Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 May 1966, p. 14

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) SOCIAL NUTIUE - | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | Mr. and Mrs. James Sed- man, Bowmanville, announce ithe forthcoming marriage of \their daughter, Carol Marie, fo Mr. Ronald Joseph Recalla, 'xan of Mr. Josenh Recalla of Enniskillen and the late Mrs. Recalla. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, June ~'18, 1966, at 4 o'clock in Al- lhert Street United Church, Osh- Scarborough Reception Honors oT Oshawa Pair On Silver Wedding eins "tore, "Cane: Owen Sound, Colborne, Castle- ton, Morganston, Cresswell, ' 4 ¢ , Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Hobbs,, An original painting by Rob- Markhens Pickering: and Om Nassau st., were honored on the| ert Wood was presented by their occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary jast Sunday at the ny gene Agen Foy rearet | WOULD YOU home of Mrs, Hobbs' mother,| pore received BELIEVE... | Mrs William Alchurch, in Scar-\" ar the afternoon tea guests, EAT A PIZZA borough. were served aniversary cake) Mrs, Hobbs, the former Mat-| which was made and decorated ANN LANDERS Most Husbands Prefer Modesty In Their Wives | 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Moy 30, 1966 i I ual Women Dear Ann Landers: I would)cards to school because I like to add to the letter from|wanied to show # new trick to the man who wrote about the| some kids, 1 am sort of an embers of his social set who| amateur magician, : pen gg B evenings at) During » xtieriod, which is) mounted telescopes--looking at music, nothing important was) what went on in the ne.ghbors'| happening, The teacher was) apartments, The writer added| playing a dumb record and half; this comment: "Of course the) the kids were asleep, 50 I de-| folks who don't pull dawn their| cided to show the card trick to} shades are @ little sick, too, be-|the guys in the back of the) cause they obviously get their) room, | kicks from being observed." Weil, yore ae om | That man is absolutely right,|had committed # mur > something. The teacher spotted, All you have to do is open your) a cams we ad ane the| CRN Baan eyes and you will see that to-| "Nobod | ; ; how| cards and yelled, 'Nobody can day's females are crazy to * gamble in my room," off the r bodies, ' iq sn't gambling, Everywhere we look we are I told him I wasnt 6 M4 ascauited by transpare dy He -hollered, "Cards are tools blouses, plunging necklines,| or gambling." Then he took! if g pon gir hems, bare midriffs) i. whole deck of cards and| and naked backs. 1 recall thal threw them in the wastebasket. | some people were shocked when) x I am out a darned good the bikini was first introduced deck. Is this fair or unfair?-- At least the bikini has two) wesin of a hot temper pieces, Beginning two years ear Vie: No matter how you! ago, in almost dbl A major city, figure to play your hand, the! some girl was -- od 8D cards are stacked against you pearing on the beach with noo), you play against the an bee - teacher, ' . e topless go-go reviews are) ¢ this was your first offence consideed old stuff now, I!'S\pe might have Jet you off with the bottomless shows that at-l\, warning, but obviously he tract the customers, doesn't believe in warnings 60| What is happening to our s0- get smart and don't bring any) elety, anyway? It's obvious that| more decks to school, Bub, the women are willing to go as) far as the law allows--or fur-| Confidential to Translation) ther. But do you really feet that| Needed; He was not asking you! men find this flaunting of naked-|to stop drying his cups, He was ness exciting? What word do\asking that you quit "'draying you get?--Roothound his kaup'---which means you've Dear Root: The vast majority| been pestering him and giving; of men I've heard from find the) him a headache. Take the hint whole topless, bottomless, back-|and stop making a nuisance 0 less, frontiess thing a big fat|ycurself bore. It's like being served the| Confident al whole cow when a filetwas all) Know About at ; that was wanted, staying exactly where they were, llast year -- kneecap covered, Dear Ann Landers: Boy, have|I'm not going for any of this I got trouble! And over nothing} nonsense--no matter what the to Wanting to TOP "EEDEE" AWAR kas of Toronto, for this an kle length silk brocade evening dress encrusted with pearls, The paneled coat is lined with gold lame, Some 800 persons attended the "eedee' awards pre- Students Stage Talent Night At Mitchell's Corners H and S Mitchells' Corners Home and} Heard and Cathy Shewring and School Association held a talent}a dramatic recitation was night last week given Mrs. Parry's students, A The president, Mrs. John baton drill was given by Lynda Adair, welcomed the members | Haxelton, Wendy Harris and , }Pamela Hardy, Mra. §, M, Griffith, principal,) Guitar selections were played was the master of ceremonies,/by Paul Hart and Jim Hopson The school choir sang three|Dianne Thompson sang a solo eslsctians and Grada | and Nancy Head read a poem group : | Margaret Haas and David ree selections with Mrs.|« sang three scle e Ar Stainton played piano solos and Margaret Snowden directing < bee @ . : " ' my : juartet -- Peter Pin 7 Recitations were given by Gall) ont "Dick Alstein, Jim Hopson : and Harold Schmidt -- sang IMPROVES ON CHESS Mrs, Hart thanked all teach. NOTTINGHAM, Englandjers and pupils for their efforts (CP) -- A echool teacher has|Refreshments were served oe __-- age ye to the cen-| turies-old game of chess, Math- 1 R. W. BILSRY, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR ematics teacher John Brider) was discussing simultareous 100 KING ST. &, 728-5156 Economics and Develop- ment Minister Stanley J Randall presents the Ontario Government's best of "Bedee"" award for excel lence of design to Ruth Du- show ¢juations in class when the no tion of a three + sided chess board struck him. He says the three-way game is not much more difficult than before. | that I was just doino a trick. | @\brother, Mr, William Alichureh| PILOT CLUB OF OSHAWAINSTALS EXECUTIVE FOR 1966 -- '67 The incoming executive of the Pilot Club of Osh- awa, was installed att the club's annual dinner held recently at the Oshawa Golf Club, Pictured here, seat- TAUGHT, GENERATIONS VICTORIA (CP) teachers with 70 years' experi My hems are|ence between them are retiring this year, Nessie Wallace taught Grade 1 for 39years, and Mrs, O, A. Keene taught for 21 years in Saskatchewan and the Peace at all. Today 1 took a deck ofjrest of the world does, 'River district D sentation foreign buyers Ontario by the Department of Economics and Develop ment for a first hand look at the province's thriving fashion industry among them 90 brought to A pair of ed from the left are: Mrs, Walter Campbell, presi- dent; and Miss Lillian Kroll, 1st vice - president, Standing behind are: Miss Elizabeth Miller, past-presi- Jo Aldwinckle, dent and a director, Mrs, E.R. Flutter, secretary; and Miss Mary MacLean, treasurer, Other members not in the picture are the and vice-president, Mrs, A, H, Barnes and directors, SOCIAL & PERSONAL Women's Editor | Teiephone 723 + $474 for Women's Department Special guests attending the| jannual installation dinner of the {Pilot Club of Oshawa held re leently at the Oshawa Golf Club| |were: Miss Beverlee Marks, | Miss Doreen Milburn, Miss Betty Campbell and Mrs, Mel vin J, Dittriek, Guests: of the Ontario Regi ment at its Centennial Ball at tending from out-of-town on Fri day night included Brigadier and Mrs, A. E, McGinnis and Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs Harry Tye, all of Toronto, Dr K, J, Paynter and Mrs, Payn ter, Kingston; Major and Mrs EK, J. Dawson, Bowmanville, Mr. Patrick Johnston, Miss Susan King, oMntreal and Mrs J, B, Henderson, Clearwater, Florida, Mr and Mrs, Slade C. Nix, Mary street, accompanied by their daughters, Margaret and |Mary, attended the 7th annual conference of the Queen's Uni | versity Industrial Relations Al- jumnae Association, at Kingst lon, this past weekend, At the annual meeting, Mrs, Nix was jelected a director for the com 'ing year Mrs. Alfred Austin, Mrs, Nell Felt and Mrs, 'Robert Tumey /are undertaking the decorations | for the Flower Fund Tea at | St. Andrew's United Church and} |Mrs, Harold 'Tonkin in arrang:| ling a bake sale, Other conver ers are Miss Vera Moyse, Mrs Kenneth Stroud and Mrs, J. C.) Bentley The finance committee of the Pilot Club of Oshawa met re-| cently at the home of Miss Lillian Beamish, Governor, Dis trict 17, Pilot International to finalize plans for iis June Tea which is to be held at Park wood, Converers are Mrs, A, H, Barnes and Miss Lillian Bea mish, with Mrs, Leslie Gorrie, | Mrs Walter Campbell and Mrs ¥, J, Goyne assisting Special guests at activities in connection with the eighty - fourth "praduation exercises of the Toronto General Hospital| School of Nursing were mem bers of the classes of 1916 and 1941, Twenty - five year gradu- ates attending from Oshawa and! district were Mrs, Douglas Mac-| kie, Nestieton; Mrs, A, EK, Ham | ilton, Bowmanville, Mrs, Angus} Rankine and Mrs, N, V, Roe both of Oshawa, Events tnelu ded the Alumnae Mother and Daughter tea for the 1966 gra duates, the graduation exercis {es at Convocation Hall, Univ 'ersity of Toronto, a guided tour HOWARD'S ---- : Custom Meade Drapes Broedloom Custom Mode Slip Covers DRAPERIES 926 Simcoe St. N. 723.3144 of the hospital followed by a luncheon in the. hospital cafe teria The class of 1941 held a re ~ union dinner at the Faculty Club, attended by for- ty - three members from points as far away as Vancouver and Halifax, Honored guests at this event were instructors of twen ty - five years ago, Mrs T, A. Wiseman, Burlington; Miss Reid, New Director of Nursing; McMaster University, Hamilton; and the present Di rector of Nursing, Toronto Gen eral Hospital, Miss Jean Dodds who brought the group up to date on the iatest trends in nursing education Alma Over the Mr, and Mrs their son, Mr holiday weekend Ernest Brock and Robert Broek at tended the wedding of Mrs Brock's son, Mr, Morley Rose, to Miss Gwendolyn Miriam Smith, in St, Andrew's United Church, Sault Ste, Marie, On tario, where Mr, Robert Brock was a member of the bridal party Mrs, Lilian Crowell street has had as her guest for the past few weeks, Mrs, Bessie McCulloch, from Coventry En gland Jarvi Miss Ruth Dougherty and her friend, Mrs, William Duncan left Malton Airport, Thursday evening to return to Darlington County Durham, England, after spending three weeks with Miss Dougherty's sister, Mrs, Harry Hammond, Highland avenue While: here hey visited Ottawa Niagara Falls, Toronto and Ha liburton, attending-the christen ing of Mrs, Hammond's grand daughter, Terr! Lee Rudyk, dau impo best. BI also when you must look your Miss Mrs stalling Lillian of District ternational --Oshawa Times Photo Beverly Storie and Leslie Gorrie, The in- officer was Miss Beamish, Governor 17 of Pilot In- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, William Rudyk at Kedron United Church and a bridal showere for Miss Susan Conlin, whose marriage to Mr, Michael Thompson, tak- es place in June, Area guests attending the graduation exercises for Miss Suzanne Barr at the Ottawa Ci vic Hospital School of nursing last week were her parents, Mr and Mrs, R, W. Barr, Glen cairn avenue; her brother, Mr Douglas Barr and her sister, Miss Sharon Barr; Mrs. Allan Fulton and daughter Miss Ja nice Fulton; all of Oshawa, Mrs Raymond Jackson, Whitby; Mrs Kenneth Balsdon, Mrs, Alec Thoms, Mrs, Douglas Plitz, and Mrs. Edward Plitz, all of Pick- ering THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Planetary influences continue to be stimulating, You should make fine headway in both businessand. personal matters and some unexpected recogni: tion for past efforts is a distinct! possibility FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, you should find the year ahead marked by fine progress along both job and monetary lines. As f the fifth of this month, you entered an excellent five-month cycle on both scores, with July, August and Sehtember = ¢xcep: tionally good where fiscal mat ters are concerned, Do not spenulate in August, however, or you could offset gains, Avoid extravagance during the latter half of December, too, and if you manage funds conserva tively between Oct, 1 and the end of next January, you can plan on further financial ex pansion beginning with Feb. 1, when you will enter another Afternoon and Evening, (00: Linen-look rayon and lace combined here ta our fully lined dress by 'Jac Ann', Easy-fitting, back-buttoned top skims over a slim skirt. For wear around the clock on those rtant summer occasions ue or yellow. Sizes 11-19, 20.00 Fashions since 1807 - have much to look forward to were marred at Whitevale by the Reverend Jobn Bick, Their jorie Allchurch and Mr, Hobbs'by the couples' daughters, Guests RAMA were present from momar attendants, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Anderson, were present from) Beaverton, The bride of 25 years receiy- ed wearing a printed silk dress with a corsage of white carna- | tions and red roses, A chest of silver with reve |ing serving pleces was present- jed to the couple by the bride's) 'and brother-in-law Mr. Ralph Crossiey, from the family. splendid period for increasing jassets--one which will last un- \til April 15. Career advannenient, also slated fo an uptrend between) |now and the end of September, as mentioned before, should be espenially evident between now and June 10 and in early Au- gust. Next good periods: late) October, late Novembe, next) February and March, Creative workers -- and Gemini boasts many of them--should have a generally. fine year, with out- standing periods of accomplish- ment indicated in early August, late September, the first and jast weeks of October, next January and March Your private concerns may be secondary to your material interests during the next 12) months but, nevertheless, you along these lines, Your social! life should be especially stimu- lating--especially during June, in late Sehtember, early Octo- ber, late November and 10, Best periods for romance: late November, next April and May; for travel Septembe, next January and May, A child born on this day will be ambitious creatively inclined and unusually generous, Ship-shape for summer In crisp, colourful cotton, Pon- derosa shirt in souffle knit cotton, S$, M, L. 5.00 Hip-hugger stovepipe pants in sea-going sailcloth, White, green, red, navy, Sizes 7-15. 8.00 from | early December through Feb, | LLEeER SG Just what I wanted-- BIRKS STERLING! Lucky is the bride who receives a complete set of silver, who can begin her married life --daily meals and entertaining--in style, The loving parents know that silver is the ideal gift choice... . beautiful, practical and permanent... and a daily reminder of their good wishes. (That cabinet should have at least four place settings, enough for them and the young couple to have their first dinner together). Birks Sterling, created in our silver craft- shops, includes twenty exclusive open-stock patterns... traditional or classic, George UH, 32.80* em at CLR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE knife and fork salad fork and five o'clock teaspoon,

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