Here's A Different Gift Recliner re, alt oir c's wat mal FOL DAY apt to be dozing with\and minor sunburn. | . Youll find| 4 Cold capsules to treat nasal) diving, lea4-| congestion of colds hay troop OM &ifever, One, called Coryban-D,| Want to make Dad say! hike, building @ re-\nas a decongestant that can be|"Ah-hi That's for me!"? | in the basement) s real help on trips and exeur-| What man doesn't like the Agro eae in pollen-laden areas. feet-up comfort of » good re- a '| § A medicated lather shave.|clining chair? You can't beat # ble = survival kit, suggest the) 1, cn like your man smooth-|tecliner for reading, watching consultants television, napping, or just re- laxing. and it makes a perfect |Pather's Day Gift. Peet tn ine. oniy| Saves, even in the wilderness, Recliners are #0 popular chawe nets ae? a good gift, Barbasol comes and itches that some furniture companies aller; if manufacture them exclusively. Ri 3 iH § ; re Hy with two packs of i cards, 200 interlocking chips "Poker, the Nation's Most Fascinating Card Game." in the Outdoors, Ser- a survival kit makes) sense on summer vacations week-end gntings. Assemble! in a steel box for safe- portability, gift-wrap to taste, and keep hand PAUL And finally, if Pop get poop- ed with all of his activities, chewable vitamins are a tasty- tuck in. Viterra Tastitabs, for in- stance, come in five fruit fia- vors and colors. (And adults) enjoy them as much as chil-| And now you can even buy co-; ordinated "Mon and Dad' re-| j cliners. The lady's version is| f more slightly scaled and a little) Yy smaller than the model, Manufacturers have refined) masculine NEW WORK - SAVERS y in the kit? Here's ill give you some! dren do). ' Think dear old Dad will sur- vive? A survival kit can help. Geronimo! 'Tuck This "| In His Boots Giving Dad hunting 3 ; 5 : F ; ; ; i CC and Ss wimming, wind sun a hours behind the wheel of the family car, One choice is drop se 'The set is packaged in a beautiful green leatherette box, by Bicycle Playing equip- ment? Here's a thoughtful "ex- tra added attraction' that will surely be appreciated .. . tuck jouches due to muscular strain, | |(A good idea for week-ened ath-| letes and Frug-ers). Available in recliner mechanisms so that they are easy to operate, yet very compact. As a result, a recliner is no longer a bulky| piece of furniture. The Burris) Chair company, for instance,| introduces a line of slim, trim Spanish-influence recliners for) 1966, They feature coil springs! ~ and reversible latex foam seat| rics, sturdy tweeds and many cushions that are e« full six|other materials. inches thick, This combination produces hip-deep comfort, and Comfort is the whele ides sual fo eciliner. gf -/ Ream et bePracee In| chair was designed to be the just about any furniture style| most eomfortable chair it is SAVERS CLEAN HIS CAR INTERIOR with a push of a button, leaving it looking like new. No rubbing re- quired . Cleaning foam goes into action with just a touch, requires merely a has six- with recliners, and one notable! once-over with a dry towel. (P&. There is also an ger- osol spray that makes aging smell brand new). Photo courtesy Aerosol Div., Chemical Specialties Manu- facturers Assn. it their "Tiger Tamer" because it can relax anyone. Keep Your Food Perfect: Good eating out-of-doors is, of course, a major essential to any good pienic. There's only one prime rule about picnic food -- simple or elaborate. You want to bring enough to appease including, Colonial, traditional,|possible to build. It provincial, Spanish and Medi-| inch thick reversible latex fort. wisdom terranean. While most people|foam cushion, deep coiled can provide house of contert.| Dod will Mess your at think of them as covered in springs, a softly tufted back, s . io ; has a! thi of % Some Housekeeping Tips | Oa ee eerie tor chil-|ing ywtety fg: Bay ay leather, today they come up-|heavily padded arms, and is| appetites sharpened by alr and holstered in solid -color and| covered in warm, fich - looking) exercise, and to keep it per- | dren, and a new lotion for adults : | thet penetrates more deeply, If his feet burn from the frie patterned washable vinyl fab vinyl The manufacturers call\ fectly cold or hot, in a box of baking soda, sult- anda 8 page booklet, Cards. | new greaseless, stainless formu- i las, they are ensy to use and|ably gift-wrapped, of course, For Wide, Blue Yonder Since men are obviously at ing to be first, second, third and fourth in space, they had best get some pointers on house- keeping in the wide blue yonder As they're enjoying the king- ly state on Dad's day this June, specialists of Service-Master, the nation's largest home care company, offer this review of housekeeping conditions for real and armchair 'astronauts: While there will be no smoke- stacks or chimneys to shower out soot on the space house, don't think this means escape from earthbound housework, the company warns. New problems loom ahead in space. Even though there will be no air to) trap dirt, for example, space) holds floating pleces of star-| dust that, quite unpoetically,' could put a dent in your space) house. | If you stepped outside to in vestigate the damage, you'd| find yourself drifting away in) thin alr, That's why space ar-| chitects would build a pressur- ized bubble house, creating ar-| tificial "land" to give solid footing. | One of your most important spacemaking tasks will be to keep an eye on the pressure in- dicator -- just as you check the) your feet on the 'ground', fur- niture on the floor and coffee in the pot. There are sure to be other,| still unthought-ofproblems. Among the no-so-celestial as-| ag of cleaning in space Mr the constant sweeping up of clally annoy- eosmic dust, espe ing when tracked in after a) space scouting excursion to a) neighboring star. Probably you will use a special cosmic attach- ment which might even fit an earthly vacuum. Most of the work will be strictly man-made, as usual, because you will hate to bring your own dirt, Pipes Have Big Appeal | Sherlock Holmes, as most everyone knows, was a great pipe smoker. In one of his many references to pipe smok ing, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle tells about Holmes and Dr, Wat son returning to their apartment only to find a pipe left by an impatient intruder, Ad Dr. Watson recalled later, "Holmes was turning the pipe about in his hand and staring in his peculiar pensive way. He held it up and tapped on it with his long thin forefinger, as.a professor might who was lectur- ing on a bone. 'Pipes are of ex traordinary interest', said he, Nothing has more individual: ity'."" This advice, from the wisest of all detectives and probably the world's most famous pipe emoker, is especially apt when selecting a pipe for your Fath er's Day gift. According to the Pipe and Tobacco Council, in dividuality plays an important What in space will you do about getting rid of refuse? Many solutions to space clean- ing will be a matter of adding new twists to old methods. For example, you'll merely collect debris, such as old newspapers, cigarette butts and stardust, put it into a container and shoot it garbage cans in orbit seems like an alarming idea, just drop the container outside the back door, start up the rocket motor and maneuver your house to a new space station, Car Gifts Help Daddy How many hours a week does) Dad spend in his auto? Add it up ~ the figure may surprise you, Because the auto is "home" to Dad so much of the ime -- a gift for his day to make his driving easier and more pleas- ant -- is a good one! The choice of gifts is wide; so is the price range. First consideration for pleas- ure is of course, a good car radio, A grand gift if Dad does- n't have one, How about seat covers? Worn, faded, unattractive ones are about as gloomy as a "tired" sofa, Seat covers are truly hand- some this year and the choice of fabric, color, pattern and price is wide . with one to suit all Does his car have an effi- clent heater and air conditioner? These are not as expensive as you might think, and what com fort they will give Dad, especial- ly if he's a "real traveller", A car caddy (to hold cigar- ettes, glasses, etc.) is a mighty handy item, too, mi | part in selecting your pipe, and} yet, it is the individuality of the recipient not the donor Pipe-smoking men, or those you grant to become pipe smok- ers, have, and soon develop, a flerce pride in their pipe, They become collectors, experts, and protect their briar, clay, meer- echaum, corncob or cherrywood as a doting mother protects its young Some men prefer smooth if he is, why net consider him © quality gift et « able price from straight into space, Or, if putting 318 YOUR FATHER §£ A GOOD SPORT? | tion of heavy boots or if his lade La et py. Be merge dog's feet are sore from run- campers, fishermen and out-| Bing through rough stubble, all doorsmen. A new serosol form|six feet are soothed in short of a standby called Calmitol, order if soaked in a bicarb solu- for example, helps stop itching)... If heavy woolen socks = during the day, they'll Priceless s Gift! Room es H 0 itch f b h cratches, Of His Own 3 im vit cue | Wondering what to give Dad| newspaper does first-rate job | for ratners an A How ahout! of cleaning the frying pan, the | some vacant space } If the Dad in your family | Coffee pot and the rest of your like most men, what he needs|©°k-out utensils, | most is a part of the house to|Sprinkled dry on the camp fire, call his own soda will slow down the flames As head of the family, he's|to a nice steady cooking pace. \probably provided a "special| Game soaked in a soda solu- |place for everyone, including) tion will taste less gamey, the dog, But many a man who's) | blisters if he wears them in this | condition, Soak socks in a soda solution, however, and they dry jout comfortably soft, A bicarb paste will quell the et wet) ry out) | stiff as a board overnight. Dad) }can depend on a good case of A | / by Gilbey's iNET 'one of the finest Canadian whiskies this country has ever tasted' furnished a deluxe kitchen for Mom and a playroom for the children has no place for his own hobbies or activities, | Here is a simple plan for giv- ing Dad some space of his own: | 1, Select a suitable location, dependent upon Dad's interests and how much spare room is available, If you're crowded for | space, an out-of-the-way corner include an infrequently - used guest room, a cluttered attic or) basement, or a storage area) that currently houses the young- | sters' outgrown tricycles. 2. Clear it out and clean it before Father's Day. Toys, sewing machines and anything else the a man's room should be removed, | The children can help with this job, (Part of the gift), 3. Help Dad decorate and fur nish the room to his taste, He) may want {t paneled as a den, | office or hobby room. If 80, sug- gest a prefinished paneling, such as wood-grained hard-board buying BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN How me Gift forthe Led of the Man Father's Day Is This Sunday Turn to a man's store for Dad's gifts -- after all Dover's know what a man likes to wear, Here are some warm weather suggestions that Dad will appreciate and wear -- and he'll enjoy them all summer. And if his taste 72 as good as we think it is, he'll be charmed, proud and simply delighted with a gift of Arden.for.Men JURY + LOVELL =. OSHAWA - WHITBY - BOWMANVILLE SCHICK ELECTRIC PRESENTS STAINLESS STEEL SHAVING" * EXCLUSIVE WITH SCHICK --~ the inventors of Electric Shaving SUPER GORDLESS SHAVES WITH OR WITHOUT A CORD o Adjustable Stainless Steel Head 538 le on charge » Dehore ineve! eave « Power Adaptor included for cord shaving Powerlite indicator tells when shaver GRY THE SHAVE OF YOUR LIFE EVERY TIMB! bowls, others a relief or sand- lasted grain, some a natural color, others a mahogany, wal- put or maroon stain, while still others choose a curved, straight all, each has an individualistic preference. Fortunately the in- dustry has a shape, size, color and stem-length to satisfy the most particular pipe smoker or the most finicky woman. From the 12 basic pipe shapes there are literally hundreds of varieties. This is also true of amoking tobacco with hundreds of blends and mixtures in vary- ing tastes and aroma to meet all discriminating preferences. ' On 61 King %. £., Oshewe L After some 17 yeore experience Sim sporting con satiafy discriminating eportemen from complete tine of Remember, @ geod Electra Shaver Service & Supplies 39 Prince St. OSHAWA, ONTARIO OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 9/9 --