more differing onawers, Oil companies, perhaps to sel! more oil, have alweys fevered the once-every- thousand miles farmula, Automotive en- gineers, who want to elaim greater econ omy, have favored 5,000 mile changes The ordinary driver who haa no Interest in making the oll com. panies richer, but whe doesn't went te invite valve trouble and shorten his engine's life has to figure it our for himself, One manufecturer who advocated 4,000 mile changes found that lubrication oils held up well for that mileage, But eddi- tives (detergents) which ceva corrosion and Susi dirt, broke down after 2,000, So they went back to 2,000, That's the figure generally accepted now, Other studies showed that sludee and carbon increased fealty after 2,000 miles, And acids, which accumulate from unbu fuel and con't be stepped by a filter, reach damaging stre after thet mileage, They eat at your rings and eylinder walls, There's one more point; that's the KIND of driving you do, If it's atart-and stop en a cold engine in Winter, then sands mile changes may not be often enough, Acids and water (from condensation) accumulate many times faster then, Dusty roads in Summer increase grit getting inte your oll, If you're @ saleman driving long distances over clean pavement, then 2,000 miles or more will be all right, Beat way is to feel the ell on your dipstick occasionally, If it le unclean and quitty te rub between your fingers, then it te time te change it, and elo your oil filter if your car la se equipped,

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