Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1966, p. 2

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ek ime a tad Spence Letter Quoted Final Legal Arguments Continued From Page 1 The judge's letter dated June| He quotes an April 25 ruling 7 says "I with to give you no- by Mr. Justice Spence that be- tice that I will have to consider fore he can report to the cabinet | all of the allegations" made at| notice must be given persons in-/ the inquiry's public and secret volved "setting out the detail of / sessions by commission counse! the charge of misconduct which, | 1 L. OBrien -and by Jackinot the minister of justice or| Campbell, lawyer fer Justice\tne counsel for ine commussion, | Minister Cardin. but the commissioner is about His letter, even longer than to find against them." Mr. Fulton's reply dated June' Mr. Fulton says "I find no- 13, consisted mostly of exten- where in your letter any state-| sive quotations from the finaliment that specifies your find- legal arguments of Mr. O'Brien ing, or ruling, as to what con-) and Mr. Campbell. stitutes proper conduct, or de-' "I must now consider the evi- parture from proper conduct dence that was introduced be- amounting to misconduct, or fore the commission, and any any specification whatsoever of charges of misconduct found in'a charge of misconduct in any) the proceedings before the com-|sense that would enable any. mission, before preparing my\person to meet what would be) ." Mr. Justice Spence's'regarded in any judicial or letter says. quasi-judicial proceedings as a It quotes section 13 of the In- charge." quiries Act Mr. Fulton's letter, and the "No report shall be made|statement which accompanied | against any person until reason- it, was the third time in which' able notice has been given to Mr. Justice Spence has been) him of the charges of miscon- taken to task publicly over the duct alleged against him and he inquiry. ik has been allowed full opportuy Mr. Fulton and Opposition nity to be heard in person or Leader Diefenbaker sharply by counsel," criticized the commissioner for Mr, Fulton says all Mr. Jus-| holding initial hearings in se- tice Spence has done "is collect|cret without -- to pel or an agglomeration of opinion as'their lawyers being present. to how my functions or discre-| They fired off a joint blast Power Hold tion as a minister might haveilater, and boycotted further been otherwise exercised 5'4|hearings, after Mr. Justice WASHINGTON years ago." Spence authorized release to re- James R - ' "The opinions you record are| porters of a cummeaty of RCMP : those brought in argument--not|reports about Mrs. Munsinger ' ys as evidence--by Mr. O'Brien| prepared for the commission Wine ee ae or Mr. Campbell, neither of|Mr, O'Brien. The summary WAS) ip, 'Word's 'arent, when he whom has ever had any respon-|described by the judge as gets out : : sibility for the administration of|"handy document' but not evi-)" wisi ois commenting directly government and both of whom/dence in the inquiry. dn 'tia ten tedaral convictions have shown themselves to be| Before withdrawing from the | Hoffa Plc Se age fs daira partisan in the extreme in their inquiry, Mr. Fulton testified! i. erie conatitalben i. os. respective summations. How onithat he went at once to Mr.| 0 yi iis os nace it te be earth can these be regarded a®aDiefenbaker, prime minister Stes sega ae Dt ibe Bey fos charges of misconduct?" e time, when i. received while Mr. Fulton says 'it is as-;/RCMP reports in alleging aan tounding that a judicial com-|that Mrs. Munsinger was in- Pann ---- gg we missioner could have adopted! volved with Pierre Sevigny, for- ----! me oa y a n such an extraordinarily non-|mer Conservative associate de- | iervie pr at . ig eng" an judicial attitude and written|fence minister, and that she | oamaters' Juls ep ans fd ; such an extraordinarily non-|knew George Hees, former Con-| ys pooh ¥ © COnvEntiON 2n judicial Jetter."" _ | servative trade minister. Hoffa is cxnacten io be "Second, it is equally as-| Mr, Sevigny said security was wasted ' i i Roiens D Bhi tounding that any commissioner|not risked and Mrs. Munsinger|) 12 m yh e ie ea could have written a letter that|never tried to get information dusvantuaatas 3200 ot ie ' s0 completely disregards the|from him. Mr. Hees testified he or : a zo 200 convention ruling which he himself made|met Mrs. Munsinger socially a He sation Sa nai tor tee in the course of the proceedings |few times and denied any im- ie ? oF before hina"? proper conduct; | first time the proposed constitu-| lat beeoed Horocuslens. Ministers' Conduct Defended O'Brien's Opinion Rejected or executive vice-president. | |WOULD SUCCEED Mr. Fulton and Mr. Sevigny;bate with you on the general) testified that Mr. Diefenbaker|opinion of Mr. O'Brien, Mr.| instructed Mr. Sevigny to end|Campbell or anyone else as to his association with Mrs. Munl|the adequacy of the discharge singer and that he (Mr, Diefen-|of my responsibilities." baker) must be satisfied there' "'. . . In condemning the inyi- was no breach of security. tation to appear before you to In his letter to Mr, Justice debate a a Spence, Mr. Fulton said Com-|of opinion wi io not consti- pie mission Counsel O'Brien ex-|tute specific charges, I am not eS oe re pressed opinions, not about the | asserting a right to any special for this," Hoffa said evidence or the weight of it, but|treatment: I am but reminding | "Pirst {t costs $2 500.000 to about ministerial conduct in ex-| you of the right which would be |g 000 000 to hold a convention ercising administrative discre- accorded under our system tO| Second a special convention! tion under certain. eircum- any criminal in the dock--but|-_?_"_*PSCIS!_ conve! stances, which you in your role as com-| "The weight that should be| missioner are obviously not pre-| attached to the opinions of Mr,|Pared to accord even to a for- A CROWD RUNS along Divison Street on Chicago's Hoffa Plans (AP) -- Hoffa confirmed to- |day that if he goes to prison Hoffa if he lost his appeals and able' before the end of his reg- ular five-year dent, the vice-president for Hoffa to resume his post as| taking, | The general vice - president| Processes, efforts at reconcilia- jwould automatically succeed| tion. went to prison, or become un-|{he Cyprus government, Greek available for any other reasop.,d0minated, to engage as soon If Hoffa again became "'avail-|#5 Possible in term as presi-| would create the problem that scrupulously before attempting!cision "knowingly and intelli-| questions any time after they| auto-|you might not have the money|tg question an arrested sus-| gently." matically would step back down|to send delegates. WEATHER FORECAST | | Interest Rate - Bill Planned were broken and some van- dalism reported. (AP Wirephoto) disorders in a Puerto Rican neighborhood. Windows along the business street near northwest side last night in new outbreak of with the Turkish-Cypri- Call Lander for your New Oil Furnace We hove the right size end type te sult your heating needs. , . ond you have the choice ef en Anthes er @ Lennox... to en- joy luxury heating et lowest cost. Buy on our Five Year Payment . telephone 725-3581 for @ free estimete---- no obligation, i a bill to consumers that By JERRY KUC \put down the riot after seizing 2/80 calls for the fair disclosure in the second straight night of The area where the two nights atm Sng at ppd de- violence on Chicago's northwest of rioting occurred contains y rmed shot and wounded and 37 more, The violence began Sunday ™iD4 were arrested before the rioting after a policeman shot » Puerto _ lishart was replying 4 'youth was armed and was try- Donald, leade ; r of the New Dem- Police said one of the men more than' 1,000 persons clashed se alto 4 ently were hit by stray bullets. not available immediately out- 1 . Looting was reported in some Was D pressed sented in April provides for the stores in the area. Glass from e 'establishment of as consumer youths walked with signs charg- who bled to death in a Kingston| 10 'o wipe out consume r ing police brutality. penitentiary cell Monday, had|{"auds, especially by door-to- 4 4 the registration of day to city hall in downtown Chi-' Deputy Warden Edgar Babcock| #189 Proposes cago. said in 'an interview. door-to-door salesmen and the | Police massed at an intersec-| man who tried to intervene in|Molders could repudiate a con- |tion some four blocks from the!» july, 1964, bank robbery, was|'"@¢t signed with # door-to-door at police cars, to the bone. A razor blade was Police chased the rioters found by his side New York's best play of the He had been alive at 4:45 season, Peter Weiss' horrific | the street as gasoline exploded. | check. in London. Cyprus Mandate 222227 ip | yp ; group, which included the seven UNITED NATIONS (CP)--;talks" OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis. men wounded. presence of the UN force in untary financial assistance were ically a proposal for a further, . Cyprus is "indispensable if a| received, the deficit on June 26,| six-month extension of its peace Court Rejects disastrous reversion of violence when the current mandate ex- In a report to the Security, A UN spokesman said Monday mons by Social Credit Leader) Murder A al Council, he recommended that the Cyprus peacekeeping force Thompson about a report by U ppe the 4,700-man army remain on will be reduced by 337' men in| Thant, United Nations Secre- mandate expires. - -------- ---|day not to interfere with the) Canada has just under 1,000 uf E f i Offi rs conviction and death penalty of meet Thursday to consider Ld bd 9 for fatally shooting Assistant Thant's report and extend the Against New Court Ruling Manager Jan Kelderman of a the force remain in the island.|# salvo of criticism today at the' 2, He must be told anything ency. Plan, if you wish. . It was sent there in April, 1964,,5upreme Court's new decision|he says may be used against Chief Justice Robert Tascher- Parallel to the peacekeeping A 'hi j merit in Fulton's appeal in j IN hee hee | decision announced by Chief) before any questioning. : : mission, the UN has been under-| 7 tice Karl Warren was rule| 4. He must be told that, if he| Which it was argued that trial| tional right against possible seif- incrimination are not safe-an arrested suspect says he recommend clemency. does not want a lawyer and is CHICAGO (AP) -- Police dozens who refused to leave of the cost of credit. mandate. Cyprus, Greece, Vancouver. trust company dur- j}on strict rules on the question- him in court, varoues Sipiomatiey of bounds in trials all in-| wants a lawyer but can't afford| Judge Mr. Justice T. W .Brown) guarded by the police. these! willing to be questioned, he may rights, a suspect agrees to be P ° olice Battle TORONTO (CP)--The govern- fought with more than 1,060 riot-| when given an ultimatum to go Flier in the session -Attor- side, some 49,000 Spanish - speaking Monday published reports the was brought under control early Rican youth. Police said tly NaS Gn nansld © Mace was shot when he threw a fire with police. | He did not say why there had Hospital authorities had no 'side the house for comment. broken store windows littered KINGSTON (CP) -- Matthew protection bureau. It would be Puerto Rican spokesmen said| twice been referred to psychia-| 990F salesmen. Smith, serving a life term for|*¢tting up of a two-day "cooling ree rally and fired warning shots 45) found dead about 5.45 a.m, Mon- *#/esman. back before homemade fire | guns drawn and wielding heavy Secretary-Generail U Thant said' ots ter Pearson said Monday Can-| More than 200 polcemen final force in Cyprus. and conflict is to be avoided.' pires,would be about $3,337,000 duty for a further six months| the next six months. No details|\tary - General, recommending ' OTTAWA (CP)--The Supreme troops there Roger Fulton, 25, of Vancouver. | Turkey and -Britain have all WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S.! 1. He must be told he has the ing a robbery in May, 1965, The in the wake of inter-communal ing of suspects. 3. He must be told he has the ©#4: delivering the court's judg- criminating statements The court laid down e e ' ot | Chicago Riot "A%s2°% |session of the legislature with ing Puerto Ricans Monday night|home or be arrested. ney - General Arthur Wishart Seven Puerto Ricans were' persons, government had changed its 1a c , today, police said. vom Densld © Mac- bomb snd the other six appar: : been a change in plans and was Beatle Bandit count of the injured treated. A companion bill also pre- the streets where Puerto Rican yorry smith, the Beatle bandit| Sie" broad powers by legisia- they planned # protest march to- trists for fits of depression,| ,1h€ consumer-protection bill f ; ud | FIRE SHOTS the gun-slaying of 2 Toronto! %!' period during irioters threw stones and bottles q.. with his left wrist slashed Thant Asks Longer . earacers | bombs were thrown--lighting up when a guard made a routine|Marat-Sade, has begun filming | wooden night sticks, chased this Monday that the continued) Unless further pledges of vol--ada will consider sympathet- He was asked in the Com- past June 26, when the current! were given the extension, ourt of Canada decided Mon- The Security Council is to Fulton is to be hanged Aug. concurred in his proposal that|!@W enforcement officials fired right to stay silent. jury did not recommend clem- oe What the court did in a 5-to-4 right to have a lawyer with him| ment, sald the court saw no las Mt | made one, one will be provided for pol - gy wed a Be, 1™ spec! -onstitu-| i U Thant appealed Monday to|>Y ® suspect whose constitu ~~ ger being told all this, sider in deciding whether to rules which police must follow) be, provided he reached his de-| questioned, he can shut off the| 'some form of 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 have started, whether or not he| pect: | 6. If, after being told all hisihas a lawyer with him. With Hoffa's eight-year jury) - €id 5 categane union chief--all without a spe-|tampering sentence under re view by the Supreme Court, and his five-year mail fraud sen tence still to go before the U.S. Court of Appeals, 53-year-old Hoffa is still a long way from prison. werner O'Brien {s as great as the extent| mer minister of justice of Can- of his experience in the admin-|@da." C ] istration of government: Nil'; Among examples of "how to-| 00 er ore | "As to Mr. Campbell, his ex- tally your letter fails to give! pressions of opinion are no more|M0tice of charges," Mr. Fulton charges than those of Mr./S8ys: O'Brien, And as expressions of} ', . . You quote Mr, O'Brien opinion or allegations, (your|as taking issue with my state-| word) they are even more gra-| ment that in my view Mr. Dief-| TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts tuitious and improper," enbaker's judgment was vindi-!{ssued by the weather office at Mr. "Fulton quotes from aicated. Am I to take it from|5:30 am.: commission transcript of Mr.|your letter--as I must if I am| Synopsis: Another area of low Cardin's March 10 press confer-| to take it as notice of charges-- | cloud drizzle and rain with cool ence in which the minister of|that Mr, O'Brien's assertion| temperatures just north of Lake justice says he doesn't blame that he disagrees with my opin-|Superior will push slowly east Mr. Fulton {n the Munsinger ion, is a charge of misconduct! ward across the upper Great case on my part?,.. Lakes today and tonight. Unset "Since this was the publicly "Am I now to face a charge| tied weather is expected to con stated position of his client, how of misconduct because I neither|{inue today and tonight in all on earth can you with any pro-|forced Mr. Sevigny's resigna-|areas. By Wednesday clearing priety suggest that what Mr.|tion--which I would have as-| will be accompanied by gener Campbell said can be construed| sumed you would realize is be-| ally cooler temperatures even as allegations, let alone|yong my functions or powers--| Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie charges, of misconduct against/nor resigned myself, which} Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On would have served -no useful tario, Haliburton, Killaloe, cline to enter into a de-'purpose whatsoever? Windsor, London, Hamilton, 7 : "| Toronto: Mostly cloudy with oc casional showers or thunder- showers today, Partial clearing an tonight. Wednesday variable cloudiness and' cooler. Winds SCHOOL ADDITION GOLFERS me an Gas' Nerh "Bas Oshawa. board of education A foursome composed of B guahuty: Gavahia alondiness Monday night received final) Brewer, Ken Thorpe, J. North- |, ae aha : so : " with a few showers today and approval from city coun-|¢y and E. Heath, of the White) wednesday cil for a $300,000 expenditure for| Vale Golf Club, had the lowest er a F an addition to O'Neill Collegiate|score in the Port Hope Invita Algoma, Sault Sle, Marie, ri and Vocational Institute, tional golf tournament during) ™#@8@™m! Variable cloudines the weekend Northey and| becoming mostly cloudy 'with ANNUAL GAMES Thorpe had scores of 73 and 74,| occasional showers this after The annual Oshawa public|respectively in the first flight ae. Woneesiay cloudy and school track and field games| A. Patterson of the Pickering cooler with showers ending b) are scheduled: for June 15 at/Golf Club was second. in the| Midday. Winds light Alexandra Park starting at|low net section with a 70, D.| White River, Cochrane: Occa 1 p.m. ~ Bell, of Pickering, had the sional rain or drizzle beginning best low net, 67, in the second| this afternoon, Cooler. Wetines HONOR TEACHERS flight and B. Foster, of Bow. | day cloudy and cool with inter Teachers in the Oshawa board) Manville, was second in the mittent rain or drizzle ending in of education system who have) 'third flight with an 87, py rage gga light, , : : ; : ' F wa region: Sunny with or oe te Magy HOSPITAL REPORT cloudy periods. A few widely board at a dinner June 22 in Three hundred and thirty pa- scattered showers or thunder Oshawa Central Collegiate In- 'ents were admitted and 324|slorms mostly late in the day stitute auditorium. discharged by the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital during the week COUPLE INJURED ending June 11. There were 41 Mr. and Mrs. Edward John births, One hundred and two son, Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa,| Jor, 112 minor and 8 eye, were admitied to the Ross | °3! and nose operations were Memorial Hospital Lindsay, pbaethonge ssp Rg and ibis 3 ki ifty-two treatments and exam Sunday following a motor acci-| wate iter uae 4 | nations Glienz . They j dent near Glenarm. They sus applied, The physiother {casts Itipl nise (Casts bong multiple bruises and apy department gave 927 treat ; ments and made 659 visits. The occupational therapy depart- }ment handled 184 cases. BOWMANVILLE CLUB The Bowmanville Rotary Club raised $6,500 in its annual Fas PAIRED RM RRNA» Representing Syd Silver MEN'S AND BOYS' T Wedding Gowns, Bridesmaids' APPOINTMENT Toronto lawyer, Alexander Stark, who at one time pras a reporter on the Whithy Gazette and Chronicle, has been ap pointed to the hench of the Su-jter Seal campaign this year.} preme Court of Ontario and to| The club made a profit of $500) "the High Court of Justice forjon its May 23 fireworks dis- -- * nouncement, moatehes, nopking GLAZIER'S Opposite South Simene Schoo! Showers, Thunderstorms _ ther Follows Wednesday cloudy with scat-! tered showers and cooler, Winds! light Forecast Temperatures Lows tonight, Highs Wednesday WINGGOS sctsesseeys Be 2 St. Thomas ..... London Kitchener .cccosses 85 Mount Forest . Wingham ..... Hamilton .., St. Catharines .... Toronto Peterborough MELON sccvecnvese Trenton. Killaloe ,... Muskoka . North Bay Sudbury . Kariton Sault Ste. Marie... Kapuskasing White River Moosonee .... Timmins HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE TUXEDO RENTALS MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS Gowns and ell forme! wear cen be rented through Glaziers, Agents for printing Wedding Invitotions, en- coosters, ¢te, Printed to order et prices to seve 498 Simese St. 8, 725-3411 May we suggest a Sawe-for-the-Little-Things-you-might-otherwise-never-buy Account? UXEDOS, you money, CANADIAN IMPERIAL ~ BANK OF COMMERCE

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