Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jun 1966, p. 7

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< - (rice contrat authority for THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, June 20,1966 7 Organization Problems --_{rvisins me merina txt |------ , jiemet fo tategrate sen lend to He said he didn't think a per; The number of organisations 'Anti-missile Plan | ' | overlapping which may be quite | manent secretariat for thelinerease even though Hit Learned Societies Fr swore raya aspartate aa aoc : i. e | | " Views Seen Mixed | perc suss nm wr m1 nalit rat SHERBROOKE, Que, (CP) demie group would rub off on) ; (Ay = The 1966 conterence of Learned their campuses. United full-scale U8, missile detenes |Farieties, Bs Bh ee designed to counter a sophisti- i oe 4 ASHINGTON (AP Pg Key) shoe ern waewee cated Russian attack, many academic and profes keg jal a a a ab aan me one wt otal. p> be i aians paserssard jan officiais are in dispute ahout| Certain analysis in the de ro Meio ere re the annual meetings of the den for & single university, Dut the notion that installation of wn|fenee department alone hig ogy Americans, no malter|wniversiy based site DEB renry conslders te $9000, anti-missile aysiom by the Sev: Faves siren goo alten new anon the U6, missile dejsimest four weeks age at the' 60 it figures to spend ns host @ jet Union or the United States experts note et e " fence might be. But they eon- University of Sherbrooke with| ctl eal a ne a te pogo as eae 'ed cede that such w defence would| the eonterence ef sd Canadian | During the conterence the Hu- ance of terror' and increase the! §1,200,900,000 & " ace rm force the Russians (9 expend| Association of Geographers and| _ Duties ihe nenterence the Be. "there olficiaie hold the view ion OL" eich tor are conf. mre missiles, ON eet coe : dian Linguistic Association passed a resolution railing om that the missile offence on both dent would enable enough EXPERTS DISAGREE This year, more than 3,500) (16, Association of. Universities Bithe US, and Russian sides is|American missiles to get There is m considerable differ: persong atiended meetings of 44 and Colleges of Canada, an or- Hikely to stay ahead of the de-| through Soviet defences and de- ence of opinion between intelli- organizations at the invitation of ganization of university presl- fence, and that atomic war will! stroy large segments of the| gence experts and civilian POllthe University of Sherbrooke,| CN 10 fet up ® committee he deterred as a result, Russian population and econ'ieymaking officials a6 (Ol which as host paid most of the that would schedule society Dr, John &, Foster, defence! omy, whether the Russians actually) pills and hopes the conference) Mertines, director of research and engin: Details of the penetration-aid are installing an anti-missile|pas increased its stature in the. M. Wiles, @ fellow of the eering, put it this way in re-program are secret, But ad: system, academic community, Royal Society and head of the leently + released testimony for| vanced models of both the Min-| here ig no disagreement that, The number of societies, Mslish department at MeMas-| Congress: ijnteman intercontinental bal we goviets have put in wt least|seems to increase every year,|\€" University, Hamilton, Ont,,| "We are designing the bestilistic missile and the Polaritiine beginnings of a new de-\but the academic groups, still said in an interview scheduling! defensive system which eurrent submarinelaunched missile AF tensive system in the Leningrad| lack a central authority or see-|0! Meetings now is left to the! technology permits, but ,, , it\to he so equipped, and Moscow areas and passibly| retariat to schedule their meet-| MOSt university stil could not prevent millions) U.S, plans involve also the\ as far north as the Norwegian! ings, a complicated chore since,' Mecause there is no reron| (CP Proto) 1 wre ord te ollie Rectet| toate tort oh meultiohe wnee|parae? the programs of several societ a cities destroyed in all-out Soviet) missile force w ' ile intelligence suthorities|ies must interlock to cover attack, heads and manoeuvrable war or conte od ie On pony |areas of common interest NOW OPEN "Burely the Russians, it they) heads, The missiles would eer ii sstem, Pentagon civilians) The societies over the years are ot all reasonable, mustithree or more warheads which) 7 oe" cola he an improved| have heen rallying around the Pleasant know that they, too, would lose| would be guided precisely) ie defence wgainst bomber! AAnuBl meeting of the Royal Bo- |millions of lives even if they| against targets, ; ' Grove |had a defence sysiem--even one| These improvements are no TRAILER PARK South Bhore Weet Loke close te i attack ciety of Canada, founded in 1882 | , 'for the promotion of literature Concludes las seed 06 bere, just on the drawing board But an officer involved in this i rats 'Hence I helieve that deter-\they are a reality for opera fFameus tend banks field said the type of rvadar| and science within the Domin- " ion." Bul the Royal Society this rence will continue to operate,"| tional use in the relatively near| Which the Russians have em r - a eet | The possibility of Russia heat-| future jing the United States with an anti- missile system has heen placed normally would be asso-| Year made some policy changes The joint chiefs of staff do not ciated with an area defence! in its plans for future meetings j fully share the optimism of the OTTAWA (CP)---The federal raised hy members of Congress council of the New Democratic| who contend such a Soviet de- against missiles WILL ROAM Pentagon civilian group and The current army Proposal) whe Royal Society will meet have urged an early start on a' Party concluded @ three - day # 'think session' Bunday in hacked by the joint chiefs of in Ottawa in 1967 and will re which party officials x p t ] W k U joined by academics and | 0s a or ers rge By FRED 6. HOFYMAN § [fence would put the Some sendemics wonder States in great peril, Former Premier Antonion Barrette, 67, fore mer Union Nationale pre- mier of Quebec, was siso Canadian ambassador to Greece until he resigned recently to publish a hook of political memoirs, A nae tive of Joliette, Que, he is shown in this photo by Karsh, i "Let's call our Imperial Life man, He'll shed some Nght on how our Insurance fits in with the government pension plan," Will government pension plan benefits o~Gisability, retirement, death--be enough for you and your family needs? With the unieye Security Planner, an Imperial Life man can show you how they fit in with other financial provisions you may have made for the future, Don't be uncertain--call him today, No obligation, of course, J, C, Waldinsperger + R, J, White - ~CAMPSITER @ Uestricity end water @ Med: ern plumbing @ Weed available Fine sand beach @ fete and ° ged fishing, 4 iA RATER FOR (OnE ASOM (FREE Yraller Werege for OFF -Seasen) IMPERIAL covers yous for life Life, Pension, Health and 4? Accident Plane on an Individual of Group Basia, staff calls for installation of a turn to the capital for ite an: | system by 1976 to protect 25 nual meeting every second year, | U8, cities, including Honolulu,|i¢ will move to. other elties| resentatives of the labor mover ment to consider NDP policy on} three questions, and to provide a thin defence! every other year ree queries, my| Resignation Of Benson In addition to batteries defend at the annual meetings, cost of |would he arrayed along he some of the prestige associated) walkout was in Montreal where, more than 69,000,000,000, At another meeting Sunday,| bed voted to press the federal) Hollywood--Ed Wynn, 76, the The meeting, called by the|umphs in every phase of show negotiate with the government) Toronto--George Walter Pea bill now before the House, jada and commander of the which could represent up to4i, known professionally as expected to be held before Oct,|mons committees; after a for the entire United States! word ig that the Royal Society! rh, On Mane snamined by ing the 25 eities, about a dozen which has largely heen met by| tres in British Columbia, On- northern U8, border, workers held out 17 days before) ithe Canadian Postal Officers DEATH h) government for a minimum|"perfect fool' whose 64 years) Toronto association, set terms business; after a six-month Ill- when elvil servants gain collec-|cock, 86, former chief secretary The members also. decided to British Empire, 4,500 postal officers and super-|Beryl M, Chadwick, member of _|lengthy illness, Within 100 Miles of Oshewe Velephone: Code O18 Wo, 898-0268 MM, 4, Meinsteuber, Aa. Me, 1, Pleton, Ontarie Ask too, about the new Imperial Centennial Plan, = (a ee | TORONTO (CP) - The Tor onto branch of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers called Sunday for the resignation of Revenue Minister Benson he- cause he implemented the Glasseo report whieh down: grades many positions in the civil service The demand, contained in @ resolution passed at a member: ship meeting and signed by un- ion branch president A, T, Pen: ney, also terma the reclassifica- tion as ao 'reprisal for the (postal) strike action of last July," The resolution, passed unani- mously by about 100 members of the 2,000-member branch rep- resenting inside postal clerks and mail handlers in Toronto, also says: "It this reclassification is ear: ried any further in our group,|! It could cause an over-all strike or walkout by all members of the CUPW in Toronto," Mr, Penney said in an inter: m, Terence Grier of Ottawa, the rty's federal secretary, said in an interview the party is concerned about integrating Canada's economy with that of the United States, particularly in the area of tariffs, while maintaining Canadian economic independence, "We feel it's not a matter of trying to buy back industries and subsidiaries eurrentiy owned by U.S, Interests but rather a matter of bullding up Canadian industries, in large art through Canadian capital," @ said, "Here we have in mind a Ca- nadian development corporation which would have an initiating role in expanding the public in- terest in Canadian capital de velopment," NOT GORDON'S This corporation would be dif ferent, ¥ said, from one pro- ' When you can buy a Vauxhall Viva for less than $1800* any day of the year... against a light missile attack. | 941i also start paying ils way question of economic national weal We need ante ae nest universities | Depag | ties tario and Quebee, The longest; This would cost something returning to work Association of Ontario and Que-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS wage of $6,500 for iis members,|a8 # performer brought him tri and issues which leaders will|ness, tive bargaining rights under ajof the Salvation Army in Can: form a strong national union) Montreal--Mrs, Trevor Lieyd, visors, A founding convention is\the editorial staff of the Com-| BREAK THIS VICIOUS CYCLE former Tdberal nance minister Walter Gordon who would have such an organ: ization run by "quasi-independ- ent directors representing pri: vate industry," Mr. Grier said the second is- que dealt with at the closed seminar concerned a guaran teed annual income and a new approach to the whole question poverty in Canada," Among proposals in this area was one dealing with a 'nega: tive income tax" in which per: sons with less than a specified) minimum income not only would not pay income tax but would receive fmancial aid The council also discussed the uestion of rural and regional evelopment, Mr, Grier said, The delegates felt that the ques tion of rural poverty was linked with other rural problems such as education facilities, commu: nity services and lack of indus: trial development, view the Toronto branch will ask the union's national office in Ottawa to conduct a refer endum among members across Canada to gain support for their resolution, "Tf there ja any downgrading in the postal classes we'll walk out,"' he sald, DOWNGRADE 800N Mr, Penney eaid the down: grading or salary reductions in the different classes of employ: ees has not yet started among the inside workers, However, he said the government is expected to begin some time this sum: mer, The Glassce Report waa ea five-volume study of the way government runs its business, It was undertaken in September, 1960, by J, Grant Glasseo, a Toronto businessman, Last summer postal workers | went on strike in about 78 cen: tga CYCLO MASSAGE W "MOVING HEAT" Helps relax sore, stiff mu ease fatigu nervous tens lation wher without drugs, CLINICALLY PROVER WITH THE UNIQUE ASME cs Felleve simple increase Gireur applied and ene Gourages palnreased sleepo Why goon suffering? IT 18 IN YOUR POWER TO HELP YOURSELF NOW! Discover the ree liet Millions all over the world are enjoying, 96 08.1 1880 Bayview Ave, Terente 17, Ont, Millions of peopie--theusende of Doctors have diennvered Vhis dynamie uty eancept of body care, You ean get Iie tnfermation FREE, Ontario Hydro cordially invites you to attend the official opening of the new Bowmanville Area Office on Scugog Road Wednesday, June 22, at 2:30 p.m. 10,000 Area customers, The official opening by George E, Gathercole, Chairman of Ontario Hydro, will be followed by a tour of the building. Light refreshments will be served, These new, all-electric headquarters will provide more space and facilities to enable us to meet the growing electrical needs of over Take Scugog Rd, to northern limits of Bowmanville, ...why the big rush? Because you can get Sensational Summer Savings on General Motors' little Viva right now! Your Vauxhall-Pontiac dealer has a large stock of brand new 1966 Vauxhall Vivas ready for immediate delivery, He wants to move these cars quickly 80 he's offering high trade-in allowances.and some pretty attractive new-car Vauxhall VIVA BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS See Your Authorized Vauxhall-Pontiae Dealer deals, in short, he's offering you Sensational Summer Savings. So take advantage of the situation and drive on down to your Vauxhall-Pontlac dealer's right now. And don't forget to testen | UV your seatbelts. "The eeppested marten eotell price tow the Whee Sedan wth heater and detroster e fe tees than the price ahcwen ahowe inching delivery and Kandtling chargea fodera Ord exctee taves, prowinctat End local tares ard Hoance ere and tnctudedt. Get Sensational Summer Savings on any VIVA today! "OSHAWA-WHITBY" 103 DUNDAS ST, EAST, WHITBY, ONT, THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LIMITED 266 KING ST, W,, OSHAWA, ONT, PHONE 668-5846 The Red Gheltan Show" Pusedave ot 00 P.M. a= and 'Telercone" Thursdays at 0:90 P.M, on Channel @ PHONE 723-4364 Re Suce ta eee Phe Pucttive' Mandave ot 8:00 PM

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