( A NEW OSHAWA riding president, Donald Dodds, PCs Elect Bestwick New Riding President She Times Oshawn OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1966 % ed president last night of the new Oshawa riding Progressive Conservative Association, More than 50 persons atiend- ed the association's organiza- tiona! meeting at the Hotel Two City Men Joining Genosha, Donald Dodds first vice-president, James Sab- yan, second vice-president, John was elected | Vivash, secretary, and Nicholas Walker Says Election May Be Held Fall '67 Mrs. Ruth Bestwick was elect-| | He also referred to the Nurs- ing Homes Act, regional de- velopment, consumer protection, agriculture, legal aid, the Age Discrimination Act and air and water pollution programs, FREEDOM In the years ahead Ontario will be offered attractive pans- ceas for the baffling problems of our time," said Mr. Welch. AFTER COURT Man Flees City Police Moments after hearing a fur- ther six months had been add- ed to his five-year jail sen- tence yesterday, a 24-year-old Uxbridge man mage a success- ful break for freedom, Joseph Albert O'Beirn had made a short appearance in Oshawa court, He was being led from the courtroom to the cells downstairs when he made his break, Pushing people aside he dash- ed down a corridor and escaped through an open garage door. That was the last police saw of the man. Today police re- ported, O'Beirn is still free SLIM BUILD He is described as siimly built, weighing about 155 Ibs, He stands 6 ft. in height, He has a sallow complexion, police say, and noticeable false teeth. At the time of his escape he was wearing a light blue denim jacket and light blue pants, Anyone seeing this man Is asked to contact the Oshawa police department immediately. TH CHARGE O'Belrn appeared in Court yesterday to answer to his 28th count of break, enter and theft. For the previous 27 counts he had received a five-year jail sentence from Magistrate Harry Jermyn. Progressive C ons e rvative association executive was elected at an organizational meeting last night. From left: Mrs.. Ruth Bestwick, James Sabyan, Walker, MPP, John Vivash and Nicholas Hraynyk Oshawa Times Photo JOSEPH O'BEIRN Two Oshawa men Jeave June ot 121 for an eight-week orientation | eae course at Antigonish, N.5., ba Ti fore starting work with the | 4 4 Company of Young Canadians, } ntario Ss tri es Bernard Muzeen, Simcoe Hail Boys Club and Ronald 'Garvock, 755 Stone St, were among the 69 volunteers 6s¢- | Could Para yze ountry ifected to participate in the re- icent government sponsored pro- | |gram, By OTTAWA (Special) -- Canadaja strike of the St. Lawrence) "CYC offers a way in which is facing a series of strikes that|Seaway workers, of the Cana-|Canadians can assist their fel- could paralyze the country com-| dian National Railways and ofjlow countrymen who may not pletely, Michael Starr, MP for| Air Canada, He said in the light|be as well off as themselves, Ontario, and former Conserva-jof the government's experience|said Mr, Muzeen, tive Labor Minister said in the|with the longshoremen it was) "Both Mr. Garvock and my- Commons Monday, jsurprising that they were still/self are working in the initial | Moving a motion to adjourn|coming up with the same for-|year of this program," he said, the regular business of the house|mula of mediation until the Jast|"and the manner in which we in order to hold a special de-|deadline, He said Canada was|work now, could well set the bate on the strike situation, Mr.jnow faced with strikes that|pattern for future years," lStarr said the urgency of de-| would paralyze the country com-| Prime Minister Pearson, who bate was based on the fact that) pletely | introduced the program, 88 id for five weeks Canada had been| Despite Mr. Starr's argument,| 2,900 applications and inquiries faced with the disruptive long-| supported by Opposition Leader|{rom potential volunteers had | shoremen's strike which was af- John Diefenbaker and Peace| been received ae |fecting every aspect of the coun-|River MP G. FE. B. Baldwin,| The bill setting up the CYC | try's economy Commons' Speaker Lucien La-|recelved second reading in the | 'We have had from day to| moureux ruled that the Oshawa|Commons Friday, Clause-by- day, from week to week, assur-|yp"s motion did not comply | clause study of the measure has jances of the government that|with the requirements of the|now begun jthe strike is near the end and|Commons standing order for ad-|,JTTLE PAY jthat a solution is imminent by|journment of regular business.,| While with CYC, volunteers Pik walk: Gat: tat Teatatey |will, recelve expenses in the ; ; eg tl s | field, a little spending money {Prime Minister Pearson had Injured Area Man jand, when they finish service, given his own assurance that a small honorarium O'Beirn pleaded guilty to|(he strike was nearly over, On i it Mr. Muzeen, a graduate in in- 'aking info"Bramisy Mover te mekend, «Vout deur' IM Paty Condition | araien esneering trom | Sales, Oshawa, and stealing $3.) yace Inv : ss i _\toyes College, Exeter, Eng- | He was sentenced to a further | three or four ministers who had BE - Ha yogis, roxbore.| and, ostan Ln abieara te USE, six months in Kingston Peniten-|"°t been able to bring about a oe : CO ore aan at] Since his arrival he has work- tlary, In previous hearings|S¢ttlement Bee ye nt Heenital to.(ed on product design and de- O'Beirn admitted thefts in Osh- Today, the Minister of Labor the Os ~_ jenera ep! al of velopment for R. D. Werner Co, | awa, Uxbridge, Stouffville,|!8 holding off any action on the oe en a Redon Ah a i hgh and Rowe Brothers Lid Unionville and Markham during part of the government by mak- site feel ai Shale Take an in Then in 1968 he joined the March and February of this | ing another of those yer sseni VRE sag ake, west) of of the Simcoe Hall Boys year, that the settlement is imminent,/o' Myr Cl I do not think this country can} A loader, operated by the in- Two Applications For Radio Station ~*~ Two district residents are bid- ding for the right to open a new AM radio station in the Oshawa area. William Jones, an Ajax broad- cast management consultant and Richard . Natthews, a Whitby radio engineer, have both Jedged applications with the Board of Broadcast Gover- nors to establish a new station at 1390 on the radio dial, The two claims will be con- sidered at a three-day BBG hearing which starts June 21 in Ottawa. 1390 is the only frequency available for a new station in Ontario County. William Jones, president of Transonic, Ltd., Ajax, ex-patri- ot Englishman and director of TV stations in Halifax, Victoria and Vancouver, says he believes he has a good chance of getting a licence, "At the moment there are no small indiginous radio stations in Ontario County. That's. what I'm going after,"' he said If all goes well Mr. Jones hopes to be on the air by Jan. 1, 1967, ub. Actively engaged in many community activities Mr, stand another 24-hour delay in| jured man, {s reported to have view of the disruption of our|run into the elevator of a economy," Mr. Starr said. erusher in a gravel pit. The rw = pg cw He pointed out that in addi-| crusher fell on the cab of the/..8 troop for the past eight tion to the longahoremen 9} loader and crushed the cab and years, P i ita "occupant | He was the founder and ad- ~ | visor to the first chartered Key- ae stone Club in Canada and was DISTURBANCE " CHARGES instrumental in forming the re- such as the one he proposes to Oshawa A For several years he has been erect in Ajax would stop the Mr. Muzeen has also worked! active in the scouting movement present gap in radio coverage in ou oun n 00. with handicapped children and in Oshawa and has been affili- The second applicant, Rich . om ; ey . his regular svork as the gym-|ated with the 1ith ard Matthews, general mana 4 nasium supervisor of the Boys} troop a ger and vice-president of An- Died Of Broken Neck Club. | Mr, Garvock intends to fuilfil drew Antenna Co. Ltd., Whitby, A former student of MCVI,|his two-year volunteer term said \Ronald Garvock, "21; has been|with the CYC-and-then-hopes-to feel the Oshawa area can justi. Hodgson, operator of Paulynne | were taken Monday to ascertain|ple Ltd., as a draftsman since| Objects and aims of the CYC fy another station." Park, Greenwood Rd,, Picker-|if it was broken, Mr. Hodgson|he left school in part are: community de if successful, Mr. Matthews|ing Township, said today|himself suffered broken ribs - . He says a radio transmitter cent "teenage city council' of / |juveniles on probation besides Ontario County Juv | B Oshawa "Our chances are good, We) PICKERING (Staff) -- George)punched on the nose, X-raysj|employed with the Pedlar Peo-| make it his life-time work, said he hopes to be broadcasting Charges had been laid by his|in the altercation by Nov. 1 of this year son, Lyn, as the result of a dis-} 4 man was inciting a riot Mr. Matthews is president of|turbance Sunday afternoon fol-|anq making foundless charges ' red as ewar Ss the Whitby Community Chest,|!owing the death of an 8-year-| He interfered whth police when past president of. the W hitby|old Toronto boy, George Piodo- | hey arrived," Mr, Hodgson Rotary Club and past chairman|mani,. at the privatel-operated! caiq jof the Whitby school recreation park Mi board The boy, son of Mr, and Mrs.jed the Poidomani boy's name| He would be the president of Angelo Piodomani, of Bellefair) over the public address sys-| a partnership of five and would|Ave., died of a broken neck,|tem and his son drove Mrs, Poi-| Good company plus lashings|fasts as the hungry flyers de hire a manager to run the sta-) police said, His body was found) domani around the grounds for) of pacon and eggs will be their|scend on the Oshawa Airport tt only reward; but, nevertheless, Prizes will be offered for the 1e) " tion, he said in the swimming poo! at the)an hour The radio station applicants} park When the search of i unsuccessful, he} some $50 flyers and their fam-jfirst plane to land, Last year will know of the board's deci Coroner Dr, J. A, Patterson,| grounds was sion two to three weeks after! of Oshawa, said he was awaiting) cleared the pool of swimmers | ilies are expected to attend Osh- the first plan prize went to a the hearings the result of a police investiga-| and had a group form a human|awa Flying Club's annual break-|pilot who landed only a_ few The new station will have a/tion before deciding on the date| chain to 'search the pool. The last flight this Sunday minutes after dawn, had brok daytime power of 5,000 watts|of an inquest |body was found immediately he| Altogether the flying club ex-|en and a nighttime power of-1,000.) Mr, Hodgson said his son was' said, jpects to be serving 1,200 break- public A prize will be offered to wt. New Canadian Group fiir RONALD GARVOCK, BERNARD GUZEEN Hodgson said he announc- For Flying Club Visitors "Let us test them on their . __ merits; but let the first test be Albert V, Walker, O she w 8 this: Does it advance or does riding MPP, is honorary presi-' dent of the association, it restrict, the freedom of our | le? Mr. Walker said in his opin-| P&P A jon, the next provincial election It is the mission of the Pro- |may be held in the fall of 1967, | Breese Conservative party to But, he stressed he was NOtlteedom of the individual to speaking on behalf of the 89V-| nian and live his own life: tree- ringer pnd that the date WAS) qom of speech: freedom of the tual is" guess, |press; freedom of political ac- 4 | VITAL FORCE tivity; freedom of 'economic | Guest speaker Robert Welch, ag ag freedom of worship, Lincoln riding MPP, said the} ie wale, | Progressive Conservative party| pIRECTORS |'has been a yital force in Cana-| firectors of the new riding |dian public affairs for over @| association (new because of the | century, redistribution of ridings in On- | "During that period it hasitario) are: Alex Shestowsky, jseen the rise and fall of numer-| Gordon Rheil, Richard Donald, jous political organizations cre-| william Minnett, Thelma Tay- jated to serve the purpose Of|jor, Daye Bowman, Ron Moran, |some special class, creed oF Arnold Green. jinterest,"" he said, Honorary presidents are: Nor- "It faces some such organ-|man Down, T. K: Creighton, © \izations today, In the face of|Frank McCallum and Hayden isuch opposition, it will continue| Macdonald, to work for the goals gvhich) The new Oshawa riding is have made it endure over the|comprised within the boundar- |years; to work for progressiies of the City of Oshawa, It jand freedom for all people, and| will have # population of ap- | special privileges for none." proximately 75,000, Mr, Welch reviewed some of| Another new riding {s Ontario the legislation produced by "the| South, part of which Is now Robarts' team' at Queen's! represented in the legislature by Park since January, Mr, Walker and Health Minister He mentioned the amend-|Matthew Dymond, It will be an jments to the Ontario Medical) urban-rural riding with a popu- iServices Insurance Planjlation of about 50,000 |(OMSIP) and called it 'one of} Ontario South includes the the most important pleces of|townships of Pickering, Whithy legislation presented by the|and East Whitby and the towns | Robarts' administration this ses-jof Ajax and Whitby plus the sion," village of Pickering, || SUPREME COURT | Woman Awarded $4,000 | For Whiplash Injuries WHITBY (Staff) -- An Ajaxjafter her employers had found |woman was awarded $4,000 injout about the neck injury and damages at Supreme Court here| the fact that she had to wear a jyesterday for whiplash injuries|neck-brace, jshe received in a car accident) ee nearly four jon ago, | . s velopment work in rural and| Mrs, Ethel Epps, of Admiral P -W d bie na Canadian areas; pro-|Rd., Ajax, was also awarded) rovince | e grams to assist young people|$900 in costs, Damages were handicapped socially or econom-|awarded against Douglas Me- Alert For Boy ically and school dropouts; |Gregor, formerly of Trenton, | vocational training projects;} The accident, Mr, Justice: W.| A 18-year-old city boy is stil! recreation projects for yeung)3, Henderson heard, tock place! missing. people; public health programs; |on October 1, 1962, | Alex Dobromilski disappeared home sconomics education and| Mrs, Epps told the court that|/from his home on June 1, No- assistance programs to people|she was returning to her Ajax| 'hing has been seen of hin in other countries to raise their|/home on the Macdonald-Cartier| since. standard of living Freeway. A province-wide alert has al- 't the Yonge St, junction she|"eady gone out on the boy, Last |was forced to stop hecause of| week a television appeal for in- la traffic tie-up, While she was|formation was made on a To- |stopped on the road a car, she| ronto station, laid, plowed into the back of| Foul play is not suspected in | her |the case, police say, They are The car, she said, was driyen| Working on the theory that the lby Douglas McGregor who gave| POY Yan away, lhis address as Trenton, | When he disappeared from his | home at 124 Windsor St., the TREATMENT boy was wearing a green wind- Following the crash she had breaker, white shirt with green flight to get to the event, The] mado some 91 visits to a chiro stripes, gold vest and dark jyoungest pilot and the oldest! practor for treatment for whip- green trousers, |nilot who attend will also receive|!ash injuries to her neck, She; Police think the boy may \ wards |was also treated by her family| have a red bicycle in his pos: nahn doctor and a doctor at the! session. Essentially, however, the\Qshawa General Hospital, | The boy is described as of breakfast flight is. an informal) Under close questioning Mrs,| Polish origin and of medium get-together for the flying tra-| Epps admitted that she was)build, He weighs 115 Ibs, and Iternity , {still troubled by her neck and/has brown hair and eyes, , {was still taking reagular treat-; Anyone seeing the boy, or TEXAS VISITOR the pilot who makes the longest | OSHAWA ON THRESHOLD... ... RAPID GROWTH, DEVELOPMEN ment for it, whereabouts, is Pilots converge on Oshawa |dent she said, she had lost a job asked to contact the Oshawa Po- lasted his lice Department immediately At one point after the acci- jfrom the most unlikely places.) ---- ss | Last year a pilot arrived from Williams Urges Greater 'Team Effort There is every reason for op- timism that Oshawa is 0 threshold of rapid growth development equal to th any municipality in the ence, James Williams, Oshawa industrial commissioner, Rotary Club members Monday Speaking on the theme Importance of a Good Com ity Climate," Mr, Williams said our business the community development pro- gram is in.need of a greater He said, the suc- team effort cess attending the Civic torilum as citizens employ the sar thusaism in talking about re said most important xe as citizens realize wl meant by community cl and how vital it is to the suc- cessful development of our munity, It is important optimistic about our future. "TL have been amazed by the sumber of occasions that a pess nistic attitude has been br campaign had pointed the way. "I can only suggest we adequate supply of people quali fied and responsive to fill em ployment needs; people with a government, high quality and adequate number of community facilities, a social and cultural good work attitude and are trai atmosphere in which people en- ed in the needed skills; people joy living and working and a one commercial properties, to- who are properly educated and serious-minded acceptance by talling 355 acres, and represent- told who have available the educa community employers of their ing a value of $3,949,645 were tional facilities to prepare them- responsibilities as business citi sold selves for a wide range of jobs zens eople who understand both how as well as 131 new commercial! businesses. 'Thirty-nine retail stores and 73 commercial busi- nesses had expanded, Ninety- $1,380 per capila and 28 per cent above the Ontario average, Cheques cashed in 1965 totall- ed $5.75 billion, an increase of almost $4, billion over 1959 and 93 billion over 1964, In terms of banking Oshawa ranks fifth in Ontario behind Toronto, Ottawa Hamilton and London under construction in the past Mr. Williams also drew atten Williams said tion to the fact that since 1952 building permits have totalled in excess of $210 million with 35 per cent of the construction be- ing completed during the past n the » and at of proy- "The amun Noting that three motels had ndustrial develop: been either completed or were operates ment had been rapid in recent and their own stake in its suc years, it was pointed out. More cess; than 50 per cent of all motor two years, Mr vehicles produced in Canada come from Oshawa, A recent working relationship between study placed Ontario County as employers and employees, with the seventh largest. county in ne en equitable pay and benefiis in Canada by gross value of ship- Osh exchange for full effort and skill ments on the job In the Oshawa system 'Good employment ment relationships; a sound, manage- Oshawa offers a very lucrative field for service establishments Forty-seven per cent of the city's assessment is commercial and industrial --- well above the 40 per cent goal of many cen- tres. Oshawa's personal dispos- lod 12,124 dwelling units have ab ncome in 1964 was $2,120 per capita and ranked third in Canada with cities of 30,000 and over, This placed Oshawa 29 per cent above the national ay- erage and almost 13 per cent above the Ontario average, Total Audi- three years, For this same per- ast two ars 19 manu facturing and established were 26 plant ervice vdus vat is titude: a There imate attitude toward business on the expansions to part of the people of the con talling just under 2,000 square munity and of their elected re- feet. Eleven manufacturing a presentatives and other com- rangements. and new products munity leaders an attitude were added. Eighteen industria whie sal d bs properties totalling 147.9 acres ; Pree " poe a - wae ag te were sold, repre pe A lue disposal income in 1964 was ance industria growth, ev Pp J 'se '3 a $149.5 1 i i 7107 § nillion compared with denced by an intelligent $718,700 and employment in- , pa $41.6 million in BN and farsighted about 28 per cent ' ng 19 hat A realistically prog ( stenaty ann inindaal on ware been completed The largest communit be Toronto and Montreal Oshawa has experienced a steady growth since the late 1940's and the growth has in- creased rapidiy in the last two he said tween com. to be sound 9 creased bh rought years The rate of in lan or approach »> mv attention by businessmen crease in 1965 was 5.9 per cent desirous of doing business here eaid Mr. Williams "Business and industry ing facilitie in the city se Statistics for 1964 indicated the NEW STORES city wae Of see tant above the and 6.6 per cent in 1904 ue is: Williaoen alea atrenned Mr. Williams also drew atten 7 is : Pe Mr. Williams said Oshawa's seek . iSO stressed the tion to the fact that 25 new national average with retail population should increase by 26 per cent to 88.000 by 1970, ek an need for honest and efficient retail stores had been opened sales totalling $97 million or " » residential and industria growth." ""amne inne LEUStees Lour from Nova Scotia to win the! |prize for the longest distance "ova wman W@W Collegiate | P |journey in short hops and "was | just visitin'." He arrived, by the} Trustees of the Oshawa board, have two inches of fill scraped |way, in by far the most expen-/of education toured the ne w off the parking lot and running Feats . {Eastdale Collegiate and Voca-/track while the machinery is tional Institute prior to lastistill on the site, This, he said, night's. meeting, then proceeded would cost an additional $8,000 Once again, as in previous|to discuss. additional expendi-| Mr, Lovell said the running years, displays will be laid out (ures for the school's grounds. track would cost an additional : _ The board approved chairman |s4.900 to have the necessary jStanley Lovell's suggestion t0\tile and crushed rock installed "i'n the order that now is ac- 'Rep EVENT sae ceptable" | LARGEST EVENT Board Assisting Recognized as the largest Trustee William Wenry said it : Pee pT would be useless to plan on a event of its kind in Canada the Teacher Training track if this work a Ke dant fly-in plays an tmportant part Board of education trustees) Left in abeyance was an extra in maintaining and promoting}last night gave approval for 16) $30,000 it would cost to have the an interest in flying for recrea-| teachers in its system to act as school's parking lot paved tion |*practice teachers" for the To- Twelve teachers from Done ronto Teachers' College. van Collegiate Institute were on The importance of the event is! Dr, Charles Elliott, superin-/hand last night to hear the board jrealized by the aircraft manu |tendent of public eoheelt, said _-- a -- gga hy | fac a : hen this is one of the contributions| landscape e playing ie paaberlag wee seen sere '01 the board makes in the train-/at their school j Putting their aircraft on display ng of the teaching profession, The board awarded the con at the airport, said the spokes-| pr, ENiott said this program|:ract to the lowest bidder, man nstead-of costing the boar¢ | Srooklin Gardens and Lond The public are cordially in.) Money, brings in $2 a classroom | caping vited to attend the fly-in andj?! Week for the use of: facili:| Trustee Thomas D, Thomas : . ies, which is paid for by the|noted that the Brooklin firm was jsee the planes, Aircraft will be} ntario department of educa:/$1,900 lower than the highest of arriving from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m.'tion, the four tenders, | Slve plane to be seen at the air- port for the visiting flyers, said a jclub spokesman,