Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1966, p. 26

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HH nS NT THE AND VOL Be AMAZED AT THE ML Sul wz THEN THE PERFECT FOR 4 THESE THINGS HARDLY EVER aro WwW NATURALII-HE "HAMLET THE PRINCE, THE KING, AND "ROM! TWINK GAYE WHEN 2 GET MARRIED TM 0 TO CARRY MY Be vB ACROSS THE THRESHOLD/, RECKON THE FIRST THING i etm our wHees * THREGHOLD " wo | eee ee JUST "HAPPENED "TO COME BY AT THE RIGHT TIME,...1 SUPPOSE, uJ ep HAPPEN JHE WAS A RUNNIN! EE WHO A 00 FAST sere T FF THE [9 DIDNT GET A G00D LOOK AT HIM, DYNAMITE, = SECRET AGENT X3 Cite Wok Diener P hates World Rights Reserved FOR 'YOU, BILL / ls FROM YOUR FBI. |i through an emergency call fo the Amerabia oil company Fie! StAT Ion in BeIrUL "TELEVISION LOG | Channa 10:00 Channel Channel Hi-Hamilien F--Tarente &---Rochesion Channel J--Ruftale Channe! &--Torante Channel 4--Buttale Channel &--Rarrie Channe: o-Buttaie 1-9-8. Rowar Bat 6--Hogan's 3---Dangerrr 6----Shenandn ee NOM Dba | Weather wets Viewpn Tonight § 4 News We 4-Movie 98 1Family Theatre &--Superman 6 7--Cheyenne 7 + Pasaport Te Adventure Atom Ant 2-Mike Dougias 1 PM & Dobie Gillis bo--Ahusic Mop 3-~ Hong Kong ae rM 1. Twilight Theatre boMeHales Navy 48-News, Sports with Chuck Healy "6 PM 4 News 254 News ond Wackiest Weather 6-Huntley Brinkley eM ewe « ow bon +---Acress Conede 10 710 PM lhFarmers' Daughter " | t] 4 Laptein ™" wh the Mary asensory no P tAAilk and Honey 6 AM Weather » rt OF BRITAIN 16 WOH, THE SCARG ARE PEEP On PM and Heroes ar a PM. News, Sports mM how > PM ather PM Ship MA iJ AM Joe Carle Prepay 6AM K angeree AM | OAT ER ORAM OE 1 Griffin thaw Pe } I | } GUAWA TAR, THE , sane 16, 1966 BRIDGE Oy ©. JAY BECKER \(Top vacord-hoides im Masters individual Championship Play) North dealer Past-West vulnerable ,-- a oe -- bord eaverbreck PRISE MIAISTER VIFSTON v CHURCH te QMVEB A MATIONG THANKS NEVER IN THE FIELD OF HiMAM CONPLICT Wh BO RY GO MANY TO 60 PEW, + WHOGE PRNVIOED 4. GOQM FIMO OUT I THORE MEPDLIRS ARE BY THAT CAMPLIME / 4.4 [YSHARVA" ANCHORED WEAR 0 '4 MADAIN SALIH, CHALKIE AD, 7 AND EMBER WILL. BOARD f r AND TRY TO E6CAPE. 4 NOTIF'Y SEA PATROL TO \ CLOGE IN WITH CAUTION AMED MAY STILL BE PRIGONER / ' Me OF The PEW" 7 1 AS REFERRING TO W, OF AIRCRAFT LORD BE; THE Si TORY HUBERT ML. MIST EM VZAT IOP AL. ORGA)IZAT GEN THE PLANMEG THAT MAC CAL F POS Opening lead--ace of hearts. Here is a nice hand played in a team of four match by Bill | Root, well known New York ez- SPOT \ 0+) TO LAND AND SRE WHAT WE CAN 0O, miRA / : pal | 1S THAT A NEW PIPE TOBACCO, 1.-Ed Allen Time Me ef feopardy " Movie on Date iMowe end Weather Sports S-Popeye ond Pots 2:18 PM + Bpecker of the Hewes 2 PM Tone " 4 Neather Naor Yes, ITE MY OWN BLEND, LIKE IT? Sport 02---Past Office &+-Search For Tamerres t-Neanday Repert 146 PM Sports $----AAo 19:48 PM 44-Guiding Lignt 1:00 PM Theatre | Dialing For Dollars, ¢ Talk r Yes, Is JUST THAT I DON'T THINK MOTHER 44 CARES FOR IT Ren Casey incheon Date Meet The Millers Movie Toppe 100 PM James Beard Show &4oAs The World Turme 2-4---Let's Make a Deal 10 PM, 1.-Contidential , \¢ | 4 5 ay a2 YOU BE THE SHERIFRILL BE YOUR PEPUTY.. LETS PLAY COWBOY WHILE | #2 Daniel eas ie +-Forest Rangers Bfhreen Arras B--Mumtigy Brinkley 7120 PM 7--News, Weather, Sports 1" PM ieCandid Camere Boone 7. Batman 4 -Sauere World 4--The Munsters The Addams Family PM 12 o'clock High y 4-Gililgan's isiand "MPM f--ite Your Move §-2--Laredo 7--Double Lite af Henry Phyte 4--My Three bore 9:00 PM. H-The Saint %--Branded v8 co (i! *' © om 4 Cueiiamai BS eee ad hai - WW vase ~~ i SOMETHING FOR \ THE NERVES? 7 CALL IT, "THE LiouiD TEAGUE TREATMENT." ' WERE REAPYTO YY ROLL, KIR., PONT. MISS THE BOAT! 'i -- WORRIED AROUT YOUR ) SISTER, OR HARDY TEAGUE? A Ra ad - ( NO, THANK YOU, <1 F x WHAT IS « ) KEEPING hi HER SO LONG 63! Dream of 4--May!s feannie 1 PM RLet'e fing Out t--Peyten Pines | th-Telascone 24--Mickle Finn's 47 48 49 ACROSS Tibetan priests Harvests Rxcuse 2, Direction aymbol Funda. mental . Kind of sugar Yas: Sp, Hint Spawn of fish Ornament of a sort . New Eng. state abbr Automobile 3 4 5 1, 7, For Women 44.Paseword £.2..Days of Our-Lives 7 PM Peopie in Conti 4--The Derters A Time For Us Zane Grey Theatre Linkletier's Party 10 PM % Fractured Prrasee 08 Another Ww id 9--7,V. University l.Albert J Steed 6 AM %--Romper Ram LBiqg Picture P--theling ter Polters Ori Tem 4--You and Family 1-Boio's Big Top 1M AM %~UUnele Bobby h Smile Time 4--Love of Life 2~Jock Lalanne oe AM People O2FEye Guess onl Love Luey 10:30 A.M, Heed Allen £2-Concentration * ' ' 4 4 ¥.deeneral i +4%--To Tell The Tram 1PM dicen 2M PM \.-Punny Company tit Your shove permar $-4--Ror er 4nEdge of Night 24---ou Don't Say 4.30 PM bee 1 love Luey feAAsich Game #-2---Morning Star 4--Secret Storm 7--Supermarkel Sweep Iter Worlds-in contrast Ernie Lindell Qe-Mery Griffin 4Andy of Mayherry 4 PM 1190 ALM, " upercar *--Abracadabra 9. Movie 2Paradise Bay 7Dating Game '4--Dlek Van Dyke thew 8, San darac tree Puffy muff In no case Raises Expunge DOWN Scientists' workrooms, for short Turkish regiment Wrong prefix Manile hemp Parts of window frames Tt'a in season with aneezin' Blunder 17 Bigara Kind of Yesterday's Answer SA, Girl's name 84, Chemical compound 38. Lounge 40, Dollar bills 41, Part of "to be" 45, Termite 45. Kegs 2. Jimmy Durante's Mrs 28. Suspena 25, Sorrows 7, Andiron Joins the army Title of addreas fon Relative of Shorty . Dwell Holland refuge for William IT 'Oranges and Say the bells of St. Clem- ent's,.." 2. Large worm . Afffirma- tive vote Moves Ae TT Te Ts amoothly , Account. ant's ab- Wild oxen Make amenda for Meager 'YOUR HEALTH | | Miscarriage Threat 4 _ Seen In Symptoms By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr, Molner: IT am fourjof behind, the baby at the time months pregnant and about ev |or birth, It is an additional prob. ery six weeks | have a period,/lem to he contended with at the or threat of miscarriage time of delivery, but your dor My doctor recommends bed) {or has detected it already, and vest when this bleeding occurs,|the old maxim holds true here; He tells me to stay off my feet| Forewarned is forearmed and possibly | may be able to} ! will not minimize the fact carry the child the full nine that the chance of miscarriage months, He also mentioned that|is Obviously present so you the aflerbirth seems to be first,; must follow your doctor's in- Wisal. effect-can tha perindic structions very carefully, bleeding do to my unbern baby, Clearly he is thoroughly alert, and what if the afterbirth is Tam sorry you have had to be first? subjected to those scare stories ee besides wives' tales that IT am quite Dear Dr, Molner; My hus unset-~-that the baby may not band has to count his calories live, or if it does it will be aicarefully. Does one brand of moron, or very small and/oleomargarine have less calo- sickly. What are the chances of ries. than another?~--Mra, M, my having a nermal child? Mrs, M. H.W From the description, there is a threat of miscarriage, and the usual treatment is just what your doctor has advised--hed rest This complication is more likely in the last few months of Ipregnaney rather than at your istage, Admittedly it is a serious threat, endangering the life of the fetus However if the baby is born successfully, neither condition that is, early or late bleeding affects the formation or intelli gence of the child. Ignore the Some people de ight in telling such distressing jfabrieations. Just pay attention to vour doctor's counsel As to the afterbirth question 1 assume this to mean that the placenta (which later becomes the afterbirth) is located at or near the opening of the womb instead of higher up This is called placenta previa that is, the placenta is so lo sated to ha in advance, instead heard so many old They all have about the same value---about the same as but: ler Dear Dr, Moiner: | seldom have a headache in the day time, but occasionally get quite a severe one at night, After J get up, the headache gradually subsides. What could cause them?---W, A, H, Muscle tension related to the position of your head while asleep is often a cause, A higher or lower pillow might be tried, Arthritie changes in the bones of the neck could be a factor, Allergy (such as to the feathers in a pillow) could be considered, However, mus cle tension is the most likely, Dear Dr, Molner; My sister got a wire deep in her foot, and mv brother sucked on the wound to start it hleeding, Then he took her to the doctor, Does the sucking help or make it worse*--Mrs, V. M It helps,- particularly in a deep, puncture-type wound that doaan't blead fraaiy. Bleadine tales vou hear pert. At both tables the final contract was four spades, and at each table the opening lead was a heart At the first table declarer ruffed the heart and played a low diamond to the queen Past took the ace and returned @ heart, South ruffing again Deciarer was now in a posi- tion where he had a chance to make twelve tricks if the spades and diamonds were di- vided reasonably, but when he led the AK of spades, West showed out and South suddenly discovered he was in serious trouble In an effort to recover, de- clarer cashed the king of dia- monds and ruffed « diamond in dummy, but now having less trumps than Bast, he eventually went down one, Neclarer scored five trump tricks, a diamond, a ruff, and two clubs At the second table who was declarer, leontract, The play jsame way. He ruffed am heart, played a diamond to the queen, and ruffed the heart return, He then cashed the ace of spades, but now, in order to guard against a possible 4-1 jtrump break, he discontinued \drawing trumps, Instead he jcashed the king of diamonds and ruffed a diamond in dum- my. Discovering the 42 diamond break, Root entered his hand with the ace of clubs and ruffed another diamond, A club to the | jack gave Root his eighth trick, and the K-Q of apades then pra- vided tricks nine and ten, The hand illustrates the pre- cautionary measures a conscien- tious declarer must take to proe \tect himself against unfavor- lable distribution, Root had ne jway of knowin that the jtrumps were divided 4-1, but he | took the steps required to cope with the possibility, An ounce of prevention can go along way at fhe bridge table, SALLY'S SALLIES Root, made the Started the tends to wash out germs oF dirt, This ts particularly impor- tant if tetanus, or lockiaw, germs happen to be present, bee cause they multiply in the ab> sence of alr, Hence tetanus contributes a serious threat with puncture wounds, Note to Mrs, G, H, By: Per. nicious anemia results from lack of an "'inbrinsie factor" in the digestive tract, Giving Vita- mine B 12 periodically makes up for this. However, we do not know what causes this lack of the "intrinsie factor," | SURE CURE FOR FORD | FEVER -- Prescription -- An Affordable ~-- FORD -- MACDONALD FORD SALES LTD, OSHAWA =: BOWMANVILLE |} ERNIE CAY [co LUMBER % | ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS FREE DELIVERY | "Wt it's LUMBER eall our NUMBER PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.

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