2 1 GONNA THAME, Mentor, Jone 10, 1906 | WON'T BE RIVAL TO WYSZYNSKI | Hominek Declines | SHIFTING SALT WATER 'Communist Build-up GESE BRAUER an accord between church and.Poiand and sise myself and also OLSZTYN, Poland (AP) -- state are false the good of the country Archhishop Bolesiaw Hominek The newsvever Uy w and was complicated instead of Suandaw nisht relected the Pol | MERAPADEE UTCE MRF correcteg the church-state sitt- js Communist regime's @t-(VRTT trimtrrs nore) 22S SS on . ai e@itorial June & which ali Polish tempt to build bim up as # rival ' to Stelan Cardinal Wyszynsks,Rewepepers reprinted that Car- peta wo . = the Roman Catholic primate of One! Wysrynski "has demon- LJ '4 Poland. strated that he is incapable ai. ' (rom "Pope Paul Vi and ail the anne © normalization ¢ ormany at the end of the fee- | world appreciate and have con- 0% church-state relations," The ond World War fidence in the primate of Po CAiterial suggested thet the} latched Hand," Archbishop Kominek of ©@T8Y should toltow leaders roclaw (Bresianu) told » Whe favor church-state ener pecs service ot 'the cathe ence and cited Archbishop Ko Good Homes To Romombor Grail of Olartyn, the former Vast Minek as an example When Buying or Selling Prussian city of Alienstein The June € editorial was con ; The archbishop said the Pol- sidered an attempt to split the EAL EST ish bishops are completely Polish clergy. The archhishop R ATE 573 King Street East united on vital questions andiin his reply, not yet published, | Rag, Alter --~ President Oshewe lthat recent press charges that said it was "contrary to reality,. guy pgp, ome View Pres P looters f HONE 725-3594 Cardinal Wreryneki is againstl,,. hes harmed the primate of s SCHOFIELD-AKER ~ Fost --~- Free bhotorized Delivery Hanoi Stand Is. Unchanged LTD. rtvier Pim, 8. J. ® Sate, ke Pow On Peace, Ronning Reports 723-2265 4 TOKYO (AP)---A Communist Minh's letter to Prime Minister, . broadcast suggetied Sun day Vearson's government dated) that Canada's special peace en Jan, Wh, 106 Hanoi's Viet 50 " YEAR GM EMPLOYEES HONORED voy, Chester Konning, has am news agency said in @ a failed to find any change in broadcast monitored in Tokyo Herbert Stone (left) and from Colonel R, 6. MeLaugh- ada, The chairs were pre- Royal York Hotel in Toron- ranoig stand on ending the Honning, 7h, is # Chine-born Ceci! G, Rowden (right) lin for &@ years of service sented at the annual 25 Year to on Raturday, (See page 13 vietnamese war retired career diplomat whe each received an easy chair with General Motors of Can Chub banquet held at the for story), He was given an explanation talked to Vietnamese officinis nthe : ot the stand of the government'in both Saigon and Hanoi on Pocock Predicts Link | WEATHER FORECAST tary i ama made garg gh RCs, YMCA In 5 Years -- Scattered Showers Due prow impeded "ie wer ica se nm agency, Ho turned down UB. : Communist Agents perce overtures snd demanded By BILL COULTHARD ices and (talks which involve onig t n n wes ay that the United States recognize GENEVA PARK, Ont, (CP) chureb doctrine, SKOUL (AP)---American andthe Viet Cong and negotiate The Roman Catholic Church : South Korean forces are build-\with them could become & participant in SHOULD DISBAND ve TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasis.cloudy periods and thunder- ing anti - infiltration barriers the Canadian YMCA within five Sunday, W. Harold Rea of issued by the weather office at showers, Not quite so warm! across Korea to impede the flow Po. Toronto, retiring president of 5:30 am jesday, Winds light becoming of Communist agents through the (he sational council, suggested gypopsig; Pieasant summer Southwent 20 today and light to the no man's land between) that YM-YWCAS be dishanded wy eather will continue over nigh! North and South Korea _ and gradually replaced by sep- Ontaric toda ' United Nations command ! arate associations, with 'family --, pg ge pond Forevast ge spokesman said today Toronto made the statement| *™é As" serving where 'hel vorgiuves will reach the low Lows tonight, Highs Tuesday "phe spokesman said work on during @ press conference atier YWCA does not exist or 18 $65, Frequent showers and thun Windsor srerereere © 8% |the barriers -- largely barbed! making what is believed to be| We8* derstorms are forecast for re- %!, THOMAS crrrere 98 #3 wire fences and rolls of barbed| the first speech by a senior Ro Mr, Rea, former president of gions north of Lake Superio: Landon - 83 wire--had started with the ap man Catholic official to » Canadian Oil Companies 1Ad..\ and Georgian Bay, The thunder Kitchener ' oP #3 | proach of summer, } YMCA national council said 'we should go forward and showers will spread into south --_ Forest sees % 4 { Emphasizing he was present-amalgamate the two associa-\ern Ontario tonight and Tues: "ienam +, oo 8 ing ee own vow, Archbishop] tions or gradually unwind the|day as cooler air spreads south-|HAmillOn + +++ r++. 83 SHIRT / Pocock said he favors participa-|moves we have already made|ward to the upper lakes and the St, Catharines +++, | #3 ELECTRIC tion of his church in the YMCA, over the past few years in cre-| Ottawa Valley ENE s 21248 0888 bo LAUNDERING years, Archbishop Philip F cock of Toronto said at YMCA's national council con ference Saturday, The condjutor archbishop of which he described as @ tradi-ating some 24 YMCA-YWCAs Temperatures will reach the Peterborough -rree 15 tionally Protestant organization. half of which he said are weak, 706 under cloudy skies in North Kingston srrcerceee 15 we AND mm He felt talks between the He said the YWCA rejects na-jern Ontario today and with| Prenton +++ ones as iL DRY CLEANING YMCA and the Roman Catholic tional amalgamation 'for very|sunny skies similar readings are Killaloe . sone 55 15 Muskoka 55 75 Free Pick-up ond Delivery Church may be possible at the|good reasons of its own," andiforecast for Tuesday afternoon national level "in the not-too-\experience shows that women|Cloudy skies and showers will North Bay ssreeres 52 74 distant future' and the Cana-\are often not able to play the|continue to hold southern On BUGDULY srerreveee 82 1 PICKWICK dian YMCA is 'on the high: fullest role in the combined as-\tario temperatures in the 70s Marlion res 0 1 road" to the goal of getting Ro-|sociations, elther as profes-\Tuesday jault Ste, Marie... a 15 LEANERS man Catholic participation, sional workers or as board Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie Kapuskasing vrrrre 45 1 members fake Huron, Lake Ontario, White Hiver srrrre 4h vb) CONFERENCE, ENDS Windsor, London, Hamilion,|MOoononee srrreree, 40 OF The YMCA's national council |SHOULD PROVIDE ADVICE (roronio:; Mainly sunny and\ TIMMINS srrcereee, 45 70 ended {ts four-day annual con: Mr, Rea also called for more warm today and Tuesday, A ax -- vo rn a eeLUKE 30" ference Sunday centralization in the YMCA ot pee Jaypiny 1A TWIN BL. Archbishop Pocock said he|movement in Canada, He said 7 lh occas sph hore NOW THAT YOU'VE ROTARY LAWN MOWER f ADE believes the only essential pre-jlocal associations and their per| day Winds- southwest 15 DECIDED TO DANCE... % Model RE-1850 --~ NEW modern styling, NEW MOWER requisite for involvement of hisjsonnel wish thelt work to be| Haliburton Killaloe, southern LEARN ALL THE en Centrifugal Blower Action provides high church in the YMCA will be for-|appraised by the central organ Georgian Bay Mainly sunny : velocity blowing action for positive discharge wikieaae 4 mation by the Y of a body ofjization and the national couneil| ang warm today, Cloudy with NEW STEPS Ne j end bagging ef gress le! wap authorized representatives of|should provide advice to the 10| soattered thunderstorms tonight,| BRUSH UP OW THE OLD vAVORITES ' clippings, NEW Dial « A Canada's faverite, New participating churches to direct|cal associations when they need! riesday variable cloudiness and aT B | Sieight euiting height sg tread tires with white you y j sontrol jets you select ie, 18" " setivities such as religious serv-|it, cooler, Winds southwest 15 be ARTHUR MURRAY "f ae ee F acl % te 244 coming north 15 Tuesday, FRANCHISED STUDIO " f | with @ twisteof-the-wrlet weight, 32 ths, He HERE THERE Northern Pee ggg Pe 4 SPECIAL i ; tA NEW Easy Te Attach for storage. i020" vere goma, Sault Ste, Marie, Ti tae? 1} Gross Bag leaves lowne AC, only, Shipping wi, a8 and mage! White River, Coch. PREVACATION OFFER -- ee \ i " rane, North Bay, Sudbury PRIVATE 'ai ante | | "T" handle CHURCH PICNIC igranted to Jack Ricard Limid, | Cloudy with showers and thun LESSOMS ONLY : ' i Complete with beg end The annual picnic of the Ross-\of Bowmanville, as a private! dershowers today, Mainly sunny py yg DANCE $ : - ¢ a \ height control, 110 - 120 land Road Free Methodist company 'Tuesday, Not much change in PARTIES 16.00 V. AC. Shipping weight ch was held Saturday or est iH , P r 45 pounds Chur: " a if DRIVER TRAINING temperatures, Winds southwes WILL GET YOU READY i : the church grounds at Rossland) , 15 today and light northerly FOR VACATION FUN x | Rd, The children entered many|, Th¢ Durham District High quesday, a AIR-CONDITIONED STUDIO ' ' 129 95 iSchool Board has approved the ' AT 11% SIMCOE §7, $, Ne e events, rode a pony and all| Ottawa region: Sunny today introduction of student driver | OPEN 1 70 10 P.M, DAILY took part in @ large mid-day|'" : ie |with some cloudiness and scat-| CALL 728-1681 dinner, jtraining courses at Port Hope tiered thunder showers late in ' and Courtice High Schools, The ing day. Tuesday sunny witha ee ne COMPENSATION course to be introduced as an in TORONTO (Special) Comp. extra cirricular activity will ensation for land expropriated| Cost students enrolled a $15 " by the Ontario Water Resources| ee Due to the fact that no : ECONOMY 18 Commission in Pickering town-|Walified teacher is available ship will be determined by the the course will not be available Ontario Municipal Roard at at Clarke Township High School . ; hearing in the court house at Whitey, Bept 14, Claimant is| ABANDON LANE New kind of Account LAWN MOWER the Rouge Hills Golf and Count The Board of Tranaport Com ry Club Limited, The land, parts, Missioners has granted permis: | of lots 139 and 140 and Block A,| 108 to Canadian National Rail 4 Mode! REI 800 18" wider cut for fast- was expropriated for a: sewer V@y# t0 abandon 22.2 miles of a S 0 more in eres --- @r mowing, Swing leop handle elimine easement line between Beaverton and ! Lindsay and 1,83 miles hetween etes turning. 110-120 V,, AC, Ship. INCORPORATION Woodville and TLomeville, The ping, weight 45 pounds, The current issue of The On- estimated savings by closure of all ou Call tario Gazette states jetiers pat-\the two lines was S108 000 a ent of incorporation have been! year ithd ti : UEHLER'S wu $5,000 owe in save 20 KING ST, E, -- 723-3633 Yeeun 0 oun only vm, =f Banyo Look at the extra interest you get N mneh as it could with e Guaranty Trust RAIN KING EDGER-TRIMMER Frosh Killed Oven Ready as ee a aoe Savings Deposit Receipt Account Dp SPRINKLERS A wetio! value edger and trimmer with powerful ba $5,000, Interest is calculated on the daily . pepprebbasegge Bisse 008 i> "Your Sanitene Bry Cleaner" SUNBEAM SUNBEAM ELECTRIC @ Converts from edger te trimmer with @ Me ef the wrat, @ Quickly cute ragged eran edges close ond clean, Power te J 'w® more bDlisters from hand @ Guides eovily with big wheels » edping quite. @ Special nuah fe stort -- = release to stop, @ 4 HP. Nigh speed Sunbeam Eviscerated (Boiling) aera marie | enna You can put additional money Into your POR OWE YEAR FOR OWE YEAR secount whenever you want, And you can withdraw money anytime on demand * 6,120 9164.76 @ 232.99 This kind of account is used by individuals 7,560 228.50 344.03 like yourself as well as corporations, trustees, chubs, hospitals and churches 13,000 392,92 591.68 For further information, piease write, tele- 20,500 619.61 932.87 phone or visit the Manager of the Guaranty 26,160 761.16 1,144.48 Trust office nearest you, Strong tubular ateel handle "41.88 nn - The Guaranty Trust Company of Canada rye whisky Government of Canada incorporated and supervised, Capital and Reserve $24,000,000 rt Deposits in excess of §350,000,000, Ww ith the ft HAR W UNSINKABLE 32 KING ST, E., OSHAWA, TEL, 728-1653 LIMITED JAMES |, VESSEY, M | ---- FLAVOUR I} OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725.3527 |