Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1966, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdoy, June 14, 1966 ' poromeeencmamnnentmeensiisitentte reeereerateciiossiiibinninmcanpnmmnnnetanny / ANN LANDERS Nazism Has Forfeited | Everyone's Respect ) Dear Am Landers: No big-\idea of perfection you must find! otry allowed---uniess it ts yours, fe in America intolerable, But right? Usually I don't look at| cheer up, A. H., I haye @ heart-/ your daily drivel but my eye ening note for you. You are not happened to fall on your col-\alone in your beliefs, I was eur- umn sbout the Nazi flag and] prised (and chilled) to discover) I found it nauseating. that hundreds of others in this, I am not saying Buchenwald| country share your barbarous, and Auschwitz were good, but ideas, We Americans who be- 1 am sick of anti-Nazi propa-| eve in the dignity of man and) anda which is cleverly kept ee a free society best not be! in by international trouble-|eomplacent. We could be taken makers who want to see the by surprise, world in constant turmoil, Thank you for writing, You! If it weren't for two or three have given me a great deal to' stupid blunders, you would be| think about, speaking German now. Anyone who bas any knowledge of his) Dear Ann Landers: Please tory end military tactics will tell us what to do about our 16- admit that the Allies very | year-old daughter, She is a nearly lost the Second World nervous wreck, Elsie (not her War. There was never @ more| real name) has gained about 10 enrages, effective or beautl-| pounds in the last few months, m MRS. HOWARD Cook (left), who hes completed 25 years of membership in the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, has her 25-year- machine than the she was too thin and the doctor| | SOCIAL NOTICES 'Future Secretaries |i2fintece et incwr sesieners | will demand that geere- FORTHCOMING MARRIAG ; Mr, and Mire, adene * Need Versatility | aeee of eo "i, es 'ce te fort caning' nar' 0 Outdo Machines om year' tin Frits seh y af done by today's Giri Fridays, ge r daughter, Karen Diane, 10 Mr. Bilis 4, Doucette, 87 ROBERTA ROVSCH OVTLINE NEEDS son of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Now that one of the foremost Some of the things the seere- Doueetie, Dighy, Nove Scotia. designers of modern office tary of the future will have to The ceremony is to take place equipment has developed a fair 40 19 progress beyond machines on Saturday, July 16, 1966 st\ share of business machines with ong extend value to 415 pm. in Hampton United @ "high school eiucation," tom have heen outlined by Chureh, what's the current DrOEnOSI® Boring J, Stronach, president |for secretaries ys, machines? ihe New York state division | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Authorities who have studied the National Secretaries 70E twits sateen ix\this sublect have tome encour cation. as follows, anniunced of Miss June Ingram, #¢ing views for the woman " Gaugiier of mz, Donsig Isgrem,| whose career choice is m job as Trenton, and the late Mrs, & secretary, Ingram, to Mr. Lawrence Burke' Actually, the reports are son of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred! optimistic that many forecast- Burke, Oshawa, The wedding is\ers say that, instead of losing' to take place on Saturday, Ju-her job to machines, the future' ly 2%, 1966 at 1190 am. inisecretary can keep one siep) Holy Cross Roman Catholic' ahead of even the most "edu Church, Oshawa, 'eated" equipment by constantly igrowing with her job and he- FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |coming more versatile, te gto " Dob as she faces technological , Bay es, Wi 9 Bh) challenges, however, the future) nounce the fortheoming Mat-| ceoreiary who wants to be a6 riage of their daughter, Marg- necessary as the latest com- aret Chalmers, to Venance JO outer will have to extend her seph Dignard, son of Mr, B04) orice suills beyond the short- peng sauteed prere Fracadie hand and typing that served her New Brunswick, Ihe Ceremony! «4 well for so many years, is to take place on Saturday ; lJuly 23, 1966 wt 12.15 p.m, in| She'll also need to develop 3 For sparkling pi and glassware Cow Brand Your gi and eye) wil sparkio like geme when cleaned with Cow Brand Bode. Removes stubborn: ogy, ten and staine from dishware, Wate & paste with Cow Brand ~ ub, rinse and diy, Works ike @ charm as ' Mrs. Robert Williams, Pres- entation took place at the annual 2-year dinner, pin' pinned on her by Mrs, Alyn Wiliott, president of the auxiliary and Mrs, George Walsh receives hers --Oshawa Times Photo from Zone Commander, 'St, Gregory the Great Roman| herself as a thinking person, as Nazi machine. | put her on a special diet, Some- I respect the Nazi philosophy) one at her school started the and the whole world ought to) rumor that she is pregnant, The! respect it, as they respect other! gir] doesn't want to show her , phies, Your lack of Ob- face, ectivity is shocking, Ann Lan) me big problem is that Klsie. Two twenty-five year mem-| Mrs, Elliott ders, You sound like a hysterl-' -.1¢ she is not going back to\bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary to| guests and propo cal women, Wipe the foam Of! ner high school in the fall, Bhe|the Hoyal Canadian your mouth and stop giving 84° wants to go live with her aunt|Branch 43 were honored at the|said Grace, vico--A. H and graduate from high school|annual 25 year dinner in the) Following Dear A, H.: Your initials are ior Lonise ball lant woek. almost as interesting as your) tian! alduus seme of seul pened a, eed en me sound advice, We need it.--M\ Howard Cook, both with The Nazi philosophy you ask|#a4 D year's continuous service in the ' bs Dear M and D: Please tell| auxiliary received pins marking best way to ex-\the occasion, the world to respect is based on to stay in town) Head table guests at the din- the 4 posed the toast to Command, which the theory that the Aryan is su-|Elsie that the perman-and by virture of that| plode the lie is superiority, he has the right to and | rule the world and eliminate, at| fall, If you allow your daughter) Anderson, -- Ist vice-president, will, all inferior breeds of man-|to run from the situation, her| were Mrs, William Reed, pianist kind, absence will give credulity to,and press reporter, Mr, J, ¥.) Moreover, the Nazi philosophy the gossip and she will never) Seaver, treasurer of the Men's which you admire so greatly,| be comfortable with her friends Branc h; Mrs, Perry Smith, does not tolerate any religious! and classmates again, Don't let Sargeant-at-arms; Mr. Luke, in his fel beliefs, The state is god and/her do it, White, Branch secretary; MYS,\ji 4. to the ior dedication to the state must be! Charles Lamb, secretary; Mr.) total, Consequently many Lu-| Confidential to First Time to Alfred Brisebois, business man-|(Pe " fe getheg therans and Catholics died he Called Mother: Your life is ager; Auxiliaries in would be ten, Mrs meer new hall would long with millions of Jews be-| certainly no paradise in dream-|Zone commander; | . es they refused to forsake |land, but whose is? My advice) Walker, president of the Men's)" Y) epdiog om reir religion, is to keep your home together Branch, Mrs, Alyn Filliott,; g Under Nazism the individual|and manage as best you can jpresident of the auxiliary; Mr, counts for nothing. It is the state! Don't exchange one set of prob- Maurice Proctor, past-president; | uber alles, All industrial, bus!-/lems for another, Mrs, Norman McEvers, past-| ness and professional people--| And now, Lady, about that) president; The Reverend A, 1.) physicians, lawyers, engineers, niece of yours--do you believe Woolcock, padre; Mrs, Charles scientists and artisis~were un-|her? A girl who has such|Gibbs, chaplain, Mr, Albert der the thumb of Der Fubrer.|shoddy morals could also be a Fly be ned , rbaapeci 'azi philosophy is your! liar, rs, Anderson, Ist vice-presi- _ the N well oh {det Hed ve Boma ~\dent; Mr, William Langton, 2nd) to the new 2b-y ram during whic Mrs, Elliott and Patterson put on skit, welcomed Legion Auxiliary Fetes Members, At Annual 25-Year Dinner | the sed the toast Legion'to the Queen and Mrs, Gibbs | inner the new) 2% year members were intro-| Mrs, George Walsh and Mrs,,, duced and all previous 25-year) 2% members, Mrs, Mekevers pro-| the Provincial was respond- ed to by Zone Commander, Mrs, | Williams, 4g Williams remark-| | x ed that with the soon to be or-| " back to her echool in the|ner introduced by Mrs, James! anized Auxiliary to the Bay) |Ridges Branch, the number of, the command Mrs, Lamb proposed the toast to the Branch 43 and Mr, Walk-| drew atten- that this was be served in) that although) be very nice the memories vacated, Mrs, Bell proposed the toast ear members) and Mrs, Walsh replied, Mrs, Bell was the master of ceremonies for a short pro ch Mra, Harry rown led in a sing song and) Mrs. Lloyd a humorous Cow Brand © Baking Soda Announce New | Healing Substance... Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids... and repair damaged theme. A renowned research institute has many months, This was acoomplished WIR a . | found a unique healing substance | with the ability to shrink hemor- | new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) | rhoids painlessly, It relieves itch- | which quickly helps heal ing and discomfort in minutes and cells and stimulates growth of new speeds up healing of the injured, tissue, Bio-Dyne is offered in onmt- ment and suppository form called H, Catholie Church Oshawa, ENGAGEMENT Mr. Wellington C, Bell, Lind- say, announces the engagement , of his daughter, Brenda Joyce to Mr, George Luzerne William ison, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ray- ment Williamson, Blackwater The wedding is to take place on Saturday, July 2, 1966, af) 2.00 p.m, in St, Paul's Anglican) Church, Lindsay, the of her versatility moves her closer to the man- agement level in the firm for which she works, This progress will be inevita- ble for ambitious secretaries however, because the "edur| scope ENGAGEMENT Dr, and Mrs, William Gordon | Watt announce the engagement of their only daughter Barbara) Jane to Dr, Harry William Bain, 4 | Toronto, The marriage will take iplace July 28, 1966 STARTED IN INTERVAIS Red Skelton used to entertain Hollywood solo players between chukkers when trying to break into show business, ~S inflamed tissues, | . One hemorrhoidal case history after another reported "very strik- ing improvement," Pain was promptly and gently relieved ,, , aetual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place, Among these case histories were a variety of hemorrhoidal! condi- tions, Relief even occurred in cases of long standing, and most im- portant of all, results were so RECENT GRADUATES | Miss Leona M, C, Cheskl, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, daughter of Mr, and Mrs J, K, Cheski, Ronlea ave- ¥, ¥, (Dick) Conlin, Mary nue, received her bachelor street, graduated from the of arts degree from the "niversity of Toronto with University of Toronto at its her bachelor of arts degree recent convocation, Miss A former graduate of O'Neill Cheski plans to do a year of Collegiate, she plans to post-graduate study at study for her bachelor of Laval University, Quebec physical education degree at City, and then to enter the Waterloo University this teaching profession, fall, Miss Carol Mary Conlin, * jess painful, It helps prevent im fection which is a principal cause of hemorrhotds, Just ask your druggiat for Pre- paration H Suppositorias or Pre- paration H Ointment (with « | applicator), thorough that this improvement Satisfaction guaranteed or yous -- was maintained over « period of money refunded, The following Ruby Anniversary Celebrated wih vow esen By Mr. And Mrs. Charles Smith Mr, and Mrs, Jack Smith, Osh- awa, joined them for an an- niversary dinner, at which they presented their parents with a beautiful ruby colored vase, Mrs. Smith, the former Fran- ces Cryderman, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Walter Cryderman, Bradley's Com- munity and Mr, 6mith son of the late Mr, and Mrs, J, J, Smith of Enniskillen, were married in Hampton by the Reverend Bick on May 26, 1926, They have two daughters, one son, and! seven grandchildren, | A surprise pariy to honor Mr.) & and Mrs, Smith's ruby anniver:|-- gary was held on the Saturday) & afternoon, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Everett V, Hoar, King street east, Bowmanville, sister and brother - in - law of the bridegroom Mr, and Mrs, Smith children, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews were pre sent for the gala event, as well as Mrs, Smith's aunt, Mrs, Fred Tamblyn of Orono, Prior to the buffet supper Mr, and Mrs, Smith were pre sented with gifts from those assembled and from their grand: Mr, and Mrs, Charles Smith, Jones avenue, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary, re- cently, To mark the occasion, their daughters and husbands, and their son and his wife, Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Trull (Muriel), Mr, and Mrs, Al. Leeman (Anna), all of Hampton, and the trip to on June 22; the castle on July 1 triet overseas tr' 16, Mr, Walker eon meeting and the Hospital shows are more liable other dents, half amo! more respiratory each non-smoker, BRIDE-TO-BE Miss Barbara Jane Watt, daughter of Dr, and Mrs William Watt, Oshawa, will become the bride of Dr, Harry William Bain, Toron- to, in a ceremony to be held on July 28, 1966 VANCOUVER ( | $6,000 fellowship f ireseareh on body which the business was cleared, | respiratory than nooeru,napnb) A year-long | study -of-94 senior nursing stu:| ements were made; Thursday, June 16 was the date for the trip to the Island via chartered bus with tickets at $1.10 each; a rum- mage sale at the hall on June 15 sponsored by the sports commit-| tee; packing bags June 21 for) unnybrook Hospital lenie in New- and the dis. ip from July gratulated the auxiliary on the conduct of the) dispatch with) | SMOKERS CATCH FLU 6 Sindnb)S)at Vancouver Gener that smokers to eolds and infections kers, showed each amoker averaged 2.8 days illness than HONOR REPEATED CP)--For the | Vivien Baseo of the B.C, Cancer Institute has been awarded a lor her clinical cells children, An anniversary cake centred the perfectly appointed tea table which was adorned) with bouquets of ruby red car-| | nations and ruby candies Before and after supper the |guests strolled through the love- ily gardens at the Hoar home, |Lather in the evening Mr, Hoar) \showed colored slides taken on | jtheir recent trip to Australia, | |New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong jand other countries, The mem- orable occasion ended as guests departed with best wishes to the anniversary couple for many | more years together, and with thanks to their hosts. for their gracious hospitality, newest Fabergé masterpiece...' B RUT for men IAN Lillie worthy, Roxborough avenue, is celebrating her ninetieth birthday with a reception for her friends and neigh bors, Mrs, Norsworthy, the NONAGEN Today, Mrs Nors- former Lillie Alberta bold, brash new men Walden, was born on a farm in Northumberland County on June 14, 1876 and was married to the late Samuel J. Norsworthy in 1902, They had two children, Wesley, Oshawa, and Muriel, Mrs. Frederick Lodge, Vancou- ver, B.C, There are eight grandchildren and 17 great- grandchildren, Mra. Nore. worthy nursed for a num- ber of years and was Matron of the General Motors Office for 15 years, until ber re- tirement in 1944, slightly wnctviltzed, bound to be the moat --s |R. W. BILSKY, D.C. | CHIROPRACTOR 100 KING $T, &. 728-5156 man you know! 5.75 8.50 20.00 atier shave... after shower...after anything» 's lotie that Hngers long on a definitely unsettling note - treasured gift of the year for the most manouline Stunmingly gift bored ia hemdeore stlver ftyshed bottle green decanters OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TIL CITY - WIDE INTERIOR DECORATOR DELIVERY euRNITURS 9 DRAPERIES BROABLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 "28 King Street Fost 723-4621 : pons Attention District Women .. . You Can Win Valuable Prizes! In The Oshawa Times Annual Cook Book RECIPE TIME CONTEST GRAND PRIZE $20. Best selection of recipes from all of those received, Judging for prizes will be done in two entegories, Prines will be awarded for recipes received by @ June 2) deadline, and for these by @ July § final deadline, A grand prize will be awarded for the best club entry in the two categories, Recipes will be judged on bosis of number received, neatness, promptness ond variety In entries, JUNE 21st DEADLINE PRIZES Tst Prize cacsenua 15,00 2nd Prize ...,....... 10,00 JULY 5th DEADLINE PRIZES 12,00 8.00 RULES . Recipes must be submitted on one side of paper only, Recipes must be legible, typewritten entries are preferred 5,00 3rd Prize ..samame Tht Pelee ces ss 3rd Prize soyccscas 4,00 2nd Prize vneinece The full name of the members with Initials end the nome of the elub must be included with EACH recipe Recipes may be any type of food or beverage, They ean include meat dishes, desserts, cookies, cakes, lunches, ples, jams, jellies, anything the homemoker is proud to prepare for family and friends, Points for prizes will be awarded for variety of recipes received Complete cooking or baking Instructions @re required, Entries must be addressed te The Cdok Book Editor, The Oshawa Times Entries are invited from Whitby, Bowmanville and district organizations os well as those in Oshowo, The Oshawa Gunes q -

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