Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1966, p. 21

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@ 26--Aportments for Rent f (26---Avertments for Rent |28--Room ond Boord _--_(30---Automobiles for Sole |31--Compact Cors for aaa ____ THE OFMKWA THES, Tooshey, June V4, 1966 24 nous" we "board. Fpply Bi & i H [Dornier siren SABYAN TOWN OF AJAX | NOW AVAILABLE | NOW a ea GENERAL | /MOTOR SALES LTD. | TENDERS FOR | : OBITUARIES Grenf Ss ree ottneme. 4 | eee | WATERMAIN R. ¥. DOWNEY lassisted by Mev. D. penton Ogvere | RENTING jereemem Aree MOTORS «| ™AESUP* | sesso sce ws to Sega' ets oocyte mn se ale Char te Ra TWOREOROOIA imadern dparimerh. ise Open Eve | peceived by Mr, 8. C. Falby, , £ interesting and chal- Mount Lawn Cemetery. THE ULTIMATE IN APART- ° ren' decent is seh sew toner K -iniiusiaMammndeanlags. 1. munved, ty Me, 9. & Foley, ngieg fe Lanter 8 Pein! tas baka aa MENT LIVING IN CEN- Sound prod, hyeiiabie duly 3, Park. Pieze GOT Ajax, Ajax Municipal Build- PEGOS -- Susan Lymn wishes to * died early Monday in his sleep and Edgerton Clarke TRAL OSHAWA, COLBORNE er oon. or balwre 4 om doibeng ¥ pea re ing, Ajax, Onterie, until 4:00 (geunee, te sete eee ot my be bern at his home here, He was well Boyce, Donald , ; tment, with Kitchen 1wo" HOOM™ oper 4 m, £0.57 supe it, the Ohhews Gener tnown to many residents of Strike and Jack ama mPa are iTo orWine hetproem, © erreme Mone, ALE: AutoeElectric Service i is cmon of ak roms), heny ts , Generg! Renoir ond THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1966 hewp Prov parents we Doug one\ oven | yy Aig A . ai | APTARIVibiviw nese ; thas ts Two Buildings | " WavWe STAR at pg USED CAK> Joke ond Bill's Goroge prommareny - a Doctor ©. _ dla stat hem in Pee County, hear st, Mr Penning 'nana immediate : an Sipe AND TRUCKS aa Aral 97a fon Basti yg Hag pion My Ry yn Ay Cin" third class teaching certificate| was born until the 1980's j "| Comer of Collbome Strest rene tan vom eae, pd : int Al EE, mon : 15 Fae 51 we! besa "s Boy eyes "in 195 and taught near his | he commenced work at Possession | and Mary Street, Only 2 min- [able duly h whine, eveniogs | 1960 PONTIAC Sedan 32--Trueks for Sale | 3440. Lin, Fi, of 10" Coot | passin seme es one for $900 0 gesr, Sle leleri Meters, He retired in | utes walk from Mary Street foo ns "Soa in clean, quiet Licence No, 371522 |1999 DODGE oneten, tourspesd, iron & 'Ductile iron Wotere | SaAtsEN ~~ Lecne pa Marteame sa etd fon oo v2. 4 Starting at $125 ond up | and King Street, gentiemen, fo share, wnches | 1 AMY: Soeomalen ie tore Geen ton mein Richard, 6 tos, 9 ans, on June V96s,| School where he graduated in| was A mentor werk, Telephone THA) 19659 Ol OSMOBILE $1060, Phone T4M5 wher 6 | | 2100 Lin. Ft, of 8 Cost fonirg ormmsonges, Rayrd 'in ty 90h After six years at Port elub at Kingscote Lake mer i the Rs | & ee 4 : OUNng very FEATURES: Central, ag re pA sad "| Licence Mo. 58307, V-B, full 1/0) MERCURY 4 4 lron & Ductile tron Weoter- hanks 9 Or ad beg 4 he studied extramurally | ¥ -- was Colborne East. powered, blue sedan shape, many extras, 9008 body Bd, main j ain his BA from Queen's hoe nd baseball, He play , Apartment controlled Lia iis EE | y, \be soon. 728-704," He PY) EL 2000 Lin, Ft of 6 Con | Fred and Coline (nae Panne University in 1907 and his ed on "the famous Courtice ' entrance vate home, willing to share jorge room. 1959 OLDSMOBILE v7 jron & Ductile ron Water- ton) to announce the arrival of B Paed, Degree in 1008, team, which over a period of Free Hydro | 2. Electric heati single beds, Phone 725-6576 \'66" ORD hail ton Wlekup, radio, Va we 7 ios, 6 ors a y » Bectric ng "9 2 t Licence No, H90B41, V-B, engine. $175, Telephone 6654503 or apply! mein ost Wa a pg RR EM oi The principal of Central 13 years never lost game. a a i Erne paeenien: lounary done, Wnches, perked, tive oF| full powered, ton and white, | eves Store, Coury ___ | in the Town of Ajox fel, Thanks to Or. mckay and fourth School here until 192%, he was also played on two Oshawa French Provincial kitchens Refrigerator ond stove in |sevendey week, Telephone 175-04 i Gs [re CHEVY, I, Boe bive, aeneere| A seinpiete set of plons ond , jappointed public school inspec teams -- Williams Piano Co, Double sinks eoch apartment. FULLY FURNISHED in good clean a 1959 CHEVROLET washers, 7350h miles, Reasonably priced, pps ange ne pe ee tor for West Peterborough and and Chevrolet, 30 inch range, fully , Drapes in each opartment | Private entrance, Kloss To bys #8 mv) Licence No HA3765, green ident for Die thet te vm oF seeond jade "a g: Afi 4 v4 sb Victoria, He retired in 1945, Although keenly interested in automatic . Living room end bedroom |evenings Possession Now sedan is mE andy yon "Nae wilen Oo pide Aiox, Ontario, on poy A keen curler and lawn bowl- sports throughout his Ife, Extra jorge Fridge with TV pre wired 16000 WOME for nest young lady. 7 +m wher 7 BM, ment of $10, which ls not ree DEATHS er for many years, he attended main interests were his family, Freever Living room and bedroom day week, conn el, Good menis, Laundry SPECIAL ipo "HODY TRUCK, Chavioldl, Vi] fundoble , { many tournaments and bon- his church and ma 4 a telephone pre wired, cone, 126% oe gross licence, This truck \s in pertect| jn e tender not nece | RLRESHIEN, Michael spiels in the district and was joined Cedar Lodge in 1058 and Linen Drapes a 2 for the price of 1 mechanica' condition with low mileage est oF any te Ove Entered into rest in the Oshawe General | Walk-in elesdie in bedroom Inter com in e0c 29.-Wanted To Rent ' Price © Priced for guick seie, Phone THA404 dur-| cosarily occepted Hospital on Sunday, June 1% bby Mie SHE Dowling this year, served as chaplain until retir- : apartment 7WO0 OR VAREE BEDROOM hous 7. | 59 HILLIMAN Minx, blue ser fling business hours or 726209 afer $1 8. ©. Falby, char Eleshen, beloved husband of Merie| The funeral service will be ing in 1964. He continued, how- Extra Two Piece bath in all , Broadioom in halls laured Ja Gohewn, Risk ar Wifey. Wen don, Lies No. H77765 pm. or come to Oshawa Times switch Clerk-Treasurer, | Sy "iowiet, in his Th year Romine 4 held in Trinity United Church ever, to serve in that ca | board for partioulars ithe Arms Funeral Home, 3 bedroom suites 10, Hardwood ond vinyl tile | middle-aged couple with school-age child oe di¥aRURvioNAL1% Tor Bale, eek Town of Aien, (eh, Vonmicene, Cuners! firme. orees 4iat 2 p.m. June 15, Interment 'until shortly before his death. All suites equipped with in apartment eerenees svpriien, WIN' OF Merrie he fail LMAN Minx, blue se- hilt, good condition," Telephone 77408 Ajox, Ontario, |sdey, June ib, at 2 pm, Cremation will be in Little Lake Ceme-| In the early 1940's it became Large balconies | 11, Vanity in bathrooms, THREE or tour'bedroom holne Th goed le | 49N, Licence Mo, J4578 1966 FORD haitton, A) condition, ii} Walvin Limited, | LOCKRY, Michel Aner tery, evident a second United Church Seuna Steom Room ond | 42, Sliding potio doors cality required by eouple with one sme Total Price $395 cash, Telephone 666-3063 Consulting Engineers, | Entered inka rest at ihe jonny residence,| would be required to serve the iid, by July 1, Call 7789497, 17 582 1110 Rosehill Bivd., Oshewe, on Monday,' ' , . : Health Chub | 1%, Bechelor, 1 ond 2 a vy doy Oe '9 EWEVROLET, When ie WP, Why: 152 Herwood Avenue, seg ta nik leh" Anasoa Leakey MICHAKL KLESHEN greatly increased population in " t 4 A iy Ve " , pedoe shes Gt Bedroom oporiments 30------Automobiles for Sale 1956 VOLKSWAGEN ring, A' condition, $650, Must be Ales, Ontorio 1 ag Ms Bhs PAR dg is The death occurred June 12, the Courtice area, From that Indoor Parking Available 14, Elevator service to ebay a Telephone 773-6413 Michael H. Dell, a4 Rite RA, N, eet Ot ee een tHeten), sien. At the Oshawa General Hospi: time Mr, Penfound was untiring cence { 1836 - |Oshewa, will nol be responsible for any + tal. foll le in hh fforts {f late j Outdoor guest parking each floor SPECIAL i 1969 GME 900 series, cob Bnd chassis, DANaWe, will Det Oe eee ome by anyone \ley Px Waller M. Lockey of Oshawa, initia iowing a lengthy sic s efforts to stimula in- 15, Next door to North 77pm GVH, 178 ent eee, ar ehes lon er alter this date, dune 11, i666, with- (Mis kot year, Resting at the ArmstT0NG) ness of Michael Hleshen, Alterest and raise funds with a General Motors Plant | Convertible Sale Py \ 170468, \ike new, 92,496, MacDonald ovl my written consent pelt 5! George's Ukrainian Catholle Churehy| resident of Hillsdale Manor, he new church building as the ob- } ond office 5 / Ford Seles, 623-2504 Minne 1 Wednesday, June 15, 1.40 Bm. Interment formerly resided on Quebec Si, \Jective | } PEE Ae Pegi ; } sure' ery. (P in the! ' RENTAL ae © 6 TO GO kes, por , |33--Automobiles Wented |28--Coming Events mera home Tuesasy, bpm) | He was in his 77th year, In 1946 the Courtice United INFORMATION -- | 24 Crovrolet, ble, 1807 12 leence No. 3438 ales ul amnenen - Born Dec, 2, 1889, at Ozomla, Church was organized and the '62 Lic, H78965 . wr aren MAIR, Alexander nek e Pontiac, a ' Austria, the deceased was a site purchased, It was a happy BE SURE OF AN APPOINTMENT 162 Chevrolet, Lic, H83709 5 suaden!y, a his residence, RR 5, sey ns PHONE 723-5111 BONE Now | ag Temeen Ve are a CARS WANTED | mana en, oy dm), Ni Al 0m Of 'the Tate Mr. and Mrs.\day for Mr. Pentound and his FEATURES 1, 2 ond 3 bed- room. suites, f Weg HEVROI Buying A New Car? : Emily' panies, dear tether of (eOrge Kleshen, A resident of family when the building was } 942-2401 A s4 Oldamobite, | 17540 é Woe " " Se var aed ha fi Ted" Bil, Don, Dave, Frege (Mrs, Ken May: Oshawa for 30 years, he was a completed, On Nov, 21, 1954, it Cadillac, ed | | nara), Arthur and Bruce, dear grand:| » e? Talk Cash' to the New father of 12 grandchildren, Resting al the painter and decorator was: dedicated as & house | Only bill you pay is your tele- ' 7300" ang | Cor Deoler ond 'Seve' Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Ser-| He is survived by his wife, worship Oshawa Realty shone bill Ai other coshs-@ (Harry Donald Ltd, p TED CAMPIN MOTORS $] 450) 00 vice In the Chapel bn Wednesday # 2\the former Maria Szylkiewier| He was, for many years, | (Bond St.) Limited absorbed by owner, | Poe 1955 METEOR 723-494 Res, 725-5574 Aiea! ca Fe etn the Chapels Toesosy, s1/and several nieces andisuperintendent of the Sunday ; vee ar { 0, |BSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- wanted cnr] 7,0 p.m nephews, He was predeceased' School and recording steward of Call 723-8321 "IN PRIZES Exclusive Agent V8 3 pig alo fe Ales mebhibe, Nelle 8; by a brother, Alexander, ithe congregation until 1960, H8257¢ F 175 Nelson Street, rh 8h ; After short, iiness i tne shows The funeral service will be! It may be of interest to note ' AKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS General Hospital on Sunday, June 12, qi SHELDIAN Cars Bought ond Sold ' an ier wrecking. Highest prices H iobb, Melle 8. Collins, (OF 290 Mary HN, held at the Armstrong Funeral|that it was his grandmother, MORLEY STALKER k 2 6 Wentworth East 77518 Oshawa}, beloved wife of the tate wil-|/Home at 2 p.m, June 15, Rev,|Mrs, Sarah Penfound, who sup- MOTOR diy ES iy . ri : 44) SHAW AO WREGKING "2B-~ tar Oshawa ham Byars leoriae pear mene, & )P, Zaparyniuk will conduct the|plied the materials for the MANSIONS | 137 KING § rf FET W : cihddlen wy mz |Doven parts for sale, iron ane metals Met tt Thema and Coline of Peter. Service, The service will be fol-| building of a chapel, long since NG STREET | 4 vought, #9 Bloor Street Bast, 7252311, | Li C| b borough, dear grandmottier of Robert of lowed by cremation, vanished, on Highway 2, jast LA | Immediate Occupancy OSHAWA, P WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. Wo 1IOns U Petarboreugn,. In her Bain year, Resting west Of Courtice village : " as charee for towing ichols, ne Apel, ' ' 123 ap tal - a ory p LF H charge for towing, Robert Nichols, 728 1 tially ter wivin ne chapel on mr CLARENDS mM. FENYOUND Among those who knew tim peciol terms for first appli- vn per rnensing F S OK jpesday, June 15 af 2 pm interment' After a brief sickness, Clar- Clarence Penlound will be re CONTESSA | cants =~ Rent now end you 34---Automobile Repair | 2 Jackpots lie' the Rae, sari vii eomman ence Mason Penfound, a life-| membered as a loyal friend, in- will save. Locoted --~ 5 min- ALL CASH eee ain ing 7 pm, Monday," long resident of the Courtice: jclined to be retiring and sell utes walk from South Gen- For clean cars or trucks. We MOTORS j FRED STONE | Nos, 52 and 58 : ~\area, died June 1 at Memorial! jeffacing, and an ardent sup- poled BA ar a ee ee aad LOCKE'S FLORIST Hospital, Bowmanville, porter of any cause that tended | Presenting A one apartment pacing on bgt NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED Your Friendly G.M PHONE porn b 453 ONE MUST GO Funeral errongements ond wt? ag ie) Marek 3, to the uplift of his fellow-man, residence | neh ele | On Highw No, 2 : | floral arrangements for a 4, 0) ale ining © Swimming Pool © | just at Thickson Rd C Used Cor Dealer" Motor Rebuilding $300 in 52 nos. or less occasions Simon Penfound and Acy Ann FUNERAL OF | FM music @ Intercom con- \ 29% Cylinder Reboring jae } i »| FEATURING trolled @ Mail deliveries to Whitby 668-333) STATION ROAD, AJAX Pinfitting @ Resleeving $200 in announced Nos CORA A Sree ite ane, inn as Srianton Ont, | Ne famed calves ae. | | VY DISNES senate ' CENTRE Prestige | & 2 bedroom hye ol ay aay Hc UtEh Gand Ure 942.6300 piace 4 Lhe gy $25 Consolation Prize | 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | to Miss Dorothy Bryce, daugh-|Dimetra Servinis, who died wites Electric Heating, x pal : Ane ' bab 728.6555 ter of Rey, and Mrs, William! June 10, at the Oshawa General individ! room heat one suite fumished by Wilson 1200 DUNDA b ST. EAST re _--oe aa PLUS ate pi :. mae sg a pilot male? be geese her on mm, 7" rol, Pressur r 5 J ? p : - } 'indness eyon rice, ye | r enfoun & survive ie A m, Jun n . Free Hydro and parking, Rental representotive on duty Cars bought end sold DOWN----$30 MO,|slone re our gniy, pusiness, Y038 Simcoe $10 per line both gomes withi Foaeh Of ail, his daughter, Mrs. Ro L, swank Toha'a Ukrainian Greek Orthd- Party room with kitchen Daily 1-9 p.m, @t @partment, 7 cane ped aft 9-61 models sity ire Gomme 7 a 4 GERROW |(Ruth) of Bowmanville and two|dox Church, facilities, Swimming pool, rece up oF down your choice | 35-- buoranteed Minimum $9.00, sons, Sim of Courtice and Lorne} The service was conducted by Saure UBM, Mall Selivery 885 Oxford St, ways top quality -- BILL BENNETT jing tly oiten @on| Tr win 9am,00 Pull Cord FUNERAL CHAPEL jot whitby and 12 grandchildren.|Rev.. Constantine Gloustsis of cuit T.V, for your: protec- PHONE ~ MORE CASH | MOTORS [nae Esiony Plana Va $150 Jackpot Game 390 KING STREET West = |H® was pe cong" Pek oun pt ey FB gpg Bg san, hates Wroesies! arse 723-8261 Pold for Good Clean Cors, | 7oa0a7i | 20 Regular Games at $20.00, Telephone 728-6226 - |found; hia brother, John andisisted by Rev, R, Panceenke, to Webbing, icheols end Tradé up or down, Liens pold |m~waweIAe™Lauventiany" jour" deer, |B Legal Double in 15 Nos, or Less jone grandson, Jerry of Whitby,|pastor of St. John's Church, Ife Transportation Monn a ist houre DODD MOTORS. SALES [¥:t, power brakes, steering, heavy duty or -- Last 5 Gomes $30, pergome =| | A Masonic service, under the}terment was In Oshawa Union at uspension radio, Price reasonable fo se! : : , £ aie) , , chiteenwally demo a 3-6255 ohn yen he agg -- ADMISSION 50¢ IN MEMORIAM AP sna Aid, Wa8 bel ei Cftwe palibesreey were Michael Beoutiful ceiling to floor 27--Rooms | t a Rent wnt \#4 CHEVELLE §§, two » door hardiop, ome » Bus Service leaving King and ithe Armstrong Funeral Home|Simeon, Gabriel Koroneos, drapes, remnant | STRETCH DOLLARS, R, 8, Motor Sales, )09U8 with matching Interior, 8. cylinder Me WHITBY Simeoe Streets at | CHAPPELL -- in loving memory of a| Friday evening, June 3. Chris Givelas, George Milosh, Several ty re, 53s ferms | Aviomatic floor shift, radio, white walls,| a R 0 7:) n dear faiher and grandfather, Albert) uneral service, conduct. Any Servinis and James Pas ATTRA TIV Y ' t ed. 509 BI s \arid wheel discs, 725-9964 afler S$ pm. | 7:00 ana 7:)5 p.m, a 9 ' CcTi EL brranged, trades accept oor & The ff Ble Chappell, who passed away June ti 4) CHEV, two - door, hardiop, six, aule | : \\4, 1954 , by Rev, John _ Romeril, Suites Start ot FURNISHED ROOM GLBRWORITS ines ait nase matic. Phone s68-2084 | iS # The biggest prize money | More and more each day we miss him, . $120.00 per month Available in private home, 9-284 156 FORD, V4 aulomaile, & good tres) Prienge may Inink ine Sound is Neeles, : <s [ } ' i for a 50¢ ad> | pur they litle know th Call ber 5 ond 7p ri iariaiie,|( "us Iwo snows on rims, Apply 681 Wilson in the area But they little know the sorraw WOODBINE EN RIES MODEL SUITE 82 PARK RD. } N, i tn Di Ig all rn #I'WIHEr) SEWER CONTRACTORS. | mission charge, Liweye "rememberes. By sen. Pot T phone 725-0065 198 PONTIAC hardtop, A-\ condition In-, ONTARIO HOSPITAL daughter + in « law Cassie, gr randehiidren | OPEN DAILY | 728- 8671 'A CHEVELLT Viper Short, Wo door Hide and out, Cheap for ensh, Telephone) ear er TENDERS will be EVERY WEDNESDAY jand great areneeniteren WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 Clear and Past hardtop, V-8 motor, new tires, A-t eondi, | 068 0988 | til 3:00 m | | FIRST RACE o Purse $2,100, Clair Jam, Welsh V4 if Co ibad sz Nien, Yalephons. 198-2887 943 PONFIAG "alallon" wagon, ais,| '"ecelved, until ¢ pm ; | JEFFERY -- In loving memory of 8! ing (7800), Malden twovyebr-olds, § Fur- em, ashions, Fitzsimmons 119 WO" WOOM" and fully" davipped Yelewhone 448-7000 . (E:D:T)-on All proceeds to charity (dear wife and mother, Ida Allow Jeffery, |longs (9) Roman Scandal, Fitzsimmons 106 Rental Intormati | puenen, Al bus stop, Laundry privit es 192 STRATO CHIEF, four - door sedan) 'elephone ¢ TUESDAY, JULY Sth, 1966 *----"lwho- passed away June la; 1906 | Level Jaye: Fitasimmens 148 Mighty Gar, No Bey 11 merrier Serine, Busines ly. Telephone station wagon, can be made into 9 pas: | jb? CHEVROLET slellon wagon, good ) ' om, : ia | You suffered with eourage, |Manguero, Werry AcX!15 [Tit The Line, Tureotte 725 148) 7683 Senger, Vb standard transmission. Good| condition, new tires, low mileage, Apply| for the Reconstruction of, the Jubilee Pavilion We knew not your pain, Blue' Marts maven 118 | Knight Out; Gordon. 111 se | ROOM with" or without board for two pene, Mon eet Reasonable, Call after |393 Simcoe Street South afer six p.m storm and sanitary sewer you fought to 'ge! Well | Maremnere, ' neaineen Amt Championnat, Barroby "" gentiemen hy U ' Vv | 2 Wy fi eet Aral * nson | 140 NONQUON RD ihvee. Team, "completely tornianed, 'pre |itk OLBSMOBILE" FA" power" brake |ihhy ihe a Tbwnitrimeermalte: needtop: systems ot the Ontario Hos When God called you home |Larkspur Lady, No Boy 112 | SEVENTH RACH m= Purse $3, |vate. Telephone 728-208), Steering, V-@ hydromatic transmission goed mechanically and body, $550, Phone pital, Whitby, Ontario To His garden of rest | Rossi, No Boy 120 "Glider" Allowanees, 'Three + year + @ Roo shift on Moor, bucket seats, white inter: | 793.9499 | NOTE: AS OF JANUARY DNIPRO HALL I's true what they say, Kingston Road, Laplang \" About one Mile on turf eourse (6), oni MB oF Too nd Boara, downtown Te |ior,' now tires, translator "radio, many | coc | 1964. ALL. FEDERAL He takes only the best Taov| Thunder J Boy 1 Holarctle, Fitzsimmons A: WHITBY = Three - room self-contained | beg M4 N oarhine' single 4 Yo share, singl®l other extras, Phone 725-0433 or 725-148) | 9a FORD | V-8, 289 automatic, new tires Ist 66 aE B | N G O Lovingly remembered by hubband,|AsJ. Trudeau a el Poare Bniry. Lary Rhythm, No Boy 116 QPerimant in Bullding, ae and stove! | Srresi, Takes eee APmy @ Albert BOR VALE THs Wamley Aimbaaacag; | vrata ake offer, Telephone} AND PROVINCIAL SALES Harry, daughters Jean, Mary, Allee and Wabush, No Boy_A-li? Supplied, Telephone Seria' As, buvetnatie' Baane tan tite | eee TAXES WILL BE PAID BY EVERY TUESDAY |their families SECOND RACK ~~ Purse $2,000, Claim: |Marvine"s Tuse, Turcotte 118 SPANISH MOTIF 0 area renee ai BED-SITTING room, lady proterred, C108! atter 6.30 p.m 1942 PONTIAC Laurentiar wll ~=CONTRACTORS AND IN- 7:30 PM WILSON ing (3000), Four year-olds and up, foaled) Tickled Silly, Biiteen | i | fo Hospital, Telephone 798-7 { " 5 7} Cherished memories of alin Canada, 6% Furlongs (12), ;Chopmar, Barroby. 4 tral, controlled entrances, FM, electrie:| malic, radio, 28,000. miles, Call 729-038 ' | Ail' heated, broadioomed' and 'pressurit. |ONE FURNISHED room as rent i WIN ORTIAE custome Sport, eonvertl ii wantiAG sin, Tours doors aulamatic,| GUPEO IN THEIR TEN Ali Regular Gomes $10, [dear iriend Marion Wilson, who passed I y Barroby le sana A--F A and FW Sherman Entry, TPR SMa LRM Tetrieer:|ten Rend south. Telemnone 75-7) brakes, Radio. Whithy sse-3935, power steering, power brakes, radio and) DERS Share the Wealth | Thoughts for today, Daring Bully Sieve A:X111 | qMlOHTH RACH -» Purt® 82,200 v rn |i BYRON SVREET" Worth, ai if i) DODGE sed ie wile Barr ater in tewalls, new es. Best cash offe Tender documents may be ob Jackpot Nos, 55 or Memories forever Witeheraft, No Boy 114 'he (3000), Three and GRIVAYS Wwe bedreom 8 ariment. Chit Fivergom Apariment with bath avn over $490. Dial 790-0558 . ' pre y Onl Myers Street between § and) tained from Room 1704 $20, Consolation jhevinaly remembered by Pie and Birnie pies Viame Aimee) x06 ory ene Cehiane 10 Miles Wak J } : ings, , Hable couple. Ne chilaren, $109 moniniy, iP JAGUAR Mark a, excellent cond: 4) cHEVRO re top a| (Tower), Department of Pub : - . mmemeonde | Shing That Ditifach. 119 Cipliner, No Roy.) iy "tsomink ita" | LOIN STARRY Hai -- Gril iy aban ie an os fr, "Poe 1 CMEVROLEY over, Ww tts 4] Tie "Works, "Whitney Block, | WE are trying our best to | ae soa hh eae Can i e : alte epi erlvi:| phone 648-478) Contact. Larry Kennedy, Toronto 364-6134) liament Buildin Tor improve our binges and hope d Susie's Roman, Fitesimmons 111 Lucky Deal, Werry X11 ' Nl ROOM apartment ig, thare with jlea is, Close to downtown, Apply after!" F i y y 46196 Parliame' o8, Lueky Deal, W x on leman, biased |4 pm, ib PONTIAG, Vaoor hardion, Feyiin ar Whitby 66881 between 8 am, and! onte 2 Ontario, (Telephone for greater attendance For Permanence and dignity Sav Vere Werry, XG? Raval Avi jerry : 2 ' ' 44 partmenta. near | FURNIAWED "bedroom Yor ganileman Th/sers,, Automatic transmission, rede AM sree ciner, standard, &| NO, 365-1079), or viewed at FREE ADMISSION we suggest Calrnarctien ebltinrd. 111 Firelion hs fhe ane ee" Py 1, Telephone | privat available Immediately, een.|APPIY ently Avenue shed, black and white, radio, 8978 Yel] the the Builders Exchenee Cor, Bloor and Edith Sts, MOUNT LAWN Awd k Hempel, J Bord and © Gavel Thame "ond "0882 a ee ie, DNIPRO HALL MEMORIAL, PARK entry, Wille Wahoo, J rehinen Sao th furnished |, ~ i] |1983 FORD MBTHOR, aulomalic drive, phone 25.748 1 | radio, good running condition, Telephone | Oshawa, Ontario Bodwennl, Kernblum dole Jah La IB era Uber eer, epariinent, noone Te ReNr, weekly, Apel can 778-045) 65 RAMBLER Classic 440 wagon any | A $2,000.00 Bid Bond. a | ' BRONZ E ie she THIRD nace : Purke $2,200, Malden Moen Have, Re LA 1 ) i va " ur- courteous ec pleas ij olds uriengs (4), av Nght, Gones eg ao eUty. THRs mY 78. Wt pe da inna: att geet Heh Parone: *Goer a as leaving country. Ca mad? 'or 4: | 100% Payment Bond will be i im visit the Park Offices. aM | pyewvaars ee me ett a ih Sure oe ONFURNIGHED™ [SINGLY furnished bedroom pn 4435, "vilephone 0748s, jas required as specified ST, GEORGE'S HALL 723.2633 | Bella Regina, Hernandes 1\2 Wild Fabius, Maxwett 1 NSHEG "apariment, garage and |stead My emploved gentleman. Parking a Lh _-|USEB EAR" PARTS, spindles to make| Tenders wil not be considered - [Princess Leslie, No Boy 117 AM, Barresy levision, Included, Bus stop at @oeriane block from north General Motors. {1049 PONTIAC Biralo Chief, a door, @ frallora, alse uand tree. S08 Bloat Street B | N G O Bell's Corner, MeComb 115 - reome 'er wa "90m, kiyehen Ea 7a 78400? cylinder, $1,200 or near offer, Call Alax|paern28e, Used te unless made 4 forms sup. é Time Payment, Hale 120 whee | ol iy with ont ~~ 1942-0956, J lied by the Department Toge Griffe X112 ee Trrnsatet fon, | ROOM OR RENT, double bed. Apply ' Li ee : / JACKSO ' ¥,,)' enheron MuneSIeTe boatestion u Street, 728-2198 ___\@ CHEVROLET Bel Air blue, & evil plans Fe arte ie thn th ieee | A Deposit of $25.00 MON- Al BERT ahd JACKSON STS Horan Vite Ne bay 190 Rost Fine + Pm, FURRISHEG' WEBROON eee pale STARET, a, two parily Turnlahed (er. andard, radio, while walls, good] ments! Gus Brown Motors Ltd.. 2207375,| EY ORDER, OR CERTIFIED EVERY WEDNESDAY FOURTH RACH =Purse $2,000, Claim sultabl Iso One single fur. NOUsPKE@MINg rooms, Third floor, sink 1959 MERCURY moto, V-&, very good) CHEQUE made payable to the : Ing (3000), Four-year-oids and up, fenled F re preferred, Apply between § 8/1964 CHEVROLET impala, two door... , ' " | hy mon ah carpe a hardiop, 283, automatic, power steering | od ton 980, Telephone Aiax 942-6484) Treasurer of Ontario, will be (it) ' and brakes, radio, four new tires, Bes! 'S? PONTIAC 6 cylinder automatic trans: | sired t of tend 18 GAMES AT 10 1 COMFORTABLE Te; im In private home, aa | tw FURNISHED "bedrooms in gUlel | oiler. telephone. /20-1745 mission, Laurentian model, Good mechan:| (auilee per. set oO! tender : $ Pei at ha Marie 116 wit pan, veentraly located, Ap, Ay dential rae Apply 110 Switter Orive ~ leally and ver 9000, body, (No. rust) $895 | documents, which will be re 2 GAMES AT $20 vl N72 CHEVROLET Bel Alp, G cylinder ' 1 tae Al | . AB Fitptn Floyd, Gomer 11? ay Fens Street Bast Sutomaiicn Faulo,. seat. bells. ene. whitaianent olter funded if documents are re- SHARE THE WEALTH Nacuba, Nedeau 119 WO 3 BEGROGM apariment Laken wenseecaalia" room, auilable ter! walls, $800, Telephone 723-3039 i PONTIAC convertibie, excellent con turned in good condition. with- $160, Jackpot 5) Nos | | Stone of Gold, Fitzsimmons 117 | FIRST RACE -- } Mile (Trot), Purse J 'Alor and stove, intercom controlted| 4rried couple, Apply 45 Drew Street | 'ition, Telephone 949-5089 in thitty days OF above eles 5 {King Viseere, Polrier XXX106 19900 (7) entrances, elevator service, swimming LARGE PURNISHED room {1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN V8, auto ' y $5 each Horizontal Line | Jiveoll, Coombs XXX107 Kil's Kid, Peagan 4 URNIS com, 68 Pine > 1 P onl, fenced in playoround, 822 Glen Ave Groniell) Close' to. Shemping matic, excellent condition, Phone even.|1940 PONTIAC Parisienne conv ertible. ing date, otherwise forfeited $10 Consolation }Berno Miss, No Roy éJosedale oval Pal, wen Hi U Hiek treet or call 723-234 | Centr 'arking, Phone 723-5592 ings 728-2807 Very @eod condition. $1200, 648-4517 | The lowest or any tender qd De art d |Wantedbe We' Gar whe 0 Kine Saree Te Feonooa ci eT CANO Nisin baron Wi Ta 144 PONTING, Siraio Crist, & cylinders 31 Compact Cars for Sele| "ot necessarily accepted, $15 DOOR PRIZES O parte Rett taas' Ne Rey. Adi? wane ried Vin Prige Cy Johnnie Re p Mahon Apply \8 Ritson Road South | s7q Crerer Acces CATKING APACE. APDIY| Bowmanville 423-8249 ; ) Mi LAR, Fathers ASP W Rotman and Ly Hempel Privy! SECOND RACE = "1 Mile (Pact), - : U ws f, er BRIGHT spacious furnished ream in [Pe TOTS TRUPsnlan. Sdeee Z0l FAN AND NIC K' S | 'ge ; B | N G A; FIFTH RACE = Purse 82,600./1.Worthy Piton, Webster 4.80 3.70 9, SPECIAL bachior apariment in apariment ciean home Close to shopping centre 4 vinden, automatics by one eum ' th 1 Dats | building, bed-sitting room, kitchen, bath: |Suit gentieman. Apply 34 Fernhill Biva 4 on 423-5 Be everest ikea : ' 'wor sa TOWNSHIP f "ai room, Completely private Retrigaratgy | 72557295 | Manville 623-524! i Fiat Dealer | Oo | OA + PA and stove ark Ng, \deal for coup! a aE Tie ko METEOR, custarm eonvertibie, bucket 3 alizing in Volkswagen KINSMEN CENTRE Northern Blonde, Fitzsimmons 11) 1 Mile (Trot), Purse monthly, 798-9672. = team, in steering and brakes, radio > ' WHITBY ail We Save. Geren 4 (a " wevene ome, Laundry facilities, Parking, , padded dash. Telephone 7/25 Repair and Service ; = # df } Miss Any Goose, Ditttach 10% id "lee, Ruterd 99.00 2.00 2. we BedhooK" tearimenis, eae. | Teltenene 725-4360. : i after @ p.m, 795-9201 r } 160 Simece South Bark time TUESDAY 7:45 Gran at ners Fila Kornblum ¥X104 Tare nnow, Clement i8 i ee M4 and July 18. $110 monthly. Tele GNG-tirrINe Room, suitable for two! idh) WONTIAG twodoor bulomallc, radi 728-005) | Forly Bird Gare "UKAGTOR WAGERINO) [aware Molen Melnyre 9-434 ris. Phone 728-9514 ie hente : 3 ; ROGNTirsiahad sparen, (SIBLE. "Vion novaekeening room wilowall, dlaca, Titer, Backup IGN. WW aUNAHAM Im STN oF be ene;| Uilding Inspector FREE ADMISSION will be published in RIMTH RACE --- Purse 2.300. Claim. | Valley, Janet Bara, Dongella and neccan ane child poste: only, $10 weekly. Apply 290/and oul, $478 oF best offer, 725-8aya Telephone 7284118 between 430° and 4 and Jackpot 5) and $4 iS renpearelee,: Oe Furlonas . by Ranihd~Rehuses sien, Close Yo ad General Motors, 85 | hibert Street Web CHEVROLET "convertibie, aulo: gaa a ETIN mr ee a1 | By-Law Enforcement Children under 16 not allowed } The Oshawa Times FY y's Roval Page, Coombs X104 ountTn RACE = | Mile (Pace), Purse monthly. Call 725-0809 or apply 474 Sim-|BED.SITTING ROOM, uly equipped| Matic. power steering and brakes, radio prite, Any reas Special 7:30 bus from Ae men ih Wick, Feagan 9.40 +8 4 4 |with fri, and stove. Suitable for one|Dalance of warranty, take over pay-|onable offer, Telephone 725295) after 4.15. | Officer 4 Corners S T JUNE 18 ire a ar Airy ? A * | ear e' are, Soeil ie Immediately, hydro and he: iki TO Sh. two furnished reams, |PRIVATE 'Sd Ford, $45. 'S8 Pontiac. Phone 725-0599 | Applications will be received | A bl CARD OF THANKS 1 Syagele My peat jhree > room apartment, eentioman, Cali 723-5004 ments, Telephone 723-0982 1963 ~HALF-TON--s Fleetsice ""Ehevrolet,| r) central, Apply 253 Sinclalr/with fridge, stove and TV. single 'wees {8250 Good running order, Telephone 72)./1987 "PORSCHE, good condition. Wre.| for the position of Building ; | Stari igh Hat Dan. Brave *7 in Canada, 6% Furlongs (Diva, ef 2nd) |"Archive" Allowances, Two-year-old fil:|2Janey G Grattan, Murphy ee 1d tles, § Porlongs (§) | &-Adion Susie an Pousse Cate, Dittiach 114 ig jeara, W ream, Miss iene $12 Weekly, Apply 496 Mary Street ai /5é4 Telephone 726-82 Inspector and By-law Inforce- | ALLEWIN = We would tike to thank! Pious ya 5 Careiene "Am, | flowers received on the occasion of our) $800 (8 , | ALL QNE-REDROOM apariment, on ground) Hilleroft, or telepnone 728-3109 }GRILLG, radiators, all car parts, Lale'ites CHEVY ti sthiion wagon, & bale | ment Officer for the Town YOU | To ensure publication in this -- [wienth, neighbors, relatives for iffy and) FIFTH RACE = | Mile (Pace), Purse fiedr_ in apartment building, a! 787 King) AVAILABLE for three" or tour weiika, | Moe Models our speciaity, Courtice Auto| matic ellent ¢ '0 ourtic ule i matic, «¢ andi tlo: Teleph i ithy S). EB. Private entrance, frio, stave, furnished rogm in private home, Suit-| Wreckers, 723-5238 Ajax 942-4096 z chee hg we ware ens sone Spec ial Edition lee wereding anniversary, A dean heart | eSoeey Balin, Hawke 11.00 fe é washer and dryer. Available July 1. Calli able tor gentleman, Abstainer, 7294070145" CHEVROLET" Impala" enue ll6I | EW Bah Memnears ue aa Sh der tae's Tate Cee eae ce ee ae 25-155) oF 7227011 for appointment UF WARS Tal Gonkanea eive tecrh eee teen tng teela, eenwerlltl. | WAVE NT iiation Wagon, very good e6n:) 1 966 . |Are One of the Thousands TEL PHONE jour day such @ lovely one Adios Al, Hicks HO | dition, Ippartunity for mi | eee eee ite emcee BEGSITTING ROOM and fully eqlinbed| Malle: radio, Li *Canaition. $400 or 'best | 433 Bairtean. street at") Applicants should have ex Who Read E mMr, and Mra, George Alichin tan Hain Clverand Name oved, ree 1 ? Ui om : phone 723-8015 AUchen, Al Wve step. Laundry priviteges, |e". Telepnone 72004 etter 3p. i986 AUSTIN Ab06, moldr, body, Tires] perience and knowledge of | CLARK = | would like to expres my! and Steinway Clip nas Business lady, Telephone 725:/ 1964 FORD, hardtop. two-door, four speed brakes and interior, excellent. tranamis: | building 723-3492 sincere thanks to Or, MacDonald, rela.) SIXTH RACE = ' Mite (Pace), Purte op Uatuenished apartment, | ., /Wansmission, 390 No down payment. ision, Needs minor repair, $300 or best Pp i TIMES tives, friends and nelghbors for thelr well | $800 (4) Telephone '7a 0m." Centrally ROOMS, Hirnished, ladies or gentiemen,| Telephone 725-2756, Fah olfer, '51 Heny J, running | gona fevious. experience with @ wishes, and words of encouragement|4Mistie Way, Hicks 99,60 13.90 +2 p! s ed very clean and convenient. 295 Mitchell); CHEVROLET Converiible. new ton ". Best cash offer, Apply 414 Simeoe| Municipality and knowledge af. The Oshawa Times jduring my recent stay in hospital) alto | Mighty Midnight, Gelsel 70 4390 apariment sieve and| Avenue OF 725-9424 after 4.30 p.m * yy condition, 83 rebuilt motor WW North of municipal government will Classified a nuraes ond Ware aides a. sS W. Clark yy vag oh oo were Dillon 8. 3.90 Seer eerste hictighle eee yet ROOM 16 RENT, Pool, Phone, one Bul. |(Merior, best offer, must> sell, 623-740 io VAUXHALL, $65. In running cond} be considéréd a& an asset | Classified Dept, whi . Direct, and Alily © Express > phone. 723-1282 Call: after 7 pum. 723-0170 PONTIAC. | dureniian, Va automatic, "on. ¢ ' Written applications are re ACTION ADS Before DAVIS--The aferty ot Whe late Geers | Seralched. oAPachien Prige s le J 1s Au Ht p p 1} 0! pe sf FURNISHED sparen, Ga BERGaan 26---Room and Board YF parm radio, white walls, Muat se PEUGEOT sedan excellent motor quired Stating, all personal ee p i | eiuiva cna" Makers ta Mnoin' elven SEVENTH Rack Ane i a EVERY DAY iness. flowers and cards dur our be) Purse $900 (a) 12 NOON | trevediens. Special thanks to Or uve Arieen, Wellwood 70 Ay ie | Telephone 728-778 ean condit Price $145 | Apply 4 St South s ¢ axnerience. © . poly 446 Simcoe Street Soutt WHITBY -- Central iocation, Accomme-|CONVERTIBLE 196). Pontiac, Power (none o alter & Bt bts ras tn a | are wren services wilt Ye | | | +r : AlaxPiekering Hospital nursing ataff,/}-Pat Sultan, Hicks |= Place an Ad Telephone Thurs... Jume 16 [Revs Miller and Wm snerrin: Punerai/ dtriah Ensign. Feagan | | 408 SWITCHES dation for young gentieman to share.jateering, radio, Ind car, After & o'clock . r ' 1988 VAUX ieton The average man between 20 and 24/ Parking, TV, lunches packed I i PDS. ' " 1 \UANALL. \ ar wastes ie fait available Salary to be com 'eagan s Home. we a ihe Bs) eee | Lagoa Sprite, grey, A.) experience, Pension and hos m ~=Rrabe! vis and femily om a h wm G , quiet, clean home, parking, @ Garrard | 4468-4720 Hite ' ' Pp And the place to look for the be \phs Road (by K-Mart) 932786 sd 6 ' ean, ft yew tires, Phone ay an expect to awitch jonas six or seven! 448-4008 | ls the "Help Wanted' columa in The wa EWAN Th} ter 1 ba pitalization end PS! coverage WARD -- The tamity of the tate Wik] RIOHER RAC -- 1 Mlle (Pace), times, in many cases the change will be | 199? BUICK A-) condition. $210. 1955 Chev | P'P®. Phone 728-6688 after 6 mensurate with abality and fe a totally new career FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meais,/station wagon, $55. Telephone We toy 1%) AUSTIN HEALY w-door Seda s \ Times' Classified Section. Whether ¥ THEY'RE UNIQUE! nt Ac mat uk : available | s tlam Ward wish to express thelr gratitude: Purse $1,400 (8) Q Want Ads work for whitewal ng FULL. T 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m to evervone tor thelr kindness, avimpathy |PMissle Dares, Hicks 70 00 d10 unemplaved va reskin ter, @ betier job. you ara nd the clock, Dial 723 3492 for [belts Ps extras, original owner, Phone A elif : > 4 WM, HH. WALLACE | flowers received during thelr be | SAway Kid, Ra i } 4 a > . C ¢ cel i " : nec ip We 6 an ad-writer now, TARA aaytines | 725-2079 evenings, 23-368 now fer en ed-wi Box 160, Brooklin, Ont, Saturday till 12:00 neon Pe a0e 9 (yRenderveus Bays McKinley We Ve \

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