118 ORRAWA TMM, | Seturdey, Mey 28, 1966 47 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER Bast-dealer. East-West vulnerable. BU SAWYER AND BASTOFALL, . North-South cards were held by FRI F ar aan an American a. West led a DDOM FROM I club and and Italian East-West pair cashed five clubs and the ace of spades to defeat the con tract two tricks -- 100 points, Obviously, three notrump was @ poor contract, and the ques- tion at the time was whether the proper contract of four hearts could reasonably have been reached. Of course, North could have bid four hearts over three no- trump and gotten to the right contract in that way, but most experts were of the opinion that North's pass of the bed Pac y trump was proper an Rae = MY FRIEND BILL CHANDER soln epee 4 there was no' good reason for TO SITHER WOULD NOT HAVis ARRANGED 2 eh . i him to think that a ten-trick VENUS OR JUPITER SHA VISIT pond game would be easier to make OR MARS... A MATTER OF than a nine-trick game, The blame was generally plao- ed upon South for having bid three notrump without a club stopper, Practically all the anas lysts agreed that South should have bid three spades over three hearts, in which case North ur odly would have bid four hearts, A three-spade bid -- clearly a mark-time bid in this sequence = : -- would have shifted the decl B " sion of where to play to hand te : North, _ vee ms, +g te cision belonge wi ve LE G | CROSSWORD allowed North to bid three no« | . trump (with club strength) of RIATRIE MMP IRA] else go on in hearts or dine | 1 10:30 PM | . Hollywood 20, z ' Seenest 'Rotereatee, [11---Discussign Where Hay Line is oo 6 pl 23 aoe. CEMEMriKoem |monds depending on his hand, p-1 Wish You Were Here 11:00 PLM | : k 4. "bh " 5 (BIEL Ie 1b} The Itallan North-South pair, ne | §--The Christophers idl oe {| eee Frongws . INITIAKIEISMNTIEIO! |when they played the hand a Channe! &~Toronte -- | 7--Discovery '66 114-0-6-4-3-2--News across 5. Certain 24, Puerto ts . w y Pp Channel 4-Buttele -- | 4--Pattern For Living Weether, 'Sports | 9. Reside Rican cist |the second table, had no trouble Channel 3--Barrie 2-Faith For To-Day 1.15 PM, 4 . IYIRIO finding the right contract whem 1 Mind 10, Impel fea- OBI TAME IRIATON IS] Channe 2---Buttele atv oe SINIE} alata they bid the hand this. way: SECRET AGENT X9 12:00 NOON | 2--Movie | 1L.Ae port N--Dialogue | ISTAINIGIE|S Siam A ATeRDAY ove, %--itallan Alb: | 12. Make 25, Brim = 2 East had ea Aavenures i ne 14. Verb form 26, Big Weeeicir isis | Pass } } : | 1a Pas 39 a yy SO | a | "a pemeeioae inthe TEMOBEI |'Pae 3S Fem 3g | teh 6----Tween Sef 16, Tantalum: country in the * |\Pass 3 PS yg | 3-4--News, Weather sym, 11. Substance spy Yesterday's Answee ® (Poe 49 4--News, Weather, Sports | House Hunter 17. Small in shellac game 33, Encoune East led a club and the de I--Mister Ed | "1818 P.M. * | PuNews,. Weather, Sports | wheel 12, Thick 28, Scene of tered fense cashed two clubs and a CRAIG ..0-DON'T DRAW YOUR Py manne | ore ere 1 tle AM 19, Wading bird string firat 36; Building de, riod. Italy scored 420 P.M. Living Ik and Hon spade, pe y PORE UNCER Mane el | somtimes tere | 1:00 PM as ey 21, Color 18, Relieves miracle =. | wings ints at this table and gained YOU'RE UNVER ARREST, Stu Davis V--§pectrum liteadea Carte 22. Native of 15, Pay 31, Of the 39. Bird cry be points on the deal, Pa ed HE ye ve a V Copene attention blood 40, Mouth | pg | &--Face 'The Nation { hagen 18, Pretoria is 32. Banish. 42, King of lit. In come individuals with +News, Weather | Sctlerala of: Tevm Coptain Kangares a its capital ment Bashan 'nerves', the spasm can be a Sports "Mavi | specialty ; 7:00 PM 1100 P.M. Iteainet eA 26, Floating Dae a Yy s a hysterical manifestation, ' Ni--Polka Party N--Ceatinented dAbbenere 4 Suen | f A "s Dear Dr. Molner: What is %--T.V. U sity Masses O} 7 V7 haatyty 1:38 AM, {ce Y hemolytic anemia? What ceuses ~Disling For Dollars =| 97. The Emerald it, and can it 100 Am ] Isle y i. F. M. ln tn - F--Ror Room | Of a inat Tt le the renomper Roor 28. Against sf is an snemia which th 8---Wheels of Adventure 4s 1:30 PM, | 4M rnive 29. Twilled red cells are fragile and break £ sore Big To. fabrica up, or hemolyze, éDeneer Man caw | 30. Hymn of There are different types, 4--Jackle Gleeear | Tomlsgues and Answers |!!~ ' praise Some are familiar, or in SuttcHale'a Navy | SdGountry Calendar 34. Current herited. end. semaval of thea | 4--Zane Grey Smile T 35. Sell MeTHeG, aha removal $F~ the P.M. ve Of | ; 5. sus ae <t Soabeneny Pattermeien | 2:00 PM maduck Celene 37, Devon spleen is curative, Other type¢ ere 7 = J | nnie | 11--Outdoors Unlimited | J result from poisoning or severe bby King Features 5 ypdionte, " ~Z P 62! Dream of Jeann! | river -- ah Di * ° f B-Lete Sing OW $--Movie PTS + elas infection, and treatment des MY CAR DOORS ARE Pa nareemnaengeremP erin. 4 ontd Ri . ; S J--First Name Only H=People 38. Locust ' hi deri ALWAYS GETTING I SOLVED THAT er : -- 84 - 1:30 PLM, 63~Eyes of Tomorrow | &2--Eye Guess 40, Leave out pends on correcting the underly» SCRATCHED) ~ PRO! : . 1 $-2---Get Smert | 4---Americans at Work | =! Love Lucy 41, Semitio ing cause, plus supportive | Y : ' ain 2:18 PM, Jie Ad " delty therapy, | 4---Soccer Hielid Ailen * '-fecret Agent 24--Senate Hearings | 8-2--Concentration 42, Spoken 9:00 FM, 20 PM, | 7--Donna Reed 43, Nocturnal Movie Marian Day | &3--Friendly Glant birds Movie 1--Movie | Sr 1: PLM, 4--Sports Spectacular | ; 44, Strong H-@reat Music 2.43 PM. | - wind 4--Face is Famiiler | Senate Report eet ed | DOWN T--Heliywood Palace | 2:00 PM, T-Supermarket Sweep 10:00 PM, "March of Time +~Ernie Lindell | » Lebeg %--Spotiignt | ~Blll Kenny 4--Andy Griffith Hy . Dwe! ' TRY 4--Gunamoke | Doctors: at Work | : ) 10:9 PLM | 3:30 PM . -- i : V-Movie Whiplash 9---Abracadabra L | 9-Have Gun Will Travel) &--~Blography 17 Dating Game | , : | Eee, [bavi | YOUR HEALTH EN : = $3--Juliette | S=Ross Caldwell Sings | 4-Dick Van. Dyke : iia : 11:00 PLA, | 2--Comedy Carnival Ed Allen Time ~TO WEAR TO THE [ THEYRE COVERED «FOR GANDWICHES, COOKIES, APPLES 2-4-4--News, Weather, 4:00 PM. inte NOOR top plete for super MOVING / pm performance 7--Movie }. 8--Beverly Milibililes é--Film Feature 4--Round Table | 4--Amateur Hour o+Heve On Wel Trevet| 3--Whiplash li~Dance Party iy This Space Age | %--Jackie Gleason aM | | 1:30 PLM, WITH POCKETS... AND ASGORTED GNACKSE f Po Sports 1--Top Cat |. ®--Toronto Today L, 3 R and xe "aii ee comin ; RNG ba ' Tle PM | #2---Sports In Action 8-2---Jeopardy =e What S ause . Gtrength V § ' 1--Movie 7--Eddie Gets @ New | 7--Money "Movie ' ; rs "G Movie | Name | @-Luncheon Date ae CUTS MORE ? COSTS LESS' Hae PS | PeRescve & ti Pm | JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Feature Showcase | rou Nam? | \t--Noon Time By SE ' ie Pe %--Soupy Sales Panewering Service | 4=BAt ieee ™. errr ey, Post Oice Dear Dr. Molner: What causes going case, the irritating drink USE | y é4--Seach for Tomorrow " faphr: A, § ' wwamay [larity Theatre d--Neendey Report Spasm of the diaphragm?A, §, ly is alcohol, The treatment is ob- ' P--Canadian Talent ' ' ES, | cde Brae | | Showenne SdntQuidtng. Ligtt Dear Doctor: After @ dozen) ious, avoid alcohol, I do not ACCESSORI T00! | ply | Yo<Dunne Reed vet ibced painful attacks, my trouble was know of any alternative, he ™ Ciccthnae tet fanaa i hart Rave ; ag euaner aa diagnosed as a cardiac spasm Other familiar causes of Pics ir oleae tele 7---Herald of Truth Viet Nam Review $--Morning Sie | with blockage of the esophagus} nasm of the esophagus include ee eee Tlatral Roses ee ae Sil fem COMT* | so that during the spasm I can- hiatal hernia; defects of the ia : h--$am Snead Gol |. Girl ati ; FORT cnlaign ain | $B --College Bow! } o--Matinee i swallow anything, even esophagus such as narrowing, ristopher Pri 2----Big Sh ¢ The Week! %--Ben Casey v8 x +--Word of Lite | wi. | Luncheon' Dete War yl ecart ing, a diverticulum or Agriculture USA | 4--Student Mood | #--Meet The Millers These seem to occur only pouch; and pressures from out- d-Lost In Space | + pd e when I drink .something alco-| side the organ, A chest tumor,| JHE SAW CHAIN PEOPLE O18 AM, T--Davey and Goliath' | 4:00 PM li y n t, Is 7s | p-watt Sane" | in he holic, even a small amoun for example, could press against - Decker 45 re any treat: t other than] ------ -- ------------. far nil Cherry tenen | Salat Dae ae, | cbetinen etd kee STAN'S SHARPENING 7--Beany and Cecil | sreaantieth Century | dts The World Turna These are different types of AND RENTAL LTD. 4--Popeye Playhouse 2--Conterence Call Path wigs 4:38 PM. nee Pa, spasm but having a common| N h ly 223 KING ST. W. iain ee Spece | Ou somewhat similar areas, A; owt e on OSHAWA 723.3224 VeLiving World 4--Harel J---Contidential tor Women spasm is an abrupt, involun way to buy , 9:00 AM. j EA-NBC White Paper =| &4--Pansword tary contraction of muscles. | N-Cothedrat ? | Calman 0 PM | id Pw ' : ®Tides and Tralle | Please Don't Mat The p near Charictte Common hiccup is spasm of the! 7, 7--Porky Pig Daisies Pahl diaphragm, and there are sev-/| Clutch Car y--Voyage Ye The | t " ot a | , : rl nag Ps he b-Pesole in Contes eral causes--dehydration, irrita | * 04--The Destors | tion of the stomach, irritation of | SPEARMINT 1! Pell d 63--Hare! : | . | 'Feber Picmees | ames me tine Ser Ue | the diaphragm itself as from in- +--Zane Grey Theatre 7--Peter Potamus ne Pam 4--Linkletter's Party ction or following surgery. TVE BEEN BEATIN . "i. ' tes die ff eres nee Pe. Less commonly, there are. chem-| popular, modern TOA PULP BY A 10:08 AM | ®2-Disney's World e@ | ®-Rractured Phra ical derangements which can ° BATTERY OF Tests, \|! N--€eraaelio ED de | Soke cee, cause 'it dime pack 1 R _F | ba -- ONLY PROBLEM 15... 7 [2X7 )3 | | Scnenans Gey | deny Favorite Martian | 6-41--To Tell The Trut Noy let's move a few inches 4--Religious Special ; om em upward and discuss spasm of Ms ia nes 'Funny Company the esophagus, or gullei. This | 0 i %--It's Your Move ois ' ; 1~Talk with Father 'pane Bang 82--You Don't Say can occur anywhere along that Meehan A 5 : organ, or even at the lowest 8--This 1s The Lite | #2-Branded 3-Take 3 int at which it enters the Sunday Schoo' | ) a niet nt @ 4-Uncie Jerry's Cius | p tomach. This is cardiospasm S-This te The Lite Lov y It can occur in highly nervous i " AM y ' N-Secret Werte" S-Worlds in Conte persons who often describe the | Meta ji ee ~ . Storm } condition as a lump in the i | BU wb J _Pyvena tee tea her throat, although the trouble/-- You get more to enjoy in the = lent &--Great Show Musig | @--Or. Kildare eally is a bit lower Dime Pack.of Wrigley's Spearmint... ' 4--Camere Three | &2--Wacklest Ship i Irritating food or drink can more of that fresh flavour and lively taste >6--Chureh Service | $3--Human Camere han ° negeboie ch | S--inaight Candid Camere d4--Rarzie Derrie pcauseé such @ spasra--tn the fore- $3--Heritage | News ene Weel =| naan | 3--Popeye | Diaphragm Spasm ? | 198 PM, 18 Pe | [teeing Talent Tiwep epee er of tes Kone