Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 May 1966, p. 20

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' F ' '20e--! f ! Ww mw ™ emnawn TIME, moneny, Mey ov, 1700 (20---Ree!l Estate for Sele (20--Rea! Estete for Seis {20--Real Estate for Sele (20---Real Estate for Sele (20a "Sean og 23--Rea Estat ) 'ented Licensed Real Estate | SCHOPEED-ARER SPs | KEVERS eo oe GORDON | cee. tied HYMAN pereps |scsaets ACIMERAIY) 7 tke CIMICE CT S| REAL ESTATE LTD sale toric ds oleate. | 723-2265 323 King St. West | REALTY LTD. 728-7328 AIAN "GA2.1883 24--Staras. Offices. Storage CONTESS a PHONE 723-8144 | 103 KING STREET EAST _or. weekends | NOW LEASING Pas: : Over A Quarter Century | Camoheliford 653-2529 728-6286 REALTOR MIDTOWN PLAZA P | Of Service ' | Z gpsipess a : A distinctice apartment R F A L T @) R BEAUTIFUL | e eo mais BEL-AIR RESORT Oshowe Pigye dinner a pevidaccs SOUTHWOOD PARK NORTH END ONLY $1,000 DOWN E BAPTISTE. FOR RENT | Bina centre, located in the i Cit LY " lo 7 ves unaciow. 3 hedrooms downtown area. Stores in var Watch for the Signs That Sell amd | tires oF twvira in the ciny, | OPEN DAII $ bedoos thingon 2408 | Frame homie, 2 tM Md | ee reatnue to lovely Aiax only min bathroo on main sfleer, low taxes, hondy to French " . um ' "| rr i pe sl South 9 AM, 16 7 EM. ira igh living room and 'Schios seeping 2349 square feet still ovoil Call The Hot Line > Pisa J @ COTTAGES City con able. 66,100 sa. ff. Desert Prestige | & 2 bedroom auites Plant and minutes from rec. room, attached gorage, onto. We are offering a spot TWO HOMES patio, breezewoy, fully londs- | TRY AN OFFER HERE eniences, screened porch. ment Store, 22,000 sq ft Electric Heating Base 68 8826 less 3 year old, 4 bedroom $2,500 DOWN caped ond decorated, paved This home yotential for €s, good swimming, boot Food » Store, and Brewer's porihive -- Adiciceglonsy/ DIAL 668- split level home with brood FOR BOTH dave at forge A Ce | on meni tye, | © BOATS --~ MOTORS Otice Gan sonigoteeal toms orking. Perty room. with } P rane wee a | f AO ~~ fice ond professionel tower o J arty Live in one and rent the . é AVAILABLE being incorporated in com- kitchen facilities. Swimming room, finished rec. room butted nibs cide inspect down, dining y ae oak tae fh | de- 218 DUNDAS ST E WHITBY atic in large rear yard built the your fora! montty chen, good living room and CALL 725-0267 piex, now partially leased i Mid aura both. Mail de . . if : f ! poyments on both homes ore dealt bn moke this aood ae ¥ if you desire a top location livery to every quite. Closed (Highway No $140 P. and |. Situated on teil plato ee or ait cireuit TY. for your protee- Highway ond screer You must see Daeg Be land : nty of LISTINGS INVITED olue full price JUST LISTED city limits. Six room, Franc for either 9 retail store or tion. Large srenk tant oren in SHANK HARLOW HANCOCK this home to fully ox sh cieaaiha Meitde ihe aged 300.00 bungatow # bie car garage. One| prestige office space, with ' Cuauanian" 4 CLARE SHANK ERNEST MUELLER j : ' room to have o garden. These BUYERS WAITING Wiese cape gg : parking for over 1,000 cars, | 2! kitehens nvenient to GEORGE SULLIVAN ROGER MORRISON , properties won't last, call | SPECULATION fric heating... Dougias. J average rents, call exclusive thopping, scheels and NICK VAN DEN BROEK : RRISON now for en appointment' te PHONE 728-6286 : hoes or. Telephone patie | Gurches, 'Yreneiaration at Very clean, 3 bedroom brick COTTAGES on Seugog and Pidgeon f door. Landscaping architee- nspect ACREAGE WITH CREEK NEAR WHITBY inspe home close to schools + akes, Fu y_ turn shed immediate pos ™ 2 turolly designed. Beautiful Out of town owner must sell this 28 acre bush and creek propert PORT PERRY public ond high: O ro [facie Pouming SM Bemnee Mom ET OVT) METCALF! Gace Plan to build your retreat home on this fine parcel of real estate $] ) i! opr LAKEMOUNT $T Must be sold or will exchange resicentio! ould LAKE $C1IGOG attract tur w ve (nketront and commute to Whithy or Oshawa daily fe alow f Enioy the cool loke breeze Sac ae cohanl dias ee aces dec rished cottage for sale, conveniences sett --d --> © loom ir ving and dining night for appointment to 9) in stove ond oven, al! storms Real Estate Limited / , Sui $3.0 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT and | this summer in this five roor egy ane tls ig , elephone 40 KING ST. £ futon Start ot syed Hest tae cite gtk rghit a room anda laro® | bungalow only B years old | west end of tow ; BUCKHORN CARE cornon, 23 be satis $120.00 per month On this 3 bedroom brick home in 4 ~ oF 813 : and in excellent nditior wit x 2 ; ane each, All conveniences, taun. 728-4678 room, family size kitchen Extras included in low pric , pa ' i it facilities, boats, store, 648-8332 ' ' * yment or your building lot or what zive-us a coll for all the ae Phone now , ne - 4 4 < . M 900 Make otter with cash poy ent your -] j, This or r i | toils matior ' a! FOR RENT Laketront housekeeping § POR RENT ot 19 Bond Street ODEL SUITE ; you for down paymen distance from Oct ottag Surg a gene Ati * od lncation. Rent $190 per month hove you $ 2 # ¢ Peale ie now. Call Mrs. Taylor 694.2945 OPEN DAILY BEAVERTON FARM---50 ACRES AND HOME $14,900 COUNTRY es i * BOW Torcnto, evenings 4 bedroom brick home with clean decorat wit teir tove ' '; Bf ' ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE beach and ONLY A FEW YARDS from King and : oe St orner, One a é nish se ot ee , . "4 oh tun tal Rental Information and oven in kitchen, hydro in barn. 2 good wells, 4 piece ba 2] y y c We if A ' ke ni e 5 Z school bus at doer for Public and High Schoo ' ¢ ay eh i Bea ¢ . ortgages ; Any 4. N. Oshawa 725.7140, 00 ete i ae Hs ae 4 725-1481 CROCUS CRESCENT IN THE SPRING , rv ' ms , Y ' 2 FOR lasers sokeeping | For iuriner lnrcemel ie ei omen 140 NONQUON RD ty 123-598 bad Can be your address if you will take time to see this bric hat stone 3 bedroom bungalow with sepafate dining roor kitchen, brand new broadioom » tastefully decorated [ f dint are decorated ond in 0 Watch the family swoon when they see the huge recrea Y r é conditior all tor t : : ¢ Hill I 2 sig with built is tastareh and the completely private 6 range on appointment t te ' b ei ree » sare ONE YEAR OLD fenced-in play yord, Naturally there is on attached gorage here spect r . nd a . Modern conveniences. semi too and the price is only $20,500 3% uBio be v-shy SX " PB desiched brick, 2 hdl 3 IMMEDIATE 3 BEDROOM FOR ONLY. $10,900 x 3 BEDROOMS ibe : AO oe ee ere taki Me, Ge OCCUPANCY tric heating, New stove At Pickering Beach with taxes and easy car ¢ ' P wher is anxious to see ar 'i ond: refrigerator, All tor $148 100 ft. frontage lot. Work in Oshawa, Whitby, or = ; ey ffer on this three bedroorr : : WINTERIZED COTTAGE, mo ovarsett ARLIN TO! have reasonable living ec in this country setting wit ji js gat tas bungalow. Hollywood kitche )( ' s an tan ' Telephone 723-7843 - Toronto loke breezes ofl surmmer long : ond a large living toom. Fenc ) verage OSHAWA ON THE HILL WITH VIEW en and stove, o hse ee eile, fe efficient experienced wa ag Re) ci convminta tr, bn hee say TERRACE He shaded hack 25----Houses tor Rent ' : iescas = 9 ' oe { bathroom pius basement, 75' eight miles from Oshawa. Lease May You will be delighted with this 2 bedroom home with ser spect now without delay as ' REAL ESTA TE . ot wooded with white/t0 October, 623-7223 or 673.2209 dining room, 75 x 200' Jot, divided basement and garag n to inspec : ' ; SERVICE r basswood: Wharf ndy THREE-BEOROOM bungalow in North} MOTEL SUITE OPEN Béonemieal het woter heating open | reploce ond pict we n ° " gd s9ERVICE ; h diving | ind sallbo end residential aren Close to schools } FOR INSPECTION dows that show off o view unexcelled in Oshawa. Mus Pas Tehana Leu: : beatuy today, Call for appointment 1} f pd iepadd ' 3 "son EXECUTIVE TYPE, three - bedroom b Luxury large 1, 2 of 3 : | ae rhe: : ne an 3 ; the m bun : BROCK ST., WHITBY BUNGALOW $15,000 ' 3-2 728-5103 eT / Thonrhitl9Mlow, recreation room, walkout base.| Foom apartments, $115 5 V ¢ r ' | { na lose to schools and shopping, $140 3 bedroom brick with recreation room and extra room used os f 1, Well apr erdoens.. dinis monthly. References. Telephone 736-9591, @ Extra 4 pee, baths in o jot i yin " NEW COTTAGE for renting in June, 60 | 0 ts office, Immaculate condition, Walkout basement,' fence , ore k a i TAXES $98 W O MA TIN Wel Dee Those bahia | TWOMEDROOM Kalic Gis tae ie 3 bedroom op is paved drive. Owner bought: farm, needs quick sale, Don't } , ; } an Wee 4 . ' i rae room, $45 weekly, | cludes stove, fridge and washer, heat and Intercom controie on this one Le storey forr he 4 hydro, Basement apartment occupied. Two Elevators is on ' gees ere ee } Realtor cottage for. reni, Halibur- | leepnone 728-2270 Draperies included r THREE - BEDROOM self-contained du Broadloomed Corridors s ° € 7 r } we é with a conveniences $2,900 DOWN 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW origag th payrr | : ig ; andy beach, boat Included, $60 weeklly plex, south east area. Available June 18 Spacious Balconies , iia f t F Yi F y epr ephor re 2 p.m on Apple Gove just off Keewatin South in Oshawa. Fine locatior y : fcc fod (aia ae f Hydro Paid ick ble windows, colored fixtures and low 614 % interest Yr alt for of ' o x plex apartment PAL Looking for a ase Laudry room on each floor eley brick, double partments for Rent : FM Music throughout Service Directory brings extra r R , $15,000 down and COLBORNE S17 ortgage. Drive out Highway No. 2 past Harmor Rd. to t ff : Keewotin, & 1OM! f tome a) moderate cost. Telephone Within Walkiding Distance KI Keewatin, South to Apple Grove, Watch for our signs the owner of o good OSHAWA NEW ¢ | ror ? | find the' best 23-3492 to place your ad. NOW RENTING of schools and shopping | investment propert a Retnal Agents on Premises : am lot in Burketor DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the Busines rger 7 room br WHITBY CORNER AT PORT WHITBY ' bg |. further information ow, atteched 9 ments taking shope in this area. Buy now and be assured © Piinnd WaAlk wk: anld siee COLBORNE ST / : Ras shite: Bemba . ee UON ROA fine business location. Asking price $4,500 | finest materials: This home is WHITBY : IE ae Broker f ARMS APARTMENTS " NON . sai ON CROCUS CRESCENT FOR $18,700 | 'located on a well landscaped The nicest tri-level brick with fat - Ane | Phone 723-8365 r St. an se tin 2' by 9' with large frame build place ose to ; . " -- f Sal ice A i | Wie wscid be > Pedal nd road Seine eit tae caval ( f EXECUTIVE HOME newest High Sche | 7 B. McMu! an 2 Farms for Sale WENTWORTH APPLY SUITE 102 Real i ind treed ravine lot 85' x edrooms. fami roorr On f Oshowa's bes This 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached. garage and clean Q e 4 be m wr 3 eo shawa's best apart decoration can be yours if you like quality.The interest rate on 14 Drea kitchen featur | bathrooms. Close to Ontario Loe f Small Acreages ment buildings at very rea- . t-in dishwasher, frig, Ladies' Colleg chools an sonable rent. 1 ond the mortgage is only 614% thus saving many extra dollors is sy at and 25-3557 \ ie : : : ; im ' er 6 built-in pping, Owner transferred "4 du f ing? Then bedroom suites include every You should see this bheouty before you bu te } | ' leaner. Some of the ona or 668-6201 onfidence in a thing the only bill will 3 ACRES WITH HOME IN BROOKLIN of this fine home Ae ner farmer who knows the be your phone. Children wel P " or amily room w alm ban orm t { ur pro f com Model suite open | f h to live in fine family home in beutiful Brooklin and @: family with walnut ¢ ir problems me, _ Mo / p V| C T i a ain' t6 sites oil this could be just it, Don't REAL -ESTATE LTD panelling, full fieldstone wall 723-7463 , Coll ALLEN THOMPSON --~ April 30th; Rentol represent eoy,! wished | had, but dig in and buy while the opportunity | with fireplace, wall to wall HM. KEITH LTD WILL its WAP Repres. of ative on duty daily at aport- as ae SIS ROD 40. King St. E broadioom and built-in bor. 4 : : ment on 275 Wentworth St. | A le here, The price ia right at $19.5 7° Ginsieuk badhord eod:.den,. | 6140 SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. (ate oR NEW READY TO MOVE IN $19,500 5 ne. bethroom with sunken 470 3 bedroom brick bungalow in popular south west area of Whitt WITZER bath off the master bedroom, N-HLA. MORTGAGES ? : . beets 723-870) One end twe bedrosm @pert- neor schools. Exceptionally well built home with mahogony trier 6 room rane daar: leadines ror wester North West Area --~ $0 close ENC yy OF ohage ments, Stove, refrigerator, hot water heating, roughed-in cooling system for hot days ahead t ! wo, bedroom to large balcon to all schools, churches ( , V after hours drapes, broadioom corridors, Walnut finished kitehen cupboards; heated basement and-other Hache ¢ ontifu This--home must_be seen to parks,----she o---focilitie 27 , .ots. for Sale 99 intercom, FM. Immediate oc- extras for your enjoyment. You don't have to settle for o postage , wit y fully appreciate all the fine Tral / 23-0362 cupancy, $97 and up. atamp lot 'here either 'atin, beautifully features. Call tonight for fur lent. community, Where feetuleb: val 30 BUILDING LOTS 440 Medea WHITBY, 3 BEDROOM TWIN HOME ~~ $13,250 many. eidran te Buble BRAEMOR : Hyniel n acaay Apt nih Neer shopping ploze with fomily size kitchen, decorative wood -appointment.to.ins } GAR DENS ARE. Lames | 1 & 2 BEDROOM | Pr. panelling in living room, sharp decoration, extra high basement STN : : : \ MeCULLOUGH t - ay Ne FE landseoping. See end moke your offer. for this NORTH WEST F Stevenson Rd. N. to Annop W. FRANK Real Estate jw FRANK REAL ESTATE APARTMENTS 728-4283 fully dressed model ute 7 room, 2 ' @) P N olis, West. to Waverly. Open 623-3393, 723-7843 Large suites, stoves, refrig ---- BUNGALOW WITH ACRE -OF LAND $9,000 : : ? doil TWO-BEDROOM apartment in erators, drapes, wall to wall @ FOR RENT e In suburben Oshawa. 4 room aluminum siding with lire ted ¢ ' » 5 ' + @) UJ S F 28-1679 ing. intercom, elevator, built ' closets in bedrooms walkout Apts,, Rooms, R & Boord veniences, cleon decoration, awnings, good well. Economic h f ipl H. Millen Ree re re 4 ae L arge | ots bolcony Starting ot $107 Phone 728-1070 living here if you have $1,000 or more down payment ! Daily | to 9 .m COUNTRY HOME. 'room b al_| Telephone 725-939 ° : : 7, ive fe slate Central - location Office hours: Tues. to Fri ' ' \ ; tached larg lot r ntor : ; - < 8 dults only HENRY ST. WHITBY 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW F Nest, r_ralired couple. Cal telterm tire, TEAC REO DOWN, oreo, Some treed lots \ edesom Jule 1s abel NOrS0 aim: 80 Fp, Sat, rooms, recreation room, Needs owner to re-decorat ;, RR Week-ends 12 Noon to |/Inspect. Perry Real Estate, 723-8125. | future. ca McCormack ; ret, Close by public room, June 15th, July | ANS rane dee With 2 bathrooms, recreat Ress DL tp raceRorote oa deh te "Sal = GOING WHET rel oalll servi dslached| Kelth Peters Realty 1? ; h y: high school wae en ae ey way LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION p.m. ir 7 storey brick, Low taxes, Live here and | PRIVATE ar nes yaa 55 BRUCE ST could be bought right if you like to revitalize for profit. Ir t 2 mat } rent seme rooms, Try offer here, Perry aniow, large living ro 3 PRICET eri} Cc ~ ~ < and make offer place Or f : . Real Estate, 723-812 bedrooms © basements ached. oa : pea! ) SELL | 723 6455 THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, CLAREMONT STUCCO WITH 4 BEDROOMS a aden . , iP ' by BEAU VALLEY INSPECT this 3 bedroom brick bunga $8 ' i wnpa Phone iS 5579 After 6 pm very central, heavy duty wiring, private Oshowo's most conven from ¢ and make like mew. This popular priced low, bull! by owner, large kitchen, vear.(small hou slephor 28. 59 N bath ond entrance, parking, TV antenna ill appreciote this specious m home y heating less than $90. Owner bought 's SIX--PLE ot, Central location. Tele 93 monty, heat, hydro Included, 725. ' ; ' COME SEE THE farm must sell! Perry Real Estate. BEAUTIFULLY phone 725-867 | th: fe i t : - andscaped Ww ia iii iia | TWO 10-acre lots, five minules trom elty TWO BEDROOM rwo agOnoom apartment, Stove, we y ' Pe torr Ca 2R-7248. 5 Cc rigerator, drapes and broadioom includ: te school Not too for to drive to Oshawa, or Whitt and 3 severy-- heautitut--roome two) busy King Street Weel Th Osh ur) Park. Apply 304 --Chestnut Nest : APARTMENT > ed. Apply 109 Wellington St, Whitby, f Nnith BUILDING LOTS in Orono, Priced fror | I Phone 448-5480 even fl much cheoper living, Inspect and moke offer with yy down hovtles. Mima ter hooen: Lae bedroom older home 0' x y 3 J ih pcan » new. five plex buildings 80 evenings only ug Good lots In this area are scarce, Ver rpoesonga Pibtct MBAs ld AM immed ae W We Vhltby. see ated on ravine lot on Juniper | |remonabie "priced at onin gimaan ny |wUst, LISTED. "Lovely 3 ;, 3 Frank Real Estate Ltd, Realto ree eriatate | Posmeaslon Tere UMtaee WE Ie ana PICKERING 10 ACRES WITH REMODELLED ' 19) ) Street all Allan Thompson of Schofleid-Aker| Road, close to separate. seb d bue |NORTH OF K-MART 125 ft, x 125 and some for no. Ist june 1 n VW . i é ' Limited at 728-2870 or 723-2965 A - 5 wit Nice t $540 Telephone 723-2335 Rents starting at which _ oleae heipiiiindi q $15,20 . } ee cine. Can} oa y ; ce : ) THREE-ROOM apartment with 4 bedroom home ees o new owne ove nA ted hor rth We hove several homes in| | just Listed Four room bungalow, ment call Etr : 25-2753 or 728| THREE CHOICE LOTS, 50 x 140 each ncludes: walkout balconies wilvate Eniheaait me entrance, gcibe Mg home for $15,000 or if 1 pre rea eage 10 ocr r Sagal : rious stages of constructing one acre of land, close to O Ww. 0 in Whitby y th sewer and water Clove stoves, refrigerators, electric erator, stove included, Available immed: 5 mor and clean y s si i conveniences 1 pric 2 7 > rat b ' rthur Welnberger Re Fi 1 i home for $17 300 Not + an ean o nee cations in beautiful Beau | |conveniences. Full price EXCEPTIONAL BUY, Beautiful ran » Arthue 9 heat, broadioom 'end ell uit ately. Apply 25 Division Street, ad Wa sae while: y ond other pat allay 'cra aaitline sae Ste Mame oe ; : ; ONE-BEDROOM basement i Born here ; r : ey are getting scarce Doug Gow 28-1005, W. Frank "Real Four bedrooms Wool LAKEAHORE LOT for sale iia? iris ties. Children' welcome. Call Ware hone apartment in cool shade in summer ond Estate Limited bieek Pagid s SDH Real priv ome near lake, Telephone afte Ask for Soles Representative hd base Pine Lake, Haliburton, Hydro, good > ymon Real Estate Ltd 4 p.m. 728-1169. quickly to avoid disapnoitment / io hale Bs fe CLOSE to ail schools, transportation. | me f apartment rly new 8 Is ANi beach, good road, Port Perry, 985-7496 728.6286 SPANISH MOTIF apartment, location ce , Oo Help You *% your loc This Sroom brick bungalow is priced to! outstanding home w 300d e ' I FRENCH ST., OSHAWA $9,700 Five tes Soil at SIF0OR. Ingle: Laruner Foorame MOVIN Want' arda. Arthur" Welrbornes a jtral, controlled entrances, FM, electr! 114 storey, 3 bedroom home with low taxes in centro e ae ae tion room, very quiet street. Reasonable, Real Estate, 725-88 23--Real Estate Wante: Imenediate Mostesiton ally heated, broadioomed | and pressuri > v roo Ory i " f ¢ ae hen sibs rh the -- = 2 " ed corridors, automatic range, refrige: cation. Forced air oi! heating, panelled bedroor y size pave of Move Into A down payment required. Carries fof| SCENIC KENDAL Hills io r TWO BEDROOM APT, lator. Apply 330 Gibb Street ; : $96.00 monthly which includes principal,| with 2 i. ite kitehen, 4 piece bath. Extras include fenced yard, storn ' ping Kassin nterest and taxes Gower, | 1,500 down, Call Rov For " Large, suite, stove, frig., | TWO:BEDROOM apariment, private bain ly a ss ie ASS ger Home Frank Real Estate Ltd R " drapes, wall to wall closet in Newly decorated. Parking, immediate screens. Moke offer with your down payment quick : By Barly Kan 728-1008, W. Frank Real Estate Limited sear : y Early Fa cation in} 4 roe co. er pip ta possession, Apply 136 Ritson Road South WHITBY BUILDING LOT $4500 : rasta. tue firiatane » of land, | FOUR-BEDROOM brick bungalow. ta Sell-ec tive bedroom, walk out balcony, | Ressiisien. AT : sits 7 a j jcuble garage, town w zed Hollywood kitct f e central location, Adults only OSHAWA econ re ) rontog t ve V ' th low down pave » basemer nia lanhis y arge clean three-room day and build your own home. Several locet men. Call Beas ane 7 w,| plement y neon , ae Telephone 723-6455 after 6 --lapariment, self-contained, retrigeratery é y A LOT FAST END ab dol bi Frank Real Estate Limite ski ow ' c | \ } | pm stove, washing facilities, parking, near OSHAW l FAS NI 19 i ' : ' rs c Mart Ys) our Mome Scuth General Motors. Couple pre : , WELL leceind ti eae Roe h Yt ; THREE-ROOM aparimeni. Private : ; 50' lat in fine ideation t6. bu our ne | wa atenernay Wek itigal tere bar trance. One child welcome. Near down.| erred. Telephone Whitby, 668-8662, : A ee hl y pin tien Tid hen full fim im A ee 0 ve eter : town, Available June 1, Telephone 723.|TWO-ROOM apariment with private bath $6,300, Inspect and moke your offer tod silage ts filles Wenn Guaiwe an gal rg® well landscaped. lot thru 697 in @ private home. Unfurnished, avail HARRIET ST.. WHITBY $15,700 ; Lue 798-1008. W. Frank Rea \ THREE.ROOM unfurnished" apariment,(20'%,, immediately. Apply 645 Oxtord 9 ' h y anita i : , eet ane old brick with 3 larde bedrooms. clean decoration : BRAND new 2 storey semi-detached |, . Hibs oe ous "pir ery central, heavy duty wiring, private : scene tociaiie ag ' ' , las chiltias chesaetie ; y ; home for as low as $2,300. dawn and one ot erry | ? (SRIF bath and entrance, parking, antenna. TWO AND THREE bedroom apariments, wide lot, completely fenced vard for a] en r e 2 44 per cent mortoage. Electric heat $95. monthly, heat, hydro included, 725.|Newly decorated, All conveniences, hot, i? hesitate to see this one while it last \ e arge bedrooms, large kitche living ve r t Real Estate Ltd 4497. old water, Ample parking facilities Large family w nel sunt? mosphere here 4 gorage on Brock St. Country at phere i > 812 hoard hom sedrooms yord, garden and extra good well woter. Low taxes and ' BERMUD board home, 3 bed of COMMERCIAL Desirable to Ration roorr de trout stream,. pa All services available here on this 4 yr own hme A > BETWEEN OSHAWA AND BOWMANYVILLE 3,50 { R.1S a room "and sining | ro urry fi pp gt a: THREE - ROOM furnished apariment.| yee Verdin Bogen: Infant welcome, @}: : j these bull! under N.H.A. speci: | by dol. $ 733 8 ] AA Apply 446 Simcoe South s s ; snhane. recor Nene Grove with three 'hede , : the north end. Call George 0 dows en Hi ; R iment; ori a Highway frontage. ne ple e of P 3 23.2245 Tat yaa lien or Hat els hhc oe k te Lt " COMFORTABLE room in private home, | ;tree moO. ener sgt LO BA Ll board bungalow and attached gorage eon de r ' ee A, suit one gentieman, Centrally located. A ance a a mmediate possession. Baldi sores ; Olsen Reaito Ray Street reper rors By 88 ree er Gentrally located. AP-|si95 monthly. Hydro included. Apply 66 taxes, fenced yord y here for future go Y ' 41,600 DOWN -- 2 bedroom trame@home | lan , nt 1 a ae ply lain Street East Windsor Street 728-2422 ROYAL RD PICKERING $12. 4600 ! n ¢ hanks 28.5205 on Burk Street. Carge lot 44° x 219'|Switrer [ ' SE | | ING >] ONE OR TWO bedroom apartment for Two - s ' 4 eee nee § 723.2859 good terms for balance. Call George room, t rent, Children welcome. Possession June! «<5 mont 3 hedroom home eon decorotior ow } 7 r rnnee £3-462 Twaites at 723-2008 or? e- atte wont your home 3, Telephone 723-0845. ad. fered air off heat country ; P t. | 5 Dr 725.9345 hours, Carl Olsen Realtor, 20 Ray ¢ rae r ae . | wa yer : é $2,000 DOWN 4 > n 1 far pa ROOM apartment, main fir hiy, Heat, hydro, water supp Apply 66 Church Street, Pickerine \TBY -- One and two-bedroom apart: +aReE-ROOM basement aparimeni drive to Oshawa o All modern conveniences Toren + 3 aituated ln north end of elt i ext ' bu? e t t i vate entrance and bath. Heat and : : ming pool, elevator, built-in y sg pias SAK tas tenn GOW! ak § 4 wne triet st altal » monthi EXTRA NICE TWIN ONL ; 123.9492 ' 7 Vii d $5.06 ; r Estate | drapas. Free parking. Near schools. Tele, | cluded $80, monthly, Available Jv 4) % : x arge = kitche , lance kers phone 448-547 nailer e You will like the imma dition ; e ' ' hia hha An a ve et ' drive and garage. Call Geere te and TWO - BEDROOM apartmeni nd nanlen with practice , . mn bn livin ; and garag 2 RE > : : P grou bungalow with pra Sh ds noe 10464 4 or Feeaens ane E ONE ACRE bi E \ OU RMICHAEL tloor, private entrance and bath. Chil finished recreation roor 4 , t 0 j ' ; é ae Olsen: Realtor, 20 Ray. Street ph ei < Abe * 4 dren welcome. Downtown. Possession drive and other extras. D Nisa 5 $ one with mpsor 2870 . ete / 4 June 1, Reasonable rent, Telephone 723 4 ROOM, upstairs apartment. Unfurn ed, clean central. $85 monthly with + and hydro, No children please, Teleph | 723-R226 9 ONE - AND TWO - BEDROOM ap: juplex . 70 i ts, immediate possession. Drar i io 'ns ot A . z - . ee the crater " ache L THREE - ROOM sel! - contained apart. men KING ST. DESIRABLE WH Wrr ' ' 49 x } Please OhoMloecian No cone ' ft Reo ent. private entrance. Business. couple. [S10VP aNd refrigerator, heat and wate» . ed yator an ntrotled entran oc § 438 i nae Ar Ae ,_ aa No children, Call yos-e0n elevator and controiied entrance, 5 ae AKG BUSIEST body shop in the district with Realty Limit : TED interest on mortgoge ' org. Hi 2 358 S room apartment. An outstanding oppor: seMidelached dur % w ready for 0 x ° i Sg rf e a ' { ers and laundry on every flo: Ad ad stone: bur nr Sel hy it F ea 5 URAy forma . ; TWO BEDROOM apartment, on 1219 On-\preferred. Apply' superintendent 22 a ' eee a ' ' tre iS month © children.|Mariand Avenue or Telephone 728-472 now and ch snd ¢ ele < \ 0201 - - ops Pega espero ' Telephone 723-4523 or 725-9184 e ta fis sane e é , a 3 . ' rH ONE, TWO and THREE bedroom apar } R 5.194 ' L : TWO ROOM apartment, with television, |ments, 'frig and steve, intercom contro BUY NOW ON_NO. 2?>HIGHWA Al : : onal Byer : . ( parking. One child' welcome. $45 month.ied entrances, elevator service, swimmi ¥» includes hydro, heat and water, Pri-/pool, fenced-in playground, 822 Glen 2 trie heat o the WF ey} ae 4 r ate entrance, laundry facilities, 'Tele-|cail 723-2347 Rd. Live here and hove wn service busir ' ' : \ ' \ ; . TIMES Phone 723-1927. « jr / : : a si a WHITBY -- Three - room selbconta y r RESULTS ONE BEDROOM apartment in modern) apartment in building, frig. ands clase proximity to othe , 5 . heir r ° , c rir n 0 month "t bu aie eee to tion i op Stove | supplied Telephone 668-5270 : | and broadioom. Available July 1 or @ : " ar. taene ¥ vad "th CARGE FURNISHED bedroom In a Ge 0 i F nee was i " , : and quiet home, for one or twa gent APARTMENTS AND S17 Af TOR | ' 7 ner . 7 =e - - COZY ONE BEDROOM anariment, tolly|men, cinse to north. ¢ " finest locations betwee: with terms with hatur era - area, elect heat, 4 plece bath NORTH WEST: 2? cio 5 - oh tig aie able immediately. Bowmanville ' 423.39 and apertments Neo THREE ROOM apartment. " shopping centre, an King tunity to have rooming house with re ' | a ' j geod condition end ve tral priced| { : ' non nson| THREE-ROOM apartment. unfurnished. Fridge, steve, hydro, and heat, Goc i + by eppcintment before # ie too icte 7 . lat $14,500. Sibby's Real Estate Lid 2 23-5 Guide Realty Lim't-jorivate bath. Telephone 723-5900 efter Siparking. No children, Available June } -- forty sofe porking 228.0576 | ; Vpn. 723-1282 $95 monthly, 723-9525,

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