20A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuosdey, June 21, 1966 Be Cautious When Buying -- That New Home Of Your Dreams That new house may look| want durability wedded to min. like vous ------ before you sign on the dotted line, come down to earth and make sure you're getting good value for your money, Although a qualified attorney and realtor are your best sources Of information in com- ting the purchase of a new me, here are some import- ant points for you te keep in mind when you make the choice. How about the community? Does it. offer a pleasant and healthful environment for your home? Be sure to check drain- age during a rain; many buy- ers don't, to their eventual sorrow The community you're con- templating may seem today like a peaceful oasis -- but what about tomorrow? Check- ing projected land use plans could save you headaches. By law, most counties have a masier plan on file with local authorities; this plan will tell | you which land is scheduled | for eventual industrial or mun- | icipal use. The area near your prospective home may be slated | for use as a factory site -- or| a jet airport! Do research on the compara-| tive value of homes in your neizhborhood. If they vary widely in price, it could spell future trouble. Some day, a much cheaper house than yours could rise next door -- and your own investment would plu net in value Don't forget to check on the prices of homes similar to the one you're considering. If you find an almost identical house | down the block selling for much less, the seller had better be able to show you where, why and how your house is worth more HOME ITSELF In the home itself, check carefully into the kind and quality of materials used; you Increased Reports Need For Adoption TORONTO (CP) -- Adoptive parents should have best pos- sible idea of the intellectual and physical potential of children they propose to adopt, a British child psychiatrist said Tuesday. Lady Hilda Lewis said in an interview: 'We are coming to realize the importance of med- ical information for a successful adoption. We need the details of the natural mother's confine- ment and the baby's early days to be able to forecast the child's physical condition and develop- mental prospects for the pros- pective parents. "We also need increased med- ical reports on applicants for children so that we can deter- mine when physical or mental disabilities. will prevent them from fulfilling their parental re- sponsibilities."' Lady Lewis specializes in adoption problems, and is con- sultant psychiatrist to the Church of England Chil- dren's Society, one of Britain's largest adoptive societies. She is in Toronto with her husband, Sir Aubrey Lewis, head of the Institute of Psychi- atry of the University of Lon- don. Sir Aubrey was a special guest at the opening of the de- partment of psychiatry at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry. He is to be awarded an hono- rary doctor of laws degree at the University of Toronto today. a FIND MORE MOTHERS The. number of U.S. women of childbearing age will increase 26 per cent between 1965 and 1970, STRIKE OUT ALONE In West Germany, 726,000 women make up 12 per cent of the total of self-employed busi- imum maintenance. Be on- the isomout ior signs of faulty con- struction; does the house show signs of settling? Where-ever wood has been used; look for telltale waves or dips that show improperly seasoned wood warping. How much landscap- ing will be needed and who will provide it -- the seller or you? After detecting a home that pleases you and before you sign anything, check the pub- lic records for property to learn about: (a) Easements on property. Expect them for utilities (to permit sewer lines, gas pipes, telephone lines, etc. on your land). See if they exist for alleyways planned by the com- munity -- if they do, you'll want to find out their bound- aries before you prize shrubbery. plant your | | of the property it is important | (b) Assessments which may | be made by any utility or sercie sewage, water or for paving, other work community | done or contemplated, Look up | records of past which may have been made by | these local districts. (c) Zoning or building code ness and professional people. assessments | you from adding room you plan or allow your neighbors to convert their homes for uses other than as single family residences. When closing the sale, make certain you get; (a) an accurate legal desrip- tion of the property on the deed, 'ht ewe poucy and other relevant documents. (b) accurate tax estimates on your improved property -- this will help you estimate your monthly mortgage payments. (c) a clear title ay or title guarantee policy. tects you against euch aa' oe as disputed ownership and old delinquent tax judgments. (d) fire and hazard insurance protection for your property from date of sale through a national company of your own choice. Select a policy that offers all the protection you want, but avoid over-insurance; according to experts at The Travelers Insurance Companies you should not insure land values and cavations, against fire losses, While these should not be included in ar-| the value of ex-| or other items be-| low the surface of the ground, | seller and which you must be | prepared to pay. : AFTER SALE After the sale, there are some equally important steps that will protect your investment. | Check maintenance instructions and guarantees on all appli-| ances' dan't tavaet te aici heater. Mark a calendar te. help you schedule routine ser- vice. Bs If you select a homeowner's | policy which also protects you against loss or damage of fur-| nishings, you will want to can-| cel any duplicating coverage! you may have had previously. | To insure your family of a. dong me in the event of your death, arrange for a Home- owner's 'Life Option on your TUXEDO RENT We Carry a complete line of $YO formal wear and accessories for sions procedures, Pick up your riving at the insurance value | that coverage be purchased for replacement cost of} A recent study of | | the full the dwelling large dwelling losses indicated | that over two-thirds of buildings were under-insured, Be sure you know which of | | the closing costs | deed, restictions which may prevent'! etc. cost title search, sales tax, royally , storage vaults. CUSTOM CUTTING "ad of | Where Your Fine Furs Get The ROYAL TREATMENT Beautiful furs deserve to be treated . and that's just what we do. Expert restoring and shinerizing plus the protection of cool, For Prompt, Bonded Pick-Up and Delivery Service die: Pl haem 23% Simcoe South Open Fri, Evening Until 9 P --~ should be paid = the | safe Save On Quality-Controlled Wholesale Meat Purchases... Buy In Quantity ! ¢ EXPERT MEAT PROCESSING AND ® LOW RENTAL RATES by MONTH or by YEAR Phone 723-3012 Oshawa Fur & Locker Storage 81 William St. West Free Booklet on formal weer and wedding copy *oday! "bh Mame For Fine Clothes' 723-7974" insurance. This economical option, offered by The Trav elers to holders of its home owners' policies, offers up te $13,500 worth of term life im surance for an extra #48. &@ ear Take an active interest im pects aus mE proving your property and your neigh borhood. Speak out against zom j|ing violations. Participate im your local civic groups; lend a hand to "City Beautiful" and 'Clean Up, Paint Up" canw paigns. If you choose your home im telligently and do all you cas to protect this big investment, you'll find that your dream home is no pipe dream, after all. mel ALS SILVER'S all oeca- M, SPECIAL ATTENTION ALSO GIVEN CLOTH COATS ANO GARMENTS Oshawa