Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1966, p. 27

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STOCKS AND FINANCIAL REPORTS S#les Tax Deducted 9 |S mansm ® was an "honest mistake' bet fications, she was prepared to the | * 2 ; s ce SS Se: See ae i | that if council chanced the price| move that it be at its | 'Twice By Mistake vl pen thay pr pepe ies MARKET TODAY BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | mt eer idars oiming i Me pe hee things to tae | BROUGHAM -- Jos. Burrows, when he worked out the tender, '##** ma der to receive competitive bide: CAR nt 4 Hh HA Brougham garage operator,iand unaware of this, Mr. Bur. Councillor Don Beer seid that ding," said Councillor John ws oe oi Pp | 'eo dedact , 2 tax deducted twice was quite' Williams, "As far as 1 am come ' Con "Porm Lap f i sd ] h sep te ey Bey ag tg to ss yg nag bison sr al = a different situation from that of cerned we accepted the lowesg, |g 7 + sets dil rave Vy Or t deducted twice in error in his\had not discovered this until '"€ county bridge j tender, and expect to poy the ee Wh Mh Me th | tender for a garbage truck, re- after the tender had heen ac- Deputy Reeve Mrs. MePher- price we got it for. a ae | cently accepted by council. The cepted. son said there were none per-| Council was adamant in ite 4 5 prs | " " ° ; fect, and sinee th the } J 14 Ue he Bh = 4) sales tax amounted to $693 on Mr. Burrows claimed that the , si is was the only' refusal to change figures. "on nie ie ie & i Of Modern Eng ineers 'his bid of $10,548.95. itender all was worded incor es - Me Fe Tan "I Two tenders were received, ectly and was confusing M0 ta te cman daw roi Mf Of which did not meet spe- The majority of council mem Gita 1a 1 fy JACK MOORE concepls and ew Wecnninpies; | Hreame; tere mes sSSe cot eiscstisns, have «nid thew were sarry (or So VANCOUVER (CP) = Major\an engineer can't keep up with no shortage of engineers," he| wir Burrows explained that Mr. Burrows, but that it de tt» We + % industries in British Columbia them hy himself." said, ine iax haa been deducted Sr fested the whole purnose of ten- be tom + w Bre teaming with educationisis Because of the scarcity of en Mr. Mactarlane said he the international zone manager dering to permit a tender to he to overcome one of industry's gineering graduates, companies doubts there will ever changed, even though in error "a 10% Wh most pressing problems---a ecrit- are paying to re-educate their! enough engineers to go around. PRODUCE Reeve C. W. Leyeox caid " a 4 1s 1% ~=s | eal shortage of engineers present staff "But one encouraging devel-| that the low tender for the mod G 4 , chie | é . ie P a trained in ern techniques ¥, Macfarlane, chief en jopment is the opening of tech- TORO cm) le\bridge now under construction pe De A eommitter, comprised of sneer at B.C. Telephone Co.,|nological institutes," he said. 'ORONTO (CP) - Wholesa' pe etek Mead oe by He 186+ oe Universit said only 45 electrical engineers | +1. engineers today are be-\o retell carton eggs average) ceapted members of the University of "Many engi al the County was $12,000 ight 3% B.C. faculty, engineers' socie Sfaduated from the University ing used as technicians, or just) weighted prices quoted by the) a Si OO sggpeolP.cots nh i ities and representatives of 9 B.C. this year glorified draftsmen, Graduates|@ericulture department as of aioe ts tock t but erred 6 | a « heen We went looking for at least of technological institutes can\dune 15: A large 48,2; A me Wat ou! Dine 'S og . ine large corporations, has b A fused by county council ne Of Canada me tel e lan the continuing 4 dozen of them," he said. "So do this work, sometimes better| diam 44.1; A small 33.3. r y cu, ' 0 $4 4 14 #& Wiformed to plan ontinuing : 15 $17 172 Th '4\ education of engineers, did a lot of other companies." than engineers, and leave the| ges: Wholesale price to 'The reeve said that there were "hun tt | vmnig sort of thing ts ah-.,.2C: Te, along with the B.C.\ engineers free for engineering."|country stations fibre cases| other instances of errors in een 2016618 17e Wer W) cottoty excontial"' gaid Profes. 1¥are and Power Authority and) Prof, Crouch said no effort| quoted by the Toronto Board of|and although it was unfortunate) a Oe) we ee ea aeae dent of several other firms, are repre-\has been made yet to acquire| Trade from wholesale egg deal-|for the bidder, the principle of| if ee oe es SOF 126 SIO, PF ni nw sented on the new committee, | government financing of any oflers: Extralarge 42-43, large 41-| accepting the lowest bid had to (ar ae the Association of Professions! "ia, hope to have. somelie re-education program costs,|42; medium 34-36, small 26-27;|he maintained, 7 Nag ne? ' "we" bi oo Engineers ot 8 j classes rolling by September," but that this may eventually|B 34; C 33, } Councillor John Campbell con- St Power «65 oo +l "The kids at university today said prof, Crouch. "Purther-| happen, i Gi W Life are studying, as routine, things more we along with other pro-| "Also, eventually, we might| 0 os or so Vile i IT "A / Horace a" ba" 2" a + y\nobody ever heart of 19 year®| vincial engineers' associations, have a system of courses lead. WIN 25.00 IN FREE GROCERIES EACH WEEK IN THE Haves Sti 75 $19 12% 12% are trying to influence morejing to a master's degree but Horne Pit 600 0 0 280 young people to study engineer: that's a long way in the future,"' Home A 1106 "7 ", y., +, Yl ing ; he said Homy ou Py S06 66 V0 te He said a variety of new vo-| : - Husky OW 10566 666 Sh cations have sprung up within) o : #8 106 616% 16% 16 y 'D) .. y he j | ney 52, Mae Uae ie? ioe TORONTO (CP) ; The Cana-the last decade and sciences F East Sul! uh 805 O15 imp Oil "uo $594 50% a dian bond market was wun- such as chemistry and physics ror 4 ' / imp Teo 100 $14 changed in quiet trading Wed- have pwooe y br 4 y Fwest 7 Ind Accoot 405 970% 2096 ang i £ lave wooed many bright young 0 Tertile Dupont sects, ;ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED, | srrciats |} ind Wire Le Re is s | nesday n "9 . * * | 1965 BUICK SEDAN 1964 CHEV, BELAIR SEDAN = | iniand Gee fi e '" " . 7 f oweve ret-yee recistra- P inend 6 #8 Had weeks Sou ; ined he the tion in engineering at UBC has | rices nity oe en" Your Quolity G.M. Dealer Vb, Rodior Mary Ph ; , he |} JBC Ay ' tic, Mo, J18381, inv oron » sn S-per-cent April 15, 1967 issue increased 19 per cent for each | Ue Ne, Hates | »goop WiLL GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" | Only $1995, BM 72 $376 up 3 cents to close at $99.13 bid of the last two years after re-| ST. MARYS, Ont, (CP) -- Only $2995.00 King St. € Bowmanville, Ont 623-3396 wy SERS |S in On" Tas goto a % and $99.18 asked maining static or declining for More than 65 farmers with| | -- ame ome mm aw of PING OF, EF if if lend i int Util pr WN Wh Nhe) ro lo 4) the seven years previous tractors concentrated in this intor Pipe sovernment @ aes 2" with the re-education pro-| southwestern Ontario town Wed-| Hvar te Soo as a" a | Ine orm % | quoted at 98%4 bid sind 67 asked |#78M R0InE, and, hopetully, thelnesdey morning and parsded/ WHYTE BROS, BEAVER LUMBER inter Steet 100 s per-cent Sept. 1, 1038 was ! i registration continuing to in- ' | Kenvile 1000 j8 3 . Jatforson \ Day-to-day money was quoted ian between Elginfield and Strat-| Furniture and Upholstery hin co, LTD, @ Confectionery Jaye | Jeffersn w pe im "| 'ocey © at 5% per cent. Treasury bills ford 'eile! ' Kelly OA y t were at 5.08 per cent for O1-da DIVIDENDS The farmers were demonstrat- FOR ALL iy: " SFlLYINCZESSERVICES Jonsmith y Labatt aon ' ' ; ee Home ® Service §=--_*&es ~ Overhaul Kam. Koti +101 Lekeind p ' bills, and 6.25 per cent for 18 ing their opposition to low milk saat ged , 5 4 Kerr hog 7825 912 ri bay in : day bills By THE CANADIAN PRESS (prices paid them and were em-| YOUR : ~rovement ' Storage tev ¥ 400 The Craig Bit Co, Ltd,, 2) phasizing their demands for ne-| FURNISHING || Wns", Its se rters" | Custom Welding ee eae} ARGUS y hhT UP cents, July 15, record June 30,|gotiations with the provincial) +o + Be nies, aan Sheet Motel Febrication C $n ns | Cew @ p " "a of Ave Dominion Textile Co, Lid., 7-' government, NEEDS M ' Leitch" Lon Co A 125 $108 Wh 1A Me oy hg , , ty "-- per-cent preferred $1.75; com-| Negotiations with the Ontario . f FOR APPOINTMENT 668-5818 tg = Larado } 190 Loeb 150 $1414 Corp, 1Ad., Torontehased hold "4 5 5, record government would centre Automotive Trim ater wnepeet f 'i 110 § 4 mon 25 cents, July 15, record 2 utom e push MS » 1 10 10 Misens "a! P+} 0 0 398 ing company, waa 2 pe en! June 23 around a recently - established|| 55 King St. €. 623-5252 668-3992 419 Dundes E, Whitby Oshawa Airport 728-6138 Marenent } pane in, Wes\te ioe toe higher than ® year ago at Hawker-Siddeley Canada Lid,,|price of $4 hundredweight) Mon fod 8 oF $3,629,727 compared with $2,952,- 5%-per-cent preferred $1 4344, | paid to dairy farmers for their) e RULE % Menton me oe ee 460, the company announced' July 2, record June 21 mi S , 00 $134 1214-131 om 04) 499, ' : en Lae $00 S166 16a ree Wednesday in Toronto, This was Hudson Bay Mining and " omplaints have been that 4 TED'S VARIETY ids eck te he rnd 0b cele tei oh te PADDY $ MARKET ! Moore 110 S84 O4% Bee equal to 43 cents a shave at Smelting Co, Ltd,, 85 cents, is a price "on paper only" > x weeks re will appeer throughou urniture neos mel Wn Ree Eee ith ais ~ wi May 81 against 28 cenis in the | Sept, 12, record Aug. 12 and that a 75-cent subsidy from SMOKE SHOP | the cavertisements on this feoture the letters forming the name of | een WASHER PARTS a Nor Cl © Sem Or ome Bs corresponding period of last Huron and Erle Mortgage the government is not forthcom- SE famous person or place, All you are required to do is read each & REPAIRS or 1 y y . i Shee a Bip 1 1 fois ped a ot, oe rite] i aki pce po ° Emeners muni | advertisement very carefully, pick out the letters ond identify thet j oes A co rend oe Hd Smith Paper Mills| farmers shipping lower grades @ Magazines | person or ploce, Send your answer clong with your name ond Pow Corp 0084 Mla 1% FORBION TRADING owere Be P ; address to the GROCERY BONANZA EDITOR, ¢/o The Oshewa Prem iron 190 195 Gunnar $0 225° 75 225 Lid,, preferred 50 cents, Aug. 1,\0f milk receive as much as 10 sa Gis , Price Bros i MM Place 900 278 Hh 15 mM vile 4 cents less in their cheques, o Lal Times, no later than 4 p.m, Tuesday of each week. The first Qn Ore Siscoe $150 3% 5 . correct answer drawn will receive, compliments of the sponsoring Complete Line ef Beat "Thor-Crote Romfield business, ond Duffy's Super Market, the grond weekly prize of | '*" Appliances, Speed Queen, Blelr Pork the Plexe Whitby Royal 'ank W787 114, TBie --'4| aed $25.00 in free groceries, Enter todoy, HAMPTON 263-2241 ; ee Ce _ Seat York 0 6h ns s+ Shell Can 433 $21 2114 21%) + Me THIS WEEK'S WINNER! a ee ae Soe m Wie YM WH + 4 WHITBY Bowman & Gibson 100 Fi Newell 600 340 335 (340 eee a0 $it% 12% 1 orence ewe Br "ein tow tia | Beats was BUM LI | AUTO WRECKERS a, ey ae ee | Silverwd A 100 S184 15 18 } R, R. 3 Oshawa REAL ESTATE ou fs t, dope Simpeene iH H 4 ne fan " Specializing in: ' ater pak i ou se bu * south Lf ts fy i = *® LATE MODEL WRECKS GENERAL INSURANCE Ms teal Con = RIB 8214 23 13% | . a Pe a OWN eo | WHITBY sae ow 3 Thom NP 325 $16% 164 1414 4 \ Radiore 1000 66 6b Ob | Tone Croft 100 Bie te Slaw Pee ON _ No, 12 Hwy, Plein faa bill PL Sid Bd WHITBY ONTARIO Rayrock 40 147 ee 1 | Tor Om Bk OO 84242 3 Ria 'Algom 975 9246 244 Beha Ve) Ter Iron A 775 $92) We i : Z ~< 1 mile North ef Whitby 235 Simcoe &. 1003 Dundas ft, "Serving You Since '22 Reman 14s 10% 100 ele +0] Tare Fin A 8 8I0% 10M - : Walt Lebdanovich -- Prop. F598 070) Ryanor 00 21% 91% 1% rs Fin ® £ 4a 24 i | _ . Satellite m0 1 68 OW | Tr Can PL 1035 $974 32 © 725-9792 HOMES - FARMS « LOTS pen nam wm im +8) fom ose ie Whitby, Ont, 668-3322 FIRE » AUTO » LIABILITY » 876 S| Eureka 400 |) 1 14) Trans PPI, 50 Ban. : Siivmaq mo " Turnbull é Sinene 1078 300 a) Un Gas Sieep ® on oo U Corp ® 125 $124 12% Wat Texmont i 4) Walk GW 1665 8 Tribag 27 120 = Weldwed " U Buffedn 7 6 Mh West Ind 2s5 Un math ite 4 18h West ing A 4i6 30 Un Kena no 69h 800 Weste'st 445 829% 2914 Bd Un Mactle n n W Pacific 1650 8174. 1% 1% Urban 9 1] Weston A 245104 194 19% West Ming ! ais | Westen. @ 18 821M 21M4 91% Wiles § " Willroy wis \| Salento TV) amt 714,000 a j 4 : : : wi u | : ; iv. M | 3 viene nuh nN : we | ot " OILS, GAS sole 7 * DUFFY'S SUPER MARKET 948 Simcoe N. "We Deliver' --- Open until 10:00 P.M, Fer Your Shopping Convenience 723-9371 Almines 400 490 428 405 HAPPIER pat 4 Fe iE Bantt ano $15 wy ié | ei, ih ah HOME... | i | Use Fast Codiliag Billtards THIS SPACE "THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL" € Deh! 255 «(255 } sc FM Background Musle iS a i a is ) ACTION mreseogel Heep AVAILABLE FOR SKLAR CKAIRS Regular 109.95 Cent Del 10% 10% 10% + : : F OPEN 9 AM, © 1) PM, a ghenn'o mie ie ie | a 7 TIMES WANT yaring, the YOUR SALE 69.50 iT ¥ os b r cc tm al x | i, Soi _ ADVERTISING wad Dos or laine \ ' 6 cotide Me" 3 JOIN A BS COMMANDER (577 .& a ADS Ten MESSAGE MERCURY Mall city nny wi mn m ~ CREDIT UNION = i E = CKLB Bldg FURNITURE pts" fy 220 oy Sa ay |) 723-3492 mri 723-3474 | | wom vs stam f A ; 360 King W. Oshewea Pints "on % 4 4 | 1 } ¥ 5 tee tO reeencoe iy ee a ae | vers | te wm TIRES WITH LIFE- <°) So. HOFER VALLEY MEAT PROD ZOLTAN & NICK'S FINA SERVICE pann Tried Oj} 0 28 ofl4 oA ' ney Union Ol 10 31% 34 CONTACT 4 ' ? (2rd Coneession Rd, Whitby, Rossiond Rd, W. off Mwy, 12) oe PRESENTS Y Conve 900 310900 900 a 53 ; : Fresh Pork, Beef, Veal, Lamb end Poultry FIAT 850 -- id OSHAWA CENTRAL TIME GUARANTEE Ee : Large Variety of Cold Meats. M + the Floor Gear Shift INDUSTRIALS i z MEAT CUT POR HOME FREEZERS -- bas ey" low of ony Fi 295-00, 0 Abitipi nie tie 1m | STUDY GROUP >. wae Fs 3 FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL WHITBY 668-4911 160 SIMCOE 5, 728-008) Alte Gu T 7) 1224 Nn y Alta Gasp 1 SFI F1% P14 ef cee) SSL" || Buy SAVEMORE. BP || store woe aver | ee GILLARD Bantu "ote 'Abe iy 'anie = fa ld, TRANSPORT Cleanit Service Bi w 100 8104 fulte 2098, Bell Phoe V19R BENE AiMy BING | Centre or @ Leee! & Long: Ditence Moving 725-3555 amy, 18 ty ies Me | Cchave theveing T --enuments DRY CLEANING Srariton © Has priie tiie the D in stone and || » Preieht « Livestock & ford oe a UW IN Feed Services ertiliner Sine e' | PHone 7234s | 1 SUNGLES/ EA | PAIRS / TW Bete SE ete at || Nee i te arg fea DEPOTS ® $10 12 3 e Fi Your Winter Clothing 10 sine ve We A Community Credit Union fer / Cold Storage: for your Furs at || 92 Wolfe == 170% Mary tho a2" ne ae Anyone Living er Working tn Osh- || < rea 623-5318 at " WORE 104 104 awe | a eae | a, | eee, ) Aa V At ef Beperience WHITBY CLEANERS 12 Bond E, --- 924 Simcoe N, "0 ws ny hy Pale 9 : ' - XG : 4 Weverly Bowmanville LIMITED Office & Plant at 92 Wolfe . 318% Dundes &, 668.3552 150 Colborne St, E. 668.2345 meh als Zz os : VO 1 we i é WE FIX UP YOUR HOME NOW, 0.Y.H, Hy Pel fe RADIO -- 24 HR. SERVICE --- TELEVISION TIME T' COMPLETE INTERIOR & EXTERIOR O.M.C, | eae : alae HOLMES ELECTRONICS a a CENTRE DON'T DELAY | | [_ yf ay | Ree M, LOOPLE & SON For Prompt Service Call WHITBY 668.5679 352 Dundas E, Whitby 668-2418 BIttC2 BEI Avoid the rush and have your moter end boat verviced by eur experts, Our salen department can | POPULAR 775X14, 775 X15 TUBELESS BLACK WALL '=u WHITEWALLS ONLY SLIGHTLY HIGHER RA Y's || Brook Radio & T.V, || MARY'S BEAUTY WILSON PLAZA Smoke & Gift Tv by mA SALON VARIETY vat ey | | BUYNOW -Just say CHARGE THEM "|| 'mate A Sit | scone | ae (Simeee at. Ritson) 24 hr. Service hy] ey se! : Co LTD. Phone 725-9018 Nights | ae , : Horbour Rd. Off 88 KING ST. W, * POST OFFICE ; ees $8.50 : spire -- a8 ! 1 WwW * CARDS * GIFTS * FILM : pen Daily 9 A.M, « .M, Simeee, St. $. BEGoodrich CENA WA Open, Tues ? Sun, 10 to 10 (feflew the signs) * SCHOOL SUPPLIES Dove Thurs ' NEW NUMBER 723.8186 TELEPHONE 725-4543 |" SUNDRIES 668-5830 "125 prock W 8 pm 725-2141 || 372 Wilton $. 728.2836 18 Colborne &

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