Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1966, p. 19

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17--Female Help Wanted '18--Male Help Wented 18--Mole Help Wanted pa ant moet \20---Real Estate for Sale (20--Real Estote for Sele {20---Real Estate for Sal THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Mey 31, 1966 19 aie - oe Te once elp ante oN -- -- $$$ $$$ BOOERIENCED | TRAINING scHoo. | PROGRAMMER > age = [J BMeltuln CUIDE | GUIDE Ft FOR BOYS, REALTOR meets erect «5, | nowmanvitie, | A vacancy poms m | Restaurant | 120 Pui Wee | REALTY LTD, | REALTY LTD. DEWITH RAE R: conversomt and able to per- OUR DATA PROCESSING Whitby orm all bookk ng fout- | GROL SARN oR A eu tece : term ail beckhaoping Mut ONTARIO AP: AE SEEA OR 1 442-4201 16 Simcoe St. S.| 16 Simcoe St. S. heh ip ted a aco ICYNIES ines Has vaconcies in the follow. 5 DiEe Tw ) "e PNET Me PES Salary commensurate with ob- ing positions 2-3 YEARS EXPERIENCE ' | oF woe I Mh wd ility ond experience en mone 2TTess are - 2. ] , - j BOWMANVILLE REALTOR ge Mil SCHOOL De ORNE $Y : Two Service Statior 2 INCOME HOMES 123-5281 tacoaas 14 Frank Street, Phone | NING BOX 26604 baa hoo pets Nitendant WHITBY. OSHAWA TIMES eehuaith iaatigs RESULTED IN TH. .XPAN- x baat JUST LISTED OWNERS ANXIOUS 728-6661 SION OF OUR DATA PRO * 2 5 room brick bungalow, 3 as } : ae ein To provide vesidéte SION OF OU A TA ) onerank Dedtian Be Bee heed baie 1 @ This three bedroom brick XII! @ Large two storey frome 623 : 3950 | zi A} council | CESSING FACILITIES AND Shell. ( G ie a oe {aad dices folie whaated 6 ak 668-88. tio! supervision, tile. Lerge living room 19 u na ot of 50 x 110', thet could with Port-t and guidance to wards 14- DEVELOPMENT OF or : ' chase tote iien sxurious living et a moderot | B ; x sy : ; price, Many extr ak tauind . Bee (seagate art-time 16 yeors of oge PROGRAMS Plein her 4 with olen- p we Many @ ? ; | P dy vi fer SHAWA, 3 b Eee WHITBY f au ' iy : 4 eke a le Pia 15,000. Two store : salifications --- Grade X ed ; me ov ppt 4 ; stove co Sa apart: ndi. bedrooms 4 4 ¢ k & stone bungalow. $ wo storey eix Savings Tellers : a4 bil ele H LEWEITE A ne pre Nic | roomed brick home in central ucotion; preferably Secon- screen, door chimes ond tir snd bothroc wy ficely decorated ond very Required | dory School Graduation ARE y NE 725 873] af Se eae e book cases. {f ¥ 4 r , bonne cleor Located in good oreo vee This home is in ex- | Some previous exper- COMPLETE 5 ) - ' to see this home ir ee th car ' . , Asking $14,900. Terms cere ---- ond local n youth wor EDUCATION f E see . residential or u t vit t paciousness - out. Living room, dining reom for local wat company. Ex lence ji 'y 7) oh - os ji J A A ' v8 be , Ons. r neces ha bee Fara SHAWA, 2 Bedroom' bun- ond large kitchen with pontry perience preferred. Apply in ~~Age 25 to 45 egr ty; YTHER INA 5 ; ) at St with attached garage on main floor with three bed- en ane wt ee biity @ wane | oO re ah 3 W iggscrte "BEAT THIS ONE" Gos heated with 3-piace both rooms upstairs and bath, ce ane BOOKKEEPER | snsrsisars | u 2 iATatl!S Nel Soacasrice | Say a ms ' bitol\ Reucelaie sae Cae 7 a . P.O, Box 706 'apc 2: $8,080 per aniuen D. V. HAMILTON ; monthly ys inga J ; | age, good lot. Exterior all j fo commence, rising to ' i! me Preyert $3,000. DOWN ¢ and hall. Toke ove y { br F IVESTMENT PROPERTY, | 'pointed white with shutters in Oshawa $5000 per onr with 5 must 2 . ments with on average dowr t + one * ag ! Unit, mew, apartment on the windows, Be sure, in- ; : j DOW : 5 keep rs ocd sd povment. P : blic , tak email q. All electrically heat- | 'spect. before you buy. Call nerience and trainiry riced to sell at . . ed. Yearly rent $17,100, Roe R. Jones nue, Broadioom in the INTENANCE : al y ror her tion «¢ Aaadehlie dake Price and terms arranged | WAITRESSES MMECHAN ic CHEMICAL copectek ent" et lehae th. 3 e a ile worag sg yg 4 OSHAWA REQUIRED - + parton 'eanerdl REE: eee t sna de o one oy TWO BE DROO M COTTAGE aw top tal aarticuion BOWMANVILLE, 5.Roomed, | RANCH BUNGALOW eae nae OF oa A - MITED : ny sge. Situatec ty | new, brick bur golow with ot- | $17;200. Eost Oshowa, six Full or port time. Also kit si talag die SARNIA. ONTAR ; 604 eg : 11) OM ' sai ea sean toe dls tached gareg | heated | rooms, tiled four piece bath, chen help, 4 days per week cabaret aera sit PSS eo k comfortel , ie ' x t f r ated | recreation room all finished r specific trade vate iahdeu a : : ; nea to $e A Tt " ie ? with a bor, This is o very electricity, ttractive birck home on 4 well lar dscoped lot, back yard GENOSHA HOTEL mbing, etc.) ond abil TAX! DRIVERS der port of Whitby is 728-0768) § al fenced. Select" Raabe q Sree LASCO ea oa HE Comamrit, § comes | Rolle ines Be 4 PIN RE HOUSANI nt hg ' ; w with ec or $4,400 4,600 ' j ' ing s WAITRESSES , wy SOWN : PAYMENT fel n the north par , WHITBY TEN ibe elgg cis 3 . [ zi j 1 f Ext " t na ¢ required MAINTENANCE An e ' ERC >\ TA) d : : Sel ' - '2 : ' : $11,900 7 A.M, to 4 P.M PLUMBER stinhitl Me ogi is eee DER 2-STOREY het a ' ' no 5 Hae wa of { | $1,500 down will buy this | Manent Smpmoymens ert oa , pI ES. i" Sahl Hi dandy bungal | 4PM. to 11 P.M e To perform genera! operatior ¢ d y re r j phen tpi ; j 2 5 BOWN IVILLE. 5 Roomed de Y. ingolow only 6 years APPLY | plumbing duties related to ' ' . x / € k 3 728-294 ' Pt ; with a recreation room MR, CAMPBELL the maintenonce ond re sunbeds J i Tite Gupte' so. ceeracat Muaeielek re ynt A: "plug tee Kiax \ 4 living Englert 28-5581 noes New, brick. Hs 7 pi Three bedrooms, four piece GENOSHA HOTEL pairs of several school Diacias ve ' 4 , i é or : f bah tg 723-1121 a tely hed re- | tiled 'bath torae: (wing teen KITCHEN HELP mus! be experienced buildings dorm itories, cessor Mind, ng A ' sich Sip r : pile f . 795-9 " nid pbs ane emily ites kitchen This Apply in person Southend Tavern, 5 Bloor shops ete HAIRE SER r Sood 20 rov n i 'a lee f f $ | 6 ened 'horas, vee he Ck itn ade " Must have D nent of Age: 25 to 4 . iota polled ng bungalow, but HOMEMAKER with car for @ widower ourneyman's poper cal conditio t Pp y nd ment of 10 cluding ¢ Lucas Peae ' : consider the price, It is the and one student daughter to come in Labor Psa SYMONS. Peperes yan cee E '6 re es : now for an appoint k Youn 718 WEST OF COURTICE, 6 buy of the week five days weekly. Hours to be arranged several years experience pony } OunaE fame : _ foxes. Call now fe ppoint 4 Pe are, e Apply Mr, Campbell to suit. Should be able to take com and ability to work under tie tiated ir _ i ee a | charge of new fully equipped house on) . ; upervision " - f : ss 4 é . ; 7 ; ; | Greenwood Road, 44 miles north of hisdagabagile B00 Only apr ant w 4 k ME five-day . ' '4 } nvenier 4 46) 4 Y tr eniences. Priced | Pickering village. Good wages slary Range $4,800 -- slats Will te a Aly } ts phone 942-1733 $5,000 eas cai ' : ew ia | Starting rote $2 art-time help, & a.m é fer 3 Z , y ; y to Briday. Must heve| CARETAKER plus shift premium and fring EXPANSIVE We. list ex d Phe ORONO, Main street, 6 | JONES Telephone 728-7305 wf benefits PUT AWAY « fay r r ' P : NIOT PERICIA We Roomed, very clean home. u Pe To provide general shite: : Fa otal ees 3,0 NOT EXPENSIV Oil heoted with col d both WANTED. -- Housekeeper, otheriess sat ee anitorial » ¥ - seated with coloured bath- h live In, Children 17, 1% and 4 aretaking and joni Weekends free, $25 per week. P.O. -Box service to administra r rhage eet a A A ante " th ¢ reer Py SER 5 bad: Bilin vemared e 493, Colborne. and classroom buildings fa aa galow ex r cor regula 13,250. Terms 728-6661 HAIRDRESSER WANTED -- Pull or part) Should ve several years ' a : } roe | , : P ee es " Guaranteed salary plus commis-| c ; kin Ep 20--Real Estate for Sale : j : ' IDE TY ED, Continental Hair Styling 936 simee| experience in careten's fechas Hie oa oer wile 9. 9a0 ' , yf NEWCASTLE, 5 Roomed, 668- "6841 ag. 7 102 end put one te ' N st Vv ely t ; ai tear Gata Realtor Street North, 723-5571 or genera handymen worn rsonr with dir aie was n_ tt ssement naw. 'prick hone in aoetlens CAPABLE PERSON fo mind two ch idren| good health hauffeur s ) COTES We a otior r ' wr ns! a off doily r . condition. Nice treed lot. ent ages 5 months and |\4 years, Part-time} permit and prepared to LAKE ONTARIO Frist meiner, works shift work. immed work afterneen end evening CO. LTI base sie h © laundry r om, minum storms & screens MIDDLE AGED WOMAN to baby sit ' ; " i se bc a ae Abel j weekly, 7 fo 4 p.m. Huron Street alary $2,880---$3,360. | Hopkins Street ae = screens ¢ wind id CLOSE TO THE IVESTMENT PROPERTY, 4 is gente Telephone 723-0427 = - - | s . \ ng V } HOPPING NTRE \ oportment building in WATRESE wanted, foil Times ne hights,| Full Ontario Civil Service ben r | ape Ae SHOPPING CENTRI WV. Unit shertoent Bien. f no weekends, Apply in person to Silver efits apply in all positions i ; > V % Toor Lounnale : ian . ' pairs, Grill, 1628 Brock Street South, Whitby Generous pension, sick leave, ee | dr pa ) a f ne : * D A | ocate in ort Hope _All PART-TIME executive activity for mature) medical and insurance plans | : : z i : to sepe r p Go pride rented. Asking only $15,000 woman Personality more, important than n effect, Regular merit ir Are You | Kir if T 7 1328 his $ oper PB eS oie red c j | As \ Ni . Tey * reases. | : : nd : e F : : RELIABLE women or lady pensioner to) S'* Mec mi 40 For a Future In KIN( T / quick sa nd w fast enti r ics . ee We List Photo ML.S. | ESTATE n Mondo live in, light responsible home atmos-| Apply in person nowy eal gee hie Vv. 0 ' | phere, Please reply steting wage re Friday -- 9:00 a.m, to 11:00 EA F soc is today for automatic washer. Reer REAL ond Exclusive 2 ' quired te Box M2627 Oshawa Times.| om, and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 B H Off ; tie fan: und jetior ~ \| cored te bes Niel Oren _--rimer| a.m. ond 1:00 pm. to 4:00 | BUSINESS UITICE ce € 560 DOWN ton "room. under construction LIMITED Gee GRANDVIEW Rinker's Cleaning 5! Burk St. Oshawa ferm to and @)! i INE ee me Aran len P : € H \| d ROOM AND BOARD in exchange for peri ' DET POT ERE Eee 21 King Street West, Donald Mounti¢y 623-3614 || an time mothers helper and companion. East Superintendent or E wr fe bun NMANVILLI | ry LeBlar 623-3715 ality !imits. Most week ends free. Tele upe ete A € "He stow . bani os i a BOW HN IV iL j Pay L lain Miki é Office Manager ccounting ? atv ot ; : APARTMENT DWELLIN( Wiersma rene 1649 WILLOWDALE WOMAN AND STUDENTS for pari time ' ange That sik i Vil 6 TT eat pee y McRobbie 7159 | : ™ Telephone appointment work, No exper Ontario Training el a . : ', ea ore teehee Bie att ; 93.3393 r rgensen' 987-449) lence necessary. $1, fo $1.50 per hour Schools for Boys, ao; Topre 8 On , t J is x nt cor ned a heroes 49°O9709 orne Duft 985-2728 Quolity Built Telephon 23-051, Mrs. Bell i ovoilabie now at ne n 4 : 4 t ; ; ! *] e Dane . - tario id pun f dson Bethany 30r2 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT -- housewives Bowmanville, Ontari Times. The applicant for this 5' x 124 ; District Ripwinliai office workers and students to do ex position should be a t } B.954 : ' terms ' 1 9 citing telephone survey work from our ag =e : : to. and f ny Hagar bel Y ant: Wakett sie downtown office. Choose your own hours. | r £y years OF O98 an Ping me $16 | HURRY --- oe | His hao ali pe » ACRES LEVEL BOWMANVILLE NLY "3" 18--Male Help Wanted PURCHASING Business Office Saainca aa ce v AB LN : 2 | . obi = OUR BEDR NN 3 bedroom ONLY "3' LEFT ccdanalind ih abtien mrocadu @ from n of , oe . Wt vA Meuse 0 iral firepl ce 'kh ni Weick: bunmelen: 644% We have an open ro ould r o t J $s, extra | ! E TO EXPANDIN nf 4 | eee eee : : ta ttave wo st ur bedro he completely sod lot.. Nat agg? G |} young mon to essist in ell | ge » Onvawa's Henn 'Weer on etirement home. Or wal fivepiens, Piniiead tas NHA Mortgage PROGRAMME aspects of the purchasing f Foye y 6179 si VCR d ' functions in: our expanding Apply in Writir - Gall Us or All Your Very i¢ ar er reation room a nd 2 piece A & W ROOT BEER , 9 / f s You 1 aturir ' IEWTONV washroom downstairs, Only $AVE operations This_nosition will +5 es e Reo! Estote Need ving roor Ke h $1,999 down to 1 mortgage DRIVE-INS REQUIRE appeal to a person who 39 | R, D. MALCOLMSON : 66 a 62 ro ar sure heetcs ere de beak gressive and enjoys taking THE OSHAWA TIMES 568-620 pool, a joy for the family nen _buneaies pares ~A\ JUU sth responsibility and. usin é¢ . t x his home CALL AOOIIONAL | Scores | : Fre Hou 7,5 000" sown hayes vn el buying and handling inven i : - i : ; _ Hitt neta od only $16, | 8. inter Works Bonus PERSONNEL | tories will be helpful, In re- SALESMAN ahs boats ; Tim Vipond 668-8562 m DIRECTIONS; -- ply submit complete particu- rai sistant man ' ay to age, experience "A tak j u extra ' \A EDROO PORT |} 1OPE AREA King Eost to Keewotin South To train os assisto mo aHaA: And warital statis Well estat slit Ww RET ROC M agian ee Os awa Rea ty oh Keeantin fe Wilewaees agers, with opportunity to ad- | branch of » f > GALOW econ trans | foxnassie | ieicinme | Mavaiarn ""* | ECHO HOMES | Stat aahscis ig) sattaers TS | OOP TTP JOSEPH BOSCO Good employee benefits ond rs training programme OSHAWA TIMES | Tien: Seles experience desir Hai hevis ek on a, heer duty wining ond com Call 623-3393 | INCOME shes: able 4 Must be neat in appeorance Not RRO sph lagh li lie siding, tw | only $9,000 After 9 P.M have automobile ond comp ud despitalizat Lif t Fat 23-3 _ PROPERTY 728 ov, 7377 pleted at least grade .10 CLEANING SERVICE % NORTH WE sT AREA 3 $3,280 $3,880 sibiniad" hogy : xX @ Bee F eh (23-9 70/ ey older brick home Between the oges of 22-35 | ' ' Wt p quatt= ' To ae Mortgage LS eek ae ® hehe ee os 1g 43-7843 | with By opartments & Beauty with good employment back- SC)VERN 'J ) 3 ain 45 wid owe ee agi d salon. Double garage, large ground. All replies treated in GOVERNMENT ] tr C n detach ay ihe pate sien Aud 8 yiltel ) Gower ot 40' x 220', total income utmost confidence | DEPARTMENTS "ee mes. Bungalows, sp ecinbicis PRL rd ' pr rono 34 could be $265.00 a month OSHAWA, Ontario | OSHAWA TIMES RS evels anches | sire BF ale nig ' Froward Forde Let your money work for you $1,690. DOWN bs: nes ! r 'ollowir { ' 29 r this sound -- investment Write full resume to Box M ( r ne : is ia 2 0 ~ For full 'particulars as to y] 2 eae ola ' ' Built i ' = | property situated on King St. ree or four bedrooms brick 26306, bi ead duties, qualifications, _resi- sda TON ' Se PRY ica 6 g Perr , ' H ast across. from the new bungalows, NHA mortgages. ' | | ; | Fs ce and application form on ¥ brah : niet | 3 ) 1 | einberg Store Contact Oil heat. Large, large lots, | one ane nemenns es LICENSED WILLOUGHBY | scrtens'e stove Ano | " cae | re | on eae eS | bess Ottis c Re iis ioe r LO alee ; ie : ; t field-Aker Ltd: at 723-2859 725-3557 REAL ESTATE ployment Service Ofice. Ap. MECHANIC LIMITED Lidl WASHROOM S 6 te ei We ee 668-6201 ply before JUNE 6t Sth to the | BS 19) J i ~ never better Civil Service Commission, 25 axce ak her REALTOR : , seco bungalov sted } s bo Re eile hve Eo Tercete 9. Bee A cera ag oo Se FURNITURE POL I the outskirts of t t rge J. B. MeMULLAN nn rv stout F por , BOF Nha a { 3 Rt : fatale f ERS LIMITED ~ ° REAL ESTATE We need you, Small personal ' } ffie HW cor nti! hospitaliz t ) F pias . ey : office. All replies confidentia "F cmnetition 66-7-978 is pele oka : . a { EX 1 nly. $ ' Basi DOWN j as FEATURE : 10. mi. from Oshawa ooo end experie an asset, Ar b 4 j Reol Estate Move Coll JIM MeMULLAN | ply to the manager of P ieee FLOOD-LIT HLDING LOT ; 3 bedroom 2-storey. Large kit | MOVE RIGHT IN! ! 725-3557 BRICK LAYER FIRESTONE STORE Wall plonted lat, Owner m Open Daily © We have @ choice buila-| VARIETY STORE WITH | 'Since 3 pee. bethroom. Het | $14,500. J. B. MeMULLAN | 190 King St. E., Oshawa fro ; { t0 and Weakwends 9 lot North West 3 APAR IMEN TS as Heavy wiring $3 000 DOWN v a ~ tos " e the cit f } jrear ated ot water Westinghouse clothes dryer ' . Real Estate Broker WANTED b HOM : : home all picked out, 9 esent KIPAIALIMA gosto wines and 0; | nib aha naa Ls N, BIRD co This lot ay ze0 er 24 ¢ ront 300d Joors, Low monthly. p 6 0 SOU ee ~ MECHANIC We 1 V l Sala not thet spas portunity for yoursel noel Ineieadiate pecan, N.H.A. MORTGAGE ; nite | Estate pa A de : ; "Dh 793. 654] ond Uxbridge ar G {| s i down wit ' ; one Evangeline Drive. 3 bedr Middle Aged for ie bridge area BODYMAN _ mols, thls -- y terre, og ith Sy Bras ewe Assistant Manager 723 : 032] OPEN HOUSE and tile throughout. Gas dpi coe cabo PHONE ae ee Seemllanes ed, 4 2NHILL BLYD NORTH WEST heating, No agents, please 'S bh dager: Mota. f t ¢ arg y tractive 5 room br | ms, finished re SCOTT'S UXBRIDGE Fg" 778] ; isi Boost. APPLE GROVE naloy stuireh Goede | room, lar lot, brick and Phone 728-8348 Senn Ville 852-6756 e ear STONE HOUSE AND larg , om, 3 | aluminum - siding Toxes Cie ef ant sury O MILE VIEW NL Ss, recreation | $350, Carrying charges about apart - gg gerne TRU K DR IV R nie patentic 40 MILE VIEW Air . with axtre bedroom in bods | $1AD00 par ment Gor be SAiNtGAS winea Ohne OO OM lnpae rear mI ere| LOG ORIVE os os "ralling. eeres 7 ORIOLE STREET with extra bedroom in bas :00 per month, Con be | THINKING OF PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT for welt" dutien, Ridcavidur vane: "Maveia| Experience preferred. A oh ' \ Pcaat ota OF EN DAIL Y ani Maes : j payment SELLING ? v ranc Myrt r pendabie young men to lea we Fane ? Ph agg ting and frozen food business. - nt ' , Pape r ' ' . r nts a / We need your house --s banalite, 'Velaahona s4baise afar 7 REAL ESTATE SALES, two ambitious RY THERFORD ' ' % pd ie hive Cor 1 06pm ' | A, C. Morison prices have hi b bela: men to sell real estate in our new Bow r rm wit fu Sim t Nort r 1 eer s RELIA rf mink je ' NI FE LIMITE! e «celle tior ELIABLE-MAW for ink Fach Single snvita"once Cross) men "or TURE LIMITED } ! BEDROOM ' Ree H. MILLEN Jack Appleby, 723-3398 v b 263:2 ferred But ov are ambitious and w 156 Sir tree ' } Yo au oN . Bolakoal Rremh 4 let's discuse it held : t , : : : . ; : "7 9 | Real fatate Lid ers. Limite LICENCED mechanic ler part lime help. 2°" terview contac) Joseph Bosco : spring : ; IGALOV AN Real Fstate L Telephone 725.0949 r. 72-737 ' juck families SPLIT 1 f 668-2624 12 Stendy work in Port Station, 985:2200 Port Perry in pe 1478 |. Would. you like te Whew the WELDER FABRICATOR -- mature man. EXPERIENCED WAITER full time work For t e e ; ic . ie = ISHAWA REALTY r property on must be able to work | eprints and AP Queen's Hotel, 47 Simene Street : . mca Mee ae make own se? ups. Good wages and bene. North ' Pace eote fas Fanti ine" rai NY i : s a t t u in His "ADBIy Industrial Toois, Bloor Siree!.| HAROWARE STORE requl - RESULTS ' 1 ; é roperties HARMONY RD NORTH | Sod tn cash? ONE SALESMAN --- y Store experience | p t pee mite § ne v ¢ nr eee ah 3 s) t es Jew Homes ear t View High School, © | CALI ia ae ae ee . hot necessary. Chauffev , TIMES a His A : Y V Works Biss 'ies st 4 bedroon XON STRADESKI ceply immediately Apply in person on by F W ' 28-9466 bathrooms, finished reer REALTOR perience Neipfil or w : > r 319 Brock S$! 5 | bee * witar z ' ' d Oshawa Times *by | Classified ' , ' nit [ )} eh aie | peer ; bch phen 723. 465) i t treed lot, paved jue WH SMWHIRESD An cd to talteete: Slendy Gatton Apoiy 4 ACTION ADS King St. E. in, Sou t) LTD one sl Cactntae Rees ieeteey erica wastalcaster. a7 King Siren! West, Oshex suena Want-Ads Don't 3 a ' ea ' : FULL TIME ORIVE anted. Mus 723-3492 . - ea " Times A 20--Real Estate for Sale atomers G: moderate cost. Telephane ears * op * ~ . ' ey WAN Ds vs hou: 720.0492 te piece your e& faa" tine otras Oe a] 1, § é | Cost-They Pay SUIDE REA MITED _ ter. To buy hire ot "yh tele |Brospecta. every any. alg scvantage | (Continued on Page 20)" vast audience by telepnoning 723-3

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