Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jun 1966, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TUAES, Mendoy, June 20, 1966 el SATE Tees Ty Eile ae 20---Reot Estote for Sole |20---Reel Estate for Sele $19 800) Luxury Cottage 2 Large |. ots | is NOW NOW AVAILABLE R YALE | / we ares, Some tread 69 | ; GRIFFIN Das FOR SALE | eer aaron on | : | RENTING --| Orenfell Square () Winter Works Bonus miles trom Oshawa, loeat bus line i lA t TATE LTD 1. ane HOUSES lb ed at Cameron Lake at Fer henna Pg 4 F | * HE ULTIMATE IM APART 155 SIMCOE ST. $ 100 Phone 728-5579 NT 'VING IN CEM > gion Falls frontage ' {20----Real Estate for Sale (20e---Summer F ties §=(22--Lots for Sele 6---~Apartments for Rent 26------Apartments for Rent '26----Apartments for Rent '26----Apartments for Rent APARTMENTS ' oom tach « ' wipes | f SA TRAL OSHAWA A bimit wumiber of 'ee 3 723-8) AA ee re re | ee am, aoe al Estote Wanted CONTES COLBORNE . , om ee he ee APARTMENTS | v.20 as bedvonm wites now mealile ' ¢ d home, 3 extra 'arce . < CHOICF 2 ELAY BRICK @ STOME we ' ? : WO VYNUIIQS lor tmmediate. occupeney : AKE TOU A DREAMER rrrsia @ # 5 ee? nenrooms, iarge wving room | A distinctive apartment Fe | | c SCREENS STOVE AND ; et i - een * d Then dream no more Ve OVEN Pa he peed and kitche a bethre ™, resinence Imme jate FEATURING have just listed thot , LOOM @ FLOOR "TO Ch enclosed porch. Aluminum | Cosme st Coline tenet Fr URIS E home of yates ING FIREPLACE @ EXTRA worm doom and windows, FEATURING and Mary Street. Only 2 min Possession | The utmost in madern tiving Oshawa City limits on a large é ~ ' P ites k trom Mary Street at moderate rental rates 2 WO PIECE WASHROOM ail furnace, has own well Hes walk mn ory Stree GRANDVIEW well landscaped 'nt © MAHOGANY TRIM @ | Prestige | & 2 bedroom and King Street Starting ot $125 and up ? rs Flectric water tank, double | thry ; ALE bedroom ranch bungalow is Ray ady ou 1kee Vi i suites Electrit' Heating ond WILLOWD cieisdt imeaniole to deccribe aN eee | orem individual room: heat con- SATU OVERLOOKING CHE f King St. E. te Grandview & on Call to.day ond let me chow HEN ' | , trol. Pressurited corridors FEATURES 1, 2 end 3 bed GREEN PARK y One FLOOOLIT ' © gn " , g aE Grandview to Willowdale | you the 38 ft. recreation room adalt " Excellent Condition / GRIk FIN Free Hydro and parking 4 pf esibinec controlled yeam suites OPEN D WEEKENDS dng sissies catia with stone fireplace and har, nF final ' INQUIRE IN OSHAWA Real Estate Ltd Porly ream: win. Kienep Aah ag © Free Hydre L naagpmsenngeumnreneanetennarenmen the large fully modern kitcher i. facilities. Swimming pool Electric heating SAVE with built-in Mottat stove and DAREC TIONS 728- 54 ] 6 i Saura bath, Mail delivery Private balconies © Odhawa's largest suites ' 4 hroadionm = ir ing bAodel on Wilson Rd. 2 hiocks 723 8 ] 44 to every suite. Closed cir @ French Provincial kitchen Within Walking Distance * * Bus Service et Door Dasthle sinks nen : $500 room and dining area, and NM oof Bloor. Leok fer our RFI AIR RESORT cuit TV, tor your protec prion seeasteg stove in of Shapping the absolute immaculate con model sigr c - tion. Large breakfast area ; a . 1 WINTER WORKS BONUS be ae wal hanes Moby _AKE BATTISTE Joggshy : 5. Drapes in each apartment 30 inch range, fully Electrically Heated n all kitcher Convenient s many other extras Close Bird Real Estote FOR RENT to shopping, schools and Living room and bedroom qutematic HARMONY to Public and Separate my 0 4 Mew inuloted hemekeevine churches Transportation TY pre wired @ Extra large Fridge with schools, Full price $22,509 723 0321 4 : at door. Landscaping ar Living room and bedroom Freerer : equipped, city convenience Real Esinte Lid chitecturally designed i p cottage. 2 bedrooms, tu 9 , VIL LA Ask tor Shirley Moskal 9 telephone pre wired Renutit ceiling to floor . inter com in each on Hormeny Rd to Olive . ches, \nig an | A \ in elo hedrooms Won Cire black to Elm 4 BEDROOMS a ee eee | 46 king West Arapes apartment Con er ' lakefront, last, dock, $65 28.7% ' readinon { Extra Two Piece bath in all dies ONLY $16,000 HOT SALE | ithe ga PRO wg pac gaan 728-7576 Broadinom in hails intra Two Piece bath in 9 8 yr. old brick bungalow . available at extra ¢ e Rankine 7278-3682 : : Hardweed and yviny z = seins - . , All sisites equipped with nads of cupboards he s j ' "rtmert cher arge livir no <3 j ' ' 725-5701 f ) Yanity in hathroon | 9 h rivat overte o 7 3 Stidin @ Sauna Steam R NHA MORTGAGES private view o BARGAIN Coniege and " tere ¥ 25.4967 ding patin doors oun J wh tio in delightful setting. ¢ Bio Rig Mg: | MODEL SUITE 1, Bachelor, | ana 2 oo ove hedrnom apartments wimming Pos Flowering Cre : f " YOU ; a : ATHOL _ Dae ts / : aides PIE he! OPEN DAILY meason saerinen fe ee yd Be ST. EAST 4 monthly including tex DOLLARS) fishing nting ; y ° ' Sounderest Controlled Entrances Linen Drapes saci Deiconies Drapes Supplied Mail Delivery to Each Suite Breadinomed Corridor FIA music throughout Plus many more modern / Margaret Lee dal daa ped Vuldeor guest parking 4 ® . "gOF ; { f Hu, ph 4 Bungalows, and 2 stoves, King 3 f ) -storey " L ' 4 r Mext door tn Morth TED OM SOUTH 1 bi 0 bancrotl. Gibson Wille r ' he | torn 4 YK ATEN ON ¥ 4 E. to Wilson Rd. §. | block ¢ W and tile floors. to Gt, Spneren: Ginsen vw , i General Motors Plant ne f Athe! | P ' my enewe BALSAM LAKE thy " 25 and office RENTAL 119 NONQUOM PFOAD DOWN PAYMENTS WANT ACI ed a1 heat sage se tt tae Hh yo , | 7 6, Mais 'arven Yo anch SENTAL rom CALL GRIFFIN pt a Ted 5" ig: INFORMATION len om $1,796 ea ie 1 LAREOROST, furnished college f 4 £ SURE OF AM APPOINTME it 726-5282, MONTHLY PAYMENTS s BILL MILLAR wi inden cpntnioncey hata : PHONE NOW PHONE 723-511] ss death 96 9655 with sale beach. Telephone ' y pall term cate DON'T WAIT be Pas Sat iy (te i Mt SHELDIAN a eecupel Eveline howe Rooms tor Rent une om lore home eowrra | WT LANASON see-sunr- crete, an" atst tam NMVANSIONS (| stem sit, At ome (Bond St) Limited ATTRACTIVELY JOSEPH BOSCO | &%.,'", Reol Estate Ltd sai" ah ca en Cane ee er chia In private some __ REALTOR 4 : RESALE peautiy| sendy" baw a i) yer +10 ' "tne mw. anid NOW RENTING Modern Apts, 82 PARK "RD, N, at ROOM 1 ASTGLEN He iene even ea CL aha pet gate gy oh 728-867 | KEITH | re ahipld mal ase tn Lal nie "8 |2ho--Stores, Oliges, Storege| : _ | WENTWORTH | Regency Towers |saisit 'en we sm. jane : fs enh : rom APARTMENTS 4, 2 senate : , : } f nm, Ex se / NOW LEASING fay i M 349 Marland Ave FURNISHED hedrpamn, Vary tantra : . A sitter sinter , . m~ . FM j One of Oshawa's hest anort Phor 725 99907 | 18-bada ¥ All & ny ane va d 4 4 thie delightful Nage M | D T ( ) VW/ N | | AZA t ! f i] ment buildings at very rea CHURCH STREET 14 Single furnish 3 t ] ' . Madawaska. Well tf] t ; a noble rent 2 and 3 6d bedronm, absteiner, gentleman preter; sandy beach, itl 4 REALTY LTD 728-7328 N00 t Be ; A dah, \heft ngroem, kitchen i bath ping oo Ca a ! f D re suites lude every Premier en. Apply above address ' 7 4 be TE At bat ysl te } $4 ' { rnist . will ROOMS oF room and beard, downlown le 103 KING STREET EAST haan BILL MILLAR with terms. Phone 123-2926 ' mit i - ren wel cation, central, single or to share, single bard : " : ' . beds, parking spare. A ' Pe gab m 7 v COTTAGE FOR RENT, with j PYG II aie ' site anans 891 Marland Ave best, Parking Op poly Albert 20,500.00 - 5 August 13 0 September 2 ' Rental renresent 7s ra ™ ie »- 1186 or } Phone 455 ater 10 sa.-ft, Depo Daily | at apartment ital represen ' |417 BVRON STREET WORTH, While Enjoy living in this sporiess 72 yg and iter apr nnn rig ft on duty daily at apart Phone 728 6722 Five-reom apariment with bath Available é C c r 975 W, . e 9 One COPTAGES FOR RENT " } nd ®B ( on 275 Wentworth St ne an © heron \ living room with natural fire 725-2557 Tote One asiaen ier o to tt ond Brewer's 885 Oxford St 19pm One and two bedroom. Now | SED SITTING WOOM, Tully quipped ¥ 5 + y ¢ 4 leased with fr sf Bull f ining room, nice kit i sth, & weekly. One fron available Broadinem = carri 9 and stove witeble for ene place, dining y Heman, Call 121-58 | . ' july 9. Sleeps six, two-piece F al tower PHONE a i # oF 3 4 chen with copper tile above 4 ; dere ' Refrigerate = the counter top, femily reem W | | AM 0 Siuses sin; Ihrowaltes balk Win Gat end senile j 723-826 | 723-8701 é ' W#FONOT, GIRL TO SHARE two furnished Voomn, e ) ) ' ' HS w sleeps six, three piece b hw ] ) att k f Drapes, FM. Controlled en with trdge, sieve and TY, single beds 2 bathrooms, walkout bose ¢ ie , old running water, § a 740 5 iy er hours rade Seca iainiaio $12 weekly. Apply 496 Mary treet af ment to patio ond nicely f " en state Ltd BEAUTIFUL Stoco Lake, 9 bedrooms y / f catior nt ak lee f rane ' ntercor |Hillerafl, or telephone 728-310 landscaped lot with 2 fruit | and 2 washrooms ele, panay peach, spacious lawn will f ' f f 4 3'6955 ' 723 0362 Balconies and Laundry facili AVAILABLE for three or four weeks, F sat j é shade trees, riding, golfing, shopping : ' t furnished 1 q treat. This heme must be ries mortgage, f URGENTLY REQUIRED -- |fekteil inunaes within mile. $7,000 down peek, With ties en each floor uinianed room In private, heme. dure seen to be appreciated, Call | information call Vinee Je FOR CASH BUYERS fie manthiv, Full sellina erica $4,504 ng er | cars, Pk '! ¥ Pull sett uae Fa a : or phone 16) Oshawa Bivd, © 728-7328 ' : pply estertor venue rage rents a clusiy CAVA DE eooMe haral a ONE YEAR OLD | $2,000 DOWN as 3-hedroom bungalows [HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, Lake! ogent ) "cee @ FOR RENT @ very Heat oie ene OI $19,500.00 Beautiful Family growing? Then this 3 $15,000.00 to $20,000.00 Kennisis, conveniences, sate sand beact i RIN > Apts, Rooms, Room & Boord --|Avenue or 195-9404 afer 4.90 pm ahha i bie é ae. Also neoma ore hoats, Lake trout, West Guilfard 2 Cc) . Office Hours: Tues, ta Fr whitey 0 a bungalow with wall te hedroom 14 storey |} price range P ) . : ne-room, furnished, sulle een built-in stove with separate dining roe perties, call Ernie Holmes at Fegucreny SON hen a sie ake yt Mt | Al VISCOUNT at. Seb TD eae estes : ' ard, good 94,113 nin 725 leas' lily S alagiviieal : eal Estate Limited ANNE . {3pm i na od was, ani in a oh for you, large yard, gor 23.1133, evenings 2 arge living room, electrically imiter * Leaping lr eee wt TOR pao cation rythin O38 sandy beach, furnished. Could be winte a room, many other extras, sit ation, handy to everyt lized. Many extras, $4900, Phone 474-2087 40 KING $T. E LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION -- lial. Telephone 718-7719 Call Thelma MeMullen f ' « usted on ¢ let 78 x 200, | Fall Thelma MeMuler er inn "Coa partments AMBASSADOR 3°. truce 5:__728-1070__ lone" rUnnsne0 neDRGOM it INVESTMENT PROPERTY rtner , CARL Ol SE N $12,500 -- HANDY MAN'S opportunity 728-4678 SPANISH MOTIF apariment, localion cen vate home, Goon lncality, Gentlemen Taunton Frontage on 2 | a NIP fe Unfinished four-bedroom bungalow, sit controlled entrances, FM, electric. |Rielerred. five-minute walk ta bus, Tele 4 ds lerae here WE LIST AND. SELI Realtor ated on 114 acres of land. ideal for ¢ @ Oversize suites ally. hosted. breadiaamed and arcauis [phone 728-8706 pove rood 0 " ¢ 20 Rav. Street ery business, $4000. down payment > @ Olde English decor One and twa hedroam anart ad corridors, automatic range, refriger:| HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for genil nae 54 he \ ) W. f ¢ pi } gentiemary store 28 x s', warehouse ; 5 avire Ralance | would Karvy tor $a0 \ A 2 HOL 4: im: Vala alnuatacs ments. Steve, _refrigerater ator, Apply 330 Gibb Street water, frig. and stove, parking space y , r | pen A to 9 tr nly, Taxes Immediate posse ny ' ' ' Abn a Ki 24 x _ 30', large corner lot F a ra w ky is sion, Call Helen Simpsan, W. Schatzmann @ Heated indoor por drapes roadloe orrido TWO-BEDROOM aparimeni, private baih, | -PPly 410 King Street East Coll 728-7328 tor tui! par MEMBER OF OD.REB DEL, fd a3 oe ee aa bl pes, broadionm corridors, iNawly "decorated," Parking." Immediate | HOUSEKEEPING" ROGI" Yor "al i tleulars se. : betel naanan 114 storey * aie, 96 & ve / , evarlanre @ Sauna facilitie intercom, FM, Immediate oe possession. Apply 194 Ritson Road Southifieman, gad district, near hoapite! er, ; a hepa FOR RENT Lakefront housekeeping | ng, heated @ Carpeted sun deck eupancy, $97 and up ar 728-8733 plate, refrigerator, near bus slop, 616 COMMERCIAL | frame or stone, snrups cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con 1y be rented an shert tern @ Bus stop at FOURCROOM™ apariment 7 ant ua eekly. Telephone 723-0258 ' si hed closed | atie, tenced yeniences, sandy beach, reasonable, Bow . J | arimen lor ren Clese to downtown, 4 reoms, ESTATE ne 4 : ee ee Peon Imanvilie aeuees sis, Call Vern Morton, Paul @ Controlled entrance | 340 Marland Elm Streat, Avaliable July |, Phane 798 One SINGLE Wight housekeeping room. on-main tleer; 2 rcoms in | oo al aoe: ye TUTE ARERTLEN er ae ie ow Limited, Realtor, 728 @ Plenty of parking dal |Genveman only ¥i0, weakly. Apply 996 P { ' shroom " 4 } ' the pesernerw ~ were oll PICKERING VILLAGE re extra wae " " . ares naih ai' Brankiara Met Yen 723.8327 afte @ Laundry room each floor Apt WI LOVELY, new, completely furnished, Sa suauiauen heating educed' to garage, paced ariyv " ' 40\ highway. Road, hydro, beach 4 ' fl room bachelor apariment. Very central bright ream for SRA AN Act tam aad oot Lerga home situated on about realy oe ample. eupbeard |$2,000. Telephone Tarcnto, 787.9187 @ Plastic lined kitchen : : suitable for business couple. Bus at doors|in private home. Central Apoit sa5 Be 728.7328 2 acres of land, toned for space. In Oshawa, owner BUCKHORN LAKE collages, 1-2.) bed cupboards 728-4283 parking space, $110 monthly. Call 723 {lalle Avenue mr telephone 798-1173 . STORE FOR RENT af 18 Bond Street @ Free hydra 144 ELGIN STR se A 7 DA let ransferred T ma r campin trailers, good fishing, | ee Bb nf ] GEY EAST, 33, furnished 2 ACRE FARM two extra lots t e e erms) may Som temp a | Conveniences, lain. | West Good location. Rent $100 per month AVAILABLE JULY 1 BUSINESS GIRL With" two bedroom, |ronm for gentleman, housekeeping privit Real sharp productive soil Home contains arangec ary facilities, boats, stare, 468-83 Available now, Call Mra, Taylor 494-2945 Model § On | furnished apartment, viens fo share with |eges, clase to downtown, Apply mostiy workable, modern & includes five bee W. Frank Real Estate HOUSEKEEPING collages, electric, | be ed ait ace ute pen One hedroom apartment another girl, Call 728-977 am room home, hip roof bern one a bedsitt 623.3393 or 723-7843 side facilities, fishing, skiing and awim.|AtORE FOR hela Sewhtenn ieee é 9PM Grenfell St. Fridge, stove, |RASEMENT anariment electric heal, NICELY FURNISHED double and single 7 ile dineloaes: aaaials ota Ges heat 4 "tra , ming. Telephone 725-2909 or write Mallac cin ® any small sainess ' } Young clean couple, Three large roams. |rooms in quiet hame. Telephone 728-1052 end silo. A spring ereek runs ow we ' 418900 FULL PRICE Yor thin five-vear> cottages, RRs Burks Falls $60 per month, Phone 798-07 1221 SIMCOF NORTH '| opes, walk-out balcony, private balhroom and enirance, Parking| [BRIGHT spacins ed tS , Mie hs armany wll batho pywe Wem eC Joe fee two ROOM OFFICE located on Ring &) mple parking. Adults only |space, One baby welcame. Phone 728-5468, | noe Bi Hg A. Aigha *t Ing foamy on Moira Lake. Phone Carman Mu 1 unlimited parking, $78 per month - 6PM. te 9:30 PM ' ' ome, clase goed rood frontage. . Inspect The grounds ore 4 Whitby, Douglas J, M, Bullied, Reale FURNISHED COTTAGES and |ots | le NL OC Phone PRIVATE, three - room apariment, un ere ping centre. Suit gentleman, ond moke an offe treed and contai " ' ied Maddoc, Ont, 473-2204 ss el ing. Call Harald Segal at 725 9934 723.6455 furnished; also half a basement; avall-cApply je Fernhill Blvd, 795-7905 41 "i Ae §. D. Hyman Real Estate 728-4286 1 ie wih one ah ah ee house and extre | TRIPLEX nearly new, modern with! viege RenROOM collage, ¥40 Weel able immediately, Couple ONE FURNI 8 ream, wile' le e ' A 4 kiteher rile om ] ry ' . U b) / Or edt page bhp : A on, alecir| neat com: ly. Most eonveniences. fate far children, {1200 SQUARE FEET basement space (or CHURCH STREET, 176 Single, fur jpreferred. Call 705-080 jone gentleman. Telephone after 4 p.m, | town Toronto ar 1 pienely peseanen of a HH after §| Steenburg Lake, 24 miles north of Madoc. |!" al King Park' Plaga, reasonable TWO BEDROOM nished bedream, gentleman, abstainer, SUBLET FIVE ROOM apariment, aa jee 44 or 923 Athol East wr ' Bee ae : preferred. Apply abave address mage deposit sacrificed to new tenant, |twae gen r to Oshawa ' ' f TWO SEPARATE 600-square toot office APARTMENTS Children walcame. Immediate passession TLEMEN to share "fully fur ' a LAKE MUSKOKA cotlage for reni, hot a LARGE FURNISHED hedroaom in a n '| 5 Ot tment 407 {ni hed house with twa ether young men 'ia nes ROOMING MOUSE, Vena er} and cold water, sate sandy beach, Suit | prece® an a y * Pars Plata In new five plex buildings and quiet home, for ane ov twe gentle Enquire Gh Oxtord aparimer jPreferably office workers. Located north REAL ESTATE LT ) pt ni 4h wer able. for two families. Canoe and boat and } Electric heal men, close to north General Aatars,| REDSITTING ROOM furnished with kil-lof Shonping Centre, 723-1840 e a a splitievel home with spacious : " _ , } for ness, doct with mmediate possession myers § waits | A satis oenianed ¥. iss é 728 7576 . Iving 9466, Oshawa Realty, Bond Sireet Bowmanville A23 244 ' ce oor finance and some for August Ist prone _1On796 enon. Phang 77R:1142 rs) LARGE housekeeping room on main : ) weree 4 Wage atl $119, [ONE AND" TWO bedroom ~anarimenta, | WHITBY = Three «room self-contained] finar, with refrigerator, stove, shower, Only 91,200" Down GARRARD ROAD -- Seven-room bunge WANT ADS ranch thousands oF In tlthe Plara, King Street West and. Park ents starting at some furnished, 1000 a0, (1, for light in-[apartment in building, frig. and stove |Aullable for middle-age gentleman, Apply 4 poem bungalow ir m PHONE 4 acres of land $12.50 qd prospects ery da Take advantage! Road corner, 12 pov 2 pm. ar phone which includes; walkout bal dustry on slorage. Also housekeeping | supplied, Telephone éaa-4270 | 522 Lorraine Street ater é p.m. 7 , . ly t the vast audience hy telephoning 723 P ; Fears, Appiv Lanclaraie Ascenetiont i ' Datantial. aa sh Private). iy} conies, stoves, refrigerators FOUR ROOM apariment to share wilh| maculate condition on a lerce j 0 9 tantial do payment rivat N Plekering 942 oll Telephone 10m Aig elecirie heat, wroadieam end (neuen gentieman. Telephone 723-4508 |28---Room and Board i Cy Immediate 7 anencanys (at, immediq RUNGALOW -- 414.500 full price Wilh \go tote tor Sale 25---Houses for Rent all utilities. Children wel [ONE AND TWO » bedroom apartmahts| UNFURNISHED one-bedroom apariment,|ROOM AND BOARD In" Chrieilan hams possession NEAR Civic AUDITORIUM e $2,200 f ? Apply 291 Marland Avenue, | hand entrance, Suit workin i Wy and a a Carries for 9% monthly | x | € ) une private bath entrance, Sull working} near General Motors north plant, Ale 412.900 sened. three tatinoe aweticn Ae Figs hee ai aveuea | eee os Apel AIDE AVENUE BAST apf tt: come ' Call ' l ne pyle 14 ar phone 798-0084 couple, available July Ist, Apply 378 Wind: |stainers only, Telephone 725-7785 roor hor ural ar 4 eiached aarace 1 ul 1 | rr OLS me i ar er ' ¢ 4 4 , - 5 room bungalow Ge With eulcea Liklan aie tel in cen Wen oe Po te ie m 10 AC RE he} sore choot. $100 menthiy with Iwo bi fate privat pila Unveniened | spartrnen, |ber_ cite: WHITBY = Central location, Accommer with extras, Asking : " H Her al ale i vaar lense, Yalephane vaS-0700 private entrance, ground flea, APPIY/ COMFORTABLE room in privale home,|dation for young gentleman ta share, lor, owner leaving Oshawa Realty 728-9466 THREE. AND "FOUR-AEDROOM brick : : prem , 145 Oshawa Bivd, South sull one gentieman, Centrally incated, Ap | Parking, TV, lunches é : a fi ' ' ' packed, Telenhane spect this fine home n THREE-BEDROOM brick bungaie me © of construction. Close W| ] lH S] RE AM we Roem ernlce eaine 00 Bing WHITBY THREE-ROOM apariment, unfurnished, |PIy 106 Elgin Street Rast tals calling ne thy wert area. Fir shed basement 'n Oshawa nan pp ng Contre, Dawn pay month. Carmercial fenina ekll Mavala 2 hedroom apartment, appl! private. bath Telephone 723-4900 after §)) y AND § BEDROOM aparimenis re | FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals WE } C) | ps ag oy ° any @ Li by / a Ha Py ie tele Lia z Cc jegal, at & D. Hyman Real Estate, 728 ances. water, heat and hydro a trigerator and stove, intercom controlled | quiet, clean home, parking, 43 Garrar -- 2 af n Rea EASY | F RMS | ery hi led Filton aay 16 One FURNIS ED roam, would sult one entrances, : ater servieg awimming Road (by K-Mart), 723-2786, VEN-ROOM HOME o ) Street, P NYY POGL District Y. "1 $16,000 FULL PRICE, for S¥eroom bur » J ; inciudec MG gentieman slephone 725-0836, at 323 Poe enced in playa - SINGLE ROO. = a Oshawa, $12,000, $2,500 down. 623-504 $1,400 down. Seven:room. furnis ame galew, with garage, on spacious lot, close saa) coum nan home Wilf farage, jnrar) welcome. Apply 1724 Dufter Aihol Street Street or call 72-2347 ANeee snoems and . Apaly - plus three fu rished cottages, with con-lo Mary St Easy terms. Call for A ow a haat Blt Mirith furnished two floor ap os BETHANY \AREA w= Must be sold, 1WOlVeniences, Large lol, Askin pO AVinue' Walnestae? Nas i, per me mn two-year eae, 18 Ade in, Apt, 1, Whitby LWEREOROOM apariment tn slucplens oT Me fal dy all Naned twe f et BP ONE:ROOM: furnished" aparlmenly Analy Slorey »b F NANON:Thest offer, Call jce Ba 4 N lestate. 09 Bill Miller nide Stree none 723 668-8746 i L ger stove an . 5.399. 444 Simeve Street South. Spring water, v e all CORVONIr WW" Brank Real Ext FOUR-ROOM + oO month. Gall jdryer, For more information apply 4}0| teem on first floar, Phone 7253904 v ar A ale Lid > VO 5 montht 4 , owe . rainy GWHBR says soll, reduce price and dawn 95-2557 or 725-1186 - lany time, 725-9084 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED three-| Sit Sireet East APARTMENT for rent, Kilchen, three | FURNISHED, basement, semi-private, acres tert es c ad me to SCENIC KENDAL Hii acre rce ay U wy ungalow with a / ' / OF 44 t | | r Telephone central: ary, well-heated, television, an. enureh and A price $14,500, |with trou stream, partly wooded, $5,000. 1 garag Modern, in country THRE e BEDROOM, brick, bungalow for/feom apartment, Heat and lights includ |ONE BEDROOM apariment, large, oppo seereeme private BAINFogm: 'Telephone! tonne, modern refrigerator, stave, One or Polathane Sinante peep pa. Call Wav Barter ed, immediate possession, Apply 243 Sin: | site General Motors south plant, a0) Cor-| 724728? Iwo adulls, Abstainers, 'Call 793-3078. Real Estate ' Exceptionally clean, and y AGanie dova' Road. Without refrigerator, steve. | TMENT new. bur * | Frank Real Estate Lid. Realto would consider small dawn payment it! lal One. chil BASEMENT APAR in new bu ne Two RO i] 1, oo lagi A PR Ee ne || A LAMSON aia a, cman Peal |FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT iy antFi [tt (Me WMewe: OH Tete Ahlan tay F cam ranean Neen cs on A v Ren : agp i" arey ry An . k awartha Siveet, Oshawa, Call 942-4900\ vate hath. Call al Apartment 9, 48 Wayne athraam, Suita! ij \ miles fram Oshawa. Write Box 28852, Osh . ary wingalow, basement, oil heat a R 1 Estat Ltd Ad Street THREE ROOM § fturnished riment,|gentiomen. Clase te Houdaille ay Souin | able luly Ist, Apply 182 Bigin Street | t, awa Times via Meal 1% law Pe Real Estate. Cal ceo ie ¢ gentlemen preferred, single be Avail. Plant. Phone 798 7990. |8 WAYNE STREET, Apariment §, fours GEE THIS Very aliractive, well kept id 8 TWO-REDROOM ground fiogr at house SUALET large one-bedroom apartment : able naw. Telephone 723-345? after tive j j Hildren|fOO™M apartment for rent, Telephone 728. root rie he i Ve ' : with a ldren welcome Ab-| in modern hullding, Apply 330 Gibh Street FOUR-ROOM = anarimen i 19 vated cn . ray land diniece be hres ge it ha phn alt pris} Ne ye l O T 5 $50 foc yt | stair monthly, Serve lApt 10 FOR JULY AND AUGUST only, furnish.| accepted, private entrance Available July bY, 5 fue i v , '} aseme e on Se ni y naid wa Kine STREET WeaT cere ge ed bachelor apartment. $99 monthly, Ap.|}. Call 722-4600 after § pm jwerye ; Las as on chedraam ap apart r " 6 ' . . deal f eq TT rr asi ly 948 Sime Nart rs me refrigerator, stove, wi Valls 4 ' Real Batate 7 A limited number of building [THREE-BEDROOM "bingalow, "Biaek ning Centre Threeranm apartment. (rig BhANe PANEL NOUN ABI 108. OF] FONE ROOM apartment in Ganawa, Cony Ti! TAVIRArAOr, Stave, washer, Avalh age, paved ' M n payment A J, ONE Ob - , bg ' a wm sch ng Plaza Avall-|and stove, baby welcome. Available July /Mione 72 traliy located, Available June |. Qne i | 408-2904, evenings m ali Asking 48 ' ' Estate aN HV. In northwest area, three lots on available the seal. Gt mani. "Terk an be seen anytime. Telephone 723 | MODERN UNFURNISHED three. ranmichild welcome. Telephone s6aeine ROOM AND BOARD in clean, quale f "3 bedroom split level with garage. 414 per | . | home for gentle ta sh \ make offer, Call Ernie Hoir 2 ent tharignen. Coll: John Pitehon faa.0nee ne Apes phone 7FIR-4I1§ 9478 Apartment: with bath, short walking dis: |@@NVLEMAN lo share fully furnished oer h hh pe Se anette, sunenes i ari Olxen Realtor: SeeNiC Two ACRES i "ar. of H Millen Real Estate Lid MNT y OLOER HOUSE for renl, & roams, sul |QACHELOR lwarncm Aparimanis one ar rane trom seein plant, A Hhawte a \inouse with three ather young men. Pret ¥ phone 728 - Ideal for summe 1 ie vo RE i . Prices start at $4,500 and up able for large family, Needs decorating. | two persans, $80 monthly, Stave and re wie, "THOAnANe ane erably office worker, Located north of ROOM, BOARD, Gentlemen ta WINE ROOM solid brick home good dis Wooded wilt s uA My ptt a tor it er seer Available now. Centrally located, 72) lfrigerator, four-piece hath, Electric heat|PIVE-ROOM apariment. to rent, frea| shopping centre, 723-1840 Central, Lunches packed, Apply §? trict low taxes, separate apartments. | Gower Frank Real Estate a | nanos, i one pa RB und Call WILSON REALTOR | 702 and hydra inelided, 723-5095 after 4 hydra fridge, stove; damage and key de |THREE - ROOM unfurnished hasemeni | oloorne East ments wa Private vale lh fe ta Panevan Colleniate and 1) yeu |TWO - BEDROOM house. newly decor |WHITAY Three room modern apart BL PAS cntarel weenie 435 Oxford) apariment, private entrance and bath. FULLY FURNISHED In good clean home ane + SEMIi-detached duplex, three hedrooms p the sound af a 4 per cent rate ther 723.0361 725.5425 ated, all heat, garage, large back lol./ment, TV antenna, laundry facilities ne ss heat and hydra included. Telephone/ Private entrance, Close fo bus at $0 Ar $11,000 FULL PRICE fp vis hree-bed-jand two bathraams each Ready tor Ir ant now to arrange your ir é 4 Telephone 725-2839 parking, shared hath. Adults anly, 88¢;/ WALKOUT basement apartment, two-| 728-8920. linaton Avenue, 725-0901 cays, 728.0147 room older har . ac pection, No agent ated + at sp th omtortahie home FIVE ROOM house. all canveniences,| Monthly, Telephone 4af6s43 bedrooms, picture window, separate bath, TWO + BEDROOM apartments. Retria jevenings. Possession now ge (og soa rene Contre F ' mu st : Raran 2S OF PASTON WO ewe ioacre ints. five minutes from eity|$80 monthly, Immediate possession. New |SELF CONTAINED, upper duplex. Sim: | (teplace, garage, - big yard, Avlomalielerators and stoves, Included, Availanie/ GOOD HOME for neal young lady, > washer, @ t ' | ¥ fimits, ferms, Call 728-7248 astie, OR? 448 oe. Rinor area. Available July tat AP lo laren, ye 'an 9 ANd slave, Scante june 24 and July 18, $110 monthly, Tele: [day week, Central, Gand meals, Laundry WANDY? Gol a few carpenters tools and | THREE NEW HOMES on § ) BEFORE YOU make a hasty decision auicbine Cars ~ "7 " ply Box 28421, Oshawa Times phone 725-4343 done, 728.3577 paint brush. $1.000 down will mave vou | $20,000 and up. By t this brick bungalow in quiet South mi Urene, recon tren THREE-ROOM, unturnished apartment, nfurnished, three-room : . Re" Wa ra tg oat he al it ott it!" ta Rl uae eee. (te--AperImente_For_ Rent wo" nawase, ganent nf, etl ttn tena cl rt A RURMIMER 8 ui, ca NGO ANG, ME rin our-pie rath , ra tank Rea td. Reali en eet Ly N Ox " r \ ' t duty wiring Four-piece b al Bill vung siebesl ac = ation. andy to Houdaille| Frar arate ford Street. near south General Motors, | (0%, Alse stave and refrigerator MIP King St. E Oshawa ed. Very central, Apply 208 King Went yb 47S HOM Estat Veehintete thes Ba " wh . 28-9259 " Mut el) 778-44 en Rea '¢/ west of 'Shopping Centre s Inree bedenoms, gat LAKGAHORE Lar to sales wx Ae ENTRALLY LOCATED ¥ Ceonaant BEAEtRUnte piled Call 720-0259 between § p TWO APARTMENTS, Immediaio passes [407088 from Speedy Muttier King ¢ year-old, oll heated, goad s . Neautiful landscap- ian Pine Lake, Haliburtan, Hydra, gooc aavaal ete eetun thas i . 5 ues FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN. Oniy jor Le incriaaae. Pricea Yolen a cherry trees. Priced tal beach, ened raed, Part Perry. #48200 | 1 art _ omediate Gecuneney, Tele oa BHORGOM, snacieunc anadavne | 10! Brivate entrances, electrically nul NICE DOUBLE room, breaktast and : . ' : ph a Am a 23-42 p }ped. Suitable for couple or twa busi-jiunches if desired, Two clean: quiet gen: ven nine, Ach wisely, invest in vw lagiaaNaheain' wicks a | : : henelit team a te | RORCAYGEON AREA nicely wanted n wa's atler hours Ori Mar nelvega eleeny paved | ness ladies. Parking available, Phan eltiomen, Parking, Close ta South General tuture atl Sten V attached garage, larae ¢ ' - je and monthly payments (lors en river tor ale, Road and hydro} + bu and ONE BEDROOM modern anariment iper rare ns be peri Aaa hi seve day time 728-378) s Motors' and Shopping Centre. &) Park ' ' tian roam aled an Que ' ding taxes. Your inspection | *asenadle, Call 72 ihe ' hein na damage -- denasit sound -- FOO, | Dane P29 aan ¥ ajax Two-bedraam anarimania near] Road South COUNTRY LIVING ek rancher jcentre! te dewniown. Ask ' Aarilvn Fitrgerald LOY FOR SALE Palace Street Available uly 17 $110 Apply Park] July 1, Teleph - . | achonis and shopping, July elephone ROOM AND BOARD & ent in with double garage and ot 09466, Oshawa Realt \ C r 77-5109 W. 0 Martin Harmany, Oshawa), Services pa Pp \ e Plata Apartments, 170 Park Road South (ONE. AND FWO BEDROOM = anart | eae aan . ng ta share, single Be Renuervan wit Ona j Ay ; 128-4A? 28: N40 vents available. Large modern auite . nit nae ro 40 ' B-AGTA A 4 } > am 728-9466 snawa = Realty we hs Papa ' refrigerator and wall te wali | NEWLY DECORATED | room apart | AY Week, Apply 237 Nassau Street ne " ' : rf appre Lor WITH town water Yran ( 5\ Ht yf ONE BEDROOM §$ apartment, living s. All utilities inchucied, $144 manth {ment seit contained, priva central, PRIVATE ROOM for lady or gentleman Nool, shopping and & 9. whared bat ' ' atior fal Phone 623-3240 afler 4 0m rm, kitenen, bath turnished, Private » ia th. Teleph MAW) tuner f 2 conan 'oe manth Telenhe ' ¥ and up, Phone 720-0948 475 pes month. Telephone lunches packed if desired. Central, Whit TWO-BEDROGM adariment in new build eler 4 BE) Alig ge ABR Realty Ltd. entrance. 1a Cabot Street after § pm | by. Telephone 448-2108 > " shed basement | = " ed washer, dryer tree, broadinam ini too. - , . arg ' ee bedrnams. 'item vou want in the Want Ads, place a 123.528) THREE e (uished basement loshawa's finest pulldings, Raleony and/anartment, private entrance. Fridge, /ROOM AND BOARD for young lady, ain room, wall to wa Many extras.| 00 ivelaces a ae ken! vegetable garden. Asking 'Wanted' ad and get it! Dial 49? 423°0426 apariment, with pi vate bath and 9M! intercam. avstem No children under 12. /stove and laundry facilities, Couple arigie ranm, laundry dene. centratiy lncat 4 " miles to | 1508 » ; . Aint ' ? P25 ma) THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, "excention.40) Highway. Ca 6 ' Mitte WHI WO BEAUTIFUL WOODED bullding lol. 150 [FURNISHED basement semi - private SAUTER LEAN GENT aN ee aa | PAA6 |jon swirene ba th end Oshawa se to) Frank * tan , i mln ror sh. leantr ¥: wellty levisior r \ | ally 'clean. South « w n al Botete « 30. Only utes fram OO eh. eniral, dr well-neated, television a ONE BEDROOM artment in apart | The average man between 20 and 4 y. ™ Kawartha Street 1 942.4300 - a Cal niet we t nstainer | ?aa.anma | East aundry room. frig. and stove under , i aut Z 725.84 . YO ACRES with Wenle sult VLA Ast 7. 94.908. Call Ke we OF anaratners ® ne Phone 723-701) or P24-185! for anneint Laundry ag wig One sete. TV ow jtimes. in many cases the change will be ECAPBOARD three ded . - home with w . ' 'a FX Newly decorated throughout ¥ pointment. Available 'july | People place ta leak for the best johns ea 4 ® arge @ ne vin aniy min m 0 ' 14.4 wal and fa e 4. Adults iment \ apartment bullding Available|hath. stave and fria. Central tn dawn Classified Section, Whether vau'r Mr OD . : of Oshawa by Ng Please hehe Dolores Ross 7? 7 ' ower, W. Frank state) ash. Elmer Fredin 725.2753 or 728-4) preferred. 1410 Simcoe North. Telephane! immediate! Stove and refrigerator am flown and shopping centre, Adults onty./ ' saadhds unemployed or lanking for @ better jab, niercem, elevat !0V0-1ViA MOME F. Kennedy School. | HOW TO GBT IT: if you ao not find the] eee QNE-REDROOM apartment in one of RIVERSIDE DRIVE Twa = bedroom Telephone 725-0128 or 728-012 Only 15 " oar Fort p please phane | now irance, Adults preferred, Telephone 72% | avaiianie june Call: Guide Realty Lidg.j with one ehiid. Avaliable July ? Phone | edt Sevenday week, 720.48 v ¥ Realtor Sau achee! and shopping. Available irnmedi: | 423-2993 Schoo! close by: paved road frontage [lenna, modern refrigerator, stove, One| apartment dullding, at 78? King Straeti nen) nuilding at 78? King Street East. | Smart can expect to awiteh jobs six or seven ake tarie : Mack 403.40 ve Real Estateloue Ann ¥Wo WHGHOGIN aaarilcee'" Accithle *) let Phone ? or for ap Business oan main east west artery tree a4 ' ' PERFECTLY LEVEL "building trigerators, stoves Heal. hydra and! SIMCOE NORTH two-bedroom apart GLADSTONE Aparimenis, three rooms Sing the Praises | Help Wanted' column in The 7-503 W. ©. Martin, Realtor Limited, 728-1008 er 623.3903. tw. @, rin Hor, '4 to % for appointment, 725-839: Hied, Telephone 723-4235 i Telephone 728-4706. Action _ Ads check "Help Wented" now! Ma oa pe e ! phone 72

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