Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jun 1966, p. 21

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for Sale and Sold MOTOR "SALES 127 Ki STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322 --~ 723-8341 On the soot financing -- ALL CASH ye uid -- OTe OF Tre or down, Liens pa wwicocs MOTORS LMI TED On Highway No. 2, just west of Thickson Rd, Whitey 668-3331 th Trade up of Gown Always top quality MORE CASH Paid tor Good Cleon Cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid DODD MOTORS SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 ida ged POLARS, | it oases Telephone 725-970) in pies |, Wades baecectte ow E,W MERCURY "melo, V4, very x) Wi lo PONTIAG, Iwo "gp | condition, 6, Te elephone Ajax Lbs cylinder miomatic, best "ne 'sccavhed BH VOWTIAE & cylinder automatic trans Tolaphane Ldhasitdh Laurention model, Goad Stas body, (No rust) $625 59-61 models your choice ! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 Ki "T3087 4 1 CHEYROLET, very gg Brith i 0 WOWTIAG, one onrer, wlack, tour| (alana very door sedan, perlect condition, six cylin aer, rete, white walls, 366 Rosslend i902 CHEVROLET convertible, VA aulo Wet, 126-7247 matic, power steerieg and brakes, new 'sh OOOG€, Welara, ti) twas door bard 10%, &) condition, Telepnane sil y 4M, ton, V4 automatic, radio, tour new wnite | Rowmanyiiie idiot' walls, tall whee! discs, $2,706 or best OWE OWNER Didenobile, automatic, otter, 72-342) wetween 7+ 6 om power steering, brakes, windows and Wik CHEVROLET impale, two-door hard St8' (26'er ns ae mer 109 ematic, radio ang whitewails. he reasonable ofier retused. This car must PONTIAE convertible, be seid. Licence WISE Hooker and Sons! dition, Telaphene 947-5052 ' ilivaiianli Lid, four miles west of Brokiin 66548)! tig" CHEVROLET camveriible, new top, "sh FORD, AL, twodoor, ai power, hl conditi peautiful acryilc, red with white interior. interior, best oer, trade accepted. Appiy Cor 4 3 (WA PONTIAC Laurentian, 00d and No, 2, 6 miles east aii power, radio, white wails Best offer, Telephone 778-778) hyd PONTIAC custom sports convertible | 0 miles many extras. $3400 Phone Sher 6 pm, 16 ie Wi 1M atic, | sell must seit Ve aut My Wit OLOSMOBILE iwodoor hardiap Clean inside and out, mechanically good Rowmanvilie 673-7824 WH CHEVROLET hardiop, 6, auiomatic, radio, Must sail, $476 or best offer, Tele 31- Compact Cors for Sale phone 725-0866, 4 CHEVELLE Super Sport, two - door SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, hardtop, V4 motor, new tires, Al ond! fion, Telephone 778-7897 Volkewagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars W900 STRATO CHIEF, four - door sedan 34 RITSON RD, § station wagon, can be made into 9p" me 723-346) ra transmission, Geod Open Evenings Reasonabie, Call after VOLVO & PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa 728-092) ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 nH) SUNBEAM Alpine, io, new tires, bes! cseteaed Telephone 728-8095 1968 SUNBEAM imp, Telephone 725-4118 Blick Ary J iii |p. i § pM. nb-00 J 1968 OLDSMOBILE P85, power brakes V4 hydromatic transmission 1 floor, bucket seats, white Hi new fires, transistor radio, mai other extras. Phone 725-0493 of 726 'aay, FON SALE -- 196) Rambler "Amibassador Series 900, automatic, Phone b6het ater 6.36 9m '9? PONTIAC Parisienne, sedan, auto matic transmission, power brakes, radio, | new tires, 4400 miles, Good condition, reasonable, Telephone 723-7047 1965 POWTIAC Customs Sport, converti bie, V-#, automatic, power steering, power brakes, Radio, Whitby 668-2295 "0 DODGE sedan, 19,000 miles. Best offer over $450, Dial 728-0556 WO CHRYLEER coupe, body" excellent, | chrome and interior A-|, Make offer, tele phone 728-4745, 1963 JAGUAR tion, sun root, prone 668-6782 AC coupe de ville 51,000 ariq clean, sound body, excellent fee magnificently Mark §, excellent cond) stick shift on floor, Tele goed condition offer FOND GALAKIE L H8I847, 1947 Comet 14151, Beth in good condition phrey Motors, Ashburn "43 PONTIAC, six, standard, A>\ tion. Telephone 668-4774 ' . Y 539 WT GUEK Fourdoor sedan, radio, good | "hone Anns da running condition. $178 or best offer, 4\4 | (7 PORSCH Chesinut &1, W. Whithy, Telephone 648-| Telephone 728-0287. 1S i |i CHEVY IV station 'M6 CHEVROLET, four-door wagon, fully|matic, excellent loneition: figanced, Axl condition $200 or swap for) Ajax 942-6096 ie halon pickup, Brooklin 655-3475 19s CORVAIR. Monte, convertible, four VRO a i. 1a two-door ners speed stick ohift, Perfect condition, One pe" eo Wi be Whitby 660-4327 affer 6 p.m yy? white 'op. 00a een se ' aver 741 station wagon, ve He902, Hooker and fone Lid, High laition, Opportunity for nd iv dh four miles west of Brookiin, 48, i 1 & Wine onable offer, Telephone 725-295) after 4,18 1963 WALF-TON Fi ae cond! Chevrolet condition ay Mille Telephone con. amily ear "yy ¥ 46 *5) CHEVROLET Relair 283 automatic, power brakes, best cash offer Seu Street before 4 p.m ustem ring, brek ind miles 433 Fairlawn Street |1964 AUSTIN" A904, 'motor, body, Tre ibrakes and interior, excetient transmis sion, Needs minor repair, $300 or best cash offer, 'S) Heny J, running condi tion. Bast cash offer, Apply 614 Simcoe North, 4 door hardtop, steering, power| Apply 237 Nas "eon | 3 en. lock, sport Suey a 1on VA ; O48. In running eondl | "len, tall ie 1a33. white top. 7-8) 92 ri i "VOLKSWAGEN convertible, Many| |32--Trucks for Sale parts, $125, 1954 Pontiac, & cylinder! standard, like new, $100. 1957 Chevrolet, 6 cylinder standard, good $125 Will take trade ins, 668-221 WO PONTIAE, Sdoor hardiep, & eviin-| fer, automatic tranamission, Apply 234 Beatty Avenue 1069 FORD METEOR, auinmatic drive radio, aged running condition. Telephane 77048) 1989 PONTIAC 'M FORD half-ton truck good. Tuning orees $275 or best offer, Telephone runner, 085 ' custom cab, nickel chrom F80'0.| heavy duty spring, & ply tires and extras 191,860, Telephone 778-8916 id Sones one-ton, four "apes, We avy "Phone 725-8493 afler 6 p.m hard' |7gy MERCURY 9 ton truck $280, Excel a lent shape, many extras, goed body and em mechanically radio, good rubber, should door, &|be seen, 728-2204 Call Alex) ig" WORD halt ton plekup, F Va engine, $175, Telephone 655-4589 or apply '46 CHEVELLE Malibu, two » door hard:| Mayes Store, Columbus top, lerge ix automatic, white, rea In |i CHEVY Ii, dark blue, sandard Heheie" at Belles nadded deen, Talepnene ansmission, positraction, windshield teak lb 25,000 miles, Reasonably priced, TH CHEVROLET Bei Air Dive, Teviln.| idea! tor commuting student or second @er, standard, radio, white walls, nod | ear Call T4\M atter 4% am Condition, Phone 728.4245 atier § p.m |i94d GME handy van, 13,600 m 44 CHEVROLET impala door | 723-5094 after 7 p.m. hardtop, » automatic, a - an' Wakan eae o/ STAKE BODY TRUCK, Chevrole, offer, Telephone 723-3745, gross licence, This truck rp jmechanical condition with low mileage 1987 CHEV. standard two-door, good run:| Priced for quick sale, Phone 723-3474 dur: ning condition, Telephone 668-4785 ing business hours or 725-0499 after § fo Oshawa Times switeh Wa PONTIAC Laurentian, V-8 auloma:|P.™. OF come tie, radio, 28,000 miles, Call 72303a7, |Peard for particulars . Se ae \indae, | INTERNATIONAL, 114 ton ' SHEVACLET Be j automatic, radio, seat bells and white|sMiM, Good condition TT |33--Automobiles Wanted UT PONTIAE Parisienne, tour-docr hard-| CARS WANTED Parisienne, door fop, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, condition, $435, Telephone 798748) 1963 PONTIAC Strato Chief, 4 Seay $1,200 or near offer 942-09 all two Fon ls in perfect tat Telephone 4 cylinder Reasonable cars tor wrecking Highest prices o 20 Wentworth Gast ns! WANTEG = Cars charge tor towing | Robert Nichols. SHAW AUTO "WRECKING 6," Carn bought, marts for sale. tron and metals bought, @? Aisor Street Bast, 725.291) $1,800 CASH available for best car offer ed. Write Box 2817) Oshawa Times |34---Automobile Repair "or Telephone "Wreckin le ? * aute- radio pay "rune DOWN---$30 MO, i" (oir shape, 676 oF nearest offer. reasonable for | wcelienh tan 983 rebuilt motor, al new accepted. | cA 1960 AUSTIN WRALEY Sprite, Any. rens-| | 6700, 7,500 i Children under 14 not admitted SEWER SONTRACTORS ONTARIO HOSPITAL PeRD TerewEr recawed, unl 2 (E07) on TUESDAY, JULY Sth, 1966 for the Reconstruction of the storm and senitery sewer systems at the Ontario bHos- pital, Whitby, Ontario, NOTE: AS OF JANUARY ist, 1966, ALL FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL SALES TAKES WILL BE PAID BY CONTRACTORS AND_ IN- CLUDED IN THEIR TEN- DERS, Tender documents may be ob- teined from Room 704 (Tower), Department of Pub- fic Works, Whitney Block, Parliament Buildings, Tor- onto 2, Ontario, (Telephone No, 365-1079), or viewed ot the the Builders Exchonge, Oshawa, Ontario A $2,000.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Payment Bond will be required os specified Tenders wil not be considered * unless mede on forms sup- plied by the Department A Deposit of $25.00 MON- EY ORDER, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents are re- turned in good condition with- in thirty days of above clos- ing date, otherwise forfeited The lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted J, D, MILLAR, | Deputy Minister, i, Michael W. Beil, Md Wilson Rd. Oshawa, wilh not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on of after this date, June 11, 1966, with out my written consent -hhichael 1. Dell ' } | 38--Coming : Events | MONDAY 8:00 P.M, BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St, Bost ot Farewell _ FREE - | | | | ORR 20 Reg, Games----Total $300. SNOWBALL---$ 180, in 56 Nos, Pius $10 each horizontal line, Regular Jackpot $100 in 54 Nos, $20, Con SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Tickets Available ot The Door Extra Bus Service No Children Please WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE RINICCL) DINU MON., JUNE 13th}! Admission ticket gives you free chance on door prize 250, JACKPOT Nos, 55 and 58 $50, CONSOLATION Jackpot pays double in 52 Nos, or less $150. JACKPOT $20 9 Horizontal Line $50 Full Card $200. in 52 Nos. or less 5 Special Games at $30 $45 in 17 Nos, or less 20 GAMES at $20 Reguler games pay double in 7 Nos, or less Early Bird Game at "": 45 Admission $1.00 EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA BINGO AT U.A.W.A, HALL SATURDAY, JUNE 11th 7:30 P.M 120 GAMES, $10 A GAME | 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH itsen FRED STONE BROOKLIN PHONE 655-3653 Mator Rebuilding Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Resleeving Automatic Transmission Crankshaft and Valve service TRANSMISSION specialisrs sions are our onty business North, Prone 728-7399. (35--Lost and Found LosT Peart choker without clase. in vicinity Eaton's Plaza. Vaived as keep sake, Reward. Call collect Willowdale! 225-4086 LOST: Black male puppy, Lad, Pet of three hearthroken litte boys }aearehing for Butchy. Reward, Call Fb. 6278 tom, power brakes and steering, radio Telephone 725-3419, 177 Gibbons Street 1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN V8, auto! praties sxces Buying A New Car? - Sell your used car to "Ted" Wea PONTIAC, Sirato Chief, . 'Cean" sandard, radio, white walls Talk "Cash" to the N Rewmanville 623-5269 TED CAMPIN MOTORS 4 cylinder, automatic, 25,000 miles, Ex 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 cellent condition, Will accept trade, Bow - _ aati manvilie 623-8269, |OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars METEOR, custom converiibles bucket | {9% Wrecking. Tires and parts for sale ea! beits, padded dash. Telephone 725 991) after 6 p.m, 725-9201 1957 PONTIAC twordoor automatic. radio, dines, filter, back-up lights, 475 or best offer, 725.0414 *® CHEV Va, automatic, white, excellent running candition, new tires. Apply 41} Brock Street South, Whithy matic, power steering and brakes balance of warranty, take over Menta, Telephane 723.098? ae VRURWALE ilationwagon, a 4 Rr OY Sedan excellent moter | Phone 226-0729 after 6 p.m Hibie with all the phone 723-8463 Ford. 443 matic, excelient condition, Phone even: | Car Dealer and "'Sove' 19465 PONTIAC Taurentian, 4doer sedan » power steering and brakes, radio, 1178 Neilson Street, | lephone 795-21 im, Sparkling condition, Inside! WE CHEVROLET convertibie fling condition, $295. Apply 'oad and tires, Clean condition. Price 8145./ oe by Maes running order '@" Ponting, | Telephone 723 an ee Tedlalors, all car parts, our specialty, Courtice Wreckers, 725238 CHEVROLET linpala convertible power steering and brakes, V8 auto matic, radio, A-) condition, $400 or dest after, Telephone 723-0048 after § p.m. 1964 FORD, hardtop, two-door, tour speed transmission, 390 No down By Teleprone 725-2754. | USED CAN PARTE ters. alse used 1) ter 4, 722-2 CIENS PAID GPF We Wade Un. down Cheere from aver 60 cars, No downpay:/ Menta! Gus Brown Matra Ltd., 720-7375, wy PONTIAC Barlalenne convertibie, 327, 4 speed 250 HP power brakes, reverber. ation, Reg net ing interior, Black top. Telepnane % Late Auto Tranamis Windies In make $09 Bloor Street {LOST = Gider dog. part poll bow legged. Answers to name "Cap" in the ivicinity of Harmony North and Grand view, Any latermation call | TAA Wf you do not tind the m the Want Ads, plac ed and qe it} Dial Wow To GET IT Hem you want Wanted Trpala, twodaor hard power steering and twenty-three thousand = mille Bive, Telepnene 7: 1038 Simene | Mh el ESCORTED TOUR To The GASPE Aug. 4 =» Aug. 13 See Quebec City, St. Anne De Beaupre, Gulf of St. Law- rence, Bay of Cheleur, © tour around the entire Gospe Peninsula, Over 2,000 miles by deluxe air conditioned motor coach No Night Travel. Write or phone Colmer Travel Service 14 Orchard View Blvd, Bowmanville 623-3265 Spaniel and) | For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 | i At Irena Passmore, wife of the late Alfred) will always be remembered. v of Vernal (Mra Jovee), McAvoy), sister of Willlam, Lida A, Bott), 18--Coming Events KINSMEN BRING THIS SPECIAL Y PRICE PASS To the SATURDAY, ' 41 June itn KINSM SUPER BINGO AT THE PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE OVER $7,500. in Prizes including New 1966 specified cor from decier of your choice or 2,000 Cash $1,000 Hi-Lo Game $1,200 . Big Snowball mos.) $600, Smell nos.) $600 (53 6 7) Snowball. (50 Regular games $450 Special games Don't forget to buy onomy pack for value ond sove money Plus 4 Early Bird Gomes (Shore the Wealth) ot 7:30 Many Free and Valuable Door Prizes KINSMEN EBENEZER . SUNDAY SCHOOL Anniversary Sunday June 12th Guest Speaker REV, GARDNER WARD Minister of High Park Avenue United Church, Toronto; the ec Guest Soloist Mr, ROSS MET CALFE, Afternoon Service at 2 P.M. Evening et 7:30 p.m BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION Jackpot 51 and 54 Children under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners DEATHS FARNSWORTH, V Toronto on Friday, Irene june 10, 1944, V Farnaworth, mother L.. Pectoenu), Frances Alfred and Marlorie dear F 4 (Mrs, (Mrs H Spuddie (Mrs Shewmake) Harold and Floyd, Resting at the Dan forth Chapel of 1491 Interment Suddenly, manville, on ~| 1966, Bert Lawrence of 1M McDougall and Brown. Service 3 p.m John's Norway Cemetery. Danforth LAWRENCE, at Bernard Memorlal Friday evenin Hospital, Bow June In Sires! in his 481h year, Resting at the Northeutt neral arrangements and loving grandfather Deborah, ther Belleville, of Pickering of Indian Head, ering, ceased, Mr Smith Funeral Home. (Notice of Fu later SERVINIS, Dimetra on Friday, June 10, 1946, Di widew of Alexander other of Paraskevy George and, Ge In her Adth year ein $1, Jor Ae june 13, af 2 pm, interment Osh Union Cemetery | STORK, A, Bdward Entered Into rest, and Plekering General Hospital, on Fri jay |Joved | Stonelea dear father of Mary Catherine (Mra. Wil liam suddenly, at' the Alax 1944 at RR dune ie husband Farm A, Bdward Stork Kathleen Movers Pickering be oft and MeEachnien of Plekering, Elinor Jane (Mra, Murray Sewell) of Markham. ef David, Lynn. Seott and Kevin and dear bro John of Pickering; William of Jeana (Mrs, Gordon Pound) Pearl (Mrs, William Miller) Sask,, Fred C, of Pick Robert of Toronto, Russell, de Stork will rest al the fam of ily residence, Stonalea Farm, after 7 p.m, Saturday. dence on Manday, ferment Funeral service at the resi June 19 at 2 pam. tn Erskine Cemetery (for further particulars please call McHachnie Funer al At on Thursda Payne veteran No, D8030 (former member Royal Cana-| dian Kingacourt husband of Olive O'Toole, |Loretta Richards | vals, Mrs well Sherrin Funeral Home | Pickering (lust east of Harwood Ave. |Alax) | June Cemetery, years, | Bowmanville Gravenhurst jhlyn) Lindsay and Joan (Mra ris vice in the Chapel in Monday at 2 p.m [Interment Bowmanville Cemetery Home, 942-2171, Pickering, UDALL, Bruce Payne (Robert) the Alax-Pickering @ al Hospital June 9, » Broce (Robert) Udall, and = World aged War 58 years, Regimental Legion Branch 392 Ajax) late of Apartments, ieee beloved 10 Park Ra, & father of Ae Joseph, Martin of Oshawa, Robert oronto, and Patrick Udall of Picker survived by twelve grandchildren brother of Albert Udall, Mra Mrs, Aurora Ger Phelan of Montreal, Mrs, Edith Went Resting at the Wm, E No, 2 Highway, dear n Mrs. Grace Nellie Hawkin California Service in the Chapel on Monday. 1, at 3 om. Interment. Grakine Dunbarton. WoOR, Leane |At Toronto General Hospital on Friday June 10, 1944 Leone Sutton, aged s6 beloved wite of Fred ©, Wood. dear mother of Helen. Bonnia (Mrs Jones} Bowmanville, Resting at the Mor Monday, | Morice Tam:| George | =.) tow her family | HOBDEM -- In lov dear geod Wr. hy, one lour dear whn passed 11966; oor as mom on Beautiful memories, tenderly kept Of » Dad and thom wa will never forget Deep in our hearts They will always remain Until God, in His time Unites us again. Lovingly 1 ed 4 biked Rhelda, Doreen, sonnet Bon tndeneys grandeniidren Ricky, Wendy, | Brenda Lynn. | | | MUSALACK = In loving of |4 dear mother and y " | Musaiock, who pe gwey on june 11, | 1964, Sweet memories will linger forever; Time cannot change them, it's true; Years that may come ever My loving remembrance of you, ~--tadly missed by daughter Oige Kozuh lend granddaughters Elizebeth and Tine, A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE. MEMORIALS Four courteous edvice please visit the Park Office, 723-2633 CARD OF THANKS MORRIS -- | would like fo thank every. one who was so kind during my stay lal the Oshawa General Hospital, A specia' thanks fo Dr, Glazier, 4th floor eteff, friends and neighbors and the ladies of W.M.5, Faith Baptist Church. Mrs, Connie Morris MYLES The family of the late Flor. Myles would like to express sin- re thanks and Aporecietion fo their lmany relatives, friends bor: their kind ex beautiful floral tributes and acts of kind ness extended during our recent bereave the loss of @ beloved mother Special thanks to Dr, B, A, Brown, nurses jand staff of 2D and 28, Oshawa General | Hospitals Rev, A, Wooloeck and palibear jers, We would also like fo thank the |Meintosh-Anderson Funeral Home for jthelr kind efficient service end General |Motore of Canada for thelr generous | assistance ment ir NORRIE Words aren't adequate to express my sincere thanks to all who assisted in comforting me during the loss lof my beloved son Jonn, A special thanks to Mr, Willlam Gleed, and the London Life staff, Reverend Brett, Meintosh Anderson Funeral Home, and neighbors on Humewood Avenue, Your kindness Mra, Mary @, Norrie, (Mrs, | OBITUARIES MRS, DIMETRA SERVINIS Mrs, Dimetra Servinis, 143 Huron &t,, died suddenly at the Oshawa General Hospital, Fri- day, June 10 The former Miss D. Angelo- {poulos had lived In Canada and Entered into rest in the Oshawa General|Oshawa for the past 10 y Hospital metra Angelopouens, Servinis and m |tralia, Marry of Greece, brie! of Oshawa, [Oshawa with tuner af se r | Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church |day, jawe The late Mrs, Servinis, 66, |was predeceased by her hus }band, Alexander Servinis, who died in Greece in 1981 Her parents are the late Mr. -iand Mrs, Peter Angelopoulos The late Mrs, Servinis is sur- vived by two daughters, Pa kevy (Australia) and Marry (Greece), Mrs, Servinis' in Oshawa, They and Gabriel The deceased is resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Ser- vice will take place at St. John's Ukrainian Greek Ortho- dox Church, Monday, June 13, at 2 p.m. Rev, R, Panczenko of &t. John's will officiate at the ser- vice, assisted by Rev, Constan- tine Gloustsis of St, George's Greek Orthodox Church in To- ronto, Interment will take place at Oshawa Union Cemetery, two sons live are; George FUNERAL OF | MRS, ROSS BRYANT | The funeral for Mrs, Ross Bryant, 67, who died at her home at 365 Bond St. E., June 7, was held from the Armstrong Funeral Home, Friday, June 10, The service was performed by Stephan Saywell of St, Stephen's Church, and he was assisted by the Rev, W, Rack: ham Interment was at the Oshawa Union Cemetery, Pallbearers were: Gordon Bryant, Milton Bryant, Stanley Moffatt, Bill Alexander Jr., Ronald Pierce and Lloyd Weir, Funeral Chapel ile, Ser LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral arrangements for occasions OSHAWA 'SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE 728-6555 and all SERVICE Kindness beyond Price, within reach of all GERROW yet FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728- 6226 Want-Ads Don' t | |BYLAWS GIVEN GREEN LIGHT Bylaws passed by city council Thursday night included: ~The appointment of Ronald John Teel as deputy clerk treasurer of the city of Oshawa. To exempt from taxation, except for local improvements and school purposes, during the year 1966 to 1974 inclusive, cer. tain property used and occupied by the Oshawa Naval Veteran's Club --Construction of sani- j tary sewers on Bond st, e., Di- } vision st, and Ray st, at a cost jof $16,114, ~--Construction of sani- |tary sewers on Wilson road n at a cost of $1,344 of which Cost ei They Pay jsrra will be debentured. Seven years ago a To- ronto restaurant began to feature scantily-clad wait- resses known as Bunnies By DON PHILLIPSON STRATFORD, Ont, (CP) -- The 14th annual Shakespearean Festival, which opened Monday night to a capacity audience, |drew a smaller attendance but warmer applause Tuesday night with the opening of its second production, Henry VI, Directed by John the Manitoba Theatre Centre, it completes the cycle of history plays by Shakespeare which Stratford began presenting in 1964, That year the festival com- pany presented. Richard I, In 1965 productions of Henry' IV and Falstaff were staged, This year the festival opened with Henry V, The third play in this sea- son's Shakespearean repertoire, Twelfth Night, opens tonight. The festival runs to Oct. 8 and will also feature Strindberg's The Dance of Death, The Last LONDON (CP)--British foot- ballers may soon be spraying themselves with perfume in- stead of cold water during a tough game. Australian players have found that diluted eau de cologne sprayed from an aero- 80] is the best cooling agent for a tired player, WOODBI (cP) results Purse $2,000," aiden furlongs, Canadian Tudor TORONTO bine race First olds, 7 KPriday's Tyear (Go'er) 4.10 9.60 2.20 Short Affair (Fitzsimmons) 2.90 2.30 Windy Flash (Walsh) 2.50 Time: 1:28 25 Dancing Cloud, Ledsham, Lea Mique, Fleet Sehol Prince, Kenteek, Gleniyvar, Arabian Second--Purse aT) 100, claiming year-olds and up, | iy porgen Road Curette) Dougs Chop (Kornblum) Miss Blackhawk (McComb) Time: 1:50 38 Six Axton, Lanky Planky, Royal Doe: for, El Aref, Line Me Up, Lady Zen ith also ran, Dally double 10.10, Third---Purse $2,000, claiming, maiden D-year-olds, foaled in Canada, § fur. longs. Colonel! §, (Robinson) Count Ferd (MeComb) Sunday Cruz (Waxwerl) Tine: Spartica, hythm, priced" Malden Myrtle, kag yi Bunty, fBaby Blue, f! Riva bie \peariy Blue also ran, f---Denotes field, Fourth--Purse $2,000, year-olds, 4% furlongs, Championnat (Barroby) Boston Mills (Ditttach) Arrow Gal (Turcotte) Time: 1:21 25, Miss Dynamic, Mighty Striker, 17,80 9. Dancer, cho Dancing Right, aver ioe 44 Minda Black Some Missile, Treasure, Zu- Hirsch of} Stratford Play 'Well Received THERE'S A BOOM and like their namesakes they've multiplied through- out the area, The money is good, Lucille Morin jof the Czars by Michael Ba tree of Toronto, and Mozart's Don Giovanni, as well as per- formances by the Royal Winni- peg Ballet. James Barber of the Vancou- ver Province predicted that Tuesday night's Henry VI would) be 'the more successful of the two historical plays," Herbert Whittaker, Globe and Mail, agreed, CALLS HIM CREATIVE "In John Hirsch, Stratford has a bold and creative director taking full advantage of Shakes-| peare's rich imagination," Mr. | Whittaker says, He aingled out for special praise performances by Tony van Bridge, as the Protector, Humphrey, and Brian Petchey, as the king, Nathan Cohen of the Toronto Daily Star calls the production "woefully short of artistic nour- ishment,"' and finds the play's greatest weakness in the "flim- siness of the acting, especially the lack of emotional revelation and interplay. "What Mr. Hirsch makes of all this is considerably less INE | Queen, a 41,10 22.00 11,80 than a triumph, but not entirely B a failure, RESULTS feime also ran, Late serateh: Liberty. Take Fifth.Purse olds, 6% furlongs. King Jive (Turcotte) Mixed Mateh :Ditttach) Count Lively (Robinson) Timer Romany Schell, Sam's $2,000, elaiming S-year 4.70 3.30 2.70 370 3.00 3,20 Quintuple. Out Path also ran, $3,000, Shut Sixth-Purse furlongs Mink Flyer (Dittfaeh) No Reasoning (Walsh) Burning Luke (Parrott) Time: 119 48, Upire, Caledon Dyearolds, 64 9.40 9.80 2.40 4.10 2.50 2,20 ar also ran, $26.10, Seventh---Purse $2,300, year-olds and up, 4 furlon Shuswap Sal (Pites'ms) ) Bxector: claiming, 4 "O10 6,90 9 4,1 3.70 5 Fsst-N-Pleet, $hi ning Wings, Andre Calrnaretic, Blghth--Purss $2,800, olds, Marshall claiming, turf course, one Wabish (Fitzsimmons) 21.90 9 Irish) Benedict (Harris) Angus Glen (Baroby) A--Be ¢ S-year> mile 70 490 4.20 4 12.00 Toronto) Inez, King Legend, | $800 ran. a THE OSHAWA TUAES, Soturdey, June 11, WEE QE IN BUNNIES (above), a Bunny from Que- bec, says she can make $125 a week in tips, But some men stare t too Jong, ¢ others FIRST RACH --- Purse 62/20, Maiden three-year-ol files. 7 Puriongs (20) Hapala, Walsh 1 Caballo Baha, Kerr's 8 fcoliere, No Boy A-ll8 Sweet Polly, No Boy 119 Rich As Cream, Hernander 118 Jivelisa, Kornblum 108 Stan's Kay, Brownell XXX108 Glen wate Nobody 113 Lady Speed, Werry B-X108 ee, Fitzsimmons 119 Gift, Bradfield A-XXKXK103 ely' Pride, Ferro A113 Cleonla, Bye d 13 So Turcotte 113 Malestic Sal, No Boy 113; ry BX108) Grite, No Boy Perro X113; Romantic Maebest, No Boy 113 A~--& Desnoyere and Edgor Ridge Stable B--K Roberts and Barwood Stable entry SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000, Claim: ing (3000) thrae- and four-year-olds foaled in Canada. 7 Furlongs (20), Gay Chant, Nobody 113 Yaliey Town, Dittfach 111 Neptunes Hostess, No Boy 104 Princequard, Werry X113 Wee Annie Dory, Ditifach 190 Willle's Brief, Ferro 120 Bingnam, Leblane 122 Funny James, Bell X104 Magic Queen, No Boy 113 Our Gem, Robinson ABO Harry Hughes, No Boy 10? Peace Lilian, Harrison 104 Man in Flight, Gordon 10? For Wyn, Harris A123 Also Biligible: Fair Dandy, Nobody 111) 111) Jive Dancer, Turcotte 120; A-". € Morrisroe and W O Young entry THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200, carn Ing (3000), four-year-olds and up, Miles (20), Canadian Zenith, Helm A-113 Bonnie Flare, Fitzsimmons 108 fully Keane, Potts 116 Vogel's Victor, No Boy 116 Fieid repr Robinson B-XX109 Mr, » Harris oie Resolve, Fito Boy 116 Real Black, Worry ex Admiral Armbro, Hale 113 Steve X11! | Gina Su, No Boy 108 AewH A SCHAD ote B-Dane Hill A C--Moldewan, Mrs Pg 3 "$mithers and Mrs W G Moore entry D---Phoenix Stable and t M Churehill POURTH RACE -- Purse $2,500, Claim ing (9000), four-yearolds and up, 6 Fur longs (12), FIRST RACE - 1 Mile (Pace) $800 (8), Andy Counsel, Coke 4Omodean, Platford pa cines Dillon, Webb Also Started: Superior Mark, Cert Ky Grattan, K G Direct, and Vietor High C. SECOND RACH = 1 Purse $2,500 (8), 4-Stoney Burke, P'gan S-High Patch, Walker hynden, Aimer, Webs Also Started: Brave ir, and Hightand Girl, DAILY DOUBLE, 4 AND 4, PAID $9.40, Mil ig RACH -- 1 Mile (Pa (8), Purse 420 3.40 2.90 4,00 ane Mile (Pace), 3.00 i os H 20 60 ), Purse Misv, Curran 93.10 8.40 3.70 S-Hora' Findley 7.60 4,90 2Pick Dillon, Arthur 3,00 OU ener = 1 Mile (Trot), Purse Lhevel MeLean, Mel'n 13.00 6.80 3,70 12.90 &70 MN 2Wee Crusader, Gelsel } Royal Out, ran, Here's imp, Lady Sue, Knight Twinkle Jay also 20) A---Willow downs farm and Grovetree stable entry, Attendance: 4750) Handle $459,565, th, Hicks ye RACE - 1 Mile (Pace), $800 (7), \-Floyd's Honor, Hawke 16.20 7.20 4,20 6,00 tal} Purse §-Royal Dominion, Findley é&A, Direct, Feagan Aldoo, Turcotte 117) Nediin Al, Maxwell 1 Miss Telso, No Boy 104) Cipliner, Barroby 122, 116 make passes and a@ lot. of women resent them, ~CP Photo WOODBINE ENTRIES Lebon M 1, Fitzsimmons 116 Little Red, Hale 113 My Marion, No Boy 111 Saimstown, No Boy 116 Winisteo, Harris 116 Parkhelghts, Werry X11! Purly Sark, No Boy 113 Ky. Quill, Kornblum 108 Chop-Em-Please, array "8 Dark Fairy, Leb Distix, Fitzsimmons 116 Butterscotch, Turcotte 119 FIPTH RACE ---- Purse $2,200, Maiden two-year-olds, ied in Conede, & Fure longs %) Herby & ood, No Boy 18 Vicinity, 'ontiocn ANN Melville, No Boy 118 Bive Forest, No Boy 8-118 Great Canadian, Werry X118 James Bay, Werry ¢ walt Pine Point, No Boy 8: Victoria Day, Korhoium "ore Dark Secret, Fitzsimmons C118 A-~Windfleids Farm entry BS N Shapiro. and Willow Downs Farm entry C-Gardiner Farms en (EXACTOR Wiseriney SIXTH RACH o Purse $2,800, "Ride cay", Allowances, Three and four-year olds, One mile and 70 verds (10), Garden's Ace, No Boy 116 The Hangman, Gomez 112 Arctic Canuck, No Boy 107 Hello Prince, No 6 Robin Whippet, Bin iach 107 Place Victoria, Fitzsimmons 10? firik Tea, Fitzsimmons 103 Arab Prince, No Boy 107 $1 QINTH RACH -- Purse $3,200, quols®. Allowances, fiveeyeer rold foaled in Canada, | 1-16 Miles (7), Northern Minx, Brownell XXX107 Prize Jive, No Boy 1 Rullahs image, No Boy 117 lee Water, Gomez 117 Tinemoa, Harris A Margabella, MeCorm| Flaming Victress, yy ALE 4 BIGHTH RACE--Purse $2,000, " Allowances, three end four (Bivielon of 6th). One Mile and Bachelor of Arts, Leblanc 112 Oary Catharin, Kornblum X108 Empress of India, Harrison 1 ie Narthern Miner, Ne Rav 107 Alberta J Fifth Street, Harrison 96 Day We Salil, Walsh 107 Phalanx Queen, Nedeau 118 Jim Gi No Boy 112 bed | 'niles. Bey-183 Xow Ibs AAC) XX--7 Ibs AAC) XXX--e 10 Ibs AAG, POST TIME 2 PM GARDEN CITY RACEWAY Also Started: Trinsa Lge, Rockey Ser ator, Sunset Lee M, and Ster Joh, SIXTH RACE -- "The Yankey", 1 Mile (Trot), Purse $3/ * 'Danny Song A, G'brth 9.90 440 4 44 N 2-Cadenza, Clements \Betsy ort, (A Entry) NB Also Started: Ardee, and A---Becky Herbert. BXACTOR, 3 AND 2 PAID $45.10, A----Coupled -- Herbert Stable Entry. 50/NB--No show wagering, SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse $1,200 (7). Waddell 6.30 4.40 47 3. 3 TAnglo United, | 4Black Creek, Curran SInvineible Plek, Webster giao ie RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse SJohnnie Ld A'dekin On lh Fy +Diana Hunter, Feagan 3.60 tS mie ) Zirnis ried: Reckless Living, HR M, sis Herbert Highleys Way, and Riddell'e ounsel, NINTH RACE - 1 Mile (Pace), Purse $1,100 (8), 4,00 i " it 8 2Gay Reel, @-Donbryn Adios, 1-Roger R Grattan, Teasen Developments are in the works that will change the face of Toronto during the next 10 years. New con- struction is forecast at $1,750,000,000 this year alone, The most ambitious plan is the $260,000,000 Eaton Centre, This photo TORONTO BUILDS FOR NEXT CENTURY montage (left) shows how the six. building complex would dwarf Toronto's new City Hall, At right is the Toronto + Dominion Centre whose Sé-storey office build: ing now is the tallest in the Commonwealth. --CP Phote

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