Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1966, p. 15

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CUBAN DEFECTOR phones as he tells newsmen today in San Juan about ask- ing for political asylum in TELLS HIS STORY the United States. He is a member of the Cuban team participating in the 10th Cen- Cuban wrestler Juan Pablo Vega Romero, 23, faces a battery of micro- tral American and Carib- bean Games in Puerto Rico. (AP Wirephoto) School Officials Welcome |Columbus Wome New Education Legislation Plan Fair Booth -- COLUMBUS (TC) --Members|and their guests, Mrs. Maude of the United Church Women of | Coakwell, St. Catharines, at- Columbus United Church have|tended the wedding of their ecided to operate a booth atiniece, Linda Barrett to Law- Oshawa Fair in August. The/rence Jacula in Pickering Unit- members will also hold a picnic} eq Church. at the home of Mrs. Walter Beath, Mrs. Ray Scott conducted the meeting. Mrs. E, Laviolette' read the scripture and Mrs. Stafford Cosway offered pray- er. Mrs, Russell Nesbitt, Mrs. Glen Smith and Mrs, David Beath sang "In The Garden," accompanied by Mrs. Roy Rat- cliffe. Mrs. Clifford Naylor City school officials have wel- comed new education legisla "tion that divides the Ontaric| 'It is felt this new holiday school year into three fixed|proposal will provide an oppor- "terms and replaces the usual|tunity for more regulated plan-| 2Faster vacation with a set|ning of school-work patterns | week's holidays in March. \for the spring term and, inciden- George Roberts, superinten-jtally, the students will receive dent of secondary schools, said|an extra day's holiday!" says it would be more satisficatory | Albert Walker, Oshawa riding for teachers planning the term's|MPP. work. "It is proposed to commence Dr. C. M. Elliott, superinten-|this new holiday program in dent of elementary schools, said|1968," he said. the change would suit both stu- dents and teachers. Seen regarded as the Kaster- week holiday. MYRTLE (TC)--Mrs. Albert Eyers was hostess for the meet- ing of the United Church Wom- en, Patience Strong read poem. The scripture reading was taken by Mrs, N. Couper- devotional. The members decided to pur- a| Suspended sentence for attempt- whaite and Mrs, Rodd took the s Humphreys %i-year-old asked William Edgar if he wanted a! |BEFORE THE MAGisTRATE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 14, 1966 1% remand to retain counsel, "Do you realise you can go to jail for seven days on charge?" Humphreys asked. Court Adds Six Months To Five se Year Jail Term |be tried on the spot, He was\ed guilty. |sentenced to seven days. | | An Uxbridge man already|up the legal precedents of utter-| | sentenced to five years at King-| ing a defaced coin. | ston on a total of 27 counts of} Acting Crown Attorney Nor breaking, entering and ° theft,,;Edmondson said last week a was sentenced in Oshawa ma-|coin dealer can lose his repu- the day, an Oshawa man was fined $50 and costs and barred) from driving for three months) A : for failing to remain at the| suming liquor as a minor, cock, 74 Gibson et., Oshawa, this| 7&8 fined $50 and costs with no CARNIVAL 1S HOMELY SAULT STE, MARIE, Ont, | time to pay or 14 days for hav-| (on). bert : ing liquor in his car, He pleaa-(O? m Miron Fay i ilikes happy children, So he spent two years building @ | An Oshawa youth, Gerald Au-jferris wheel in his driveway. In the only contested case of bie, 247 Arthur St., was fined It's 18 feet high, has four bas- |$50 with no time to pay or 14 kets each seating two childhs days after pleading guilty to con- i each seating two childhs$t 48,02 rotates once a minute, jgistrate's court Monday to an/|tation by innocently passing! scene of an accident. sate ' | rear entecn cis maonthe an nen tenet nan eains x at favdave inumber 28 of the same offence.| The Standard catalogue of Ca-\pq Who pleaded not guilt Joseph O'Beirn, 25, pleaded|nadian coins lists a 1936 "dot" | .oi4 pe hata a noise aad tobe guilty to breaking into Bramley | Penny as being worth upward fed, but could find no mark on| |Motor Sales, Oshawa and steal-|$1,500. In mint condition it is/nis car, f t! 4 y ing $3, -- worth 64,008 | Acting Crown Attorney John Observing this was by no |Humphreys said Poolak knew jmanems ph cnarigh on Fo a |he had hit something and wait- }ance in court, Magistrate H. W. ' H ed until he had gone eight) / nee i 4 »..|month's probation and told by | ete von auow saat" iee employer he can have his ssi investigating the' | Ape wT al ,.|Job back | ° | Last week O'Beirn was sen-|!° 7 ltenced to six months concur-, Seventeen-year-old hover t)| Summers es a iy 4 ee rent on the 27th count of break-| King, 212 Bruce St., Oshawa, rg - Ay 4 : : nee ing, entering and theft. ipleaded guilty to breaking, en-|10 ie OUT Cir ee hin. the| O'Beirn's five and a half year) tering and stealing $145 from the| Pouce ae, Morel De lterm is for offences commitied|Oshawa Upholstery Company] Ou ner o {ae Camaged car Dae) lin Oshawa, Uxbridge, Stouff-| where he worked, -- eee | ville, Unionville and Markham) Mr, Spring, manager of Osh- J . shop- during February and March of awa Upholstery, said he was me yg raccengg pronto this year. goes to let King have his 94° 315 Rosehill Blyd., Oshawa,|. ; aad was fined $100 and costs and An Oshawa man who failed to|, yagistrate Jermyn told King|Donna Beauvais, 22, 155 (Col- obey the terms of his suspend' |the terms of probation were to burne St, E., Oshawa, was given ed sentence was sent to the/inctude confinement to Ontario|a six months' suspended sen-| Mimico Rehabilitation Centre ¢ y and a 10 p.m. curfew. 'tence. for 90 days. William Thompson, 80 Oakes | Ave., was originally given a sus- | pended sentence on condition he stop drinking and find himself a job. He was convicted in March for assaulting and caus- ing bodily harm to his father,/ William Thompson, Thompson spent last week in jail while a pre-sentence report was prepared for Magistrate Jermyn, Sergeant John Powell, Osh- awa police department, said tam Datel | A youth who stole money from his employer was put on 12 y ; Mills, who had a previous re- For sigging someone else's oorg pleaded guilty to stealing name on a cheque 18-year-old shirts worth $5 and Mrs. Beau- ange ng ll qty vais pleaded guilty, to stealing oe AM WAS pve "| groceries wort 38, pendes sentence and put on six eioicagabaccer a § months' probation, A Toronto man should have Acting Crown Attorney John known better than to cause an Humphreys said Miss Boxtel re-| off-duty police officer to take paid a loan by singing her mo-|ayoiding action in his car. ther's name on a cheque, Bronislaw Apanowicz, 49, In- 5 : dian Rd., Toronto, pleaded guil-| ah deveareld yous we Hac |ty to impaired diving and was hives a 'as months' suspended| fined $100 and costs snd barred Thompson's record was the re-|contence. ' from driving for three months. sult of a drinking problem, eee 1 885 Mary Police testified when Apano- James Hammond, 885 Mary) wiez got out of his car he laugh- Magistrate Jermyn told), : fo Ptah | Thompson no amount of care St., Oshawa, pleaded guilty 10) od, sobbed, then tried to light can cure alcoholism, 'You must Wg Sage of assault causing|ine tipped end of a cigaret.| want to cure it yourself," he bodily harm. _ | Apanowicz firrt drew attention said, Hammond's mother, appearing] 19 himself after an off-duty po- in court with her son, said heljice officer had to swerve to had been provoked into strik-| avoid hitting him, ing the other youth, | Magistrate Jermyn said provo-| A Toronto youth, 16-year-old) cation was no excuse for assault.|Fred Swonarow of Woodbine, Ave., pleaded guilty to being! t. W., pleaded guilty to mark A Brooklin man was sent to|drunk in a public place and, ing a 1936 penny to make it look jail for seven days and barred) was fined $50 and costs with no Matriculation standing. An Oshawa man was given a a" jing to pass off a coin as a rare OSHAWA eollector's item, Russell Armour, 59, 191 King like a "'dot" penny. Could you command these men? The opportunity is yours. The Canadian Armed Forces Officer Candidate Plan is open to young men between the ages of 18 and 23 who have at least Junior A life of adventure and challenge providing a re- warding career for those who ean qualify, For complete information contact: | CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE ARMOURY, Wednesday, June 15, 1966, NOON - 6:00 P.M." fHE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES Under the new legislation a full-week holiday period will be granted each year commencing School Project showed slides of California and Mrs. William Spry gave a read- igae naw dishes tor the chiieh ifrom driving for six months for|time to pay, or 14 days, and to make a donation to the church board Armour spent last week in jail| drunk driving. while Magistrate Jermyn looked Acting Crown Attorney John Nineteen-year-old Lyle 'oil OFFICER CANDIDATE PLAN ing entitled 'The Moccasin Flower." The UCW will meeting Sept. 14. Two children -- Steven Doug- las Wotten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wotten and Kevin Howard Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis, were bap- tized at the Sunday service. Mrs, Robert Kellar and Miss Gayle McKenzie sang a-duet Mr, and Mrs, Walter Holliday A baptismal service will be held June 9 at the church The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will also be observed The progressive euchre par- ties have been discontinued until the fall. Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Marilyn Beatty, of Can- nington, a former local girl, hold its next YOU CAN LEAN ON ME! | | y enjoy your vacation choose your spot MEL KRUGER Representative SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada BUSINESS: 725-4563 | Am A One Inch |Educational Facilities Labora- s Plan Studied | |United States schools and col-| ganization and is part of a 600,-.. The school children are busy made by the centennial cele--- it should not spend money out- gre have in the city. project and it didn't reflect on| ; Classified Ad! hills and would be a good site." . + with the Friday preceding W ll A d M March 21. Good Friday and Fas- ! 1 etro ter Monday will be observed as NEW YORK (CP)--A grant of school holidays as usual but the |$75,000 for the development of ------_----__--_---- =~ | New approach to school con- - struction in Metropolitan Tor- Centennia jonto was announced Monday by | tories, s | Goal of the project is con- Hills on Dales struction of better schools at a who won the Ontario County faster rate and at lower cost. Dairy Princess Competition at Educational Facilities Labora- Brooklin Spring Fair. She has tories was founded in 1958 by been active in 4-H and Junior the cos Foundation to help|from the New York-based or-| Farmer work for some years, A recommendation that Proj-|jeges with their physical prob- 999 study beginning this sum- writing their final examina- ect Planning Association Ltd.|jems and had its charter mer in Toronto tions be engaged to prepare a mas-|amended late last year to per- ter plan of the Hills and Dales) mit work with Canadian educa- area for a park has been with-|tionists and architects. drawn by city council. | The grant is the first to a The _ recommendation was| Canadian educational institution brations committee and the, cost of plan was tabled at $2,000. They recommended the park be named Hills and Dales centennial park. Prior to the withdrawal, Ald, Christine Thomas told council side the city for the project. "We have people in this city * who do nursery work and have a lot of imagination," she said. Ald. Thomas asked council} why it doesn't approach these people and utilize the potential "We should approach them and ask them to take on this as their centennial project," she added Ald. Richard Donald told council, 'the idea was to put a professional_touch to the large J the local people in any way." The centennial committee was commended by Ald. Clif- ford Pilkey for starting the project. "This area is ideally located," Ald, Pilkey said, "it has rolling Mayor Lyman Gifford told council members, although he opposed the location of Hills- dale manor, he supported the beautification of this park. schools will re-open on Tuesday morning of what has formerly HOME: 723-7900 FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shodes ond Fobrics .. . s08 ,.. . Mé DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 We moke dreams come true -- everyone wants we all something they can't quite afford find ourselves short a few dollars now and again Here's one way te make it; gather up all those no longer useful items, and call the Times wont ad department, your ad will, sell those articles for spot cash -- the results will amoze you and the cash received will delight you ahead, leah on us, just... Go 74 Celina Street TELEPHONE 723-3492 tor TIMES .<. ALE! SALE! SALE! BRIDAL GOWNS . .39.95 (BRAND NEW) BRIDAL HEADPIECES 5.00 SARGEANTS Sales and Rentals 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 Round Trip Fares are low! BARRIE........ 9=45 ORILLIA........ 6.90 MIDLAND....... 7.60 WASAGA BEACH. 6.90 COLLINGWOOD. 7.50 MEAFORD...... 8.75 PARRY SOUND » OWEN SOUND.. 9.50 BALA........ in advance to have your resort reservation arranged GRAVENHURST. BRACEBRIDGE HUNTSVILLE. . NORTH BAY... Plan well Sa. (ALL FARES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE) "Whitby a Oshawa Bus Terminal, Harry Donald Agent, 18 Prince Street, 300 Dundas Street East, Ph, 668-3675 Phone 723-2241 t mn AJAX -- (South) The Coffee Cup -- Ph, 942-2940 (North) Ajax Coffee Shop -- Ph. 942-3390 BEAVERTON ... _ 8. 10. 14. 30 95 10 90

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