Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1966, p. 31

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THE OWAWA TIMES, Thomtoy, June 16, 1968 BY 31--Compact Cars tor Sale ZOLTAM AND NICK'S __ 26---~hpartments for Rant ab--Apartmant tor Kant 1b--Aparimants for Kant (78--Noom ond Soars (30---Automobiies for Sale ! - Modern Apts. Gtiag Vo $ ; |30--Automobiles for Sele cr sadam WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING Regency Towers =D OWN GIPRARITEED USED CARS 449 Marland Ave, ® OM THE LOT AT PRESENT Phone 725-2227 1963 CHEVY n QUALITY Premier 321 Marland Ave '$00 00 Phone 728-6722 USED CARS 1964 CHEVROLET One and two bedroom. Mow PP ate We3069 4 0 cheese trom, msomatie or standard transmission 4 OVA ONE RrIngawnAn dors, Stave. Retrigerotor, 1962 CHEVROLET SEDAN WITH STREAM | Draper, FMM, Contrblled on- MONTHLY rrr es. Choica of colours, 1964 PORMITIAL 3 y TERMS | 1% LB fa we trance. levator, intercom EAS - \we-sEpRoeM Cee ate ten, Balconies and Laundry facilie PHONE Licence 197026 1961 CHEVROLET Laurentian, sedon, VB ene | gine, standard trans, aastom | lente willing fa assume hy l gman he fies on each flaer 1 interested (alephone ANE or Ott = on Bill Millar 725-2557 ov 725-1186 4 DOOR STATION WAGOM . | Seissdeas tas tant CAVALIER W. T. VAMSON 1 , LAMS NOW VISCOUNT To toweLonm | RENTING | AMBASSADOR 196] a 1964 CHEVY YAN sileg fro trae 2 miles from ety, in ett? ° One and twe bedroom apart 2 POOR HARD TOP in excellent condition, \deal tive aren, Some treed lots 0 NE ibn Hain ithe th COLBOR | tor cormmercial isa or pleas ure trip. Lic, 166678 Paved street, Close by public schol, new high echeol and Arapes, breadioom corridors, APARTMENTS intercom, FM. Immediate oc e MONTHLY Licence 1190577 22.-Lots for Sale itt iene --_, or ne, ine 'me Bug C a ee 74 me « ' om 5-10-25 eres ear a te ACRE ee eee PARCELS hg weet ye © Hyman Pent Esteve, CLOSE TO OSHAWA ava ee ae a any tere. Vib Bbé LOVELY mateshiongh 'he "kane i" country, | esti Cat adie at wo a lety corpen- ances tar tue af three aan te ont mies from Oshews Lease hey NOW AVAILABLE pocat, elophone| ROYALE Grenfell Square APARTMENTS A limited number of care- fully planned ore and two henronm wites now wraiiacle for immediate eecupancy sow , Ce ae, Ritts, bang cothed ete, ee err & a ets & Gerrerat GOUT od board. Tae ee THE ULTIMATE IM APART. MENT LIVING IN CEM- TRAL OSHAWA Far tirther information CALL MR. MOORE 725.3568 "GA ACREC ivy TrwPLyY uaa abinad Two Buildings -f Immediate Possession Starting of FI Z> Ge up niaecen Kegest Oacae j tora preed Soehawe Pros oe Fart Fi Pie hoartments, 116 Pare er & wit whores 6 FEATURING The wimost in medern trying at moderate rental rates Fis Wiles hygiaee amie jore 4 OM mete Tmeenere worries 'a oie Fenty Apartmnact igor apertmmant tor rent % VOLVO & PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ Gararg! Repair and AutoElectra Serviee Joke and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd South Oshawa 774.0921 Thi VEVSREER een. Al condition, 960040, OVERLOOKING GREEN PARK FEATURES 1, 2 and 3 bed- room ssites Free blydro Oshawe's large wntes French Provincial kitchens Double sinks 30 inch range, fully automatic Extra large Fridge with Freever Linen Drapes Walk-in closets in bedrooms Extra Two Piece hath in elf 3 bedroom suites All suites equipped with Large halconies Sauna Steam Room and Health Club Swimming Pool ~ oe, mart, retrigartar, wove, Cal Bus Service ot Door Within Walking Distance of Shopping Electrically Heated Saindproot Controlled Entrances | 560% AND WOARD; tie man, In pr 'vate Rema, witting 'o sare large faem, | vngie ads. Phone 160676 YOUNG MAEM, aostainers, "eee Warth. laundry dene, lunches gy five oF jrevendiey weak. Telephane 1750646 | FULLY FURNISHED In pond chee cleen heme | Private entrance, Close llingten Avenue. 74-0001 po dad maa jevanings, Paesession how 6060 HOME aay week, Centra) done, 719677 FOR YOUNG LADY or lemen, private heme. Telaphane TM. , RO0t AND WOARD, gentlemen hearty meals, we anys, junches pack at. Very central, Apply 96 King West across tram Speedy Mutter King. NICE DOUBLE ROOM, preaklast and lunches packed if desired, two clean, quiet gentlemen. Parking, close ta a General ihohors and Shopping, #1 Park Road Smith Outdoor guest parking LARGE «ingle rooms near 40) Highway RENTAL INFORMATION | inchee"nechat. Teleohone 43 us" |29----Wanted To Rent ; geet running pean AL 4 VAOHUALL Crota, is : cance WMSTis, $96. lariat 064, Cordova Roan, 716510), 916 WORRE, Vie we or oer, Pickering, 940GHi is SUNBEAM <i 7 ee, Tweshere Vas4\\8 between é Wa WL, enable offer. Telephone Tit) eter 1008" WALTON Wlantelda Chavrelal, Lid) one TY 1957 PORSCHE," good" gondlan. NN. | Telephone 1784787 i CHEVY ah WAG, imatic, excellent condition, 7 Ajax LUNG lenvOv '6h tation wagan, vey sree a aition, Oppertinity 'a tnd ty «ar, | 493 Fairlawn Street, | 1966 AUSTIN" A646, prekes and interior, excel Spacious Balconies Drapes Supplied foals 5 Mail Delivery to Each Suite ler nant rong hear) Breadinomed Corridors FM music throughout matic, with radio, whitewalls, discs etc, Lic, J15081, 19462 CHEVROLET fel Air sedan, 6 eylinder, aistomatic, with radio, col- our maroon. Lic, 3144372, 1962 OLDSMOBILE AR sedan, autometic, power brakes, power steering, radio, discs, tinted glass, Lic, J7083 AS SPECIALS 1960 CHEVROLET Impala, 6 - automatic, ete, $795. Lie in 1963 CHEVROLET 4-doer wagon, /-% sondard bus lines : PRICED TO SELL eupancy, $97 and up 340 Marland with rade, Local one-owner, Lic, K10268 Phone 728-5579 WO \tecre hg ad from ety Apt, WI 728-4283 1963 CHEVROLET TWO BEDROOM eeeeee#8e8e28 es Plus many more modern features Indoor Parking Available Comer of Colborne Street and Mary Street. Only 2 min utes walk from Mary Street and King Street FEATURES LOCATED OM SOUTH SIDE 119 NONQUON POAD Bel Air, wedan, VB, auto- sui bine LOTS Th Orone, Priced trom $1 Call Ray Foster W)-Orone. W/ Frank Real Estate Lid, Realtor TEN WERE LOT between Osnane. wna| Rewmanville on Rand south off Base tine. Telephone 75-4077 LAMESHORE LOT tor sala, 1§ Available for viewing any time, Please call. 726-5282, radio, J13293 an Ping Lake, Haliburton, Hye each, gerd rane Part Parry, METH GOREAVGEDN AREA -- nicely worded bate oF y for sale. Mond and hyare reasene Cali 70-0 COV FOR SALE -- Palace Harmeny, Oghawai 1iebelé COV WITH Youn water" in Orene W, Phone 613-470 afier 4 pF re, goed) ' Greet lofi! Services paid. Phone) ws | Apartment controiied entrance Electric heating Private balconies Refrigerator and stove in each apartment Drapes in each apariment APARTMENTS Immediate also tor June 15th August tet Large stoves, retrigerators, wall te wall closets and July le suites, drapes in: bed presession 728-1582, 725-798) Presenting es PHONE 723-5111 Exclusive Agent Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Limited BEDROOM howe ve in , Alan or Whitby by mindia-aged couple with ie age child References supplied, Write Bex iMee7 | Oshawa Times THREE or tour bedroom hame In gon Ie cality required by enuple with one sme child, by July 1, Call 776-3437 THREE-BEDROOM modern house with 196) CHEVROLET DOOR $41.50 MONTHLY Licence 181288 1940 METEOR Sedan, 6 standard, with radio, Lie, 310876, $350. 1959 FORD Sedan, V-8 automatic, 93\B82K, $295 195 BCHEVROLET Lie Nias, franemie- jslon. Meads minor rapeir, on best leach offer, '6) Hany J, eg . { Apply #1 F 4 ton. Best cash offer, | North 1" VAURHALL, EW Fanning Bonde tion, Catl 726-1892. 8 VAUEHRLL Vigor, Hi pe Prone o ater 4 Living reem and hedroom TY pre wired Living room and hedroom telephone pre wired Inter com in @acn apartment Broadioem in halls 1961 VOLKSWAGEN $33.50 MONTHLY Licence WA36B6 1961 PONTIAC 2 : $42.00 MONTHLY Licence 558890 196) PONTIAC 4 POOR HARD TOP $48.00 MONTHLY Lileenee 1177774 1960 BUICK 4 DOOR STATION WAGON $48.00 MONTHLY Licenee X7690 Sedan, Lic, J14605. $398, ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD SEE , AC BRICHARDS or LOUIS PHILLIPS oo COURTICE 728-6206 OR HAROLD MICHELSON or TED MILLER at BOWMANVILLE 623.2556 OPEN 9 A.M, to 9 P.M, DOWN--$30 MO, 59-61 models your ehoiee | BILL BENNETT basement, for family af tour, References supplied, Telephone 723-4163 rooms. Walk-out balconies starting $115 per month Central lecation, adults only TELEPHONE 723-6455 between 6 and 9:30 P.M BEDSITTING ROOM Furnished with ki chen, Phone 778-1742. Cail atter 6 om | wHiTRY ow Three Voom sel-centninad | 20----Automobiles for Sale 'ipplieg. Telephone aié-enrr MeN | spANiBH MOTIF apariment, locellon can SPECIAL "a Convertible Sale 6 TO GO ipl controlied electrie ally heated, }ed corridors, '64 Cravrolet, Lie, HB3718 '62 Pontiac, Lic. 178965 '62 Chevrolet, Lie, HB3709 Alor Apply bald Gibb str A distinctive apartment FOUR ROGIA" spariment to share wih '60 Mercury, Lie, 575420 '59 Oldamobile, Lie, J768) residence jgentioman. Telephone 725-6608 '59 Cadillac, Lie, H77340 | Adae = Twehedraom aparimen Harry Donald Ltd, 1 sepene, and shopping, July |, Telepi (Corner Thickson's Rad,, 942010 Ne, 2 kW Call 723-8321 Cars Bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W, OSHAWA 723-6322 --- 723-8311 _On the spot financing ALL CASH For clean cars or trucks, We deal u Pf down, Liens pe NICOLS MOTORS ITED On Highway Noe, 2, just weet of Thieksan Rd, Whitby. 668-333) KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITRY 668.589) Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality MORE CASH Licenee 42935K fee Paid tor Good Clean Cars, es PONTIAE | HOW TO GET IT: If you do not find the! Hem you. want in the Want Ads, place @ Wanted' an and get it! Bin) 77 now, 23---Real Estate Wanted be LA CONTESSA Hardwood and tile EERE aEe REET DNC! in apartment CENTRALLY LOCATED 11, Vanity in bathrooms 1 end 2 bedroom apert 12. Sliding patie deors ments, in ene of Oshawa's 13, Bachelor, | and 2 finest buildings. Balcony and bedroom apartments intercom system. Ne children Elevator service to under 12 each floor Next doer te North General Motors Plant and office Mail service to each apartment vinyl Sell-ective and Sell Your Home thru FEATURING Prestige | & 2 bedroom suites Electric Heating Individual reem heat con- trol, Pressurized corridors Free Hydro and parking, Party room with kitchen facilities, Swimming peel Saura bath, Mail delivery to every quite, Closed cir cult T.Y, for your protee tion. Large breakfast area in all kitchens, Convenient to shopping, schools and churches, 'Transportation at door, Landscaping ar- chitecturally designed. Beautiful ceiling to floor drapes BD one-bedroom apariment, hh and entrance, Bult workin ailable July let, Apply 876 Win sor Street |FURNISHED BEDROOM and kitchen. witahle for couple, aise ane single fur nished bedraam, Centrally located, Tele phone 795-7073 14 15 CALL GUIDE Realty Ltd GRIFFIN nergy Real Estate Ltd 723-8144 CAN YOU HELP ME? | need a 2 oF 3 bedroom bungalow = garage preferr ad m« large lot wm in City er close to City for a elient with @ large cath payment lf you ean help, please call Les. Hall et § D, Hyman Real Estate Limited ~~ 728 6286 or 728-5513, 16 pi ia home, BE SURE OF AN APPOINTMENT | iY toeaten, Ap PHONE NOW 942-240] Only bill you pay is your tele phone bill, All ether em absorbed by owner PRINCESS ANNE Apartments Oversize suites Olde English decor Twin elevators Heated indorr Sauna facilities Carpeted sun deck Bus stop at door Controlled entrance Plenty of parking Laundry roam each Plastic lined kitchen | cupboards Free hydra Model @ FOR RENT @ Apts, Reems, Roem & Board Office ours: Tues. to Fri 10:30 am, to 9 pam, Set 'hil 3 pm LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce $t 728-1070 AVAILABLE JULY | One bedroom apartment, Grenfell St. Fridge, stove, drapes, walk-out baleeny, ome park Adults enly, oP to 9:40 P.M, Phone 723-6455 WHITBY =| and 2 bedroom apartments, all modern. ¢ery veniences, swimming peal, elevator, built in stove, fabric drapes, Free parking, Near schools Telephone 668-5347 | bedroom apartment in Tri plex on Ravine Rd., posses sion July lat $100, manthly Ne children. Laundry and paved parking facilities \1, 2 AND & BEDROOM apariments re irigerator and stove, intercom controlied entrances, elevator service, swimming |pool, fenced in playground. . 622 Gien Street er call 724-2547 TWO-BEDROOM an bet, Newly decorated, arking, addi a' possession, Apply 86 Ritson Pe iyi or 728-8733, SPECIAL bachior apartment in apariment building, bed-silting ream, kitchen, bath roam, Completely private ofr ator and stove, Parking, ideal for couple, 90 monthly, 728-9679 27--Rooms for Rent 2 a ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home Call between 5 ond 7 p.m 82 PARK RD, N. 728-867 | BRIGHT « @orner roam, furnished for light ha seeping, Central, Cinse to | Noapital, 728-5084 |FURNISHED bedroom," very central Genileman only, All conveniences, Phone Ld) "WOOM in b alt able for one gentleman. "parking *aeiiies |Apnly. 187 Wilson Read South ivi AORTA oman iT COMET gilomaile, 1961 Ben nod os (ih, Feleorans condition, Telephone 196) AUSTIN Cimbrld et a dition, Oppertunity 7 with warrentes, wire after 6 om 'ed, Best MOTORS ldeal for Mt vA ter 5.90 Fal |Vol, power brakes, steering, heavy duty! red Interior, Fold down fg condition. Clean, fiva haw vires 715-923) atter 4 om machanically sound, iicea to 'oat pall, iA After & 7iTéha T5100 1966 a Hatropolitan wh gon Cary | atter 4 pm, Best offer new "us sequres. ENVOY 7) Willen oh ag 435 Fairinwn Street Wid AUSVIN" Haalay, Lucas lamps, exeailent neau and convertibie tops, Call CONVERTIOLT am radio, Ad He 8 ed "inv x: om fea ransmission, positrac 484 Kine Ww, washers, 23) Faun ih grea f. student or 723-037 car, Call Tala é \'66 PONTIAC Laurentian, four door, \196) CORVAIR, Monte, i, Tae jsuspension radio. Price reasonable to sell ] I jas owner leaving Canada, Telephone Phone. 9s A880 oad aime |00¥%4 wie \UMONT "converTely Banaare my, engine, 1 \'4 CHEVELLE 65, two + deer transmission, 909 | aque with matehin | aulamatic fleer shi jand wheel discs \/4) CHEV, two - matic, Phone 668 1942 PONTIAC" Laurentian, | Matic, radio, 28,000 miles, Coll 725-0987, 1966 BUICK LeSabre, 4door ""hardiop. iene brakes and steering, Danube bive Call Neweastie 987-4746. | 1942" PONTIAE, ment wiv hardion, Interior, @ cylinder, + radio, white walis, 726-9964 atier 5 pom door, hardiop, ol, ale 2084 $2,200, Telephone 723-4 32--Trucks for. Sele i) FARGO halllon iV aanien OM, Licence 149158, Marion's Garage, P Yon, Var box, cellent "el I 5485, Va, Suites Sort of a, tule $120.00 per month 1960 PONTIAC STATION WAGON 4 DOOR $41.00 MONTHLY Licence 3O9BX VALUATION LISTING & SALES NICK SIBLOCK siBBY'S i Bey ibe Cordova Rond, 725-510 '63 INTERNATIONAL, heavy duty equipment, flon _ Call Bowmany! 423" 19 DODGE one-fon | four-epeed, heavy duty suspension, in very good condition, $1000, Phone 725-8499 after 6 pm, mn MERCURY " ton truck $250, Bxeel- o shape, many extras, body 1 oben anaes cally feslty good Ful 165, omc. handy "ven, 19000 mil miles, Call Been, 728220 123-5096 after 7 pm. ee '" INTERNATIONAL, 1U i shitty good condition. Ti up, full heavy a CHEVROLET, Si-ton pick up, full seen, convertible" aulomatic transmission, white walis, tinted wind. shield, white with biaek top, Exeeilent | condition, Telephone 725-8208 afier § p.m. 1948 PARISIENNE custom sport conver: | tible, fully equipped, black with white top. Sacrifice for $2695, Telephone 795-8137. 1988 PONTIAC for sale, Goad running con aition, Telephone 725-8397. '49 FORD business coupe, eompletely re stored, Must sell by June 40, Phone 940-4767, 12 + 6 Pm iit nev iwo-door" aulomatle 1 Busellont € 444 Nipigon Street, MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY m Rental Information i 725-1481 140 NONQUON RD 1960 METEOR SEDAN $29.00 MONTHLY pool PRIVATE Acreage or small farm an paved road, with ne house or house in Al shape Al jieasi three bhedraeme $10,000 cash or more, 668-4019 24--Stores, Offices, Storage NOW LEASING MIDTOWN PLAZA Oshawa's new modern shop- ping centre, located the downtown area. Stores in var ious sizes from 1280 to 2349 square feet still availe able, 66,100 sq. ft. Departs ment Store; 22,000 sq. ff, | Food Store, and Brewer's | | piek frantmissien, string, A-l_eondition, $450, Must be Telephone 723-6413, 1943 GMC 980 seriea, en bond 97,000. GVW, 175 wheel bane, alr 4a, Vi, Papeed axie, Ligon 170468, 45, ke" new, Ford Sales, 623-2534 1964 FORD truck, hel ton, in alien condition, Telephone FaS419 after am i dimaceenepeninninet 1942 BEDFORD VAN, A:l, 25,000 miles, new paint job, inside and oul, Very good tires, Whithy 668-5349 '8 FORD 2\% ton stake body wll "racks, Telephone 493-3745 33--Automobiles Wented CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and 4 % or | speed, automatic floo ae dear "belge, aule- ood mechanical eondi fer é pm, telephone ler chan ir brake, ence = No. MaeDonald Apply LLOYD METCALF 40-King St. S$. 728.4678 \cnuRcH STREET, WW -- & nished bedroom, gentleman, preferred. Apply above address | | LARGE FURNISHED herrnom in a clean and quiet home, for ene ar two gentle men, close to north General Motors.) Telephone 128-728) ONE AND TWO bedroom some furnished, 1,000 a9. ff, for light in dustry en siorage. Also housekeeping roams, Apply Landlord's Association, §5 Bruce Stree | BEDROOM apartment tly. jinelided, Adults enly, One AND TWO - bedream "na | with or rent, Apply 98) Marland Avenue. . + Os) ae ' nr Wd ar phone 728-0094, Une Ot Wanawas peat aper TWO" ROOM Unfurnished ment buildings at very rea und private eh @ sonable rent, |, 2 and 3 Suite Open 9PM 1221 SIMCOF NORTH 725-9934 NOW RENTING WENTWORTH APARTMENTS le, fur }matic, extras CHURCH STREET -- 174 Single furnish | Trade un er dawn, Liens pele 1960 CHEVROLET | phone 723-5000 abstalner, | |tion, Best offer je bedroom, abstainer, gentleman prefers | Hopp MOTORS SALES 2 POOR $37.50 ie CHEV, WAY | | Alaw 049-4669. D| rt | led, Apply abnve address 314 PARK RD. SOUTH | | MONTHLY. |mavic. Call 728 MANSIONS 10 MERCURY, sulomalic, white, fully |BED-SITTING ROOM and fully equ 723-942) terms ' DODGE two "door, good motor and in Vi, aula / foursdoor, Va, auto ' marking Business lady, Telephone 793 | ROOMS or ranm and board, downtown In |Several Good wsed cars, '52's Up, apartments South Retail Store already leased Office and professional tower being arporated com plex partially leased If you desire « top location tor either a retail store or prestige office space parking for over 1,000 cars, average rents, call exclusive agent LLOYD METCALF | Real Estate Limited Fe ' 3 | - We modern | now and fridge jmatic, Licence HA07#4. $478. Marilan's | Garage, 290 Cardava Road, 724-510) Wid CHEVROLET, Bel Alr, A: eondl tion, Licance 16072, $475, Marilan'a Ga |Fage, #0 Cordova Road, 724-410) | Vie CHEVROLET, four-door, new paint | lob, good condition, Licence 193088, $375 |Marilan's Garage, 290 Cordova Road, | Pasesior |189 CHEVROLET Impala, two» door | hardtop, @ eylinder, standard, while, red jinterier, new tires. New brake job. New exhaust system, $750 or best offer, Call | PPA PgRS LIENS PAID OFF We trade up, down, Choose trom aver 40 cars, No downpay: ments! Gus Brown Motors bid, 720- 1, 1989 MERCURY moto, Vee, very good condition, $80, Telephone Ajax 94? SF PONTIAC convertible, lent con dition. Telephone 942,8082,, 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne Very goed condition, $1200. 195? CHEVROLET sedan with radio, best offer, Telephone 720-3849 after @ p.m 'GQ PONTIAE Parisienne, WWwodoar hard top, Va automatic. pawer steering: brakes, radia, ane owner. Telephone 42 | 2089, after § pm. weekdays only. 1959 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL $33.40 MONTHLY LICENCE 394848 1959 BUICK ELECTRA HARDTOP $31.00 MONTHLY Licence 197407 apartment, | "eg fleor, Apply} KOTOR TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723 AAA Res 725-5574 OSHAWA AuTe | PA - = Wanted for wrecking, Tires rta_ for sale, VIS Nelson Street @ as m4, LAKESHORE AUTS | h. care for wrecking. 200, Wentworth n Ea SHAW auro V bought, parts for , bought, Bloor §& ree WANTED --- Cars for 'wrecking, enarae for towing, Robert Nichols, 79% 549, 34--Automobile | FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655.3659 @ Moter Rebuilding @ Cylinder Rebering @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Trenamission @ Crankshoft and Valve Service TRANSMISSION | special ranemis: sions are our saly business: " veane Simece North, Phone ? 7a, 35--Lost 'and Found ay a + Bet craven mei in vielni aton's Plaza, Vai 'aka. apariment, unturnished Telephone 723-4900 after 4) Ward 40 KING ST. E ane 28-4678 WANTED IMMEDIA rt 400 ground Fiant ren heat | ¢ entre hours LEASE quare feet tice space and hack entrance please state ns oF ex ete "convertible 400 4684517. 1959 FORD in rent ine fe a ions as te "wollable tr taxes ? wanakeeTne r $10 weekly, Apply Aply BOX M2844? OSHAWA TIMES WAREHOUSE 2,500 te sedan, auto lai FORD. Vi wulomatic & Special terms for first appli beds, parking apace, Apply 48 Alber!!jesg" O@LDSMOBILE twodenr hardinp 116 EADILCAG™ convertible, Eldorado. utes walk from Gen 1959 PONTIAC |Five-ronm apartment with bath, Available! i959 CHEVROLET hardion, 4 aulomatie, lan's Garage, 290 Cordova Road, 725-510! room suites includes every rlvate't " Private home, available immediately, €@r:\44 CHEVELLE Super Sport, wa ~ dear |Marijan"s Garage, 20 Cordova Road | MONTHLY trolled @ Mail deliveries te [tral Hotel @ King $1 W., Oshawa. Mr 8. 1943 OLOSMOBILE Fad suite furnished by Wilson |steadily empiaved geniieman, Parking, ior: POW tyes, transistor radio; many Wi Rental representative on duty "Room FOR RENT. double bed, Apply |Dle, V8 automatic: power steering, power thing the only bill will bath, | residential ho Apply 110 Switzer Drive| over $450, Dial entieman, Telephone 795-0596, at 493 April 20th, Rental represent PHONE jmarried couple, Apply 48 Drew Street Condition, $435, Telephone 798-748) trally able June |, One) from 1-9 p.m Parking, Phone 793-5592 Condition, Phone 728-4248 afler § pm furnished apartment, wishes to share with) 723-6255 '4 Crevar Ave | Wreckers, W350 ». Parking space. Laundry facil 723-0362 BEDROOM apart Suit gentioman, Apply 36 Fernhill Biva.| Telephone 7252756 rs Young clean couple, Three large rooms. |stave, ret r all FURNISHED light houseke Parking, /nterior best offer, must sell, a2) 7409 siove, refrigerator, heating, laundry fa QRIGHT three-roam furnianed apartment! ywo.nenRoam aparimen! Yo whlet iN weD.giTTING ROOM | | Rest offer, Telannane 72.778) |APARTMENTS FOR RENT \ and 2 all conveniences. an ater 4 pm $25 50 nel Incl \ / ry includes balcony, paved parking, (Gentleman only Late ® we WoLeY Bh T evilnaer, | COMPLETELY FURNISHED modern be halk Tinned rapes supplied, Telennane 728-2070 at 783-4670, with frig, and fable 'Ar Vath Weal har lAvaiianie duly } in residential east end. Raleeny and . ' pola, ether Gatrads original ewner, Phere tgp gph Grmecieleta Geum 4 TO SHARE two furnished rooms, Hwo BRFIONS, SMB monthly, Slave and re ae | NN 1) weekly Site General Motors south plant Ma RR tpl al itd il Powered. Very good enndition, $425, Tele kitenen, At by i] Ivil Immediate Occupancy i us stop. Laundry privileges STRETCH DOLLARS, R, B, Motor Sales cants Rent now and you cation, central, single or to share, single arranged, trades accepted 509 Biner & Licence J8557 tires, Telephone 725-5904 will save. Located § min , | Alreet, 28-9643 | Clean inside and auly mechanically good leance J§902, As) conditian, qual car 417 BYRON SYREET NORTH, Whithy.|/Bowmanvilie 423-9824 pit nt fully powered, equipped, Mari eral Motors CONVERTIBLE | @ One, two and three bed June | lradio, Must sell, $478 ar peat offer, Tele | ; : by vidi hay A e 1955 CHEVROLET, good body and motor, FURNISHED bedroom for gentieman ini phone 725-0885 $36 50 fur good fires, Licence 1979, $175 i e immi Pool @ by ae ewer iy a dae Wal. Telephone 70-008? |hardion, Vel molar, new tired, A') candi . | 725-810) muysie Mercam COM ROOMS TO RENT, weekly, Apply Cen-|!0". Telephone 728-9897 |1989 CHEVROLET, 4 cylinder, auio A Licence 91970 you door @ 2 elevators @ Lachran 723-0121 steering, Vea hydramatie leence | M large balconies 9 medal SINGLE, furnished bedroom for alshilt on floor, bucket seats, white Inier. 1 } lane black trom 'nerth" General Matera, /olher extras, Phone 72804i3 or 725-140] as urniture Co Call 726607 1968 PONTIAC Customs Sport, convert! bedroar te clude ever OM nedroam suites inclu very Mil cea Daily 1-9 p.m. at apartment, \" Nassau Street, 725-2198 brakes, Radio, Whithy 468-3934 cs hie ahené. Chaliran sca} Bm, 7281982 |TWO FURNISHED bedrooms in quiet |'#@ DODGE x0 " yOu Ory i " | come. Model suite open [ONE PURNISHED room: would Wit ene 885 Oxford St, {arcana 19 PONTIAC Parisienne, bdoor hol Street |LARGE housekeeping roam, suitable for|/!op, 6 cylinder, automatic. radia, ative on wi daily at apart THREE-ROOM anariment In Gahawa Cen | LARGE Fur 42 CHEVROLET Bel Air, bi «evil menti o 75 Wentworth St ted, A URNISHED room, 2468 = Pine|' el Air, blue, & eviln:| eS child Ba el phone 66a-a18e. | 723-826) (al Grenfell) Close to Shopping |der, standard, radio, white walla, good | BUSINESS GIRL wilh two bedream. | Morning and after LARGE furnished bedroom, kitchen and| GRILLS radiators, all car parts, Late 723-8701) another girl, Call 7282776. laundry privileges, Parking space Apply |maciels our laity, Courtice Auto! > ROOM apariment, private bath after hours BRIGHT spacious furnished ream in| 194 FORD. hardtop, Wwortonr, tour speed Telephone 720-2058 after § p.m ONS. AND Two clean home. Close te shopping centre,|!ransmission, 380, No down payment : BASEMENT ariment iectric = heal enariirant et ey iments avaiianie, Wa one ns |W CHEVROLET convertibie, new ton [MODERN twohedroom apariment, De Privale bathraam and entrance. Parking |drapes. Al! es included, $1ts Maan ing room, inj A} condition, 283 rebuilt moter, all new Foraled iy suit New tenant, Balcony, space. One hahy weleame, Phane 7208468 (ly and up Phone P2865 ey share aa aay facilities phane |) PONTIAC Laurentian, Va automatic fies inchwied. Avatianie July |. Tele: SEDAN Wy for counle only. Threepiece separate twa! all Power, radia, white wails, Must sell f phone #28-24 z ie bath, electric range, refri Bega jWwhithy Telaphane 44 468-46 nee girls. Phone 720-9 mn . ' Two: BEDROOM, | SPACIOUAY Lanvdawne SINGLE light nr F BUIER A) caneilion. €210. Chev leriate " mM 4M sea ns One a = wits laundry facilities, stave, ree Albert Street wi, Ce ee ee Pe available in maker apartment pultding I er" bd 4 ifi hift U alc. 8 Avaliaple July | Fie? z MONTHLY par shift, radia, must $450 oF bes dale Gaavinaa "UR EAA deat north end. Electric steve, retrigera * AED.SITTING ROOM, wi CHEVY Vy fourdeer Lieenee 19984) |otter Telephone PA440h alter 4 pm and baih, alsa: housekeoning facilities i stave. Suitable for ona/ matic, radia, whitewalls, anaw tires, seat - vu PRIVATE, three: roam apariment, un ONE-BEQROOM iment iN ene at gentleman, Call ISAM VA automatic, good body and mechanic 47) monthiy, 720-5064 nished: also halt a basement: avail [pana 8 on wartaings, Be ene Ay FAS\4) daytine; TESTIS evenings 1958 CHEVROLET [rnalon Rest offer over $575 ea can. |RACHELOR tworonm aparimnenta one oF reumeniarelys Souale WIN one cM. | A Vliaple June Ty Call Guide Realty Ltd. Wit" fridge, stove and TV. single. beds. |'M PONTIAC 4 evlinder aulematic. Wx pan ae A 1 ee Apply ah Mary Street at SEDAN trigeraior, fourmiece bath, Electric heat ROOM apariment, large Hilleraft, ar telephone 72@- Jand hydro included 7248125 after. 4 1°08 | OUNTLAMAN Ta share Wil Wwrianet AVAILABLE for three or fo i Road South Us i Gove Read. Without Pi b- stove, | Rouse With three ether young: men, Pret oF four weeks j Road South truck May be ~ Pass, ¢ Rist e474 hours '9 T GVONADIG, | BURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED three i roam apartment, Heal and lights includ ending, heated ted on short term |e. Immediate possession. Apply 283 Sin clair Avenue | ly office worker fed nerth ot furnished ream in private home, Sul Ore child waicome, Tap | ran eric, waren, see able for gentieman, Abstainer, 72-4078 ve. Narth, or phone 14) Oshawa BEATTY AVENUE turniahed hwo Foom| - Vern Marten, Paul . ~ soiern sethcentained apartment Real, Avera in IRE DSIVEING ROOM snd Willy "sasinees mited, Realtor, 728 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, - garage cluded. TV gullet, off street parking nitenen Al bus stop. Laundry privileges ; mote J and TV, bos stem at doar, two bedrooms, V0 weekly, 723-20)8 after § Parking, Business lady, Telephone 72% 23.832 after [iarge livingrcam. Kitchen 'and bathraam. TWO ane. bedroom apartments in Whit | POR. | Widew or iady With one ar twa children, (BY: fefrigerater and -atave included, $110 mm ROOM unturnished baveren' | neous furnished. lad vmediate possession. (28-296 4120 mantnly Catt 608-5992 *, priva' entrance and bath, -] adios OF i ¢ "a Rydre included: Telepnone Very clean and convenient FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT jor rent. Pri ONE-AEDROOM apartment with retriger ? Avenue or 7259404 after 4.40 p.m vat ' riemen alor and st 1, light: \ vate ae. Call at Apartment 4 49 Wayne | Set One sees weal, i ANE WOTRT I NeW SUERGOM aparimeni to real Free| ROOM TO RENT, pool, Lane ore aout : eee rene, on | W¥dre, fridge, stove, radia, $108, Damage CAl! after ? p.m, Paha SUBLET larse oanededraam apartment Maren era Fridge Ss and keva already paid. Children wh jo) pay ientahed team "Vignt heunaheun in modern building. Apply 130 Gi tr Stove. $45 man' watown area, One . 1 Ring ? . ' y Apt . , a: Apaty 9 Give Street enid welcame. Waitey on: 2. Qatere Stree Ring 7 ate. an | Me COntral Cait PARAM? after So pm. |Apply Ohl Myers Street between 5 ane tam KING STREET WHAT --"Claie le Shop BORON apartments FURNISHED ROOM with we of Kitchen - | ¢ ee fom apariment, frie Telepnane 728?! '#) CHEVROLET convertinie, new tan, 6 ance and shove. 5 welc ome Availanie July eve er cellent condition' $478 Phone 722-9899 linea y) x Wilson $ 1,00 | 1988 PONTIAC hardios 'Sh CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder sedan, radio. Gisea, tweteane, geod mechanically, very 1 condition in weeian tessa eearan MONTHLY Satake OP STAN TE meh TAME sane ROWE. Call ealiet WH "4 E ateantag rane? we Fa Liane 941676 nr PONTHAS station: wagers TWO BEA\ . in vicinity at Martin any a has Clean bosy and paint, No ruse, $400 oF 238.4086 w | Telephone 'AAR 0088 e Road and Bowmanville, Telephone heat offer, Telephone 7RSA885. | a7 CHEVROLET vation wagon, ood | 2410 ALL AT THESE LOW 143 CHEVROLET fel Air, twodonr ntiemen condition, new lives, low mileage, Apply yaee DOWN PAYMENTS Mitenell leylinder, standard transmission, renuill engine, body like new, Whitey 668-2108 "G) PONTIAC, six, four + doar, autamatic, power steering, power brakes, radia and jwhitewalls, new Best cash after | STORE FOR RENT a) West. Ghoad lncatinn Re Avaliable now. Ca Mrs Tarcnia. evening Two SEPARATE 60rqQuare font waces he new King Park Front and ack eatrance, Elect apa tn . daetivts CAMpAnes Ap te Plan © Road corne wer 1.000 SQUARE FEET ba ven), at King Park Pi price Wee For" eae ewe modern plaza. sultadie for iadiey wea. ee Sitbyy Rea Exiate 2M STORE FOR RENT trwatoan Hen Suitanie ¢ small Qt per month. Phone 7h4200, % Bond Sires? + $108 per month. | Tayler 4042045 TO BUY OR SELL FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET ottice Plaza hea WS FORD V8, 289 automatic, new tires under warranty Make offer Telepnane A Availanie 4 apariment duilding July ist. Quiet adults) jus Te week ty Witny 668-359) POR JULY AND AUGUST only wi pachelar apartment $4 Simcoe North pnene JENN. FURNISNED | trees be Sutaple fer ane or two working eiris. tran East ond. Abataingrs anty 725-438) Awe Soach, & cylinder automatic. turqunise ha Simene Street South atier aix p.m LOST . Silver charm bracelet, twe en Stoves lachuded cylinder, automatic, pertect ednditian. | a Can be seen anytime, Telepnene 723 | With while top, very clean, 2.400 miles araved charms, keepsake, Please tele ir) PONTIAC, V4, automatic, hardier. 399) M4 and July 1X $119 monthly MOTORS ' Nee ee room, |Contact Larry Kennedy, Toranta 4444) 1057 METEOR V0 standard Park ra] radia, Other extras, Gre ewner, $1800 Prone 725.39 twertane, whitewall tires and discs. Very prone AEM CLEAN, sult' gentleman. ior Writhy o68-aal) Detween a am. ane! ers, goad tires. Ragy and interior wate Tam 484 KING ST. W, ony a ) Fadia wash sm furalsned. housekeeping. home. central PAD-9224 Phane 729.4442. e Qood mechanically and Body, $480. Phone 09 Street West furnish TWO-RERROOM apartment stove and ne quiet j | Rowrnanville a2a.san lesa CHEVROLET 4 doar hardion, 4 PM? 490 menthiy. Ao retr ior, Grapes $122 mantnty, in lepers j am, Who CHARA SeeeINING. ANION HOW. TOR: anuTEy One-rowm twrniahed, ayits/189 METEOR, 6 _ Phone 720-1282 jane for_one woman, _Telepnane 4a8-260) moun mene apartment: UP /RUNDAS BAST, Whilny lage, separate So jwaturntaned second -- tinar $7 montriy, part of Ryde Tele Inaisekeening if desired phone after 4 am... 724010) 448.2200 x eal on SHINE Aw y % | TWO three roam Qparimenis, one $88 and jone SM monthiy, Elderly counie or one ent space fo | adv! * only need apply, Telephone 668.2308 Feanonanl® | waitay One and Twebedronm apart W. Sehatamana Realtor, 660 ee IREAL SHARP 1959 Buick tnvicta, con (Directly across from the | verginie, Alt power equipped, Excellent Oshowa Shopping Centre) condition, Aust sell, TAO, 723-0371 a PONTIAC one owner, Black four oar sedan, perfect condition. six eviin Ger, radia whitewalls, 358 Rossland West Open Nightly Until 9:30 p.m linger, stander, syne ae Lye white, radio, S988 Tele oon | PRORTS, Alaa we BEDROOM ape ' , cally he . MODERN "UNFURNISHED. three. roam GLARSTONE Apartments meray DD) ed omer Apartment, With BAIA, shart walking dis-inath, steve and trig ent ¥ 4t tance. from aarth alent Availanie J [town and "aly Die duly ARODPIAQ centre 08-4390. were Rema, Telephone 723/006. 'Telepnane 726-4006, Large vrign |e foom. Light 4 RAMI ® "Clanie - w v $4 monthly leptinns, atl! under warranty. Must se!) ai leaving country. Call P2340? ar 668 Times Action" Want) ** vy king of USER CAR PARTS, font tele trailers, alae Gest, atte « Ps. a? tree rooms. S724 a! tn dawn Adults only ory sea yu) VA. standard 20.0706 afte Metear yom, Ca MERCURY FONaition spindies ta make aed tires, S09? Blnor Street naw). a gee om anes rane 723.499,

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