| COUNCIL MOVES AFTER 35-MINUTE. MEET Cost Cut By $340,000 On Centennial Project About centennial project last night at # city council meeting called to name a contractor for the build ing job, The price for the multi-recre ational addition ta Civie Audi forium was trimmed down to $1,010,000 (eovering furnishings and all) from $1,350,000 Council did it unanimously by serapping original construc tion plans and accepting revised ones under the same architect, Peter Aliward of Allward and | a AN OPENOSTT NS VACATION GRA ROCKS INK 97, JORTE, 94, OM LAG COURT LEARH TO GOLF WEERS sunGET DAA _MEERS was 2a yamrer svwnom? weemw OUR OFFAEAION OATES NOE REALLY LOR Yas 4, MT THE OSHAWA TIARS, fetertoy, june 18, 1966. The dispute involves the in Former City Mayor! lerveition ofthe lor com lent between the union of the Named Arbitrator technicians MABET (local #2) Former mayor of Oshawa, 974 the CAC Judge 4, C. Anderson of Belle ville has heen named the one man arbitration hoard in the Aispute hetween CBC and some Wh technicians Judge 4. ©, Anderson was mayor of Oshawa in 1946 and imei slachedithey were beaten down jast night( small auditorium and stage willipaign, money will come from to $50,000 he ramvensated for by the all oo hgh 9 tape grants (4128, 4A Ahh sundaes the winter Ppurpme ream niemny es st gf Pt made lished at the Auditanum it willl and $446,600 the motion (Ald. Christine! igain a new entrance out of the a ; " complex construction, A fully Uige i aad tn seal the equipped kitchen goes into the a same area, 100 That the tender, Konvey COW' "he man with » higger smile struction 1Ad,, adjust as per re today is Mr. Kelly vised plans in an amount not Out of it he gets m smaller exeneiing SAM {or ine "target of $950,000 in the public struction of the Civie Au pr subscription campaign that [centennial project, he were started 31 days ago and already ana that a bylaw he dg yp has $200,000 through payroll de to authorize the execution o duction of $8 cents a week contract he started out works. 'program, from the city 'That $440,900 breaks down like this; $60,000 as e# municipal grant; a $200,000 capital budget expenditure to replace the city's recreation depariment facilities destroyed hy fire last Novem her; $115,000 pul up- by Oshawa 'no hack financial campaign pledges and $65,000 for insur: ance "T don't think anybody is going HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Initially with TWIN OTTER TO PERFORM AT FLY-IN BREAKFAST BUNDAY Big Fly-In On Sunday A $270,000 piece of machinery will be a main eye gatcher Sunday at Oshawa Fis ing Club's annual fly-in break fast The Twin Oller, a de Havil the land Alreraft of Canada produet,|he flyin will do demonstrations for about)! pilots wha come 950 flyers and their families ex-|"istance and the pected for the breakfast youngest flyers A commuter airliner or utility Recousined C the i transport, it will show how it he He dene n nthe 4 can take off.on 800 feet of run yin plays an importan way and land in 980 feet carry-| Part in maintaining and promot ing a maximum weight load of 11,000 pounds fiving:and some 60 or 60 will he com pleted hy the end of the year The fiying club expects it will serve about 1,200 meal Prizes will fo he offered will the longest oldest Awards creation The event's fame is realized MOLKNINB tion Kinsmen Boost Fibrosis Fund -- James Gartshore, Whitby, en ordinator of the Kinsmen"s eystie fibrosis drive, will push a mist tent erib containing moneys to the head table at the gover nor's . luneheon Saturday = in North Ba The vesearch program of the Canadian cystic fibrosis founda will benefit by more than $20,000, as a result of a blitz Kight-year-ald Maureen Me and Chesney of Willowdale will re ceive the money at the Kinsmen diag vie this weekend, Maureen nosed as a cystic fibrosis ltim when 29 hours old, appear Jing an interest in flying for re-ied dn the Jabels used by the! from $125,000 to $100,000 fund drive receive Kinsmen in their Maureen will the Gouinlock, Toronto At the same time the building contract was awarded to Kon vey Consiruction Lid., the low est bidder out of four tenders) who went as high as $1,124,000 in} hides to build the shell 'of the complex The new plans were tabled by a three-man group from the centennial project committee that worked closely with Allward and Konvey in drafting the al terations Biggest changes are: The taxpayers burden next.year is reduced from $200,000 to $50,000 and pos sibly to nothing if the cen tennial financial drive is a BUCCRES The complex square feet smaller A squash court and seal auditorium and produc tion stage have heen ejected from plans and all meeting rooms have heen cul in size; The modern design of the addition's yvoof has heen straightened out to a flat appearance Counell took 3) minutes to consider the sweeping changes and then pushed through the hinding legislation in less than 10 minutes VAST REVISIONS The vast revisions were sug gesied to council by #, A. 8 McLaughlin, head of the proj ect committee; Terence Kelly financial campaign chairman Harry Gay, chairman of the 15,000 is first plan to land @l! campaign staged by the 14 Kins: committee's huilding division AsO BO men Clubs of disiriet eight Konvey got the contract on the basis that it would erect the shell of the complex for a top of $780,000, some $245,000 lower largest distriet eanvention in North Bay than what ils tendered hid was cuthacks of were addi slired and equipment and furni>| hammered wotn to Other cost made in coansiruction tional parking spaces interior ture WAS Otter production started last) by aireraft manufacturers whojfynds on behalf of all the evatic $25,000 from $850,000 ear, About six have been made|readily agree to hus far -- five of them pre-pro-|airevaft on display duction demonstration units port, Separated Families Big Welfare Headache Separated families are a hig problem of the City welfare de partment, but it may he part jally solved soon "We have never had as man) Case Settled Out Of Court WHITRY (Staff) damage action dealing A an accident that occurred Dec, 3) 1944, was seliled prior in going to trial yesterday in Ontario County: court before Judge Alex Hal! Judge Halil consented to the dismissal of the action and the counterclaim The settiement was reached privately hy the parties involved The plaintiff, Harold Oley, of Nonquon rd, Oshawa, was rep resented by Oshawa lawyer Russell Murphy The defen danis were Garnet Wands, 17 and his father, Krnest Woods of Thornton's re Details of the not announced age ta hoth $1,000 putting at the air separated families in Oshawa as we have today,' said Herbert Chesehorough, City welfare ad ministrator He said the sual causes of hraken marriages were debt and jer and past Distriet Deputies said the only hig problem wasjeveryihing in arder and cheek over-drinking, usually on the part of the hushand bul some times both The Children's Aid Society is allempting fo sel up a mar Nage counselling hoard which would possibly save teetering marriages,' the administrator said Mr evi Che 7-0 requir eborough cited recent of wamen ing welfare assistance Another serious welfare lem is rental are nol CASAS prob They with they Mr allowances sufficient to deal the rents in Oshawa. hut are all our budget. allows" Chesehoarough said The inerease of strikes and lahor unrest is pushing welfare easts up" he said B'nai B'rith Has ettiement wor New President ars was about \ new RB'Nai R'Rith. execu tive for Distriet Grand Loadac 1) (Canada) waa elected at the third annual four-day conven tion June 14 in New York state Couple Awarded Kdward Wilsan, the Oshawa $1,896 Damages sek ta the canference district president WHITRY | Arth Diamond, a Montreal atan area couple was awyer $1,894 In damages R'Nai r Judge Alex C. Hail erviee cluh in the warld with tarin County court 1 ronan members (al . Any - Ball the men) in a most all countries 9 sale a the Lh Ping were Me Ww orld said My \ isan Saaned OA wav ten RB es The lacal aa member hranch lendani etihaws «al R'Nai R'Rith celebrated it Shades "war awarded 44 dei 'Mth anniversary last Octaher cent lt cantributes te the Oshawa Goneral Haspital spansars Evidence minar hockey and hasehall, and ear collided wi yravides milk for ¢ SAYS en Matthew Mr. Wilsor rene " A Nai A'Rih nan is a All three were take 1 he niga pital The Ralis seltioment were gale said new Staff) A King +i awarded esterday h in an On evil aetion RRith is the largest ' Gordon vealed hata on a amps hy miles of the ald ons ide 124-vear ar vere their} fibrosis children in Ontario The district eight Kinsmen clubs are located in a eneten of Ontario that stretehes fram Lake Ontario to Cochrane in yi north and from Brampton Peterborough Lodge To Fete District Deputies The annual testimonial din ner of Lebanon Lodge No. 140 vill be held June 20 ta hanor the Distriet Deputy Grand Mas of Ontario Prstriet Speaker will he M, Wor. Bro The Hon, Russell Treleaven QC, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, in the Province of Ontario A toast will be made to ft W. Bro, W. HH, Rowden, present DDGM, and past DDGM's of Ontario Distriet: Bra, Garnet Tubb and Sen. Warden, Also on the program is a presenta tion of a 50-year jewel to Rt War, Are. Gordon Runker, Wor Rre. Geo, Werry, and Bro, M tickle The dinner the Masonic is to he held at Temple THIS 18 For You! Fost Services d Fond nable Prices enient Loeatian Ren Cor WOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST, WEST, OSHAWA OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St, £, Oshawe 8 x 10 ~--- 1,50 each Su 7 1,25 each 20% Discount en Orders of S or More Pictures While the old scheme called for $45,000 in architects' fees) Verbal Abuse, Secret Ages Only Problems In Census Except for a few verbal abuse and sticky' problems of age, Oshawa census has been cessfully completed Cammissioner § tases of severall the Bue W Moore extvacting--the ages of certain! middie age wamen, Ten ta 1h) persons "could be reported to the Rureau of Statisties and pos sibly Hned," he said William Selby, commissioners {0 census count in the Oshawa area, said he was going out to 'day 'lo clear up a few sticks problems of ages He said a few enumerator had trouble obtaining informa lion fram same residents in Osh awa and some were even "ver-| hally abused Mr, Moore said if the hus hands had heen present when the women refused to give their one of five handie the Not only plans approved by the eenten nial building ecammittee hefore heing brought before council hut they also gained endorsement fram Wendell Brewster, (mem hey of project committer) as head of the Oshawa Recrea tion Department ONE HUNDRED IN VAVOR Terence Kelly said afier meeting that Mr went 100 per cent for the new scheme', Mr. Brewster snid the ! altered plans didn't show PER CY the any to recreation department activi ties. George Mudd director Simeone Hall Club, tossed his agreement the "ineavor' group after look ing the plans over last week Mr, Melaughlin the changes to council, said We came up with a brand, new consideration, It's not quite as grand, bul we have almost all of the original facilities 'The huilding has not heen extended as far to the south as first planned; the west elevation ia not as high as before and the building isn't as wide,' he said Fixact dimensions were not im mediately available The two swimming pools re main the same size bul the smaller one (ideal for erippled ehilden) has heen shifted in) lacation from the east side of the complex to the south end The reduction by 18,000 square eel means the camplex will fit into an area hetween the} auth end of the auditorium and the south parking Jot ewit Various internal aspects of the complex took footage logses like this: Craft rooms were eut hack io an area of 920 square feet from O50; health reams fram 1,700 to 1,500; shower rooms from 1,750 to 1,700 and the re creation department offices from 1,440 to 020° square. feet COMPENSATION SEEN Mr, Gay pointed out after the meeting that the loss of the at Boys were the revised an objective af $500,000 struction indication of being detrimental ahead about 39 per cent some of them are affecting this assistant unit job on Laughlin "Our objective is ta rs from paying oul mone through assessment and | know we can veach that iMr sum," Kelly, Actually, the but that i $50,000 - defic he intends {a saturat Ald. Murdoch noted that sine he cily began planning costs Wave I really feel,"' said Mr, Me heat way to go," WINS AWARD James Rezzant, 19, of 920 Anderson Aye, Oshawa, a P.0,2 of the RORCC Drake, was awarded the IV, W. "Skip per' Lee trophy for being the outstanding sea cadet of the year al the annual Sea Cadet Inspection held at the Osh awa Armory, He |s the fourth to receive the award said) new | plan only calls for Kelly and his co-workers 40 make $400,000 in| nt the year-long blitz allowing for a whith Brewster with donations con vaulted "and that with tight money and high construction casts this is the presenting MUNICIPAL GRANT Aside from the financial cam to condemn ws for staying with raiselin the budget," Ald, Murdoch $550,000 (9 prevent cily taxpay- e fold council shortly before it ap Y proved the changes, s it e e earn CARR ages by the 'we would have been told men, The men are more hroad «= minded about these things said Mr, Moore The five commissioners have until the end of June to "put for accuracy but Mr, Selhy said he hanes they will have a good portion of the work cleared up in a week t SOHOFIELD-AKER Good Names Te Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg, Aker Bill MeFeeters ~ President View Pres LTD, 723-2265 extra spe ATTENTION SAVE °* Farm Tanks CALL COLLECT 668-3341 WHY PAY MORE? Gasoline - Diesel and Motor Oils Out of Oshawa, Whithy and District DX OIL FARMERS ! PREMIUM QUALITY Available Name Address .. Age Phone BILL HUBBELL H, Millen Real Estate Lid, wish te announce Mr, William Hub» hell has joined their anles stall Bill Hubbell has successtully ecampleted the Real Estate Course as laid down hy the treated and released who Ma am fh and thews tra vas kent and was thrawn fr § during the impact in hospital: far five then M and Vi tor davs Ra vas awarded S801 O04 SAVE! Rall rece as FUEL OIL PLAN BALL MERT CALGARY (CP)--T dian Amateur Safthall tien announced ans ¥ ataze a wh " men and wor the same | American games, e Cana Associa flay ta namen Serving Oshawa Why Pay More .. ON PREMIUM QUALITY Phone 668-334) DX FUEL OIL Whithy and Alex Districts 16: Ontario Association af Real Es rds and is now Hleensed able af leaking after your real estate needs Why nat inspect the new home Bill will be selling on Waverly Street, south of King, Bown payments as low as $1,835 to one martgage H, MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD, 728.1656 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Nas? For ears home » office albums New ! Now! Hear! Muntz Stereo Pak Tape Record Player haat. truck = plane, ete, Super PRICED COMPLETE AS LOW AS SAT, 7 TO OPEN DAILY 10 A.M, te 10 PM Here! bh A.track solid atate ateren cartridge player; aver $0,000 selections available in LP alhuma; unlike records the Munts Steren Pak roquires little ar no care) lorts indefinitely, Can't serateh or get dirty, you never thread, wind, rewind, stack or turn aver, You get superb inatant ateree at the same low price as plaatic LP as : 313 ALBERT ST, 2Z4-HOUR SERVICE YOUNGSTERS Ages 10 to who want fo money qi IERS th Through serving the public you earn nding money & the Importance of reliability and courtesy. APPLICATION FORM : = -- = Make Your Application Now ! | Mail or Bring Your Application to the Times" Circulation Department in Oshawa or Whitby, 10 and MONDAY SPECIALS ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION WITH YOUR FAVORITE ARTIST OR MUSIC BUY TEN! GET ONE AN >} RECORD CARTRIDGES Choose From Your Favorite Artiats and Music Stylings 14 Adults Only Allowed Specials FREE! OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE LTD. 1038 KING ST, W. at GARRARD RD.