Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1966, p. 5

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OE GEGOGLE LOPE EL LOR GEEP ELI OND 'Mie ANDREW ANTENNA CO, TO EXPAND PLANT: Expansion Of Plant Third Since 1954 WHITBY -- Plans and specifi: The new construction repre-\sion cables for communica- cations have been completed by sents the third addition to the |tions, industrial and military = ge se adage Ph initial 4,000 square foot building! applications and construction started jate in Which was erected.in 1954, Pre In addition to the Whithy May of an expansion of the vious expansion programs in facility, Andrew operates plants plant of Andrew Antenna Com-1957 and 1961 increased the in Illinois and California in the ny Limited, 696 Beech &t,., floor area to 22,400 square feet, U.S, and has sales offices a Andrew Antenna Company throughout Canada, the United The new addition, comprising TAmited, serving the electron- States and in Wurope 92,000, square feet, will in-ies and communications indus: Andrew products made in erease the floor space of the\tries, is engaged in the design Canada are exported to a grow 64,506 square feet, lqueney antennas and transmis:|non-communist world, i - BY - 'Church School WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY | Chure 00 Ps WHITBY - Church Bchoo! Parade Plan Discussed siiis'tiict"uti sn day morning when a total of WHITBY -- The Whitby Jay-| proposed parade route, The par-\182 girls and boys were pro- ner meeting Monday at Bpruce| High School, go along Annes &t.,/In the fall those promoted will Villa Hotel, President Dennis|to Dundas &t., along Dundas &t.,/he assigned to classes a very enjoyable fining session' Byron &t, N., along Byron BSt,, to partment with Martin Inkpen as fine-/Mary &t,, down Mary &t,, to) The junior choir, under the company's present building to\and manufacture of radio fre- ing number of countries in the - | P . ounty Town Carniva romotions Mark's United Church last fun cees held their bi-monthly din-jade will start at Henry Street|moted into other departments, Blevens presided, There was in front of Fairview Lodge to'with those already in the de master Brock St, §., along Brock direction of Mrs, D, Williams, along @ PORE LI ACEP EOP, WHITBY -- AJAX LLL GLE LEP PII BO I a ' ts ! PGR LOLOL PE SO i tr ors ot te lh OLE LE I I OR og TE COMAWA TIMES, Thuntey, Jone 16, 1966 § Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Lays Plans For Bazaar Hams a Fi es _-- - :- -__ an andbnt WHERE mR ZR WR! Lm ere 'Duplicate Bridge | \Club Winners | The winners and high seores 'in the games by the dian Legion Ladies' Auxiliar)| speedy recovery wishes ate ex- held its business meeting at th. ended to them. Legion Hall, Tuesday evening | The social convener. Dorothy with the president, Phyllis Nor Ormiston, asked members ris, in the chair, vee ape _ ng Unfinished business was the) 'Or F fan trip, was anxiliary's bazaar to be ineia| cided fo ga to Buffalo, Oct, 6, Oct, 18 at the Legion Hall with; 'This trip is not for members the following members attend only, Anyone wishing to join ing at tables: the group are asked to give Apron table, Mrs, Ann Stan, | nels names ant Soe r lick; ten tables, Mrs, Lillian | or og or Fare Connor, bake table, Ure, Mare" 4 are. Cassady; candy table, The meeting closed with due rs, Jeon King; touch and Fitual and the "Queen. take table, Mrs, Fay Cadwell; | knitted goods and embroidery, TRACTORS HAVE ALLOYS Mrs, Dorothy Tom, Mrs, Phyllis' 4 modern farm tractor in- Barton and Mrs, Alice Cart, | eorporates more than $0 parts The bazaar will be opened by made from nickel - containing the. auxiliary president, Mrs, giloys, Norris, In charge of draw tick: == = pe i Watts and Mrs, Bovay, 264%; Sept. | Miss Bovey and Mr, MeCunig, [Weupy vup priage wu were: Kast and West --- A tie; Mrs. Mrs, MeCall and Ure, Reston, M4; Mr. and Mr, Shortreed, 27, Mrs, Crossman and Miss B, Wilson, , Mrs. |Leddia and Mrs, iffe, 11%. |. North and South -- Mrs. |Spratt and Mrs, Wilson, 37'4; 43%; Mr, and Mrz, H. Baker, 2%; Mr. and Mrs, Hutehison, U4, SCANDINAVIANS SAVE There are 18,700,000 bank ac- counts in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Swoden, which amounts to 91 accounts per 100 ¥S LTD. IN SINGLE oF eee CHAMBER puone O00'dUII J inhabitente, ets for the bazaar is Mrs, Doro- thy Ormiston The sick convener said Mrs Greta MeDonough, Mrs, Lyla Collins and Mrs, Cowx were in The earlier part of the meet ing dealt with the 'County Town Carnival" parade business Lasco Bieel has donated a trophy for the best hand in the parade, It was agreed to request the resence of the Scarborough ire Fighters Drum and March ing Rand A letter was received from the St., to Trent St, up Trent 8t.,\provided the music which in- back to the High School, jeluded "All The Happy Chil- The meeting concluded with dren" and 'Allelula,"' a debate on the United States! following the service Church policy in Viet Nam, The unit\School staff, parents and chil was split in half and the sidé@\dren assembled in the Assem-| favoring the United States pol-\bly Hall for light refreshments ley won by one point and acknowledgment of the The next meeting will he June!jeadership of the general super 127 which will be 'Millionaires' |intendents, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Night", The Oshawa Jayeees Brown, who will be moving soon ne NURSING GRADUATE Miss Ronnie MeCalpin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. § MeCalpin, Searbor ough, who graduated June 9 from the East General Hos- pital, Toronto, She is the niece of Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Davie, Whitby, Bonnie will chief of police authorizing the! will be invited to the meeting, Whittlers Club Discuss Diet The Whithy Whittlers TOPS|week Star-O-Rama contest, pre- Club held its weekly meeting/sentation of a beautiful summer] jung 99, Tuesday evening at Kathleen|purse was made by the club's Rowe School, Twenty-four mem-!| president, bers were present and a loss of! "Queen" for the week is Bev 96 pounds was reported, | Pettis with a loss of 414 pounds During the business session|lrene Hunter is "Queen" for the members discussed summer) month of May, Congratulations meetings which consist of weigh-|were extended by membership in at the leader's home, the) Special acknowledgment to same procedure as last summer,| Lillian Smale who for 19 con: Diet was discussed and it has|secutive weeks has lost weight been proven that during the! At next week's meeting Frank summer months most members| of the Fair Lady Beauty Lounge, have a tendency to gain, sug-|Whitby and his two able assist. gestions on calorie counting\jants, Lynda Dudley and Gill were made and if all are honest | and attentive they should be inion the latest coiffures and will the fall when meetings will re-jshow dress-up wigs, All mem- sume (show a new slim line).| bers are urged to atiend, as this a Doreen Carrington received| should be an interesting demon apecial recognition for the fives! stration, WHITBY PERSONALS The following Whitby Kinette | Unit No, 8 for a pot luck junch: members attended the District No, 8, Zone C, Kinette Inter.| eon, Bath, will give a demonstration| #tons, the Canadian-bred mare, || |to Meaford, | be nursing at the Ontario It was announced that the| Hospital, 999 Queen St, W,, Sacrament of Infant 1 uote Toronto, and the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated! FREEMANS FORMALS FOR MEN om @t wn USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. 5, Whitby PHONE 448.2001 as -- ARMBRO ENTERED WHASTRURY, N.Y, (CP) Canada's eham pion trotting) mare, four-year-old Armbro! | Flight owned by Elgin, Ted and Charles Armstrong of Bramp ton, Ont, has been entered tn the $25,000 Yankee Trot at Roosevelt Taceway Friday) night, In the draw for post po- winner of $422,787 to date, won the favored No. 1 post, \| it GOT A HEART? Here's the Picture for it! Be Sure to See it! Club meeting, hosted by Lind-| Shella, daughter of Mr, and) aay Kinettes, at Lodge: Marjorie Gartshore,|brating her ninth birthday to- Ruth Hewson, Lois Broughton, | aay Judy Smith, Norma Souter,| "' Sylvia Snelgrove, Jean Hawes, Simone Hood, Ginny Sandford.| mrs, Marl Hargrave, 213 Dove- Dinner was served at 7.30 p.m. | dale Dr, Also to Mrs, John Trot: followed by distribution of fers, 901 Green St. prises and an entertainment program David, son of Mr. and Mra Lawrence Treagus, is celebrat- Mrs Florence Melntyre, ing his ninth birthday today, sy ily AS pe Bl For the occasion David will en ice' ir. ant wre." Gernet tertain friends at a party Miss Sharon Soble is cele Swain, 605 Maria St, W. thie i |brating her 17th birthday today, The Travel Trailer Club Asso|Sharon is having as her guest elation of Ontario is holding @\ty celebrate the occasion, Miss Rally this week at Lakeview) Jeannie Wells, of Petrolia, Park, Oshawa, Two hundred trailers are expected, Attend:| Mr, and Mra, Edward Trip, ing from Whitby will be Saturday morning, Mr, Me-|June 15, For the occasion a Ewan, president, will give the!family gathering was arranged, address of welcome, Mra, R. A, Smith, 909 Ray- view Ave, is opening her home Rest wishes to George Tran, June 14, to members of St,/RR 1, Pickering, who is cele Mark's United Church Women| brating his birthday today at thelr residence, 201 College Ave,, Oshawa, Belated birthday wishes to Mr, |Oshawa, son of Mr, and Mrs, | and Mra, Ted Thorndyke and | Alfred Trip, Whitby, celebrated | Mr, and Mrs, Forbes McEwan, \their 10th wedding anniversary) Cedar Villa|Mra. Charles Paddick, is cele) 1-6-4 pen A JOHN BECK PRODUCTION RCARDO MONTALBAN, AGNES MOOEHEAD CHAD VERT KUMAR RSS: SUL GEER CARSON ena CCUHe Now Playing = Evening Programs BROCK At 7 & 9: Saturday Matinee 1:30 SAVE 25° AT THE DRIVE THRU CAR WASH 153 Brock St. N, --- Whitby Under New Management WASH - WAX - DRIED All new °464 Ambassador o Seemmniaeancan With 7 or More Gallons OF Gasoline ccceanaans 30° REGULAR PRICE 1.00 ORCHARDS Cold Storage Open Mondey to Friday = 7 @.m, te 3 pm, Seturdays == 7 @.m, te 12 neon ROADSIDE MARKET CLOSED UNTIL THE FALL Located 244 Miles Weat ef Whitby on No, 2 Highway at the "BIG RED APPLES" lX COUPON DAYS VALUABLE COUPON THIS COUPON WORTH 25¢ Off the Regular Price, when presented for your next car wash, Hours ef operation sepeey ~-- Briday rdey 'Sundey 2 om, te 9 p.m, 8 am, te 6 pm, r | tt 10 a.m, te 5 pm Where we believe quelity la So What's new in Whitby American Motors welcomes Nicols Motor Sales Ltd, to its rapidly expanding dealer organization os Canada's newest American Motors/Rambler Dealer, Come in soon and see the '66 models from American Motors, Take a test-drive in the luxurious Ambassador----the luxury ear you con afford, See the Classic---the one car for the one cor family, There's a new wide range of superb 6 and V8 engines, plus spectacular power options and features, Or take a spin In the American Rogue---the devilish new ear that's young and youthful and funfull, One is for you--maybe two, And now you ¢an get top-quality service and parts for your Rambler at Nicols Motors Sales, The staff has been specially trained to give your Rambler the very best care and service, Come in soon to Nicols Motor Sales, Canada's newest American Motors/Rambler Dealer ! NIGOLS MOTOR SA 1190 KINGSTON RD., (Just West.of.Thickson Rd.) WHITBY, ONT, 668-3331 DPL *66 Rombler Cloasle "64 American Rogue AMERICAN MOTORS (CANADA) LIMITED whet you build In --- net whet yeu edd on,

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