Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1966, p. 5

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a WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Singer From London WHITBY -- AJAX THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, June 14, 1966 § Ontario Hospital Nurses Guests At Many Functions To Sing At Fairview WHITBY Mrs. Kathleen Baker, London, England, well known mezzo soprano, who has y : performed at Royal Albert Hall, : | England, and also for the Royal f | family, is visiting her daughter | and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, John Townsend, 116 Bowman Ave My Raker arcamnanied his wife. Five years ago Mrs. Baker was completely crippled with arthritis but has recovered suf- ficiently to be able to carry on WHITBY (Staff) --- A group \of Whitby industrial and busi-| ness executives, meeting Mon-| | day night at the Georgian Motor) |Hotel, discussed ways and 'of the 1966 Whitby Community| | Chest campaign. Dunlop of Can-| with her career. Although in a 'ada Limited was host for the wheel chair she has toured vari- j dinner, ous parts of England nad has | Richard Matthews, president sung for many charitable 'of the Whitby Chest, presided. | organizations and raised $30,000 | With him at the head table were which was donated to the George Plummer of Dunlop! Arthritis Association. \Canada Limited, Mayor Des- Mrs. Baker will entertain resi- |mond Newman, Harold FE. Pier- dents of Fairview Lodge June json, president of the Oshawa 16, Mr. Baker, a baritone, will Community Chest; William Mor- also perform. They will be rison, Whitby industrial com- accompanied at the piano by MRS. KATHLEEN BAKER = missioner and Robert Branch, Mrs. R. A. Phair. executive secretary of the Osh- Mrs, Baker was the guest of ing the meeting Mrs. Baker awa.Community Chest, Payroll Deductions Key To Chest Succ ty speaking contest zing year as @ trainer for the De-| duces one-third troit Tigers in vegetables % YEARS A TRAINER STATE PULIS Jack Homel begins his Met) The State of pro- of the fruit and 1966, in the United States. WHITBY ~-- Prior to theirjhostess at @ party, at her Scu- graduation, last Friday, the|gog Island home, June 6 for members of the class of 1966 at\the gradua the Ontario Hospital School of Nursing were guests at a num- ber of social functions, P Late in April the intermediate |" class was host at a Black Band Dance, A short ceremony was held part way through the dance sor of Whitby,|in which Karen Vibe of the class f the chest appeal. He said Whit- by Chest leaders might also con- sider aiiendum ie Oenawe Chest canvassers' dinner in |means of ensuring the success|October when a noted speaker tive meeting will be held short-| will address the workers. GM OFFER Mr. Pierson offered to take up with directors of General Motors the feasibility of provid- ing space on employees' pay in the plant, could con.\of 1967 gave a resume of the), Chest {{\ training. Miss Vibe and Miss \Judy Bowcott, also of the class _jof 1967, presented each of the 'seniors with their black band. | working tribute to the Whitby {suey weenee so oo Se: | It was announced an execu Mrs. H. Baker. Miss A. Fergu- son, Mrs, G, Steffier, Mrs. P. 1G, Lynes and Mrs, A, R, Rich- lards poured tea, i The graduating class and in- termediate at its e "Burning of the Whites" cere- mony and a weiner roast June 8, This was a symbolic burning of the student's uniform to de- lly. The budget for the 1966 cam-iguyyry DINNER paign will be worked out dur: Mrs, Donna Kidd, RN, held an ing the summer, linforma! buffet dinner at her | A group of residents of the|home on May 5 in honor of the |Bowmanville area attended as\gtaduating class. She was as- observers, jsisted by Miss Ruth Northey, Ajax Council Approves | 152 ad Home Subdivision (Rese, Be aoe pannsil Jira | termediate students serving, Thal AJAX(Staff) -- The Ajax Town Council, Monday night, ~~~ |RN and Miss Anne Beauclare, |RN, A doctors' dinner was held note the end of their train- ROLLER SKATING Whitby Community Arena Skating to Orchestra Music Fecturina the "IN CROWD" EVERY TUESDAY NiGHiT Admission 75¢ -- 8 to 11 P.M, Boot Sketes Available for Rent | June 2 with the hospital BUPET™ | coho of nursing, 8 graduation jintendent, Dr, P. G. lynes, 85 breakfast was held with the in- ign ting class pr j 4 -\instructors and residents staff) replied. Entertain-| with gifts in appreciation of their|| th tes, Miss D. {member' and in 1967 the grant igieinbecks" spi Mero | will be boosted to $7,500 subject! nent was provided by a foal SENIOR LACROSSE patience and helpful guidance | the Whitby Theatre Guild at sang for the guild members, REVIEW 1965 APPEAL "The Other Three| during their three years' approved by bylaw a sub-\to the approval: of the 1967 singing group, their annual general meeting Mr. and Mrs, Baker will re- The reasons for the failure|dvision agreement with Dut- council, recently held at the home of turn to England June 22 when p\ fins Creek Estates Lid, Mr. and Mrs. Cy Garratt, Cochrane &t.. At a party follow- Whitby Resident Wins Car Draw The annual Mariposa Field Day was held at Little Britain. A large crowd was in atten- dance. The parade of Mariposa Public School pupils was led by the Oakwood Brass Band and accompanied by commercial floats from many areas, Schools competed in races, in the various age groups, under the direction of the teachers with many entries in each race. More than 600 spectators fill- WHITBY PERSONALS -- aes : ws Council Brief Cites 'Community Centre Need Mrs, William Bowden and her son, Robert, 220 Lee Ave., spent the weekend in Montreal and met Mr. Bowden at Dorval Airport when he returned from a three-week vacation in En- gland where he had visited his mother and other relatives They were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. FE. E. Sutton, of Lachine, Que, Mr, and Mrs. William Brad ley, Kirkland Lake, recently visited with Cecil Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore after attending the Firemen's Convention in Brockville, They also visited Mr, and Mrs, How- ard Bradley of Bowmanville, of the 1965 campaign to reac its objective were explored. It jwas the feeling of the meeting that the participation by all Whitby industries as well as civic employees in payroll de- duction plans would ensure the success of this year's appeal. 8. R. Alger, a member of the Oshawa Chest executive, said |Mrs, Baker has a TV engage- iment, ed the arena for a fast moving) evening program which fea-| tured bell ringers, acrobatic) dancers, cowboys and Indians) as well as instrumental num- The agreement is for a 152- home subdivision located be- tween the Lake Vista and Plus One" of Peterborough training off CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE (Miss Patricia Killens thanked ' Councillor Clark Mason re-\e hosts : ported that, although the last! A Baccalaureate Service was scheduled committee meeting in St, John's Anglican ITALY OFFERS VARIETY | A total of 120 Italian wines | Southwood subdivisions west of | Pickering Beach Rd, The agreement calls for a) performance bond of $180,000 for the 33-acre development and lallows the subdivider to con- was cancelled, a meeting would be held on June 22 at 7.30 p.m.) in the council chambers, He re-| ported that the committee had| a very good representation) from the various groups and) Church, Port Whitby, on June|have charters of quality super-| 5, Rev, John McKibben, the rec-| vised by the Itallan govern- tor, conducted the evening ser- vice which was attended by| ment. _ members of the graduating class, intermediate class, in-| structors, friends and relatives. bers, The ail important moment ar- rived at the conclusion of the program when Steve Nimigon of 111 Cedar St., Whitby, was announced as the winner of the 17th civic holiday car draw payroll deduction was the back-| struct six model homes before bone of this appeal. He suggest-\all services are installed, ed.the time is not too far off SOs |when one mammoth campaign FIREFIGHTERS for the community chest wilt) Two resolutions for grants to lencompass the area from Bow-|\the Ajax Volunteer Fire Fight- manville to Ajax. ers were approved, For 1966 He suggested also that Whitby the Volunteer Department will should distribute chest literature receive $6,000, plus a $10,000 clubs in the town, | | Following the service a tea was ST. JOHN AMBULANCE held in the nurses residence, | R. H. Nicholson of the Ajax Miss Nobuye Hara, RN, was) unit of the St. John Ambulance|~ : Association asked for support in its June financial campaign. | Council was informed the Ajax unit, now consisting of six be held, Council also proclaim- jed Aug, 1 as a Civic Holiday, | MISS AJAX CUP RENTALS FREEMANS FORMALS FOR MEN eat in schools and hold a public | Arlene, daughter of Mr i Mrs. Lioyd Myles, is celebrat- ling her 12th birthday today, Rest wishes are extended to |Mr. and Mrs, Ambrose Plazek 908 Crocus Cr., on their 23rd wedding anniversary celebrated today. AJAX (Staff) The Ajax Town Council Monday night re- leased a prepared brief outlin- Attending as guests of Whit-ling costs and reasons why, in by Shrinking Violets TOPS) jts opinion, the town needs an Club's meeting Tuesday will be' arena-community centre Pauline Shaw of the Oshawa! Jn jts brief council suggested Losing Lassies and Joyce An- that in the past 10 years Ajax derson, their "Queen"', councils have been petitioned Birthday wishes. are extend from time « time to provide ed to.Mal Femia, 331 Dovedale| 4" artificial ice arena. In addi- Dr who is celebrating his tion, the present community bithdaw: today centre has outlived its period . and can only be maintained Mr. and Mrs, Graham Taylor, With high annual maintenance and their son, John, were Sun- cost, day dinner guests of her par "It was only after much de lents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold) liberation and the study of re Goddwin, of West Hill ports from various committees |life insurance policy, for each|members, hopes to obtain its| '4 "jown ambulance. Mr. Nicholson} lnald the unit needed an ambu- lance, money and members. SWIMMING POOL Council assured the Ajax Kinsmen Ciub that the Ajax! Memorial Pool would be open this summer despite construc- that the Ontario Municipal) tion of the new Municipal Com- Board gave approval on the|Plex now in progress adjacent basis of the municipality's abil-|to the pool, ity to. pay NEW PLAZA "It is assumed that the criter- ion for capital debt is 20 to 25| Duffins Creek Estates Lid. In per cent of total assessment,|formed council a new shopping Our ability to pay is proven by| Plaza, containing 175,000 square the board's approval of the feet, would be constructed south town's five-year forecast, In its) Of the existing plaza, The com report 'council said it believed) Pany said 80,000 square feet in that the approval of the pro-|cluding a junior department jects is in the best interest of Store, a supermarket and serv- the town jice stores, would be built in the | next months, Duffins Creek ask- MUST KEEP IN STEP ed council for the rezoning of; "If we are to retain past and|the property in the immediate present advantages we must) future to allow the building of keep in step with residential,;a department store, Council re- commercial and | Presented annually to the girl! uss EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock $, 5, Whithy PHONE 668-2091 Council approved the expendi- ture of $75 to purchase a sult- ably inscribed cup for the Miss Ajax Contest, The cup will he chosen Miss Ajax at the annual Ajax Sports Day. This year) Sports Day pill be held June 25.'! TOWNSHIP .OF EAST. WHITBY Notice to V5. BRAMPTON RAMBLERS Wed., June 14th-8:30 P.M. Brooklin Memorial Arena Sponsored by the following merchants: Northside Chrysier-Dodge Bramley Motors Ottenbrite Men's Weer Gus Brown Motors Bowman and Gibson Ontario Contractors Drew Motors J, B. MeMullen Reel Estote Mitchell Bros, Gerd Cook yuce Ville Hotel Luther Vipond Don Vallance Massey-Ferguson Dealer Genera! Motors of Conada Everlast Concrete Floors Roya! Hotel Guy Stevenson Bob Heron, David Brown Tractors Boom ond Charlie Dennis Arsneau, BA Soler Heot Dunlop of Canede MeBrien Transport Canadian Tire Assos, Store, Whitby Markham Industriel & Commercie! Concrete Seaway Motors Owners and Occupants of Land WEEDS Under the provisions of the WEED CONTROL ACT, Province of Onterio, PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given te oll OWNERS end OCCUPANTS of lands within the Township of East Whitby, , $500,000 indicated that an aver industrial| ferred the rezoning request to growth and the changing face) the planning board, of a new Ajax." . Speaking on the report, Coun- SCHOOL AUDITORIUM cillor Ed Wetherall said that all) The Ajax Public School Board the questions asked could not|informed council tenders for be answered in the report be-|the St. Andrew's Senior School cause some were ridiculous. He| Auditorium were opened and said he hoped people involved | the contract was let to P and § would study the report and with-| Construction of Scarboro, The draw their objections, contract price for the full sized Councillor Wetherall said that| auditorium was $167,900, Trus during the eight years he hasitee Jack Reid, present at the served on council, council had| council meeting, assured coun done nothing and it was time|cil the auditorium would be a something was done to change! Self contained unit designed for the face of Ajax, He said) night use, council should be commended) weepinGs CANCELLED for--its--courage; Councillor Owen Ashley Ajax Town Council decided council should take pride that the regular meetings of July 28.and Aug, 22 would not that the 1965-66 council decided by resolution to proceed with the community centre arena project." | |COST IN FORECAST "The amount of $450,000 was included in our capital forecast for the year 1966. This forecast was subsequently approved by the Ontario Municipal Board and council engaged Craig, Zeidler and Strong, architects, to prepare working drawings These are now in the final stages of completion." "Cost to the householder is nominal, averaging between $10 and $20 per year dependent on assessment," A debenture repayment based said in THAT UNLESS NOXIOUS WEE d Council of the T polity ere DESTROYED by THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1966 the DS en any lend in the Muniel- i d Mr, R, P , Weed hip has and to destroy noxious weeds in the discharge of his duties she shall be collected in the sem for said costs on or before J VACANT LOTS OR ALL WEEDS, inspector for the said Township to enter upon the sald lands proper, and thot the costs Incurred by the Weed Inspector in concerned and ploced on the Collector's Roll and such emounts Assessment Act, UNLESS peyment is made te the Township OCCUPIED LANDS ARE UNSIGHTLY AND A PUBLIC NUISANCE, DO YOUR PART TO DESTROY such @ manner as he may deem i be charged against the lands @ manner os taxes under the ULY 31st, 1966, WEEDS ON M, WM, GOLDIE, Clerk, Columbus, Onterio, their. progressive town Council will now face irate ratepayers at an OMB hearing scheduled to be held in the Council Chambers at 11 a.m.,| Friday to hear evidence for and against the proposed community centre arena project on a capital expenditure of age house assessed at $3,500 would pay $9.77 in 1947 and that this rate would decrease annual- ly by about 70 cents Council its in brief outlined BROCK Mon, & Tres. Only -- One Complete Program at 7:30 KENT gm LLOvD | MORE ye NOLAN JON WAV' wisn O'BRIEN \ AUER Why Northside's New Cars Are Worth More | ofen run across new cor buyers who mistakenly think that all new ¢ors ore y alike when they come from the factory t ond thet the dealer is only @ kind of storekeeper for the ma! er's prod. | In actuel foct, ae any dealer knows, no two cars are identical In oll respects, They have @ difference in ride, driving "feel" end over-all performance. Automatic transmissions, brakes end steering often vary and have to be adjusted in the dealer's garege, . This adjustment from cer to car is the purpose of "'pre+ delivery' service ----- the work the dealer performs on the new cor after it arrives from the factory ond before it Is delivered to the customer. The value of this service is $30.00 ond up in the cose of Valiant, Dodge and Chrysler os suggested by the mon- ufacturer and covers the checking of dozens of items on en Inspection list, os well as cleaning and polishing. There is no easier way for @ dealer interested In seving this expense than to just plain skip most or all of these items, The results con bee new ear-thet- becomes @- 'lemon'! ofter-the buyer has taken possession, | have seen lock of front wheel alignment alone wear a new set of tires into scrap in ao matter of a few weeks, It is-obvious that @ dealer who saves on his pre-service ie offering you less for your money, NORTHSIDE Chrysier-Dodge has mony new models in stock right now, for you to choose from----moreover, | take this opportunity and invite you In to take « demonstration drive and see for yourself, the value and quolity in the '66 Chrysler built 5 and 50,000 mile warranteed cars A ta NODTHEIDE CHRYSLER DODEE WE JOINED THE NAVY, 0 mmm SCOPE PICTURE Hm LASTMAN Am AED eAreRE we A eM oa BEGINS 7:30 REGINS 9:15 OUT i2 x 2 24 x 24 CHARCOAL YELLOW BROWN GREEN lotte Islands at the St. John's party was held at the home of C en" 8 riticized l nolds, Billy Ing, Chris Spellen generally rundown condition A family dinner was ar Judge J, C. N, Currelly at the|Thaxter's birthday, ported that some sections of the "The staff at this institution chalked up a pair of valuable these conditions,' the report) oq» Saturday afternoon, the there was room for much im: awa generally in a rundown condi-\91 tycsie FILTHY CONDITIONS World heavyweight champion the ceilings and walls were pion Karl Mildenberger of West tories "'in serious need. of minor| sometime between Sept. 3 and The jury urged that work be-| screen door was found to be both sides."' the report said jury also inspected the hospital was criticized tion in the laundry room be Many people hope a audden attack of| start, like Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild For those sudden attacks that can RED Mrs, John McKibbin will show pictures of Queen Char- Anglican Church WA meeting, June 15, | Billy, son of Mr. and Mrs ' Alvin Weir, celebrated his fifth ys 00 birthday, For the occasion a his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Donnithorne, 328 Dovedale iDr. Present were: Paul Rey ' _ ore Frank Harris, Michael 'Trel COBOURG The Ontario . al Boys' Training School, Bow- see. peg Folge also. Barbara, manville, was found to be in a ae last week during an Inspection! ranged on Sunday at the home by a grand injury. of Mr. and Mrs, James Thax Reporting to counties court ter on the occasion of Mr general sessions of county | ~ court, jury foreman Edgar} i] Braithwaite of Roseneath, re, Whitby Pee Wees ° school were badly in need of Score Two Wins repair B Whitby Pee Wee 'Stars' are working at a serious dis- wins over the weekend, in their advantage and seem to be do-| astern Ontario Baseball Asso ing an enthusiastic job under' oistion schedule play. bc Whitby youngsters earned a 4-0 hile there was some work shutout over the Oshawa Legion being done on the grounds,! naire Pee Wees, here in Osh provement in this respect, par 0 n Sunda | t |} ticularly at the main entrance. whithy cont at thats waite. Buildings were found to be ville yisitors in a hard-fought tion, both on the exterior and interior and a_ serious need a ° aie exists for redecorating." CLAY MAY DEFEND FRANKFURT (Reuters) The report noted while some Cassius Clay will probably de- painting has been done recently fend his boxing title here in Sep in the kitchen and dining hall,| tember against European cham: found to be in filthy condition. Germany, German_ boxing The jury inspection found cor-|sources said Monday, Clay's ridors and anterooms in dormi-| managers have agreed to a bout repairs and redecorating"./10, they said, More adequate locker facilities! one were also recommended. gin on neglected areas imme diately In the infirmary a steel padiocked. 'We would suggest that this door be fitted with a lock which is accessible from The jury said the door was dangerous in case of fire { While at Bowmanville, the which they found clean and efficient. However, some make shift wiring in the kitchen area It was recommended that proper electrical outlets he pro vided and that proper ventila provided Sensible Way to Relieve Diarrhea Diarrhea will quickly subside, So they do nothing. Others preter to take a fast acting, dependable remedy right at the Strawberry. It relieves nauaea, cramos and diarrhea---gently restores intestinal balance Family-proven for over 115 yeare strike at home, on trips of vacation, | toep Dr, FOWLER'S Extract of Wild Strawberry on hand, 10 'MAKE YOUR DOOR LIVING IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PHONE GET YOUR FREE BROCHURE ON PATIO DESIGNS TO-DAY! SEE TOMORROW' OSHAWA TIMES FOR EXCITING GRAND OPENING! SAVE 25° AT THE DRIVE THRU CAR WASH 153 Brock St. N. = Whitby Under New Management WASH - WAX - DRIED 30° REGULAR PRICE 1.00 With 7 or More Gallons ef Gasoline crcemmanns: VALUABLE COUPON THIS COUPON WORTH 25¢ Off the Regular Price, when presented + | for your next ear wash, } TUTE a Vy VV LAA APAAAN AAA AAANA ARR A ANAANR NYY VIMY vv VM UYU SD Lae, Hours of eperstion Monday =~ Friday Saturday Sundey 9 am. to % pm. 8 am. te 6 pm. 10 a.m. te 5 p.m.

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