Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1966, p. 6

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+e ee ae i ee LABEL POLL LI III IE PD WS > tetet : é bo we he ton ble ie ee Spr eh pr fer? el grin TM Be Ot aah i ae taal th iia ds ' CHUAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Jone 16, 1906 CITIES POLLUTE $ io ' : 'The World Health Organiza- tlon says that the negative im- Whitby Confederation 2.2 Parade Is Recalled [| . | A leather beit to which the) remanant of a circular bag was lattached, was hand grain) a came died HOUSE » COTTA GD PAINT SALE FASHION GLOSS AND SUPER GLOSS ENAMEL hag, Oot abd 6.88 QTS, 1.89 Standard Colors BROUGHAM --- The celebra-, Tyas said that a Centennial pros tion of Canada's Confederation| gram was being prepared in his in Whitby in 1867 was one of| area. the interesting stories told by ; : : " Be seetiehan ns mening METTERY OT. cancnnal eee" coves, vc oheh of the Pickering Townenip WI pobert Miller was "surprised ro cmpreed devies, which, when Mr tories! Society last week. i ry Parkin blew # biast upon it, al- find that his audience respond- Mr. Creighton, who had writ eq well to a mystery quiz, jn| most shattered the building. ten one of the Canadian age which he demonstrated strange) Colored slides of his trip to tenary feries, "The Story Ff obiects that had heen used jong\the Mediterranean were shown Contederation", said = gee ago, These had been recently) PY Dr. N. F, Tomlinson, writing about ginnings Of donated to the museum; to veilcderation he almost felt helsome. they oe eticte my: PERAW BERRY VEOTIVAL was back in Ontario County in steries Not of the least importance June and July of 1864, a lat the meeting was the an | 'They included a curious knife,| nouncement of the Strawberry] Specifications ond. ti Pras otis te ons yg og od which was used for cutting thel Pestival and Centennial Fashion| ore vniianle at the Administra- s a 'bands on sheaves, # Marlin |] tion Office author of "High Bright. BUgSY| spike, bark coner a dead-eye -_ ggg aay 10 Te seoled tenders, ploinly marked os Wheels' and "Turn Hast, Turn) (standing rigging 'on 2 shin); ' ys yd ee : Hi co Wl] to contents, will be received by the West", as well as a number Of one of eight or nine sdthebialer a! ceeces ao shmen undersigned ip to 4:00 pm, June Bl eniidren's books. [little fence stretchers; a brace) Another item of interest was'l The lowest or any tender not new Ul The historian said the main) cradle for putting on a horse's\the map of Pickering Township, | **sori'y accented | event of the day marking confedineck to keep i from licking! circa 1877, with the names of eration in Whitby was @ porade| biistered feet, _lall the early landowners on it by the local ogge hPa | Excellent copies of this map scariet uniforms, Participan' have been prepared and are came from Columbus, Raglan AA Conference selling fast, to augment the Brooklin and Greenwood as well funds, and are avaibable at $! as other centres i . each, "at 12 noon," he said, 'at At This Weekend kinson's Drug Store, the thermo- meter stood at 98 degrees," WHITBY ~ A Central East SHOULD GATHER RECORDS|Area Alcoholics Anonymous When py. "9 ee Conterence will be held in the ef on ways Pickering Township) » _ sould observe Canada's births | merene Hotel, Peterborough day, Mr. Creighton urged that| June 18 and 19, records -- minutes, registers There will be a guest speaker and photographs from the smalli from Montreal who is the found country schools now being re-\er of AA in Quebec, Members placed, be carefully preserved,|will be attending from Whitby Bociety President Milton J.\ Oshawa, Ajax, Port Hope and Mowbray concurred and sug-|all surrounding areas 8s far gested that archives be prepar-|west as &t, Catharines and ed to hold these and other re-| Windsor and east from Ottawa corded historical items and Montreal, There were a number of his-| The conference will start Sat-| torical projects suggested for| urday at 10,30 a.m, and will end) the township: From Historical) with a dance Saturday evening, | Bites Convener Milton Parkin) 4, banquet will be held Sunday a suggestion that all Indian|at 1 p.m } Burial grounds be marked and recorded -- before future subdi-| visions obliterated the fact that they exist. 'Horse And Buggy | Mr, Mowbray was of the opi') Bulag Criticized fon a register of families, who SCHOOL BOARD Invites TENDERS FUEL OlL--for 5 Schools | COAL -- for 3 Schools | cit LATEX AND SEMI GLOSS Pink, Beige, Mevve, 2.95 cet 95¢ QT. CiL LATEX CILTONE Reg. 9.95 Gol, - 3.25 Qt. SALE 3.26 Gollon 1,10 QT, Limited Colors FURNITURE SPRAY BOMBS Reg. 1.59 SALE Qs Cit. INTERIOR FLAT CILTONE SALE Gallon MISE MAY A. MEWMAM, 7 Sesratary- Treasurer, 1128 Athel Street, Whitby, Onterie, House Paint Light Yellow Only Pittsburgh Reg. to 10.55 Gol, AYE 6.95 cat FLO-GLAZE COLORIZER 3312% off Limited Supply DU PONT SUPER WHITE ENAMEL 3313% off Limited Supply DU PONT SEMI GLOSS 331/3% off Limited Supply By DuPont 3313% off Limited Supply TOWNSHIP. OF. EAST. WHITBY Notice to Owners and Occupants of Land WEEDS Under the provisions of the WEED CONTROL ACT, Provinee ef Ontorio, PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given te elt OWNERS and OCCUPANTS of lands within the Township of Kast Whitby, THAT UNLESS NOXIOUS WEEDS on any lend in the Muniel- polity ere DESTROYED by THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1966 the Council of the Township hos directed Mr, R, P. Weed Inspector for the seid Township to enter upon the sald lands end te destroy noxious weeds in such @ menner as he moy deem proper, and thet the costs Incurred by the Weed Inspector in had been in the area for over & century, should be made an biographical material obtained Mrs, W. A, McKay wanted a ee erected in memory of| eter Matthews, hanged in the! Rebellion of 1812, Dr, McKay thought some of Centennial parade, should be re- eommended to council, School Area 1 Administrator) L. T. Johnston and Area 2 Ad-| ministrator A, W. Tyas both) told the meeting that records) were being retained, and Mr,! OPEN DAILY 7 TO 6 P.M. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. TORONTO (CP)--The legisla ture was called on Wednesday to set up a select committee to undertake a 'complete revision of the rules' under which St op- erates, Rev, A. W. Downer (PC---Duf- ferin-Simcoe), a former speaker of the legislature, said the study should begin as soon as the cur- rent session prorogues He sald the "rules we follow were made for horse-and-buggy days," per sh per sh CASH and CARRY CORNER ELECTRIC SURFACE UNIT 59,00 POPULAR UNDERLAY La x 40 4 sheets, 25 or more sheets, Only 1,29 MEDICINE CABINETS Recessed type, size 14 10 a 18, Each, only BATHROOM FIXTURES Chrome recessed type. 1 Each only eet eet 4 burner, ideal for the 95 cottage. Only VINYL FOLDING DOOR For opening vp te 32" 7 « 78", Eoch only ENAMELLED TILE BO 4 x & sheets, variety of colors, Per sheet only MODERNFOLD FOLDING DOORS a _ they lest, 16.95 li SOUTHERN PECAN HARDBOARD ROOFING 95 210 th. 3 in 1 asphalt shingles. .., 6.68 F sy ARD SELF SEALING .... 9,25 DOOR CHIMES By Miami Corey This Week Less 10 B.P. CEILING TILE WALL PANELLING 4 x 8 sheets, Grey fiasuretone carton lets only. While they lest, Only 3.99 3.:, MILLWORK 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 6,90 ,. 34,90 8.59 Fs: the discharge of his duties shall be charged agoinst the lends concerned ond placed on the Collector's Roll and such emounts sholl be collected in the seme manner os texes under the Assessment Act, UNLESS payment is mode te the Township for sald costes on or before JULY 3181, 1966, WEEDS ON VACANT LOTS OR OCCUPIED LANDS ARE UNSIGHTLY AND A PUBLIC NUISANCE, DO YOUR PART TO DESTROY ALL WEED6, M, WM, GOLDIE, Clerk, Columbus, Onterie, SPECIAL PAINT OFFER! & BUILDING If it's paint you need, we € plete line of quality GLIDDEN PAINTS, Take advantage of this special offer and buy your paint now, ARBORS, TRELLISES, etc. Fan Treille "7, 9a" tee 11,95 Flower end Evergreen Tubs OTT Ne 1 Bross Bands aa 2.20 5,35 2,70 1,35 Wall Penels W.P, Tretile 16" Brews Bands 16 Expending Treflis, Diamond nao Fon Treilis "7, 72" Oriental Planter or, 1 Cedar Plenie Tables With Tubular Frome We now carry « wide range ef ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES ASPENITE PICTU 1,10 bg ag WP. Trellis a 1,65 1,20 1,40 2.40 DODD & SOUTER 107 BYRON STREET SOUTH -- WHITBY ao FREE DELIVERY FREE DELIVERY _ 25% OFF FOR LIMITED TIME SEE THE COMPLETE RANGE ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM FIR PLYWOOD WATERPROOF BOND GOOD ONE SIDE x 30" included, ONLY 19.95 We carry @ good selection of RE FRAME ORNAMENTAL MOULDINGS and MOULDINGS FRAMED BULLETIN Ve x 4x 8 Sheets. The multi-pur- pore buliding panel with woter- proof bond, 2,99 26" x 34" CHAIN LINK GALVANIZED 13 gauge, 2° mesh, 36". Per 50° roll % 42", Per $O° roll 6.4... 48", Per S0° roll .... 36" STEEL GATES Complete with fittings fer wood post 7" Steel T Post, weunting, 42° height, 42", Per 50° roll 48", Per 50° roll mesh, 36" per 50° roll BOARDS 3.75 11 guege green plastic ad 668-5862 an fill your every requirement with the com- SHOWER STALL Finished in beautiful White ond Black porcelain enamel, Sixe 30" x 72", Shower curteln, soap dish, tops end shower head SUPPLIES LTD -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE Wood Ladders Lonoke xin tr O38, 8,60 zane Mee 80%. ON yam Regular 11,98, 10.78 22" tutension. Reguler 23.50, 19.95 eee, tate BO Wao, ear 324% 90,70 Laminated Plastic Ideal fer counter tops, end tebles, bare, ote, Reguler 60¢ 04, ft. 4x 8 sheets beast ane | le wet x8 Hunted 3,60 Myx 4x 8 pep boerd tech : ; Va x 4 8 peg beord tach VEvaR BE A DO IT YOURSELF BRICK LAYER WITH BRIK KIT -- 6.75 The complete brick laying kit, for application ever any well surtoce. 7 colors to choose from, Carton 7%" SKIL SAW model 574c FACTORY GRADE OFF CAR SPECIAL $55.00 11,75 Only 10.05 COMPLETE WITH CLIPS SPRUCE PLYWOOD With weterpreot Bonding, 44 x 4 x 8 sheets, Reguler 3.88. 3 60 SPECIAL le CMHC ACCEPTED "ae Model 59.95 c Vy" Skil drill Model soe trigger speed eontrol, regular 70,00 tert gaz. t" er 198,80 covers 5 eq, ft, All adhesives included, Skil HEDGE TRIMMER Medel 527 50' extre cord free $39.95 Va" Skil Drill Model sosc. Reg, 21,50, Special 'J Orbital Sander Madel g92c 4%" Skil Drill Model 569C trigger speed control, 39,95 YOUR PLYWOOD @ HEADQUARTERS WHEELBARROWS Scel or'woed hendiee 20:90 810 GARDEN TYPE .. ABORITE GIVES YOU LIFE LASTING BEAUTY Fast and easy te install, The erborite yeu select for your kitchen, bathroom will remain just @s fresh, just te clean yeers and years from ney, fee our complete range ef eclours an there. 4's 8 SHEETS ONLY EAVESTROUGH and FITTINGS 4" trough, 10° length, Each Downpipe, 3" - 10° length, Bach BLACK and DECKER Va" Drill Kits, 2 only, 21 95 Reg, 24,88, SPECIAL TAPPAN GURNEY REFRIGERATOR AODEL XFA41 LC, 2 DOOR FROST FREE @ Acrylic finish. , scratch and chip resistant @ I3.a cu, ft, capacit Commercih size freezer with 129 tb, capacity plus frozen fruit juice and package door rack @ 17.6 sq, ft, shelf area @ Quick-freeze ice cube trays @ Glide-out porcelain meat chest with 12 Ib, capacity @ 2 Blue porcelain vegetable crispers , , 30 qt, capacity e@ Removable aluminum door rack on built-in. egg shelves @ 2 shelves butter and cheese compartment °. Super-market door closure @ Height 59", Width 30°, Dept 'ag Reg. 469,95 ie we 373.95 J

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