Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jun 1966, p. 2

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Emergency Crews Study [Thunderstorms | Conviction Stricken Kansas City by a tornado which took 16|which succeeded in opening ali|Topekans left homeless ranged One\from 72,000 to nearly 5,606 but lives faced city officials today.|streets to some degree Most of those whose homes/|city official said the cleanup is were lost or heavily damaged|expected to take at least four in the disaster put up tempor- weeks, arily with friends, relatives' The tornado was the worst in and strangers. Four Red Cross | the city's history. Ranging up to shelters were opened in schools'a half mile wide, it swept a 15- and the Municipal Auditorium. ,mile path of death and destruc- Sweep State ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)--Severe thunderstorms battered most of New York State Thursday night and early today, injuring scores of persons, disrupting power «-. ue and causing thousands of dol- umes' si lars damage. In Buffalo Thursday night, probably is somewhere in be- John Waigate, 23, was killed tween the two-extremes. A fact-| When his automobile struck a ual count is not expected to be| Stalled car during a heavy rain- completed for several days. storm Upwards of $4,000,000 in dam- Heavy damage to property age resulted in Manhattan, 50| was reported in Syracuse, where miles away, where a tornado| winds reached 50 miles an hour By JOE McKNIGHT { Heavy tree trunks, chunks of| TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) -- The|buildings, and battered cars |it- problems of caring for severaljtered many paris of town, even thousand persons left nomeiessiaiier # iuil Gay of cieanup; who figured damage at - tween $75,000,000 and $100,000,- 000, Wiig pam Mir | Rouses Ire WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)-- George Burt, Canadian director of the United Auto Workers (CLC), Thursday described as "canvas Bie CONVENOR Un Toronto Tuesday of 26 union men on charges of contempt of court, The charges were jaid foliow- ing mass picketing at Tilce Plastics Lid. in Peterborough after a court injunction hed been granted limiting the num- ber of pickets to 1°. The men About 70 persons had, been tion through the city. hit an hour before the Topeka|during the peak of the storm. | were SS ee nen ater left 12 dead, more than 400 injured, and 4,500 homeless. This is a main street near the downtown section of the city. The building right A TORNADO which swept a 15-mile path of destruc- tion from southwest to northeast through Topeka, the capital city of Kansas, Striking Teachers Charge Blacklist DETROIT (AP) -- A striking) increases group of suburban school teach-| sions, ers brought a $1,000,000 damage eult against its school board|/have been closed, with 4,300 Thursday charging board mem-| children kept at home, The dis- bers conspired against teachers.! pute involves 188 teachers, The suit was filed in U.S.| Brown said the lawsuit was District Court by the Crestwood) based on a recent action of the Education Association, on strike| Michigan School Boards Associ- in the Crestwood school district! ation which, he said, urged the since June 2 blacklisting of striking teachers Georce Brown, public rela-|He said the Crestwood school tions director of the teachers board is an association mem group, said the suit charges' ber, board members "conspired and Erwin Ellman, lawyer for the confederated to threaten teach-\teachers, said the suit was ers with economic reprisals and' brought under an 1871 Civil blacklisting." Rights Act. He said the act pro- The suit demands $100,000 hibits depriving citizens of con- damages from each of 10 school|stitutional rights "under color officials and board members. of law" and that it applies to The Crestwood district teach-|school board as governmental ers dispute is one of several | bodies. and other centre has been roped off because its interior was gutted and it is leaning, giving every indication that it might topple. Formerly Minister Scores Unions 'Socially Abusive Conduct' TORONTO (CP) -- The 92nd COnCES- oneral assembly of the Presby-| passed a motion sanctioning in- terian Church in Canada was All Crestwood district schools told Thursday that labor unions! was carried easily but the mod |don't use their privileges prop erly Speaking on a resolution sup porting the right - to - work as- pect of union security, Dr Archibald Brown of 'Toronto told delegates that unions' con- duct at the bargaining table "is socially abusive," He said if the church sup- ported unionism it would be giv- ing something "to the already overprivileged labor union" that they don't deserve. Despite his address, the as sembly passed the motion and also a resolution asking the fed eral government to raise old age pensions, WEATHER FORECAST | Unseasonab ribed "a battle Cloudy with a wil past Grand teacher-board salary battles southeast Michigan schools at- tended by 80,000 children. gan Education Association, an affiliate of the National Educa units of the American Federa- tion of Teachers (AFL - CIO) putes have been seltled. reste|, TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts Remaining disputes--at Cr 'S** issued by the weather office at leave idle 1,200 teachers with " 'synopsis: A cold massive 43 schools closed. A total of 27,- high - pressure area stretching! The Wayne strike, by the. Eas . "5 : Wayne Education Association western Great Lakes will take - ' over control of the weather pic preset forge yPinegener ag [eS A clear cold night now ap- ogetner ' pears likely through southern Negotiations are continuing ; ; i hetween the Crestwood associ- -- wit whe ee) ern Ontario 'eachers are demanding salary Tagen -- . : Lake St. Clair, Windsor . . Cyclists Injured vals today. Clear and cold to- night. Sunny and warmer Sat- KBIGHLEY, England (AP) becoming light tonight Twenty riders in the amateur, Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake crashed over the side of a 2,000- | Georgian Bay, Algoma, London, foot peak in the Pennines today| Hamilton, Toronto, Sudbury, verely injured morning, sunny with a few Ambulances raced to the cloudy intervals this afternoon An eyewitness dest warmer Saturday. North acene as resembling east winds near 15. The accident happened as the, burton; A few showers ending riders started to descend from)this morning, sunny intervals crashed over the edge of the tonight sunny and warmer Sat road at the first sharp turh urday, Northeast winds near 15. entered the race River, Western James Bay: Several riders climbed back Sunny today and Saturday severely injured to be attended winds by race doctors and officials Ottawa region TWO GRADUATES ATTEND DINNER Two residents of Oshawa, Several Oshawa citizens will Fessenden have received Bach: commémmorate a donation of elor of Arts degrees from At g95.900 for a real estate library caster, Massachusetts Gail Ontario Association of Real Young majored in music and)pciate Boards. An endowment ce ue _ et Aaa {without interest for a five-year Union College. She is the daugh-| ,e-iog was also part of the do- 1220 og Mgt spew ao L.A.P, Bolahood, president of the majored | ' oF mn Oshawa and district real estate of boys and instructor in physi-|_ ;: er Tae vice - president of the Ontario eal education at Monterey. Bay jassociation of real estate boards fornia be at the formal dinner NOTARY PUBLIC being held at Founders College Ontario Gazette carried the. in-|months ago has a goal of one formation that Darren L, Mich-! million dollars pointed a notary public for the LEBANON LODGE Province of Ontario The officers and members of LETTERS PATENT and AM will honor the past Three Oshawa district firmsjdistrict grand masters of On- ent of incorporation. They arejannual Strawberry Festival. The E. W. Bow! Limited, Darlington|speaker will be the Most Wor mited, Clarke andimaster of the Lodge of John Rieger In 1 Province of On which recently have affected Local chapters. of the Michi tion Association, and Michigan were involved. Most of the dis- wood and in Wayne and Ecorse) s.99 2) EDT: $00 pupils stayed home. from northern Quebec to the and the Ecorse walkout, by the ture through most of the prov- ers and about 23,000 pupils. and central sections of Ontario) 0 follow. ation and the school board turday. Sunny with a few cloudy Inter- In British Race urday. Winds northerly near 15 tour of Britain cycling race|Huron, Western Lake Ontario, and several were reported se- North Bay: Clearing during this scene at Fleet Moss Clear and cold tonight sunny tield."' Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali the peak (Fleet Moss) and|this afternoon, Clear and cold A Canadian team of eight had) Timagami, Cochrane, White up to the road, leaving the more Much warmer Saturday, Light HERE and THERE Gail Perry Young. and Luke attend a diner in Toronto to lantic Union College, South Lan-) + york University by the will: become an instructor Of/qr 199.000 to the university ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. J Perry, nation. Ald, Hayward Murdoch, be employed as associate Dean noard, M. 1. Metcalf, regional Academy, Watsonville, Cali and Gord Garrison of CELE The current issue of The The fund, founded three ae], of Oshawa, has been' ap- Lebanon Lodge, No. 139, AF have been granted letters pat-jtario District, June 20, at their Township: Harvey Partner Li-|Bro. Trelevan, a grand Limited Qebave. , Townshi Canada in the itarie, irance le Cold Will Precede Warm Weather few showers ending this morn: ing, Sunny periods this after- noon, Saturday mainly sunny. Cool, Winds northeast 15 be- coming northerly 15 this morn ing and light tonight. Forecast Temperatures Lows tonight, Highs Saturday Windsor 45 72 St, Thomas London ,... Kitchener , Mount Forest . Wingham'. Hamilton .. Toronto .... Peterboroug Kingston . Trenton .. Killaloe .. Muskoka .... North Bay .. Sudbury .. Earlton ee Sault Ste. Marie... 38 | Kapuskasing White River ., Moosonee ... Timmins .. Negro Joins Politics Group (AP)--Rej ve ATLANTA, Ga sentative elect twice denied his seat in the Georgia house of representa tives, has moved into the arena of national U.S. politics Bond, a Negro, has . been elected co-chairman of a new political organization called the National. Conference for New Politics. Heading it along with Bond is Simon Casady, ex chairman of the California Dem ocratic conference. "It will include civil rights ;workers and so-called anti-war |groups but these are not the jonly members,' said Bond "They come from a great many walks of life. We are aiming at those who have expresed a gen eral dissatisfaction with present politics "We believe politics on any jlevel has to take into account those who are not generally taken into account in any politi- ical campaign In rural southern areas, these would be Negroes, In cities it would take in Negroes' and Puerto Ricans and in other areas poor whites." Bond was denied his seat in the Georgia house after he said he admired the courage of draft card burners but would not burn his own draft card, He plans to seek re-election in the Septem ber Democratic party primary and the November general elec | tion | He already has been elected twice, one in last year's elec }Sion for the reapportioned house and- again in a special elec after he-was denied his seat for \the frat time, Julian Bond,} tion 'crippled leynired taken to hospital with injuries and at least 61 of them spent a 2,000 dwelling units were de- second night in. hospitals. An-'stroyed," other 260-persons received out- patient treatment at hospitals, Fifteen deaths occurred in Topeka -- hardest hit of sev- eral towns struck by tornadoes in a brief span Wednesday night. One man was killed about 20 miles northeast of To- peka. Many persons made offers of temporary housing for the homeless The Salvation Army and Red Cross operated field kitchens around the city to feed the homeless and the rescue-and- repair personnel rushed in from other cities, Gov William Avery and offi- cials of the federal Office of {Emergency Planning ordered damage estimates which could lead to federa| disaster grants for stricken areas Mayor Charles W. Wright Jr. planned to ask nearby cities for equipment and personnel to help clear debris. Some had al-| ready sent aid to others offered anything needed. Kidnappers 'Lose Victim GUATEMALA CITY (Reut-) ers)--The kidnapped first vice-| president of Guatemala's Na- tional Congress has escaped from rebel captivity, it was learned today Hector Menendez Delariva, also secretary-general of the In-| stitutional Democratic party, was kidnapped May 26 by the Communist Revolutionary Armed Forces (F.A.R.) Leaders of his party con- Telegraphers Dispute Ends firmed his escape, but would not give details of how it was car- WASHINGTON (AP) -- West-| ried out or where he had been ern Union's telegraph wires! held were in operation across the! The F.A.R. is still holding Su- U.S, again today after some 20,-,preme Court President Romeo 000 striking, employees returned} Augusto Deleon and government an insurance building, it's precarious position is ironic in view of the motto print- ed on the side; 'Is a refuge in time of storm," In another session, delegates |terracial marriages. The issue Dr, G. Deane Johnston, told the assembly if did not mean the church encouraged such marriages "The individual must con- sider the society and culture in which he lives before he takes such a step," Dr, Johnson said erator to work with a hefty pay raise| Information Secretary Baltazar) land, Jasi week to end the war and other gains in a new con-| Morales, who were kidnapped! tract May 4 "I consider this a very good| The F.A.R. Wednesday pro contract," said President ¥, [,,| Posed exchanging Deleon for Hageman of the Commercial| Jose Maria Videz Ortiz, a young Telegraphers' Union (AFL-|F.A.R. member caught by po- CIO), lice last month. The employees, who averaged A State of siege declared $2.52 an hour under the old con-|@fter the kidnapping of the two tract, won pay increases of 4,5) 80vernment officials was ex- per cent a year for two years,| 'ended for a further 30 days. considerably in excess of White|. Zhe kidnapped men were be- House guidelines that seek to|i& held hostage in exchange for| hold wage increases to 3.2 per|80me 28 Communists who disap- cent annually peared three days before elec- The ' : tions Jast March. It is widely The strike that began at mid- belleved: the Communists were night Tuesday night and ended i i at 4:30 p.m. EDT Thursday reggie orgy during a raid in Western 'Jnion's han- dling of several hundred thou- sand telegrams a day Leased wires. and- -service-to government agencies were not affected The increases are retroactive to June 1, when-the old contract Harlem Drug Raid Made | Some 2,000 to 3,000 of the NEW YORK (AP) Police| company's more highly skilled|have arrested 95 persons in a/ technicians will receive pay in round-the-clock crackdown on! creases above the 4.5-per-cent/ narcotics in Harlem general increase, Hageman More than 100 detectives par. | said ticipated in the roundup. They The union also won improved worked on information gathered pensions for more than a month by un- dercover agents--some of them women and many of them in various disguises, Most of those arresied were accused of being dope pushers The others were charged with! S82 VU 2tsU0n being narcolics users. Women' were among those arrested. Anger China vem tr" PEKING (Reuters) -- China sand dollars was reported has warned Indonesia in a note! seized to stop all anti-Chinese activi Deputy Chief Inspector Ira Hes, which it said far exceeded | Bluth, commander of the police South African racialist atrocities narcotics bureau, sald no "king in their brutalliy, it was re. pins" were caught, ported today Chief Lnspector Sanford Gare The New China news agency lik said | reported that the note suid 'This will not end the dope By dovilely serving as,trafficking in Harlem, because| pawns of U.S, imperialism and|it did not cut off the supply. its collaborators against China, And no matter how many push you can neither add to theiriers you knock over, there are strength nor bring yourselves to! move who will take their place | good end But this will limit it." BRANCH 43 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Annual Decoration Day Services SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1966 9 A.M, The First Service will be held at the Cenotaph commencing at 9 A.M, and then proceed to the Union Cemetery, Mount Lawn Cemetery, thence St. Gregory's Cemetery and the citizens of Oshawa are invited to participate with us at these services. trarcitiac' any to and Memorial "The Red Cross said about} said Mayor -- Wright Hurricane Moves Through VALDOSTA, Ga. (AP)--Hur- ricane Alma, her might dimin- ished after hitting the Florida Panhandle, is splashing through Georgia today The national hurricane centre in Miami predicted rains up to eight inches along a wide path from Georgia to the Carolinas and warned of possible flooding. But Alma no longer met hur- ricane standards of winds of 75 miles an hour or more. Her highest winds were 70 miles an hour, and reported ebbing The early - season hurricane from the tropics, charged with 47 deaths in three countries, was reported moving northeast- Malaysia - Indonesian Talks Continue On War End Means JAKARTA (AP)--A high Ma- laysian official has slipped into Jakarta for further talks on the ending of Indonesia's unde clared war on Malaysia. Mohamed Ghazalie Shafie permanent secretary of Malay sia's foreign office, is expected to spend several days in talks Lt.- Suharto, whose reform end with military Gen government is trying to President Sukarno's three-year old war and get strongman vital trade with, Singapore and Malaysia moving again Suharto and work out details of donesian official said The talks grew out of a broad agreement in Bangkok, Thai and set up regular direct con tacts between Jakarta and Ku-| tory Indonesia's bY Ghazalie will restoring diplomatic relations, a high In- storm. About 60 persons went to|Thirteen persons were reported hospitals for treatment and 12/injured when the winds swept were admitted. | through a trailer park and over- - ~~ | turned several of the mobile homes, Residents in the Onondaga County communities of Skanea- teles and Fayetteville were without electrical power for about three hours. Work crews {rom the Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 'worked through the night to restore service, Georgia ward at about 12 miles an hour. Alma roared into the Florida Panhandle Thursday with winds, In western New York, tor- of 100 miles an hour. nado-like winds slammed the Some houses were damaged|Erie County community of Hol- and pecan trees uprooted when!/and, where trailer-homes were high winds lashed a rural sec- overturned and power lines and tion five miles northeast of Al- 'rees snapped and cluttered bany, Ga streets ' Eleven soldiers were in hos- to be sentenced today. | Mr. Burt said the labor move- |ment should rally its forces te change existing legislation. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S | 723-4663 |] SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST, 24-HOUR SERVICE pital at Fort Gordon near Augusta, Ga., after a bus over- turned on wet pavement. The storm's fatalities con- sisted of 35 deaths in Hon- duras, near where the storm spawned with torrential rains) last Monday; seven in Cuba, and five in Florida. ala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital The Malaysian cabinet has en- dorsed the Bangkok agreement, but Sukarno so far has balked, we'd never hig furnace SINGAPORE (Reuters)--The official Hanoi daily Nhan Dan says Indonesian leaders decided to end their policy of "confron- tation" with Malaysia under or- ders from the U.S, The Nhan Dan report, quoted the North Viet Nam news agency and monitored here, says the U.S,, Britain, Holland West Germany, and Japan are providing millions of dollars to the new Indonesian lJeaders as big rewards The newspaper declares it was confident the Indonesian people would "consolidate" their forces and 'win complete vic- "We made sure We invested 13.95 in Lander-Stark's Furnace Paris Replacement Plan." Call 725-3581 for full information Butts 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA have fo face repair bills. te, Move with tne Tor fy alg] Canada's fastest growin a eee:

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