{26--Apertments for for Rent NOW AVAILABLE | SHELDIAN Grenfell Square MANSIONS THE U Immediate Occupancy MENT TRAI rties '20e--Summer Properties For Sole or Rent THE CEDARS at Crow Bay 20e--Summer P For | Sele or nt | COTTAGE AND STORE Store located et BB. Beach on Rice Loke with all equip- mem including oir condition- ar, deep freer Shell Ol & Gas pumps. Servicing over 50 cottages and doing a good business. Attoched cottage TRUST Telechone nas compieleiy timened ana tur /Z3-2209 RALPH SCHOFIELD ren et AJAX AZ 40 King St. E Procite porte 1B a good or weekends -- REAL ESTATE DEPT possession, Both available for Camphbelitord 653-2529 the price of « cottage $/7,- PHONE 723-5221 10.00 with $2,500 down BEL-AIR RESORT portisily - ' LAKE BAPTISTE N desire a top ASKING $20,900.00 COTTAGES shige lid aha EE agen al A Cao Alor et ie DAI Lar modern 3 hedroom @ NEW prestige office space, w PM w near shopping cen ep M " : parking for ¢ 000 Buy nd tre. This is @ fine quality built 7 : : ¥ ee © half or ly horne and, must be inspected screened porch 1 good swimming, boat Bai avcal rite lef throughout to be appreciated three complete units left OSHAWA BLVD ond aRO*' \ r bric mony xtras ineluding hr, c 14; ELMGROVE AVE Fou brick Oo e INCOME INVESTMENT This bungalow hes 5 rooms ideal for the setired co ple built in steve and oven, beau- 3 apartments in this fine old- Low taxes, easy terms. Call tiful corlon flooring and cer build cellent cor and finished basement, Only fev tush 4 Coll ot tor 'Ndi llent con- ner fr n 5 > pr Br pale of 4 Sisee gp 'an At 7 years old. Five min. walk For suring poe jas ition and situ: in on sppeintmen hopping centre lncation in Whithy. Good re # turn wonderful future pos garage, poved drive, $1,500. DOWN SOUTH OSHAWA sible. Call Helen Simpson at hsldeclh ese ied ot ee bic vaanik aller 3 price $16,900.00. Mod 668-3338 or 722-6296 UG 6 DIGG . 45 bungolow, 3 kitchen |24---Stores, Offices, Storage 26--Apartments for Rent NOW LEASING MIDTOWN PLAZA Oshawa's shop ping centre, located in the downtown area sizes from 2349 square feet able. 66,100 sa 1BBS r ore, LLU Food Store, ond Retoil Store alread Office and professiona incorporated ir __ ;20--Real Estate tor Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 20--Real Estate for Sele CENTRAL ONTARIO 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 27, 1966 20-Real Estate for Sele 20---Real Estate tor Set W. Schatzmann REALTOR 114 Brock St. South WHITBY 668-3338 WE HAVE TO SELL QUICKLY won't ey wderr Housekeeping cottages, Flush new mode Shop Roots and swimming te TIMATE IN APART LIVING IN CEN OSHAWA ets. Tuck Stores in 1280 still avail- ft. Deport- vor Good fishing to ' ¥ 1Ous - Special terme for first fie if ape conts Rent now and you meat ie ent ". 1 wits meee Two Buildings | 5 iat, immediate fe wighl o Possession Brewer's from South Gen eased tower com eased location hathronr ond tiwee hed includes every- thing @ Swimming Pool @ FM music @ Intercom con. trolled @ Mail deliveries to our door @ 2 elevators @ large balconies @ Madel suite furnished by Wilson Furniture Co MINTO ST Lorge size semis with size kitchens, dining living room, three large bed ond. only $2,300 carry tor $123. month now farr refuse y otter And any sonable this looking 3 hedroom brick bun gclow on Wilson Road, Osh awe Finished recreation room, spotless condition. Coll Helen Simpson at 668.3338 723-6296 rea " ar 'ort FOO, store of " sr winterized house OPEN 9AM Two neorly Rice Lake nished with mew furr applionces yor system hathroor eoch with $1,000 COZY LE cottage on Rice 75.0267 pO ROE ys p finshed i | Fase TistaD civ Timlin: Bik Tee Ten ° ED city lim x ; L bungalow with dovbie car garage, One 728.4678 e year old, many. extras, including elec = trie heating. Douglas J Builied, Ren se ce C) : f new cottage v rooms cos STARTING $125 AND UP complete tore and »T pressure veniences $3.500 . aowr dowr CO rents. call exci overage agent LLOYD METCALF | FEATURES 1.2 0m 3 bet: 1 Ronit semeenitvn on dim MOTORS ---< room suites Daily 1-9 pm. at apartment Real Estate: Limited 885 Oxford St, PHONE 723-8261 Morning ond ofter hours 723-6255 ROYALE APARTMENTS Corefu AT complete unit rent other SOUTH hunge or Large spacious rooms room ow many Free Hydro Oshowa's largest Proy Double sinks Lakefront suites kitchens a once Loke, completely side and out, bathroom, fur niture, treed lot, asking $10 000,00 now details. French neio Hos frorr brick m SIMCOE STREET NORTH, prestine loca tion, about 660 sq. ft second floor cMtice snace, Especially iaid- out ' oftice, Call Guide Realty Ltd, 793-498 STORE FOR RENT at West, Good location. Rent Available now,-Call Mrs 30 inch ronge, fully britk Fu than storey COTTAGES on Scugog stomatic ake f y furnished. Douglas Jj M ae iN HALIBURTON Highionds sekeeping cottages, 9004 Torcnio, evening and boat. included st July. and Inst ti ONLY A FEW YARDS LLOYD METCALF suvacce'at" tee REAL ESTATE LTD, 21-----Farms for Sale 40 King St FARMS and and Pidgeon immediate pos Bullied Realtor OPEN: EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 little ern: bock-split lond. One the tor. Telephone "a more e home ono of xtra reerer to offers mort hedroor aie Hike cae. phot ce KAISER CR aa Fa eg ony ds oe ' ' monthly poyments of $80.00 finished Wh mcoe { seperate a acre spacious sessior for 19 Rond $100 pe Taylo elephone Hot IDAY dern he eae! Pygly orge nice opens back garage epar ee Linen Drapes andscaped br Walk-in closets j hedr hath west of one larae r Don't delay, call right Nv a we Attached ed Central in tr ver nq kitchen, Coll 448.3338 swim pis from King and Extra Two Piece in Ror ot = over-sired lechtions nately + hedroom suites ald ae stor space formation call & Lid, 123-98 42 000° D INSUL BRICK BUP IGALOW sated neor sites equipped with Balcor Steam R Riener te CUSTOM BUIL Brick with at basement ide Ren i or ' T T 4 ny be the INCOME HOME é om and ooking Sit ae planned ene and ne t bedr apartment and ste ingalow $ two am 25--Houses for Rent FURNISHED two Small Acreages _ £iiv,anvaniencs October, 6 gorage. The finest ir suites ery we $22 ava ot workmanship cated Whitt and bury Ca Helen 3338 of 72 WV AREA bedroon bungalow cave 000 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY es from Oshawa 1973 or 6 able 448 good Featuring' the utmost in mod ing ot moderate renta mpson ng e 3.4296 e 3 r THREE BEDROOM fidence in a4 'oor very ern | RENTAL rid INFORMATION within PHONE 723-5111 of aren i ' mower, freezer WE CHALLENGE: Y 3, 4, 5, bed we rmer farmer who knows the |momer, Wreerer,,-- hat there , r hor 2 oll ALLEN THOMPSON THREE-ROOM RICE $7,200 RN E f as dite D-AKER LTD THREE-BEDROOM end residentia time} 723-2265 Avaliable Ave 128.2870 Telephone 72 BAY RIDGES FARM, roorr $143.90 haw R917 EXECUTIVE TYPE, Door Distance Service ot Walking Shopping % e avoiloble or ere fe house low, low pr 500 4 with garage, n x 210 ft additional Electrically Henten Completely Soundproof Controlled Entrances Balconies Drapes Supplied Mail Delivery to Each Suite Broadloomed Corridors FM throughout Plus more modern features ce of onl executive ranch ahi area ir orth on a 70 inding Whitby, features d ti we 4 th arg f g. situated , | { ngs 468.2338 quiet street in ew ive Agent OSHAWA REALTY IMITED PRINCESS ANNE Apartments h tr nd oper ¢ ot, meor trees a pe Spacious 9376 man Call AN ABSOLUTE B room brick rancher, wit tached gorage on 14 acres of land. 40 ft. x 90 #, Swi ming pool, small privote stocked with fish. For olue 10 acres of ed grovel, 15 6 Oshawa the uneblievable price $38,000. and the best terms ovailoble. Coll W at 668-3338 on office at F Our Orrice a Goon within (Bond St.) nsisis of oar pe irhood PRODUCTIVE ht J DREAM ent sandy music SOF AGF: ment schools oul terms or monthly balance 1 part SEVEN ROOMS librook ated, $125 Telephone 77 8-510 0. Martir $1X-ROOM three - bed hopping, $140 Relerence elephone ' gocd e many --E AND P ISTANCE T ONTARIO AILABLE TO ot hree toge mortgage week we featuring a vious ell. "For ¢ ranct three LOCATED ON SOUTH OF NONQUON SIDE ROAD and bath, newly decdr Martin, M 992 monthly, References please Realtor ake plor addit hedroom test To Inspect Call 728-5282 or 728 NOW RENTING WENTWORTH APARTMENTS One of Oshawo's best apart ment buildings at very rea- sonoble rent. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites include every- thing the only bill will be your phone. Children wel- ome Model suite open April 30th, Rental represent ative on duty daily at apart. ional with: closets and house for rent eading te --Lots for Sale 10 ACRE LOTS BARGAIN PRICES las nutes from ' of afte 1582 TWO-FAMILY ' rooms, Iwo bath schools, Apply of ing pe ve 00 ame ral 3 obinet, 3 arma Oversize suites Olde English elevotors Heated Seotrmann or 668.3253 APARTMENT Will trade @ good home for port cash for der B&B mite heart of Whith morvelous return 3338 decor otield o5t. sand beach 26-----Apartments for Rent frontoge a helow Twin Osborne JILDING ohn OT treed lot, 107' HITBY : ne ina "for r 4 pool ndoor ULL PF DOWN isenl! 7 % j00 ,700 north of Bow hat you ¢ beer facilities deck door ed entrance of parking each kitchen Souna Carpeted this super MEMBER Fronting on sei right ek showing « Pee ge Fe ' the Call 648 ? hat hosement, oil mo tal price $9,600 hest of cottoge terry the / t exclus : re ® Plenty aundr Plastic ned phoards dre Just north of nformation coll Keith Foirhe room Grotr 0 ( ne Pines FO egey aes le Golf Course ACTIVE ee"es" Sr cal en | 2 A ct & De trecions: From Retetoraeh | " Phone 263-2159 6 Model 728-5157 114,600.00 fhe © Bridgenorth, cr ies 9 | | CONTESSA : YOUR $1500. Down igh Free h DO YOU WAN TO ENJOY FREEDOM Suite Open TO RELAX a 2 9PM and folie ians e : " TO SWIM TO FISH TO RIDE ond al FOR TROUT HORSEBACK of thot te close Oshawa | ! one of our 10 acre ts Buy OFFERS N OPEN TO RITSON ROAD 19 years old brick bung ed dr d new garage haserment ! ve or fenced int hed owner. must se PAYMENT YM Br Stouff uughary 9A2 ille 640 093) 1303 MILLEN right Emerald Isle LAKE ONTARIO BEACH ~~ NO CLIFFS ttoge 5% 12 | arge | ots t Abie as me lots public ond SIMCOE NORTH 9934 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Large suites, stoves refrig on 275 Wentworth St, 1-9 p.m 723-8701 after hours ment trom 723-0362 CAVALIER VISCOUNT AMBASSADOR One and two bedroom aport- ments Stove, refrigerator, drapes, broadioom corridors, intercom, FM, Immediate oc- cupancy, $97 ond up 340 Marland Apt, 111 728-4283 2 ond 3 bedroom Within General with 728.5157 roundings creek and parklike sur 6 for appoint ESTATE TI at Metro, -« e e t a r 0 rators 0 w walkou $107 cori woll hedraome f ~ Phone 728 drape LDING LOTS ne 10 tr h wmbe mieryt J ote marine for sets Furthermore RAGE Starting at 10 ere very nice without er "HARMON OPEN DAI these well bu single ots eer \ hat house sunde h t tne R Central le on edroorr ck Y c ' w 3 \ \ hea wir mo h, 3 The ey Be with enetian bline lewcastle ontact GH REAL ESTATE 723-7843 Ask for Free Illustrated Folder ' \ DEAM jated on a quiet estpiinns 2-hed July Ist, 7236455 After 6 pm July 1st 15th fami $500.00 North Oshawa haped ne 50 feet p t ture ds -eurtolr A/ homes WwW shaped and widens nte onus to the FRANK 623-3393 t the rear, The price . eet iting purchaser, prices sto at direct arge J. J. VAN HERWERDEN | $eistbolrdSi tat | gon Tit em | ayaa i REALTOR F Ol breakfast 74) %. £., Phone: 723-447 | he stereo and ONE AND TWO-bedroom apariments mociern building, $100 and $118 menthly * to hospital, Available June 1, Adults eferred. Telephone 728-8876 TWO APARTMENTS, 239 Arthur Telephone 723-2578 after & p.m, TWO-BEDROOM or hoo modern kitchen LAKESHORE ne Lake, Good re LOT for sale Haliburton, ad, Port 100' x 150 Hydra, good ne ndscoping architec p onS-7. : arty, Sep-tas fesiqned. Beautit ' ans noe 4 hot water rt BUILDING LoTs call with no oad at on Ff 28.5157 RTH eee 'a ed walls and Lol oOoK ing ora e 1ToO 10 ACRE LOTS, Minutes from Ost yaraqe heated. tain a dihiact nd NEW HOME? decelightitig; extendere Mars SU tet YER. Alea ath este Bateel aryer,_ helt aw i ravine n=elty 1 ae { j é wight 78 HOUSE ™ | leatal 7 henct 4 0 ¢ Je ' Ot Senn acaa Fol has NORTH OF KMART 125 ff, x MODEL SUI and entrance J.B, MeMullan | Semcon a bs ' THREE CHOICE LOTS, §0 x 140 each OPEN DAILY AVAILABLE ( "hag 942.285( A se daca | INC | \( yN » cor t r V s } ' fate Broker RICE LAKE, three cottages, $75, 470 and (0 public school. Arth Estate, telephone $45, Good swimming and boat . fa Mode " Telephone King hurning fireplace Priced from 21-Orene, W Realto: in Orono Foster tate Lta I haseboard heating Street drapes hardwood floe cedor f : 1 kt sinus 7 unfurnished apartment automatic washer and area. Apartment avaliable Garage Vacant now, Tele 102 phone 500 the best value de tails ntact ISHAWA HOMES OF: DIS ectrie East C bedrooms garage Realte heoutiful TWO-REDROOM apariment. Private bait Garage, 44 Quebec Street IMMEDIATELY! and water oom apartment unturnished Weinberg Real ath and ent parking water ncluded $75 monthly 5)? Three Private space, TV One Drew ose rane and come fishing outlet, heat Spocious |, 196-AOKA 4 we $x phone akefront, fur conveniences, TWO 795,645; nits PLEX 5AR6 yeniences lot eniral ipcation. Tele walking Motors Elevator irae apartments TWO-BEDROOM $ apartment in UON RI vt Walk ut haleony, " ym Ailable June raydon. Road, Whitby ROOM entre No childrer monthly, 723-9525 homes ir LAKE SCUGOG attractive shed cottage for sale and motor. Telephone distance of Plant Inter-com shawa modern appliances Apply Apt lO-acre lots, five minutes from elty terms, Ca R794 ning 140 NOP South ser- 23---Real Estate Wanted ; Balcony Will hed vice fishing BUCKHORN room, camping, sandy beach dry facilities FOR RENT Lakefront. housekeeping ottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern cor veniences, sandy beach, reasonable, Bow manville 629-2262 LAKE cottages trailers, good All convenience aun boat store, A488 2 668-4201 _ apartment, King Available opposite Street West GONG | June 1] Immediate possession. COME St a ae a sine occlu hy BERMUDA THINKING OF : --e INCOME ; SELLING ? PROPERTY on idien CALL GUIDE REALTY 723-5281 RENT e@ Room & Board 28-1070 Tues. to Fri. to 9 p.m. Sat, be parking $94 4 ROOM, ed, clear hydro 723-8226. ONE THREE-ROOM Uniurnished apariment Sell-ective vary ceantral heavy. duly wing. private bath und entrance, parking, TV antenna $95 monthly, heat, hydro Included, 725 449 TWO BEDROOM frigerator, drapes and broadioom ed, Apply 109 Wellington St Phone 668-5480 ever 417 BYRON STREET Whitby Five-room apartment with bath, Available GRII FIN ee ROOM apariment with garage Ma nd AY ATTRACTIVE private bathroom and entrar elnig Real Estate Ltd arate 723-8144 K upstairs apartment. Unturnish central, $85 monthly with heat No children please. Telephone intere Call and Sell Your Home thru ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE beach and point lots on Glanmire Lake (Madoc 100 200 feet frontage, Ken Matthews $83 Wilson Rd, N. Oshawa 725-7740 725-761 | apariment. Stove, re inelud Whitby been hetter 723-3398 ted ilee AND TWO - BEDROOM apart | mmediate possession | frigerator, heat d controlled entrance, ndry on avery Apply superintendent nue Telephone 72h-6 e Apts 198 only nt housekeeping NORTH modern con Row FOR RENT oliages, on Laketre geon Lake beach, reasonable home Hoor olde Stu and Ne 623-226? 1 FOR Rooms, Phone Office hours 10:30 am, til 3 p.m LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 BRUCE ST BARGAIN Rugged Lake near d, just move gas Secluded three-room self-contained furnished or unfurnished Hydro included, Highway Available June Tele Cottage and 7' acres oF Coe Hill, Fully furnist road to door. Inside stove: and e tate Ltd Adults ate Apply 2 c TWO-BEBROOM 1, Phone 623-5 in con No ourtice available. phone 966. AND TWO for rent. 1 Apply ake, Te Pa 4 phone 728-9094 ONE, TWO and THREE bedroom apart SPANISH MOTIF aparty ments, 'frig and stove, intercom controll k f | tra trolled enirar A, ¢ ed entrances, elevator service, swimming , oadioome pre pool, fenced-in playground, &22 Glen or ed corritiors, automatic rang etriger ' at App nibh Stree P $138 MONTHLY for five-room, twa» bed FURNISHED three - room seile ed partment in large apartment ee-hedroom ATE t ar gerator, heat, hydre f Two. children wel 600 MAPLE GROVE Road of about hur OLIVE HOWE tate Ltd ' J , i 46 i ' ' ' om house, @ ing: and: hunt ' y 2 ONE Real F Move Revea waith apartment BEDROOM apart ( ONE-BEDROOM basement apariment in ments 291 Marland, Apt ' ' t garde ¢ ' priva ne near FS 4 opr 81169 WHITBY, two ~ bedroom apartment with refrigerator and stove, laundry facitities, locker and parking, Apply 111 Cravden Road. Apartment 101, after 430) p.m, Adulls preferred ROWMANVILLE, exira" apartment on main floor ist. Telephone 725-8576 THREE-ROOM anariment. unfurnished Private bath. Telephone 723-5900 after § StOVE | im, 729198 bungalow ir Near schools flay 5 1] Mortaage Realtor THREE-BEDROOM cottage : ts area Roat in atte Fenelon al Phone 246 COTTAGE: FOR RENT Ha County. Th veniences Fishing enhone JeL-4908 or. Fence FOUR-REDROOM LISTED nnrn ences, at a e Reach x alow 0 FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN, Only four: eve Brechin, $50 per or e Act w In your June and 5 455-9066 EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE Hagar " room June large four TWS FEDROOM apariment in new build Available v built-in stove broadinam in Many extras 'burton artment. Ground tlear, New 6 T) to et back Also. two nent 648 SAA ne. Call 223-2489 WHITRY vat Sandy he Phene Large uded aparty eal Estote Two. BEDROOM apariment. p atty w jecorated Park Ing ' p " ry Roa $ ' §ar33 PARK ROAD yard fridge a tree elephone aitage, 8 aver Three + room seit-centained iding, frig. and aleahonn 468-5270 LARGE FURNISHED bedroom in a clean and quiet home, for one or two gentle men lose to north General Motors Telephone 728-728. Lake JUST week, between anine c r fAlesmen er and draperies Inclu¢ COMFORTABLE ACTIVE REALTY |afee sm Mrontan 48 Simcoe St. S. = ~ Large cl ie = ply 36 Big SINGLE furnished Apply $9 Ritson plied ely sil Stan MA Peters Realty ta PEGE HILL lose LUCKY! LUCKY! F the "' arge * nor b A SEMi-detached " Whitby, kent f 2 dern kitche' bath . 7 . ane Three bedrooms mic t "eto c . j Ma F ' . : nvest mack Realtor linor apart hydro and Telephone TWO-BEDROOM ment, Refrigerator water included, $115 668-4876 before 4 p.m ONE-BEDROOM with the use of the kil chen and livingroom. Telephone 723-4508 ONE. AND TWO - BEDROOM ments, mmediate possession Stove and refrigerater heat and elevato and controlled entrance ers and laundry on every preferred Apply S Marland Avenue or 30 COLBORNE STREET EAST, ground stove monthly DUPLEX ment. One nom apar spect now 773-4270 COLLEGE HILL Three arge room apartment, private entrance and apiece bath, heat, sto THREE BEDROOM Chandos Lake " Only 3 years old with treed lot. inside pi and ultra ided a situated on Oshawa beaut te ilinav are Bosco oxepr room in private home Centrally located, Ap Street East apart Drapes water, ck ome 78 BSW or details oseph shower door ment room Road for South gentieman wit or call ener, st second Ray GOODERHAM vived acres, a ve enera N Telephone Whitby AVENUE 6844 FURNISHED three room first ; ' . $90 monthly, Utilities vale : . ded. Near hospita : : : preferred, Phone WHITBY me and two-bedroom apart nts node anvenien swiry built-in 'stove schools, Tele , INCOME PROPERTY arge ' mn ' : ome excellent repair IMMEDIATE ga e 2 street alk ine b we eight Paved DUSe ferred MITCHELL ent or ence You Are One of the floor and towr EXCEPTIONAL good summer home. Telephone 4 apariment BUY hospital and downtown, To porne 8.4724 POSSESSION ' : hwo-bed wae roor apartment broadioor Apply VACANT, furni bed, elephore 44 tree jaundry tac nor es Apartme ONE ACRE Pp elevate: as parking. Neo self-contained. arae. ontin 668-534 elephone neach MeCormiack %ROOM HOME modern build awa Riva FOUR-ROOM $8 elor area THREE ROOM bath, kitchen, immediate -- possessic and refrigerator. pr haath small furnish $60. Near mopth apar tment ' downtow or Two tor june bedroor ONE apartment All . ent Apartment NORTH WE st COURTICE double garage ving gy FF 5 ' : electric heat ? eation rooms large ee Le ni SCENIC KENDAL' } 0 acre parcels r r a A254 Keith out stream wooded, $8,000 SPOTLESS -- ir e ' a ali ® _ gainw 6 Frank Rea goed Ra THREE ROOM unt heavy rnished apartment duty wiring, private privale en entrance, parking, antenna Possersio $95, my y, heat, hydro ded. 725° FWO.AEDROOM anariment. immediate r possess Aroadioom Mroughout, re Two BEDROOM enlld trigerator TV mitlet wate THREE. ROOM | ne . a Y h None 72! 4 > e arri¢: Adelaine » . West, Apartment after § Peters Reailt bath ahd COTTAGE FOR SALE, ¢ on f Available Realt os i ; : : at #c. room, four, NRAR MINDEN and G urse, cot ho " ee : me 28.5264 iN a THREE ROOM furnish a i] 1 hone tae oa eeek. ; Y oa brick ie us : private home, Un ator, stove spect TWO AND THREE ed ake Immediate po ranges, drilied well Realto and bath, Immediate Thousands anarime' p with 25 HP motor and Who Read THREE-ROOM an PRIVATE : nn brick b est (opposite basements attached gar. age rent, Cottage s ] IME ¢ $95 monthly, Phor ».000 downpayment Conveniences ' e) RICE LAKE S f 1 tut Hoo Baideond ace ONE-BEDROOM apartment 4 - Lone | wae 6 ac } pecans rath 5, $95 monthly ir ing Stre Road jUST LisTeD Mei ns Pa sane on bad Classi 1ec Two ROOM aparty 1 y_includir . mmediate Ane xI0 k Street So ihn ION AD! ei ee i 4S? atter 6 ACTIO > 118 . : erty an be ¢ . WINTERIZED COTTAGE : hig ge eh i Reach, $0 miles tro ' VERY DAY 1 wate lireplace, propane & AN AD 45 Verdun Road side running water THREE-ROOM apariment tiled bathroom Yhiy.. Hyde trance $105 white Foes 8 flag and TV pole FOUR REDROOM + : : ' ° 'e RN beach. with ges? pon 499 REAUTIFULLY ' P aped F state Dealt V t V nard. hame nedrnoms tan or aes ne mo ded a6 44 aphrtment stove hot nupie " ROOM a Two ROOM par t na tre hile 450 month 4. town Apply #4 ONE BEDROOM down. |? om 72 ste cet 4. Near Telephone "apartment No Oshawa separate en Dildren. a8 Telephone Pric . n ha ome home 4 ep i - P RICE 4 » 9 * eniva . Own nt Tabe Onteria, West MA S900 P.M Soturday till 12:00 P.M KH tnd weldome ntre ne 70-448) both rentec Reeiter, Free, goay sofe parking [lied Realtor, Telephon' 723- Canada