Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jun 1966, p. 1

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Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Cawman- ville, Ajax, Pickering" ond neighboring centres in Onte ero and Durham Counties, ihe Grgie Cop, Wc Par Heer rome VOL. 95 --- NO, 129 EMO EXERCISES HELD AT AIRPORT 4 euoneyer ease is hauled to "safety" in a mock evagr uation operation during the annual Emergency ear sures Organization's team rescue coniest at Oshawa Airport Saturday, The con: test drew 85 rescue teams from EMO sectors across Ed Wynn Dies In His Sleep "Perfect Fool' Was 79 HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Come: dian-actor Hd Wynn, 70, who ene tertained the world for years died in his sleep at home Sun day, a victim of cancer His aon, actor Keenan Wynn said his father had been in fall ing health for a year, although he remained active until a few months ago, Harlier this year he appeared on Red Skelton's television show, made a candy commercial and played a role in Walt Disney's The Gnomobile BD WYNN team was awarded the nee, plus about 700 spectators wha watched ad: ministrations of first aid and reseue techniques, To make the operation realistic the HMO went as far as painting blond on the faces of assimilated vietims. Hach points "In March dad went to Wash ington for the American Park inson's Disease Association, his favorite charity Keenan said "Sle did 11 shows in two days When he came home from thal trip, he hegan to show the re sults of the cancer," The elder Wynn had heen operated on for a tumor in his neck, and the tumor was found to be malignant, He spent .the last three months in his Wilshire fioulevard apartment "During his last three months he wouldn't let his three young granddaughiers come to see him,"' said his sen His ap pearance had changed, and he couldn't talk "He wanted them to remem ber him as the roly-pely funny man,' BROUGHT HIM TRIUMPHS Ed Wynn's fid-vears as an en tertainer brought him triumphs in every medium of show busi ness, Far half a century he pro voked the laughter of millions as The. Perfect Fool. Then when it seemed the vogue had passed him by, he turned se rious and became a fine charac ter actor Among his roles: Uncle Sam son in Marjerié Morningstar the erotchely dentist in The Diary ef Anne Frank (for which he was nominated for an Acad emy Award); the blind man in The Greatest Stary Ever Told Wynn ran away fram his Phi adelphia home at If to jain a travelling repertoire campan His father, a hat manufacts so abjected ta his san's chaice a "BOBBY" NEW YORK Robert F. Kenn N.Y, said Su President He alsa said his awn pans Were to run far re (AP) edy to the Senate in 19 Kennedy, whoa bAés been pie tured in same qu rs as x ing ta challenge |} san his vie ' dy All wm Rave Ker ; } Visit ta South Afpica, She Oshawa Zimes : te eee OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1966 | CANADA TO SEND WHEAT, $800,000,000 WHEAT DEAL SET i MOSCOW (CP )--Bale of $908, 66 400 worth of Canadian wheat and flour to the Soviet Union was announced here today Delivery. will take place over @ three-year period The gigantic sale, largest single commercial wheal trans action in the history of interna: tional trade, was announced hy Canadien Trade Minister Rob- ert Winters Agreement was signed Sun- fay by chief commissioner Wil- liam McNamara of the Cana- Matveev, president of the Ga- yiet grain Wnport agency Winters told a press contere ence: The import of this ree- ora sale will extend throughout Canada, it will he felt not only by wheat farmers and millers but by grain handlers, jong- shoremen, elevator companies, railways shipping eompanies and the econamy generally," The sale will boost the total Canadian wheat and flour sales io Russie in the last four years to $1,866,006 4% The new wheat agreement is dian wheat board and Leonia for 9,090,000 long tons of wheat bitvotiaad we Second Choe tak F Sepertment Ottens eft tor payer of Wodews Omen Weather Report fome thundershowers due th night, 60; high tomorrow, Mee TWENTY-FOUR PAGES and flour ahout 376 990 G6 bushels--and will, bring total shipments since 1943 up (9 $14,- 06 99 bushels, ho breakdown of the contract amount. was given, but Me Namara told the press confer: ence it includes a "substantial amount" of flour, WILL, PAY CASH The sale is for cash, when the wheat and flour are delivered aboard ship in Canada, and no inter-governmental credit af: tangements are involved One-third of the total emount will be shipped during the first RL te PRECISE AA ALE AC year of the agreement, but no specific proportions were an- nounced for shipments during the second and third years The grain will be shipped slong the St. Lawrence River, end from Kast and West Const ports, beginning Aug. 1 this year Announcement of the wheat gale followed the signing of a@ protocol) extending the Cana- dian + Soviet trade agreement for # further period of three years. The original agreement was signed 19 years ago vides for mosttavored-nation treatment in trade between the two countries, No specific dollar volume of trade is envisaged, 'The trade protocol was signed by Winters and Soviet Trade Minister N, & Patolichey at @ ceremony in the torelgn minis- try building here TAIMS PAY OVE The wheat and trade agree- ments were concluded in talks here last week between Seviet officials and a Canadian delega- tion led by Willard Pybus, head of the trade department's trade The trade agreement pro- relations branch ee | RUSSIANS ACCLAIM DE GAULLE AT START OF HIS 11-DAY VISIT a Labor Seeks More | substitute | harga C according te ability to hans die injuries' and general eare for a casualty, Judges watched closely as the first aid teams «= consisting af 'eight trained HMO person: nel checked and treated supposed injuries | Oshawa Times Photo democratic profession that he Insisted on a name change avoid family disgrace, Born Edwin Leopold the young performer his billing from his giy ww to en name, | iti As Kd Wynn, he soon starred) worked in other places and it in Vaudeville and moved easily| will not work here in Canada, | Mversary making! Conditions whieh are imposed) victory over the Communiata inj into Broadway shows his debut in the Ziegfeld Follies) o of 1l4 produced such Broadway hits as|p Kd Wynn Carnival, The Perfect party, are a contradiction of the & { Fool (which hecame his sobri-|d quet thereafter), Laugh Parade and Hooray for What STARRED AS FIRECHIEF 0 |to tiens 1 neither QUEBEC (CP) for free collectit ongress, said today Mr, Jodoin, addressing anadian Box Manufacturer Association convention, dealt with labor's future role in #0 elety, Labor, he said, will eontinue|jose more ground, Ky to ask for more, He described! regime pushed ahead toward this objective as neither selfist| promised civilian elections Rept, nor unvenlistic, in the face of it expected growth in knowledge! and wealth - "Compu ining," Claude Jodoin, | president of the Canadian Labor Ky Tightens" Grip On Hue} BAIGON (AP)--Premier Ngu held on Hue today sealed off the hospital where: the leader of the north ern Buddhist revolt je His ant government, antl s'| American fast for a 18th day, ve | their monk Thich Quant militant jable) Tri 6 military | | day of the Tu Dam pagoda, the sory arbitration can never be a yen Cao Ky's troops tightened last stronghold of dissident Bud: and dhiste room troops cordoned off the air-econ:| ditioned room in the Hue hos. continued pital where Tri Quang continued Hue, government his hunger strike Tri Quang began his fast June) Chief of State Nguyen Van from 110 and that he wan cone | lPhiew signed a decree setting | sidering foreed intravenous! While the rebellion led by the|% vowing. to take nothing but (vener>|!quide until the United States appeared io withdraws its support from the junta and the government vee signs, Wie physician said Sune day that the 42-year-old monk's! weight had dropped to 07 pounds! It is surely. not unreasonable! the election date and providing| feeding If necessary, expect that the - the trade unions ith these differences as expected re The decree also showed the 'Superimposed conditions are-penerals approve the eenstity free nor on will not work may |? n employees=-and, le wrote, directed and| mind you, also imposed on em a thirdinorthern provinces loyers imposed by emocratic process," Mr, Jodoin also said there f collective bargaining democratic fashioned | his is why compulsory arbitra tt has not) VIET CONG STRIKES Within hours of Ky's first an prediction of fina e-|the next year, Viet Cong guer: rillas made two attacks in the One was on §, marine position near Chu Lal and the other on a militia is| headquarters on the outskirts of a great need for a careful atudy| Hue and The latier attack underlined Wynn's first Impact on a Mass) of collective bargaining to meetiarea created by the weeks of audience came when he starred] 4 on radio as The Wirechief, His i giggle oulyageous Way With a pun! y made him a national favorite.) y He alse one of the early tars of televisian W Wa Keenan urged his tather to try. « dramatic when it appeared falsetta yoice and) hey vlay's new cireumstances of ua in the trade yavement have heen urging iore deliberate and canseciat relations ianagement in ountry," rebellion by troapa of the Viet a movement is) Operations against the Viet Vollowing up the seizure Sun: talents were no longer in demand In an article for clated Wynn explained his method of combatting old vie { feel | have always had a Peler Pan mind, I have tau of myself as all my life, and 1 still that way Non + denominational funeral services will be held Thursday The body was cremated in ae vordance with Wynn's wishes His will, written a month ago, left mast af his estate ta Kee nan Wynn, who was married three times, is survived by Keenan and Keenan's five children that his camic The Asso p Pres young feel fered to German visitors for next manth's World Cup soc eer tournament in England a histarie ist BIRMINGHAM, (Reuters) Wagland rural lavatory that's the guidebook advice of It is, saya German journal Kurt Hopfinger, one a many translation mistakes iy What the guidebooks "meat Take a bus trip te GUIDEBOOK GETS FOULED UP TOO LATE TO RECTIFY IT is "beauly spat"--but, Hlapfinger who lives near Bly mingham, the werd waed in translation is "ertehen" mean ing "lavatory," \lderman Frank Price ehairman of Birmingham's World Cup eammittes, t ised an investigation, but sald; \ 'It's toe late te de anything, | 40,000 German-language World Cup. guides just aff the press here All the capi es have been way to Germany, We cannot \ afford to reeall them," KENNEDY BACKS star rhe Den a reparier tald question ior Wayne had aaneun *WAIGeP SUPPAPIA he views an the same Kennedy Viet replied ta run for § + 1978 p } Tahnsan a Negrees ia racially-segregated eame up Kennedy Morse 8 presidential race if his Ne Soult and lle when that (Dem wil eed he would a ste ge Kennedy in the am remained farce 1 have theid anyvihing and | }OAR ne but SUPpPArt el \f \ ¢ hooam Kennedy equality in Africa \ Africa was "heartrending } crue appased halting U.S. trade Africa heoause such Negroe sauth » would hurt There the most and be detrimental te youlh whieh is in breaking econemic the greatest Gowan apars said Wany Ang Raman Cathal i) MAINS effort ta develop better labor) Cong by the division practically) ing ¢ this halled asaya prom: printed and same are on thelr | | LBJ IN '68 The government troops moved through Hue without resistance hauling off hundreds of of Tri Quang's orders, Vor the moment, Ky's deter:| bloodshed working] for a 108-seat constituent assem: | AREN'T RESISTED people, through their organiza:|bly to draft # constitution, The wiil| government continue to seek more as their) jected the proposal of its elec: gunday, share of the fruits of progress,|toral commission to allow the| Buddhist altars scattered in the "As to what constitutes a fair | assembly to transform itself into! streets by Buddhist supporters share, | think it is safe to @&\a governing parliament sume that there may continue te he some differences of opinion."'| junta's determination to remain) mined polley seemed to have Unions look on free collectivelin power well inte 1007 by re-| worked without a repetition of bargaining as the one free,| quiring a second round of yoling| the method of dealing) for a national legislation three) when he put down a similar ree! weeks to six months after the! volt in Dan Nang last month, | Brimming with optimism and confidence, Ky talked aa if his authorit he addyessed the nation in an| j/anniversary broadcast Sunday, | ale Pthies ¢ his Klein, West that occurred| unchallenged as investigation fen, Thomas J, Dodd, D- Conn,, today was to face an investigation, which he him- self requested, by the Sen- 'ommittee relations Chieago public lations man and agent for German terests, Newspaper column. ists Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson wrote a articles accusing doing favors improperly for Klein, Dodd's request for the into Julius re- with ine business series of Dodd of followed, (AP Wirephoto) Murders - Suicide Seen Dad, 3 Tots Fatally Shot : HELANA, N.Y particularly of the adjustment! the security problem in the Hue \iey Sturgeon left his home Fath: er's Day to take his four gaily ' dressed children, aged § to 8, 'For many years now a num-namese Ist Division who joined) tar 9 pide union! Tri Quang's Buddhist struggle Hours later, a worried Mrs, Sturgeon, stove, went to look for them tn amily's second car Just down the road, near Mas sena and five miles fram the Ca nadian border, she found theme. shot to death in a field in what police theorize were four mur ders and a suicide by the 90- year-old father SEN NEDY, With his ROBRERT DN.Y wife, Ethel, to Ken: (AP)=--K, Wea) The bodies were of Timothy,. &, Ruth, 6, Mary §, and John, 4, cattered around the field Each had been shot in the face with a l2gauge shotgun loaded with heavy supper on the of the face Ont wt its PF, KEN returns nedy Airport yesterday fy rica, OM (AP Wirephoto) bird shot, The weapon was near Sturgeon, who was shot in the lower left side Police said there was no dis cernible motive for the deaths Sturgeon was a buyer for the General Motors-Chevrolet Foun: dry iw Massena, on the St rence River opposite Cornwall, Law: in New York trip to Af | Talks "Significant", Soviet President Says ees ee ya aE rnd ; os ) L, . | Charles de Gaulle said today he|bonds, A formal portrait of 49 'hopes his visit to the Soviet Un-|Gaulle appeared on all front ion will make it possible to agree pages, upon action to provide Kuropean| The Soviet press has long security and assure genera! praised de Gaulle for blocking peace. ices a the ag th ya oe oo 1 rencn presiden was ' mon arket towar a nite given an enthusiastic reception States of Murope and for hig "4 that will take fini to Woveeclet the eagubont a ta tere 10) 1 mem 8 Oo ie birsk, Leningrad, Kiey and the Atlantic 'Treaty Fda (penged Vert War battle site of Ro diplomats have |""fovlet President Nikolai: V.\vote considerable ateniey te Focaemay sa gr gent nag the problem of Germany, which great significance to the com:\he regards as the crux ng talks," The Boviet Union and|pean security i Iprooes, te mumbonsal pie ipresoens san ho tose eae a beident say he favora @ ne lems of international affairs,"'/tral, reunified Germany which gi and Premier PE pe Pr ane "thie - noes nuclear weapons, is echoes ge greeted de Gaulle at ae mrenten # views, ort, ashingto In Moscow and while travel-| West Sets te ena alied ling with Kosygin, de Gaulle is\to the West and insist it should penialiy pe ebl oman polenelieel ne eases Sune ot Cte cur , pr rol over nuclear we o ily the German question, and, De Gaulle serena? netushd jother subjects, He will make hisit,8, Ambassador Charles #, jfirat major speech tonight at A /loehlen that there would be ne inne in his honor at the Krem- [surprises ory: / his Soviet visit, |But U.S, and West German offle |AUTHORITATIVE ,.. para 2\cials are reporte r Authoritative sources in Parisiin view of the i wary. ae sald de Gaulle would sign no|drawal of French troops from jtreaties during his talks with/NATO, |Kremlin leaders, But some| There has been speculation | French sources predicted that|West Germany that France' might reach Dew apreoments inlet the Atieati¢ alien tease , P niof the antic alllanee may be lap Smeg ge pe [linked to his meneew 'ie come | n p 8 all Car officials predict ie ussians \day weleeming tno Vrpoch penelat thet wretee ear can ae yele "rench pres:jof their troops from East Gere ident and praising his govern-'many, yhevut ai agvoitneviev teary et Agave (01/1 nce PEPE AEP NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Saigon Buddhists Appeal Vetoed | RANGKOK, 'Thailand (Reuters) = The World Fellow: ship of Buddhists today rejected an appeal from the Buddhist Church in Saigon for help in the South Viet> namese Buddhists' political struggle against the rulin generals and the U.§8, government, A spokesman. tol reporters the committee of the fellowship working here on revision of its constitution approved an amendment prohibiting the organization's involvement in_ polities, | Two Forest Fires In Ontario TORONTO (CP) -»= Two forest fires were burning in Ontario today, in the Kenora and Geraldton districts, the lands and forests department reported, The fire hag: ard was rated moderate in all disivicts except White River, Gogama and Sault Ste, Marie where high ratings were, reported, U.K. Strike Shows Collapse Signs LONDON (Reuters) - The British seamen's strike today enters its sixth week with the first signs of col- lapse in union solidarity and the government planning possible emergency measures to avert economic chaos, First signs of revolt in the strike came Sunday night at the English Channel port af New Haven where sear men voted in favor of negotiating for a return to work, wis arr nny rf pine 'oo A : : ... In THE TIMES today... 374 Planes at Fly-in Breakfast---P, 13 OMB Reserves Decision on Ajax Complex=--?, § Acadion Cleaners on Hitting Spree---?, 8 Obits 23 Sporte--&, 9, 10 Theatre--1) Weather--2 Ajox Newse=§ 14, 18 Ann Landetter: 14 City News--13 Classified---20 to 23 Editorial---4 Financiah-- |? Whi thy 18 We GONMes men | atta.

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