Capt, C, B, Mason of Pleasantville, N.S., helps Bluenost If cast off in Hali- 'Johnson Deplores | White Supremacy WASHINGTON (AP) Presi nose sink on a reef off Haiti, says he thinks he could still go aloft to take in a topsail, the On the basis of an early story| that country meet from Ottawa, Mr, Watson had! pressuica resulting from sane Winds light becoming northerly, dent Johnson, in his first major 15 to 25 this afternoon and light policy statement of Africa Saturday Thursday publicly deplored ra Northern White River, Coch-| cial and political injustice there tions against Rhodesia that have disrupted rail traffic from Zambia through Rhodesia to the outside wold Thursday and Labor Minister, pe Nicholson said he would like to peared to be 'a very good re- see it get final reading in the port." marked that the report ap IS COMING ! Commons as soon as possible He noted that the United States has provided some §2,- 600,000,000 of economic aid to Africa during the last five years Mr, Nicholson said the amend ment, bringing the act into line with the national, labor code 'was long overdue e NOTICE! °e DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS LTD. wish to announce their New Sales Office location at the corner of ,.. WILSON SOUTH & OLIVE AVE, OSHAWA AFTER JUNE let, 1966 FOR RENT 5,600 SQUARE FEET Modern building suitable for variety of in- dustrial uses. Truck level loading and ramp. Ample lot area for parking and storage. Early possession, Paul Ristow Limited Realtor 187 King St, E., Oshawe 728.9474 City of Oshawa CLEANUP WEEK The week.of May 30th to June 3rd inclusive, has been designated as Cleanup Week in the City of Oshawa.and arrangements have been made for the collection from private residences, on their usual gorbage day of all discarded household accumula- tions of furniture, clothing, rubbish resulting from the cleaning up of grounds or from minor house- hold repairs, and domestic waste material such as paper, rags, cartons, packing cases and bottles All materials to be collected should be put out during the above mentioned week only, and at the same time and in the same place as the garbage Patio or Driveway weeds? | Blind Employees Join Picket Line TORONTO (CP) About 60 blind broom-makers walked off their jobs at the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind Thursday to join 25 others on the picket lines since Wednes- day The men, demanding a 10 cent-an-hour wage increase, say they have been offered less thar half of that, Piece workers aver- jage $65 a week. Hourly-paid em ployees receive $48 to $52 low, who is studying in Cana da, will be the speaker at next Monday's meeting of the Ro- tary Club of Oshawa RESIDENT ORDAINED eh ee "G ' ; or Gakiwa ailent tobe : , : for the regular collection Frederick Bunner, was or- dained into the United Church ministry, Wednesday night in W. M. Mayne, CNIB person Kingston, The service ord + ne! director, said he is in sym- aining the theology graduates, {pathy with the worker's de- is part of a five - day Bay of | mands, but the broom operation IGH ACK | Quinte conference of the Uni- |is heavily subsidized and the CNIR cannot afford to raise the wages ij | | held at. Queen's 'University Hsu RECOMMENDED TRIOX kills;ugly weeds on : : driveways, patios, walks! | Che Rih Room Without bending... without stooping ...without digging, you can get rid of every single weed that's NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7.30 P.M. Continental French Buffet marring your patio, your driveways, your walks, Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m, -- 5 to 8 p.m. dred and four treatments and curbs or gutters, All you do is dilute and sprinkle GENOSHA HOTEL examinations were given. The TRIOX, It's as simple as that. TRIOX does more than just wipe out established weeds. It prevents new growth for as long as two full years. Beeds wither and die before they can get started again, so you ean forget about the physiotherapy department : : o gave 976 treatments and made 700 visits; while the occupatonal therapy depait- menti handled 174 cases, | : * a a Mass Resignations | Fy.G.]. Made . ; . New Agreement Specifies Possible: Leiterman Broadcasts Leiterman, executive producer of This Hour Has Seven Days, | adams, 37, # U.S, soldier who ersonne anges u es CBC board does not reconsider Went to China after the Korean | Laurier LaPierre and Patrick tape - recorded broedcasts for | par grag ae soni ; was W. E. &. Briggs, senior CBC! equivalent but the CBC re- =? ine Navonal LAberation Front in| vice-president, confirmed there|gards« program per-. : : J Mr. Leiterman's comment fol told American Negro soldiers in changes in program personnel, to consider him for a less- lowed a statement by investiga- Viet Nam they "were fighting would be made without the con- controversial show. correct to interpret a report he M , N producer, Mr, Keate added, Leiterman of Seven Days has ; : The Memphis, Tenn,, Negro, This is spelled out specifically, eld together his program) made to Prime Minister Pear: who crossed the Chinese border Mr. Keate anid, adding that this "j¢ uncertain and will prob- CBC management and its pro- years afier he refused repatri- is the point "that producers ably be determined ag the! § nation to the United States at the that the CBC re-exem the . the corporation made its deci-' phonse Ouimet maintains that ithe Ava : ine ipress conference he made the sion to drop the co-hosts from 'Yr, Leiterman's testimony dismissal of the Seven Days | two broadcast tapes for two rea- may appear next fall, tee and statements made to! | Earlier, Mr. Leiterman had) 'First, to my understanding, The written agreement was' the press constitute "an en-| issued @ statement saying: "The the United States is involved in hints noted by Mr, Keate, stances' and there would} CBC board of directors to re- interests of the country, e other was the CBC an-| have to be an assessment jconsider the firing of LaPierre, 'gecond, Negroes are fighting go" on-a training program that jrreparable," fusal to reconsider the dismis- would include refresher courses ty we ns hi lenis has been the main stumb-(9! other peoples when. they aie, caone Bene Sone themselves are not free---not to 1 ve al ' pecsoneel as -- as funds for ducers whose contracts have recruiting and training new! not been renewed, are subject 'N hi N ' equality. with an arinual budget of $175,- Byirier 2 | ot ng ew "Actually they should be back 000, rising to $2,000,000 tly it has no blacklistand is keep- g SapIy YO Varreey im five ing an open mind on the fu- ; pe ae 'orces wi ye people there who JOR FOR WATSON talent it recognized, Watson States feel the Negro is equal and who He also gave these other Mr. Keate also placed his fin- Keate report on the dispute over freedom and equality," Patrick Watson is regarded munication between top man- This Hour Has Seven Days as the best English-language agement and the television pro- ' and there is no reason why the seal ay oe 8 yg the dispute CBC should pay any attention| uarterly eport and can have the job if he is willing|inhabited by men who made | Thursday, to work under "terms of ref-|their way. up the Jadder on the CASTING OFF Ms; Wateek. Mimmiaee with | Laurier LaPierre will not be| dio, he said, This left a gap in fax for a trip to the Carib- y 1 CBC ft g back on Seven Days or its rapport. watched the oriaieal Bine elevision program : was in Saskatoon to participate! Committee Passes "*\""" He was commenting in an in Cooler W eather Ahead Wage Amendment Keate, Vancouver publisher, on| the CBC producer-management F ] . A W S | ment to the Fair Wages and Missal of himself and Mr. La 0 owing arm pe Hours of Labor Act cleared the Pierre issued by the weather office at 6:30 a.m.: 2 | icials i yor' lied expected to climb quickly to the rane, western James Bay | Officials said his words app va tad low duties by mid-| Sunny with cloudy intervals and|to Rhodesia, South Africa and cooler weather has already) day Winds northerly 15 to 25 Addressing more than 300 Af pushed across Northern Ontario| today light Saturday rican diplomats and others at lower Jakes by this evening. Ajsome cloudy periods today, Aj tion, Johnson described as re band of showers and thunder-| few scattered showers or thun-| pugnant "the narrow and out- in weather. Saturday should bej¢vening. Saturday sunny with|parts of Africa permits the few mainly sunny and cooler in most| cloudy periods and cool Winds|to rule at the expense of the "tei 4. gusty this afternoon. shifting to Johnson expressed a willing ng Hil polly pg the northwest tonight ness "to help build a modern | other activities, He announced Haliburton, Windsor, London,| Low tonight high Saturday | that Ed Korry, U.S, ambassa- Toronto, Hamilton: Variable) windsor 50 70 t showers or thunderstorms to-|Tondon ..... 48 68 Petey gy Fagg les and pro day. Clear with a few cloudy)Kitchener ......... 48 68 discus ; hs | gon sald the United States is giv Very warm again today ut)Wingham .....+.0+ 45 45 ling "every encouragement and turning cooler this afternoon.|Hamilion .. . 4 65 r and the United Nations "to re day. Winds westerly 15 to 25 and 65 tore legitimat vernment' higher in thunderstorms shifting| Kingston ...ses000+ 43 65 apie aa, gp cde Sy Abeer daw taken "to open the full power) a " e ' ' \ Killaloe ... ' 65 and responsibility of nationhood | orthern Georgian Bay, Ti-/Muskoka .. rr 65 not just six per cent of them," White River, North Bay, Sud-|Sudbury . rp et 60 Johnson also cald he has in- bury: Mostly cloudy with scat-)#arlton 3 55 that the United States will help ers and not as warm today.| Kapuskasing 31 55 ering and minh enatnw t Jinttm Bix wr 4 55 night. Sunny with a few cloudy| Moosonee ... re . 80 LABOR COLLEGE ave, a member of the United Auto Workers, Local 222, has the Labor College of Canada that he has been selected 2 THs COHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 27, 1966 TORONTO (CP) -- Douglas HONG KONG (AP)--Clarence said Thursday night that if the! the firing of the program's hosts war, said today he made two Continued from page 1, become inevitable. South Viet Nam tn whichs he} had been an agreement that no| sonality and would be willing! tor Stuart Keate that it was not " sent of the executive program) --Hyecutive producer Douglas the wrong war in the new written agreement,! unit put the future of the show! son on differences between the into Hong Kong Thursday, 12 ducers as a recommendatio maintained was violated when) board,' CBC President J. Al- end of the Korean War, told a whatever version of Seven Days' before the Commons commit-| hosts. £08: one of the two "positive side") tively new set of circum- key recommendation asks the|a war there which is not in the y i nouncement that it is "ready to| whether "the damage done is and Watson, Management's re-\ (1, viet Nam) for the freedom and seminars for management) anq wilson Southam, two pro- ling block.' tally free. They don't enjoy blood, The program would start 1. review. The CBC insisted in the United States, joining years ture of the two men, whose SASKATOON > ? are fighting to give the Negro points in his assessment: ger squarely on a lack of com- SASKATOON (CP) The "didn't y rh the s ne producer to handle the ducer level as a key factor in dn't say much that was new The top management level is) | ge -- : to it," Patrick Watson eaidl | erence defined by the CBC." basis of their knowledge of ra- co-host Laurier LaPierre from bean, Capt, Mason, 85, who WEATHER FORECAST in the city's anniversary cele terview on the report of Stuart OTTAWA (CP) An amend- clash that arose over the dis-| economic Commons labor committee TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts Synopsis: Temperatures are day today. However, much|much cooler today and Satur-| Portugal's colonies and should advance south of the| Ollawa region: Sunny with an informal While House recep storms accompanies this change|@ershowers this afternoon and|moded policy which in some parts, light becoming southwest 20, many." ica" ith ald, trade and tario, Southern Georgian Bay, | Forecast temperatures Aree we ao i Of , will review U.S cloudiness with a few scattered's: 'Thomas .. 50 10 dor to Ethiopia, will review "USS E } intervals tonight and Saturday./Mount Forest... 45 a In discussing Rhodesia, John os fforts by Britain Much cooler tonight and Satur-|st. Catharines . 48 65 support" to 'efforts. by r Inly vould st be to northerly 10 to 20 tonight andi trenton. ay z there, Only then could steps be to all the people of Rhodesia-- magami, Algoma, southern|North Bay ee 60 \formed the president of Zambia tered showers or thundershow-|Sauli Sie. Marie... 58 Clearing and much easier to-; White River vi periods and cool Saturday.'Timmins .......... 32 55 Donald Ibey, 310 Mitchell been advised by a to attend the 1964 term of the college in Montreal, which begins May 30 MATERIALS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COLLECTION Large quantities of waste building material ond waste food products (in excess of the normal amount handled in regular garboge collections) are not included in this collection Tangy as Salt Water Taffy --. these Nautical Togs! by "Gaytown Sportswear" MANAGER Former Oshawa resident, Charles J. Johnson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Charles John- son Sr., 49 Brock st. E., has been appointed manager of | Fiberglass Canad: Ltd, (Win nipeg branch). He was born in Benoni, 'Transvaal, South Africa and was educated and worked in: Oshawa, He has been with the company for 23 years, This special collection applies only to private households and not to apartments, stores, businesses or industries, ALDERMAN R, C, BINT, Chairman, Public Works Committee. HOSPITAL REPORT The Oshawa General Hospi- ral reports that during the week ending May 22, there were 334 admissions and 343 discharges. There were 65 births. One hundred and two major and 128 minor opera tions as well as 84 oye, ear, nose and throat operations, were performed. Three hun Call Lander for your New Oil Furnace It will be anchors away and smooth sailing for your voyage through summer in these salty co-ordinates, All in admiral white and piped with navy blue, Bedecked with gold colored anchor buttons. In white duck they'll wash clean as an ocean breeze, Hit the deck in Walker's Sportswear Depart- ment before you set sail for a summer of fun, Sizes 7 to 13, | work of old-fashioned weeding for a long, long time. neuen A word of caution, Since TRIOX ap- plication kills all vegetation, you don't want to use it on lawns or oul- THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! tivated areas. For lawn weeds, use ee ORTHO WEED-B-GON, Bah Adult Building 5.98 Jamaica Shorta: Fully lined, Back zipper. 6.98 7.98 8.98 6.98 We hove the right size and tyre Midriff Top: Buttons at the back, to suit your heating needs and you have the choice of an Anthes er @ Lennox to en- Topper: Pilot wheel appliqué. Side slits joy luxury, heating at lowest cost Full back ripper. Buy Pian, GUEST SPEAKER Broce Miller,.a Rotary fel Whatever your weed problem, ORTHO oan have it licked this very weekend. See your garden supplier today! on our Five Year Payment Bell Bottom 'Trousers: Fully lined, Central Location Rack ack zipper. if you wish 725.358) ne obligation. telephone Prestige Address for @ tree estimote Good Nemes Te Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker --- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER|| Lamune LTD. GeorGiIan mansions 723-2265 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA __ Stunt amreavaeenscateapmncumetmtesnowtmaamnrenemReraRaRRRS CHEVRON CHEMICAL Yachting Cap: One size only, (CANADA) LIMITED Oakville, Ont, Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking WALKER'S tude: 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA By Appointment Only 723.1712 -- 728-2911 VAN BELLE GARDENS "Your Friendly Garden Centre" 3 MINUTES EAST OF OSHAWA ON HIGHWAY.NO, 2 on y Satisfaction Guerantded Or Your Money Refunded , 623-5757 725-358) Z3 ;