Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1966, p. 28

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2B THE COMAWA TIES, Thursdey, June 16, 1966 'The Shortest Distance Between Buyer and Seller -- A Want Ad' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. ; \6--Marine Equipment en nd S| 2 WEEKS VACATION ? | | BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | "gia Se sae eee [8-----Articles for Sele FREEZER SALE All Firestone Freezers hove new thin wall design --- more storege spoce in less floor spoce, single and interior IGS, MHAQNATC gGatkels, tam- per-proot inner control, $ year food insurance protection, 15 cu. ft, ,, $188 18 cu, ft, ., $199 23 cu. ft. ., $219 Also available with alumin- um liner and tubing, at smell extra cost summer? Forget that btn 2 weeks ond invest in lasting 190) wher Sie om fun. A BOAT from your |W HONDA, i wiles, EE, Fm reprecren Evinrude & Crestliner Deoler PRMAU/A VACUTM AVE ITH Harbor Rd. off Simeoe St. 5, 723-#1 86 WW PLYWOOD beni, 15 horsepower, 7 ing with tarp and trailer, in Kav geo condition, VW. Veepnone 17% $ om. ss W OAV € 4' beam, fible top, @ Evinrude, tar hogeny deck. Deep ~~ sate Excasient, OF4-Sthd ais if set 'Hh POWER cruiser, steel hull, Hacker peepee twin Chrysiers, sieaps six, whe bcthahon, 1 College Sires, Kingston ayikenaPy" Grew Traveller bonis. Evinrude motors. Open evenings and Marine Siorene vi Brockiin, 655-364 ra i added Accountents Building Trades [Building Trades Ey | QUALITY. CARPENTRY ' & GENERAL REPAIRS For ali your home improve- ment problems, call us first, tetee eee ig et 6 a IMPROVEMENTS | ren 22778978,, .., _|Gerdening ond Supplies SMITHS TREE FARM Cedars for Hedges Cedar posts ~~ poles Fencing ond supplies For Farm or town Fancy Workmanship Call | cole Newtonville 786-2283 r . ncaa wemys . Lats CARI TRAILER tor for Terk, ib A SIRAAGEST HLAMD, cre cot. Phone TH-0% an, O6/SHE LAND POPPED WR FROM | cal | AT, SUBMERGED CRATER. DD 1 1907, 7 eR » CO (WEAR OTHE AL LEVTAMEY 960 16FT, LeU) PS. thr ee-burner range 'SCRA, Z 1 cute with ov new tires, Propane, 110 volts Mahle Tele i aS) HOPKINS, BEADLE customers ac | Phone TII78 after & Accoset Dn \00 op Gunlity, tield and nursery ts, i" pel, Promph delivery, Tis. ' |5--~-Trailers fe oe od GENERAL CONTRACTORS a + 19925 or 773-9900 t " ij RESIDENTIAL---INDUSTRIAL | CUSTOM WELDING - | sevuway-@mAUHLTT your pal we 5 | RENTALS -- SALES |W PeTERbORD BOAT a "16 Pion | COMMERCIAL @ Industrial 192 per yard, Top soll, 4 yards and up, | " ' By Doy or Week [Telephone Whithy bbb-4756 DAY, , cartitied © Contrecting wr jan winter " [WANTED 10 REWT -- Boal with over! BUILDIN «a 9H, Oshews G @ Farm Equipment 44 HP motor for inst week July or first -- Shop 2. ll CONTRACTORS cap eas week in August or both. Phone Dunbar GENERAL AND-COST accounting, includ-| fon BW-4D4 oe ns -- BOAT. TRAILER, on 6. tng complete bookkeeping, financ a! state ments, income tax, Cost analysis, pudget Carpentry 4 ' A FINISHING CARPENTER, | does kite) control etc, For further information cali| Remodelling and Additions to | chen cabinets, vanities, bar cabinets in 942 Homes, Offices, Stores, recreation room and trimmings. Tele sper Factories and Showrooms i Barristers a Plumbing - Heating ~ Electrical JAMES MACDOWALD, BA, LLB Air Conditioning Installations Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub phone 173-1991, Joe Kotak, 773-4146, La Sekaee eter ett Mpenis| BATHROOMS, available, Tia or TE-ANT, KITCHENS MODERNIZED RECREATION ROOMS BUILT TO ORDER conver fin, me hy " " lor chitaren, fh No down payment, as low os $13 per month Firestone Safety Centre 190 King St. E, Oshawa QUALITY ALUMINUM PRODUCTS |14FOOT MOLDED plywood runahoul, 25 REASONABLE PRICES HP Johnson motor, Telephone 71406 Doors, Awnings and Sidings OME KO f tresses Fishing Rods --- FOOT CRUISER, fully eouloped, As For Free Estimates Call 15 Ai YALE Chartered Komen fees in pemrery, Be Tent Trailers --~ Tents ---~ Dining Shelters ---~ Sleeping Bags ~~ Colemon Stoves --~ Coolers ----~ Lanterns ~~ Jugs ~ Tent Heaters --~ Air Met- HOW Many AMERICANS QUT OF EVERY GO ARE DIABETIC 2 linstruction FINISH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Grodes 6 to 10 courses prepore you for many govern Ail O5MOSCOPE COREE 10 SMELLY ASCIEMTION CAM MEASURE THE (RENGIM O"ORS WITH MACHEMATICAL ACCURACY, ban oi "i Genere "Wh pounds capacity, Telephone 7756306, WUT. SPORTS runabout, 0 HP Me cury, Tee Nee trailer, Best offer, Tele phone 173-5166 sper eee Fexorw tree TTT WOT HD Ta Boats KAMPING ' UNLIMITED | aeenene re sr Soi a beat, % HP|BED - CH 5 Kirk 728-9760 14FT, RIVIERA fibregiass beat, 1 + ESTERFIELD, odd chpir, cot Cots Stools Aluminum | Dentistry | condition throughout, Must sacrifice! 723-50 BIALEK, OR, £, F., Dental 112 Simcoe Street Worth, Oshawe. appointment, Tt 547 or Res, T-4ass CAREFOOT, OR, JOWN MW, Denisii ment sponsored trade Courses, Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa @ Up to grade 12 equival For appointment, 728-6171 ancy courses for job improve- | ment | Surgeon,| e For habia Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS Dressmaking BO ee Pea © Senior Metriculotion course Expert repairs to all makes "MODERN DRESSMAKING", 17 Prince) prepares you to write provin | of washers, dryers, ronges, etc See ee, Gteties ati, meeJ°| cial examinations for recog- | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ meawmire suits, dresses, skirts, etc, Cus formers' materials, expert services, Ree nized. certificate sonable prices, 728-631) © All books end A provided FURNITURE and APPLIANC Simcoe §. ~~ Oshawa ORESSMAKING -- Sulis, cols, dreseen © Low monthly poyments-- 452 Telephone 723-001) siterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting @| income tax deductable | | | | DOC'S SPEED | Tor Frank HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and WILLMAN Barristers, Solicitors, Ma King Street East, Oshawa; R, Humphrey, QC; G, &. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB; 4. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB, Office T2S-1177; Residence: 175-4604; Whithy,! MA-276); 728-4916; 7255123, NHA and} ether first mortgage funds avaliable, GREER AND KELLY, Barri tors, etc, 114 King Street 173-4078, Residence Phones QC, 7-746; Terence V 778-5832; Thomas H, Jermyn, 125-1662 oo JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Sollcitor.| Maney to loan, Office, 14 King Street! East, Oshawa, 176-8297 | FRED ®, JONES, LLB, Barrister and) Solicitor; temporarily 130 King St. €.,) 779-4137, Residence 725-035) | ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA,| BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, 73 Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m 5% pm Evening appointment, Dial 3 ¥66) | EASY BUDGET PLAN Let us solve all your Building Problems and Requirements supplies ae) Boss rock lations ove material TOWER Summer Prices Call MR. TV TOWERS 37B King St. W 723-9525 TV TOWERS LTD sovye fr BA, bottom instal tad! Also FREE ESTIMATES SUBWAY TRAILER PARK | 24-HOUR SERVICE | AND SALES 1010 DUNDAS ST, E WHITBY Parts and Accessories | speciaity, Mrs, Toms, Whithy, 668-2372, @ Mail coupon for full in & CUSTOM EXPERIENCED DOressmaking formation te Reduced Sr a CANADIAN ACADEMY oe a, Gardening ond Supplies "R . 40 Main St. W., Hamilton, | ( , Ontario | parts "Where Customers Send Their Friends' ITV----Radio Repairs eleciria motor, Wiscott fil! frame tralier,|fee table, suitable for cottage or rece . tarp cover, life jackets, paddies, cruise-a |room, Telephone 725-0595 or apply 316 King 728-9942 dy Jank, 61000,'or nearest fier, Phone| Arthur 'ree 6s | Townline Rd. North 1494 FULLER BRUSH Products "bowmen- | mile north of King St, Eost (1# FIBREGLASS BOAT, 4 horsepower ville, Newcastie, Oren, Courtice ail Bur. vee " jmotor and trailer, thany extras, Tele-\ham County residents, Telephone daytime |phone 623-6240 afier 6 p.m 724-0444 ' GOLDEN FALCON MARINE MOTOR repairs, outboards, aii\| FRIGIDAIRE dinch electric | ree, o Mi TV ey makes, jawn mowers, garden tractors, | cellent condition, Phone NibOU ister owers ORBIT pick-up and delivery, Guarenioed WOrk:| THREE ROGME of furniture, Ti | O tock d jPunbarton 639-1742 |kitchen, bedreom. sets, $299, eres § verstocke CORSAIR 7%, WP EVINRUDE in A-i condition.| monthly >) | Complete new head, 10 hours running wd REFRIGERAT! for | ioe per $10, Telephone = WHIPY ling range, abe een ath pu. | fester, wc, All good condition, #150, Tele TRAVEL TRAILERS | gcimsner wi eae aaa if iphone 723-9909 afier & p.m. used two months, One year warranty |remaining, All harness and controls in | THRER-QUARVER wee pene bee wih cluded, Phone 728-0369, {ress and spring, $25, Powered reel |14FOOT MOLDED PLYWOOD bosl with|lawn mower -- overhauled and operating, | windshield, lights and trailer, $775, Three|$20. Telephone 723-4442 new GoKaris, $150 each, 725-0540 VILAS, red maple, sropioal tape wih speed | 1966 JOHNSTON quiboard, 40 HP electric,\six matching chairs, rea ie pri pi | Phone 728-68) Telephone 778-4774 after ret , | err, ayia STRIP boa! 12 HP motor| TENT, "Hollday/" 9 x V0, and" luggage and freiler, good conditio reasonable waver Sullable for camping, Phone ie. | Apply 671 Annapolis, Oshawa, | fen slike, | Sale on chrome ace grills, discs, Mister Brick ond Block Work -- Oshawa, Plastering Basements Waterproofed --~ Tuck Point- MAIL COUPON TODAY Name Address Riven TABLE, Arborite Wi ing ~~ Parging -- Concrete | Steps, Walks, Drives, Floors, Retaining Walls Asphalt Paving Roofing --- Alu- minum Eavestroughing -- Alum, Eavestrough Screens, Aluminum Siding ---~ Roof Vents, Flashing, ete All Types Windows and Doors in- stalled and converted-----Car- ports, Brick Block and Frame Garages ~~ Painting, Interior and Exterior ---- Floor Tiling, Cleaning, ete. Hardwood Floors Laid, Sanded and Cleaned Build a Dormer and add another floor to your home increase your income and have privacy Convert your home into a Duplex -~- Bungalows conver- ted to two-storey 336 BRUCE ST, Phone OSHAWA 728-2061) Sub-office Bowmanville 623-3110 CLASSIFIED RATES # | word ApS Cash additions secutive 24 words, each words, insertions additional words secutive insertions additional words 2c $5.04 Charge -- 10 per cent additional charge i not paid within & days Method of Counting Less then 44 words counts as 74 words; each word initial, figure or abbreviation counts as) one werd: phene number counts two words BIRTHS-DEATHS-- SOCIAL NOTICES | $2.25 per insertion with 28 cents addi tlonal charge if not paid within & days.) IN MEMORIAMS $2.25 for the first 38 words each thereafter plus '2c. per verse; 25¢, additional charge within & deys CARD OF "THANKS $2.25 for the first 35 'verde and be, each thereatter with 28c, additional eharge |i not paid within & days. COMING EVENTS $2.24 per inch (dispia first @ words and Sc, (Word Ads) AUCTION SALES $2.14 PER INCH PER INSERTION, and ie line of { not paid $1.75 for the each thereafier DEADLINES WORD ADS Spm. DAY PREVIOUS OST AND FOUN ats DAY OF Guat ICATION 8 7H AND DEAT DAY OF Mal ication ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Parking lots, gas station, ete Order now and save $ $ $ | IN MEMORIAMS and We will grade, stone and CARDS OF THANKS pave. Complete job for-only Spm. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column --- 4 p.m, day previous; umns of larger - 2 col 10 a.m, day previous, | 20c per sq. ft. Five years written guarantee 12 Years of Experience LANDSCAPING &| KING BUG KILLERS Atox Rose Dust Garden Dust Diazinon D.D.T. Sprey Pomogreen Dust ---~ Fruit Sprays Gardenall Ant ond Grub Killer Siug Boit Cygon 2E Fungicide Spray Weed Killers Tank Sprayers Hand Sprayers Dust Guns Garden Hose and Lawn Seakers Melnor Sprinklers RX15 Fertilizers Lawn Seed Peat Moss OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY --- SATURDAY DAILY DELIVERY COOPER-SMITH 16 Celina Ct 723-2312 723-1139 1909 spray Tools Est MAPLE LEAF Phone Dept 105 HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME IN SPARE TIME Low monthly poyments in clude text books and instruc tions, Prepares you to achieve Ontario Diploma by means of Provincial examination For FREE information American School, Dept. 8, Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario Name TUITION In mn, F |SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, Prompt service ene ta piney We Mead by Walter Ward, 264 Chestnut Street | 1, C. Luck B.A, 513 Byron Whitby, Telephone 668-3866. Janitor Service \eRLLANS CLRANED Wy heuseneld repairs done 199 hee | appliances, furniture etc, 623-7276, JANITOR SERVICE -- Clean back "write, Street South, fake away of discardables such as) 24 hour towing mechanic. Open 7 doys 10, 1600 King & 728-778) Rent A Piano SFE HEINTZMAN & Company Ltd 79 Simeoe St. N., Oshawa Telephone 728-2921 GUARANTEED REPAIRG to ail reer | Free estimates, Cail washers and ranges 728-1742 ar 123-001) | ARC and ACETYLENE weilding end cul-| Basi fing. Reasonable rates, 809 Biner | Phone 723-298) | Septic Service on calls, | West, Whitby, 668-2563 "| Surveyors |H, PLIM AWD TROLLOPE, Gniario Land nameved,| Surveyors 112 Elgin Street Bast 466) | ooNeVER and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario prints lLand Surveyor, Commercial blue \i Onterie Street, 725-5632 yerds,| jpasements, Also scrap taken away, 723-! TV. Radio Repairs Money. to Loon | WILL LOAN" you UP fo §5,000 a reasonable rate of interest to consolidate! worthwhile purpose providing you are sieadily em-| Telephone | your bills or for any other ployed and have good eredit 122-4431, iMortgages MORTGAGE } | | } f | TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED TAUNTON RD, E, licensed "till Phone Summer Prices ONLY 40° 4/' Structor. | 40' Bad Structer 2 50! a | Tower Head Tower Heads Tower Head Structor 1 50' 1" Tower | Stracter 2 Heads | 50' 1% Tower Structor ROTORS Add Additional Manual Automatic FAST SERVICE SURVEY NO OBLIGATION MISTER T.V, TOWERS 378 KING ST, WEST 723-9525 to Tower Service Call Only $2.50 FAST T.V, SERVICE DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 am | | to 9 p.m | 49,00 59.00 59.00 69.00 Heavy Duty Deluxe 74,50 Price 50,00 60,00 | TRAILER RENTALS SALES Authorized service, Domestic, Astra, Bowen, Coleman, Due Therm, International etc, Coleman, Primus Camping Equipment MILLER 9 Tudor St., Ajak - 942-3491 RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE ~~ RENT Open Sundays 2-4 P.M BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE at 40) and 28 885 4245 Lot a ' whole pe, 7} Apply 80 Brock Street West, Oshaws, | TRAILER FOR RENT -- 18° cabin trail jer, sleeps 6 propane stove, ice box | partially equipped, ctric, By! week-end or week, Phone ms §. [TRAILER HITCHES made and di | also all types of welding don adie, Portable equipment for 6840 | CAMPER, 725-5906. reason rent, 723 fits Vefon truck slophone siove and oven, te | lacks, electric eord Apply 482 Cromwell | | Avenue | pox TRAILE steel frame and jand lights, 623-7585. |6----Marine Equipment uitable for a, Ow SM, camper. | Licensed | Anchors Away We're Sinking |7-Swap and Barter cA Lat BINETS with sink or vanity basin 649 undry tubs, bath tubs, tollets, pres sure sysiems, flushomatics, septic tanks, pipe and fittings boats motors, trallers,| garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside and Park South 723-7088 8--~-Articles for Sale WHEEL NOW ! SIX SERVICE BAYS For Auto Service e ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply mouth, Pontiac, We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toé-in and toe-out to correct condition 6,88 @ Parts, extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra * BRAKE SPECIAL (most popular cars), First Quality Royaline 4-wheels 14,88 WHEEL BALANCE SPEC ~~ Including weights per wh each ! s SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH TELEPHONE 725-651) I] and exchange used furnie chrome chairs, Ouncan Phyte dinin fable, All excellent condition, 728-4861, p tour room ELECTRIC SYOVE, 3", five vears old, in good ge Telephone 778-769 |Usgo THsTL CARRIAGES 19ere TYPEWRITERS, adder desks, ch file trades News (ined, Hamilton, Raglan. |QUARANTEED used | television, refrigerator, ete., Ideal fi tanh 7 hinets i is servire. wii and uy Alcan Furniture and te Mi 4m Bh HH, coe South, 795-00 | TWIN STROLLER, ved maple | | tress, baby butler, swi two valance boxes, hand GE coffee perculator, 11-5556 CEDAR CHEST, floor "polisher, al |Stove, washing machine |Plant fables, % bed, n lor cotage, $28, P watherey Nad Lae rib, ine char, healer, lawn mowers, | Springs and mattress, hom Bay quiltty |!wa kitchen chairs, and dishes, Call 79 0970, VACUUM repairs, all make brushes, etc, Pick-up, deliver Fleming Vacuum Service, Mein Picker! Ing PREEI Furnace "Cleaned, Guaranteed trouble-free winter If yo condition, Aslo $4 bed, complete, 144 inches, Telephone Bay bat or 877 Ontarie Street, TWIN BED, comp! dition, Telephone 723-036, Telephone 723-4338. SACRIFICE a 'accordion, well equipped, orchestral awa Blvi CHESTERFIELD of floor models, 2 cushions. from. $198, Madera 4 seater from $188, 3 pe, sectionals from Wilson's Furniture, 90 Chureh Str FINLEY" heavy duty electric range, ne diningroom table nai reel, Adlusied tree, ir chase from Western Oli Co, 72 ne" PLAYER PIANO wiih rolls, In very good rapes dges #39. 3993 1 448, Wxcellent €or GARDEN TRACTOR with" alischmenta, 176 model, Neal for "advanced Student, $500, 992 Osh- $80, Diningroom table with four chairs ~~ |All excellent condition, 7950398, sia ture or 'anything you have, The City| MOFFAT electric siove, heavy duly, 40", Trading Port Sore, 446 Simcoe Street! f, Bad eld, Good condition, Telephone | South, 723-147 | SybaaTYa standard $25) Portable | TENT = Brand newl High wall aivle | Adding machine $25) electric typewriter | With divider, 12" « 15', Also Westinghouse |$100; complometer $20; cash register, slesirie dryer, Like new, Telephone 72% |875. 723-4434 |COMPLETE SET of World Relerence | Encyclopedia, set medical encyclopedia, {also set World Natures Library, Phone | 723-7265, | ONE RECONDITIONED aotooly Inch and |a quarter tower structure with double | Aed-t-3 aerial, $39.95, lephone 723-813), MOVIE OUTFIT "Bell and Howell" eam:|desk, wash set tra and light bar projector, screen and sternity ¢rocks, butter" mold, cord, Two 39 continental headboards |??? (new), three knotty pine coffee tables reve BABY CARWIA i eanal (naw), ie fete gamers with fash ition, reasonable, Telephone MMos ve _ eon FISHING RODS and reols repaired, alll tions, ae omene nl re Coleman products, Sportsman's Corner, | niture, 215 Dundas E Whitb' 103 Byron South, Whithy (Block west of _ GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, four corners) b r od -- Di sav DESPERATE - Need the room, must Closing Me Woneat ea sell aquaria, all sizes, fully equipped, 24 HOUR SERVICE Telephone 655-3107 afier § p.m, sie Stree! Went, . PETER EINE Our Price No Trade LARGE QUANTITY of Used lumber tamper Rivehen vole my fee wt please telephone collect even to build @ house, Will only sell/ Marconi gi:inch, only four months old, HOLMES | Peterborough 743-3522 , 198,00 'a or all, Phone 720-aae2 Call after § p.m, 7256508, | PETERBORO cedar skits 14 fool vsed|coTTA@E SPECIALS |risters' | }RAINBOW COLOR RE-NU Dyes, car 100.00 each, Oll space heaters, good shapeliridges §30,, table and chalr lai ' |pets, upholstery, (wall-towall in. your FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail Ihome or place of business), Free esti "yey 15.00 each, Oil heated hot water Tanks ldressers 'stb.. erie' slo" are ait able, W. Schatzmann Realtor, |\4 Brock |mates Proven process, Guaranteed, Call| ' ves like new $0.00 each, International sail - 5 boat, Best offer will be considered. Apply yaaa oh cdi Bena Sirol Wag ad _| Street North, Whitby 6683338 FOR PROMPT SERVICE | 728-5987 7 : ; |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sate! | Box |, Peterborough, telephone J NAVY BLUE and while "Gendron" baby agreements purchased and sold, Henni CALL jpaivine TO NORTH SYONEY, Simmonds Buckhorn 457-8519 after 6:00 carriage, in excellent condition, Price jand Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street| Scotia, Carnerbrook, Newfoundland, Whitby-668-5679 am, $25. Telaphone 725-6206, Bast, 723-7239 ling July 10. Room for two or @ DYEING SERVICE @ COLOR T.V, WANTED --- Memners tor trout "elu, | USED AUTO PARTS, batleries, tires. iv ¥oWead kee motors. We buy scrap radiators, $4) gens,, pecial -- 40H, structure, passengers, 723-0203 after 4 p.m all channel antenna, $80, TRIO Television Dye away foded ar soiled All work guaranteed $125 for season. Write OB, Muller, RR No.| colours in rugs, upholstery, or 2, Millbrook, Ont Starters, 4V, 50 ¢7 12V 9c; batteries $1.50, 725-2142, 1178 Nelson Street. 728-5143, ELECTRIC STOVE, and wall-to-wali readioom Black and White | WORLD CUP '46 soccer tickets for sale RAINBOW COLOR RE-NU} Telephone Telephone 723-6233 RIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, usec Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond/Call after six, 723, W024 STOVE, 30' Used only V0 monte KING ST. West | T.R.1.O. Television PHONE 728-5387 | 728 5143 * Street Bast, 725-4344 fice, $95. Winnipeg couch, $10. FREE ESTIMATES T. V. TOWERS CHAIRS FOR FATHER'S DAY -- Hi. 728-0062 RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish Rust Proof back swivel rocker, $29.95, Recliner chairs, $48, Platform rockers, $98. Treat MOBILE HOME, Wx Ws, We bedroamar furnished, fully -- equipped, years, Workmanship guaranteed, Free} estimates, Credit terms, Mattresses re or Black & White ---- 24-Hour "Pap to a comfortable chair from Wil "4 For sale, Whitby 668-8521 BLUE GRASS Sidewalks, remodelling, recrooms, Free! built, furniture refinished. Oshawa Up ! . 14---Business Opportunities rates, Estimates tree, 61191, d _ Foley lawns lerder Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charies nervice mowed. Telephone 668-3239 or| ~ 723-0065 or 668-5830 Optometrist Lots for Sal Lore tor Sane square fool, All work guaranteed, 123-0281. / FoR SOIL, sandy loam, driveway @ravel, |Peinting and Decorating tnterior and Satersen by! to 37.-Auctions faction for you and you can always|discing, seeding, cutting, rakini Lid., Plumbing, Heating and Engin Ada sell for you around the clock! Dial dition, son's Furniture, 20 Church Street. TEXACO UNIFORM -- Shirt, "pants, Ince OSHAWA jestimates, A. C, Woods, 728-3420 or holstering, 287. Dean Avenue, 724,031) nreaynyn, wanted PLASTERING, and Fepalr work, | 6686109, jStteet, 79-7208 Rae's Radio & T.V 1e--Male or Female Help Wanted | CARPENTRY - = New and "Fepairs, block |prices, Free estimates, 723-5377 F. RICHARD BLACK, O06 23---Real Estate Wanted YOUR" LOCAL 'chimney cleaner. Chim-|sand fill, excavating and grading, Oulch| HAVE YOUR PAINTING done Moor and Boa ELECTRONICS repairs, large and small jobs. |, and H,/on any amount, Phone atter 6, 668-49 Jexpert painter and decorater, ii--Compact Cars for - ic rr t i] ve Gord puearmanins Nented places, masonry, Gord May, WHITDY.| Reg TO TRIME Call Slim. Or Tl cut} [NEED GUY WIRES replaced? CALL 4--Coming Events bal concelt Dial 72-4 now. ine. Telewhone 668-8008 or 72 ov. @, 288 Simeoe Street South. 23-3499 now for an ad-writer start, 9925 CANCELLATIONS AND Terms available As low as CORRECTIONS $2 per week, Please call us 9 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION onytime for free estimates Any advertisement cancelled before pub and advice lication will be charged on day's insert 723-038) Well Drilling---Digging WELL DIGGING by machine specializ ing in S0cinch tile, W, Ward, 204 Chestnut | Street West, Whithy, 668-2563 or 468-3809. Prices 15' Cyclone Runabout 12 Volt Marine Battery Battery Box ..,.,.. $5.95 Convert, Top $150.00 (Side and Sereen Curtains) Sleeper Seats $50.0 800 |b, Cap Wiscot Troiler ., (Tilt Frame) Single Lever Control $44.95 Control Cables 35,00 5 PL Chrysler Outboard (Eleetric with $1,225.00 $2.50 LOANS Moneys available for GARDEN SERVICE| For Sodding, Seeding, Top soil, Cedar Hedges, Patios, Plantings and Complete Land- scaping Service 725-0611 June Special ! POTTED ROSE BUSHES 5% OFF RUNDLE Garden Centre Lid Friends" 1015 King St, E. 725-6551 In the cases of display advertisement @ Nursery Stock @ Powe The Times will not be heid Fespenaiag Equipment Sales and Service for more space than that which the actual | error occupies, The publishers endeavor} @Toro e Lawnboy fo reproduce all advertising matter cor SEE THE EXPERTS rectly, but assume no liability of adver tisement if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein. T'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 Just East of Ritson first and second mortgages, Open mortgages, No bonus, First' |> seams mortgages, second mortgages HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED and aareements for sale pur- TV TOWERS chased M, F, SWARTZ ARE BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 26'4 King St, East T.R.I.O, Oshewe. Ontario 723-4697 TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division FIRST and SECOND 728-5143 $1 195,00 $20,00 jon 2----Personal rson Wit 9 x 1h, one year old, Green, | A offer, Telephone 728-3817 after § WESTINGHOUSE reiri arilet Seal wae dition, $20, Heavy duly stave, in fair Fanditiony 45, Telephone 723-0797 between am. pm. VICTORIAN erene BOX NUMBER RENTAL 41,00 While every endeavor will be made to forward repiles to box numbers to the! advertisers a5 soon as possible, we ac | cept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such re piles, however caused whether by neg! gence or otherwise, The Times will not be responsible for uncalled in 20 days Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, June 28th, 21st and 22nd, Phone Genosha Hotel these days for appoint men! NO CASH Take Trade-Ins Additio ns @ Waterproof Garages @ Eavestrough Roofing @ Chimneys Painting @ Concrete Driveways @ Brick FREE ESTIMATES CO-ORDINATED REMODELLERS 723-0966 Where Customers Send Their "sehoal" mailers on seovera pt $229.00 small jon 36% repties tor ELECTROLYSIS 723-464) REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one insertion of any advertiseme nor beyond the price charge for a single insertion in which error occurs MORTGAGES All Classes Rural, Vacation - Anyone .who may have wit- nessed automobile acci- dent invoiving 2 cars which occurred on June 14th, 1966, at about 2 p.m..en No, 35 Highway north of Pontypool, Alternator) Steering Brkt, TOTAL LIST an SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED TELEVISION --- RADIO [ "City, 112 Simcoe St, N.-725-3568 ' | PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for! all mortinage Morlgaag and agree iments of sale purchased Creighton |Orynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See "Bar The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify: advertising according to ; it proper classification Same boat complte as above only powered by 50 HP, Chrysler (Elec. and Altern- ator) LIST $2657.40 OUR PRICE NO TRADE 1,988.00 Same boat as above complete less Convert. Top with stand- ord seating subtract $200, from 'total prices Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs =» Alterations Additions Remodelling For all. your Construction Needs CALI ALLEN & SONS _ 725. 6126 FOR AL your y heme | improvements, | general construction and guaranteed) | Workmanship call 668-2179. | ROOFING chimneys work, Sidewalks, bs, stoops. McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 655-306) NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, SPRING CLEAN-UP @ Planting @ Sodding @ @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ @ Fvergreens @ Grading @ @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- grass @ Complete landscap- ing @ Fertilizers 723-9020 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Bloor St.. East TOP SOIL non-processed sop Nove leav three Rug-Upholstery Service 3--Sportsman's Column ; GE, tour burners, INDEX: TO JAMES _ CLASSIFICATIONS 1.-Women's Column 2~Personal Sportsman's Column 4--Molorcycies $---Trailers &--Marine Equipment Pe-Swap and Barter &-Articies for Sale Markel Basket 10---Farmer's Column li---Pets and Livestock Articles Wanted *14° Fiberglass Runabouts From 579,00 *12' Cartons, Reg, $179.00, Special $149.00 *14' Canoes $139.00 *35 HP. Chryslers $149.00 ALSO BIG SAVINGS ON McCULLOQUGH CHAINSAWS | BRIDGESTONE MOTORCYCLES June 16 'til June 24 Open Daily to 9 P.M, Saturday to 6 P.M UNITED RENT-ALL & MARINE Oshawa's Exclusive Chrysler | | | Outboard Dealer |4---Motorcycles $80, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, lust east of Ritson Road BUY AND SELL = Good used furniture and appliances. One location only, Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, FURNITURE -- three rooms, new quab ity furniture, only $29% inc. complete!room, $50, Call 725-6741 or 723-2707 after bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem:/4 p.m. bles, Pay only $3 weekly, Unbeatadie! value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 FISH EXPERTLY MOUNTED, reason Simsoe | $. adie prices, Cash for used guns, Paul's ene Sports, S89 Albert Street, 725-5798, BABY BARGAINS, Carriages $29.95.|GIBSON AMPLI ani stroiiers $7.88, mattresses $9.88, play! stand inladed Cal TELM okey pant pens $9.88 chrome high. chair $10.88! Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, | RANGE McClary, about 45" incheal jretrigerator, Westinghouse, bath in good BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap:icondition: ideal for cottage, $275. Tele: pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2494 | phone 668-568? or 263 2695. er? sand /Baay CARRIAGE, brand new. FIBRE GLASS products, boats covered, O@iae dark blue hood, canoe manufacturing and sales, 723-013) jverta, to car bed, stroller NEW, USED -- vacuums, pairs to all makes, New dack Lees, 728-4956 VERY MODERN Children's books, wilh) darks: maple DUCATI @ BSA @ TRIUMPH Accessories, Pirelli tires, goggles, jackets, gloves, Buco helmets, Repairs and service AB's Motorcycle SHOP 114 STVENSON RD. SOUTH 728-7780 Processed NO, | Frank and Five dryers and chairs, swivel chalrs, dressing stations, air conditioner, ete, Fully equipped. Telephone 725-342), FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, exeellent con dition, suitable for cottage or recreation new SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES modis on display NEW USED ONTARIO CYCLE 140 King W 728.1422 OPEN EVENINGS 136 Simcoe Telephone "calor steel body, Con: etc, Telephone orage now | quarar need Rent 20-0824 Re Phone polishers. ty MOFFAT ELECTRIC : range. . with "glans door, Frigid refrigerator, bath like new, Also a@ pair of beige drapes, 144" sheuclaneaia. wide. Phone Ajax 9425606. dictionary, complete|G@ENDRON convertible baby carriage, bookcase, Best offer) Raby Tenda and playpen, all in excellent over $240. Telephane 728-4504 after § p.m. / condition, Telephone 728-2144. BASS GUITAR and amolifier, case,| "NORGE" fridge, $50: baby carriage, stand included, all in good condition, rea, /$2h.2 lady's bicycle, $20, Telephone vonadle price, Telephone 723-8018 0953, 1940 MODEL, like new Call after 5 p.m BSA 480 TWIN [vee money for school 728-4663 Sales and Service 555 King St, E, 728-5565 }\SFOOT PACESHIP, vergible top, all accessories. board motor and Tee-Nee trailer, offer, Whitby 668-2005. set af 11945 HONDA $0 ellent conditio 70-0810 six hundred miles, ex joe's : Best after, Telephon radio YT structure, all-channel antenna installed, arauyy SALON EQUIPMENT for sais. ALL TYPES of repaira and remodelling, 1259 Sime oe ~723-116) styled. Free estimate, See our material ~Articies for Rent new ani used materials, Reasonable | GARDENS, Tole iilled. cullivaled and |'or recovering, Slip covers made to! 17--Female Helo Wanted 1a---Male Help Wanted teed, 668-5381 ___|materials and werkmanshia. 0s) Ha-- Su r Propert a Sele " ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete, Get/tilling, landscaping, patios, ploughing and|/2-4l?! | AY OR EVENING A 2} your driveway paved by experts, 22 cents/cultivating, Call 655-4936 after 6 | WANT a) ' a 728-5286 25----Houses for Rent 1é--Apariments fe roots repaired, Free estimates, 723-2997, /NUReERY $00, Now Guilings" Chole |Free estimates, Liovd Simpson ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles,/ quality Kentucky Slue, Prompt Sy po | PAINTING Wanted to Rent ®--Automodiies tor 4 Sale ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRG --|loads of top soll and fill elephone| BARON Painting and Decoraling ana| Pairs. All Work guaranteed, 51) Dean Av a--Trucks tor Sale cofing. chimneys. eavestroughing, fire | 668-0120. lResrne Batleneiod' tree. Prana potasre |e Telephone 725-0500. iS--1.0st and Found ' , -- Legal Want Ada: On| 20610 : ALU PLUMBING AND HEATING 5 nada ' molded hull, can 'he special 6 day plan. Means surer satis: | ALL VYPES of custam work Pleusning. Dp Telephone /25-352), Harald } ULL TIME SALESMEN ~ Classifier 14 HP out Make WISEST WAY to order . NSU SCOOTER, (30 ¢ immaculate cor carrier rack, apare tire, electric V TOWERS SPECIAL - 40:foot tower ot, Telephone Whitby 6683139, re-47)? GARDEN GENTRE CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re 1é-Agents Wanted Succ and coment walks, work guaran! CHAIN LINK FENCES highesl wally of i Cc 20--Reai Estate For Sale fand cement work, Free estimates, ms 1680/ GARDEN and lawn maintenance. Rolo| street North, Suite 4, Oshawa TV SE RVICE 24--Stores Offices and St neys built, repaired, gas linings installed; | Sana and _Gravel 728-2871, Yerior, exterior, all work 2---Room and Board Sale Rooting and Construction, 725-6937 |NURSERY and tieid sod. We haul" marl estimates, 723-4431 [CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re] 4--Automodie Repair san them down, Free estimates 225118 'er 'Plumbing and Heating tena installation and two-way 39_Nations 728-1996 after ¢

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